E-mail form / php script on TiddlySpace?

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Feb 24, 2011, 4:04:47 PM2/24/11
to tidd...@googlegroups.com

I would like an e-mail contact form on my TiddlySpace space. From what I've seen this would involve code in a tiddler that refers to a php file dealing with the actual mailing.

Is it possible to have that php file as a (private?) tiddler within the space; will TiddlySpace 'run' it? Not from what I've tried, but I don't know what I'm doing. If not, any suggestions given that I don't have a server?



Bauwe Bijl

Feb 25, 2011, 10:46:55 AM2/25/11
to TiddlyWeb
I'm using the following solution in tiddlyspace (to avoid the use of
This space is ready to include in your own.....
Not really an high-tech solution but functional....(depends on how
much mail you expect and if a complicated setup is worth the effort)
You can test it by sending me some message:


Tobias Beer

Feb 25, 2011, 7:23:14 PM2/25/11
to TiddlyWeb
Hi =K=,

It's really quite simple to get some free php powered webhosting
subdomain. I am (currently) using bplaced.net and haven't had any
troubles in perhaps 3 years. If you want, I can assist you in setting
up a contact form such as you find in my tobibeer tiddlyspace. On the
other hand there are plenty of solutions for all kinds of stuff on
hotscripts.com, for uploading files w/o filezilla, for example.

Cheers, Tobias.


Feb 26, 2011, 4:44:37 PM2/26/11
to TiddlyWeb
Hi =K= anf Tobias

I'm using the FormMailScript from bplaced.net...

I'd love to have a TiddlyWiki form instead of the provided one,
however I can't get my head around it....

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

Tobias Beer

Feb 26, 2011, 10:10:33 PM2/26/11
to TiddlyWeb
> I'd love to have a TiddlyWiki form instead of the provided one,
> however I can't get my head around it....

Well, the TiddlyWiki form would actually simply have to be a form in
enclosed <html></html> and if you put a names iframe into the same
tiddler, you can actually have the server response being shown in
there so that you're not navigating away from the tiddler or the wiki.

There's possibly a bit of code in there but you can get the idea from

Cheers, Tobias.

Tobias Beer

Feb 26, 2011, 10:18:14 PM2/26/11
to TiddlyWeb
> Well, the TiddlyWiki form would actually simply have to be a form in
> enclosed <html></html> and if you put a names iframe into the same
> tiddler, you can actually have the server response being shown in
> there so that you're not navigating away from the tiddler or the wiki.

Maybe less complex to decypher, you could see the same mechanism on
Eric's contact form. It took a while before I realised how it works...
which is the disctinctive approach of grabbing the server response and
forwarding it to an iframe so you get the impression of working on the
same page. Of course, you need a server-side form mailer and this
won't work in browsers that don't support iframes. But, are there
really such things?

Cheers, Tobias.


Feb 26, 2011, 11:10:14 PM2/26/11
to TiddlyWeb
Hi Tobias

> There's possibly a bit of code in there but you can get the idea from
> here...http://therapie-sport.de/#Kontaktformular

That's a very beautiful webpage you've made!!! - and in a tiddlywiki -
I'm amazed :) Congratulations!!

Cheers Måns Mårtensson


Feb 26, 2011, 11:24:02 PM2/26/11
to TiddlyWeb
Hi Tobias

> Maybe less complex to decypher, you could see the same mechanism on
> Eric's contact form. It took a while before I realised how it works...
> which is the disctinctive approach of grabbing the server response and
> forwarding it to an iframe so you get the impression of working on the
> same page. Of course, you need a server-side form mailer

I've been there a couple of times, and I've tried to set it up for my
own use - and gave up..
I guess it's the php communication which I don't get right - trial and
constant error - and I get tired in my eyes trying to decypher what
has to be copied and what not....

I guess I have a form mailer in the FormMailScript I mentioned
earlier. At the moment I'm using it, as it is, in an iframe.
It works, and it has a lot of nice extra features, which can be
enabled ie. attachments, captcha etc...
It would be nice to have a tiddler formular where I had control of the
style and text (the FormMailScript isn't properly translated into
Danish and I don't like fancy adds ...)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson


Feb 27, 2011, 9:09:40 AM2/27/11
to tidd...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the replies folks.


Yep, don't want another mail account though.

It's really quite simple to get some free php powered webhosting subdomain.

So it seems - I was wondering if it could be kept within TiddlySpace though, just to keep the number of services down.


I'd love to have a TiddlyWiki form instead of the provided one, however I can't get my head around it....

I'll need to have a good look - sounds like it may be a bit tricky. Tobias, your form looks smooth. If you gave us a schematic of your php file, should we not be able to copy, paste, and fill out the personally specific bits?

It would be nice to have a 'mail' button on every content tiddler, which opens the contact form with the name of the tiddler for the mail Subject line already filled in... possible?



Tobias Beer

Feb 27, 2011, 11:31:50 PM2/27/11
to TiddlyWeb
> It would be nice to have a 'mail' button on every content tiddler, which
> opens the contact form with the name of the tiddler for the mail Subject
> line already filled in... possible?

Sure that's possible. Will give it some thought... and possibly create
an includable space that provides the toolbar button along with a form
template, obviously needing to be configured accordingly for each
space wanting to make use of it. I guess, I'll post an example php
serverside along with the documentation.

Cheers, Tobias.


Feb 28, 2011, 10:00:26 AM2/28/11
to TiddlyWeb
Hi Tobias

> Sure that's possible. Will give it some thought... and possibly create
> an includable space that provides the toolbar button along with a form
> template, obviously needing to be configured accordingly for each
> space wanting to make use of it. I guess, I'll post an example php
> serverside along with the documentation.

That would be really really GREAT :-)
(God knows how many hours I've spent trying to make just a simple one
myself - however to no avail....)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson


Mar 11, 2011, 4:15:29 PM3/11/11
to tidd...@googlegroups.com
Hello Tobias (& others),

Not to imply that you should, but have you perhaps made some progress on this? I'd be very happy to include something ready-made for this functionality. So it would be good to know before setting out on more study.



Tobias Beer

Mar 11, 2011, 4:39:04 PM3/11/11
to TiddlyWeb
Hi Måns & Kosmaton,

Quick heads up, haven't gotten around it yet but I'll see if I can
take some time on Sunday.

Cheers, Tobias.
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