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Abu Taybah

Apr 7, 2011, 4:03:14 AM4/7/11
One of my Hajjaam friends in Lahore (Pakistan) claims that Hijamah of women is handled by his wife, but at many occasions, he has cupped young girls by himself. I warned him for this mistake & he promised to be careful. But recently, I came to know that he has cupped a 25 years old woman (un-married).
Now I ask Allah to Stop this Hajjaam by His Own Powers.
On the contrary & surprisingly, it was a delight that my Christian friend; Mr. Pirnevan Constantin (Hijamah therapist in Romania) followed the rule which I emphasized & he trained his wife, Hijamah for women (at his clinic) is only managed by his wife, I thank him again for the respect he has provided to my requests.
Strictly follow the Saalehaat, herbs & diet of Tibb-e-Nabawi & your family will remain trouble-free from ailments, adopting Tibb-e-Nabawi is so necessary for women, so that they are protected by diseases & they are not enforced to visit a male doctor.
Prepare your wife for learning Hijamah, so that she can cup the women in your neighborhood, female Hijamah therapists are very few in this world, & those who are Selected by Allah are so special; Chosen for the blessed therapy of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam.
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