Ibn al Qayyam's style of "Diagnosis & Prescription"

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Dec 25, 2010, 1:35:24 AM12/25/10
to Yusri Ashour
Assalam O Alaikum,
I am sorry for the confusion caused by the picture, I just wanted to show you the points, you can just reflect them behind the left leg & that is all.
Tell me more about your blood history, cholesterol, blood pressure, digestion, constipation, sleep, etc.
If you are not getting healed with Hijamah, you have to manage your disease with Tibb-e-Nabwi foods & herbs.
First change needed in your LIFE is stopping wheat & rice for ever, completely replaced with barley bread, it is not available in the markets, you will have to prepare it in your house, high fiber flours are not easy for bread making on the stove, you may purchase an electric chapatti maker.
I am feeling that cress (Habb al Rashad), SIBR (Aloe Vera extract) and Frankincense (Lubaan) are the best for your inflammation.
As per Ibn al Qayyam's style of "Diagnosis & Prescription", healing the heart & soul is more important that curing the physical diseases. He wrote :
"There is a tremendous connection between the soul and what the body suffers due to physical diseases. Only the most ignorant people will deny the effects of the soul on the body and on human nature as a whole. Allah Gives the soul certain powers over the body when someone is attacked by diseases. In addition, the soul has certain effects on the body when it experiences the ailments that are caused by septic substances, especially when blood, semen or black bile is irritated. Evil forces take control of the body when it experiences such emotions and ailments, unless the person repels it with an even stronger power, such as remembering Allah, supplicating to Him, invoking and pleading to Him, giving in charity (Sadaqah) and reciting the Quran. In this case, angels will descend and will defeat and neutralize the evil effects of the devilish souls (evil forces). We have successfully tried this method many times, that which only Allah is Able to count, and we witnessed the wonderful effects of such positive forces (good souls) in strengthening one’s resolve and ridding him of bad elements when in the early stages. This method almost never fails".

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 7:51 PM
Subject: Re:

assalam  alikom; thank you for  your respond and the advivse   , I want to give you the picture more clear ,    first thw way you point ed the hijamais on the right side but my pain on the left ,,,,, before june 2010 I used to walk 2-3 hours a day ,, ,but that pain slow me down ,,,, I did hijama almost everywhere around it but not on the calf  person who did that " imam of the mosque " he knows how to do certain things but he is not a doctor so    please point out for me exact points of the hijama because I believe in it ' but I pay for it the money never concern    I 'm at the age of 51   thank GOD 'ALLAH'  in a good health ' this year I did hijama about 6 times so many defferent spots in the body , I do read & get knowledge about wat I want to do at the same time soo proud to do hijama because its  awork of RUSSOUL  o ALLAH    and I determind person to do things to be accomplished "healed" to show moslem always correct and I never give up on the results still to do it ; the one who gave me your address from south east asia and he said you are in saudi arabia      ,,, shokran ,,, assslaam  alikom  .  

From: "sh...@tibbenabwi.com" <sh...@tibbenabwi.com>
To: Yusri Ashour <khlooda...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, December 23, 2010 1:54:12 AM
Subject: Re:

Assalam O Alaikum,
All praise to my Allah Who Created the mankind from soil, He is Allah Who made rocks from the soil which can crush the soil, He is Allah Who Created Iron which breaks the rocks, He is Allah Who Created Fire which melts the Iron, He is Allah Who Created WATER which distinguishes the fire, He is Allah Who Created AIR which can carry tons of water as clouds, & He is Allah Who Descends the rain & Gives life to dead soil.
It seems that you have some nerves depressed, if you were diagnosed with Sciatica, the attached picture elaborates the Hijamah points.
But Sciatica pain is in the back side of the leg.
If you are feeling pain on the front of your leg, then you should have Hijamah on the upper back as shown in the picture, & lower back & the side of the hip (again the picture), just ignore the points on the back of leg, apply 2 cups on each side of the thigh (total 4).
Regarding your right knee, 2 cups on the sides of your knee, & 2 cups on the side of your calf.
I think that Habb al rashaad is known to you, grind & take one teaspoon 3 times daily.
May Allah Give you the cure.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:40 AM

salam alikom , I would like to know where to do hijama for the pain in my left leg between  the knee and the hip  from the front or the top of the leg ,the second part my  right knee from the upper part , thank you salam alikom .




Jan 8, 2011, 3:29:23 AM1/8/11
to Yusri Ashour
Wa Alaikum As Salaam,
It is the guarantee provided by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam that Hijamah enhances the vision.
وفى ‏(‏جامع الترمذىّ‏)‏ عن عبَّاد بن منصور، قال‏:‏ سمِعتُ عِكْرمَةَ يقولُ‏:‏ ‏(‏كانَ لابن عباسٍ غِلمةٌ ثلاثةٌ حَجَّامُون، فكانَ اثنَانِ يُغلانِ عليه، وَعَلَى اهلِهِ، وواحدٌ لحجمِهِ، وحجمِ اهلِهِ‏.‏ قال‏:‏ وقال ابنُ عباسٍ‏:‏ قال نبىُّ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم‏:‏ ‏‏نِعْمَ العبدُ الحَجَّامُ يَذْهَبُ بالدَّمِ، وَيُخِفُّ الصُّلْبَ، ويَجْلُو البَصَرَ‏.
In Tirmizi, it is narrated by Abbaad Bin Mansoor that he said: I heard Ikramah saying that Abdullah Ibn Abbas Radi Allaho Anh had three slaves who were Hajjaam (a person who performs cupping), two of them used to work for him & his family (probably at his garden & to carry the grains & load to his house) & one of those slaves performed Hijamah. Abdullah Ibn Abbas Radi Allaho Anh reported that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said : "The best of your slaves is the one who performs cupping, Hijamah takes out the blood, & removes the pain from the back & enhances the vision".
عن أبي كبشة الأنصاري أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يحتجم على هامته وبين كتفيه ~ رواه بسند صحيح أبو داود [ 3589 ] وابن ماجه [ 3484 ] .
عن أبي بحينة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم احتجم بطريق مكة وهو محرم وسط رأسه ~ رواه مسلم في صحيحه [ 1203 ]
     وفى ((سنن ابن ماجه)) عن علىّ: ((نزل جبريلُ على النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم بحجامة الأخْدَعَيْنِ والكَاهِلِ))
         وذكر أبو نعيم فى كتاب ((الطب النبوىّ)) حديثاً مرفوعاً: ((عَلَيْكم بالحِجَامَة فى جَوْزَةِ القَمحْدُوَةِ، فإنها تشفى من خمسة أَدواءٍ))، ذكر منها الجُذَامَ. وفى حديث آخر: ((عليكم بالحِجَامَة فى جَوْزَةِ القَمْحْدُوَةِ، فإنها شفاءٌ من اثْنَيْنِ وسَبْعينَ داءً)).
On the head, there are 5 points, please see the pictures attached, Haamah هامة (above the forehead), Yafookh يافوخ (top center), Qamahduwah  قمحدوة (center behind) & Akhda'ain أخدعين (posterior jugulars). As per Ibn Al Qayyam, we avoid cupping at nape cavity called Nuqrah til Qifa نقرة القفا in Arabic, because it affects the memory. This point is below Qamahduwah, in between the two jugulars.
Hijamah at these 5 points is recommended for patients with headaches, migraine, memory loss, poor vision, thrombosis, bell's palsy, teeth / gums infections, Sinusitis, nasal congestion, nasal allergies, cervical spondylitis, epilepsy, CVA (Faalij), etc. It is also beneficial for reducing Waswasah & it is perfect for patients under the spells of evil eye, Jinn & SEHR.
If you have already delayed the drainage of blood from your head, it may have damaged the optic nerve which is irreversible as the doctors say, resulting in Glaucoma زرق, but we never give hope & we expect the Shifa from the treasures of Allah.
Glaucoma is a disease where fluid pressure inside the eye increases causing irreversible damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision. It is often, but not always, associated with increased pressure of the fluid in the eye. Can you answer, WHICH FLUID PRESSURE ? It is the septic blood in your head & the entire world has no solution EXCEPT Hijamah; for taking it our easily without skull surgery. Hijamah blood from the head is always dark, blackish red, over oxidized, has the worst / rotten smell & is the most dangerous.
Along with Hijamah, watching the words of Quran enhances vision, plus honey & Kohl Ithmid, protecting your eyes from seeing the Haraam is also a powerful remedy, we are so week for this disease, with dish antennas & TV, how a person can protect his eyes from watching the Non-Mahram women ?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: Ibn al Qayyam's style of "Diagnosis & Prescription"

asslam alikom, thanksfor your help, I would like to get advise for my eyes which is hard to read from very close ,and has to be other than (kohlah)in the eyes hijamah is fine please point out for me where is the hijamah points  .

Sent: Sat, December 25, 2010 1:35:24 AM
Subject: Ibn al Qayyam's style of "Diagnosis & Prescription"

5 points on the head.JPG


Jan 9, 2011, 12:44:15 AM1/9/11
to Yusri Ashour
Mr. Ashour,
I am so proud of you that being located in US, you are so eager to follow the Sunnah & its revival is full of heavy Hasanaat for you. If you have some Hijamah therapists in the neighborhood, please inform us & we shall update their information for our friends on the list.
Male pattern baldness is the most common hair loss, when hairs fall in a well defined pattern, beginning above the temples.
You will be surprised to justify the precision of Sunnah (Hijamah) points on the head, Haamah is on the frontal lobe, Yafookh is on the parietal lobe & Qamahduwah is on the occipital lobe, covering the entire head. In male pattern baldness, hair loss is exactly on these areas, reflecting that the excessive Sebum & cholesterol accumulate here & Masha'Allah, the points indicated by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam have such a unique technology that they also fix the problems of hair loss.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam had a habit of putting olive oil (in his head) so excessively that he used a small piece of cloth under the cap, so that the cap may not become oily, another reason for our hair loss is that we have neglected massaging the head with the blessed oil, it is the irrigation for your head, otherwise the head will turn into an arid desert, hindering & preventing the growth of plants (hair follicles), which will eventually die.
There are many reasons for the hair loss, Excessive Sebum, Cholesterol Accumulation, Poor Circulation, Aging, Stress, Poor Nutrition (Lack of Essential Vitamins), all these will be fixed by Hijamah (5 points) & olive oil. Also avoid shampoos, they are made by chemicals.
Henna Khazaab is another beauty for the head & hairs, it is not only a dye, there are many wonders hidden in Henna which remain un-touched by the Science, Henna was loved by your Shaikhain Abu Bakr & Umar Radi Allaho Anhuma.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: Hijamah at the head for vision

Assalam Alaikom ,jazak allah kol khyr ,may  God bless you for giving good advises , its on my plan (insha allah ) the same 5 points hoping in Marh because now is cold ,  I'm asking to prepare my self what to do for hijamah one more Ques  for growingthe hair & stop falling ,,,,, here in america we do go to the doctors but personally I asked for so many options before I do things final , shokran wasslam alaikom .

Sent: Sat, January 8, 2011 3:29:23 AM
Subject: Hijamah at the head for vision

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