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Feb 7, 2011, 1:41:45 AM2/7/11
Post Inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or PIH, is the discoloration of skin. It is the skin's natural response to inflammation. PIH presents itself as a flat area of discoloration on the skin (macule) ranging from pink to red, purple, brown or black, depending on skin tone and depth of the discoloration. PIH develops when a wound, rash, pimple, or other stimuli causes skin inflammation, which triggers the skin to produce too much melanin. Melanin is the protein in the skin that gives the skin its color. The excess melanin darkens and discolors the wounded area. This discoloration remains even after the wound or rash has healed.
We had a Mahjoom whose right cheek was black with PIH, primarily, we cupped him on Kahil, Haamah, Yafookh & Qamahduwah, then we took his permission to apply a cup above the black pigment, very mild incisions were made (as the area is sensitive), surprisingly, the blood came out very fast, we had to drain the area 4 times. After Hijamah, the black pigmentation reduced by almost 60 %.
Wrong foods, abuse of medicines, improper slaughtering of animals, etc. are the factors that enforce the body to release dangerous chemicals in the blood, and when your body starts attacking its own cells, you have no self-defense.
Your self-defense is to adopt the best diet, and nothing else is more blessed than the foods selected by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, honey, olive oil, pure home-made vinegar, barley & its derivatives, ohhhhhhhhhhh what a beauty................. And then the blessed herbs which pull out the toxins in urine & stools, SIBR (Aloe Vera), Hubb Rashaad (cress), Thareerah (Sweet flag ~ Charaitah), Myrrh, Senna & Sanoot, Olive leaf, Frankincense, Black seed, Qust al Bahri, Thyme, Sheeh (Mugwort), etc. I love them all.
Some of our friends are lovers of animal proteins, they eat poultry & meat daily, it is their biggest mistake, because most of the animal proteins need 60-70 hours for complete digestion & metabolism, you can't reload yourself with these proteins before a gap of 3 days. Animal proteins should be restricted to once per week only, or twice per week maximum {with a gap of 3 days).
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