Filter of a Filter ?

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Feb 20, 2011, 3:46:25 AM2/20/11
Have you ever heard about "filter of a filter" ?
When filters get choked, they are washed with pressurized air / water or some chemicals or even replaced with a new one.
What about a vital filter in your body, that can't be replaced, & can't be taken out.
SPLEEN is the blood's filter, it filtrates dead blood cells & stores almost half of our body's monocytes (a type of white blood cells).
But when it chokes, it enlarges & results in various disorders.
Ibn Al Qayyam Al Jauziah has recommended two foods that support a healthy spleen functioning,
  1. Vinegar (Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said "Vinegar is the best condiment").
  2. Figs (Allah's Miracle when the flower inverts itself & the fruit is retained as seeds, the unfertilized ovaries)
Dr. Khalid Ghaznavi wrote that when a person eats vinegar, it is welcomed by spleen the most, spleen has a special absorption for vinegar.
Both the vinegar & figs were praised by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam.
So we usually call these two as FILTER of a FILTER.
It will be a beauty to brew FIGS VINEGAR, that will serve the best for a sick spleen. We have brewed figs vinegar previously & it is a wonder. And if anyone can bring it for sale, I shall purchase it by a blank cheque.
It is the best for you to learn vinegar fermentation so that you can start making it at your own kitchen.
Never consume the cheap synthetic vinegars that are sold out in the market, artificial Acetic acid is produced by methanol carbonylation using Carbon monoxide. Artificial Acetic acid is an industrial chemical, used in the production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET bottles); cellulose acetate, mainly for photographic film; and polyvinyl acetate for wood glue, as well as synthetic fibers and fabrics, so how it can be a cure?
A third remedy for a healthy spleen is Hijamah, when the septic blood is removed from underneath the skin.

Benefits of FIGS as explained by Ibn Al Qayyam. Figs (along with vinegar) are one of the best cures for SPLEEN diseases.


لما لم يكن التين بأرض الحجاز والمدينة، لم يأت له ذكر في السنة، فإن أرضه تنافي أرض النخل، ولكن قد أقسم الله به في كتابه، لكثرة منافعه وفوائده، والصحيح‏:‏ أن المقسم به‏:‏ هو التين المعروف‏.‏ وهو حار، وفي رطوبته ويبوسته قولان، وأجوده‏:‏ الأبيض الناضج القشر، يجلو رمل الكلى والمثانة، ويؤمن من السموم، وهو أغذى من جميع الفواكه وينفع خشونة الحلق والصدر، وقصبة الرئة، ويغسل الكبد والطحال، وينقي الخلط البلغمي من المعدة، ويغذو البدن غذاء جيدًا، إلا أنه يولد القمل إذا أكثر منه جدًا‏.‏ ويابسه يغذو وينفع العصب، وهو مع الجوز واللوز محمود، قال جالينوس‏:‏ وإذا أكل مع الجوز والسذاب قبل أخذ السم القاتل، نفع، وحفظ من الضرر‏.‏

ويذكر عن أبي الدرداء‏:‏ أهدي إلى النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ طبق من تين، فقال‏:‏ ‏(‏كلوا و أكل منه، وقال‏:‏ لو قلت‏:‏ إن فاكهة نزلت من الجنة قلت‏:‏ هذه، لأن فاكهة الجنة بلا عجم، فكلوا منها فإنها تقطع البواسير، وتنفع من النقرس‏)‏‏.‏ وفي ثبوت هذا نظر‏.‏

واللحم منه أجود، ويعطش المحرورين، ويسكن العطش الكائن عن البلغم المالح، وينفع السعال المزمن، ويدر البول، ويفتح سدد الكبد والطحال، ويوافق الكلى والمثانة، ولأكله على الريق منفعة عجيبة في تفتيح مجاري الغذاء وخصوصًا باللوز والجوز، وأكله مع الأغذية الغليظة رديء جدًا، والتوت الأبيض قريب منه، لكنه أقل تغذية وأضر بالمعدة‏.‏

The Sunnah does not mention figs as they did not grow in Hejaaz area or Madinah al Munawwarah. FIGS require a climate different to what is essential for growing the dates.


ALLAH Has Sworn by FIGS in His Book because of its tremendous benefits & uses.

Figs are hot and either dry or wet. Best kind of figs are the white kind when they are ripe, they cleanse the sand that accumulates in the liver & prostate & serve as a preventive substance against poisons, figs are more nutritious than all other types of fruits & help relieve the roughness in chest, throat & trachea. Figs are good for liver & spleen cleansing, purify the phlegm that accumulates in the stomach & provide nourishment for the body. Yet figs make one more susceptible of lice if eaten in excess.


Dried figs have a high nutritional value & they strengthen the nerves, it is the best to eat dried figs with almonds & walnut. Jalinus (Galen) wrote that figs when eaten with walnut & rue prove of an antidote against poisons.


Abu Darda Radi Allaho Anh narrates that someone sent a dish of FIGS to Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam (as a gift), & he asked his companions to eat them, he ate them by himself & said that "if any fruit from the paradise could come in this world, it would have been FIGS, because fruits of Jannah (paradise) will be SEEDLESS, eat the figs as it cures PILES & is beneficial for the GOUT", but we are doubtful if this Hadith is authentic.


Pulp of figs is so wonderful, creates thirst among hot-natured people & quenches the thirst which results by phlegm, very affective for cough, it is a diuretic, opens & clears the clogs of liver & spleen; it is a cure for kidney & bladder infections.


When figs are eaten at empty stomach especially with almonds & walnut, they clean the entire digestive system, but figs should not be taken with heavy foods, white mulberry has the same benefits as that of figs but mulberry is less nutritious.

Brewing Figs vinegar.JPG
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