Making Cheese at your kitchen

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Abu Hind

Mar 7, 2011, 6:40:12 AM3/7/11
At the Waleemah of Fatimah Radi Allaho Anha, a confectionary was made with cheese, dates & Ghee, it was also named as Hais, other type of Hais was made (in Ghazwah Khyber) with dates & barley's Saweeq (Sattu).
We and our kids love the cheese, but most of the imported brands are made by RENNET, if from animal origin, it is obtained from calves stomach. And who knows if those animals were slaughtered as per the Islamic laws. It is better to make your own cheese at the kitchen without RENNET & without salt, it is easy & trustworthy.
Two liters of milk will provide not more than 150-200 grams of cheese, after calculating the cost, labor, etc. you will realize that price of cheese should be at least 50 Saudi Riyals per kg. Compare it with market's price, where the margin has vanished ? Is it covered with artificial technology ?

Heat milk (2 liters) on medium heat & bring it to a gentle boil. Keep on stirring during this process, so that the milk does not get burnt at the bottom of pan.

Sandesh 1

Stir in vinegar or lemon juice (30-40 ml) & increase the heat a bit. The milk will start to coagulate.

Sandesh 2

The coagulation will be completed  in a few minutes. Do not overcook/over heat. The moment you see the clear greenish water, switch off the heat. Over cooking will make the cheese stiff.

Sandesh 3

Line a colander/sieve with fine cheesecloth. If you do not have a cheese cloth, any fine cloth will do the job. Transfer the contents into the lined colander. Spray the coagulated milk with cold water. This washes off any remaining acidic taste. Gather the cheese cloth from the sides & twist it at the top. Let it drain for 45 minutes to an hour.

Sandesh 4

Take out the cheese after draining. It is time to knead it now. You can use a food processor, or do it by hands.

Sandesh 5

Knead evenly for about 7-10 minutes. & the cheese should be very smooth & not grainy at all. You will feel the fat from the cheese glisten on your palms & the cheese itself. To test if it is done & ready for the next step, take a portion of the cheese & roll it in a sphere between your palms. The sphere should be very smooth on the outside with no cracks.

Sandesh 6

And your home made cheese is ready.

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