Re: [racchabanda] Mahejabeen - Who is she?

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May 23, 2000, 3:45:45 PM5/23/00

On Tue, 23 May 2000, PALANA (pAranaMdi lakshmI narasiMhaM) wrote:

> Could someone who read the works of Mahejabeen, kindly post
> a detailed biographical sketch, her contributions to Telugu
> Literature, and her services to the society here?
> Preferably, by a Telugu reader, is appreciated.
> Thanks
> pAlana

Here is an effort at introducing Mahe Jabeen in a sketchy fashion.

She was born in 1961. Lives in Hyderabad. An undergraduate of SV
University, Tirupati, Mahe Jabeen earned a Masters degree from Women's
University in Tirupati in 1987 majoring in Social Work. More recently
(1999) Mahe Jabeen earned a Postgraduate diploma in Human Rights from the
University of Hyderabad.

I should probably not worry about introducing her poetry to this
group. Most here are well aware of her poems; some from her collection
"Aku rAlu kAlam" were posted on Telusa by Chowdary garu.

In addition to this collection some of her poems were included in the
publications of Kendra Sahiyta Akademi and in nIli mEghAlu, a feminist
poetry anthology edited by Volga in 1995.

Besides writing, her interests include gender issues, human rights, ethnic
studies, peoples movements and of course, feminism. She writes articles on
these issues for various Indian magazines, and participates in the work of
organizations aiming to bring social changes.

As the Program Secretary of the AP Chapter of Joint Women's Program, a
National Women's Organization, Mahe Jabeen networks with other women's
organizations to conduct workshops and training programs on such matters
as counseling and crisis intervention on dowry harassment and marital
problems, domestic violence, and short-term shelter and support to
women. She also organizes public gatherings and discussions on
environmental issues, women's political rights and other gender related

I hope Ms. Rupender Verk would correct me if I make any mistakes in
describing the role of Mahe Jabeen in the Phoenix Organization for Woman
and Child. Mahe Jabeen is the Member Secretary of the organization, which
deals with issues relating to minority women and children. Mahe Jabeen
organizes board and staff meetings, reviews staff work, prepares reports,
action plans, and awareness material on social issues, and directs and
organizes street plays.

Enuff said already! In short Mahe Jabeen is a writer and an activist. She
not only preaches, but also practices what she preaches.

I look forward to seeing her during her upcoming visit to the USA.



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