designing spaces for learning

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Jan 4, 2007, 6:55:53 PM1/4/07
when i grow up i want to work for JISC...

this is a link to one of their latest publications on designing learning spaces which is, as usual, excellent - am posting it here cos i'm reminded of a question asked by kylie last year that sort of related to it



Jan 8, 2007, 5:51:58 PM1/8/07
to Teach and Learn Online
Cheers R :o) - and a happy new year to you and to everyone!

This ties in nicely with a series I was watching on TV last week by
Alain de Botton - the Architecture of Happiness. Alain questions our
reasons for continuing to build our homes in ways that mimic
traditional - like tudor style housing in London for example (check out
the link on this page where he flies over London:

I liken Alain's questioning to much of what has been happening in
education - that we have been trying to do old things with new
technologies and new media - rather than, as Alain says, celebrating
our modernity! It's a great series if you get a chance to watch it! I
think it's on Sunday ABC or ABC2 - well worth a look!

Ciao :o)

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