Copy and Paste.... is it possible this way?

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Michael Venetiaan

May 14, 2013, 6:31:37 AM5/14/13

The question has been asked before,... Can you let Tasker paste text?
Currently this isn't possible apart from using the 'Set Clipboard -> Type' method.
From what I've been reading it's not possible for a user to paste text without touching the little 'Paste popup window'.

That's where I got lost.
And here's why...

I use the program MyMobiler to show my mobile screen on my Desktop PC (it's kind of like BBQScreen, but it works..).
When it's active, my android controls are forwarded to my Desktop keyboard and mouse.
Also... I can use my mouse to highlight text on my pc. I can copy this text with 'CTRL+C' on my desktop keyboard... I can then put focus on the MyMobiler window and use 'CTRL+V' to paste text directly into a highlighted textbox on my android. 

Why is there no need for a 'Paste popup window' in this case? Would it be possible to mimic, or perhaps this 'CTRL + V' keyboard action? Perhaps with a EventGhost/AutoRemote solution?

While typing this, I realize that MyMobiler actually installs a keyboard in the android settings. Is it so that this keyboard has some kind of paste command hidden in it... or is it more like a tunnel thing?
I hope some gets what I'm trying to say here...


Real life example:

...On GTalk on phone while behind PC...
...Seeing cool text on PC...
...Select text and send it to Tasker with AutoRemote...
...When received paste the selected text into a highlighted textbox...

Rich D

May 14, 2013, 6:49:17 AM5/14/13

I have no idea how the whole remote thing works but it looks like a interesting approach to this problem.   This probably will not help much but there is some relevant info in my "mostly" failed attempt to paste with tasker...


Michael Venetiaan

May 14, 2013, 7:45:15 AM5/14/13
I was thinking (haven't tried anything yet) the following...

The Secure settings plugin has an option to switch input method without getting the selection dialog.
Later today I'm gonna try the follwing:

AutoRemote msg (cut-paste=.=)  received

Set Clipboard %comm

Secure settings -> Switch to "MyMobiler keyboard"

*Find a way to make the keyboard perform CTRL+V* (don't really know how to do this....) 

Op dinsdag 14 mei 2013 12:49:17 UTC+2 schreef Rich D het volgende:

Bob Hansen

May 14, 2013, 10:10:12 AM5/14/13
When you use MyMobiler and you copy text on the pc and then "paste" it into an edit box on your phone. The android clipboard is never used. The text is transferred from the pc to MyMobiler and MyMobiler then 'types' it into the edit box.

Oon-Ee Ng

May 14, 2013, 7:50:14 PM5/14/13

However, if you use any bluetooth keyboard you can also ctrl-c and ctrl-v, and it'd copy and paste as expected. That's obviously done within android.

On 14 May 2013 22:10, "Bob Hansen" <> wrote:
When you use MyMobiler and you copy text on the pc and then "paste" it into an edit box on your phone. The android clipboard is never used. The text is transferred from the pc to MyMobiler and MyMobiler then 'types' it into the edit box.

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Matt R

May 14, 2013, 8:09:20 PM5/14/13
What does this get you that would make it better than

AutoRemote cut and paste message received
Type %comm



Michael Venetiaan

May 15, 2013, 8:53:11 AM5/15/13
Ok,... so... I'm sitting behind my pc reading a webpage.
At the same time I'm whatsapping (chatting on my phone)..

On my pc I'll see a webpage with a piece of text I want to "share" (paste directly into my highlighted textbox).
So, I dont want to share the page with someone... just a specific, highlighted, piece of text.

If I do this with "Type" %comm" , it takes very long for Tasker to type the message into my textbox. Thanks to Swiftkey I can actually type faster than the "Type" action does.
The whole point of wanting to share selected text into a textbox is to do it instantly!

Tasker and AutoRemote react almost instantly, but then there's "Type".... -_-
If I select a paragraph of text for example it takes forever to be "pasted".

Op woensdag 15 mei 2013 02:09:20 UTC+2 schreef Matt R het volgende:

Michael Venetiaan

May 15, 2013, 8:58:08 AM5/15/13
Man... I'd love to know how MyMobiler "types"... 

Op dinsdag 14 mei 2013 16:10:12 UTC+2 schreef Bob Hansen het volgende:

Michael Venetiaan

May 15, 2013, 9:06:26 AM5/15/13
Good point... !!
I was actually reading about something in the android developer pages which described the following

LEFT_CTRL     key_down      key 113
V                    key_down      key 50
V                    key_up          key 50
LEFT_CTRL     key_up          key 113

This would be picked up as a CTRL+V action on bluetooth and hardware keyboards (slideouts and physical). But I have NO idea how to implement something like this. I don't think it's possible to press keys like that using simple 'input keyevent 113 & input keyevent 50' adb commands because it wont hold the CTRL down like a modifier.

Nonetheless...To me it seems that if I can find key events for a LEFT_CTRL button,... there must be some kind of McGuyver way (sorry kids) to achieve this.

Op woensdag 15 mei 2013 01:50:14 UTC+2 schreef Oon-Ee Ng het volgende:

Rich D

May 15, 2013, 9:48:41 AM5/15/13

Rich D

May 15, 2013, 9:51:23 AM5/15/13

> I have no idea how the whole remote thing works but it looks like a interesting approach to this problem.   This probably will not help much but there is some relevant info in my "mostly" failed attempt to paste with tasker...

Oops.... false post... fumble fingers.    

OK it would have helped if I had included the link with this post...

Check it out..

Rich D

May 15, 2013, 9:52:18 AM5/15/13

Michael Venetiaan

May 15, 2013, 1:31:11 PM5/15/13
Thanks Rich!

Here's another real life example of direct paste with android with Swype keyboard:

Paste: To paste text after performing a gesture to 'Copy' or 'Cut' the text, Swype from the Swype key to the 'V' key on the keyboard.

So I'm not ready to give up just yet.
All of this might be in vain, but I feel like I'm learning ^_^

Op woensdag 15 mei 2013 15:52:18 UTC+2 schreef Rich D het volgende:

Julio García Muñoz

Oct 23, 2013, 9:05:16 AM10/23/13
Even if this is an old thread, it's the one that gave me the idea to make a plugin to mimic that exact behavior. It's a keyboard that, once enabled, can receive text from Tasker, any text (with spaces or special characters). Just in case someone else finds this thread and decides to give it a try :)

Ctrl-V Keyboard for Tasker

It works best with Secure Settings to automatically switch keyboards (set Ctrl-V as keyboard, open app, paste text, close app, set default keyboard back).

Michael Venetiaan

Jan 16, 2014, 2:38:53 PM1/16/14
OMG! You did it! And you made it work precisely as I described it should... :O it's like Christmas all over again. You sir, are golden!
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