When exactly are changes to profiles and tasks take effect?

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Christopher Maisch

May 14, 2013, 8:00:33 PM5/14/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Once you exit out of tasker the profile takes effect but you can test/ execute the task separately by pushing the play button on the bottom right. Otherwise the profile will do it when it becomes active. When or how soon the profile becomes active depends on your preference settings relating to the specific state or event you based your profile on.

Christopher Maisch

May 14, 2013, 8:02:43 PM5/14/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Once you exit out of tasker the profile becomes *active* rather


May 14, 2013, 8:38:34 PM5/14/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com
What Christopher said.

Just to be on the sure side, when I o9en Tasker to make edits, I disable Tasker, and then make my edits. I exit Tasker to save my changes, then open Tasker again to enable Tasker.


Christopher Maisch

May 14, 2013, 8:57:42 PM5/14/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com
You don't have to disable tasker when editing, just open tasker, make your changes and exit.

Jenny Hawkins

May 15, 2013, 12:18:59 AM5/15/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com
There are actually times when stopping and restarting the service is necessary. I've seen it in particular when editing a task called by another task. These can cause simply exiting tasker (with save before exiting) to be insufficient. I've developed a habit of restarting the service when testing changes.

Matt R

May 15, 2013, 12:42:20 AM5/15/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com
I've never experienced this. I'm not on Tasker 4.0 though. Have you seen this with older versions of Tasker (pre-UI change)?



May 15, 2013, 6:05:48 AM5/15/13
to Tasker
You need to exit *via the main screen* for changes to take effect.
Otherwise it's assumed you've gone off to do something else and Tasker
will restart where you left off.

You can exit with the menu option, back or home.

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