@Christopher Maisch: Please forgive me my ignorance. This is a new arena for me. Not knowing where to start. Of course there is the manual, but it is the same as entering the mystical jungle full of secrets and culprits. So it's nice to through a stick or two before you enter, and see what comes back :o). And by the way, this is from the Tasker web site :
Take the tour to find out more! Questions ? Try the forum.. Just following the guidelines ;o).
On Saturday, May 11, 2013 6:22:47 PM UTC+2, Christopher Maisch wrote:
Based on your previous posts about pretty much the same thing, why don't you wait until someone finds the time to help. This group is about a dialogue rather than just being there for "support". Ask and wait for a response!
@to all you Taskers out there. The following question is more about "is Tasker the tool to complete this mission, or should I learn to program with Android SDK?". Tasker is capable of much, that I've seen :o). I did some reading on several topics and just can not conclude if Tasker is the tool I need for this. So let me explain what my idea is. So those of you who are seasoned Taskers can advice me on what to do.
Basically I am looking at an appointment registration/confirmation app. There are many of those out there. Enter an appointment and send a reminder to the client at a specific time before the event. But I want to include the option to receive SMS where the client can book an appointment by SMS in f.ex.the simplest format <FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME>. The app will then allocate the first available time slot (predefined time slots in a db), reserve it and send an SMS back to confirm date and time of the appointment. I could think of more ways to format the SMS with additional parameters <TODAY, TOMORROW, DAY AFTER TOMORROW, dd/mm/yy, BETWEEN HH:MM and HH:MM,...>. The app can then look at the request, allocate the first available time slot that corresponds to the request, reserve it, and send SMS confirmation.
A second reminder should be send <-n hrs> before the event. Cancellation of an appointment could be done be returning the confirmation SMS, so the app can flag the time slot as available again.
The booked appointments should become visible in my Android calendar app. It should also be available for export to other web based EMR systems. I am investigating export/syncing possibilities to OpenEMR.
The UI and messages need to be configurable, and best would be to open up for multiple language so that users all over the world can modify it to suite their needs. This would run as an app, so I do not (yet) fully understand if Tasker can create an app that includes a database, like Android SDK does.
All ideas and opinions are welcome.
Best regards, Polar