> Dang... and this was done by design this way? A bit frustrating to have to pattern match on a (potentially long) string list every 200-500ms. I wonder if my previous solution of spinning and checking on a global int is more efficient for complicated tasks. Sigh. Many thanks for clarification though.
Bobs solution should work and might just be the easiest way however what you are trying to do should be able to be accomplished with the proper priority's being set. For something like this you will need a complete understanding of how the priorities work.. It mostly in the user guide but a little spread out. So if you search the guide for priority you should find most of it. If you search the group you will find many posts on this.
Here is just a example off the top of my head of how some of them work. ** this should be verified with the user guide**
A task will always have a priority set by whatever starts the task and there are several ways to start a task....
1. With a profile.. the default for this is 5 and can be set In profile properties. This of course has exceptions when the 'enforce task order' is selected..
2. By a task cut or widget,,, there is a setting in tasker properties for these. I think they default at 6 or 7
3. By a perform task.... this is set in the perform task action
4. By a element in a scene. This I believe is set 1 higher than the task that showed the scene.
5. By the run button in task edit screen... This one is what gets most in trouble. A task started with the run button will always have a priority of 10. So when priorities are involved it is always best to start the task with whatever will be starting it in the actual project.
*** AGAIN... this was just from memory and should be verified**
It is early mentioned as a rough guide to show the complexity of using priorities. I am not even sure I mentioned them all.......
Hope this helps...
> Priorities would work OK if I only had this one setup... but imagine that I have many different setups
I agree with all you said. When I first started with tasker I was having a very difficult time getting things to go in the order I wanted them to. However I had no prior programing or development experience at all so I just wrote it off to my inexperience and hammered out my own solutions which in general meant making larger tasks with more sub tasks within the large task. I realize this is not a option for what you are trying to do just telling my story. There are many talented programmers on here and hopefully they can help more than I can.