Hi Sally, I acquired Drivebit yesterday and it took me all day to figure out how to get tasker to run it. Here is a quick run through:
Open Tasker and go to the Profile tab
Hit the plus at the bottom of the screen and select state
in the state category select NET, then bluetooth connected
I named it drivebit, hit the gear at the top of the lefthand corner and then enter in a new task for that profile, click the check mark
add app, select load app, the select the drivebit app
Hit the gear at the top of screen then hit the plus button at the bottom to select another task
select plugin and choose drivebit
click the edit configuration and select open on the drivebit app
That should open and start the app when you connect
Next start a new profile name it kill drive bit
select state and choose net, then bluetooth connected
check the box inverted box
hit the gear in the top left hand corner and enter a task for the profile
add app, select load app, the select the drivebit app
Hit the gear at the top of screen then hit the plus button at the bottom to select another task
select plugin and choose drivebit
click the edit configuration and select close on the drivebit app
that will shut it off when the phone disconnects from blue tooth.
I hope this works for you.
On Sunday, May 12, 2013 1:20:20 PM UTC-5, Sally Carr wrote:I am using an unrooted Droid Razr (Android 4.1.2) and the latest version of Tasker.I purchased Tasker to start DriveBit when I get in my car. DriveBit is a program that logs time spent in your car and uploads it to your FitBit account. Without Tasker, I would launch the program, press the Start button, then press the Stop button when you arrive.I'd like to use Tasker so, when my phone connects via Bluetooth to 'Mazda' it launches DriveBit and then Starts the program. When I disconnect from 'Mazda' it Stops Fitbit.I can get it so it launches DriveBit, but can't figure out how to Start the program. When connected to 'Mazda' the program launches and the Start button appears on the scree, but I must still manually press it.
I set it up to Kill the App DriveBit when not connected to 'Mazda' but that doesn't work - maybe because I'm not rooted?
Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.Thank you.
Hi Kevin and Sally,the best solution for Drivebit and similar tasks is to add an "exit task" to the first Profile, so when bluetooth connect drivebit start and when disconnected drivebit is stopped,you can do it by longpressing the first task in the right and add an "exit Task" as explained by Kevin,this is the correct way to launch different task on status changes.RegardsGianluca
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