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#2012 elections canceled

6 צפיות
מעבר להודעה הראשונה שלא נקראה

6004 Dead, 1147 since 1/20/09

לא נקראה,
2 במאי 2011, 10:44:502.5.2011
2012 Election Cancelled
Obama Buoyed by 100 Percent Approval Rating

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – In what historians are calling an
unprecedented development in American politics, both major parties
decided today to cancel the 2012 election.

The decision to scrap the 2012 contest came on the heels of a new poll
showing President Barack Obama with an approval rating of one hundred
percent, believed to be a record high for an American president.

Mr. Obama even polled well among Republicans, with a majority of GOP
voters agreeing with the statement, “I no longer care that he wasn’t born

The new bipartisan spirit sweeping the nation was captured well by House
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who tearfully told reporters, “This is a
great day for America… oh, leave me alone, goddamn it.”

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump made no official
announcement, but sources said he was considering running for Prime
Minister of Canada.

The cancellation of the election comes in the aftermath of the death of
Osama bin Laden, whose last words reportedly were, “I knew I shouldn’t
have signed up for Foursquare.”

Of all the major news networks, Fox News did not report news of bin
Laden’s death, saying that it would air cartoons “until further notice.”

In Libya, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi issued the following official
statement: “Uh-oh.”

In North Korea, President Kim Jong-Il said this: “I have lost my last
friend on Facebook.”

And in Wasilla, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said this: “We must
find and kill Osama bin Laden.”

ההודעה נמחקה

Richard Steel

לא נקראה,
2 במאי 2011, 17:46:522.5.2011

> 2012 Election Cancelled>

Wait till gas hits $6.00 a gallon.

How badly did Obama bungle this? Here was a moment where he could
have reached over to the moderates and conservatives, and pulled
himself back to the middle. He could have thanked George Bush
publicly for standing firm against unending criticism.

Instead, he used this historic moment to....bump Trump's show off the
air? Really?

6019 Dead, 1162 since 1/20/09

לא נקראה,
2 במאי 2011, 20:32:332.5.2011
On Mon, 02 May 2011 18:13:17 -0400, Mr.B1ack wrote:

> "6004 Dead, 1147 since 1/20/09" <de...@gone.com> wrote:
>>2012 Election Cancelled
>>Obama Buoyed by 100 Percent Approval Rating
>>WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – In what historians are calling an
>>unprecedented development in American politics, both major parties
>>decided today to cancel the 2012 election.

> It's not up to the parties - it's a constititional mandate.

Um, Borowitz Report?

> If they won't play, then the minor parties get to run against each
> other, and take the seats of power.

>>The decision to scrap the 2012 contest came on the heels of a new poll
>>showing President Barack Obama with an approval rating of one hundred

>>percent ...
> Wow ! Saddam only had a 98 percent approval rating ! :-)


לא נקראה,
2 במאי 2011, 21:41:032.5.2011
> >    It's not up to the parties - it's a constititional mandate.
> Um, Borowitz Report?
> Hello?

Nope. You've done it now. The conspiracy theory that Dems want to butt-
rape the Constitution by suspending presidential elections.

Cue the blogs by high-ranking GOP thought-leaders advocating the same
thing back when Bush was in trouble...


לא נקראה,
2 במאי 2011, 21:43:272.5.2011
On May 2, 2:46 pm, Richard Steel <rsteel2...@aol.com> wrote:

> How badly did Obama bungle this?

Good luck running a candidate in 2012...

> Here was a moment where he could
> have reached over to the moderates and conservatives, and pulled
> himself back to the middle.  He could have thanked George Bush
> publicly for standing firm against unending criticism.
> Instead, he used this historic moment to....bump Trump's show off the
> air?  Really?

Sunday night is a ratings dead spot. Everyone's at home, so the
networks run the easy stuff that's guaranteed a modest audience.
(Thursday night's for blockbusters and Saturday night's for party
shows, obviously...)

Obama picked Sunday to get ahead of the Monday news cycle, but chose
the exact time to give Trump the finger, again.

Ray Fischer

לא נקראה,
3 במאי 2011, 2:08:063.5.2011
Richard Steel <rstee...@aol.com> wrote:
>> 2012 Election Cancelled>
>Wait till gas hits $6.00 a gallon.

Quit whining, rightard. If you don't like it then start your own oil
company. Quit whining that the government won't change your diaper.

Ray Fischer | Mendacracy (n.) government by lying
rfis...@sonic.net | The new GOP ideal

Ray Fischer

לא נקראה,
3 במאי 2011, 2:08:443.5.2011
Mr.B1ack <b...@barrk.net> wrote:
>"6004 Dead, 1147 since 1/20/09" <de...@gone.com> wrote:
>>2012 Election Cancelled
>>Obama Buoyed by 100 Percent Approval Rating
>>WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – In what historians are calling an
>>unprecedented development in American politics, both major parties
>>decided today to cancel the 2012 election.
> It's not up to the parties - it's a constititional
> mandate.
> If they won't play, then the minor parties get to
> run against each other, and take the seats of power.

You rightards are pretty much all humorless bigots, aren't you?

Gary DW

לא נקראה,
3 במאי 2011, 10:20:323.5.2011
In article <8bfd587a-865c-4912-bbb3-bd6ba50b3d94
@j13g2000pro.googlegroups.com>, Phlip says...

Yup... one of my friends was bitching on Facebook that she missed the end
of the Apprentice because of this stupid killing.

I am not making this up.


Conservatives only mistrust government when it comes to spending money on
people they don't like. -Digby

6019 Dead, 1162 since 1/20/09

לא נקראה,
3 במאי 2011, 10:51:113.5.2011

I believe it. In 1963, people whined because their soap operas were
preempted by the Kennedy assassination.


לא נקראה,
3 במאי 2011, 11:16:243.5.2011

Obama to Osama, "You're fired!"

Gary DW

לא נקראה,
3 במאי 2011, 11:22:463.5.2011
In article <ipp4ov$dr5$5...@dont-email.me>, 6019 Dead, 1162 since 1/20/09

Here's the actual post (do we live in a teevee culture or WHAT?)


Very glad they got Osama but NBC couldn't wait 10 mins for Apprentice to
be over? The immediate speech by the president didn't come on for 40 mins
after the interruption anyway... so the news reporters just blathered
over and over the same subjects while they wasted time for Obama to come

ההודעה נמחקה

6019 Dead, 1162 since 1/20/09

לא נקראה,
3 במאי 2011, 12:18:513.5.2011
On Tue, 03 May 2011 12:12:12 -0400, Mr.B1ack <b...@barrk.net> wrote:

>Phlip <phli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >    It's not up to the parties - it's a constititional mandate.
>>> Um, Borowitz Report?
>>> Hello?
>>Nope. You've done it now. The conspiracy theory that Dems want to butt-
>>rape the Constitution by suspending presidential elections.

> Hasn't this been the konspiracy theory
> for MANY recent elections ? I think I
> first heard it that REAGAN was gonna
> rig things so he could stay in power,
> then GHWB. Clinton set up a bunch of
> stuff (much of which later became the
> guts of the 'Patriot act') that made it
> look as if he would declare a 'terorism
> emergency' and stay in power. Plenty of
> rumors about Bush/Cheney (or was that
> Cheney/Bush ?) as well. Now, Obama.
> None, so FAR anyway, seems to have had
> any real plan to become president-for-life.
> It would be hard to engineer anyway ... a
> US president rarely accumulates enough
> personal power ... the real power is
> through the party and connections. There
> is more chance of a military take-over
> than of a US prez being able to take over.
> It'd be more like a military coup looking
> for a civvie figurehead.

I'm more worried about the corporations than I am the military.
"So called payroll taxes aren't taxes at all" -- Steve Canyon, trying to explain
why millionaires don't actually pay less taxes than median income families.

ההודעה נמחקה

Not Sure

לא נקראה,
3 במאי 2011, 17:44:333.5.2011
On May 3, 8:22 am, Gary DW <dewaay2spike...@sio.midco.net> wrote:
> In article <ipp4ov$dr...@dont-email.me>, 6019 Dead, 1162 since 1/20/09

Did you rinse your mouth out before firing off this gem? :)

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