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ANOTHER Jew swindler! Arthur Nadel -investors could be out as much as $350 million

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Alaric II

Jan 17, 2009, 7:47:11 PM1/17/09

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune is reporting that investors in a Sarasota-based
hedge fund are likely out $350-million and the manager of the fund is
missing. "Fund principal Arthur G. Nadel, a prominent player in Sarasota's
jewish social and philanthropic circles, disappeared this week. His wife,
Peg, filed a missing person report with law enforcement after finding a
suicide note."

The Nadels were known for their civic activities, serving on boards and
donating money. They donated heavily to Jewish Family & Children's Services
and Girls Inc. all received cash gifts and pledges from the couple in recent
years. "We're very fortunate in that way," said Rose Chapman, president of
Jewish Family & Children's Services. Moody was co-chair of the organization'
s capital campaign.

MIAMI (Reuters) - A Florida money manager is missing and police have opened
an investigation into the possible disappearance of "hundreds of millions"
of dollars, authorities said on Friday.

Police are searching for Arthur Nadel, 75, a prominent Sarasota
philanthropist and fund manager who was reported missing by his family on

Sarasota police are investigating complaints from at least five investors in
Nadel's funds, run from a management office in Sarasota, that their money
has disappeared. The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported investors could be out
as much as $350 million.

Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS

Jan 17, 2009, 7:53:17 PM1/17/09

But - the Jews say they are GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE and thus the master
race. They have a right to swindle you stupid goyim.

Jew-supremacy today tomorrow forever.

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