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Where's all the loudmouthed Obama liberals since his last massive failure?

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McCain Was Right

Aug 9, 2011, 5:04:52 PM8/9/11
Remember the days when Obama was elected by felons, druggies,
drunks and long dead corpses? Ah, those were the days. Thanks
ACORN! "Change!" was in the air, although it smelled a lot like
hog manure. But one failure after another has seen the luster
of Obama turn to the mold of Jimmy Carter. With those failures,
the liberal contingent is jumping the sinking Obama ship faster
than negroes cashing a welfare check.

The Obama failure was predicted, but liberals would have none of
it. "He's The One!" they roared. The liberal media obliged and
joined in the attack. But things aren't looking so good for the
great teleprompter these days. An empty suit can't stand by
itself. The liberal puppeteers are cutting the strings one by
one and stealing away in the darkness. They couldn't possibly
have been wrong and will never admit a mistake. Their strategy
is blame the other guy for their failures and run away to avoid
association with blame.

That's beginning to happen to Obama, as predicted.

It couldn't happen to a better example of affirmative action.

Juris Diction

Aug 9, 2011, 6:29:32 PM8/9/11
In article <>,

When you sick fucks don't take responsibility for your bullshit
shenanigans, you keep destroying the country, -but that's what you want
to do anyway, right?

"You can't solve a problem on the same level you created it."
- Albert Einstein


Aug 9, 2011, 7:03:12 PM8/9/11

"McCain Was Right" <some...@dev.null> wrote in message

> The Obama failure was predicted, but liberals would have none of
> it. "He's The One!" they roared. The liberal media obliged and
> joined in the attack. But things aren't looking so good for the
> great teleprompter these days.

Nice try...

Everyone knows the current problems are because of the GOP's refusal to
entertain any idea which might increase revenues and their butt-headed
insistance on protecting every single loophole, giveaway and boondoggle in
the entire tax code no matter how outdated, ill-concieved or just plain
silly it may be.

Forrest Gump Obama (And That's An Insult To Forrest Gump!)

Aug 10, 2011, 3:01:36 AM8/10/11
On 09 Aug 2011, Juris Diction <> posted some news:iwas-

Shaddup you stupid Canadian fuck.

Tom Gardner

Aug 10, 2011, 4:29:10 AM8/10/11

"Everyone" is you and you're two pot-smoking, beer-drinking sixth grade
failing buddies that party in your mom's basement? Nice try!

F. George McDuffee

Aug 10, 2011, 11:12:46 AM8/10/11
On Tue, 9 Aug 2011 23:04:52 +0200 (CEST), "McCain Was
Right" <some...@dev.null> wrote:


>The Obama failure was predicted, but liberals would have none of
>it. "He's The One!" they roared. The liberal media obliged and
>joined in the attack. But things aren't looking so good for the
>great teleprompter these days. An empty suit can't stand by
>itself. The liberal puppeteers are cutting the strings one by
>one and stealing away in the darkness. They couldn't possibly
>have been wrong and will never admit a mistake. Their strategy
>is blame the other guy for their failures and run away to avoid
>association with blame.


There are two types of personality cults: a
positive/adulatory one we can call "The Glorious Leader";
and a negative/demonization one we can call "The Rat

It does not appear that either one has any "redeeming social
value," and indeed these generate far more smoke and heat
than light.

IMNSHO - the toxic and noxious E. coli tainted chickens that
are now coming home to roost were incubated 50 years ago or
more by LBJ and Nixon. There will be several more waves of
foul fowl from subsequent administrations arriving RSN [real
soon now].

As in so many things, we brought this on ourselves through
the "buy now - pay later" mindset, AND LATER JUST ARRIVED…


Aug 10, 2011, 1:41:31 PM8/10/11

"F. George McDuffee" <> wrote in message
> the "buy now - pay later" mindset, AND LATER JUST ARRIVED.

Current federal tax revenues are appx 16% of gross gdp and the interest on
the federal debt is about 1.5% of it.

Also, the government "borrows" at an insanely low interest rate....

The current political situation is similar to having the bank president (
Boehner et al ) instruct it's loan officers to turn down loan apps for new
refrigerators and washing machines from anyone who lives on an
even-numbered-street even though they might make 180K per year and have no
other creditors to speak of.

Gunner Asch

Aug 10, 2011, 2:02:55 PM8/10/11

Well stated.


"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry
capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.
It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an
Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense
and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have
such a man for their? president.. Blaming the prince of the
fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of
fools that made him their prince".


Aug 10, 2011, 2:58:53 PM8/10/11
On Aug 10, 2:02 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 10:12:46 -0500, F. George McDuffee
> <> wrote:
> >On Tue,  9 Aug 2011 23:04:52 +0200 (CEST), "McCain Was

Oh? Like compared to Bush 1/2's failure to get the guy who run the
organization that attacked America?

Reality is that Obama has *NOT* failed. But nor has he actually
succeeded. Which is almost as bad.

But you reichtard fucks are so insistent on destroying Obama and
liberals that you don't care that you are handing the world to China.
Modern technology means a Pax Sinica will never be overcome.

Besides, you're not man enough to try. You'll hide in the woods, using
your misc.survivalism skills, hoping liberals save your sorry ass. As
we did in WWII.

Gunner Asch

Aug 10, 2011, 3:51:31 PM8/10/11
On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 11:58:53 -0700 (PDT), liberal
<> wrote:

>> >As in so many things, we brought this on ourselves through
>> >the "buy now - pay later" mindset, AND LATER JUST ARRIVED…
>> Well stated.
>Oh? Like compared to Bush 1/2's failure to get the guy who run the
>organization that attacked America?

Seen this yet? Its becoming very interesting on the Specwar

"Thought you would find this interesting.

From an old A.F. bud.

Obviously this is a conspiracy theory which is going around and I have
no idea where it originated nor if any of this is reliable but it does
raise suspicion. It does bring attention to Bin Laden's need for
dialysis equipment which none was found nor that this procedure was
nearly impossible to be done in caves. The fact that so many of the
elite Seal Team being on a single aircraft that did not belong to this
unit and piloted by other then their own pilots certainly is suspect.
Just the disclosure of Seal Team 6 after the raid is bothersome for
covert operations never get publicity. Initially the outing of this
unit troubled me but I dismissed it as a political ploy by Obama but
now I wonder. Anyway this is FYI and you make whatever you chose of
this. I certainly have no clue and we will have to wait and see how
this shakes out and if anything comes of this.Subject: Fwd: THE

Folks--After the Bin Laden thing went down. I indicated in an email
that I had bad vibes about the whole operation.The clandestine 'burial
at sea -for someone (at nite) with great haste--etc. Perhaps some of
you remember---
I also remembered what I had heard a couple years after 9/11 re: bin
Laden thought to be on dialysis-but did'nt think anything of it at the

Bottom line is that there is nothing the current regime will not do to
furthur their cause, criminal or not! Anyone who believes differently
better awaken. And congress trots right along.

I speak not completely ignorant of SpecOps in that my son was a member
of the Army"DELTA" and conducted many joint missions with SEAL TEAM 6
as well as British SAS contingents. These people do not allow just any
jock-with-a-crew to shuffle them around They have their own elite and
specially trained SpecOp pilots who are not run-of-the-mill and acft
with special capabilities--in other words, not stock by any
imagination! They are Army--not Air Force -as appears in this case ( 3
Air Force Crewmen). Hmmmmmmmm.

True-we hardly know enough now to even logically surmise--It will be
interesting how much of the real scoop makes it thru the filter down
to the masses! We best stay tuned.

So-here we are --we will see what gels. At least I don't feel like the
wallflower at the prom anymore
Read and decide for yourself

The above from a friend.

AUGUST 6, AD 2011 4:08 PM MST You're damn right I said it. On May 5th
I had an email conversation with a retired military man with spook
contacts. All were in total agreement that the Bin Laden episode was
pure theater. The SEALS were sent into a compound as evidenced by the
lost chopper on site. But Osama Bin Laden wasn't in that compound.
Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years. Bin Laden had a genetic
condition that caused renal failure (this genetic condition is common
among deeply inbred Saudi arab muslims). Bin Laden had been on
dialysis BEFORE 9/11. Dialysis is difficult enough for people in first
world countries who can have it done in outstanding facilities. Bin
Laden was having it done either in caves or in homes post 9/11. People
in renal failure having dialysis done in fricking caves do NOT live
for ten more years. Period. There was no dialysis equipment found in
the compound the SEALS raided on May 2. Of course there wasn't. Bin
Laden wasn't in that compound because Bin Laden has been dead for

This is why the "body" was declared "positively identified" faster
than any known DNA testing process in existence - and this DNA testing
was carried out not in a lab mind you, but inside Chinook and/or V-22
Osprey helos en route to the USS Carl Vinson. The body was then dumped
into the Indian Ocean in a mad dash to ensure that "burial" took place
within 24 hours of death in order to "honor" musloid burial
traditions. Not a single picture of the so-called "Bin Laden corpse"
has ever been released - and never will.

The entire Bin Laden episode was stagecraft. It was pure theater that
was designed to give Obama a boost in the polls and give distraction
and cover. Distract from what? Cover from what?

April 20, 2011: The release date of Dr. Jerome Corsi's book, "Where's
the Birth Certificate" is announced as May 17, and pre-sales begin on Corsi's work is known to be extremely thorough and
meticulous. Within hours, Corsi's book is #1 on - fully 28
days before its release. The Obama regime is panicked.

April 27, 2011: In order to diffuse and undercut the Corsi book, the
Obama regime releases a PDF image purported to be a scan of his
original long-form Hawaiian birth certificate. Within hours, thousands
of graphic designers, many of whom are self-professed Obama voters and
supporters, isolate and demonstrate with dozens of objective proof
sets that the PDF released by the Obama regime is not just a forgery,
but an astoundingly incompetent and obvious forgery.

April 27 through May 2: The Obama regime is now in a blind panic.
Deeming it too risky, instead of commissioning the forged birth
certificate from document and photo illustration experts within the
CIA or NSA, the Obama regime instead farmed the project off on someone
inside the White House with a functional but middling knowledge of
photo illustration programs. To the thoroughly inexpert eyes of Barack
Obama, Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett, the forged certificate file
appeared extremely convincing, and was thus released with fanfare.
Within hours, they knew that they had not only made a mistake, but a
massive mistake that could land them all in prison. The forger was so
incompetent that he/she didn’t even flatten the image thus compressing
and masking the component layers before posting it. And that was just
the tip of the iceberg of glaring flaws and errors. The mainstream
press was, so far, completely complicit in the cover-up of the
forgery, but Rathergate proved that if the forgery debunking generated
any mainstream traction whatsoever, the end could come swiftly. The
Obama regime needed a big distraction and they needed it fast. They
had been planning on holding the staged Bin Laden capture and killing
until 2012 – for the thick of the campaign, and perhaps as an “October
Surprise”, but it would have to be moved up to now.

May 2, 2011: The Bin Laden operation occurs. In all likelihood, a
low-to-mid level Taliban or insurgent leader is killed.

May 3, 2011: Within hours, Vice President Joe Biden destroys any
notions of OPSEC and bellows to the entire world in public remarks at
a dinner at the Ritz Carlton that the Bin Laden raid was carried out
by “the SEALS”. Within hours Obama regime had gleefully leaked that
the raid was carried out by “SEAL Team 6”, also known as DEVGRU. Up
until this point in history, all DEVGRU activities and information had
been highly classified. Now the term “SEAL Team 6” was blasted across
every newspaper in the world, with Disney even moving to trademark the
name. The Obama regime wanted the ENTIRE WORLD to know the name “SEAL
Team 6”.

May 5, 2011: As I said earlier, I conversed with retired military
contact with spook contacts regarding the obvious theatrics of the Bin
Laden episode and the need for a cover-up by the Obama regime. The
conversation ended with the following exchange:

Ann: I’m on the US Military casualty email list. It would be NO
PROBLEM to “hide” casualties. It’s a steady stream out of Afghanistan.

Contact: look for training accidents in the eastern mountains.

May 6, 2011: Obama travels to Ft. Campbell, KY to openly “meet and
congratulate” SEAL Team 6 members. This receives huge press coverage,
and the press declares the incident “a huge boost [for Obama] going
into 2012.” Video citation here:

AUGUST 6, AD 2011 4:07 PM MST August 6, 2011: A Chinook helo is shot
down in Tangi, Wardak Province, Afghanistan. Within hours, before
family notifications could possibly have been completed, global press
accounts positively confirm that 22 of the 30 Americans killed were
not just SEALS, but members of SEAL Team 6. Again, DEVGRU operations
have been, up until now, highly classified. Today, the Obama regime
made a point of immediately revealing the unit identities of the
SPECOPS forces among the dead. In the past, DEVGRU men and other
SPECOPS men have been killed in action, but their missions were so
secret and so crucial to OPSEC that their deaths were covered-up by
the government and attributed to such things as “training accidents”
and the like – and I have no problem with that. These men understand
going in to intense units such as DEVGRU that OPSEC is paramount, that
they will never be publicly acknowledged for their heroism, and that
if they are killed or captured in action, the government will lie
about that in order to protect OPSEC and to prevent the enemy from
gaining a propaganda and morale coup. Compare that reality with what
happened today. The Obama regime distributed this information, and the
Obama regime’s lapdog press instantly splashed headlines declaring
this as the Taliban’s “REVENGE” for the “death of Bin Laden.” As I
write this now, the Drudge Report headline in bright red reads,

I’ll say what everyone else is thinking but is too scared to say. The
Obama regime is almost certainly directly complicit in these deaths.
The time, location and most especially, the PASSENGERS in the Chinook
were passed to the Taliban. Additionally, you can’t take out a Chinook
with small arms fire or even standard RPGs such as the Taliban use.
The Taliban needed serious weaponry to take this helo down, and that
serious weaponry needed to be in exactly the right spot at exactly the
right time, ready to fire.

Why would the Obama regime kill Americans? I think the question is,
why WOULDN’T the Obama regime kill Americans? The Obama regime is
composed of Marxist-Leninist psychopaths. A glancing, superficial
survey of 20th century history shows one glaring fact above all
Americans, by definition. Three tacks:

1. The men on board the Chinook may have been the same men who
participated or had direct knowledge of the staged Bin Laden raid and
were killed to permanently silence them. See my email exchange of May
5 above.

2. These DEVGRU men were killed to send a signal to the surviving
DEVGRU men who carried out the Bin Laden raid to keep their mouths

3. Certainly, the release of the unit identity of the dead within
hours – before even family notification could have been made (which
requires an IN PERSON visit to the family, remember) was an obvious
bow to Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the entire muslim world. This event
was INSTANTLY propagandized by the Obama media as “revenge” exacted
for Bin Laden’s death. And remember, Bin Laden has been dead for many
years. The raid of May 2 was pure stagecraft to distract the world
from the release of the forged Obama birth certificate.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I can’t stand Alex Jones or any 9/11
truther. I have turned down dozens of interviews with such types. In
fact, I am a huge believer in the Lex Parsimoniae, which is sometimes
called “Occam’s Razor”, which states that the simplest explanation is
most likely the correct one. I teach this as part of my job, namely
that the cattle markets are neither manipulated nor impossible to
operate within at a profit. The reality is that the cattle industry
participants do not make money because they are functionally
incompetent. It is very, very simple. True conspiracies are very rare.

This entire Obama situation is a conspiracy, and I say that without
the slightest hesitation. Obama is not a citizen of the United States,
he is a puppet front for a cabal of Marxist-Leninsts including Soros,
Ayers, Dohrn, Strong, Jarrett and many, many others. These people are
enemies of the United States. These people are deeply psychologically
damaged, and are capable of ordering people murdered in order to
protect themselves and increase their own power. The three dead
homosexual black men from Trinity United Church of Christ, Young,
Bland and Spencer, all of whom were sexually linked to Barack Obama,
were probably the first people specifically murdered by the Obama
regime. The hundreds of Mexicans and the two American agents Terry and
Zapata were murdered by Operation Fast and Furious in order to advance
and increase the power of the Obama regime. These SEALS and the others
on board that Chinook today were almost certainly betrayed and
murdered by the Obama regime.

Why did the Obama regime immediately reveal the unit identity of the
SPECOPS forces involved in the first place, despite the fact that
DEVGRU was highly classified? Why was the personnel composition of the
Chinook released IMMEDIATELY today after the helo went down – before
even family notifications could be made? WHY? Why would you hand your
enemy, Al Qaeda and the Taliban, a massive propaganda coup? WHY?

I’ll tell you why. Because the Obama regime IS THE ENEMY. They are
Marxist tyrants who hold the lives of Americans not just cheap, but in
scathing contempt. They will say anything, they will do anything, and
they will murder ANYONE in order to protect themselves and consolidate
and increase their power. Please, I beg you, for the love of God and
all that is good in this world, read the history of the Soviet Union.
Read about Lenin and Stalin and how they murdered people without any
hesitation. Read about how Hitler was constantly ordering the murder
of his own officers. Read about Communist China. Read about Mao and
the millions upon tens of millions of murders he ordered. Read about
the killing fields of the Communist Khmer Rouge in Cambodia led by Pol
Pot. PLEASE. Marxists MURDER PEOPLE. That is what they do. The Obama
regime is MARXIST to the bone. If the Obama regime is not stopped, the
30 Americans murdered today in Afghanistan will be just the beginning.
I promise you that.

Here, again, is the clip of Larry Grathwohl, who infiltrated the
Weather Underground Marxist terrorist organization in the 1970s. The
Weather Underground was founded by Obama’s political godfather,
communist mentor (along with Frank Marshall Davis), murderer, and
ghostwriter of “Dreams From My Father”, Bill Ayers and his wife
Bernardine Dohrn. In this interview, taped in 1980 while Obama was
still just an unknown undergrad foreign scholarship student at
Occidental College, Grathwohl describes the leadership of the Weather
Underground (which is Ayers and Dohrn) discussing what will be done
with the “unreformable, diehard capitalists” once they have overthrown
the government of the United States. The answer is extermination in
camps in the Southwest. The estimated total that would need to be
killed? 25 million, which was 10% of the population at the time. Ayers
& Dohrn already have overthrown the government of the United States
via their puppet protégé, Barack Obama. They have guaranteed that the
economy will collapse. The only thing left for them to do is suspend
the Constitution and open the camps. I’ll see you there.

Tip from Afghanistan
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - August 7, AD 2011 6:57 AM MST
I received a tip from a soldier stationed with an aviation brigade out
of Jalalabad overnight.
"Almost immediately, after news of the crash began to spread, we were
placed in an internet and phone blackout. This means communication
with family, friends and "others" back home, in real time, is
prevented until further notice.
However, there are also chinook pilots, crews and mechanics assigned
here who were privy to the details of the crash almost immediately.
One of confirmed details they have been discussing is that the chinook
shot down belonged to a National Guard unit. Which is causing people
to whisper in astonishment, "why were some of the most elite of
America's military, in such large numbers, tooling around on a
National Guard aircraft?"
Also, those around me are wondering why such a large number(extremely
unconventional for Seals, Green Berets, etc) of them riding in a
single aircraft instead of being spread out into numerous aircraft.
Without question, I mean no disrespect to the pilots and crew of the
National Guard aircraft, but the fact is that it's very "strange" that
Seals would be conducting an actual mission, with such large numbers,
in such a basic aircraft. Especially, given the fact, that there were
special operation chinooks easily available, and sitting idle, when
this tragedy took place."
I am not a journalist. I have no means of checking this. But SOMEONE
needs to investigate if in fact the SEALS were on a National Guard
helo, if there were SPECOPS Chinooks available and idle, and what the
difference in armament is between Guard Chinooks and SPECOPS Chinooks.
This potential difference in armament is HUGE and could account for
the possibility of the Chinook being shot down by an RPG, if that is
what happened.
Hello? Journalists? Anyone out there?
UPDATE: The SPECOPS Chinook is a very different beast that is heavily
upgraded with enhanced survivability features. It is the Boeing
MH-47E/G. Boeing's Homepage for the SPECOPS chinook here. The soldier
quoted above contends that the SEALS were NOT in one of these units,
but rather in a standard Chinook while these SPECOPS Chinooks were
available and sitting idle. Again, a JOURNALIST needs to confirm this.
UPDATE 2: From a reader:
You are on to something here. I was in the 160th 1982- 1985 and I can
tell you that the reason the aviation wing was created was so special
ops would never again have to fly missions with anyone other than
their own pilots and birds.
UPDATE 3: From a reader:
Ann, I'm sure you're getting a lot of notes on the Chinook debacle.
I'm retired USAF familiar with how the system works when it comes to
the questions asked by your Jalalabad contact. First, look to the
Command Authority. Dispersion protocols are almost never broken except
on direct order up the chain high enough that nobody could question or
refuse the order without jeopardizing their career. Second, 'who
benefits'? Follow the trail of beneficiaries to the incident.
Tactically, intell had to be passed to the shooters as to the
timetable. I'm willing to bet that there were several RPG's (if not
Stinger's - remember, we provided quite a few and never kept a record
during the Soviet incursion into Afghanistan) involved. Then, once
fired, the shooters had to egress unseen to fight another day. Many
people I know, including some recently back from that area say this
stinks to high Heaven, as do you.

Gunner Asch

Aug 10, 2011, 3:53:31 PM8/10/11
On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 11:58:53 -0700 (PDT), liberal
<> wrote:

>Reality is that Obama has *NOT* failed. But nor has he actually
>succeeded. Which is almost as bad.
>But you reichtard fucks are so insistent on destroying Obama and
>liberals that you don't care that you are handing the world to China.
>Modern technology means a Pax Sinica will never be overcome.
>Besides, you're not man enough to try. You'll hide in the woods, using
>your misc.survivalism skills, hoping liberals save your sorry ass. As
>we did in WWII.

Blink blink...blink.

You are off your meds...right?

Your paranoid/skitz tendencies are showing broadly in the bit you wrote


But..shrug..when the Great Cull happens...and it will die and
not have to spend any money on those nasty meds you seem to be doing


Ray Fischer

Aug 11, 2011, 1:37:57 AM8/11/11
McCain Was Crazy <some...@dev.null> wrote:
>Remember the days when Obama was elected by felons, druggies,

/| /| | |
||__|| | Do not feed the |
/ O O\__ | trolls. Thank you. |
/ \ | --Mgt. |
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* ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________

Ray Fischer | Mendocracy (n.) government by lying | The new GOP ideal


Aug 11, 2011, 1:35:42 AM8/11/11
On Aug 9, 6:03 pm, "PrecisionmachinisT"
<> wrote:
> "McCain Was Right" <someem...@dev.null> wrote in

Correct...and the Tea Party Downgrade is S&P's way of saying that the
Tea Party needs to be put down like a mad dog.



Aug 11, 2011, 2:52:16 AM8/11/11
In article <4e436ab5$0$2187$> (Ray Fischer) wrote:
> McCain Was Crazy <some...@dev.null> wrote:
> >Remember the days when Obama was elected by felons, druggies,
> / \ \ / \
> | | \ | |
> | `. | | :
> \ | | \| |
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> | / / \__/\___/ | |
> | / | | | |
> | | | | | |
> Sucks to be a Wisconsin Liberal! Bend over bitches!

It's just not your night, is it raytard? Everybody is bagging
on you.

> --
> Ray Fischer | Mendacracy (n.) government by lying

Benny Fishhole

Aug 11, 2011, 9:02:16 PM8/11/11

We made it over the hump. No downgraddes or upgrades are going to mean
anything now. We 'll just sit quiet, fix bayonets, and wait it out.
We're not starving although some of you may be.

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