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Re: I HATE bush just like any real man would

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TEEN PUSSY - DEMONbushdid911withAHMAD-虺illthe twistedevil nazi fuk!

Sep 29, 2005, 4:58:07 AM9/29/05


(This horrific story of TRUE ungodly bushite EVIL comes from Google

US soldiers allegedly trading pictures of dead Iraqis & Afghanis for

WARNING: The links in this story are to graphic, gruesome pictures of
dead bodies, and some include graphic sexual content as well.

This soldier is proudly presenting what appears to be a bloody
dismembered human arm dangling from perhaps a hook on the wall. To see
the uncensored photo click here.)

I spent the good part of this weekend following up on a report by the
East Bay Express, an alternative paper in San Francisco, alleging that
US soldiers are posting gruesome pictures of dead Iraqis and Afghanis
online in exchange for access to hard-core amateur porn.

What I found suggests the story is correct.

The death photos are hosted on a Web site hosted in Holland, called The site is an amateur porn site where people
post their own nude photos and browse the photos of other visitors.
This is the header of the Web site:

Ah, but the site isn't just about the usual porn. It's also about
military death porn. Below is an example of a photo on the site - a
very tame example that I've censored (I blacked out the image of a
burnt to a crisp, you'll see two soldiers pointing to it, Lyndie
England style - see the real uncensored photo here):

The title given to the photo: Cooked Iraqi

Now, before I go any further, I want to explain why I believe this
is legit. The pictures on the site are of real dead people, that is
obvious. The dead also appear Middle Eastern. The soldiers in the
pictures appear American and real. And the pictures are recent, rather
than from, say, the Vietnam war. Next, the text accompanying the
is clearly American and from native speakers, and if you read the back
and forth - there are a lot of visitors to the site who are not happy
about the pictures posted there - the responses from the "soldiers"
sounds like what you'd get from real Americans and real soldiers.
Finally, I looked at one photo on the site, allegedly showing a dead
Iraqi man shot in his car while trying to go through a check-point. I
zoomed in on the man's license plate and compared it to a picture of
Iraqi license plate I found on the Internet - they're identical:

Therefore, I'm publishing the photos and helping to spread the word
about this site, because we need answers from our government as to why
more photos of US soldiers with dead people are floating around the
Internet. This is discussed in more detail at the end of my post. And
finally, check out this page from the site and tell me these photos
aren't real.


When I clicked around I noticed a lot of the
content seemed to be a year old (though now, suddenly, much of the
content is back - very strange). That seemed odd, so I decided to
the WayBack Machine - a Web site that stores copies of old Web sites
that have long since been taking down or changed (JeffyJames is quite
familiar with this site, it's how I found his old prostitution sites).
On the WayBack Machine I found a more updated site. On the
NowThatsFuckedUp home page (see a copy of the home page here) - you
also see the current live home page here - you see a variety of
sub-headings where visitors can post and see examples of female and
male amateur porn, then you see the following sub-heading:

Once you click on the sub-heading that reads "gory," you arrive at a
page of links to photos of dead people, supposedly from Iraq and

(As I mentioned, on the Web site, these links to
the dead people photos keep appearing and disappearing (they were gone
Saturday night, they're back today). Just to be safe, I went to the
WayBack Machine and found up-to-date posts containing photos of dead

The posts have titles like:
"Iraq driver tryed (sic) to run a check-point"

If you click on this particular page, you see an apparent Iraqi man
sitting in the driver seat of a car that's been shot up, two US
soldiers are standing outside the car, and the Iraqi man's head has
exploded, it's totally gone. Below is the tamest photo from the page,
I've blacked out the worst part of the photo. A photo of the entire
page, uncensored, is here.

"Nice puss / bad foot"

The page titled "Nice puss / bad foot" is devoted to the photo of a
nude woman laying down on a table, her foot has been blown off by a
land mine, blood, muscle, skin and bone are dangling in its place, and
her naked crotch is clearly visible in the photo (thus the reference
"puss"). This is a sanitized version of the photo (unsanitized version

There are additional sections containing gory photos of the dead,
including (this link is particularly gruesome) "Name this body part"
(no amount of censoring can make that section available for publishing
publicly), another entitled "What every Iraqi should look like," and

To give you a sense of what the rest of the site contains, this is
another picture of a driver with his head blown open:


I've made copies of many of the pages from this site, to ensure the
evidence doesn't disappear. You can see them by clicking on the links
below (each of these pages is a megabyte or larger).

- site home page.
- Photos of the dead in Iraq and Afghanistan home page.

Sub-pages with gruesome photos:

- Suicide bomber (this is one of the most gruesome pages on the entire
- Just got back from the sand box (this is also one of the worst
- Warning this is some hard core shit (and it is)
- Die Haji Die
- Cooked Iraqi
- Name this body part
- Nice puss - bad foot
- Destruction of the Afghans
- Gotta respect the head shot
- Iraqi tried to run checkpoint
- This is disgusting

Interestingly, there are a few posts of people extremely upset about
this site. The responses to them are fascinating, and add more
to this site being real:

- One question
- Really proud of you boys
- Something wrong here


Personally, this site sickens me. But I asked myself "why"? War is
horrible, and these pictures simply show us the war we don't see on
TV screens. Is there some glorification of killing going on? Sure. And
having this on a sex site only makes the glorification that much
creepier. But having said, I can't imagine what it must be like for
soldiers to look at scenes like this, day in and day out, for real, up
close and personal. That has got to take its toll, and I wouldn't be
surprised if, for some of these guys, posting these kind of photos is
their own version of therapy. Yes, it's gruesome - but unexpected?

Having said all of that, I still find this incredibly troublesome,
dehumanizing, immoral, and wonder how legal all of this is as well
the Geneva Conventions - you remember them, I believe the Bush
administration called them quaint). I worry about what this kind of
activity does to our culture, to our soldiers, and to our society. How
it debases us slowly, gradually, without our even knowing it. I worry
about these soldiers when they come back to the US after having seen
all this gore. What kind of productive members of society will they
I worry about all of us who have no clue that war is THIS gruesome. I
worry about our government that think this kind of thing should be
hidden from the public, and that it's a acceptable cost of going to

And maybe it IS an acceptable cost of going to war. But that in and of
itself should tell us something. There ARE costs of going to war. Most
Americans have yet to fully comprehend what it means to have 2,000 US
soldiers dead, and tens of thousands injured, in this war. They have
yet to comprehend the level of violence, the level of civilian
casualties. They have yet to comprehend what this war is doing to our
soldiers, and what it's doing to our own national psyche. Yes, these
are all costs of going to war. But if these costs are hidden from the
public, then it's not something they take into account when
of the war, and thus their consent is hardly informed.

That's why I'm publishing this story. I can't say for 100% that these
photos really are our service members, that the pics really are of
Iraqis and Afghanis, or that they were posted by US soldiers. But
everything about this story rings true (and let's not forget the US
a history of these photo abuses of the Iraqi dead). Worse yet, even if
this site is a fake, it's already flying around the Internet - and has
been live for over a year. This Web site, real or fake, is going to be
another public relations disaster for the US, and a bonanza recruiting
tool for Al Qaeda.

Our government needs to tell us, fast, whether this is for real or
and what they plan on doing about it.

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)


The Final Straw

/ / Someone was asking me, why is that the godly people
of Creation, take such enjoyment out of killing the bushite
enemies? And, I'll tell you what it is... \ \

/ / They have no concern for the neighbor's children,
who have sacrificed their lives in a needless war.,
that only serves the interests of the neocon God haters. \ \

/ / Look at that. You can't even get a single American man,
out of the entire country, to phone Art Bell and have Art
Bell hang up on them. \ \

/ / See? \ \


/ / The legal case for military resistance needs to be understood.
In essence, the military is violating the law. It's the war
resisters who are upholding it. \ \

/ / "We are short of everything," she says, raising her voice to be
heard over the constant crying of children. "We've had nothing
from the new Iraqi Government, except some simple antibiotics; and
nothing from the occupying countries." \ \

/ / It revealed that the Prime Minister persistently lied to
Parliament and the public about the legal basis for the war.

The revelation came minutes after Mr Blair declared on TV: "I
have never told a lie." \ \


/ / `The worst thing is to shoot one of them, then go help him,' as
regulations require. `Shit, I didn't help any of them. I wouldn't
help the fuckers. There were some you let die. And there were
some you double-tapped. Once you'd reached the objective, and once
you'd shot them and you're moving through, anything there, you
shoot again. You didn't want any prisoners of war.' \ \


The True Fight for Freedom

(Quotes from

/ / Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead. \ \

/ / I see really great things in store, if we can find it within
ourselves to defend the innocent, despite the lies of the bush
cabal. Killing innocent people is wrong. There is no
justification for bombing Iraq, there just isn't. \ \

/ / Demon bush says he's against torture, and the Oregon Military
soldiers tell us, hey, they're torturing children, the bushite
forces in Iraq are. \ \

/ / If you knew your neighbor did that crime, and the police said
that they couldn't arrest him because he was a disciple of the
antichrist, so therefor, WE can't hold him to account as WE do to
the regular civilians... what would you think? \ \


It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy

/ / Do not put any effort into thinking out your own opinions.
Create doubt on anything any true liberator, would try to convey to
you as important for your life. Never mind. Watch your son or
daughter be sacrificed, and just lie to yourself, and tell us all
how your so proud of your dead son or daughter, "because they were
fighting for liberty." And we just got to just keep bullshiting you
because you're an enemy to God. An enemy to true freedom, when you
demand truth not be spoken for the innocent being persecuted, as
Christ was. Where is Christianity in America? Call your Church
now! \ \

Canadian radio broadcast interview with the Wizard


commentary from Johnny


/ / For Americans to remain silent as Bush hands down death
sentences for their children and their unborn grandchildren is a
war crime in itself. \ \

/ / The biggest story of the Iraq war is about the torture of Iraqi
children. \ \

/ / The UN's top human rights investigator in Afghanistan has been
forced out under American pressure just days after he presented a
report criticizing the US military for detaining suspects without
trial and holding them in secret prisons. \ \

/ / As George H. W. Bush mentioned in his famous unpublished
quote to Sarah McLendon more than a decade ago: "[I]f the American
people ever knew the whole story about Iran Contra, we Bushes would
be chased down in the streets and lynched." \ \

/ / The British government formally protested to Israel after the
army officer who opened fire when the film-maker James Miller was
shot dead in Gaza two years ago was acquitted of disciplinary
charges. \ \

/ / CityBeat and Pointblank in the light of the latter's searing
expose of the Gosch-as-Gannon situation printed on the same day as
Gannett's Des Moines Register whitewash of the story. \ \

/ / Many Americans already suspect that those sworn to their
defense actually conspired in the murder of their wives, husbands,
children, parents, friends and fellow citizens on 9/11. And - so
what? The bitter knowledge has simply become part of the great
tapestry of American dissonance. It's joined the cottage industry
of conspiracy infotainment, because High Crimes in the United
States are simply fodder for dark amusement, not for solving. And
certainly not for justice. \ \

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)

/ / Similarly, with bush and rumsfeld. Their kind of treason is so
blasphemous, people can't recognize that any real human being would
willingly try to actually do such a thing for the windfalls of big
corporate profit, and as such, a many god person, (as often the
good natured and kind hearted), desperately look for any doubt,
than to face such a human fear of real demon behavior in our World
of worlds of every character. \ \

/ / "When I told the translator with the soldier that I was a
member of the National Assembly, he answered: To hell with you and
the National Assembly," al-Shaikh told his colleagues. Al-Shaikh
said the US soldier continued to beat him even after he told them
that he was an elected MP. \ \

/ / The reality that the President of the United States spent more
than 18 months resisting an official investigation into the most
devastating tragedy in our history is in itself an outrage. But
the reality that there is no official body still seeking answers to
vital questions is an even greater outrage. \ \

/ / "A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an
autopsy by a pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to
obtain that autopsy list and you are invited to view it below
(here). Guess what? Still no Arabs on the list," said Navy
veteran, Thomas Olmstead. "Now, being the trusting sort, I figured
that the government would want to quickly dispel any rumors...It
seemed simple to me. . produce the names of all the bodies
identified by the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of
passengers. So, I sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
to the AFIP and asked for an expedited response...Fourteen months
later...and I finally get the list. No Arabs wound up on the
morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not listed by
American Airline sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these
extras." \ \

/ / But I don't hear a whisper of that opinion on television, in
major newspapers, or from the lips of most Americans, no matter how
they classify themselves politically. It's all still mysterious
Arabs to a majority, who have not bothered to notice there was no
evidence presented, that the investigation into that tragic day was
never conducted, and that the people who profited from this demonic
charade are exactly the ones who claim to be its principal victims. \

/ / The decision by the head of Israel's Southern Command to clear
the officer overturned a recommendation by the military advocate
general that he should be severely disciplined. Mr Miller was
killed in Rafah in 2003 while walking back to his lodgings
displaying a white flag and clearly identifying himself to troops
as a journalist. \ \


The Son of Man rocks!

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)

lyrics to,

Guilty of Innocence

you don't need to know your rights, with
bush not going [yet] left denied

he'll state no evidence is required, against
the guilty of, innocence in dire

no need to voice your cries,
bushite would rather market war crimes
with your time

your needs need no loving for, you'll
play a mute dumb bushite slave dying
to score,

The antichrist our enemy, depriving us all of liberty

Forsaken you, forsaken me. Can't you see?







Johnny Wizard's "Time.mp3"

/ / Like Americans do. They don't care about their brothers, as
long as they can make it through themselves. Right?? Bush has got
them turned against the interests in protecting the rights of their
neighbor, and their neighbor thinks the same of themselves. And
this is where bush comes in and kills them both. Kills them all.
Let's God sort them out. Well, I've sorted them out now. We need
a rule of law. Look at the effects of these soldiers. Who would
think you could get a military force to commit heinous crimes
against our beings? How do they live with themselves and their
wicked evil lies? Who are they lying to I ask? Are they lying to
you, the listener? CBC sells their lies, but who's buying? Peace
comes through Justice, and that's what freedom's all about. The
bushites go "We can torture innocent people to death maybe, and
we'll be freedom fighters" because the bushite has no commitment to
true freedom, because it take a brave courageous man, a True
Patriot, to hold those virtues as his own. So, you get a warring
faction of cowards, betrayers to the AMERICAN FLAG, that is what
TRULY, a bushite is, and we all know it to be the case. Who is the
bushite I ask? These are not men. They take command from Saudi
wahhabists. This is who's commanding the third infantry, buford
blount, a Saudi wahhabist.


And that of course gives the bushites and CBC and CNN their
implausible deniability, where they can say their remaining
neutral, by not providing us the facts to allow us to decide for
ourselves. Because otherwise, we wouldn't kill ourselves to profit
the bushmob cabal of God haters. Who victimize innocent Christians
for no other reason but for to profit off our suffering.


Think of all those people in that situation as God. And these, the
bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are completely irrational,
they're making no sense, your fuking up. It's like a cancer that
God of that whole situation, is inflicted with. They're lying to
themselves. If your there to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a
position to demand all the money that has been taken through this
Iraq Development Fund, be returned. \ \


/ / Worse yet, the commission concluded in a 600-page report that
intelligence wasn't politicized. Uh-huh. Frankly, only a
politicized commission could possibly have concluded that "no one
from the White House or Pentagon contributed to the mistaken
intelligence." \ \

Hmmm. Is it that they would have us believe, that the neo-con
faith initiatives are solely based on lies?, for none of the facts
trumpeted by the bushites, were established in their own minds by
critical thinking?

/ / "The analysts who worked Iraqi weapons issues universally
agreed that in no instance did political pressure cause them to
skew or alter any of their analytical judgments. \ \

Yeah but, the American analysts concurred that bush was
misrepresenting their facts.

/ / 26. "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a
lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." --aboard
Air Force One, June 4, 2003 \ \


/ / The U.N. scandal did not cost the taxpayers any money, but
this one is coming right out of our pockets. And, if we can't even
sue the bastards to get it back, we are in big trouble. \ \

The crime is now funneled through the made victim American tax
payers pocket as left unaccounted to through frauds blatant, and
still no cries for Justice, Freedom, REPRESENTATION?


/ / Citizens may be held indefinitely, with or without charges
being made, upon the direction of government officials. \ \

SATIRE? Hardly..

Infinite Injustice In The Global Gulag

/ / There he languished for more than two years until he was hauled
before one of Bush's "military tribunals" last fall. The khaki
kangaroo court duly ruled that Kurnaz was a heinous terrorist who
should be locked up forever -- despite the fact that both U.S.
military intelligence and German police had cleared him of any
connection whatsoever to terrorist activity anywhere in the world.
Completely ignoring almost 100 pages of exculpatory evidence
offered by these experts, the kangaroos relied instead on a brief,
uncorroborated memo submitted by an unidentified Bush official just
before the proceedings began.


The judge ruled that Kurnaz's imprisonment, indeed, Bush's whole
kangaroo pen, was illegal and unconstitutional. To which Bush -- a
staunch defender of law, liberty and civilization -- answered: Who
cares? So Kurnaz, 23, remains in captivity: year after year of
hellish limbo, his youth sacrificed to the caprice of the prissy
autocrat in the White House.


But last week, the Pentagon declined to prosecute 17 soldiers for
brutal murders of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the
recommendation of Army prosecutors. Army investigators also
released 1,200 pages of new evidence last week detailing widespread
"systematic and intentional" abuse of prisoners throughout Iraq,
especially in Mosul; again, the Pentagon declined to prosecute. \ \


The Scandal Behind the Scandal

/ / ``In the EO, Bush is handing U.S. firms `a blank check for
corporate anarchy' in an `outlandish cancellation of the rule of
law,' said legal director Tom Devine with the Government
Accountability Project. \ \

The antiChrist in action, while quasi-Christians go, "Oh, I don't


/ / US aircraft dropped leaflets on Iraqi Resistance forces
fortified behind high hills warning them of the consequences if
they did not withdraw. The punishment, it said, would be painful
for them. The Americans carried out their threat when they bombed
11 civilian houses. The American air raids killed and wounded
dozens of women, children, and elderly persons Mafkarat al-Islam
reported. For their part the puppet governor and mayor of the city
of Tall `Afar both tendered their resignations in protest against
the American bombing of civilian houses in the city. \ \


/ / However, Shyam Sunder, who led NIST's fire and safety
investigation, said there are now better ways to ensure
fireproofing adheres to steel.\ \

Yeah, we sure don't want steel becoming any more of a fire hazzard
than it already is.


Look you might not care for me personally, okay, but this George W.
Bush's treason of nine-eleven is an evil we together, will never,
be too weak to stand against as. As indecisive humans without a
leader, we will never be too few from demanding Justice be served
in respect of Humanity's interest.


Seriously Folks

Napoleon Bonaparte wrote forming governments are forged
only through the public witness of shared mutual
experiences, simple, yet, the bushite strategy
implemented continually on behalf of the enemy forces in
Iraq have been to divide the nation's people with
different "legal" definitions, while speaking for
typical bushite bigotry, by then offering distinctions
of human value between US some from "others". Not
freedom, nor democracy. [Remember: Evil is dumb]

Example: Allawi forbade surviving Iraqi doctors and
nurses from medically treating any of the estimated
200,000+ innocent victims from Falluja [IRAQI vicinity].

Example 2: DYING two-bit bushite war with "foreign"
soldiers paid especially more than a thousand dollars a
day as self confessed RACISTS, and THEREFOR, left
"officially" too weak as, "pissing post illiterates" to
go after real terrorists who torture the innocent, or
real thieves, that have stolen BILLIONS from the Iraqi
Development Fund. Done all to sacrifice life's purpose
for no better good to the ANTI-CHRIST EVIL bush "cabal"
of lying neo-con Christ haters. Allthewhile stating the
objective worth dying young America as bushite for is
"Democracy" in Iraq. But, isn't a founding principle of
any democracy to outlaw thefts, sexual assault, murder?
Again, bushite kills bushite for a stolen nickel that
they just as soon, stole from anybody. If you can
believe it. We need YOU to make some effort to engage
American talk mediae. Perhaps it's only YOU, who hasn't
yet heard a responsibility to this once greatly revered
world of wisdom, of the enchanted, and mystical, or of
the tyrannical as hell bound for suffering and sorrow.
,in which you share allegiance too my friend.

Being caring and compassionate for the victimized
innocent not only feels good, but it is a choice we
would make at being alive to help US survive. To not
speak against the bushite war crimes against YOUR
Humanity, is to not speak in defense of our ancient
dying God no longer found worthy of you Peoples humble
respect. Currently corrupted bushite want my voice of
truth silenced by censorship with false imprisonment,
and those who advocate such hatred for myself and our
humanity, speak no public word or disagreement on my
allegations of high treason by Our Mr. bush Jr.. While
I want to openly debate the, "censorship for tyranny",
corporate talk radio bushite bitches on their furthering
commitment to not allow objections regarding their
contempt for true justice and freedom in America. But
if you singly decide not to support my cause, like
corporate news control encourages, We will be left
forsaken, again. God is Just to the core, like Johnny
Wizard tries to be, while bushite liars lie, cheat, and
steal from America as ourselves measured unworthy for
deliberation to gain true understanding. The Coast to
Coast radio network in America disallows America learn
for why American soldiers are currently sacrificing
their LIVES irrationally. Why? Because there is no
legitimate reason, while bushite pretend in YOUR name,
that there must be another reason but for to rob our
humanity in George Bush Jr.'s name. For if there truly
wasn't another reason, not so then blind, stupid, and
cowardly American soldiers wouldn't be too happy about
the wealthy corporatist bushite commentators silencing
America's dying cries by bushite enemy command. Now
would they? Remember: wealthy blind and stupid bushite
kills/gets killed, poor blind and stupid bushite for a
stolen nickel - a nickel in all likelihood, they rifled
as thieves from some pensioner, that just as soon, would
be their own "grand" parents. Or Yours as someone elses
beside. \ \


"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." -- Frederick Douglass


/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terrorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the innocent.
he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal investigations.
that would normally peruse the actual evil doers. \ \


The Benderman Cause

I felt compelled to support the Benderman's cause in
any way I could, so I am providing America some
arguments that I would use in a court of law to
defend your freedoms. If America would so desire,
I would also be prepared to make a recorded
statement from here in Canada. (I have been
denied access into the U.S..) My positions of
rational argument are naturally based upon our
established facts, and as such, are something few
Americans are afforded the luxury of through
corporate channels. I hope my forcefulness on these
issues does not fear you to doubt I have the best of
intentions when it comes to serving the interests
indivisibly inherent within the American
Constitution. God, I believe is just, and as such, the
ungodly war actions of George W. Bush dictate are
criminal in the worst degree, being a harbinger of
suffering and misery against all of Humanity as
US being the innocent. The innocent in our entirety,
is my "God" that I love with all I can will. I am
compelled as a living human being to defend America
to the last bush supporter praised if need be. I fight
the enemy of God and Humanity with reason,
understanding, Akeido, and a conviction that our
justice system must prevail for me to be truly myself

"He explained to "60 Minutes," "I was told in basic
training that, if I'm given an illegal or immoral order,
it is my duty to disobey it. And I feel that invading
and occupying Iraq is an illegal and immoral thing to

The war was declared "illegal" by the U.N..
Why? Because Saddam wasn't found in breach
of the internationally agreed upon resolution 1441,
(Saddam did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE that was
asked of Iraq by the bush administration, and then
some Mr. Bush refused to even take him up on.
Like national Iraqi television broadcasts.) despite
the lies quoted by corporate news America. There
was no need for the conflict to begin with as was
so reported internationally on march 7th, 2003. U.N.
inspectors had complete unrestricted access to go
anywhere without delay, and known stock piles of WMD
were burned, so could not possibly be
completely accounted for by evidential findings
due to the fact that they were destroyed beyond
recognition. American soldiers were put in harms
way to be sacrificed for no better good, but for to
allow as has happened, the misappropriation, or as
some have alleged, the criminal theft of Iraqi
resources, including monies of the Iraqi Development
Funds through Presidential decree 13303. Which
include the unappropriated, desperately needed,
humanitarian aid provisions still denied innocent
Iraqis, such as potable drinking water and food
stuffs. Democratic principles are DENIED the
Iraqis by the neo-con military forces, such as holding
all individuals equally accountable to a rule of law.
The outlawing of torture, or the outlawing of false
imprisonment has not been professed as the action of
the neo-con "liberating" force. Mercenaries are not
obliged to obey any laws for example. And, "Dr.
Germ", and "Dr. Anthrax" are held solely for the
fact that they know of the scientific hazards of
depleted uranium, and may have warned the
uninformed sacrificing American GI, if not held
illegally against their wills by the enemy.
Commanders such as irrational war criminal
Sattler, forbade all men and boys between 15 to 50
from leaving the city of Fallujah, while refusing to
negotiate with anyone, (because as so was openly
confessed, Sattler had no evidence that Zaqari was
in Fallujah) then leveled the city to kill all it's
inhabitants, estimated at that time near 300,000
people. Using a napalm type WMD, cluster dud
land mine munitions, and as reported, nine two
thousand pound bombs in a city 3 1/2 km by 4 km.
Serving for a military not strong enough collectively
to prosecute such lawless criminal barbarity, is
serving for a military not principled in the American
virtues of freedom and democracy. In truth,
serving for such ungodly criminal command is a
cowardly act of treason. George W. Bush is an
enemy of our Humanity.


From the "anti-government" Johnny essay, "Stand Together or Don't"

/ / How does anyone buy this? On credit? Things are changing
from bad to worse, and everybody appears, from one or two
media accounts, to think, so what or, whatever. Don't drink the
water! A part of the problem is the journalists who are in fact
just trained reporters, who take all the perks and none of the
responsibilities. Selling off themselves to something they have
written, for them to read. Told what is cover, where is
resources, drawing our pictures with their color crayolas.
Telling themselves there must be a good reason why no one is
doing the story! Or they'll take any of a 1000, why think if you
don't have work to? They know the scores, much more money
in advertising. The odds would also dictate a small tiny
informed few who have their minds made closed, polluted by
greed, and lack of power, looking at another side, pleading
ignorance, they didn't see anything at all, and say you won't
either. Exercising power the only way they can, draining from
all, including themselves. Can you believe it? \ \


Protestor's sign: "killing innocent people is the problem
not the solution."



/ / "why should we afford the same liberties and privileges of
justice to the Taliban. Like why should we give them the same
rights we afford ourselves. They're the bad guys. Why do we want
to do any favors for the bad guys." And really that's an
irrationalism. And yet, it was there. You know, people go "you
don't need any evidence, what do you need evidence for, they're
guilty." And the rational, TRUE AMERICAN PATIOTS, would go, "no,
no, no, that's wrong. We want to actually follow the crimes scene
leads at the real murder scene to arrest the true evil doers." \ \


Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush
Administration, when the Secret Service top secretly requested I be
arrested for threatening the life of George W. Bush. They
tentatively planned to have me arrested under the Mental Health Act
to avoid a public criminal proceeding, but however during the
process, I managed to publicly speak on local Manitoba radio for no
less than forty hours regarding Bush in total, and was also well
known throughout my community involvement in live theatrical
productions I've been a part of for more than a decade.


In nabbing those who committed treason against our America's
America on 9/11, needs to be completed by firstly, following the
crime scene leads at the beginning with Bush's prior 9/11 plans
worked with the ring leader's financier, General Ahmad, and how
Condi, rumsfeld, and Cheney with Myers, fits in the picture
together as likewise traitors. The Iraq war is also a crime
against humanity. All stolen monies and property must be sought,
then returned to a legitimized democratic government. Torture is
outlawed, and finally, all innocent people held in prisons by
bushite forces, held without out charge for trial, need to be
released immediately as ourselves being denied liberation truly.
Let common sense prevail.



Forever Hold Your Peace

"I feel depressed," she said after leaving the theatre.
"He (Gibson) went overboard with the cruelty and
violence, and I think Mel Gibson is a bit of a sadist."

It's not the great artist Gibson, but corporate american
cult news who sit back bushiting "It's harmless, now
shut up dummy", knowing sadistic "sexy" rummy dumped
thousands of tons of radio-active toxic waste, along
with land mines to commit senseless, gratuitous mass
murder in residential communities housing the God of

It is bushite america who call themselves Christian, who
fund the Likud with American sweat and labor, to
criminally assault innocent Christians as accused of
nothing but being Christian. They do this as enemies of
Justice and God, to tell US as unbelievers, to
quickening the coming of the Lord, who will in turn,
condemn the individuals responsible, straight to hell
where they rightly belong. (Or prison whichever comes

It is America who sit bushiting "Freedom", while wording
nothing to blindly enslaving whomever, to torture or
murder for whatever by bombing Nations of People
irrationally. No reason., For law. (But to maybe
secretly sell drugs, or steal assets to victimize
Humanity. a.k.a. Jesus forsaken, or WMD bemer's Iraq)

And it is toxic cult corporate america, who let
traitors, bush and rummy murder thousands in New York
City, ("The People") and then escape forever, operation
infinite justice. I don't think so. I as John would
destroy every nazi american bushite happily, to save the
life of one child in any third world country.


Killing people
for no good reasons really sucks. I hate bushites.

Let's get the Patriots together and bag US some Rumsfeld

I just so much hate that demon antiChrist bush, and his
cabal of war mongers, it hurts. Let's just kill George
W. Bush for being qualified to lead but only himself
and Rumsfeld directly up to our NRA's firing squad, for
almost foolishly thinking they would actually escape the
planned murder of US thousands in New York City on 9/11,
then continuing by sacrificing dumdum nazi soldiers on a
cross in a completely unnecessary war against
civilization. What is it that the evil bushites can do
now in Iraq, before murdering untold thousands and
thousands, but for stealing even more of God's good will
towards all Mankind as loved?

[ S I L E N C E ]

No words from the bushites who rule our communications
through corporate news censorship, while Christian
parents call out unheard: why has corporate america
allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God
for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the
up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign? As I
suggested before, (If there are no real men in the
marines) why not just give the unarrested bushmob all
the money they want, so we can forgo all the needless
death and suffering against our friends and family?

[Look, usenet's can be the place anyone
in the world can offer any irrational thought on why
bush shouldn't be immediately arrested or executed as
traitor, but guess what? bushite nazi brethren, either
mostly don't exist in our real world, or can't think to
save themselves as bushwhore nazi dumdums. Dumdums who
advocate the senseless murder of innocent People, and
the continuing destruction of America's America.]


W's Reality Gap

” Whenever President Bush is now confronted with an
unacceptable reality, he either changes the subject -
is steroid use really more important than the environment?
- or expresses confidence in his certainty. "I'm absolutely
confident that..." he'll say, as if the issue is his
determination rather than his conclusion. “

It's his faith infinitive as the antiChrist, where he
has hypnotized the dopey with merely the power of
suggestion, that has brought him to US as foolishly not
conceiving, or most importantly, truly understanding.
So, do we feel sorry for his ignorance as fallibility we
are all prone to own as the human rendition? No. But
for stupidity thinking he could murder US as the
innocent to steal our free values, and just get away
with it by lying to no one continually, is where the
Lord makes our stand for God unseen as miraculous.

The demon bush dictate is not exceptable for my just
little man universe. I knows too much about freedom to
go on dying in bush's forsaken place as innocent
sacrifice. With corporate america's unarrested demon
bush forcing my hand, I would decide to defend by
concluding, he is truly, the enemy of all America.
America: weak without leadership, yes, but not as dumb
as some would have us believe. When is it that we feel
sorry for the thousands of lives bush's deliberate
actions of mass murder have taken for no good reasons?
Their ain't nobody to defend america's overlord, but
through corporate censorship of the reality of who's
really dying for the demon bush liar. I'm the one
anyone would ever have a legitimate fear of getting on
the wrong side of, and if your not in the process of
attempting to get away with murdering some defenseless
family for nothing but to rob from, to each, his or her
own, mostly, right?


U.S. pays millions to discredited Iraqis

” The letter appeared to contradict denials made last year
by top Pentagon officials that they were receiving
intelligence on Iraq that bypassed established channels
and vetting procedures. “

Bypassing America as undefended freedom,, sacrificed to
die for slavery under the unconstitutional as blatant
evil, bushite decrees. Demon bush tells America, and
indeed the World, since 9/11, evidence will no longer be
a requirement to convince US who is a mass murderer, and
corporate news america sells on without the human
opinion present evaluating his true asking price. Man,
that demon bush is sure one true evil bastard when you
think of what he, rummy, and Ashcroft is stealing in our
names censored through nazi fascism. [Granted, I am

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our
Mr. bush Jr. very much.


New Moon

To steal public utility services paid already as owned
completely by IRAQI, (America dying for the bushite
American pension thieves at WorldCom or Britain's
"Dutch"-Shell,) ain't gonna change the business
locations. The evil unAmerican cop killing bushites
think they're gonna party in Manhattan on our dime in
apartments for around $15,000 a month, while sneering at
a homeless beggar on the streets, who thought he was
still in Vietnam.

An oil-for-Iraq program needs to be reestablished, but
transparent to all as addressing the immediate emergency
needs of Iraqis. Private, in the secret back room with
the bushmob nazi bankers, and their private inept
collaborators flustering as international fraudulent
behaviors, just wont do., try as bush might to murder
perhaps millions of Americans uncovered by his
criminally enforced, reduction in health care coverage


The evil bushites think they're gonna party
in Manhattan on our dime in apartments for around
$15,000 a month, while sneering at a homeless beggar on
the streets, who thought he was still in Vietnam.

Perhaps, he is.

Another American soldier owes me a beer, or will be
dying to steal life from themselves as sacrificed for
the evil criminal dictate of Their Mr. bush Jr.. Don't
go silent as the unknown dying enemy to God and
humanity, stand with Justice and freedom in America for
Americans, and I swear, we won't kill ya as the good
guys in the epilogue.

By the bushmob attempting to create unrest, so
Halliburton at al, can continue in the tommy franks
chaos to rob America blind with false billing, instead
of cash paying, is costing the lives of American teen
soldiers. Who god love'em or hate'em, don't have the
intellect to strategize their way out of an open paper
bag, never mind evil bush's false creeds without real
leadership present as living for. Instead of bruising
our egos, the bushites are dropping bombs illegally on
the family.


Ask a dying soldier how it sits to know commi
Halliburton pocketed Humanitarian Aid? Go ahead,
ask'em?! Then ask'em why they die as cowards by rummy
cluster dud for the bushmob to rob their own direct
families left unprotected? Ask'em! You know what
they'll tell you? They're not happy about these bushmob
war crimes truly destroying America in America,
"freedom", "democracy", Johnny Wizard or otherwise., Or
instead they'll mumble something incoherently while
jaunting away to murder some one found defenseless, or
innocent to pay further while dying to slave under the
criminal dictate of the really evil demon bush Jr..

A proud bushite is a toxic bushite halting from warring
the innocent by stealing your human values truly.

We need to see an apology to come from America, an
apology to Humanity for this carnage waged unnecessary,
but for these contemptible war profiteering practices as
direct assaults to all as God is. Assaults that we have
been unable to remedy by openly communicating to bush's
secret White House, rumsfeld's secret Pentagon, or
Ashcroft's secret Justice Department.

Just who's running this show anyway, I wanna know.

A - g - a - i - n

Will Americans save themselves with help from the rest
of US, by arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately for
high treason?, or will they cower and DIE as the
innocent, in false gratitude to the lying traitors
bushmob? To with their dying breath proclaim
unattested, to be ridding the Universe of their
continuing criminal behavior.. a.k.a. evil?

Evidence is a must to establish a crime scene
provocateur, to deny such privilege is to deny freedom
be served as consented through any government.

Hint: Demon bush, rumsfeld and Ashcroft, they ain't no
struggling democracy entirely.

Look, the thing about God coming down, and having it out
with humanity on some various critical issues, isn't
like going to happen, it is doing.

We had complete unrestricted access throughout Iraq
prior to murdering any innocent child in america's name.

These verbs will strike that antiChrist demon down for
ever and a day, and if I've gone, faded away, these
words will still remain,

till now we meet again,

as you were,

Johnny Wizard


Look at this will ya? DU killing American Patriot
Soldiers, while bush revises our continuing history,
like this ain't really happening. I can only again, beg
you as the reader, to wake up to this bush madness, and
support ME, the mythological Son of Man God King
because: my facts I bring to our table, do not change
from your summation of my unbridled character. (I don't
need votes, but a trust in the good times coming through
for trying something better.) As I have said before, you
don't have to support Johnny by donating a few dollars
for Christ sake, but, to have a care for your own
humanity. Or, will doubting me, unfortunately, change
the truly toxic composition of measured radioactive, and
gaseously microscopic, depleted uranium. For we both as
ALL suffer from the demon bush fumbles of corrupt
ineptitude, disguised as heinous war crimes against
everyone. Crimes of murder, that there is no rational
justification for., then, or now. No good reason to
have bombed, then stole from the billed Iraq as
Dutch-Shell victims. Only irrationalisms. Examples:
What can we do now in Iraq, that we couldn't have under
Saddam? Spend tens of billions in investments on
universal health care, or education perhaps? Why bomb
anyone, when we had complete, unrestricted access? What
could bush have demanded for Iraq justly, when his
un-elected entourage is responsible for outrages 9/11,
the Patriot Act, and Guantanamo? So see, now, we have a
really big ego problem. By god, You humans are truly
blind without ourselves to be seen as.

Well, not quite.

Don't forget, Our Mr. bush Jr. also participated
directly with the 9/11 strategy's, top secret
Presidential Directive, of offering no evidence against
Bin regarding some crime that wasn't galvanizing the
world like the lucky, World Trade Center incidents did
in time sensibly. Without 9/11, what would Powell look
like from when in August he gave the Taliban 43 million,
to then in September, going after those that funded the
Justice supporters? How? And, where is the Saddam
money gone for the food shipments?! Our Mr. bush Jr.
has it secretly he writes. He also writes he will not
be accountable to any rules of Law in this Universe
regarding the ownership of said monies he has stolen
through the UN not chirping. I told you, no leadership.
(Good thing we showed up to raise the dead eh? Nudge

Justice and Freedom, like God as Nature, be not feared
as of.

A friend and myself were discussing political
deceptions, and he asked me if I knew what the secret to
the universe was, and I said no, what?, he replied,
there is no secret.

The politics of living is Humanity's survival, and is
what should be as our interests recognized, to be
representative. However, there is often dismal public
failure to characterize hugely heinous criminal attempts
to harm our universal freedoms through unbiased
corporate conduct. Justice must be prime, and maybe You
as the forever unknown still. It's just, that we don't
have customers at National Newscast Central to invest in
ourselves as interested benefactor. Why can not the
widely publicized, and FREEDOMly available, central
questions on 9/11 be asked without answer by Blitzer, or
Aaron? Do they actually have US believing it is in not
our interests to say as much for Justice? For America?
For God as victim? How far would CNN go to discrediting
American soldier after American soldier, blindly
sacrificed for WorldCom bush and Dutch-Shell bremer,
before CNN finally reports on bush's other partners in
crime, like Ahmad, the funder of the 'mastermind', Atta.
Why continue? For as the bushmob, to murder cowardly
Americans while stealing pensions and selling heroin, is
just stupidly dumb, evil and wrong man. So wrote the
holy god guy from beyond his own comprehension as a
timeless wonder, demon slayer. The dumbass bush crimes
against US as God, I will remind you, are very real, and
toll many innocent souls. The criminal sabotage bush
inflicts in his public responsibilities as America,
yearns eternally for accountability to our suffering
World, God included.

I will not go silently.

No, it wasn't Iraqi planning, or of Afghanistan's
students, it was bush, rumsfeld, Condoleezza,, Ahmad,
and likely Mueller as traitors, who decided your wager
as American to be devalued into official, unrepresented
criminality as bound tyrannical. (Tenant and
checheCheney, maybe also..) See, this is why the Patriot
Act rears it's direct onslaught against every American,
barely too, unchallenged by Blitzer, or Aaron. No
Justice for terrorists, is no freedom for bush's america
TRULY. As a result, the fascist sympathizing bigots,
racists, and war crime advocates, will argue they're
inept to comprehend what they know not of, and as we
witness, gain easy unchallenged corporate access by
ignoring our public sentiment. You don't have to look
far for major problems with the, "but bremer said they
were freed Iraqis", or the official 9/11 story line, but
as a CNN news caster, Your dismissed without care for.
I say it doesn't have to be so, oh godless bushite
victims censored.


Turning Logic on Its Head

Bush's preemptive war policy is a war without just
cause. Under international law and centuries of common
legal usage, a preemptive war may be justified as an act
of self defense only where there exists a genuine and
imminent threat of physical attack.

We are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just
the deceived disguised. Boo!

The case is wrapped up, and bush and rumsfeld need to be
immediately arrested for 9/11, for murdering countless
thousands for stolen gain, at the losses to our
humanity, that show through every putrid utterance of
scum bucket bush, as contempt for our living as humanity
through Law. Where a person accused of a criminal
offence without any evidence is clearly innocent. For
why I ask you reader, would any unjustified leader of US
people blame someone for a crime who wasn't linked to
the offense, while working to close investigations, and
not follow through with the ample clues to capture the
true evil doers? Just how cowardly stupid can soldier
families be taken without conviction as themselves worth
fighting for?

Justice for all, and glory be to godly.


Bush's preemptive war against Iraq doesn't even purport
to preempt a physical attack. It purports to preempt a
threat that is neither issued nor posed. Iraq is not
issuing threats of attack against the United States. It
is only the United States which threatens war.

By publicly encouraging attacks against the American
People, bush works to do death, on hopes to then maybe?,
get what he's purposing we are publicly pushing for as?
Blind, dumb, and criminally neglegent; we all are then
agreed? To have no publicly known reason to perpetrate
war crimes against everyone to steal and murder for Our
Mr.bush Jr.?... America's false deity super evil
anti-Christ? The terrorist of terrorists?

The demon who marked evil on the map with an "Oh", for
Ohpression by slaying everyone as the innoncet and God

loving in Our names?

It isn't Our position as humanity, to grant bush free
criminal reign over our rights to judge plainly still
living. Americans do learn a great deal from Sitcoms
thank you very much, and God damn it, we can count too.
2 infinity with everything minumn, and too, where
indivisable Justice is of truly being Human to reason as
the Living Universe.

Oh, but no, here comes Our Mr. bush Jr. who publicly
only confesses as pure evil, nazi vermin, to want to
kill our party by actually, factually, robbing from,
then murdering everybody as his enemy illegally,
irrationally!, and alas, God is truly alone, for CNN, as
most others, have no cause to make on Our cult
mentality. We are all together as One God, despite
corporate news censorship ignoring our calls for
Justice, because, WE are living as agreed, whole
heartedly, to be worthy of fairness officially. As a
democractic political lobby of too, yourself dummy. God
hater nazi sharon really publicly supports the murder of
ourselves being, he states over and over again to rob
and murder from your family to be only a jewish thing.
The Universe, could be, something amazing at a real
world level of sustainability, as there is space to
consider so factually as Existence is believing!
Curently however, the corporate break up is not watching
US performing live as recorded, because they victimize
US always. War is the breakdown of communications, but,
bush, the unelected American cop killer, he isn't
listening to any questions not being stated absent your
appeals to be heard as silently victimized, because...
CNN doesn't want to embarres US maybe? All the robbing
and killing bush and sharon does continually then?,
mistakenly? Dead people don't say much for your world,
eh american niebour? Eh?




Wow! what a great riff!


A gem of a Johnny..

A Repeat Broadcast

It is God's fault, that is of yourself also, that we,
leaderlessly, allow bush to further escape rightful
public trial then life term imprisonment. This world
could be so magnificent, if that demon bushmob wasn't
criminally getting sacrificed so many dying leaderless
American People left undefended.


You, yes, You,, If you would help yourself to try
questing to preserve freedom as your being stolen peace
of pie, you'd be practically sky writing across the
world. Can't sell it, can't buy it, but Being alive is
what living is all about. Take it from me partner.
God's practically wiped out, and the world is falling
apart because of George W. Bush's treasonous war action
against all of US as the forsaken, Humanity, (Jesus You
are.) but, I still see a glimmer of hope. A real
possibility that you'll be getting on to spend some
quality time doing what we all should be doing,
demanding real justice for (Johnn err...) freedom's
bounty. Sure, I'm broke, near homeless, hungry, and
left forsaken by all you little Jesuses too, but golly,
I'm still holding out the dream that you gained
something from your boo-da catholic Jewish Muslim Moslem
Atheist upbringings. Why must we allow rumsfeld to
escape accountability for blindly attacking Iraq to kill
US as the innocent? The demon antiChrist Iraqi conflict
has no basis for just cause. It can never be what it is
not. We had complete unrestricted access, to do
anything bush pleased, prior to sacrificing a single
person for Halliburton and Worldcom, disappearing
billions as the American tax payer, robbing the central
bank, stealing the nation's public resources including
humanitarian aid, dropping cluster duds on American
soldiers along with tons of toxic waste corporately
mandated as completely safe to eat by the poundful. No
joking. Murdering thousands. Demon bush is really evil
to US all man. It gives me as Creator a bad name the
great Johnster can't disguise as only one big dreaming
little g. I consider the conduct of George W. Bush an
insult to my intelligence, and, I don't like it, nor
wish bush's criminal folly to continue stealing the
lives of good people treated unjustly in anyone's name.
Let the US destroy George W. Bush instead of ourselves
as countless my friend, and be thanked in love as a
person who cared for all that is good about America.
Live god damn you People, live!

Johnny Wizard,
Again as the stupid one,


A Better Way
Like the bushmob
partner's theft of billions through Enron, of which in
Congressional hearings, nobody wanted to know the
pension money is still sitting in the Cayman Islands,
ready to be returned to the helpless victims, like an
American soldier's family being deemed by Congress, as
unimportant to their standard of living. No care right
nazi soldier? Just murder innocent third worlders to
tell your mother how much you care so for her? While
the war criminals, working for Dutch shell, heroin
dealers, and the monsters from Iran-contra, rumsfeld and
tommy, the nazi fucks, search the third world for people
who speak outrage against corporate America funding our
deaths by murder through censorship. While I sit here
writing as Johnny, waiting for a corporate professional
to deem me worth topicing on as unstoppable sweet
goodness. Look, read of our no counter opinion critics
in google 'groups', who publicly call themselves morons
or traitors willingly. Spooky dumb I'll tell ya.
We are all the Palestinians being counted
without value by corporate dictates ignoring the human


Johnny Wizard Reveals
Bush did 9/11

A war plan to kill the people of Afghanistan for Enron's power
plant in India was on the White House desk on the ninth of September.
A plan to blame bin Laden for a crime without providing any evidence.
Then 9/11. None of the ample evidence implicated Laden, like none of
the suspects were from Afghanistan, so why not seek the true
culprits responsible? FBI officers have claimed publicly that
warrant requests were sabotaged by someone at headquarters just prior
to 9/11. The CIA has publicly claimed stock options were played on
the loss of the two airline companies as insider trading. FBI
officers claim Mr. Atta received $100,000 in terrorist funding by
General Amed, who was meeting with the Bush administration a week
prior and after 9/11. Then rumsfeld and bush stood against our
humanity without reason to steal our lives, playing out an evil never
before shown to sway their capture as traitors to the American dream.
I demand my voice be heard through our corporate news services, to
accept any debate from those who fight to keep us ignorant on our
ability to freely communicate.

(from Google groups tab,

> > > Here is the original post regarding the Tribunals:
> > > news:<>
> > > And this one is a shortened version, three paragraphs with Jeff, on
> > > the discussion so far with many military usenet sites on the charges
> > > news:<>

> How can one argue against what is documented as proven fact?
> Do fascists fear intelligence?

Again, we witness no counter argument for bush and rumsfeld's treason
against all the American people. They both have struggled diliberately
to hide the culprits responsible for 9/11, blamed a nation of millions
without evidence to murder for Enron, have attacked the American
Constitution, stolen billions from cowardly Americans silenced by the
corporate agenda through frauds blatant...

And, they both need to immediately be tried for war crimes, or taken
out by loyal American Patriots who will stand up for freedom to be

"Peace Now" <> wrote in message


/ / "The fear is necessary for two reasons. And the
principle reason has nothing to do with Iraq. it has to do
with the government itself. The bush government is criminal.
[...] The problem is: how do you keep people from paying
attention to this? You keep them focused on an external enemy.
[..] so they forment this fascistic hatred of a definable group
of people. So, the war on terrorism so called, is not much a
way for the United States to protect itself against it's enemy,
it is a way for it to create enemies, to justify the kind of
repressive measures that would otherwise be intolerable in
peace time." \ \


Me, Art Bell, and 9-11


From the Johnny essay, "Justice for God"

/ / The rabbi, Dov Lior, said a "thousand non-Jewish
lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail". \ \

So, decieved American taxed payers give him a big fat
welfare payment to tell US that robbed as cheated GODLY
Christians don't deserve fair treatment? What would
Hillel say? Buddah? Or Christ? Well, the Torra of
Moses speaks of God himself! coming down here and
explaining the best way to destroy the evil likes of an
anti-Jew enemy of G-d's love, Dov Lior, however, I'm
really hoping, you'll figure out how to stand up for
yourself as just as soon, a Christian, Muslim, Jew or
Atheist, whom the label pirate Dov Lior beleives so
little of, and demand some equal time to demand Justice
for God, as would be Justice for any, to therefor,
include US all as truly worthy.

God bless America by killing un-arrested George W. Bush

/ / All for our ability to communicate freely

There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is... \ \

Liberty and Justice for All

We need a national call on our national airwaves to have
General Ahmad arrested for being an accessory to the
crimes of mass murder on 9/11.

George W. Bush, Condi, and Rumsfeld, need to be
immediately arrested or executed for near escaping the
crime scenes of 9/11. Warnings came, they, (during
bush's vacation), "TOP SECRETLY" tweaked a, ready to go
planned world war strategy that would start off in
Afghanistan, premised, on not following the crime scene
leads of terrorist offenses that had yet to materialize,
while closing judicial investigations through the lead
up, the follow through, now... they're cooked. The
bushmob didn't want to get arrested those, who in his
name would soon, murder thousands of Americans in New
York City, for that event was saved to put into action
his "top secret" planned invasion. A world war plan
kept secret from those in American government until the
dated documents showed up at MSNBC. Confessed without
choice to MSNBC as "fully implemented" by the White
House, the bushite war crimes plan went underway almost
without hitch. By offering no rational reason that
factually establishes bin Laden's guilt, would GUARANTEE
the invasion of Afghanistan. Again, a planned false
allegation for a terrorist crime that had yet to be
committed. But See?, for, without evidence bush's
america would not be following the crimes scene leads
from the actual real murder scene, and the real culprits
are left to continue un-abated as the un-arrested
enemies of The People in God's trust.

The last thing the demon liar bush secretly wanted, was
to have halted Laden with evidence for the countless
crimes he's left his fingerprints at. For in this
history, we remember, the Taliban ended surrendering
Laden freely without any further answers. BUSH k-n-e-w
BEFORE HAND, if he were to offer any shred of evidence
to the World implicating Laden, the Taliban would
fundamentally fight for Allah like they were going to do
freely under Clinton, and rightly send the suspect away
for trial and sentencing on the commission of crimes
against God in America. But, hell, offering Laden up to
the world stage for a crime he wasn't committed to,
would sure ruin evil bush's war against our freedoms as
justice in this world. For, after following the
evidence, George W. Bush and his partners in crime
would now be behind bars for treason, or publicly
executed after a fair public trial regarding the facts
as they stand uncontended. MSNBC reported that bush had
actually signed the top secret Presidential plans in
their possession to rob and kill God's Great America.
For Bush, Rumsfeld, and Condi, garnered no insight from
"out of the loop" Richard Clarke on the subject of
Laden's terrorist behavior, (last minute not
withstanding) nor conversed the details on waging world
wars on intelligence with Tenet. Nor even,
surprisingly, talked with Armitage.,Richard.shtml

/ / We can assume, that Armitage received the same
warning reports about an attack as many other persons
did: George Tenet (CIA), Richard Clarke (CSG), Thomas
Pickard (FBI), Dale Watson (FBIHQ) or Henry H. Shelton
(DOD). \ \

Hammurabi tells History to wake up and kill the ungodly
false accuser, George W. Bush for the highest crime of
treason against our entire Universe, and I too, have to
admit, it's a pretty damn good idea to protect ourselves
from needless sacrifice, but for to make the bushmob
even more wealthier than they are as corporate
successes. Killing bush to save the countless innocent
lives of those the bushite liars confess publicly to
target, would be a gift to God un-paralleled in
gratitude for the love of life in which we all truly
share. Think this God asks: What real man of any
nationality, or religion, wouldn't kill a cowardly
bushite who wars defenseless innocent children with
cluster bombs and depleted uranium?, all so the bushmob
can further get away from stealing from their very own
grand parents they leave back home as cowards



Nick Berg was murdered in a large building with yellow
walls and a cement floor, by overweight white bigots who
of none, don't know the first thing about wearing a
turban, nor, the wise teachings of the Koran. We need
to do an investigation to conclude how many buildings in
Iraq fit those same sized projections witnessed in the
film that match up like Abu Ghraib does, before the evil
bushites go ahead and try destroying the 'sound'
evidence like only the super dummies would, to
ultimately win our favor. George, Son of Mankind here,
look, maybe if you'd just confess to making some bad
judgement calls in our names to devalue the human
species for plunder, while pleading mercy on this Court,
we'll let you live in purgatory for a few thousands


/ / Michigan's Senator Carl Levin asked the CIA
director: "Did the CIA agree with the contents of the
Feith document?" "Senator, we did not clear the
document. We did not agree with the way the data was
characterized in that document." \ \

Wow! The American CIA wasn't buying the bushite lies to
sacrifice the American Gi so to rob further from the
innocent censored either. All told, the death/cost
ratio really sucks for all concerned. Therefor, why
don't all nations of Earth call a temporary truce,
acknowledge our misgivings about each other, but then
openly realize, all people, good and bad, like the
forests and the sky lines, hate the evil war mongering
demon anti-Christ, George Walker Bush more than anything

The bushites, as thoughtless degenerates, are warring
our humanity's great achievements in universal law,
pretending like, we're not even present as interested
party. Great achievements like freedom through
representation, or demanding evidence to establish
someone's guilt, have been around since the dawn of
civilization; however, today, we instead under the
supreme command of the lawless evil bushite, are
willingly ignoring the actual criminals attempting
escape from the murder scene of 9/11, to greater parts
unknown without ourselves left still falling murdered
from Your inaction. By bush and cheney order, unfinished
criminal investigations were halted regarding the murder
of thousands in America.

Through fear of the awesome intelligence enshrined
within the Declaration of Independence, or the awestruck
genius in the simple blurb, "A Freeman shall not be
imprisoned", our demand as the civilized, is deemed not
relevant or profitable to corporate news America. What
does it profit an American to stand up for a stranger,
the neighbors, a distant cousin, or even sworn blood
brother? To know rotten Rumsfeld is feeding American
troops plutonium, while telling next of kin families
it's harmlessly done for a few thou', is like the dummy
rummy cluster dud killing today, yet another American
soldier paid through by collateral, so, don't worry, go
to sleep, nothings happening here but the death of

/ / Bush, immersed in his own world of plummeting poll
numbers, said, "Would the terrorists who beheaded an
American on camera just be quiet, peaceful citizens if
America had not liberated Iraq?" \ \

Who wouldn't kill the thieving evil bushite to save the
lives of the innocent they victimize for stolen profit I
ask everyone to think for yourself?

Look, I'm a pranking wordsmith of fiction sometimes, but
trust me when I tell you, this life death karma
business?, is truly a serious endeavor bush is taking
you for as innocent sacrifice. Willingly murdering good
People for the evil bushites to profit off, is a
sickness we must remedy, like, now. Every moment that
unjust demon celebrates his contempt for the American
Constitution, is another insult to all the soldiers whom
have died giving their lives in honor for freedom from
the tyranny a bushite professes proudly as the enemy,
America's enemy, Humanity's enemy, and God's duty as
ourselves to bring a more timely demise.

I am, King and lord of Creation.

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Can you e-mail this to an American talk radio
program, and witness first hand for Yourself, how far
some will rightly go in disguising their continuing
dishonor of all American soldiers; and in so, of all
which the great American nation was truly founded upon.
Liberty and Justice for All. Especially, you. Oh yeah,
and, could you find it in your heart to support my rise
to world acclaim, as a down and out dreamer, looking for
an easy break into the big time? Imagine: me, the guy
nobody has ever heard of before, knowing everybody!


/ / Do you have a Citibank account? How about a JP
Morgan Chase credit card? Who do you think were the
banks that moved the $3.3 trillion "missing" from the
treasury? Who escaped serious accountability on pump
and dump stock market fraud and gold market
manipulation? Do you subscribe to the New York Times or
the Wall Street Journal? Who do you think are the media
organizations that have failed to ask or try to answer
the UnAnswered Questions of 9-11? Why are you "voting"
for these companies with your money and your attention?
Why are you sending them the signal that despite their
abrogation of their obligations to you and your family,
you will continue to support them with your hard earned
resources? If some of your neighbors are earning 2% on
their bank certificates of deposits, while other
neighbors are paying 18% or more to the IRS or
multinational financial companies, why do we not realize
that this is both a political and profit making
opportunity to cut out a parasitic financial middleman? \ \

I'm with you buddy!!!


/ / ``By their fruits you will recognize them. Do people
pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad
tree bears bad fruit.''-- Matthew 7:16-17 (NIV)

I don't see any ``good fruits'' in George W. Bush's
first term as President. I don't even see the
much-touted ``growth'' that Bush supposedly underwent
after 9/11. All I see is a cruel person who has
progressed from blowing up frogs to blowing up people. \ \


/ / As villager Mohammed stated, "While still in the
village, men were gathered together and beaten severely.
A 70-year-old man suffocated and died when they put a
black plastic hood on him." Of those detained, there
were three boys (ages 14, 15 and 16), 10 school
teachers, three human rights lawyers and 67 farmers, 14
of whom were 60 to 80 years old. All of the men were
taken to Abu Ghraib. \ \


/ / Sutton reported, ``Plans were already afoot for the
Americans to disengage from the city. But before their
exit strategy became public the Americans launched one
final blitz on the besieged town. As the world watched
live on television it was, American generals admit, the
most intense aerial bombardment of Iraq since major
combat ended a year ago.'' What did any of them ever do
to us? There's a word for needless killing: it's
murder, and that's what Bush plunged us into. \ \


/ / Let's be clear about what this means: Gonzales was urging--and the
President adopted as
policy--an end run around federal laws. The War Crimes Act, passed by
Congress in 1996, allows
criminal prosecution of Americans for actions that violate the rights
granted prisoners and
civilians by the Geneva Conventions and for "outrages upon personal
dignity." It is backed by the
full range of federal penalties, up to and including the death
penalty. And all treaties, including the
Geneva Conventions and the Torture Convention, are likewise the
binding law of the land. \ \


I Need Funding

/ / The report, dated May 5, said interrogators from a
National Guard unit attached to the 3rd Infantry
Division had "forced into asphyxiation numerous
detainees in an attempt to obtain information" during
one 10-week period last year, the newspaper said. \ \

Nazi bushite enemies ruled under the traitor to America,
lawless war criminal buford "bush bitch" blount.
America has got to double up the effort to preserve your
rights denied under the tyranny of the evil anti-Christ,
corporate america's George W. Bush, if they want to
survive truly as "The People". Freedom without Justice
is like living without being. Demon bush demands by
threat, that evidence no longer be a requirement to
convince us who is evil, or a criminal, and I, John, am
calling his number up. Reality as a property, is of
which to all we share equally. Substantiated
understanding through rational conclusion, formed by our
evidentiary findings, is all we got to go on when
deciding, whom shall be murdered for the crimes of 9/11.
Mr. bush and cheney, they don't want those whom were
accomplices, found out by AMERICAN JUSTICE, and gee,
...I wonder why that might be.. (They both as reported
[MSNBC], urgently struggled to close FBI and CIA
investigations into the matter of thousands [AFFLUENT]
American mass murder victims). If we like the idea of
"Freedom", then we're going for sure need to find those
responsible for transgressing our boundaries quantified
through law conducted so as measured. Top Priority:
Mass Murder. Only barbaric savages, as enemies of
mankind war the Humanity of which is ourselves. The
bushite soldier is ordered to murder indiscriminately
ourselves as innocent victims, and instead of manly
killing their evil bushite commandeer(s), they weakly
target the innocent by cluster bombs, killing their own
brothers and sisters too they praise, completely without
reason as is their unrecognized self betrayal to
America. That they naturally can't see, because they
have no human character. "Growing up" in some southern
bastion of make believe hell, that votes yet again they
claim, to further dismantle the public works system; for
reading is all for the stupid people. The Constitution?
Declaration of Independence? comic books? All trash a
bush supporter once told me of everything under the sun
in public Usenet discussions, or the entire Internet for
that matter. One out a seven in America is a functional
illiterate, which is just about bush's entire
constabulary, that if knew better, would be the first
ones to vote for impeachment, trial, then,..dream on.
The bushite is led as enemies of America, against the
Constitution once held rightly dear. Held dear to the
American soldier of old, not like the thieving sadistic
coward and bushite betrayer of today, absent the Army
Code, or as in present throughout, the Marine's Handbook
on Leadership. Today, American Chivalry is blindly led
through Donald "how dare they ask for evidence to
substantiate my allegations for killing whomever"
Rumsfeld, Kimmit, and the never forgotten bomb wherever
killer of women and children, Sir Franks. A performing
"Knight" [not real] he proclaims publicly to all,
including the wise wealthy spindlers of "magic" some
said, but were the art at living to bring Justice for
the innocent as victimized. The victimized impoverished
from a savage land chained by the tyranny of fools,
through the veils of a.... George W. Bush!! Evil
incarnate! The most despicable excuse for humans
suffering ever surmised by real understanding.

Wow! Why don't you just take a bow for US already!


/ / Add it all up, and the bill comes to nearly $4,000
per household, not including interest. "I wonder how
people would react if they got a bill from Washington
for that amount," he said. \ \

A bill based on murdering US innocent folks, so the
bushmob's bushite slaves, as traitors to America, can
steal even further from our distant Iraqi brothers and
sisters left destitute by our forsaken name. Demon bush
has no rights to any stolen assets, none whatsoever.

Enemies of Humanity shall lose to themselves by us
winning for just ordered chaos. The intelligence of
believing to surmiss, by golly good god we exist as
truly a miracle. Wow!, we could be simply something
fantastic if we had the will to make life something
greater for everyone included. Doing God a favor. What
pleasure could be greater giving back what you so most
treasure? Think of me doing this as King for investment
on continuing towards a better fortune. I don't ask for
your faith as bush demands you for himself, but ask you
to only find faith in youself as an equal unto Heaven,
and try to form your conclusions by not concluding so
much without any understanding at all. Sugestion:
don't be so suggestable., and think about supporting the
re-start of the American 9/11 police investigations by
firstly, arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately, for
the evilest of high treasons in America., America, the
native home land of a freedom plan never lost to the
tide of political indifference through tech-know
corporate media bias. The driving will for me to
succeed towards a better future, is the freedom as being
committed to Justice indivisable. Ultimately, Justice
for You, means Justice for me, even if you don't
understand as much.

Johnny Wizard


/ / These are only some of the reasons bush must be
convicted for murdering innocent people, or executed by
a real American soldier, dedicated to freedom, Liberty,
and Justice indivisible, for all as US equals. \ \



/ / 5) Was there a coordinated effort with the U.S. intelligence
community and/or British officials to "fix" the intelligence and facts
around the policy as the leaked document states? \ \

Forbidden Knowledge


The most powerful broadcast ever recorded in the history of Humanity.



Feb 23, 2006, 4:50:46 PM2/23/06
REALIZE, FOX, CNN, CBC and amerka's demon lair hosts at Coast
to Coast, have received this post, yet, continue to
TREASONOUSLY mislead US to criminally sacrifice more soldier
families for the richly pleasures of the ungodly demon anti-Christ.


"The ungodly crazycon is a formidible opponent, but I think
God's America will triumph over the evil enemy demon liars."

- King Johnny Wizard

"That is a high act of treason. And it's not, "oh well, but
maybe it's not true.." No, we have the two documents of question."


US Church Alliance: Washington is 'Raining Down Terror' with Iraq War,
Other Policies

/ / "We lament with special anguish the war in Iraq, launched
in deception and violating global norms of justice and human
rights," said the statement from representatives of the 34
U.S. members of World Council of Churches. "We mourn all who
have died or been injured in this war. We acknowledge with
shame abuses carried out in our name." \ \

/ / "As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East,
I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's
assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The first request I
received from any administration policy-maker for any such
assessment was not until a year into the war." \ \


One Thousand A Month Tortured To Death In Iraq


Sleep Walkers


Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil

/ / Yes, war is ugly, brutal and violent. And British
soldiers [guilty of sadistically murdering young children that
were not established by the videos as throwing grenades,
stones, or even bad mouth rioting] are tough, professional and
well trained. We should be thankful they are on our side.

Vincent J. Curtis of Hamilton, Ont., is a freelance writer
who was embedded with the British forces in Iraq last year. \ \

HEy, I got an idea! Lets all kill bush bitch enemies instead,
and see how they likes dying as innocent victim,
eh? Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil. They
advocate the murder, torture, or robbery of the innocent as
our "helpless" Humanity for the ungodly thieving billionaire
bushite neo-con traitors, and figure "we" can't ever defend
getting around to defend ourselves as the godly and virtuously
Patriotic to the fighting core - actual TRUE god Warriors.
Death to the non-negotiable enemy bushite "I" say, and Love to
Life as real Freedom is Heavenly.


/ / One Yemeni prisoner was interrogated so roughly that,
according to the National Journal, he finally said in
exasperation, "OK, I saw Bin Laden five times: three times on
Al Jazeera and twice on Yemeni news." His "admission" was duly
recorded in a case file: "Detainee admitted to knowing Osama
bin Laden."

His case is not uncommon. For detainees at Guantanamo, legal
proceedings appear to resemble Salem witchcraft trials.
Presumption of guilt and tarring by association abound, while
the rules of evidence are perfunctory. These are not the
American values our soldiers are fighting for. \ \


/ / But when a Jew, Ezra Levant, publishes cartoons that
incense Canada's 600,000 Muslims and touch off demonstrations,
well that's "free speech." \ \

Er.. Yah but... Ezra Levant ISN'T Jewish! So, then, it
isn't about a culture clash, it's about the bush bitch
anti-Jew G-D desecrater Ezra Levant, a true anti-Semite if you
wish, and his corporate contempt for the still beating
teachings - forever enshrined/locked in the Holy Torah

Later in the article however:

/ / Levant illustrates how the Zionist movement (a.k.a. Neo
Conservatives) co-opts conservatives by paying lip service to
their social issues while roping them into the NWO's
geopolitical agenda. \ \

Same thing. Zionist Neo Conservatives often likewise co-opt
the Jew label too. There is more to being Jewish than
covering a bald spot with a funny hat, or being related to one
of the more than fifty million people that tragically died
fifty so years ago at the hands of the same Nazi Bush family
Empire of demon liars.


/ / The cameras are about behavior control and creating an
omnipresent atmosphere whereby the citizen consciously regulates
his own behavior so as not to seem suspicious. The surveillance
cameras are there to make a statement. We are the prison guards,
you are the prisoners. \ \

/ / In typical disingenuous neocon fashion, Pipes alleges
a “conspiracy theory” but refuses to cite or quote Bollyn’s
article. \ \

The Good Lord calls for the Global Killing
of Unarrested Bushite Enemies
/ / The cameraman, a soldier, filming these violent scenes laughs
and says: “No crying kids, no crying!” \ \

/ / All the while the callous cameraman delivers a
stomach-churning commentary urging his mates on, cackling with
laughter and screaming: "Oh yes! Oh yes! You're gonna get
it. Yes, naughty little boys! You little f***ers, you little
f***ers. DIE! Ha, ha!" \ \

Have you seen this video? the children, of at least one was
murdered, look to be about twelve. Reported nation wide as
"civilians" maybe "youths", but not children by corporate
fascist news content controls. In fact, I don't believe CNN
or CBC even aired more than two or three seconds of concern.
Those are my kids, and I'll kill without question any wannabe
bushite enemy who demands I have no RGIHt! to act in their

I beg you on behalf of Jesus, join me in hunting these enemies
of Life down to death. I will give anything to anyone to have
these evil nazi bushite savages destroyed - death to the
thieving bushite that Bush and Blair leave walking our streets
as free to further commit crimes in our names. Who was
arrested? Who is investigating? See the bushite, you kill it
for America, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for the love
you have of freedom, life, and God.

"Three individuals have been arrested who might be implicated
in the allegations although it would be inappropriate to
comment further."

ho, here comes the King of the gods, Son of Man eternal
defender of God principle - in the form of normal old me,
the Life giving man destroyer of enemy bushites fellow. An
Army of One.

/ / Seven Iraqis die in British custody. How many soldiers
are charged? None: This is not the first incident to involve
the Queen's Lancashire Regiment and allegations of brutality \ \

/ / Germany’s TV news magazine, Report Mainz, cited accounts
by the International Committee of the Red Cross that there
were over 100 children in US custody and that soldiers had
abused children. \ \

/ / CLAIM: Rarely did QLR troops wear floppy jungle hats in
Iraq. Though all had them, they were encouraged to wear
either berets or helmets.

REALITY: Soldier B: "We wore floppy hats all the time. A
beret was too hot, helmets cumbersome."

The Mirror has seen pictures of QLR troops, including
themselves, in Basra in floppy hats. \ \


/ / In other words, as one analyst phrased it, "Congress would
never have granted Bush permission to do something that,
according to Gonzales, it had already granted him permission
to do." \ \


Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow

Let it be known, that the senior management national news
reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to
defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George
W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
and Myers.

We shall, start there, and continue on until we've nabbed
every last treasonous culprit found at the ends of the ample
crimes scene leads. Propagandized stupider than the fates
will allow, an American is universally recognizing itself as
an enemy to their own cowardly dying selves. For, my friend,
America's America will not stand undefended with these beliefs
of mine I give freely. Soldiers along with honorable Police
officers I would ask, to bravely/politely demand our time
on national broadcasts for the spoken defense of Justice for
America. For, Johnny wants to debate the bushite publicly on
the validity of the Iraq war, considering that it has no true
justifiable cause. Meaning: all stolen revenues will be
returned to the Iraqi people, with interest, paid for by those
responsible for stealing it. Justice Johnny has now
officially arrived on the scene to hunt bushite down to the
ends of life - to teach'em with kind words, or the other way
with graver sentences handed down by us believers in freedom
from tyranny. Hint: Don't ---- with the real Children of God
who are refusing to take more chances with enemy bushite
neo-con bullshit. An innocent person shall not be imprisoned
in my name, nor shall they be tortured, robbed, or murdered.
Bushite enemies that don't like that arrangement, we arrest,
try, and if convicted on the war crime capital offenses of
first degree mass murder, such as we will find regarding
Mattis, Blount, Russell, and Sattler, Allawi and Doud, then,
and only then, we together will joyously have them publicly
executed for the good of the entire body politic. In the
name of Jesus, Allah has spoken for life in which all are
granted equal privilege to love with everything we are
together alone with the stars. Death to the ungodly bushite,
instead of the innocent they target for plunder with
treasonous lies as a betrayal to our real names.

God, Johnny, You, and the Great America.

The awesome and amazing Johnny Wizard speaking nationally in America!


The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©

/ / "The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
would never have been possible under the oppressive
regime..." \ \


When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

= Highwater =


The Verdict

The Winnipeg Police Department is running a fencing operation
out of their "Exploitation" Unit. Disclosed by a current
serving officer in the Unit during the preliminary. In one
case used as an example, a law abiding Winnipeg business owner
had 50,000 dollars worth of business equipment stolen, and if
he wanted it back, he would have to make costly "legal"
efforts through a corrupted Justice system in Winnipeg that
holds Canadian Soldiers in complete contempt by "Law". The
Crown has not only refusing to co-operate with defending
Winnipeg citizenry, in relationship to the, National problem
of fencing through bad lawed Police action operations, and the
lotteries [information forwarded in part by the elected
Premier of our Province], but also, in respect to our
sacrificing soldiers. Soldiers who Canada now knows without
shadow of doubt, are being maliciously propagandized through
the corporate mouth pieces of the most heinous war criminal of
history, the ungodly enemy of Creation responsible for
instituting the terrorist crimes of 9/11. Obstructing Justice
by aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of first degree
mass murder in New York City is suppose to be a serious
offence in Canada. So, as treasonous to Canadian Liberty, the
Crown in my case is refusing to have the police chief, or
other Crowns look into this matter. [I suggested by my Court
motion to our Court system to consider contacting another
office from a different province perhaps.] While the Judge,
publicly for the Winnipeg record, agreed to side with the
Crown instead, without stating the whys - that Justice for
Canada would not be served under his rule on my suggestion.
Just put a soldier in prison if they should dare stand up in
defense with their lives for Canada is what this unjust case,
yet to be reported on by our national press, is turning out to
be actually. I would ask you once again, to please make some
effort to get on local Winnipeg Radio, or Coast to Coast to
plead for some defense on this matter of morality. You know,
this Freedom thing does involve you too. So, George Norrie
and the rest of you lot, listen, I think you've made some
horrible judgment calls, and I'm asking you now, to live up
to your responsibilities to my America, and invite me on for
free discussions on these matters.

All I want is to challenge the man.


P.S. Maybe Harper won't be so bad... Doh!


A Soldier's Life Held in Contempt

The way I see it, is that I am completely documented correct
on who was responsible for the terrorist crimes of 9/11. I
have my own theories on why our media and police services have
failed our Soldiers by refusing to support my cause directly
thus far, but I am far without hope.

I believe the failures of me gaining direct wide support
through our police services and the Court of Queen’s Bench, is
much more so for fear of uncertainty, and lack of leadership,
than a general, across the board support of furthering Bush’s
war crime sprees by going still silent while Canadian soldiers
are left forsaken. I speak out publicly often regarding the
911 evidence in America, and email campaigns of my writings,
done for public recognition, I’m told, continue to swell to
near epic proportions. Intelligence officers the world over
most certainly know of my position on this matter. Those who
may support the fight for Bush rule in our police services,
can mostly only do so, risking in dishonorable blind personal
fear of the great unknown I figure. And, crazy as this may
sound, I believe there is a spooky cool God, for I’m walking a
groove most all of the time.

The affidavit that starts “1. National Security Issues” was
submitted in conjunction with my motion to request assistance
from the Court. The additional paper “Stand Together or
Don’t”, was an added part of the same affidavit.

The affidavit with 38 positions was submitted with the two
motions, “Order of Production” and “for the Crown to Stay
Proceedings”. Duplicate copies of the same affidavit were
submitted in each respect.


"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret


/ / In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." Congressional Republicans gave
a standing ovation to this remark, which amounts to a
declaration that, in the war for "freedom" and "democracy" in
Iraq, there is no room for such trifles as control over the
military by the civilian authorities, and subordination of
decisions on war and peace to the democratic will of the
American people. \ \

Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the benefit of the enemy neo-con.

These are the motions than were filed on behalf of Johnny
Wizard's defense in Winnipeg. A man arrested for threatening the
continuing existence of the lawless demon anti-Christ, Our Mr.
bush Jnr. The demon nazi who murdered thousands in New York
City as God's enemy. I, beg and plead my case to ALL that
will listen. The tyrannies of suffering on our God happen
when good people go silent in the face of evil. Please do not
forsake all that is good within yourself, by leaving my call
unheard from.




I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba


Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]


On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.

CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just


RTÉ News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41

The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.

The US Government said there would be no negotiations.


[This following document was the official damning account]

Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001

[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]

"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."

The document doesn’t hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?


Investigating the Investigation

After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."

...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.

6. : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...

`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'


October 9 2001 - The Times of India

"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."


No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden’s for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the


former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill

"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi


Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von

"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."


Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."


" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "


The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.

From "An American demands the truth from you" by Karl W. B. Schwarz

" I demand to know what energy companies were in that Cheney
Energy Task Force meeting and what discussions there were as
to the steps that would be taken to remove the Taliban and
Bridas Corporation as the last remaining obstacle to the
United States controlling the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. I
met that company in 1999 and have known since then about the
Bridas v Unocal, $15 billion interference of contract lawsuit
in US District Court, Southern District of Texas. I also know
about the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision on September
9, 2003 that upheld the Bridas $500 million arbitration
settlement and the March 22, 2004 denial of Writ of Certiorari
at the United States Supreme Court, Case 03-1018, Turkmenneft
v Bridas."


From "Fresh Memories of War" by Kandea Mosley, The Ithaca Journal (New
York), 25 May 2002:

"We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army
Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody there,
they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there
were women and children to kill them."


Quote from "A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial
Bombing of
Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting"

by Professor Marc W. Herold Ph.D., M.B.A., B.Sc.
Departments of Economics and Women's Studies McConnell Hall
Whittemore School of Business & Economics University of New Hampshire

When U.S warplanes strafed [with AC-130 gunships] the farming
village of Chowkar- Karez, 25 miles north of Kandahar on
October 22-23rd,killing at least 93 civilians, a Pentagon
official said, "the people there are dead because we wanted
them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1
When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I
cannot deal with that particular village."



"American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi
civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.

And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line
coming out from the Pentagon's spin doctors Specialist
Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma when
it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just
pulled the trigger."

The Crown would argue this issue isn’t in her jurisdiction,
however, it is in mine as a expressive communicator fighting
for freedom from real tyranny. An irrational tyranny that
only stands exercised by corporate "news bite" censorship, and
false imprisonments. An American Prosecutor put Sergeant
Benderman in prison for refusing to kill God’s children. Now,
what do you really think America would do, if "they" knew that


Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally
responsible for


"Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said
they had no weapons, but that with shots coming in the men
were legitimate targets because they ran."


CAIR also wants the Pentagon to investigate a photograph
circulating the Internet of two Iraqi boys and a U.S.
soldier. A smiling soldier stands besides the two boys who
are giving a "thumbs up" sign, as one of boys holds a sign
written in English that reads, "Lcpl Boudreaux killed my Dad,
th[en] he knocked up my sister!"

(Link to photo:


Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden inquiry was
[this story was on Bush’s top secret W199i directive]

This information would take a well paid intelligence officer,
or CBC reporter no more that thirty seconds to look for follow
ups. For, I know, the BBC did also a national news report on


INTERVIEWER: Are you aware that this tank is contaminated with

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive.

INTERVIEWER: But we have measured it.

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive, not this tank.

"Basra is on a river," he noted. "A DU shell poisons the
water in a river. It poisons the grasses and the grains. It
sinks into the ground and poisons the water table. When it
gets into the body, it does incredible damage. The
combination of radioactivity and heavy metal toxicity is such
that it affects the DNA in such a way that you get genetic

[thousands of tons of measured radio-active toxic waste, heavy
metals, oxidized to microscopic particles as small as a tenth
of a micron have been deposited in our airspace, however, CBC
and CNN have refused to inform ourselves on the scientifically
measurable extremely serious health concern issue..]


Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, "In the exercise of his
plenary power to use military force," Yoo insisted, "the
President's decisions are for him alone and are unreviewable."
Yoo was also quoted recently on CBC national news report
regarding the torturing of innocent people to death, to state
something like "President Bush doesn’t have to justify his
opinions to Canada or even to the United States for that


The incriminating FBI email dated 22 May 2004, indicates that
president Bush personally
signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order."
(See original at


U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'

"Mr. House will argue that American soldiers are guilty of
war crimes and that forcing Mr. Hinzman to fight in Iraq
would have made him a war criminal.

He will call as a witness former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant
Jimmy Massey, who is expected to testify that he and other
soldiers shot more than 30 unarmed Iraqis, including women and
a six-year-old child, at a U.S. military checkpoint."


that a clandestine military task force in Iraq was beating
detainees, ordering Defense Intelligence Agency debriefers out
of the room during questioning, confiscating evidence of the
abuse and intimidating the debriefers when they complained."


A sacked CIA official is reportedly suing the agency for
allegedly retaliating against him for refusing to falsify his
reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to support the
White House's pre-war position.


``I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what the
infantry does, kill people, and I had no justification for
doing so,'' he testified. ``This was a criminal war. Any act
of violence in an unjustified conflict is an atrocity.''


Williams's squad stopped a dump truck, and an Iraqi climbed
out. "Light him up!" the sergeant ordered, according to
testimony, and the squad opened fire, killing the unarmed man.
Williams and a squadmate reportedly got into an argument over
which of them had scored Company C's first kill.


It gets worse. We already knew about the Franklin County,
Ohio, precinct that tallied 4,258 votes for Bush when only 638
people had actually voted.


Israeli Soldiers Going In For The Kill: A 13 year old
Palestinian [JEWISH] school girl is about to die

"It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastwards, a
girl of about 10. She's behind the embankment, scared to

"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a
three-year-old, needs to be killed."


US forces unleashed more than 20 air strikes and some 60
artillery rounds on Monday, said Major Todd Desgrosseilliers.
[...] An AFP reporter in the Jolan district said one building
in every 10 had been flattened. As US-led troops closed in on
the neighborhood overnight, at least four 900-kilogram bombs
were dropped in the city's northwest.

[destructive radius of a 900-kilogram bomb is half a
kilometer, and all TRUE accounts of death rates for Fallujah
alone, a city where the population was forbidden to leave,
exceed two hundred thousand innocent souls.]


The Bush Administration
In rush to defend White House, Rice trips over own words
Friday, March 26 @ 10:12:40 EST

By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank, San Francisco Chronicle

"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban.
The CIA contradicted Rice's earlier assertion that Bush had
requested a CIA briefing in the summer of 2001 because of
elevated terrorist threats. And Rice's assertion this week
that Bush had told her on Sept. 16, 2001, that "Iraq is to
the side" appeared to be contradicted by an order signed by
Bush on Sept. 17 directing the Pentagon to begin planning
military options for an invasion of Iraq."

[ And...]

"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret


Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.

HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."

With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent


Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor, went
public several weeks ago after releasing a 19 page academic
paper, essentially showing how the laws of physics do not
support the WTC's freefall and, consequently, the official
government story. It should be known that World Trade Center
Building Seven was not struck by an airplane, yet fell exactly
the same as the two towers.

Below both towers were found pools of molten steel, only
creatable with the heating by high explosives.

Excerpts from "Me, Art Bell, and 9-11 by Lisa Guliani"

The official version of the WTC collapses defy both Galileo's
Law of Falling Bodies, and also Isaac Newton's First Law of

..if we know that hydrocarbon fires can only reach a maximum
temperature of 1517 degrees Fahrenheit, how could they
possibly have melted this steel, when the melting point of
steel is 2,795 degrees and the boiling point of steel (when it
becomes a molten liquid) is 5,182 degrees Fahrenheit.

The existence of these burning pools of molten steel were confirmed

- Mark Lorieux of Controlled Demolition, Inc
- Peter Tully, President of Tully Construction
- and the American Free Press newspaper


"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."

Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee


The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.

At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.

Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"


"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it
is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it
is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it
is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or
a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people
can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is
easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism
and exposing the country to danger." -- Hermann Goering, Nazi
leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II


On the wall of the National Holocaust Museum: " Thou shall
not be a victim, thou shall not be a perpetrator, and thou
shall not be a by-stander"


The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!




Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.

1. National Security Issues

I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our
national security services are obligated to practice under, to
insure our national security matters are being truly defended
in my respect. No change in summation of my character was
altered, after they were granted a search warrant to verify it
was me who publicly spoke out for honorable FBI officers
denied their rights to speak freely, then as the Court knows,
instead of doing what they argued to grant such privilege to
infringe on my personal liberty, enforced a less than perfect
law that most others would buckle under, even if they harbored
no criminal intent, and would never do anything to infringe on
the rights of any child. For I challenge; it does not serve
Canada's interest (in particular our teen soldiers) to
knowingly have Canada propagandized under the serious failures
of CBC and the National Security Services to lend no wanting
cry to hear REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with
evidence and everything, President Bush's business partner,
(who was at the Whitehouse Sept. 9th working on the top
secret invasion of Afghanistan strategy to heavily arm heroin
pushers who war to keep women as slaves while weaponizing
children - done all for a liquefied gas pipe line to profit
his darling dear Enron) funded 9/11's "mastermind"
"ringleader" Mohammad Atta. Inside sources from the RCMP have
notified me, that in the last four years, Section D's salaried
employees, have done practically nothing to serve Canada's
interest in this respect. While Canada's CSIS does not have
the legal ability to speak out publicly regarding the criminal
transgressions of President Bush, and because of this nature
of CSIS's position, they have almost only fears to live with
by trying. A CSIS officer told me, many were completely aware
of President Bush's criminality regarding his hugely
treasonous actions of mass murder on 9/11, but could do
practically nothing about it outside of filing the reports
with the federal government, or maybe anonymously sending
something to CBC, with no promises that anyone would actually
read it. All the while, the senior CSIS boss brags
contemptuously in public about his ties and commitment to his
friends in the ISI. Perceived easily/mistakenly I'd imagine
as a threat to all of Canada's Honorable police officers and
Judges. [General Ahmad was the Bush junta's appointed head of
the ISI.] I think Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin is
genuinely a good man, but it is hard to see him publicly take
a stand on this issue, [if he even received said reports] on
behalf of honorable police officers and soldiers everywhere,
in defense of the human race, risking everything, considering
he already does bring about a great deal of good for Canadians
where he stands. [Compared to you know, a let's send the kids
to war for whatever Harper, or nobody in Winnipeg
("officially" 86%) wants us to give away the public assets so
let's do it anyway for ourselves privately Filmon] But to know
the RCMP's Section D, sides that they can't tell us the top
secret reason they have not perused Justice for the sake of
Canadian soldiers who bravely put their lives on the line, of
which some have already died, is a situation no Canadian would
tolerate if they knew these freely available facts to decide
for themselves. Sure we can be counted lucky that only so few
Canadians have died thus far, but when will the sacrifice of
Americans, Afghanis, Iraqis, and soon to be Iranians with the
Syrians, along with more than fifty other countries officially
marked for death by the lawlessly irrational bushite
terrorists, be more than YOUR willing to bare? As publicly
reported repeatedly in European press, Mr. Sattler ordered
the bombing of health care clinics in Fallujah as first strike
targets because he didn't want doctors or nurses to "falsely"
report that his forces target primarily the innocent to steal
more from America in blood and treasure. Then under Sattler's
command, they proceeded to monstrously murder more than two
hundred thousand innocent souls, while covering the region in
radio-active toxic waste that will continue to kill for a
scientifically estimated billion or two years. Hell on Earth
is what un- arrested Sattler represents as an enemy to all
living things. God included. An aside: Did you know the
commander of the Third Infantry, Maj. Gen. Buford 'buff'
Blount III, is truly a Saudi Wahhabist in disguise, who took
up the job at the request of the Bush junta, and subsequently
left near 170 tons of plastic explosives unprotected for
looting in Qaqaa? Why? Well when asked why he commanded to
leave the weapons unattended to instead, go carnage Baghdad,
with, I'm serious, sanctioned thieving expeditions, he
replied, he just wanted to let us know he was there. "We just
wanted to let them know that we're here.'' In Basra, the
coalition is still leaving as of last week, more than 30 known
weapons storage facilities unprotected. See, the neo-con
peenacker gang can't steal everything without a stupid man war
going. Left continuing unattended without national
discussions, leaves further in it's wake, more innocent
victims of war crimes fallen undefended. I would ask that
instead of me seeking to find where it is written, that the
RCMP must be committed to getting the man for nine eleven,
perhaps I can just request we work together, for a national
CBC radio forum kicked off by some kinda joint, international
press release acknowledging briefly our failures to
communicate in the past, and politely request where Canada
could go through open line discussions on these very serious
matters. We must not allow our soldiers to be made
misinformed by CBC's unwillingness to bravely with honor,
defend our great Nation. Or, perhaps, Canada might want to
consider hiring me on as, we'll see how it goes honorary RCMP
spokesperson?, a paid consultant for my expertise in
recognizing the real bad guys, and then I'll go out there, and
win the good fight by using praise with fewer insults. If we
stay committed to defending freedom by defeating war
criminals, we all will be the better for it. Now, take me to
your leader.

2. Local Police Issues

As so was brought to the attention of the Courts in the
previous motions, through considering the charge that was
brought against me, (where no criminal intent in alleged, and
nobody can possibly see a digital image until it is already at
least in one's possession, case closed, I'm free to go still
without my stolen computer gear.) I discover, the child
exploitation unit is not operating in a manner that would
effectually reduce the proliferation of truly illegal
materials. They have included images to demonize me that they
must know are left legal to distribute, or for those couple
images categorized as for sure illegal unto themselves, are
left publicly unhindered when it comes to Police questioning
in a manner that would concern illegal public expressions.
Now, I personally don't believe the Courts are consciously
operating in a nefarious manner deliberately to steal computer
gears to sell as sadomasochists who enjoy seeing lovers of
life go to prison falsely for five year stints, but come on,
something seriously needs to be done in how things there are
run. I believe the failures are, in part, do to the personal
fears officers have of the information universe; for to
acknowledge information sharing through p2p networks or
Usenet, would be to witness criminal code violations by the
score going corporately unaddressed. Like Bush being guilty
for high treason in God's America for example, Iraqi church
goers slaughtered by faithful Bush lovers, women raped by
"freedom fighting" GIs, the sex slave trade, or that VLT's are
being run criminally (section 209, 380(1) 380(2), 181, 52(1-4)
with a math game scam that even a sixth grader can figure, but
not the "Free Press" editor, or commercial savvy CJOB's Vic
G-----. Being our city's big Bush backers, where our dying
universe is simpler, like "we don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty", refuses a, trying to be responsible citizen to
formulate their own conclusions through our media on why we
have laws. Anyway, I need to have some one to cross check the
"illegal" images through recorded internet domains, to see
which ones are/were located in Canada and elsewhere, and what
if any attempt the exploitation unit tried to limit found
providers. I suspect many providers they would claim they
can't do anything about, are so not because a crime is
occurring, but in that respect, actual evidence of criminal
conduct would be required before an internet provider, server,
or site owner could be recommended for censorship. Not this,
twenty year olds look like they could be ten year olds, or
that, simply naked children being human should not be viewed
in their/our minds as something youthfully beautiful.


3. Constitutional Challenges

This possession charge absent intent, where everybody is auto
guilty to lose all their stolen computer gear through
fraudulent demonization of the innocent included, is a for
sure, crime in progress. I'd imagine if we had a public
inquiry, we'd find what the exploitation crews are doing, is
needing to locate only a small few arguably illegal
depictions, then trumping up a lot of fraudulent totals.
Figuring, I'd imagine, if they openly started convicting
individuals for a couple of images they perhaps deleted when
witnessed, people might begin to ask, just how much money is
the unit taking in sold stolen merchandise? Perhaps 50,000
dollars in a single case where the business owner of said
stolen property wasn't even charged for a criminal offense!
No troublesome Court appearance required to protect your
public business image even! Generally, in cases that do reach
trial, all images are seldomly reviewed by the Courts, and at
the "professional" porno viewers discretion, or the Crown, a
small sample is only offered. [The professional naked people
person they have in my case I suspect is lost somewhere in
bushville as the clinically insane, or just extremely helpful
to my Judicial cause, thanks big guy, either way.] This has
worked largely unhindered because lawyers for the defense
wouldn't generally see a connection. For only one freely
available image that you couldn't see until you already had
it, is all that is needed to put a, loss for words Canadian,
in prison for half a decade. Not only that, but such
convictions insist irrationally that the guilty must also be
sexually deviant and require professional counseling. The law
enforced absent rights infringed needs to be Constitutionally
challenged as clearly unjust, and the sentencing structure as
being seriously cruel. [What does one guilty of an actual
assault for comparison get, or better yet, threat of assault
that was never truly made?] So, as a result, I need the
assistance of Constitutional lawyers who would provide me
consultations on prepatory requirements and on the relevant
Constitutional questions regarding this specific challenge.
And maybe co-operation with the Crown or Police chief to tally
records and total sales figures on cases under similar
circumstances to consider the exploitation unit for
re-evaluation. [Example: The foolish, faith in ignorance
argument given by all similar units, is that nothing can be
securely deleted from a hard drive is assuredly patently
ridiculous. Truly indicative however, that we do indeed have
a real hidden problem here regarding their/our intelligence
gathering capabilities.] While maybe supporting public
discussions on how to even improve further, the valuable work
that the exploitation unit surely does do already somewhere
I'm sure to operate for our interests. We may together have
to overthrow CJOB with our human skills at demanding some
space to talk about bettering our lives by communicating
without two minute commercials every five minutes, and opening
up the phone lines to talk about whatever. They take too much
from us as the clearly disenfranchised already. Like, so
who's talk radio station is it anyway?

4. The Crown's Crown

I have concerns regarding the job requirements that our
community asks a Crown to bravely achieve. One, would be to
pursue Justice for the principled betterment of our society.
It is clear to anyone familiar with my case, that our
corporate media managers have decided for one fear or another,
that such noble reaches must be left from the grasp of
Canadian soldiers and their loving giving families. This
place the Court holds of a principle that all people should be
treated fairly, includes those we know Bush has already had
murdered in America under these left silenced demands for a
true accounting by good police work completed already. The
fear that every criminal Court Crown shrugs off when proudly
defending the innocent in our legal challenges, seems thus
far, absent in support of Justice for Johnny. When I read
statements from the Crown stating, John's legal arguments
against traitor Bush is irrelevant to the case our Crown
hold's against myself, in our name as Canadians, smacks of an
unjust and blind totalitarian state. Corporately broadcasted
uncertainty is forsaking the innocent lives of Bush's
continuing real murder victims. Certainly, the Crown has a
responsibility to pursue just causes, and granted, can falsely
suspect I don't hold the best of intentions towards life with
everything I am. However, the Crown's summations of my
character will never change the official FBI's conclusions
arrived at by following the crime scene leads, at the real
murder scene, to discover who personally is still escaping
arrest for mass murder of our good friends in New York City on
9/11. A crime who's principle perpetrators obviously
faithfully count on this form of injustice to dictate
continuous failures by our Crown to serve our public interest.
For whatever reason, my case documents a corporate news agenda
of non-committal in our pursuit of Justice for ourselves as
the little people. Ourselves, including the Crown's of all
Canada, are, without doubt, denied fair representation by CBC
standards. Canada is being left not defending honorable
American police officers, doing their jobs to the best of
their ability, should not leave too, our Public's Crown
unrepresented. (If the Crowns of Canada so willed it in our
names.) So, I would ask that the Crown's refusal to speak out
for Canada, while fighting to silence my cries with an unjust
as cruel prison sentence, be investigated for obstructing
Justice, and therefore, aiding and abetting the terrorist
crimes of first degree mass murder. Now, how to do this...
I'm not sure. Perhaps the Court's assistance of aid in the
form of one or two Crown offices from a different province in
Canada could be considered, or a Constitutional Law firm more
up on what all I got to work with here. Look, somebody has
tricked my nation, and subsequently our naiver youths, into
excepting Canadians can not hear the silenced screams of
global tyranny. If soldiers the world over need to die for
Bush, let it be for something worth fighting. Freedom must be
Canada, a Canada that would go if asked, in favor of Universal
Justice always. Just ask US.

Your Friend,

John W.





For an Order of Production






This Notice of Motion regarding an Order of Production is to
have disclosed to the defense, the complete evidence without
undue hindrance, evidence the Crown holds against the accused
as a member of our public. These following arguments are the
reasons why Justice must prevail in these proceedings:

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 7. "No person
shall be deprived of life, liberty or security of the person
except in accordance with the principles of fundamental

R. v. Stinchcombe "[...] counsel for the Crown is under a
general duty to disclose all relevant information."

In R. v. Stinchcombe, the Supreme Court of Canada held once
again, as any legitimate Court of any land would, that the
accused in criminal cases has a Constitutional right to full
and complete disclosure of the Crown's case. Yet, in the
criminal case involving myself, the Crown's refusal to return
my legal property [such as including my actual expressions] is
motivated by contempt for fundamental justice - for true
accountability - by intentionally working to deceive our
Courts through denying the evidence of one: the charge
against me is truly fraudulent under our law as it stands
currently, and two: that I don't already have the silent
moral support of every honorable top secret intelligence
officer this world over.

Canada's "Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian
Officials in Relation to Maher Arar"

"The RCMP notes that because national security investigations
are criminal investigations, the possibility of judicial
scrutiny always exists and the presence of this possibility
acts as an indirect accountability mechanism." [Maher Arar was
an innocent Canadian tortured and left for murdered by the
irrational as criminal pro-bush forces negatively influencing
Canadian jurisprudence.]


you know what is right, though you may still be blind, never too late
change your mind, we are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is
just the
deceived disguised...


Our Gambling Problem



Sleep Walkers

What is the Coast to Coast radio network Head talking
about tonight?, the re-re-re-hashing of the "Allaways
Interslinging" Bigfoot phenomenon? Where was I...

Look, you're not going to go to hell for not giving me a
couple of dollars to further my cause, but it sure
couldn't help to leave me without any support here


White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'


The United States of America v. Adam Vaughn

He was a stand-up Marine, a beloved cop, and a local hero




/ / Specialist Damien “Monster” Corsetti--known
affectionately as the “King of Torture” among his Bagram
colleagues--was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. \ \

Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?

(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")

(on bush's behavior during the school book 9/11 incident.)

From the Johnny Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"

/ / Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? \ \


Abramoff “asked for $9 million in 2003 from the president of a
West African nation to arrange a meeting with President Bush
and directed his fees to a Maryland company now under federal
scrutiny, according to newly disclosed documents. \ \

/ / One contractor received more than $100,000 to completely
refurbish an Olympic pool but only polished the pumps. \ \

/ / He [the demon anti-Christ] also said that he will block
White House aides from testifying [...] and that he will not
release official White House photos of himself with former
Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. \ \



It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy


/ / Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant? \ \

Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue. He wants
to pursue terrorists they'll tell us, but CNN, CBC, FOX and
others, won't tell us why Bush secretly feels FISA would
jeopardize such claimed inquiries? Sure, bushites are dumb,
but we're not that dumb to except this without knowing. It's
similarly like, Bush can't be my Chief because, Congress
didn't declare war like the Constitution Laws. So, what's he
going by then?, right?


Look up in your mind, across the sky!, it's the glorious sign
that says things couldn't be much worse under the watchful
gaze of the Supreme Commander. It's like, Bush can't be my
Chief because, Congress didn't declare war like the
Constitution Laws.

The, in league with evil tresspass of George Walker Bush only
has the rights that are protected by any civilized American.
The lying demon enemy has no power of illusion over me, for
he, I have concluded with in discussions about Satan, is
truly, no honorable god fearing American.

Help me to gain some international say, and our world will
fair brighter at becoming, this fool's play/tragedy.

bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp! bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp!

TREASONOUSLY mislead US to criminally sacrifice more soldier families
for the richly pleasures of the ungodly demon anti-Christ

Seethis Pass

Feb 23, 2006, 8:43:57 PM2/23/06
On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 15:50:46 -0600, Johnny
<> wrote:

>His case is not uncommon. For detainees at Guantanamo, legal
>proceedings appear to resemble Salem witchcraft trials.
>Presumption of guilt and tarring by association abound, while
>the rules of evidence are perfunctory. These are not the
>American values our soldiers are fighting for. \

Yes they fuckin' are. You're just not keeping up with the times.
Bush is a cartoon but he isn't funny.

- Peace Making Bushite Destroyer -

Nov 22, 2006, 6:08:18 PM11/22/06

/ / They were confronted by about 100 settlers in small
groups, who started chanting in Hebrew "We killed Jesus, we'll
kill you too!", a refrain the settlers had been repeating to
internationals in Tel Rumeida all day. \ \

Who Killed who? Stupid, nazi atheist criminals, who believe the
Messiah's rising from ashes for the Peoples of Israel, is just a
tall tale to frighten US masses into slavery for the zionist
holocaust never minders. (More like US masses into gloriously
hunting the murderous ungodly theiving bushite down to death
for being the sworn enemy to the Son and the Father. The enemies
of US innocent, the enemies of Man.)


/ / President Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture, FBI Email Says
- The NewStandard \ \

/ / CIA acknowledges Bush signed secret directive on
interrogating terror suspect - Americas - International Herald
Tribune \ \

But a, the demon antichrist said to do so, would destroy
America's Soul. But, Christ asks again, who really gives a
fuck for God in America? Which "American" tries even to phone
CJOB, or the pro-bush Coast to Coast radio hosts to demand free
time communications for our just betterments? Which is a man of
men in the cowardly dying bushville of freedom hating war mongers?

/ / Supreme Court refuses to halt transfer of [INNOCENT] US
citizen facing [lawless bushite] death penalty [to 'cover up'
their demonic crimes against Life]\ \

/ / • Dramatic video of British soldiers on the front line
shot by the [godless as demonic bushite] troops themselves.

WARNING: The footage shot by British soldiers in Afghanistan
is graphic and the soundtrack includes strong language that is
unsuitable for minors \ \

See, bushite enemies will murder anyone innocent for a stolen nickel.


Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God

A Demon Enemy of Mankind Spews it's Poison

"We are very much impressed and encouraged by the stability
which the great operation of America in Iraq brought to the
Middle East," Olmert said as he sat next to Bush in the Oval

See?, the zionist's hope is to create permanent war until it
owns all as victim to slavery through censorship. Up on a
cross somewhere Olmert would have you suffering as the Messiah
forsaken. Steal your home, and everything you value as yours.
Zionism is antithetical to the Jewish religion, for, as Hillel
teaches us, to treat others as we would treat ourselves, would
leave the innocent dying in some ungodly nazi concentration
camp by the will of the Zionist criminal.

With innocent God loving Jews, Olmert would victimize for
being committed to the Jewish cause of treating others with
equal rights granted through self respect. A respect zionists
have no cognitive association to, because their mentally
handicapped. Ignorant for lack of hating everything within
themselves, they deteriorate to what we have today. Ungodly
thieves, rapists, and murderers, escaping the Jews wrath of
obedience to Justice for God as US innocent is everyone

U.S. Supreme Court Judges leave [INNOCENT] U.S. Citizen To
Death After [bushite enemy, the] U.S. Military ``Demanded''
the [INNOCENT] Man Be Executed [to 'cover up' their treasonous
crimes as disciples of the for real demon antichrist.]

Unjust as they are ungodly my friends, bushites are our
enemies as murderers of Americans. Praise Jesus, now pass
around the ammo.

Please, GOD begs

Please, People of Humanity, don't allow these thieves to
continue victimizing ourselves in your name. Support the call
for censored Johnny Wizard being allowed to talk openly on
America's national coast to coast radio program, to challenge
with reason, the criminality/irrationalisms of the ungodly
faithed bushite cult.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
badder Iraqis, as an insult to all honorable police services.

Again, it's the most wicked evil I've ever heard of. "These
kind of situations are completely untrue." And yet, no they're
not. They just say that, and expect YOU to fall into doubt.


Largest US Church says Bush behind 9/11


Christ Returns

Innocent American to be 'legally' murdered by death sentence

/ / The Romanian Minister of Justice [Razvan Radu] has sent so
far five requests [to the illiterate dumfuk bushites,]
referring to [the soon to be MURDERED INNOCENT AMERICAN]
Munaf. \ \

/ / "In 36 years practicing law[..] I had never before seen or
heard of a death sentence being handed down without
deliberation or consideration of the merits," Riordan said in
the statement filed in Washington yesterday. \ \

America!, defend Yourselves against these "lawless" pro-bush
false accusers who would murder an AMERICAN for their personal
contempt of your TRUE commitment to defend YOURSELF, man..

These two MURDEROUS soldiers that threatened an Iraqi Judge to
unjustly order the murder of a FOUND INNOCENT AMERICAN
CITIZEN, through falsely alleging they were acting on behalf
of a Romania we never knew, without ANY found basis, MUST be
hunted down for EXECUTION as TRAITORS, by a Free World
fighting-proud People Person Jury Trial. See?, this is why
the Magna Charta is actually a smarting good thing really, and
US killing bushite is like almost... a bad religious

An AMERICAN CITIZEN that ALL found leaderless bushite dumfuk
anti-American terrorist forces act nothing for defense in. An
American!!! If I've said it once, let me say it again, get us
on the national radio to defend ourselves against the true
enemies of Freedom absent not speaking.

/ / That's called lying and cheating in order to suppress the
vote, and it's illegal. And the Republican party admits
they're doing it. \ \

We want our say, so to better our chances with warring
righteous debates! all to fairing greater intelligence on our
knowledge base in reflection to preserving life through
progress, not heading blindly in the dark dying through the
middle ages again all for the Congress' continuing 'failures'
of witnessing much of nothing important?

28-Year Career CIA Official Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Highlights missing Pentagon trillions as potential motive

Koolaidman.mp3 liarandathief.mp3 goodoljesus.mp3 binLaden.mp3

Trillions lost at the Pentagon, nothing here folks..
ear-marking 15 billion dollar special give away favors to
whomever, CJOB radio couldn't care less if they tried,
privatize publicly doled military misadventures to a, for cash
profit LAWLESS mercenary force of grunting savages who commit
war crimes against GOD go continue un-accosted by the penny an
dime dying true patriot warrior wannabers no, move along and
watch instead, satanically ignorant bushite greed, thieve some
more innocent peoples left forsaken stead. Stay the course
blindly this can not hold for any.

It's just dumb to stay numb to the crimes wrought against
American freedom by these losing as contemptuously 'lawless'
terrorist liars who hide behind our flag, while bright light
committing irrational murderous crimes for pro-bush thieves
robbing us blinder than Life is truly. Desecrating the honor
of ALL GOOD MEN who love their once happy family, desecrating
Perry Mason, a Jesus, or the Great Elvis Presley by private,
for death profit mercenary force Aegis. Aegis, an American
tax funded operation to KILL themselves over as the stolen
from!. Art Bell AND George Norry! INVITE US ON GUYS!
b-u-dd-d-i-e-ss. You'd better, or America just might get yeas
for being the defense to Liberty we are freely broadcasting 24
seven. With, or without your sanctioned approval fuckheads.

Let the words of wisdom in there by oUr influential magic

Believe we can achieve justice by returning all stolen assets
to Iraq by taking directly from those responsible as stealing
it, and war crime trialing all pro-bush commanders responsible
for issuing blatant criminal orders. Including an
international police effort in communicating our publicly
investigated conclusions on who is still outstanding as not
arrested for the crimes of nine eleven, (911), back in New
York City on September 11, 2001, where a crime against
Johnny's America was committed in bad judgment.

In response to the TREASONOUS George W. Bush enemy of us
innocent, leaves all of US as concerned about the further loss
of American life and liberty - going un-abated by CJOB and
company. The bushite's continuing blind servitude to a flag
that has been pirated from America, by a den of neoconic
zionist thieves, will not hold my friends. One can not war
freedom's cause for reason, without an answer to Justice
through Law eventually. And Souls be damned if I must now get
out to take a moral stand for the preservation of our fellow
man in this morass of a bushite's lawless stupidity, wrought
on as we've witnessed, by the real evil demon antichrist liar
of famed folklore with God screaming for mercy through the
love of an only son,. in part anyway. Wow! Mr. bush why
don't you take a bow already! You've managed to piss off the
entire Earth species, including myself as King of the Universe

/ / the Romanian Ministry [..] has stated that the Romanian
court had not empowered any ['cleverly hidden' ungodly dumfuk
bushite terrorizing] American officer [, to murder INNOCENT
Americans on their watch] [...] \ \

Imagine that: the lawless bushite enemy States he represents
Romania wants no evidence of the real crime scene made public,
to decide it's death sentence be brought against a found
INNOCENT American citizen, while the Government of Romania
publicly states JUST the opposite on behalf of US Humans! Can
you say who blindly 'okayed' the undermining of America with
the under reported as barely spoken Military Commissions Act
of now, documented Willful treason is FOR REAL? I knew you
can, and you really should. So says Johnny America!, the
perpetually, Patriot Johnny American Award winner, THE living
Creator of this challenge for the sake of believing in
something better than Our Mr. bush Jr..

/ / while the American [, bushite dumfuk lieutenant Robert
Pirone, speaking with a not yet named partner bushite termed
only as a muted military "General"] stated under oath he alone
had been authorized by the Government [..] \ \ to state the
found innocent American citizen should not be allowed to seek
Justice for America as ourselves. Patriotic Americans must
not be allowed to speak in their own defense, or to use old
school, absence of evidence forgone conclusions, clause the
EVIL antichrist bushite farces are unaccountable to every One
gunning for the Universe... ha hea.. heeh. Christians and
Jews! bag a war criminal for an undying Love for God's
America why don't you my brothers to Man as family?

Unjust as they are ungodly, bushites are our enemies.

The bushite betrayers to The American Flag are never fighting
to win as rightly as they do when justly dying, instead of US
fallen further as forsaken innocent murder victims, to their
ungodly as demonic evil treachery. Sell outs for tyranny to
except censoring our free world to be shackled by lawless
acceptance of torture, rape, and murder, leaves us messing in
with a whole reap of trouble, for here comes the ringer,
Johnny Wizard, sent in from up north, to raise a little hell.

I'm running as President!

If George W. Bush steals American rights to be treated fairly
as a "Freedom Hater", then he MOST CERTAINLY is no longer
working for US, but as a double agent traitor for the
terrorist network al-Kiduh. Laden doesn't dispute this
either, and, from what I understand, neither does Saudi
Arabia. Being a terrorist to everybody must really suck eh
George? Let's talk about it, let it all out man.

Johnny America, is a Free World believer, open for questions,
while we will together bravely pursue George Walker Bush by
all legal means for the crimes he HAS committed against our
Humanity in my stolen name. I didn't vote to give up my
Rights to Mr. Bush. A forsaken America wracked by a
bushite's war mongering 'profitable' design failures on the
meaning of a continuing intelligent existence, being
ourselves, gears me to rise up in defense of the Human species
for our dying benefits as a falling America. I love America.
Politicians do not own the rights to a fair trial be stolen
from any true believer(s) in freedom. Join we or me to speak
truths internationally for the benefit of us learning
something. Be a buddy, if not a blind enemy to everything.

An American nation without a disciplined belief in Justice or
God, is a nation that will fall to terror under it’s own will

Johnny America


MSNBC - 86% Think Bush Should Be Impeached

The majority of the people want impeachment but the Democrats
have already sworn to protect Bush.

Flashback: Howard Dean Says No Impeachment Of Bush
Flashback: Democrats Won't Try To Impeach President
Flashback: Pelosi: NO Impeachment


Israel, We Bless Thee


Count The Votes - The MCA Torture Bill Didn't Pass

/ / Am I missing something or did the Military Commissions Act
pass the Senate using fuzzy math? Please explain to me how 65
votes out of 99 Senate votes cast equals two thirds majority?
Seems they missed by one vote.\ \

Now, I would suggest the Coast to Coast radio network would
broadcast for anyone who disagrees with the math, to call up.
Otherwise, we have here a give away opening for an anywho
coup. Let's fix that. Support King Johnny for President and
CEO of Earth Co.! A new company I'm starting up. Join me on
a ground floor opportunity to soar to the stars with an idea
that transcends all space-time.

Love Yah!


/ / He doesn't dispute dropping fragmentary grenades into
rooms of civilians, and then shooting the survivors [including
infants]. What he [as bushite] disputes is that they were
unprovoked, and that they did it on purpose. [...]

So if this [dumfuk bushite] soldier [enemy] is telling the
truth, they did kill multiple [GOD LOVING INNOCENT] civilians,
it's just they didn't KNOW they were civilians, nobody "begged
for their lives", and he reported up the chain of command
immediately. \ \

The child killer there even went so far as to say that's what
all Americans [the soldier] dooz in blind lifeless dying
praise to the, for real antichrist enemy of all Creation.
Which of course, includes themselves as thieves, but they
don't yet see it that way, nor do they ever sometimes - do
they friends?

Take care.

Phone Winnipeg's CJOB and ask if now, Winnipeg can have an
open, honest discussion with the facts on their refusals to
defend our community by openly communicating.

Thanks in advance. Later babes.


/ / In an emergency request filed Friday in U.S. District
Court in Washington, Munaf's attorneys claim his rights to a
fair trial in Iraq were violated when he was convicted without
being able to present evidence in his defense -- or to see the
evidence against him.\ \

/ / o Associated Press. "Romania not informed of Iraq trial
of suspect in kidnapping of Romanian journalists",
International Herald Tribune, October 14, 2006. \ \

/ / Romania repeatedly has asked the U.S. and Iraqi
authorities for assistance to solve Munaf's case. \ \


/ / Summarizing: Tal Afar was forcefully evacuated,
ruthlessly bombarded, brazenly captured and laid to
waste....but no sign of Al Qaida? As Colonel Reilly said,
"They went into hiding".\ \


israelis call Gaza massacre 'price tag [against innocent as God is]'
for [NOT] launching attacks

/ / Hardly surprising coming from the same group who used
white phosphorous against fleeing civilians, and dropped
millions of clusterbombs on Lebanon hours before the truce. \ \


/ / What does the world think of American hypocrisy when the
US government, drowning in the blood of tens of thousands of
its innocent victims, cries "justice" as the president of Iraq
is sentenced to death for killing 148 people for trying to
assassinate him? \ \


UNDERSTANDING CHRIST - Death of a President

Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the
thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong.


New Music Video : bin Laden didn't blow up the projects

What do we gotta do to get MTV, CNN, and CBC to play this?



They say of Saddam, he will be murdered because he okayed a
judicial judgment be enforced to put down a criminal group
fighting for sole control of oil, a group that were trying to
overthrow Iraq's entire government, to leave everyone else
without. And when innocent people's lives were jeopardized,
Saddam called a halt to firing. ('Kurds' war 'Kurds' because
both sides tell each other their fighting for the same
Homeland, when in truth, it's just war mongers trying to grab
up more oil for themselves privately with mercenary forces.
While children die in Iraq, they to this day, drown in money
horded.) While America and Israel Generals working with
LAWLESS South African death squad goons and Aegis are
committing the worst war crimes known of in History, against
the Innocent as ourselves unfairly represented. Like bushite
child killer Sattler ordering the murder of more than 250,000
innocent people in Fallujah as just one example of many.
Bushite as enemies to Humanity, are TRULY ungodly, and worth
destroying to defend the innocent they target for mass murder
as Satanic liars. Death to the bushite, death to Humanity's
purposeless cowardly enemies of Johnny, God and Life. Death
to the pro-bush torturers, rapists, and war profiteering
THIEVES. So would say, my America.

Soldiers: try calling the pro-bush radio station, CJOB, and
ask them to stop thieving from our community, and demand they
allow open, honest, intelligent discussions on their contempt
for the Canadian flag. Thanks. P.S. You may have to wade
through 45 minutes of their for profit commercials. Fuk, on
weekends, when People are home from work, they run continuous
commi crap to take even further more silenced.



/ / According to The New York Times, the provision closing the
Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq
Reconstruction as of Oct. 1, 2007, was tacked on at the last
minute to a complex military authorization bill by staffers of
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif, chairman of the House Armed
Services Committee. Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins,
chairwoman of the Committee on Homeland Security and
Government Affairs, said it's a "mystery" how the provision
became part of the final conference committee version. \ \

More than twenty bushite from Bremer's CPA have been indicted
for thieving billions from American dumfuk soldiers dying
instead as cowardly soring losers. Losers who have so far
refused to kill the ENEMIES responsible for 911, instead
murder US, the People indiscriminately as Zionist enemies of
Man as the truly ungodly. Death to the LIAR bushite, death to
Humanity's thieving enemies.

The principle terrorists for 911 being, Bush, Rumsfeld, Condi,
and General Ahmad.


Bill Maher AND Hannity!: Impeach Bush Already

/ / Bush told an interviewer that Chief of Staff Andrew Card
had been the first person to let him know of the crash. Card
was saying, Bush explained, "'Here's what you're going to be
doing: You're going to meet so-and-so, such-and-such.'Then
Andy Card said, 'By the way, an aircraft flew into the World
Trade Center."' \ \

/ / "Andy Card came and said, 'America is under attack.'" \ \

/ / Half an hour after the first plane hit, Bush told the
children, "Hoo! These are great readers. Very impressive!
Thank you all so very much for showing me your reading skills.
I bet they practice, too. Don't you? Reading more than they
watch TV? Anybody do that? Read more than you watch TV?
[Hands go up] Oh that's great! Very good. Very important to
practice! Thanks for having me. I'm very impressed." \ \

/ / White House staff members claimed that Bush remained with
the children so as not to "upset" or "alarm' them. \ \



Before the West was Won

Christ Gloriously KILLS bushite enemies for the dying Loves of
our precious forsaken GOD

/ / “Residents insisted that Abu Deraa did not live in the
neighbourhood and that during the raid US and Iraqi forces
arrested eight people, all civilians including an elementary
school teacher. ‘There is no Abu Deraa here -- all of those
detained were innocent civilians,’ \ \

They, the bushite enemy, are IRRATIONAL. You can't reason
with willingly MUTE cowardly traitors, who as dumfuk bushite
grnts war humanity for rapists and torturers, to die warring
Our Freedoms to help criminally escape those PERSONALLY
responsible for mass murder in New York city on September 11,
2001. A good bushite, is a dead bushite halted from
victimizing our innocent selves as the THIEVING enemy. The
TRUE enemies of US all. God included.

/ /"Torture does not stop terror," it said. "Torture is
terror." \ \ Committed by enemies of God and America. Kill a
bushite for Christ's Love why don't you my Patriot brothers?

Johnny America "Die bushite die."

/ / [...] a senior official in the Sadr movement, denied that
Abu Deraa was in the Mehdi Army. "I have heard of Abu Deraa,
but he is not a member of the Mehdi Army, which is only a
defensive force to protect our people and sacred places," Naim
al-Qaabi said. "Even if this person existed, they should have
come with an arrest warrant for him and not just storm in with
their guns like that, killing innocent people." \ \

The same is transpiring with NATO. REAL War criminals who ARE
hiding behind the big desks of NATO must be all brought to
Justice through reason by honorable freedom fighter fire power
actions (G-D is JUST).

The War Crimes:

/ / killing at least 93 civilians, a Pentagon official said,
"the [INNOCENT] people there are dead because we [THE ENEMY
BUSHITE] wanted them dead." The reason? They sympathized with
the Taliban.[, by supporting the FBI.] When asked about the

Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I cannot deal with that

particular village." \ \ The Son of Man Prays every day: "Die
bushite die."

Ordering these IRRATIONAL murder strikes against PRO-FBI
villagers. The 'public' officials responsible will PUBLICLY
face murder charges, and upon being found guilty for lawless
terrorism, as we surely will, their rightful death sentences
televised internationally. With free open called public
dialog through the whole process of Justice working to truly
defend our Freedoms for Johnny's America. Die bushite die.

/ / [...] said [Army Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant

gunner with the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If

there was ANYBODY there, they were the enemy. We were told

specifically that if there were women and children to kill

them." \ \

/ / Eric is right. These dumbass nazi punks murder innocent
folks, and say the victims were pro-FBI Taliban, while Tenth
Mountain Division soldiers confess to indiscriminately
murdering whomever. Women and children specifically, Matt,
from the Tenth, confesses to actually targeting by lawless
bushite military command. Instead of killing it’s demonic
commander, the bushite enemy murders OUR LOVE ONES. Please, I
beg, hunt to kill a bushite to-day.\ \

Art Bell and George Norrie are demon liar enemies of Freedom
to speak justly as America. They censor intelligent American
discourse, while advocating the further sacrifice of American
teens for the Zionist LIAR anti-Jew spew. Both need to be
tried for willful treason by censoring American phone calls
with their demon lies no longer left in disguise. Art Bell
for example now tells US, the audience, he was against
starting the IRRATIONAL Iraq war, but now supports the further
robbing of our Humanity by the ENEMY zionist neocon, because
"we're there". But, his words spoke then are not lost to some
void now. He forbade any discussions on the matter in HIS
america in the bushite lead up, and hung up relentlessly on
anyone who tried to raise the important life and death issues,
then laughed daily like today while American teens are still
sent lawlessly to their rightful deaths for the love of
dumb-yah, the TRAITOR responsible for 9/11.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable police services.


/ / "The American people already know what a magnificent job
the men and women of their armed forces are doing here, and we
continue to be grateful for their continuing support. But
they should also know that the men and women of the armed
forces here have never lost a battle in over three years of
war. That is a fact unprecedented in military history." \ \

America lost when COWARDLY American men refused to stand up
for Justice By demanding the arrest of those responsible for
9/11, and instead, supported, in silence, the murder of now,
totaling more than a million innocent PEOPLE. Please, I BEG,
seriously, seriously, in godly pride, gloriously KILL an
offending lawless bushite terrorist to save the lives of our
innocent Loved ones. Example: The not yet, justly shot dead
Bushite grunt Green of the 101st Airborne Division's 502nd
Infantry Regiment: "I came over here because I wanted to kill

/ / When I arrived in February, Green's battalion -- the 101st
Airborne Division's 502nd Infantry Regiment -- was losing an
average of about one soldier per week. Whenever I asked how
many of the nearly 1,000 troops posted there had been killed
so far, most soldiers would just frown and say they'd lost
count. \ \

Who really cares for these ungodly bushite terrorists? A
cowardly amerkan bush bitch enemy, who refuses to HONORABLY
kill terrorist traitors who torture innocent people in same
uniforms, or who bomb indiscriminately women and children on
purpose 'for profit' Sattler, Blount, Mattis, or Russell, is
good dead as halted from further murdering members of our
innocent God loving families. Death to the irrational bushite
dumfuks, death to the blind enemies of everyone. They, the
bushite, war God as our Humanity for the bushmob's "escape" of
true accountability for murdering thousands of Americans in
New York City with General Ahmad. Enemies of freedom in
America, enemies of You, enemies of me, enemies of every life
form even in distant galaxies.

Take God’s Word for it:

“Bag a bushite and all day long you'll have good luck!”

Peter Popoff, present on all "Christian TV Networks" is openly
Satanic. How much money does that demon nazi fuker need anyway?
You pay him for "God" favors. Fuck you, I'm no slave.

I do this stuff for life's free Love.


/ / We here suggest a repeat of the elections without using
them Islamic religion, the sect, or the doctrine in them, that
is, separating religion from politics. \ \


Demon crimes committed against God as our Humanity,,1861606,00.html

/ / "What's shocking and, I would say to me, completely
immoral," he said, "is that 90% of the cluster-bomb strikes
occurred in the last 72 hours of the conflict, when we knew
there would be a resolution, when we really knew there would
be an end of this." \ \


Archive for the 'Countdown/Keith Olbermann' Category


As Can Be Imagined

/ / We shouldn't be all that surprised the Democrats didn't
filibuster the awful bill, which also expanded the definition
of "enemy combatant" to include anybody who "has purposefully
and materially supported hostilities against the United
States." \ \

So, those who supported blindly blaming the Taliban along with
bin Laden for 9/11 while closing outstanding public inquiries
are demon liars, who in materially supporting hostilities
against the United States by refusing through censorship to
Publicly support the arrest of those responsible for killing
innocent Americans - became willingly, bonafide cahooting
terrorists, true bad guy "enemy combatants". According to
theses allegations they throw at US together as God in
innocence. Unjust as they are ungodly, bushites are our
enemies. If you steal American savings your a thief, if you
lie America into a war to die US all as a lawless bad guy
without leadership, your George W. Bush, a mass murdering
'for profit' terrorist, and no matter what "high" office he
claims to be true representor for, he'd still be guilty of
TREASON against the good old, red, white, and blue.

The Military Commissions Act - Question And Answers

/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terrorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the
innocent. he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal

investigations. that would normally pursue the actual true
evil doer(s). \ \


/ / In a 'signing statement' released when he signed the 2007
Defense Authorization Act on Oct. 17, the president listed
two dozen provisions in the act that he indicated he may or
may not abide by." Those provisions restrict his ability to
hide funding for wars. Congress wants all the costs to be up
front and verified, and the president obviously does not. \ \

Again, THIS IS TREASON. How can it not be? He, Bush, ENEMY
OF AMERICA, doesn't want TAX money allocated for defending
Americans soldiers to be TRULY accounted for. Oh, and guess
what?,,, Soldiers are DYING for lies, no longer in disguise.


/ / OLBERMANN: "I want to start by asking you about a
specific part of this act that lists one of the definitions of
an unlawful enemy combatant as, quote, 'a person who, before,
on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military
Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful
enemy combatant by a combatant status review tribunal or
another competent tribunal established under the authority of
the president or the secretary of defense.'

"Does that not basically mean that if Mr. Bush or Mr.
Rumsfeld say so, anybody in this country, citizen or not,
innocent or not, can end up being an unlawful enemy

JONATHAN TURLEY: "It certainly does. In fact, later on, it
says that if you even give material support to an organization
that the president deems connected to one of these groups, you
too can be an enemy combatant. And the fact that he appoints
this tribunal is meaningless. You know, standing behind him
at the signing ceremony was his attorney general, who signed a
memo that said that you could torture people, that you could
do harm to them to the point of organ failure or death. So if
he appoints someone like that to be attorney general, you can
imagine who he's going be putting on this board."

OLBERMANN: "Does this mean that under this law, ultimately
the only thing keeping you, I, or the viewer out of Gitmo is
the sanity and honesty of the president of the United States?"

TURLEY: "It does. And it's a huge sea change for our
democracy. [...] \ \


/ / AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean "get-out-of-jail-free"?

JONATHAN HAFETZ: Well, under the War Crimes Act of 1996, any
official, including CIA, or contractors who engage -- who
violates the Geneva Conventions, including a provision known
as Common Article 3, which provides the baseline of
protections to individuals in U.S. custody, prohibits cruel
treatment, torture and outrages on personal dignity. Under
the War Crimes Act, if you violate Common Article 3 --

AMY GOODMAN: This is U.S. law, War Crimes Act?

JONATHAN HAFETZ: Yes, this is U.S. \ \

Who wants a kidnapping torturing thief, to escape American
accountability? No, really, who does?, a rapist? Certainly
not an honorable police officer. These traitors to Freedom
who put together the ungodly bushite act, need to be arrested
as such, being our enemies, granted a public court proceeding,
then upon finding themselves guilty, as we would, executed for

Unjust as they are ungodly, bushites are our enemy.


/ / Even a cursory examination of the Zionist enterprise and
statements by its practitioners provides ample prima facie
proof that Zionism is, has been, and will always be, racist. \ \


Law of the Land

The un-elected Bush regime now states cowardly Americans have no
longer any legal rights to defend themselves from unlawful arrest
if commanded without reason by the lawless as godless, bushite
enemy LIARS. Are YOU fooled?.. I didn't think so.

Justice for God and Johnny by starting on a world wide public campaign
to allow US speak openly against Our accusers on the crimes of the
treasonous bush regime. Followed by arrests, trials, and subsequent
PUBLIC executions against those who ordered/committed the murderous
crimes of 9/11, and the torture, rape, and indiscriminate killing of
Arab Peoples to enrich traitor P2OG Rumsfeld.

Johnny Wizard has been arrested by irrational bushite for
threatening the life of antiChrist enemy George W. bush, and
with the bogus warrant made to undermine the true FBI, used
the action to make fraudulent accusations in respect for
Johnny's love of Children. Don't miss out in the trial of the

We've Been Overturned?

A Delay in proceedings doesn't have to equate to only
prejudice to defend on made 'public' accusations, it is also
the time pressured away from the UNDISPUTED demand for Justice
on behalf of DYING Canadian soldiers. Justice delayed, is
Justice denied from US falling undefended People victims.
Whose lives, OURS, the Crown in my case is arguing as
irrelevant. YOUR LIFE.

I'm not accused, nor do I accept I was seeking to possess
argued illegal materials, and I can easily prove that, as does
Canada's Sharp decision, upon any reading, grant allowing the
defense to explain intent. Again, I can only urge you re-read
my motions in respect to what can be a difficult subject.
Without intent alleged, the crime, if it occurred, is in those
who are responsible for such expressions. A place of
knowledge about the real crime scene, OUR child exploitation
units seem to have little on no interest in concentrating on.
Likely because they're not required to understand why we have
laws, only to implement them half hazardly as idiots
sometimes. Defending children is what this action against me
is truly, for, where was/is the two, boastfully proud,
pro-bush accusers so called by law, interest in defending
these 20 year olds they as LIARS claim to be a ridiculous ten
or twelve? I need a right to defend the false allegations of
the Crown in relationship to the conclusions they have
unbelievably drawn, typically, from what I understand, rarely
exposed to the public as sexually sadomasochistic, and
certainly upon any public review, a detriment to defending
real children left unprotected by such ungodly belligerence
for my, let's all get irrational bushite instead with a godly
true, argued defense for US, the fair minded Public.

As you've successfully argued, the Prosecutor/Crown's purpose
for existence in Our court rooms, is to defend the Public.
Instead, the Crown is moving to assist the mass murder of
literally hundreds of thousands of innocent souls, because of
her personal contempt for Justice, her well paid job, our
Country, and all of Humanity's lives who continue to die for
"intelligence failure" George W. Bush, and his thoughtless
disciples who publicly demand evidence is no longer a
requirement to imprison anyone who is good or evil. So, I
want access to all evidence the two pro-bush 'police' officers
have official plans to sell - as my legal STOLEN gear - the
two therefore THIEVES!, no...? Huh? We need real leadership
right about now. Justice for Johnny.

Lend a Hand.




"If not for me, do it for Yourself."

Christ Crossed


/ / According to U.S. intelligence sources, at the end of
June 2001, the FBI intercepted two phone calls from Grossman
in which he told the called parties to "stay away from
Brewster Jennings . [Plame's TP SCRT Cover to nab REAL
terrorist WMD proliferators by using GOOD policing freedom
skills - with logical arguments, warrants, and everything!] .
. they're the government . . . they're nothing but a
cover." One of the calls was to a Pakistani Inter Services
Intelligence (ISI) top agent in Washington. \ \

So, the ISI was warned by the White House clandestinely, in
June 2001, 'some do gooder cops are on the prowl defending our
interests, looking for REAL terrorists who jeopardize
Freedom's cause, so, you'd better watch out for America's will
power, US might get US, and boy, then we'd be in for one big
hell of a surprise!,. eh?. Are you still with me? Hello?
Is someone else on this line? ... Yyyou'll never catch me.'

Marc "Johnny America" Grossman "Any country that doesn't go
along with US will be paying a very heavy price."


Well, my friends, the pro-bush enemy faction seems to be
losing more of US to their demonic con game. America's ENEMY,
George W. Bush has still escaped public condemnation, for
fear America would see itself apparently. Unholy is the
heinous war criminal, America's George W. Bush. PERSONALLY,
responsible personally for 9/11 [Ahmad], Iraq [UNrestrictED
access BEFORE a god's child was needlessly murdered by
mindless bushite cancers for curious George’s (["'secret
Intelligence failures.'"]- unRESTRICTed..!), or, how about,
give'em weapons to kill whomever "dat's what a Jew would do"
Israel, interspersed with officially sanctioning lawless
kidnapping and torture while just saying it's not feeling
anything, denying Humanity, HUMANITY!, a RIGHT.! to a fair
hearing of 'public' condemnation in our Courts of Thee. THEE
!#!# UFk$! DO NOT LET 'them' DO THIS T-O Y-O-U-! When the
demon bush tells US he supports treating all Humanity unfairly
to defend "democracy" by 'trumping' Our troublesome Magna
Charta, or wordy worthless Constitutions, while claiming to be
a believer in Evil while he 'grabs' for absolute power, YOU'D
BETTER Believe you have something more than idle concern, for
REAL. As Life, I am committing to hunt the 'lawless' bushite
terrorists down to teach US all about a real freedom in the
silently dying Universe we share. Suffering unjustly, all
yous EQUALLY dying. I take mostly pity in the DYING JUSTLY
falling bushite, too cowardly to kill IT'S commanders [like
from in the now mostly brain dead Tenth Mountain Division of
Afghanistan, or Saudi Wahabbi Buford Blount's, Third Infantry
of Iraq, or Elvis desecrator AEGIS' godless TRAITORS] who
order it to murder the INNOCENT to thieve from instead as our
enemy. To Forsake god, and freedom for America, by supporting
the escape of the demon antiChrist George W. Bush by it's
cowardly betrayal of speaking no defense for those who
continue becoming more bushite victims. Blind stupid, and
intolerable are the cowardly muttering self destroying
'lawless' bushite murdering rapists and torturers. Enemies of
America, enemies of God and Johnny, and enemies to themselves.
For real. Arrest for Public Trial, George W. Bush AND CO.,
the demonic, thieving enemies of America. And then maybe, we
can move on to something greater with a much needed rest from
all this death and suffering wrought on by YOUR, your personal

Your Forsaken King,

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Please, a child to God begs, phone Winnipeg's CJOB and
ask them if they shall allow US in Manitoba to honestly speak
the facts on why Canadian kids continue to die for their
deliberate treasonous lies as a willful betrayal to our dying
communities. ASK THEM. No? Too much trouble to phone a
1-800 number? Fuck you too then.


/ /Sure we can be counted lucky that only so few Canadians

have died thus far, but when will the sacrifice of Americans,
Afghanis, Iraqis, and soon to be Iranians with the Syrians,
along with more than fifty other countries officially marked
for death by the lawlessly irrational bushite terrorists, be

more than YOUR willing to bare? \ \

/ / The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my


The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense without
any consideration offered to OUR COURT!


Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the

Court in these following areas. \ \


/ / On the same day that President Bush lectured the United
Nations on democracy and threatened Iran and other countries,
[..] White House and congressional leaders continued their
negotiations over the exact language of new legislation to
legalize torture by the CIA \ \THE SAME DAY!!!

The demon enemy of Creation, Our Mr. bush Jnr., the FOR REAL
antichrist ENEMY of GOD and Johnny, also mentioned with HIS
OWN treasonous WORDs, such action AS HIS would work to destroy
America's soul. And that he'd never do what he did that VERY
SAME DAY.. . under cover! Evil is the deceived disguised.
Support our suffering God, or go to 'paradise' in bushville,
where lawless bushite illiterates will decide your meaning of
dying for it's sadistic pleasures and stolen comforts.

Please, help me gain some recognition man oh man, for, I got a
good plan to get ourselves out of this mess, but, do YOU want
to hear such needed considerations?

/ / So yes, George, Your Highness, please, take your torture
and go. It isn't working. While you're at it, take your
signing statements and all the cute titles for programs that
mean the opposite of what you name them, and give us back our
Constitution and our country. \ \


/ / He said Rumsfeld at one point threatened to fire the next
person who mentioned the need for a postwar plan in Iraq. \ \

/ / The Army's budget this year is $98.2 billion, making
Schoomaker's request a 41% increase over current levels. \ \

Not possible therefore, right? Unless there is some huge
increase in evil bushite lawless impropriety, thieving furthermore

/ / This whole idea of putting our hopes and energies into
"leaders" who tell us to seek common ground with fascists and
religious fanatics is proving every day to be a disaster, and
actually serves to demobilize people. \ \


'The applause for Hugo went on and on, so much so, that US,
The People, had to be quieted down..' For fears, pretty soon,
The People would be seen arising against the un-elected war
mongering demon tyrant.



/ / PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH, 'the DEVIL': We do not condone
torture. I have never ordered torture. I will never order
torture. The values of this country are such that torture is
not a part of our soul and our being. \ \

/ / we can already hear [the antichrist liar demon bush
regime] saying that in order to defeat the terrorists and end
the turmoil, he may again have to [continue to] resort to
death squads, torture, and covert operations. \ \

Aegis is found completely responsible, according to the
Pentagon [see Nick Roberts at CNN with video tapes available
where they proudly DESECRATE ELVIS] for murdering innocent
PEOPLE for 'free' cash from bush's 'America'

Hugo Chaves "What happened in Iraq?, in Lebanon?, in
Palestine? [..] What a capacity to lie!, the empire and
Israel firing on The People! [..] You can wonder if those
People were granted the right to speak what they would say, if
they were given a microphone"

The Demon witch 'no cease fire against the INNOCENT' Condi,
speaking of Hero Hugo addressing Our World,

"The address was not becoming a head of State."


/ / The decision to go to war was taken without a indictment
by the US Justice department and corroborating statements by
the FBI to the effect that Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda was
behind the attacks. It was taken without an indictment issued
by the Justice Department.

At eleven o'clock, on the morning of September 11, the Bush
administration had already announced that Al Qaeda was
responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC)
and the Pentagon.\ \ While according to Senator Dashle, the
demon bush and chainy were PERSONALLY working to CLOSE
outstanding criminal investigations. DIRECTLY ACCOUNTABLE FOR
OBSTRUCTING Justice. (Not puppets without free will as some
detractors would allege.)


/ / With those personally responsible for making those easily
verifiable faulting surmises with the evidence the Crown holds,
in all likelihood, still blabbering corporately un-accosted, the
completely blind support of indiscriminate mass murder, in
thoughtless praise for war criminal traitor George Bush Jr., their
supreme no nothing about squat leader. \ \


And they say Johnny is crazy..

/ / George Bush needs to be removed from office for being
medically and psychiatrically unfit for office under the 25th
amendment. Then he needs to be tried for war crimes. Only
the profoundly irrational can fail to understand that we as a
culture are now normalizing torture. What a sick and scary
world he has created, and he needs to be removed from office.
NOW. \ \


Latest Johnny Jesus pronouncement against the Cult forces
of the real evil demon antiChrist, Your Mr. bush Jnr.,
don't miss it!


Bush Goes Retro to Avoid Prosecution

/ / Under the Nuremberg standard, Bush is definitely a war
criminal. The US Supreme Court also exposed Bush to war
crime charges under both the US War Crimes Act of 1996
and the Geneva Conventions [...] The fact that retroactive
law is prohibited by the US Constitution adds to Bush's shame.\ \


/ / Even worse than impermissible, any retroactive law
(technically known as ex post facto law) is in direct
violation of the Constitution, Article I, Section 9, and
Paragraph 3 and is illegal.\ \


UNCOVERED: The War On Iraq

This movie is exceptional in respect to what the bushited
forces are blindly doing in Iraq absent true leadership.


Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error - Truly amazing audio


/ / "What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire
towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in
Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs and
phosphorous shells during the war.

/ / Quoting his battalion commander, the rocket unit head stated
that the IDF fired around 1,800 cluster bombs, containing over
1.2 million cluster bomblets. \ \

In addition, soldiers in IDF artillery units testified that
the army used phosphorous shells during the war, widely
forbidden by international law. According to their claims,
the vast majority of said explosive ordinance was fired in the
final 10 days of the war. \ \

These crimes demand war crimes trials leading to public executions
of those directly responsible. (Condi, Bush, Rumsfeld, Perez the
Devil, ect.. Remember these children they continue to MURDER, are
innocent, and loved by God and me. Death to the bushite, death to
Our enemies.)


28-Year Career CIA Official Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Highlights missing Pentagon trillions as potential motive


"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
badder Iraqis, as an insult to all honorable police services.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

Bush undermines freedom for America by not supporting US
following the crimes scene leads at the real 911 murder scene.
Instead, blinded soldiers are being led to undermine the
apprehension of the actual terrorists, by suggesting the
Taliban's demand to bring forward evidence to form Mr. Bush's
conclusions on who is good or evil, is a freedom stand they
don't have the real courage or strength to uphold. So, they
lie to God as enemies of Man; unholy are, the bushite enemy.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

Blind soldiers are being made to believe evidence is no longer
a requirement to form someone's guilt for something, a
conclusion on whether someone's good or evil.

Johnny Jesus, "Can't have freedom without justice, sorry."


/ / BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (Sept. 7) - The owner of DataUSA Inc.,
a company that conducted political polls for the campaigns of
President Bush, Sen. Joe Lieberman and other candidates,
pleaded guilty to fraud for making up survey and poll results. \ \

/ / "We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God,
we're going to get to the bottom of this." \ \

/ / [...} "one official who called for Israel to respond to
Hezbollah rockets strikes against the strategic port city of
Haifa during the 34-day war by "getting rid of a village in
Lebanon". \ \

/ / "But the United States does not torture. It's against our
laws and it's against our values. I have not authorised it
and I will not authorise it." \ \

This is a terrorist act, no? It says later, 'but dishonorable
CIA 'officers' can forgo all American law as dedicated
disciples of the ungodly REAL ANTICHRIST.' No joking..

/ / At the NSC meeting held on February 1, 2001, Rumsfeld
disputed Secretary of State Colin Powell's advocacy of
"targeted sanctions." "Sanctions are fine," Rumsfeld said.
"But what we really want to think about is going after
Saddam." \ \

No interest from day one to follow the crimes scene leads to
defend American "freedom".

/ / Should we Americans fail to disassociate ourselves from
the racist, genocidal, warmongering nation of Israel, the
world will be forced to subvert our economy, attack our people
and pray for our demise. We gain nothing from helping Israel
to attack humanity. \ \

/ / Moreover, there were 79,691 ballots cast on Election Day
and, according to the minutes of the Board of Elections, the
unofficial results were certified at 12:40 AM, only 5 hours
and 10 minutes after the polls closed. The “mentally retarded
man” would have had to examine, and clean as needed, four or
five ballots per second, which calls the whole story into
question." \ \

Voids the verdict it does. But what importance does corporate
America hold evidence as a requirement that the
disenfranchised are being denied fair representation?


Coast to Coast

I challenge the Coast to Coast radio network staff on behalf
of America, demanding free open line communications on these,
life and death issues of Americans held in contemptible
silence. Art Bell and George Norry are enemies of American
dying soldiers as a matter of FACT. Art and George are
America's ENEMY. They want to get killed American kids for
the liar neocon, I say f-ck you zionist nazi whores. America,
take back America.


Op-Ed: Rumsfeld Declares War on Us

/ / The "who" Rumsfeld is talking about is himself.

Rumsfeld is the "who" that is right, and everyone who disagrees
is not only wrong, but a danger to freedom. \ \


Blanket Immunity from War Crimes
When Criticism of Cluster Bombs is "Anti-Semitic"

What is a war crime among ungodly nazi enemies anyway right?


- Statement by the Patriarch and Local Heads of Churches In Jerusalem

/ / "What does the Lord require of you, to act justly, to love
mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)

This is where we take our stand. We stand for justice. We
can do no other. Justice alone guarantees a peace that will
lead to reconciliation with a life of security and prosperity
for all the peoples of our Land. By standing on the side of
justice, we open ourselves to the work of peace - and working
for peace makes us children of God. \ \

See?, they got some Lord fellowed in the Book too. Violets
are blue.


/ / Supreme Jurisprudent Khamenei's pledge of no first strike
against any country by Iran with any kind of weapon, and his
condemnation of nuclear bombs as un-Islamic and impossible for
Iran to possess or use, was completely ignored by the Western
press and is never referred to. \ \

See?, forces for the bushite necon peenackers, don't want
Justice for Peace because as the cowardly treasonous, they
mindlessly pronounce the assisting in the escape of the
bushmob for the crimes of 911 - by war mongering our Humanity
for irrational sacrifice. Unholy are the bushite enemy.

/ / Stars and Stripes reported that as Ford's tank left the
area, US Army Captain Michael Bajema "ordered another three
rounds fired from his own tank, gutting the structure".

"There's a psychological effect of going into an area the
enemy owns [residential buildings] and causing so much damage.
I think that will pay dividends", Bajema was quoted as saying. \ \

Yeah, kill a bushite, to save the lives and property of our
innocent selves. This Bajema guy seriously needs to be
arrested, tried, and executed for treason. It confesses that
murdering innocent people in residential communities will pay
dividends in more dead Marines. Who really cares right? EVIL
is Dumber than dumb.


Israel Condemns Israel

Millions of land mine cluster duds ungodly Israel has thrown
into 170 towns of Lebanon to murder innocent children with for
decades. Along with radio-active toxic waste that will suffer
G-d's Humanity indiscriminately for untold generations.
Terrorist Crimes the Israeli State with corporate bushite News
america claimed repeatedly, are worth targeted execution of
themselves for.

Where are the free to love Humans stole to I ask you to join
me in demanding the execution of the bushite zionists
responsible for releasing millions of American made land mine
cluster duds that will murder as TERRORISTS do,
indiscriminately for decades. Perez, the DEVIL, along with
corporate news zionists, hold those crimes deserve immediate
executions with targeted strikes against the purveyors of true
EVILNESS. Please I beg, give G-D mercy. Don't forsake
ourselves. Hunt the zionists by sacrificing a few moments of
your busy day to call Coast to Coast radio hosts for respect
of dying American soldiers lives, and every time those zionist
enemy traitors hang up on YOU for TRUTH TELLING, will be yet
another call for ALL able bodied Americans to rise up against
the murderous enemy traitors for crimes against GOD in
Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and elsewhere.

Demon bush has funded the rape, torture, and enslavement of
millions of innocent people. Please the Son to God begs,
don't let those responsible escape Freedom's demand, we're all
the good guys from The Book don't you know.

I am angry with American cowardice to face down these bushite
terrorist enemies on our
magic TVs. I am angered with American refusals to support the
protections of our Human species by denying war criminals
further weapons to kill our children with. I am angered with
American corporate news professionals who forbid the support
of Justice's FBI, and their conclusions on who masterminded 911.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

/ / "If Hizballah fires Katyushas, we have to deliver a severe
blow to Lebanon's infrastructure, black out Beirut, cut off
electricity, turn off the water, destroy bridges, halt
industry and flatten entire villages. If there is horrible
damage in Lebanon, they will say, 'The Jews are crazy,'"
Yishai explains. \ \

This is EXACTLY what I've been writing on. The zionist god
haters, want Humanity to blame the unrepresented Jew for their
treasons against God, their betrayal to Life.

/ / Would not allegations of murder substantiated without
evidence, be false? And would not therefore, the slaughter of
innocents, blamed for terrorism without a shred of evidence
being known universally, be acts of mass murder committed
against US interests? Or for the true believers, terrorism
inflicted against G-d? (And, is this not why defining
"Terrorism" was forbidden in the recent "Terrorism" conference
in Saudi Arabia?) \ \

/ / The bushites are sorrily, simply not qualified under the
dire circumstances they've assaulted ourselves into for mugger
war profitizing, as leading US to be dying undefended while
failing miserably on my behalf to demand Justice as freedom is
truly. \ \

/ / Many Palestinians are arrested arbitrarily. For example,
from February to March 2002, approximately 8,500 Palestinians
were arrested arbitrarily. In many cities, all Palestinian
males from the ages of 15 to 45 were rounded up and detained
or imprisoned. Palestinians were blindfolded, handcuffed
tightly with plastic handcuffs and forced to squat, sit or
kneel for prolonged periods of time. Mass arrests and
detention of this type have been condemned by Amnesty
International as a breach of human rights. \ \

/ / What can the bushites do now in Iraq, that they couldn't
do before the needless murder of untold thousands upon
thousands of innocent people with loving families? Before
dumping thousands of tons of radio-active toxic waste as
enemies of God's children? Only to rob, maim, and destroy
God's great work through Love. We had complete unrestricted
access throughout Iraq, and Saddam was offering the national
media for bush to pontificate, while not refusing dialog for
any suggestions. \ \



ATTENTION: All American Patriot Warriors

/ / Nazi zionists don't provide evidence, because we all know
they're thieves and liars as the primary function of their
illegitimate existence. \ \'02/July%2029.htm

/ / "It would be ... accurate to say Israel has never been
required to repay a U.S. government loan. The truth of the
matter is complex, and designed to be so by those who seek to
conceal it from the U.S. taxpayer," writes Richard H.
Curtiss, [...] But the so-called Cranston Amendment, which has
been attached by Congress to every foreign aid appropriation
since 1983, provides that economic aid to Israel will never
dip below the amount Israel is required to pay on its
outstanding loans. In short, whether U.S. aid is extended as
grants or loans to Israel, it never returns to the Treasury." \ \

Did you know that many people in Israel, live in abject squalor?
I've seen people needing to live in what could only be described
as a garbage dump because the BILLIONIARE Zionist American welfare
takers, don't think they should be provided help. And 'giving'
Jews in Israel, are extremely hard to come by. For who would
willing intend to suffer others as an enemy to life and G-d?
WEll, the tyrannies of zionist Israel would without apology.
And so, where are the voices of Jews in Israel demanding
fair treatment of the innocent?, the ungodly 'State' steals
from? We are all Jewish victims then therefor.


ATTENTION: All admirable soldiers and police officers

The demon antichrist enemy of GOD rushed illegal wmds to
Israel to bomb cars and apartment buildings among other war
crimes. KNOWINGLY. Now, today, the demon has determined that
American tax payers will dole out the tax money to rebuild
what was destroyed only weeks ago. Hundreds of millions
of dollars given to the likes of a Halliburton? So, why do
Americans let this demon war criminal get away with murdering
so many innocents like themselves left forsaken? Support US
TODAY you idiots.

Again, I will remind all admirable soldiers and police
officers: CNN, CBC, and FOXNews has forbidden our truths to

be broadcast in support of Justice for ourselves. WTC7.
Zionist corporate medias are deliberately working to mislead
our kids to have them willingly sacrifice their lives in
further blind support of the real terrorists that committed
the crimes of 911. As according to the FBI.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in


Israeli Soldiers "Shoot to Kill" at Israeli Anti-war Demonstrators

This "bilin.wmv" video from depicts true nazi
grunts, enemies of the Jew, indiscriminately shooting our
family in the town of Bil’in. We need American Jews to assist
Johnny in hunting each and every IDF soldier visible, so to be
brought to Justice for war crimes against our Humanity, then,
gloriously executed for the love of God. The routine inhuman
callousness expressed by the IDF, witnessed for the World of a
complete void in human empathy for the innocent they victimize
like the nazi SS did, expresses these ungodly Israeli goon
enemies truly worth gassing. Enemies of the Human race.
Enemies of all religious faiths. Enemies to the King of Jew.
When the world learns of the criminality of theiver Israel,
will be the day, that soldiers of the world together will
demand, a freedom for all Peoples found through just causes,
not dying victim for the liar, nazi zionist enemy forces who
claim we, the Public, don't deserve evidence to form their
ungodly criminal conclusions. What would an atheist "Jew" be
doing living in Israel, but to openly except itself, as a
criminal betrayer to all alike?

America's national radio program, "Coast to Coast", had yet
another, atheist, pro-bush guest to spew their hatred for the
human species on recently, and the neocon zionist said that he
was an atheist, pro-Israeli who supports stealing Christian
land unjustly as a thief to , all because he was born with
Jewish features. [The nose he told was a dead give away.]
Again, zionists are not Jews, but enemies to all of life
itself, enemies of a freedom they can't comprehend for their
contempt of our Humanity is rightly their unjust condemnations
against we, YOU god means. False accusers. NOT JEWS. NOT
JESUS. They, Nazi WAr Criming Israelis state, 'we were all
secretly vying to destroy the criminality of nazi Israeli
occupation', therefore 'they're' justified in indiscriminately
murdering anyone. The censoring corporate news zionist nazi
is an ENEMY of freedom to be America, and fighting it, is to
love yourself as worth something.

All you got to insist is in having our measured thoughts
heard, but realize, CNN, CBC, and FOXNews won't acknowledge
that we're listening for our betterments. They refuse to read
our emails, take our calls, or acknowledge what is widely

Example 1:

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

Example 2:

Nazi Israel, as per-usual, dishonorably failed to live up to
their word in respect for our lives. Alleging Hezbollah’s
violation of the agreement on cease-fire, that they broke, was
someone else's fault. While, TYPICALLY not providing one
shred of evidence for their baseless allegation. Which does
not prove their claim outright false, it just leaves US
unsubstantiated as worthy of convictions in our beliefs on
fairness for all parties. But the corporate media refuses to
hold our rights in respect. Against war crime behaviors like
in Qana, or when the bush regime war crime party sent more
American paid for weapons to kill innocent people with. Mass
murder these nazi enemies are responsible for don't you know
who you are my friend? Where is the evidence Nazi Israeli
enemies pronounce against YOU as the innocent victim censored
then over and over? Christ wishes to defend US by killing you
un-arrested MURDERING zionist nazi demon liars.

How can a "High Court" conclude in Israel to absolve itself of
all responsibility to do the right thing?, the just thing? It
should be realized this following article is printed in
Israel's largest national newspaper, and the writer sees no
reason to respect yourself enough to query further with the
demanding questions. Why? Because real Jews know the actions
of a zionist thief are criminal, it's just the Humans don't
get easy ready access to the, they'll fire anywho, national
zionist media reducers. (I'm the Son of Man and I!, can't
even get a fair shake.)

/ / At Tuesday's High Court debate, the state said it had no
objection to extending the construction ban, but said it was
opposed to razing the illegal structures that had already been
completed or were near completion. The state also said it saw
no cause to evict individuals who had already moved into their
apartments. \ \

/ / the council's legal advisor warns the council engineer that
entrepreneurs are constructing "entire buildings without permits,
with your full knowledge and in total disregard for planning
process and the law." \ \

This building was done on stolen grounds, admitted even by the
Nazi State's own legal council. A lawyer claimed, the mayor
of Bil'in, sold him 60% of the town, so he's perfectly within
his rights to rip off as many jews as possible. [hundreds of
millions in total it is said the pro-bush zionist scored from
the stupider '"Jews"'] Never considered in judgment that the
mayor never did such a thing, or could, for land is managed
collectively owned by the communities, so nothing short of
widely deliberated - publicly - with an honest paper ballot
voting process would be the least first step to make such
things really happen with community consultations. But not
from the EVIL foreign land of Nazi Israel with their UNGODLY
zionist judges. No, the "Judge" has let the American welfare
recipient land squatters, take up possession until America
pays them, a 100 or two thousand dollars to re-vacate to
someplace else’s, while the "Judge" works it out for sometime
later by sending in IDF nazi grunts now to fight back the
unarmed godly freedom believers with real bullets from Satan.
Enemies to God, enemies to Humanity. Let's put Ourselves in
Power, then send the real Marines in there to take these
lawless UNGODLY bushite nazi savages OUT!~.

I challenge the Coast to Coast radio network staff on behalf
of America, demanding free open line communications on these,
life and death issues of Americans held in contemptible
silence. Art Bell and George Norry are enemies of American
dying soldiers matter of FACTLY. Art and George are
America's ENEMY. They want to get killed American kids, I say
fuck you zionist nazi whores. America, take back America.


/ / Since then, the idea that any of the victims were
insurgents has been challenged, both by Iraqi survivors and by
some American military officials familiar with the case,
noting that the victims included 10 women and children and an
elderly man in a wheelchair. \ \

Bush bitch enemy forces, child killing women haters, are still
mouthing off to humanity about their complete guilt regarding
the war crime accusation that is firmly established by their
own ungodly confessions, and yet, somehow, not yet PROUDLY
executed by an American Patriot law giver. Get to it brother.
To kill a 'lawless' bushite, is to save the lives of innocent
people they openly target for murder as Our enemies. Death to
the bushite, death to America's TREASONOUS enemies who war
America to assist in the escape of the bushmob for 911.

/ / Riyad Awad, director of the Gaza-based Health Information
Centre, the killings of Palestinians is becoming a "macabre
daily routine". "Not a day passes without the Israeli army
killing an average of five or six Palestinians, mostly
children and women and other innocent civilians. Israel feels
the world is giving it a mandate to kill and maim at will," he
said. \ \

But, but, but.. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews never said so though.

/ / Yet a secret list compiled by the Lebanese authorities, and
leaked to the Lebanese newspaper al-Safir, has revealed the
names of 67 men known to have been kidnapped by Israel and its
allies during 18 years of occupation. Thousands of others are
missing. \ \ Along with more than ten thousand innocent Palestinians.

But, but, but.. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews never said so though.

/ / How South African hit men, Serbian paramilitaries, and other
human rights violators became guns for hire for military
contractors \ \

But, but, but.. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews never said so though.



"Don't turn you back and look the other way. Shoot a wolf in the
chicken coop today!"


Losing its morals and marbles: Israel's fight in Lebanon - Losing


The De-Zionization of the American Mind

/ / One is that God gave that land to the Jews, and the other is the
The first one is deeply insulting to people who are profoundly
religious, \ \




/ / Israeli activists with International Solidarity Movement (ISM)
have uploaded a video of the shooting of Lymor and the initial
violence of the Israeli military in Bil'in on Friday, August
11th \ \

These demon zionist nazis are not Human! To think zionists
would proclaim these American made monsters were god loving
Jews! Let US, as the Humans, hunt each and every zionist
visible in this video down for prosecution. Do it for Christ,
do it for Love, do it for God and Family. Death to the bushite,
death to the enemies of our Humanity.


/ / Think: Any real man would kill an enemy bushite to save
the lives of the innocent they admittingly target for plunder
to please the neo-con God haters. \ \

/ / 11.00 - an hour before Dan Halutz decides to sell his stocks,
an IDF tank drives over a large explosive. Two hours after
the start of the event, a second major tragic event is taking
place. A Merkava II tank with its crew of four drives over a
very powerful explosive just 70 meters north of the border.
The lethal explosive is estimated around 200-300 kg. The four
soldiers are declared missing in action. 12.00 - the IDF
Chief of Staff, sells his stocks. \ \

Halutz is not Jewish! Would a Jew kill a Jew for financial
gains? A neocon zionist, sure, a bushite American cop killer,
well of course, but not a REAL Jew. No-way.


/ / (Beirut, August 16, 2006) - Massive amounts of unexploded
ordnance (UXO) resulting from 33 days of heavy fighting in
Lebanon threaten civilian life and limb, Human Rights Watch
said today \ \

What is a war crime?, and is it possible that a war crime
could be committed by an American funded nazi zionist neocon
God hater right in front of everyone as some kind of ungodly
dare - that Americans are too weak to defend themselves from
lawless tyranny? Oh really.?


/ / Ramon added, "In order to prevent casualties among Israeli
soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon,
villages[/ers] should be flattened by the Israeli air force before
ground troops move in." \ \

Demon Ramon MUST by executed by the Jews as a nazi war criminal.



/ / In addition to antiquities, the Israelis went so far as to
"steal fertile Lebanese soil and transport it to settlements
in northern Israel," a brazen act investigated by UNIFIL's
leadership. "Israel has admitted the removing of Lebanese
fertile soil from some areas inside the occupied border strip
of South Lebanon to settlements in the occupied Galilee," \ \




/ / Islamabad neglected to blacklist Jamaat-Ud-Dawa (JUD) or
freeze its assets, allowing the al-Qaida front to continue to
operate legally inside Pakistan's borders. Authorities have
traced money for the British sky terror operation back to the
JUD charity.

Sources say Scotland Yard is furious that terror-war partner
Islamabad failed to dismantle the Pakistan-based terror
infrastructure that supported the London bombings. \ \


Israel comes to America: ADL-TRAINED LOCAL POLICE

/ / "I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun
in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused
for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police," explains
American Free Press journalist and Republic Broadcast Network
talk show host Christopher Bollyn on the RBN website. \ \

This is what America will further go to, if YOU, PERSONALLY,
make no effort to defend ourselves from zionist tyranny. Justice
for God, Justice for Johnny, Justice for America - SoldieRS:
let's now get the bushmob for 911 - please. Or, die as cowards,
we'll decide.


/ / It would be great disservice to millions of those who raised
their voices against the war to punish Ehren. He symbolizes
the conscience of majority of our humanity. A guilty verdict
would be immoral and unnecessary. No justice would be served
by sacrificing one more innocent human being at the altar of
War Party. \ \

Do not let the bushite enemy forces deny such a brave patriot
warrior his cherished freedom and beliefs in a great America.

/ / Carter: I don't think that Israel has any legal or moral
justification for their massive bombing of the entire nation
of Lebanon. What happened is that Israel is holding
almost 10,000 prisoners, so when the militants in Lebanon
or in Gaza take one or two soldiers, Israel looks upon this
as a justification for an attack on the civilian population of
Lebanon and Gaza. I do not think that's justified, no. \ \


Bombed Ambulance driver miraculously survives to tell humanity
about the secret aims of the nazi imperialists.

/ / Shaulan, who has worked with the Red Cross for 13 years,
is also training manager at the headquarters. He said that
minutes after his ambulance was bombed, another ambulance
nearby that was collecting injured people was
also bombed. \ \

/ / The articles goes on to describe how Israel, as part of this
agreement, initiated a series of low-key attacks in Gaza and
Lebanon to provoke reactions from Hezbollah and Hamas. \ \

/ / Israel's assault on Lebanon was planned before Hezbollah
attacked and was aimed at driving a wedge between the
different faiths in the country, a delegation from the World
Council of Churches says. \ \

/ /when Bin Laden was in Sudan, and the government there wanted
to turn him over to the US, Madeleine Albright argued that the
US could not take him, since there was no criminal indictment
against him. \ \ No evidence for anything she meant.


/ / First of all, not all terrorists are muslim. Second, Islam is
a religion, not a race. Anyone of any race can choose to
follow Islam and to commit Islamic Jihad. Let's not make the
situation worse by pointing fingers at the color of someone's
skin. \ \






Church body condemns Israel

/ / "We came back from Lebanon sharing the impression that this
destruction was planned. And if the action by Hezbollah was
the trigger, this was a planned operation all ready to go,"\ \


A Real One of All Things

/ / The corporate news media is force feeding the notion that
Pakistan's ISI helped prevent the terrorist bombings of U.S.
aircraft. In fact, as our sources have confirmed, ISI
supported the very groups that are said to be behind the
plot[...] \ \

Others too have come out with this, 'it looks like this last
big terrorism bust, was actually a real one of all things’.
It's too sloppy with the blatant ISI-Qaeda-ISI hanging all
over it. The bushmob might actually go down on this one, if
more evidence should arise linking the let escape ISI from 911
to carry on, with yet another attempt at murdering undefended
Americans left dying forsaken.

Give finally, Justice for Johnny and the nine-eleven victims

/ / Here's our proposed "new normal": [...] 3. An
International Criminal Court trial in The Hague with indicted
George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and
all their neo-con advisers and facilitators in the docket. \ \

We also need a massive overhaul in Our news channel
prioritizing, including to add censorship free, open line
public communications. Done to gain value in learning from
the art of conversations. We need still to appreciate the
values of a free society where Justice is above all, the
measure of our success to communicate openly. It's like we,
the TV'ed People, aren't even alive enough to care we're
treating ourselves unjustly; by the rich TV peepals having no
reflecting concern, about what you or me with the poor dead
soldiers truly think about further dying victims enslaved by
the intellect of the demon antichrist, Our Mr. bush Jr.. I
demand CNN, CBC, and FOXNews explain themselves on why they
have forbidden America's Sons and Daughters to learn from the
FBI: Ahmad funded 911's Atta. Why do they not care for US
soldiers suffering losses to life I ask you seriously? People
are actually really dying for the bushmob’s lies. While we’re
told we’re doubtful on forming any conclusive conclusion about
definitely supporting evidence to form our decisions about
something so serious as waging war on the backs of the who
cares dying poor. Bastards. Ozzy rules.


Fatal Strikes:
Israel’s Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon


I'd like to nominate for some kind of award
regarding this news broadcast. Only one of many others, that
provide us a dedicated production to values in respect for
ourselves, the interested party.

Democracy Now

Human Rights Watch has fully documented crimes against Christ
by Nazi Israel. IDF Nazi commanders must be arrested, tried,
then executed for their war crimes against our Humanity.

They, the Zionist pirates of Israel, the nazi antiJew enemies
of God's Creation, have targeted the innocent Peoples of
Lebanon with willful indiscriminate attacks using land mine
cluster duds, and hundreds of tons of radio-active toxic waste
that will suffer our Humanity with cancers in the region for
millions of years. Please, I beg, I plead you to support my
calls for Justice regarding the antiJew bushite losers. The
criminal actions of the Pentagon's re-arming of the zionist
neocons, are crimes against us, the Peoples of the Jew, and I
demand a voice for our grievances. Now.

A Just cause can be achieved where it is practiced. Join me
in joining others to this masquerade of wonders, and then
let's get the work that needs to be done to make ourselves
better. We need a coast to coast radio broadcast where we can
talk directly on what needs to be done to end the stupid man
wars, and also, assist in the direction of making the arrests
of those responsible for the terrorist crime cover ups of 911,
and other things outstanding. Just do it.


ISRAELI Labor MK: Stop fighting at once,7340,L-3290265,00.html

/ / "I don't want to get into it," he said. "Don't drag me
into the political battlefield. There were pressures applied
via the media. Writers, and I don't know who sent them or who
gave them the moral authority to push the fighting, said that
Hizbullah must be defeated. First of all, Hizbullah won't be
defeated, and second, it can't be done in three days," said
Yatom, who served as head of the Mossad in the past. \ \



Largest US Church says Bush behind 9/11


A Just God

Again, it's the most wicked evil I've ever heard of. "These
kind of situations are completely untrue." And yet, no they're
not. They just say that, and expect YOU to fall into doubt.

A Real One of All Things - Terrorism by the Bush Administration


Again, I will remind all admirable soldiers and police officers:
CNN, CBC, and FOXNews has forbidden our truths to be broadcast

in support of Justice for ourselves. WTC7. Zionist corporate medias
are deliberately working to mislead our kids to have them willingly
sacrifice their lives in further support of the real terrorists
that committed the crimes of 911.


IDF Nazi general: Troops lacking food can steal from Lebanese stores



/ / This has led to fiery rhetoric on the part of Hezbollah and
its supporters, which has been exploited by Israel and the
United States to paint Hezbollah as an organization dedicated
to the destruction of Israel. Nothing could be further from
the truth. Hezbollah has stated that its goals are the
removal of all Israeli forces from Lebanon, the Golan Heights
and the return of Palestinian refugees to Palestine.
Hezbollah also continues to demand the release of Lebanese and
Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, some of whom have
been imprisoned for nearly 20 years. It was the prisoner
issue that led to the most recent outbreak of violence between
Israel and Hezbollah. \ \

/ / Events since escalated into a mass conflagration when
Hezbollah resistance fighters captured (again, not
"kidnapped") two IDF soldiers who apparently illegally crossed
the UN-monitored "blue line" into Lebanon as they've routinely
done almost daily after withdrawing from the country in May,
2000. \ \

/ / But the whole of Isaiah 58 is a reminder that God requires
charitability and respect for all people, especially the less
fortunate. It is clear that the State of Israel is not the
same as the spiritual Kingdom of Israel promised to believers
regardless of their ethnic background. \ \

Four short clips of things Americans never see on TV

/ / It wasn't and someone with courage ran it on TV - in Israel.
Then, thanks to Canada, it was aired in North America. You
will never see it on a US network \ \

/ / Shortly after 9/11, Odigo was taken over by Comverse
Technology, another Israeli company. Within a year, five
executives from Comverse were reported to have profited by
more than $267 million from "insider trading." \ \

Shelters for Jews, None for Israel's Arab Citizens

/ / ..the well-known Israeli historian Benny Morris acknowledged in
a 2004 interview with the Israeli daily Haaretz, "A Jewish
state would not have come into being without the uprooting of
700,000 Palestinians. Therefore, it was necessary to uproot
them. There was no choice but to expel that population. It
was necessary to cleanse the hinterland and cleanse the border
areas and cleanse the main roads." \ \

Cleanse Humanity of our Humanity for the ungodly zionist
anti-Jew Love hater.

/ / obtained by The Nation, reveals that Blackwater included
profit in its overhead and its total costs, which would result
"not only in a duplication of profit but a pyramiding of
profit since in effect Blackwater is applying profit to
profit." The audit also found that the company tried to
inflate its profits by representing different Blackwater
divisions as wholly separate companies. \ \

/ / Cluster bombs, incidentally, are only illegal when used
against civilians, not against military targets. And since
Israel has declared that there are no civilians in southern
Lebanon anymore, the problem is solved. \ \


911 war criminal Condoleezza Rice 'no cease-fire against the innocent'

Reason to rid Condoleezza Rice for our decision making process.

/ / "We are very afraid from all the bombings," said Ramadan,
a 12-year-old boy in the park. "I hope they stop. This is all we
want now." \ \

/ / "We left our house because they are bombing everything in
the civilian neighborhoods," she told IPS. "They are killing
all our children. What human would ever do this kind of
thing?" \ \

911 war criminal Condoleezza Rice 'no cease-fire against the innocent'


George Galloway Blasts Sky News as a Pro Zionist Media Outlet.

/ / Al-Mash'hadani accused the American forces of standing behind
terrorist attacks in Iraq, saying: "The occupation is the first
and last cause of the problem, it has overthrown the [former]
regime without a plan, it has suppressed the state with no
reason, it has led to the resistance and it has infiltrated
it, it has brought Al-Qaeda to Iraq..." After approving the
statement that "American occupation troops stand behind some
of the terrorist attacks," he described today's Iraq as
"Americastan." \ \


Bush said. "Millions of Lebanese civilians have been caught in
the [indiscriminate] crossfire of military operations because of
the unprovoked attack and kidnappings by Hezbollah."

It is Israel who instigated this war with lawlessness, and keeps
it going by refusing cease-fire, to murder the godly and innocent
as enemies of God's Creation.


Israeli children sending gifts of hatred

I beg armed American men, to hunt religiously ungodly zionist
bushite nazi vermins to save the lives of our precious loved ones.


They go, "Yah, but we were elected.", yah, but you didn't tell
us you were going to be a traitor when you took office.

/ / ``Defense officials told the Post last week that they were
receiving indications from the US that [bushite] America would
be interested in seeing [Nazi] Israel attack [Syria] Syria,''
the newspaper reported. [for some whatever never tried
negotiation 'unattainable'.] \ \


Hizbullah “is not anti-Jewish. I repeat, they are not anti-Jewish.”


On The Zionist Israeli Nazi Liar

No democracy or religion is going to vote in rights inferior
to the supreme nazi zionist enemy. A "Jewish State" is a
State where all GODLY people are treated equally with respect
and honor. As according to Hillel. That is not the practiced
tyrannies of the zionist Israeli liar, therefore Israel is not
a Jewish State. John has spoken in our own image, while
Israel continues to victimize the innocent unjustly.

Enemy of the Jew Israel, demon liars who kidnapped innocent
people prior to beginning these most recent ISRAELI war crimes
against Humanity in Lebanon, has repeatedly committed UNGODLY
acts of first degree murder by TERRORISM. In Qana, we say,
they have footage, shot from GROUND LEVEL at about 356 yards
from the event, that someone unknown shot from that sovereign
area somewhere a rocket at sometime, nowhere near where they
admit deliberately hitting our children with bombs. So?
Demon enemy zionists say, Hezbollah is present in Lebanon as a
proven liberating force that brought about true democracy,
while opening schools and hospitals that served everyone
equally. So? Death to the zionist nazi Jew haters for
killing OUR God's LOVED children with their blatant DEMON
LIES. The twenty plus Syrian farmers that zionists say were
top secretly weapons dealers worthy of first degree murder, we
say, G-d says, zionist LIARS are enemies to Freedom and
America. Now, antiGod Israel is bombing dense residential
districts without even bothering to warn anyone, while
barbarically, trumpeting unchallenged on CNN, CBC, and FOXnews
on how despicable their terrorists acts are of indiscriminate
warfare AGAINST HUMANITY. CHALLENGE to ANY corporate amerikan
zionist nazi celeb, who states those crimes don't deserve war
crime trials followed by the RIGHTFUL public executions of OUR
ungodly enemies. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies
of Jewery. FOXNews is clearly to all, an enemy of America.
FOXNews looks to deceive "Marines" who don't have the
intellect to defend America from 911's bushmob. Ask the
"lawless" demon enemies of Creation what is a crime anyway?
Targeting cars?, apartment buildings?, power plants? ASK
THEM! Look, what good are U.N. forces if they're not
prepared to defend the innocent of Lebanon? Nazi zionists
don't provide evidence, because we all know they're thieves
and liars as the primary function of their illegitimate
existence. When the multinational forces come in, are they
going to hunt down the ungodly purveyors of injustice and
lawlessness? We can only hope the King of the Jews, Johnny
Wizard rules - forever and always, Right?

Trial for Treason to Sean Hannity for alleging HIS lie again,
that Iran states the Holocaust never happened.

FOXNews "We read all your email."
(realize this con.)

/ / But who talks of the Israeli abduction of a Palestinian
doctor and his brother from Gaza that led to the eventual
capture of these soldiers? Who even bothers to mention the
fact that 10,000 Palestinian prisoners languish in Israeli
jails? \ \

The UN resolution doesn't contain wording to include the
kidnapped innocent People ungodly Israel holds captive, for
Bolton's UN, doesn't want to the truth to come out that
Israel's attack against God was/is completely unjustified.
This didn't start with the capturing of criminal IDF
antiJews on lebanon soil, it started when Israel victimized
the innocent to steal or torture from US as the ungodly.
A free democacy doesn't vote to victimize themselves as the
enemy. Zionist nazi holocaust deniers do though as enemies of
the Jewish State of Israel To-day.


/ / Look, CNN, CBC, and FOXNews KNOWS the bushmob did 911,
[VIDEO of WTC7 is forbidden on all OUR corporate news
broadcasts] and will smile to us ALL while lying to American
Soldiers who die cowardly as teenage dumfuks for the satanic
neocon LIAR enemies of God. \ \

American Commanding General Casey has pronounced that American
Marines are now on the hunt for those who run death squads in
Iraq. Aegis. P2OG. Aegis is remember, a rumsfeld favorite
to, down and around through destabilizing the region, death
squad American Marines too for huge financial profit at their
made purposefully costly failures, paid for by Foxnewzed
American citizens who rightly, just don't know any better
about the murderous war profiteering tactic of truly demonic
enemy savages. Hoar-yah. Death to the bushite, death to our

/ / So do some others: Iraq is slipping towards a civil war
which could see the division of the country, Britain's
outgoing ambassador in Baghdad has warned the government. \ \

Poppycock. The terrorist attacks are almost always done
indiscriminately in support of the enemy bushmob continuing.
Killing Marines. Oh well, who really cares anyway, right?
They killed more of US, than they of them.

/ / Trust me please. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews corporate
managements know, bush and the neocons did 911, but as the
contemptibly ungodly, it's only YOUR LIFE they are willing to
sadistically sacrifice for more criminal ill gotten gains as
the TRULY Satanic. \ \


911 Bush "We must bring Justice to those who would attack US."

/ / “Everyone in southern Lebanon is a terrorist and is
connected to Hezbollah,” roared Israeli Justice Minister Haim
Ramon on July 27. \ \

No, Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon is a nazi war
criminal, who will be tried for execution publicly by US, the
Kings and Queens of Jewishness. Makes you think what other
crimes against G-D zionist nazi Haim Ramon is a part of in the
UNJUST cover ups eh?

No democracy or religion is going to vote in rights inferior
to the supreme nazi zionist enemy. A "Jewish State" is a
State where all GODLY people are treated equally with respect
and honor. As according to Hillel. That is not the practiced
tyrannies of the zionist Israeli liar, therefore Israel is not
a Jewish State. John has spoken in our own image, while
Israel continues to victimize the innocent unjustly.


A enemy bushite terrorist threatens to kill a waking American Patriot

/ / One of them, a Sgt. Raymond Girouard, has been accused by
Private First Class Bradley Mason of threatening him before he
testified about the May 9 incident: "If you say anything,
I'll kill you." \ \

Easily kill the ENEMY bushite instead my brave American
Patriot Brothers. Do it for America, God and Christ as Love
is worth defending. Rapists and torturers will not be
classified "lawless" by the ungodly bush regime of rapists and


/ / "There were no questions posed to him about communication
problems between police and firefighters in the towers, or why
New York City had its emergency response command center in
World Trade Center 7 after the complex had been the target of
the 1993 terrorist attack," they wrote. \ \

The Emergency Response Command Center in WTC7? Don't let
these enemies of America escape the wrath of the American
Patriot MEDIA Warrior, the TRUE, the JUST, AND THE FREE. How
can not someone there then, be made aware that explosives are
being set throughout the bushite building of emergent
questions on commanding, could be secretly coming, terrorist
response times? blink.. blink. How much longer must we
wait, while rumsfeld sends more Americans out to die further
running Johnny's America from 911 as cowards? I am braver
than brave, and stronger than strong. I've been called allot
of things, but cowardly like bushite amerka goes, is a path I
will not tread willingly into bushite slavedum. It is Justice
I lay claim to defend, my rights to not be denied Freedom for
this shared world, as a gift worth everything I am as a living
righteous human being. Corporate America might go willingly
to except no Justice for themselves regarding 911, but I won't
ever. For, that wouldn't be just cowardly treasonous, as
ungodly behavior, but what could also be, dead to themselves
for not loving Creation as freedom is our Humanity. You can
hate me, but to hate working for Justice in a dying world, is
a dead end road leading further into a lawless tyranny of
losers losing. Being cheated further down to watching for
corporate news America to die again some 'other' unknown
unjustly, not spoken for as a real person who was truly cared
for. Then it's over.

Be a winner! Talk to Winnipeg!! Bravo!!!

The 911 terrorists must be arrested to save ourselves from
misery. American pleads for Justice fall on deaf ears
censored by our fascistic national media channels because
'they', 20 or 30 guys, claim we're not at all listening to
what they haven't officially allowed considerable for our
important life and death decision broadcasts - involving US
surviving with their refusals to live up to Our expectations.

Freedom is Justice.


/ / Gillerman, at a pro-Israel rally in New York, thundered,
“To those countries who claim that we are using
disproportionate force, I have only this to say: You’re damn
right we are.” \ \

God, my friends, please support our calls for justice against
the true 911 perpetrators.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

(BIG SNP get the full version!?)


"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears
to have been carried out by individuals with their own
motivation. ... I have already said that I am not involved
in the 11 September attacks in the United States. ... I had
no knowledge of these attacks."“


The Benderman Cause

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict

LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to

treasonously lie to dying soldier families.

Nazi Israel - The Judgment of Jesus - Unjust as they are ungodly,
bushites are our enemies

Unjust as they are ungodly, bushites are our enemies

ATTENTION: All admirable soldiers and police officers - Realize, CNN
and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to treasonously lie to
dying soldier families.

To Defend the Innocent they Target for Mass Murder

Christ Returns: Innocent American to be 'legally' murdered by death

Johnny America

Nov 29, 2006, 5:11:06 PM11/29/06

Heaven is a Place on Earth
- or -
I Guess I'll See YOU in Hell

/ / "It appears that the torturing [OR RAPING] of Iraq's
children is now a part of the Bush cabal's "policy" of
"bringing democracy, liberation and freedom" to the Iraqi
people. This goes way past just simply outrageous. [And
directly what is officially known as Satanic. Again, a
godless dumfuk bushite terrorist is Your Life's ENEMY.
Help an People Person by killing a 'lawless' bushite
terrorist, for a loving living Just God in a left as
dead, forsaken Christ. Love God, kill a bushite. Thanx.] \ \

Again, I can only BEG Americans to hunt the zionist media
elites down in America who ACTUALLY publicly support such
cruelty against God and Humanity, and destroy them with a
joy as true love for Life in your Heart exists, if you
believe. Ungodly bushite terrorists are truly EVIL, as
un-American demonic liars for G.W., plain and simple.
See, in Winnipeg, the pro-bush, pro-wars, pro-bombing,
pro-torturing zionist CJOB radio station, tells US as the
silenced majority, Hero Hugo is our enemy instead, while
LITERALLY thieving millions from the poorest kids in our
city with their lottery heists. We pay with our STOLEN
lives, while they party as satanic LIAR bushites, zionist
blood-soaked holocaust denying Christian killers like
it's 1099. Again, I BEG YOU, yes.. YOU to phone up the
REAL criminals and ask if WE can now openly talk
FACTUALLY about their personal contempt for our dying
teen soldiers, made too weak as stupid to know any life
better than dying for nothing but their hatred for wisdom
as freedom is Godly. Again, they make no attempt to
defend our suffering community by allowing open
communications. They run continious 'for profit'
commercials during the weekends! It's a 'talk radio'
station, that takes next to zero in open line phone
calls, but for their five or six routinely repeating
anti-Jew zionist falsehooders, that apparently, make up
the 1.5 million or so - hard of hearing dead line
listeners in Manitoba. Be a friend, if not a blind enemy
to everything.


[see, "Stand Together, or Don't" to understand how they
at CJOB criminally pratice to PURPOSEFULLY deceive our
victimized innocent selves.]


A Just Cause

law of the land - we rule

king of the jews

A Just cause can be achieved where it is practiced. Join
me in joining others to this masquerade of wonders, and
then let's get the work that needs to be done to make
ourselves better. We need a coast to coast radio
broadcast where we can talk directly on what needs to be
done to end the stupid man wars, and also, assist in the
direction of making the arrests of those responsible for
the terrorist crime cover ups of 911, and other things
outstanding. Just do it.


I'm Awake

The ONE and only God of Creation's Son, BEGS the PEOPLES
of Earth to assist our Humanity in hunting to kill the
'lawless' bushite terrorists for the love of a dying
America. These demons of the Air Force for example, have
repeatedly slaughtered INNOCENT women and children in
Afghanistan and Iraq, captured on film while cheering
from their safe havens in the sky. THEY MUST DIE for
their crimes like those proud and strong infant killers
of Haditha. The psychotic child rapists like Lieutenant
Boudrou, who haven't even been arrested, let alone
executed by ANY real soldier, must be hunted for death
religiously. The UNARRESTED British soldiers who proudly
filmed beating to death young barefoot children, must be
immediately executed, and ANYONE, ANYWHERE who voices
their escape for such demon behavior. Anyone in the
bushite forces who doesn't support such executions, and
the return of ALL stolen assets of our beloved Iraq,
shall die by the hands of the American man, I shall see
to it. To, with love, kill a thieving bushite terrorist,
is to defend the innocent they target for murder as
disciples of the very real antichrist responsible for the
treasons of 911.

/ / Now, we know, for example, that, over the past three
weeks, coalition and Iraqi forces have conducted 58
targeted raids at death squads. As a result, they have
detained eight death squad leaders and more than 180
members. Yet, John, the killings continue. \ \

See how these demons LIE to America? Do Marines gun down
any and all Aegis employees who run death squads against
helpless children on Baghdad streets? Do they KILL
thoses caught red handed trying to kill Marines as
zionist nazi pigs? [NO THEY BREAK THEM OUT OF PRISON!]
Do they kill anyone responsible for US witnessing on film
them bombing OUR women and children walking out of a
mosque while grunt cheering? Again, these soldiers
choose to commit these crimes against creation to assist
in G.W.'s escape for mass murder on 911 back in New York
City. Traitors to all. Anyone in the air force is worth
killing without doubt. They do nothing but CHOOSE to
indiscriminately murder members of our families with
radioactive toxic waste that will murder US for millions
of years. See the bushite, YOU kill it for the love of
our GOD held in contempt by corporate media control.

Death to the bushite, death to our enemies so GOD says.
We, the gods of Creation, kill bushite for breakfast.
Glory to the highest order. I am Death to bushite who I
hunt for Humanity's pleasure, and I would recomend you do
the same to defend your innocent family. Praise Christ
you dumfuks, and join me in gloriously killing the
zionist nazi vermins.


How Far Will An Iraqi Kid Run For Water?

What a JOY to GOD it is when you kill such bushite hatred
for our species. Again, I BEG, hunt to kill a bushite
today for the LOVE of a GOD held in complete contempt by
corporate mind control. A good bushite, is a dead
bushite, halted from victimizing our innocent selves.


/ / They were confronted by about 100 settlers in small
groups, who started chanting in Hebrew "We killed Jesus,
we'll kill you too!", a refrain the settlers had been
repeating to internationals in Tel Rumeida all day. \ \

Who Killed who? Stupid, nazi atheist criminals, who
believe the Messiah's rising from ashes for the Peoples
of Israel, is just a tall tale to frighten US masses into
slavery for the zionist holocaust never minders. (More
like US masses into gloriously hunting the murderous

ungodly thieving bushite down to death for being the


/ / there is growing evidence that the IDF leadership,
including the chief of staff's office, authorized the
firing of cluster munitions against the areas in southern
Lebanon struck by these weapons.

A commander of a Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)
battery said they had fired many rockets against targets
north of the Litani river, and that those targets had
been described as "General Staff targets." \ \

Yah, but.. It's the General Staff that have decided they
alone will find out who okayed the CONTINUING crimes
against GOD, privately, behind closed doors.


Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God

A Demon Enemy of Mankind Spews it's Poison

Please, GOD begs

Afghans or badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable
police services.

Again, it's the most wicked evil I've ever heard of.



Christ Returns

under its own will power.

Johnny America




Love Yah!


Take care.













The War Crimes:

killing its demonic commander, the bushite enemy murders


Take Gods Word for it:





As Can Be Imagined






Law of the Land

We've Been Overturned?

Lend a Hand.



Christ Crossed



for curious Georges (["'secret Intelligence failures.'"]-

Your Forsaken King,

Johnny Wizard




















Coast to Coast






Israel Condemns Israel -





shooting our family in the town of Bilin. We need

Example 1:

Example 2:

Hezbollahs violation of the agreement on cease-fire, that

dollars to re-vacate to someplace elses, while the





















things. It's too sloppy with the blatant ISI-Qaeda-ISI

actually really dying for the bushmobs lies. While were
told were doubtful on forming any conclusive conclusion

about definitely supporting evidence to form our
decisions about something so serious as waging war on the
backs of the who cares dying poor. Bastards. Ozzy rules.


Fatal Strikes: Israels Indiscriminate Attacks Against
Civilians in Lebanon


Democracy Now





A Just God
















Freedom is Justice.


disproportionate force, I have only this to say: Youre
damn right we are. \ \

God, my friends, please support our calls for justice
against the true 911 perpetrators.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

(BIG SNP get the full version!?)


"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which
appears to have been carried out by individuals with
their own motivation. ... I have already said that I am
not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United
States. ... I had no knowledge of these attacks."


The Benderman Cause

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict

LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates
will allow

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet,
continue to treasonously lie to dying soldier families.

Nazi Israel - The Judgment of Jesus

Unjust as they are ungodly, bushites are our enemies

ATTENTION: All admirable soldiers and police officers -
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet,
continue to treasonously lie to dying soldier families.

To Defend the Innocent they Target for Mass Murder

Christ Returns: Innocent American to be 'legally' murdered by death

How Far Will An Iraqi Kid Run For Water? - A good
bushite, is a dead bushite, halted from victimizing our
innocent selves. Larry

Dec 29, 2006, 5:20:52 PM12/29/06
I'm just curious, for those that bash Bush's actions, what would you suggest
as an alternative to going into iraq and remove not only a criminal and
murderer, but a real threat to all of us? Also, what would you say the next
move should be? Pull out and hope for the best, and that another madass
doesn't rise up in place of saddam?
I'm not being facetious or argumentitive, but what is the alternative? Since
saddam was removed, I feel safer without him, or another like him, in a
position to carry out their " sexual fantacy", nuke North America.
While people were complaining when the troops were sent to iraq, I was at my
own odds with Bush, I could not understand why it took approx 3 years of
threats, appeasing another enemy, the un, before action was taken to rid us
of saddam.
Again I ask, "what would you suggest be done now?" If you think they could
just pull out and everything will magically work out for the best, and there
is no potential for another half-baked, NA hating dictator to rise up, you
have your head still buried in the sand.
I don't want to see any more troops, or even innocent Iraqis killed, but
it's war. What is the alternative? Let these countries and their murderous
dictators alone until they amass nukes, and ultimately bring the war to NA,
killing innocent victims here, perhaps you or your loved ones?
Not possible? Sept 11 2001, not only possible, but happening!
Until the democracy-NA hating scum surrender or are eliminated, the war must
go on.

Happy New Year! May the Love of our Lord find a place in you heart!

"Free World Leader" <> wrote in message
> "The truth of that matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam would
> still
> be in power if he were the president of the United States, and the
> world
> would be a lot better off."
> -George W. Bush
> America, the ungodly
> / / Yes, those words coming from the man who's decided the
> only way to turn things around in Iraq is by sending in more
> troop. Despite being told by the Joint Chiefs, Colin Powell
> and the man running the Iraq war, General Abizaid, that
> sending more troops to Iraq would only get more Americans
> killed Now, seeming to confirm his opponent's worst suspicions
> that this president does not value the opinions of those with
> whom he disagrees, Mr. Bush has now decided to go it alone in
> Iraq against the wishes of his allies, against the desires of
> his fellow countrymen, and yes, even against the advice of his
> own generals. \ \
> The demon enemy of America, Our Mr. bush Jr., responsible for
> 911, creates hope in God that honorable men of this Earth,
> will assist the Humans in hunting to kill bushite enemy
> terrorists who support torturing and thieving from US, the
> godly as innocent. Every time we hear of another bushite
> death, god celebrates OUR wins over the ungodly demon
> antichrist forces. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies
> who murder innocent people with LIES against GOD.
> / / The Crown would suggest her ignorance on such subjects is
> irrelevant to her case against me, for those children's lives,
> and others like them, are not who she is working to protect.
> So, where I demand is a crime against our real God occurring I
> ask the hiding in darkness Crown to explain herself publicly
> in the light of these proceedings to our Honorable Lord. \ \
> -

> Let it be known, that the senior management national news
> reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
> watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to

> defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George

> W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
> the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
> and Myers.
> We shall, start there, and continue on until we've nabbed
> every last treasonous culprit found at the ends of the ample

> crimes scene leads. Propagandized stupider than the fates

> will allow, an American is universally recognizing itself as
> an enemy to their own cowardly dying selves. For, my friend,
> America's America will not stand undefended with these beliefs
> of mine I give freely. Soldiers along with honorable Police
> officers I would ask, to bravely/politely demand our time
> on national broadcasts for the spoken defense of Justice for
> America. For, Johnny wants to debate the bushite publicly on
> the validity of the Iraq war, considering that it has no true
> justifiable cause. Meaning: all stolen revenues will be
> returned to the Iraqi people, with interest, paid for by those
> responsible for stealing it. Justice Johnny has now
> officially arrived on the scene to hunt bushite down to the
> ends of life - to teach'em with kind words, or the other way
> with graver sentences handed down by us believers in freedom

> from tyranny. Hint: Don't fuck with the real People of God

> who are refusing to take more chances with enemy bushite
> neo-con bullshit. An innocent person shall not be imprisoned
> in my name, nor shall they be tortured, robbed, or murdered.
> Bushite enemies that don't like that arrangement, we arrest,
> try, and if convicted on the war crime capital offenses of
> first degree mass murder, such as we will find regarding
> Mattis, Blount, Russell, and Sattler, Allawi and Doud, then,
> and only then, we together will joyously have them publicly

> executed for the good of the entire human species. In the

> name of Jesus, Allah has spoken for life in which all are
> granted equal privilege to love with everything we are
> together alone with the stars. Death to the ungodly bushite,
> instead of the innocent they target for plunder with

> treasonous lies as a betrayal to our real names. God and the
> Great America.
> ---

> Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to

> lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy
> neo-con.

> The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©
> / / "The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
> They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
> would never have been possible under the oppressive
> regime..." \ \

> ---
> When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.
> = Highwater =
> ---
> The Verdict
> The Winnipeg Police Department is running a fencing operation
> out of their "Exploitation" Unit. Disclosed by a current
> serving officer in the Unit during the preliminary. In one
> case used as an example, a law abiding Winnipeg business owner
> had 50,000 dollars worth of business equipment stolen, and if
> he wanted it back, he would have to make costly "legal"
> efforts through a corrupted Justice system in Winnipeg that
> holds Canadian Soldiers in complete contempt by "Law". The
> Crown has not only refusing to co-operate with defending
> Winnipeg citizenry, in relationship to the, National problem
> of fencing through bad lawed Police action operations, and the

> lotteries [information forwarded in part by the elected

> Premier of our Province], but also, in respect to our
> sacrificing soldiers. Soldiers who Canada now knows without
> shadow of doubt, are being maliciously propagandized through
> the corporate mouth pieces of the most heinous war criminal of
> history, the ungodly enemy of Creation responsible for
> instituting the terrorist crimes of 9/11. Obstructing Justice
> by aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of first degree
> mass murder in New York City is suppose to be a serious

> offence in Canada. So, as treasonous to Canadian Liberty, the

> Crown in my case is refusing to have the police chief, or
> other Crowns look into this matter. [I suggested by my Court
> motion to our Court system to consider contacting another
> office from a different province perhaps.] While the Judge,
> publicly for the Winnipeg record, agreed to side with the
> Crown instead, without stating the whys - that Justice for
> Canada would not be served under his rule on my suggestion.
> Just put a soldier in prison if they should dare stand up in
> defense with their lives for Canada is what this unjust case,
> yet to be reported on by our national press, is turning out to
> be actually. I would ask you once again, to please make some
> effort to get on local Winnipeg Radio, or Coast to Coast to
> plead for some defense on this matter of morality. You know,
> this Freedom thing does involve you too. So, George Norrie
> and the rest of you lot, listen, I think you've made some
> horrible judgment calls, and I'm asking you now, to live up
> to your responsibilities to my America, and invite me on for
> free discussions on these matters.
> All I want is to challenge the man.
> Merci.

> Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to

> lie to dying soldiers for the benefit of the enemy neo-con.
> These are the motions than were filed on behalf of Johnny
> Wizard's defense in Winnipeg. A man arrested for threatening the
> continuing existence of the lawless demon anti-Christ, Our Mr.
> bush Jnr. The demon nazi who murdered thousands in New York
> City as God's enemy. I, beg and plead my case to ALL that
> will listen. The tyrannies of suffering on our God happen
> when good people go silent in the face of evil. Please do not
> forsake all that is good within yourself, by leaving my call
> unheard from.
> ---

> / / Color me naive, but when I hear talk of cages, detention
> and/or concentration camps, my mind usually wonders in devious
> directions. I haven't seen anywhere in history where detention
> centers and so forth were used as freedom enhancing tools.
> View this anyway you wish, but do so at your own peril. \ \

> --
> I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba
> 1.

> Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
> transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns

> The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's


> Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop

> investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama

> bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...
> `You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'
> 7.
> October 9 2001 - The Times of India
> "While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
> that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
> Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
> Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
> here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
> "evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
> suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
> authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that

> $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from

> Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
> General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
> confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
> the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
> dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
> said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
> number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."
> 8.
> No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
> [So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
> directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
> 911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
> of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
> refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
> fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
> Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
> building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
> had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the

> ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all

> "We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army

> Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th

> Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody there,

> they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there
> were women and children to kill them."

> 15.
> Quote from "A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial
> Bombing of
> Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting"
> by Professor Marc W. Herold Ph.D., M.B.A., B.Sc.
> Departments of Economics and Women's Studies McConnell Hall
> Whittemore School of Business & Economics University of New Hampshire
> When U.S warplanes strafed [with AC-130 gunships] the farming
> village of Chowkar- Karez, 25 miles north of Kandahar on

> October 22-23rd,killing at least 93 civilians, a Pentagon
> official said, "the people there are dead because we wanted
> them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1

> When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I
> cannot deal with that particular village."

> 16.
> "American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi
> civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.
> And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line
> coming out from the Pentagon's spin doctors Specialist
> Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma when

> it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just

> pulled the trigger."
> The Crown would argue this issue isn't in her jurisdiction,
> however, it is in mine as a expressive communicator fighting
> for freedom from real tyranny. An irrational tyranny that
> only stands exercised by corporate "news bite" censorship, and
> false imprisonments. An American Prosecutor put Sergeant
> Benderman in prison for refusing to kill God's children. Now,
> what do you really think America would do, if "they" knew that
> too?
> 17.
> Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally
> responsible for
> 18.


> "Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said
> they had no weapons, but that with shots coming in the men
> were legitimate targets because they ran."
> 19.
> CAIR also wants the Pentagon to investigate a photograph
> circulating the Internet of two Iraqi boys and a U.S.
> soldier. A smiling soldier stands besides the two boys who

> are giving a "thumbs up" sign, as one of boys holds a sign

> When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

> =Helen & Harry Highwater=
> ---
> Please, I beg you to assist me in this cause immediately!
> Ack! It turns out that there IS a criminal conspiracy run out of the
> Winnipeg Police Department's Exploitation Unit!
> Ack!! It turns out that the Crown IS aiding and abetting the
> terrorist crimes of first degree mass murder!!
> Ack!!! It turns out the Judge threw this whole Revelation thing out
> without any consideration offered, while the Crown is currently
> working on a public ban of disclosure in Winnipeg on these
> continuing documented crimes!!!
> 50,000!! a pop! Stolen from law abiding business owners!!!
> Crimes forwarded to the public in part by the concern of Manitoba's
> Premier!!!!!
> Send this post for me to also Winnipeg media persons or to anyone who
> will listen. If you don't, then, you ain't my friend. Come on! Do
> something for us, and I promise to help you out later if I can.
> Help me through the goodness of your heart, so we won't get
> railroaded into prison fraudulently by those that hide in darkness
> as pirates of our human will. The will to be free.

> The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!
> The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
> without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!
> HELP!!!

> ---

> Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
> matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
> grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
> operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
> eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
> assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
> judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
> Court in these following areas.

> 1. National Security Issues
> I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our
> national security services are obligated to practice under, to
> insure our national security matters are being truly defended
> in my respect. No change in summation of my character was
> altered, after they were granted a search warrant to verify it
> was me who publicly spoke out for honorable FBI officers
> denied their rights to speak freely, then as the Court knows,
> instead of doing what they argued to grant such privilege to
> infringe on my personal liberty, enforced a less than perfect
> law that most others would buckle under, even if they harbored
> no criminal intent, and would never do anything to infringe on
> the rights of any child. For I challenge; it does not serve
> Canada's interest (in particular our teen soldiers) to
> knowingly have Canada propagandized under the serious failures
> of CBC and the National Security Services to lend no wanting
> cry to hear REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with
> evidence and everything, President Bush's business partner,

> (who was at the Whitehouse Sept. 9th working on the top

> secret invasion of Afghanistan strategy to heavily arm heroin
> pushers who war to keep women as slaves while weaponizing
> children - done all for a liquefied gas pipe line to profit
> his darling dear Enron) funded 9/11's "mastermind"
> "ringleader" Mohammad Atta. Inside sources from the RCMP have
> notified me, that in the last four years, Section D's salaried
> employees, have done practically nothing to serve Canada's
> interest in this respect. While Canada's CSIS does not have
> the legal ability to speak out publicly regarding the criminal

> transgressions of President Bush, and because of this nature

> for themselves. Sure we can be counted lucky that only so few

> Canadians have died thus far, but when will the sacrifice of
> Americans, Afghanis, Iraqis, and soon to be Iranians with the
> Syrians, along with more than fifty other countries officially
> marked for death by the lawlessly irrational bushite

> recognizing the real bad guys, and then I'll go out there, and

> To Police effectually, I would suggest a public domain
> transparently coded checksum program checker to automatically
> recognize, known illegal materials made available free, with a
> downloadable database updated by the work of one or two
> officers monitoring currently available internet image traffic
> - classifiable almost near the speed of electricity across the
> country. This action is good to take despite my personal
> innocence or fraudulent guilt, for media labelings are
> completely impossible to designate content/control, but as
> such, shouldn't forbid Police services from locating where
> possibly actual hugely offensive content is being distributed
> through. With volunteer co- operation of programming, a user,
> server, or internet service provider could be warned of
> material almost in their possession as expression is
> classified criminal so then simply delete it, and carry on.
> I'm confident such Police planning with open for public
> appeals to fine tune further, would end putting the hugely
> profitable exploitation units across the continent almost
> completely out of business. Now, who truly wants that?

> arrest for mass murder of our good friends in New York City on

> -----------------
> I know I'm innocent under the law as it currently stands, and
> in addition, I wished to teach our Courts why the law stands
> unjust against our public in other respects. With no criminal
> intent to obtain or distribute something illegal alleged
> against myself, and the simple truth that one can not perceive
> an image until it is at the very least, already in one's
> possession, says enough by itself. But most importantly, the

> Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my

> expressions. Example: I could have in my possession a
> written work from one who espouses the glories of war criming,
> but I, personally, am diametrically opposed to it's unwise
> declarations.

> Firstly, I, like any, need ready easy access to all the
> evidence the Crown holds against myself, to indicate a
> possibly hidden motive behind her criminal allegations. For
> it is in our authority as a free society that the Crown holds
> any legitimacy.
> It would be unfair for our Courts to side with the unjust
> Crown on not giving me ready easy access to the evidence, but
> for only by hugely limiting degrees that include costly bus
> rides, or as the seriously impractical, hundreds of thousands
> of printed texts that would likely fill roomfuls.
> I need to provide the evidence of my actual expressions to
> counter balance the false interpretations the Crown alleges,
> when it comes to asking where specifically the rights of a
> child are being compromised when she makes her defined as
> sexually dysfunctional inferences. All the images on my
> computer, deleted and otherwise, are not my expressions.
> Similarly, are all the written texts on my computer those of
> words I hold to be my own personal philosophy. As indicated
> by the Supreme Court of Canada's Sharpe case, a defense
> against fraudulent accusations regarding the Rights of our
> children being compromised, can be readily addressed early on
> by understanding the possession charge in relative context to
> the personal life of the accused.
> R. v. Sharpe
> "Section 163.1(6) creates a further defence for material that
> serves an "educational, scientific or medical purpose". This
> refers to the purpose the material, viewed objectively, may
> serve, not the purpose for which the possessor actually holds
> it."
> So, purpose of digital media as determined illegal must
> therefore, be backed firstly by criminal intent, for without
> any intent you have no purpose. A defense is made available
> by the Sharpe decision on personal\professional conduct to
> indicate actual established purpose of accused to prevent
> blind "overreaching". The Supreme Court of Canada's deep
> concerns of "overreaching" are very much apparent in my
> particular criminal matter. Conduct of individuals who have
> lost their purpose in Police keeping, who aren't being managed
> to express through our Police actions, a public interest in
> where the "offensable" images are coming from, or came, but
> instead, where it's all going as potential new innocent porno
> victims with millions of dollars worth of stuff they can get
> away stealing. [I've read porno cops in America recently
> acquired 300,000 more American names of households to raid,
> off of one single server found managed in violation, but have
> taken a pause before then moving on to arrest anybody who has
> ever used the internet for whatever, to consider, just what
> have we gotten ourselves into here.] See, perfectly legal
> imagery can be made into illegal thoughts relatively quickly
> by the weaker irrationals that exist within our police
> services. Where, to prove for the record, a twenty two year
> old is only twelve, even when she has in her possession all
> her proper paperwork, completed puberty, a living mother, a
> popular working web site and historical documentations, is
> just foolishly impossible. While at Your end Mr. Surfer
> Citizen, your demonized guilty, until proven innocent of
> thinking their faulting criminal perceptions, they do
> practically nothing to verify. Without needing to establish
> intent, they make off like bandits. See, under a simple
> possession charge, there is no allegations of intent to obtain
> or distribute something illegal, and likewise, not found a
> responsible public's interest in seeking the means of which
> the criminal content was as could be LEGALLY provided. The
> last thing we want in our dying world is a setup where private
> legal businesses are selling, promoting, and releasing content
> that only becomes illegal when the exploitation unit comes
> into your home to steal your stuff by grossly misunderstanding
> what the threat actually is.
> By exercising our right to perceive representations of that
> which is made freely available, is of in itself, important to
> the sociologist, psychologist, concerned parent, and of
> course, the conceptualizing artist reflecting on our shared
> reality.
> My private and public expressions are more tuned to those who
> are personally responsible in escaping arrest for running
> death squads against innocent children in Afghanistan financed
> by the undefended as uniformed American tax paying Public,
> [10th Mountain Division] a criminal enterprise still cashing
> in on the rewards of bush's mass murder campaigns. Or, the
> dropping of cluster dud land mines throughout residential
> school districts to murder our children indiscriminately.
> Mercury tainted vaccines that for sure cause irreparable
> damage to North American children, or as currently, about John
> DeCamp's just released updated 2005 edition, about the secret
> White House-linked national child sex-ring entitled "The
> Franklin Cover-up." However, the real motivating factor
> [intent] in the Crown's purpose by attempting to pirate our
> public's right to defend Ourselves judiciously, is more
> specifically because I articulate the HONORABLE FBI's official
> publicly available findings on who orchestrated, and funded
> the crimes of 911. Namely, Mr. Bush Jnr. along with his
> business partner, the still escaping Lieutenant General
> Mahmoud Ahmad.
> [University of Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky, has
> researched the Ahmad/Bush relationship as documented by CNN
> ABC et al, and can be quested for at]
> The Crown to not fight on our behalf regarding this easily
> verifiable mass murder issue, is indicative of an intention,
> to cast aside the concern of all children who benefit from my
> communicating higher truths for the betterment of the entire
> public body. I ask our Court, who, in Canada, informs our
> public truthfully as I do, that the "scumbags" Canada's own
> General Hillier is referring to get Canadian youths for sure
> killed over in his nationally broadcasted barbaric adolescent
> bigotry, against all the INNOCENT students of Afghanistan, is
> of a People who factually opened up schools for girls under
> the Taliban's getting better through communicating
> leadership?, and who outlawed Bush's heroin production, and
> the slavery and rape of women? Women who were when working at
> the Taliban's newspaper, were not required to wear burkas
> despite CBC's propaganda to the contrary?
> The Crown's case argues that a determined selection of legal
> images, can be sited under a labeled classification of
> "collateral images", as somehow, unto it's separated self,
> being an indicator, or summation of my unbridled character.
> Therefor, to question such interpretations I need the luxury
> and comforts of a stress free environment to ponder the
> significant meaning of each of these collateral damages
> against ourselves as the innocent the Crown argues for as a
> weapon of Justice. For, those personally responsible for
> making repeatedly easily verifiable faulting expressions with
> the evidence the Crown refuses to return to me as my legal
> property, are in all likelihood, still blabbering corporately

> un-accosted, the completely blind support of indiscriminate

> mass murder in thoughtless praise for war criminal traitor to
> Humanity George Bush Jr., their supreme no nothing about squat
> leader. While myself, am a well documented public defender of
> children's rights and a studious observant researcher on media
> matters, who is schooled in the field(s) of Psychology and
> Genetics, Sexuality and Religion, along with the chaotic order
> to the indivisible nature of life ourselves. [And who when
> not terribly busy building this needed defense against the
> Crown's alleged criminality, still champion the written word
> for Justice being - US all as treated fairly.]]
> I also need to show, how I come to be in possession of
> another's expressions, of some managed images, or some strewn
> texts.
> It would be unfair for our Courts to side with the unjust
> Crown on not giving me ready easy access to the evidence, but
> for only by hugely limiting degrees that include costly bus
> rides, or as the seriously impractical, hundreds of thousands
> of printed texts that would likely fill roomfuls. While
> sitting just outside my police door, could be the public
> accuser who professes proudly the deeply ignorant ungodly
> beliefs of cop killing and heroin dealing to push US all over
> the top with Bush as it's global mastermind. Knowing such an
> enemy of freedom who taunts all our judicial matters with true
> personal self contempt, is there still escaping public
> ridicule, wearing our community's Police Officer uniform,
> could create unto itself, an unneeded frustration on my part,
> for, I am a honorable defender to all that is Just. A
> honorable defender that is needing by threat of false
> imprisonment to concentrate on Justice for just myself
> personally currently. As the Court well knows, a bushite's
> favored public intent is well established by the evidence, as
> documented truly criminal being the ungodly. [Hypnotized
> lawless through the mechanics of suggestion I would diagnose
> for the don't know knowing any better.] There exists no
> evidence against bin Laden for 911, nor, was any factually
> alleged to exist, and despite what Bush broadcasts
> unchallenged nationally on our airwaves privately, Saddam did
> actually let the inspectors in to go where ever they wanted
> without delay. Furthermore, indiscriminately murdering people
> with tens of thousands of cluster dud land mines, 9000
> missiles targeting public infrastructure, many multiple 2000
> pound bombs containing radio-active toxic waste, along with
> the new and improved napalm and phosphorous poison gas clouds
> all because we are in the approximate age range of 15 to 55 is
> a for sure real war crime going unaddressed publicly by the
> Crown, but not by myself. So, the Crown's interest is in
> jeopardizing the lives of our children for sure by working to
> silence my extremely rare public cries for true accountability
> here in Winnipeg.
> I am sworn to protect all as indicated by my recorded actions
> and praised world wide word. The National Supreme Court of
> Canada's Sharpe decision allows this defense to be made on our
> behalf.
> By Our Honorable Court's "Lord" siding to support claims made
> by my false accusers - as the running definitive summation of
> what can be claimed as "collateral images" - [legal relative
> media content present on my computer,] while judging to refuse
> to have returned my therefore stolen legal property so I can
> adequately prepare a counter defense against the Crown's
> confusions, is nothing short of a crime in progress. At least
> it should be. By denying me the evidence the Crown holds in
> contempt of our Court, would create an undue hardship on my,
> seeking to illuminate the facts from our vantage points.
> Having to travel back and forth across the city to view
> hundreds of thousands of media messages pertinent to my case
> at hand, left denied search tools, and a comfortable
> atmosphere, is unduly unfair for all concerned. Now, I know,
> I have to deal personally with those who support such a
> criminal ungodly nature when I have no choice to, but to have
> them located in the same listening vicinity throughout all my
> inquiries on stolen legal media content, to spew their
> boastful chauvinistic fascist state partiality of how great
> George W. Bush is as their master thinking celebrated
> American Cop Killer, would leave me unfairly tensioned. I
> need the meditative comforts of home study with good coffee
> and private friends to ponder my adroit, to the point defense
> with the evidence I demand the fair right to contend.
> I hold children's rights paramount in the public defense
> stands I've made for near a decade, and privately, I'm free to
> think my way on anything. The Crown has no right to dictate
> what my private thoughts are, especially, if I'm not granted
> to speak on her conclusions with the ready made evidence she
> don't want me to have returned possession of. My legal
> property that the Crown's crew has plans to sell! God, are
> you listening?
> I need the luxury of computer processing that the Crown used
> to surmise her relative faulting judgment of my worth to our
> society.
> I need returned all my legal possessions, like my real
> expressions such as public communications, to fairly challenge
> the Crown's refusal to consider such objectiveness on who the
> one holding criminal intent actually is on this serious
> matter. So therefore, the Crown's crew should not be allowed
> by our law to sell my stolen property as they are planning,
> while surely as sadomasochists, destroying a life time of my
> written works they know mean a great deal to me personally.
> Wishing to deprive our rights as the community, to be granted
> fair treatment in our Court systems of accountability, is
> surely what will happen if our Honorable Judge does not Judge
> honorably against the Crown and grant me the legal return of
> my stolen property. I need to establish the mechanics of my
> specifically unique computer system, so I can establish my
> fair defense made available by the Supreme Court of Canada's
> Standing Sharpe decision.
> The Court recognizes finding that all declared illegal
> possessions serve a criminal purpose without any intent,
> unless found serving otherwise by made available evidence from
> the defense. [ergo my Constitutional challenge] Evidence of
> real purpose the Crown doesn't want to grant our Court,
> because usually, guilty or innocent, they do sell everybody's
> stolen stuff actually. And truly, the Crown has expressed no
> interest in assisting our Police agencies in apprehending
> those known responsible by the evidence for first degree mass
> murders. [Instead, pick on the helpless innocent little
> Jewish man bearing a cross, as cowardly brown shirt jack boot
> nazi fascists under Hitler would have too. [surprising for
> many, it is formally illegal to be Jewish currently in God's
> Israel. As for the Crowns in my case, and the Judge, well
> they seem to be not all that bad over all. [So far... But
> this innocent people go to prison for speaking un-contended
> truths thing for me is just some extreme to the core serious
> business of ours, and good or bad, the Judges, and the Crowns,
> and the Police Officers have a paid job to do by following the
> rules designed ultimately in purpose to protect both me and
> you. So, can't we all just find a way to get our public news
> agencies to live up to our responsibilities by recognizing
> standing laws not yet enforced against the un-elected
> dictator, the monstrous war mongering American traitor
> criminal, 911's George Bush Jnr., instead of present
> company???]]]
> I need returned my 37,333 [minus the contended for argument]
> images to sensibly consider their feasibility to collectively
> represent the Crown's faulting illogical argument in a
> brighter picture.
> I need to show what I did with obtained media information on
> general terms by mechanical processing through my very
> specific as unique operating systems, and through my
> definitive writing on the very subject we are here
> considering. I need operating script batch programs that do
> specific tasks regarding general media managements.
> I need to show how Usenet [early raw based sub-internet
> knowledge sharing web communications system] is used, and how
> it was legally accessed by my specific personal system,
> granting me, to be a part of one of the greatest collected
> artistic expressions of the known world. And how, when using
> such services, informations aren't found perceived until, at
> the very least, they are already in one's possession, thereby
> making the Crown's standing accusation absent criminal intent
> clearly unjust. [those responsible for
> distribution/expression of actual for real illegal depictions
> are where the infraction against the public's interest can be
> compromised, but the exploitation units I'm aware of seem to
> have little of no financial interest in recognizing such a
> wanting to lose their lucrative industry brokered through what
> should be worked to be made into redundancy.]
> I need returned possession of my computer content, to seek for
> indicative examples of huge disparities with what is described
> with the Crown's own relative definitions, and what my media
> machine actually contains regarding my for real expressions.
> I need to reference my personal writings surmising the
> faulting state of the child porn policing industry. To
> surmise grand totals, as such the Crown's crew alleges of
> legal content she'll bemoan despairingly of collateral damages
> against us as innocence. Knock knock knock.
> If the Crown argues falsely that the evidence I request is
> irrelevant to her criminal case, then what could the harm be
> honestly in showing the error of her ways? If she argues it
> jeopardizes to expose the true criminality used to try
> convicting me, an innocent honorable man in Our name, I would
> move that the charge against me be stayed, my property
> returned, and the Courts help me make a Constitutional
> challenge to the validity of the law, while communicating also
> Your dissatisfaction in not having us heard speaking out
> nationally for the truly Honorable FBI - against 911's true
> money man - Lieutenant General Mahmoud Ahmad - getting away as
> bush's not so secret any longer private business partner,
> escaping he is from the mass murder of thousands of our good
> friends, the still left undefended corporate Americans.
> I need to know what settings were set in place for the
> installed programs to access the internet. And a whole bunch
> else besides.
> In conclusion, I need to show where my outstanding character
> was at, by indicating exactly what I spent my free time on, to
> illustrate for our Court, my TRUE intent as motive on this
> matter.
> Yours truly,
> ------------------------------------


> for the Crown to Stay Proceedings

> and
> Accused.

> The Validity of the Law
> While true, to distribute material in an abusive form of
> sexually explicit child pornography, can have a detrimental
> impact on the impressionable, being in simple possession, does
> not connotate the same negative risk to the public body. It
> is not a Freedom of Expression issue. All the pictures on my
> computer, deleted and otherwise, are not my expressions. Nor,
> importantly, can digital images be perceived, until, at least,
> they are already in your possession. Under current law, as is
> in my case, you're already guilty on nothing. So, if you
> should see something arguably imprisoning, you're too late to
> point fingers elsewhere.
> It's analogous to you sitting in your parked car with someone
> throwing through the opened window, a closed paper bag of
> crack cocaine, followed behind by an arresting police officer,
> who while cuffing you hears your plead that some completely
> unknown person threw the innocuous unmarked bag through the
> window, leaving the unjust officer of our law, to reply for
> the record "Yeah, I saw the, left to go on his own "stranger"
> do it. And it's a crime in this country don't you know to be
> found in simple possession? Now, where are the keys to the
> trunk of this fancy car I'm planning to sell for a tidy profit
> crack head loser?"
> The Crown appears under this law in my case to have no need to
> prove a criminal intent to do her things.
> See, under a simple possession charge, there is no allegations
> of intent to obtain or distribute something illegal, and
> likewise, not found a responsible public's interest in seeking
> the means of which the criminal content was as could be
> LEGALLY distributed. The last thing we want in our dying
> world is a setup where private legal businesses are selling,
> promoting, and releasing content that only becomes illegal
> when the exploitation unit comes into your home under false
> pretences to steal all your electronic stuff by grossly
> misunderstanding what the threat actually is.
> A digital image isn't possibly perceived until it is at least,
> already in your possession. Making the standing law as it is
> interpreted by the faulting Crown, unjust. No criminal intent
> is alleged by my sole possession charge, but for by myself
> against the Crown's secret bushite crew for aiding and
> abetting the crimes of first degree mass murder in New York
> City.
> An infraction against the public's interest occurs when such
> materials are expressed through distribution. Digital images
> of people posing as testaments to the beauty of being human,
> are not the same as expressions of sexually exploited
> children. Yet, from as near as I can tell, the threat of
> seriously cruel and inhuman treatment against me with a five
> year prison sentence is being made because the Crown has made
> included, condemnable interpretations of the public's free
> expressions of youth and beauty. Again, not my own. Leaving
> still no made interest in understanding where these prison
> term perceptions, that are often admitted by the Crown's crew
> to be legal, originated. If the Crown's case remains
> standing, why shouldn't we expect the child exploitation units
> to then widely distribute as near as can be Barely Legal
> materials in hopes to nab more of us as the fearful to be
> shamed as criminal through threatened public Court proceedings
> regarding your alledged deviant private sexual thoughts? Of
> legal images perceived as a god honest, testimony of youth and
> beauty, being ourselves beautifully youthful, could leave you
> too as depicted hiding some unknown something about your
> unseen character. Or, an even worse madness, exploitation
> units distributing truly illegal depictions, named maybe after
> car models, to see who could be made found only in simple
> possession of the accusers relative perception?
> For, if the internationally popular woman depicted was well
> over eighteen and had her own legal website, don't matter for
> indictment, cause the expert of expert experts they have in my
> case, a double full time professional computer porno viewer,
> states with a complete straight face, the full figured pubic
> wisped woman, he knows nothing of, is really only ten or
> twelve. You're for sure either normal being human, or guilty
> of thinking their bad thoughts punishable with real prison
> sentences. As a result of course, I'm now demanded to divorce
> my life of other critically important responsibilities, to
> prove my complete innocence on these deliberately planned top
> secret schemes, they didn't want You, the public to know of.
> A near criminal attempt, (as documented by the now disclosed
> once top secret warrant), to silence my cries for the arrest
> of the publicly established factual 911 masterminds - Our Mr.
> bush Jr., General Ahmad, rumsfeld, myers and cheney, along
> with almost the entire senior staff of disclosed as flagrantly
> criminal propaganda proliferators, The Office of Special
> Plans.
> The Warrant details by exclusion, a deliberate top secret plan
> on the Crown's part, a deviant anti-government plan to silence
> my calls for accountability through my world wide public
> addresses on the FBI answers still surrounding the murder of
> thousands of American Citizens. The Crown, as an attempt to
> undermine Liberty by thwarting me off my one chosen career
> path of Universal Speaker, and fictionalized demon slayer -
> leaves you instead, this quickly passing opportunity to stand
> up for the rights of another being cheated for real, and in so
> doing, we'll find together, that true freedom is justice for
> US all. Law stands strong for good reason, so too, does
> tyranny rule by censorship for false imprisonment. Do not
> allow my voice for freedom's reign to be silenced unjustly, by
> those who would have us falsely believe, Bush personally
> didn't do the crimes we all easily now know the evidence of.
> An unjust Law enslaves all Religions, for reason is
> beautifully Just through your will to conceive, that God's
> interests are as naturally too, your own included. My
> commitments to equal rights for all have never changed, and
> Humanity's true commitment to defend Iraqi children to the
> last cowardly murderous thieving bushite enemy, will carry on,
> despite the corrupted Crown's attempt to stop real Justice
> from continuing. When one views public photographs of
> rumsfeld's un-arrested mercenary soldiers raping an Iraqi
> woman, are our rights being further violated with every
> passing witness? How about witnessing that Guantanamo's
> torture victim Moazzam Begg, was running a girl's school
> program with his wife under the female loving Taliban? [You
> know, Moazzam Begg, the one and same British Citizen depicted
> solely by heroin pushing donald "sexy cluster dud land mine
> dropper" rumsfeld, as one of our Lord's most dangerous
> criminals?]
> The Crown alleges in truly contemptuous silence, she's not
> interested in defending the rights of those children, or
> victims of mass murder, while voicing publicly in Our Court,
> that I, am infringing on the rights of children somewhere else
> because, even though no body is perceiving the data located
> anywhere on my hard drive, it still magically constitutes a
> personal violation, on its own by itself, of an unjust law
> that others have been demonized, robbed, then falsely
> imprisoned on. This irrational demand on behalf of the Crown
> to Your Court, where she states her private viewings do not
> infringe on children's rights, while EVERYONE else's does
> somehow, even if you didn't see at all the picture judged as
> the reflecting mind of a true sexual deviant, is US ALL being
> the auto-guilty anyway, and not firstly innocent as it should
> be. See, the Judge could say to a Jury, "Your job is not to
> judge the injustice committed with these blind and broken
> laws, but that solely, did Top Cop Johnny have this one single
> picture on his computer?, and if he did, then the bushite
> liars who fight our systems of accountability through Justice
> to further escape real rapists, torturers, and documented
> treasonous war criminals like those who for sure committed
> 911, get to put him in Our prison for half a decade."
> However this issue requires much for further study. It turns
> out my two primary accusing officers who deal with real sicko
> child porn every day full time, also support death squads
> against innocent families in Afghanistan to protect the demon
> lies of George W. Bush, and they'd almost tell the jury that
> too as blind devote disciples of the self hating bushmob cabal
> of neo-con peenackers, if the Crown wasn't there to forbid the
> truth from being spoken.
> The two abusers, the two anti-cop officers of question, lied
> to me, then censored my agreement they had their word on,
> then, attempted to twist my comments into something clearly I
> didn't mean.. and that's not even the half of it. So, don't
> tell me I'm being over critical of their naked wicked evil.
> If an image was an offensive act witnessed, why then is it
> that a genuine concern is not with a possible victim all the
> time? The shocker to the uninitiated in the battles of good
> against evil in these child exploitation units, is that rarely
> do they have a real monetary care to follow though with the
> details. - "Oh, the girl is really a woman, and the web
> address on the digital image is of a server acting completely
> within the confines of our law, nudist campers are nudist
> campers, and as for the beautifully naked young girl taking a
> bubble bath smiling, er.. I mean the one looking seductive...
> drat." Examples: I have many texts willfully ignored by the
> Crown that articulate irrational praise for one heinous crime
> against God or another of the un-elected neocon war wankers,
> that I, as a human, certainly don't find myself in automatic,
> no free thought agreement with., right? And my objective as
> Human defender isn't to censor the known criminality of the,
> murder innocent people for the war profiting bushmob liars,
> but to expose the true injustice committed against our better
> selves - US all dying slavishly censored through Our corporate
> international communication network of good old ideas left
> long gone dead and buried. Hammurabi's Code of Law: it's
> first sentence, of his first paragraph, the number one most
> important Law as example. - Here's the translation - The
> public figure blaming someone else for a capital offense, such
> as terrorist, who uses NO EVIDENCE for PROOF, to murder in
> Your name as Citizen, is the FOR SURE ENEMY, always, EVERY
> TIME. And in the next four thousand years that single law has
> timelessly stood unbroken, not one person has been capable to
> declare a true, wanting disagreement.
> The corporate news mandate is to take You for granted -
> without any given say so. Our sold as sworn public defenders,
> CBC, CNN, et al, hold no opinions of our Humanity on the
> needless indiscriminate bombing of populated cities, the
> torturing of men women and children by un-arrested as openly
> confessed complete psychotics, the thieving of hundreds of
> billions from America and Iraq, and as such, tyrannically
> support [don't call us, will call you] commi censorship, all
> done in to assist the "escape" of those truly responsible for
> the crimes of 911.
> When the Crown argues that disturbing images simply in your
> possession constitute an absolute evaluation of your
> punishable character, while denying\forbidding a Court to know
> what you do in your life with our time is faulted. I hold
> children's rights paramount in the public defense stands I've
> made for near a decade, and privately, I'm free to think my
> way on anything. The Crown has no right to dictate what my
> private thoughts are. This insistence on behalf of the Crown
> on what we all perceive individually by judgment is determined
> solely by media content - is a foolish falsehood forwarded by
> Our Great Lord's, Supreme Court of Canada. Example: Does not
> the public videos of rumsfeld's, defended from YOUR LAW
> bushite soldiers, gunning down women and children running for
> their lives from a mosque, or where hundreds of unarmed
> defenseless families are huddled together, then bombed by a
> bushite enemy grunt, a grunt who on VIDEO TAPE, moans itself
> to orgasm when they all die as the innocent murdered with
> "ah.. dude" just speak for itself? Sure, the celebrating
> bushies repeatedly depicted have no honor, or courage, only a
> fascistic hatred for their fellow man - openly thieves who die
> without a fighting cause for Freedom, nor a true commitment to
> Law - but I would ask if We had a voice to cry in Your Court,
> what do You see in this corporate World that leaves my stand
> professionally unworthy for deliberations? The Crown's
> concern remains silent on the DOCUMENTED and easily verifiable
> murder issues, when she has her regular huddles with a local
> corporate reporter, discussing on who, from the community, was
> in Our court challenging, a sexually dysfunctional
> sadomasochistic label. For the Crown to witness and know
> first hand of such barbaric criminality, such as the true
> perpetrators of 9/11 found revealed by THE FBI stinger, along
> with the rest of the evidence trail that all leads directly to
> the Whitehouse, is a Crown who does not hold Canadian's
> freedom in check, or a care for our soldier aged sons and
> daughters conflicting near death. But to side instead, as
> they are hiding behind the honorable Crown's position, a small
> group of four or five dim blips, attempting they are to
> silence these calls for real freedom for the masses. I am a
> proud and honorable man who objects to furthering bush's war
> crime aims with this lifeless corporate tyranny of enslavement
> through whoring for the dark foreboding wills of Our Mr. bush
> Jr.. Censorship is the tool of tyrants, while I beckon a new
> light for peace by communicating. Please, I beg you, do not
> allow them to silence my objections to have us unjustly
> imprisoning myself, while bringing great hardship to my
> immediate family by denying the truth be spoken publicly in my
> defense on why I'm in the Court room, and what is documented
> irrespective of their spin doctoring and label pasting.
> Where is the violation of a child's rights, specifically, when
> the Crown's crew gleefully ponder images she'll use to silence
> the words of Johnny Wizard by prison sentence? Where? No,
> where?
> Commanding our public indignation for those who disrespect
> human rights she will use as her weapon, all the while, hidden
> from the jury, and the judge, a secret contempt for thousands
> of innocent murder victims denied my unchallenged demands for
> real Justice. No officer of our laws anywhere have found
> fault with my PUBLIC summation, documented fully, on who, and
> how, 9/11 was truly orchestrated. A Crown stuck committed to
> global bushite tyranny Vs. a Truth seeker of the highest
> order. Come to the trial! Tell your friends! Tell your
> neighbors! The People vs. an overburdened unjust Crown, and
> a near treasonous national security officer, who wrote in the
> original top secret warrant nobody was suppose to see, it'd be
> so much easier to help bush escape arrest by avoiding the
> public accountability process entirely. The once top secret
> Johnny Wizard Warrant is freely available with most names
> being detracted, to protect the innocent until proven guilty.
> A traitor to God and Country the Crown and one National
> Security officer potentially is in this top secret bush
> administration conspiracy endeavor, to serve by bushite
> criminal decree up here in defenseless Canada. For as
> potential accessories to first degree mass murder, they are
> stuck attempting to undermine Canada's National Security
> Services, the FBI, the People, US, all to further unjustly
> sacrifice, more of our uninformed sons and daughters for
> further bounty, as substantiated real world criminal, bushite
> evils. I say no. Help me get public recognition through talk
> radio, take a stand for your fellow man, and help a Jury in
> Winnipeg learn of who I am, and why they are forbidden to know
> what's truly going on, and you'll be helping yourself to a
> better future. My principle allegations against George W.
> Bush require a qualified and adapt security officer no more
> that forty three minutes to verify. Namely, bush's business
> partner, General Ahmad funded 911's "mastermind" "ringleader"
> Atta, and was also sent, the General was, from the Whitehouse
> on behalf of bush to the Taliban stating, no evidence will be
> brought against Laden as the accused, therefore an innocent
> man in Christ. And, that as MSNBC reported of the top secret
> documents provided to themselves anonymously from Condoleezza
> Rice's office, George had a confidential plan at his desk on
> how to invade Afghanistan dated September 9th, 2001 that he
> didn't want anybody in America to know he was working on
> during his "vacation". His confessed publicly to MSNBC, as
> "fully implemented" Afghanistan strategy, demanded that he not
> pursue the true 911 evil doers, for it would upset his made
> before hand, guaranteed plan. That had soldier grunts moving
> out to get ready just before the event. All premised on
> blaming Laden as a terrorist without a shred of evidence, for
> a crime that hadn't yet taken place, but that bush was
> personally prepared as closing investigations on. To secure
> criminal invasion he would refuse to follow the evidence trail
> - and as a result - NOT apprehend the have to let go - falsely
> accused bin Laden. [cowardly soldiers who didn't speak up as
> real Patriots would have much earlier, who were ordered to let
> Laden go on his way in Torra Borra, have now all mostly fallen
> quietly dead., by fluke mishap or something like the sort it
> is said.] All set in play, this plan of Our Mr. bush Jr's,
> top secretly with General Ahmad riding gun shot, just days
> before thousands of American People were still left
> unaccountably murdered. See? Mr. Bush would need such an
> event to happen unhindered as a requirement to galvanize world
> sentiment. Providing no evidence substantiated would
> guarantee his needed invasion for American pension thievers
> Enron, and that is exactly what HE planned, what HE did, and
> who HE is. Evil is the deceived disguised. What more do you
> need to know buddy?
> I, armed with only the facts, demand the arrest of those who
> participated in the murder of children to protect the demon
> lies of George W. Bush, while the Crown's case, on top of
> alleging that the simple possession Law [no criminal intent to
> express or obtain is alleged] states a child's rights are
> being infringed on due to the content by itself, ALONE,
> appears ready to fight for disallowing a jury, to freely
> witness, this fishing expedition was intentionally started to
> stop me speaking my outrage that bush hasn't been yet arrested
> for committing 9/11 with General Ahmad, so according to the
> unmentionables in the no longer top secret Warrant. That this
> Crown would officially state holding our virtues while
> attempting to condemn me to a long prison sentence, shows her
> possible personal true contempt for the value of Your human
> life my friend. I have written extensively on defending the
> rights of children, and the psychology of sexually
> dysfunctional sadomasochists, I have studied this world to
> create some thing greater than average, some thing better than
> normal, a world where all children are respected, including
> those of Iraq who have been purposefully denied safe drinking
> water, because negroponte needed to STEAL the emergency funds
> for his new embassy. See?, she would argue that those real
> world crimes aren't relevant to my case in her hands, those
> REAL children like perhaps your own don't concern her, nor do
> the lives of Canadians lied to by corporate command for
> criminal sacrifice. The Crown convinces us irrationally, with
> her only excuse being, because the specific broken Law she's
> decided to singly exercise, (with the exclusion of all others,
> like thou shall not murder,) stupidly says she can, and you
> dummies can't do anything at all about it yourself. Why?
> Because you wont speak out for anyone else's rights to be
> heard publicly - the bushite enemy trust to figure. Justice
> is Freedom, and to have a real concern for another's lost
> rights to freely be, is to be truly concerned with your very
> own in serious jeopardy. I wouldn't lie to you. Believing,
> as the bushite do, willfully deceitful corporate news
> propaganda excuses the Bush Administration's rampant
> criminality against the innocent as God is, truly, excuses
> nothing, especially if I have something to say on the subject
> of accountability.
> This final Court challenge against my Freedom to be myself,
> that the bush administration attempted firstly to do top
> secretly, has now been laid publicly at our door step as a
> blatant threat to everyone of us as a member of the Canadian
> Public. Will you help me politely address my false accusers
> on our public airwaves? Will you help speak for freedom from
> tyranny is this question riddled, or will you deny yourself my
> generous helping?
> The reasons why such abhorrent behaviors continue unaddressed
> in our Police Force actions will be documented fully with
> remedies offered during the second part of the third phase of
> the upcoming Question Period press conferences - press
> conferences running during the available down times of The
> Trial of
> ------------------------------------------------
> / /And that of course gives the bushites and CBC and CNN their

> implausible deniability, where they can say their remaining
> neutral, by not providing us the facts to allow us to decide
> for ourselves. Because otherwise, we wouldn't kill ourselves
> to profit the bushmob cabal of God haters. Who victimize
> innocent Christians for no other reason but for to profit off
> our suffering.
> [...]
> Think of all those people in that situation as God. And
> these, the bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are
> completely irrational, they're making no sense, your fuking

> up. It's like a cancer that God of that whole situation, is

> inflicted with. They're lying to themselves. If your there
> to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a position to demand
> all the money that has been taken through this Iraq
> Development Fund, be returned. \ \
> --

> / / What is particularly disturbing is how the administration
> misused intelligence information to make its case for war and
> failed to plan competently for the postwar period. \ \
> What seems even more disturbing, to me, and PBS' FRONTLINE, is
> that there was a "State" plan, the ORHA plan to prevent
> looting and carnage, but it was sabotaged by rumsfeld and
> franks, so the bushmob could try to make some sense of
> needlessly bombing the country for our labored dollars, while
> robbing the central bank and museum by mopping up the mess
> with the bodies of American Patriots still dying as dumfuks.
> -----------------

> you know what is right, though you may still be blind, never too
> late to
> change your mind, we are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is
> just the
> deceived disguised...
> Our Gambling Problem

> Instead of our government deciding what services we need and are
> willing to
> pay for, they'll have us think that by actively promoting gambling to
> those we
> can take advantage of, somehow serves them right, and us well.
> ------
> / / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,

> "oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have

> the two documents of question. \ \

> What is the Coast to Coast radio network Head talking
> about tonight?, the re-re-re-hashing of the "Allaways
> Interslinging" Bigfoot phenomenon? Where was I...
> Look, you're not going to go to hell for not giving me a
> couple of dollars to further my cause, but it sure
> couldn't help to leave me without any support here
> whatsoever.
> --
> White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'
> ---
> The United States of America v. Adam Vaughn
> He was a stand-up Marine, a beloved cop, and a local hero

> / / Vaughn was accused of possessing child pornography on
> the basis of images in his browser cache and downloaded
> photos he had deleted from his hard drive long before the
> accusations. Although Vaughn says he never sought out or
> wanted to keep pornographic images of children, he's
> serving four and a half years in jail. \ \
> --
> / / It's as if our government is telling us that if we're
> going to look at porn, we'd better pay for it. Otherwise,
> we might get branded pedophiles. How many innocent lives
> will be destroyed before the child porn wars are over? \ \

> ---
> / / Specialist Damien "Monster" Corsetti--known
> affectionately as the "King of Torture" among his Bagram
> colleagues--was later fined and demoted for forcing an
> Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
> Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. \ \
> Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
> that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
> blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
> earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?

> / / "Suggestions that U.S. forces targeted civilians with
> these weapons are simply wrong," U.S. Marine Major Tim
> Keefe said in an e-mail to Reuters. "Had the producers of
> the documentary bothered to ask us for comment, we would
> have certainly told them that the premise of the program
> was erroneous." \ \
> Does not such treasonous conduct warrant a military
> misdemeanor of bush bitch Tim Keefe? He even claims to
> have knowledge of the undisputable endless footage
> that documents nazi attacks against the completely
> innocent as defenseless. But the premise of a commitment
> for Americans to truly war Our enemies being the truly
> Just and Free, at least under his falsehoods of
> leadership, is an erroneous argument. For, bushites are
> the bad guys, who lie cheat and steal don't you know.
> ---
> / / Bush didn't have any popularity left. Overnight tracking
> polls showed Kilgore dropped three percentage points after the
> President's appearance and Democrat Tim Kaine won on Tuesday.
> Conservative Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum
> told radio talk show host Don Imus Wednesday that he does not
> want the President's help and will stay away from a Bush rally
> in his state on Friday. \ \
> -------------
> .wmv
> --
> / / Why would God promise you in the Bible, go hurt myself
> purposefully. And steal something from someone you didn't
> earn. And be a dishonest lying bastard, just to be an
> asshole you like to be. \ \
> --
> / / He figured anybody who committed the acts of torture
> against the innocent, needed to be publicly executed for
> America, by America, as America, and I, am totally in
> agreement with that. \ \
> --
> Bush Jnr. is sure wicked evil song
> --
> / / an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
> torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
> enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
> it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
> quantities when compared with the violence of the
> resistance. \ \
> Godless bushite enemy thieves, are enemies of innocent men
> women and children as they live and die in undefended America
> measured worthless to the neocon traitor's bottom line.
> If YOU, personally make no effort to confront millionaire talk
> radio hosts who insist America's more concerned with
> discussing the importance of aliens and vampires than the
> sacrifice of liberty for tyranny, America will die. Anti-cop
> Coast to Coast hosts deliberately forbid Americans to learn
> about who personally is responsible for the crimes of 911, or
> that the war in Iraq has no rational justification whatsoever.
> Nazi bush bitch George Norrie would happily watch your
> American children die for the treasonous bushmob, before
> allowing any Patriot on Your radio to discuss these serious
> matters that confront us all. Help me gain a public voice on
> our air waves, please.
> dyn/content/article/2005/10/25/AR2005102501388.html
> / / Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
> President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
> bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of
> cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
> personnel. \ \
> / / Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
> they knew the American people wouldn't stand for it, and
> they said so in their documents, and they said, unless
> there's that new Pearl Harbor.
> [...] and it is treason. [...]
> 1. We give up all rights to Iraqi oil 2. We give up
> all rights to the rebuilding contracts- if Halliburton
> wants a contract from you, they have to bid on it like
> anybody else, and they have to hire Iraqis to do the work
> for a change. 3. We give up all rights to those 14
> permanent military bases we're building in Iraq at this
> time. And the people in the Whitehouse are not going to
> make those committments and so they have to go and all
> the puppeteers with them. \ \
> / / Rove told Cooper that further information
> discrediting Wilson and his findings would soon be
> declassified and ended the phone conversation by saying
> "I've already said too much. \ \
> / / · less than one per cent of the population believes
> coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
> security; \ \

> (Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")
> (on bush's behavior during the school book 9/11 incident.)

> / / Stuck he was then, with no mind to ruse, er.. time to
> snooze, Arg! What was the cue? Errrch... If he moves
> with priority interest as concerned openly honest public
> figure, as he knows a legitimate President would have
> been to first learn of such carnage,
> why not previous before he left his Hotel room with a
> television? Outside the Hotel? In the motorcade? With
> school staff as you'd figure would have been present too
> laughing, no? Instead he stayed as he had been to give
> no orders publicly, nor attempt to make public inqiries,
> but to listen with such unbelievable absolute devotion,
> equating a beautiful child's story, as if it were Jesus
> from the heavens himself, speaking directly on the
> living Nature of our Universe.. \ \

>>From the Johnny Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"

> [The Son of Man asks:]

> / / Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
> to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
> blindly stolen from? \ \

> -
> / / An editorial appearing Wednesday in the Washington
> Post did not mince words in denouncing Cheney's
> intervention. His actions, the newspaper declared,
> demonstrated that ``this vice president has become an
> open advocate of torture.'' \ \
> / / The War Crimes Act of 1996, a federal statute set
> forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2441, makes it a federal crime for
> any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to
> violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder,
> torture, or inhuman treatment. \ \
> / / Making a potential prosecutor's job easier, U.S.
> Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in January
> 2002 to President Bush saying that America should opt out
> of the Geneva Convention because top officials have to
> worry about prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. § 2441. By
> attempting to sidestep the Geneva Convention, Gonzales
> created a document trail that can be used to prove that
> top administration officials knowingly created a policy
> of torturing prisoners \ \
> / / Entitled ``The Torture Question,'' the report makes
> clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld bears direct
> responsibility for the brutal methods of interrogation
> used against US prisoners. \ \
> --
> / / What is happening is that Ms. Davidson and Lawyers Against the
> War have laid charges against George Bush Jr; accusing him of
> aiding, abetting, and counseling the commission of torture. \ \
> / / "Many Canadians don't realize that we have not only the right
> but the responsibility to pursue these charges, it is a
> responsibility that the Canadian government owes not only to the
> people of Canada, but to the people of the world. \ \
> / / "The American legal system seems incapable of bringing him to
> justice and there are no international courts with jurisdiction.
> So it's up to Canada to enforce the law that everybody has signed
> on to but nobody else seems willing to apply." \ \
> / / Irwin Cotler's credo is supposed to be "Justice, justice shall
> you pursue" not ingratiation with superpowers who practice torture. \
> \
> ---
> / / [...] talk your arguments to 18 USC 794 anti-treason law.
> and if he [bush] goes by hanging I buy the rope. \ \
> --
> / / o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Dick Cheney was NOT
> conducting drills on 9/11 that paralyzed Air Force responses to the
> real attacks?
> o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Tower 7 collapsed as a result
> of the attacks?
> o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that `put' orders placed on the two
> Airlines involved in the attacks were mere coincidence?
> o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing about
> $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?
> o Where the Hell is YOUR proof that Donald Rumsfeld did not
> organize an illegal military group that would ``provoke terrorist
> attacks which would then require `"counter-attack" by the United
> States? \ \
> ---
> --
> / / The Nazis in the 1930s were forced to waste precious time and
> money on the inoculation of the German citizenry, too well-educated
> for its own good, against the infections of impermissible thought.
> We can count it as a blessing that we don't bear the burden of an
> educated citizenry. \ \
> --
>>From "Epiphany"
> / / What can bush or rumsfeld do now in Iraq, outside of criminally
> stealing our assets, that they couldn't do before a single innocent
> Iraqi person was murdered by heinous traitor buford blount? Look I
> am serious about this: read... What can bush or rumsfeld do now
> in Iraq, outside of criminally stealing our assets, that they
> couldn't do before a single innocent Iraqi person was murdered by
> heinous traitor buford blount? \ \
> / / In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
> stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
> otherwise have been much higher. \ \
> Repeat after me:
> Coast to Coast hosts are leaving us listeners out here
> with the impression, that neither hosts have
> heard of the National Intelligence Estimate,
> or the NIE, that was created by pressure through
> congress just prior to the war, by the cia, state
> department, and eight other American intelligence
> agencies, of which, the bush administration got
> caught misleading the verdicts by censorship,
> and outright re-writing, then bald faced lying.
> Subsequently causing the creation of an
> investigation by the Senate, who's conclusion stated
> that the bush administration "..provided [Americans]
> with an incomplete picture of the nature and extent
> of the debate within the intelligence community
> regarding these issues."

> ----
> F R E E E N E R G Y
> It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
> buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
> a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
> plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
> floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
> buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
> of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
> ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
> bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy
> endlessly.

> / / Do not put any effort into thinking out your own opinions.
> Create doubt on anything any true liberator, would try to
> convey to you as important for your life. Never mind. Watch
> your son or daughter be sacrificed, and just lie to yourself,
> and tell us all how your so proud of your dead son or
> daughter, "because they were fighting for liberty." And we

> just got to just keep bullshiting you because you're an enemy
> to God. An enemy to true freedom, when you demand truth not

> be spoken for the innocent being persecuted, as Christ was.
> Where is Christianity in America? Call your Church now! \ \

> ----
> / / Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
> has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
> spying with a warrant? \ \
> Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
> broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue. He wants
> to pursue terrorists they'll tell us, but CNN, CBC, FOX and
> others, won't tell us why Bush secretly feels FISA would
> jeopardize such claimed inquiries? Sure, bushites are dumb,
> but we're not that dumb to except this without knowing. It's
> similarly like, Bush can't be my Chief because, Congress
> didn't declare war like the Constitution Laws. So, what's he
> going by then?, right?
> bLeEplap!
> Look up in your mind, across the sky!, it's the glorious sign
> that says things couldn't be much worse under the watchful
> gaze of the Supreme Commander. It's like, Bush can't be my
> Chief because, Congress didn't declare war like the
> Constitution Laws.
> The, in league with evil tresspass of George Walker Bush only
> has the rights that are protected by any civilized American.
> The lying demon enemy has no power of illusion over me, for
> he, I have concluded with in discussions about Satan, is
> truly, no honorable god fearing American.

> Help me to gain some international say, and our world will

> fair brighter at becoming, this fool's play/tragedy.
> bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp! bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp!

> ----
> God or no God, I hate the demon antiChrist, corporate
> america's false-deity, Your unelected Mr. bush Jr., as
> much as any real Creator of this world, or any other
> should.
> With such real inaction on old promises [lies] made by
> the dishonorable and dishonest leaderless bushite nazi
> savages, while desecrating all of Humanity by fighting
> against a just rule of Law, (instead of protecting
> America's America), forces the continued REAL WORLD
> sacrifice of true Liberty, until the bushmob gang is
> brought up by US for war crimes., as the 9/11
> perpetrating, super evil as ungodly, demon antiChrist in
> disguises. (I very much would feel welcomed to play my
> part in those public proceedings.) Hmmm.. maybe CNN or
> CBC can become publicly convinced we should have our own
> news programs on what's truly happening?, to compete
> against the 'evil bushites' in this competitive free
> market place of ideas? Who knows..
> Take care of the business, by getting US in on our
> news-casts., as these principles here standing in words,
> are a dreamers dreams, just waiting for You to bring to
> reality., by standing proud, strong, and forever free as
> a, truly, super awesome Human Being.
> True Blue American Jew
> / / Jimmy Carter tours America with a new book that describes
> Jews as racists and oppressors, and suggests they are also a
> conspiratorial mafia that intimidates ``critics,'' [...] In
> other words, Americans beware of the Jew in your midst. [...]
> When hundreds of millions are calling for the extermination of
> the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie; it is a blood
> libel. \ \
> What is wrong with this ungodly stupid zionist demon nazi fuk
> eh? Does he want us to think he has some secret club of
> "ungodly liars" who could hide among themselves in a dark room
> and not destroy themselves willingly? (The Devil's in the
> details) I'm King of the Jews, and I'd kill bushite thieves
> for America anyday, any REAL JEW who defends the lives of the
> innocent, who the bushite targets for murder would do so
> likewise.. I mean, come on, seriously, who wouldn't.
> bushites are evil, and evil is dumb. A zionist THIEF is a
> soulless enemy of Life, as a un-American, God hating, pro
> Christian/Arab/Jew killer. In other words, Americans beware
> of the Zionist in your midst who LIES to cheat and steal from
> the innocent true blue American Jew included.
> Johnny America - presently on his theatrical, Wizard's World
> Wide Work of Wonder Word spectacular Tour production with the
> personally staged adaptation of, "Hello", now playing
> everywhere.
> P.S. can you spare a few tens of thousands of dollars so I
> can afford a fair defense in my court battle against the
> demonic enemy forces of life as we know it? Or, well, I guess
> I'll lose unfairly, and go to prison as an innocent god loving
> man, the "Top Cop" of our Universe dying actually. Don't let
> them do this to my America friends.. my friend, don't let
> them do this to anyone. Make the call. Be a man.
> / / An AMERICAN CITIZEN that ALL found leaderless bushite

> dumfuk anti-American terrorist forces act nothing for defense

> in. An American!!! \ \
> -
> Now that atheist THIEF Israel has 'legalized' MURDER,
> / / "Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to
> the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings
> in the United States and other friendly countries, former
> Israeli intelligence officials told United Press
> International. \ \ The zionist criminal element can't call
> OUR COPS we see... and with enemies like these... We should
> don our stars an crosses, load our guns, and hunt to kill
> every last 'escaped' first degree murderer zionist,
> no...?
> -
> / / ``This is simply not right,'' Layton told a news
> conference. ``There is no evidence that Mr. Arar's name
> should be on such a list. We held a whole inquiry here in
> Canada on this question. \ \
> -
> The Voice of Reason, NewsTalk 1270 is Off the Air
> / / it's almost unheard of for a start up to launch a station
> with a format as expensive as the news/talk format. And it's
> extremely rare for local investors to buck the trend of the
> corporate consolidation and launch an independent locally
> controlled broadcast outlet. \ \
> -
> Johnny's Flying Jalopy
> Corporate America's contempt for Justice is STILL killing
> American teens un-necessarily. All religions are in agreement
> - God is just - and if there is to ever be a heaven granting
> freedom to all, it's a world that treats all people equitably,
> like Mohamed, Hillel, and Jesus with Confucius, Buddha, and so
> on preaches to real believers... While evil bushite liars
> tell our children we're blaming the innocent as God's will for
> their 'escaping' criminality. Murderous! Art Bell again,
> told his viewers he didn't support starting the war against
> the innocent in Iraq, but he did relentlessly. I survived
> through that well recorded international challenge. The demon
> forbade any discussions on the matter, but for a rare seldom
> talk with someone who wanted to nuke somwheres else. The
> demon would screen his calls, privately during commercials,
> and anyone who wanted to bring up an American soldier's
> interest in why we were all pro-war with those who directly
> carried out 911 AS DOCUMENTED, he'd just hang up on before
> broadcast. Despite MILLIONS marching. So AMERICANS wouldn't
> know: George W. Bush actually is the 911 master mind of this
> journey into hell by his criminal ineptness to plan an
> effective exit strategy for him, and his dishonorable ungodly
> servants, like the bushite terrorists Cheney, Rumsfeld, task
> group 626. Sattler, Blount, Mattis, Russell, Allawi, Aegis,
> and now,.. PUBLIC admissions of the bush administration
> taxing "Americans" for death squads against the INNOCENT by
> their "democratic" constituency. Gifts from America to you
> freedom lovers! See the bushite, you kill it for America, you
> kill it for children, you kill it for the love of GOD left
> forsaken by corporate 'for profit' zionist news directors, who
> TRULY hold YOUR life in contempt. Hate me? okay, f--k you
> too then, HATE GOD as 'defenseless' by supporting these
> continuing indiscriminate al-cia-duh bombing attacks against
> our Humanity, and I'll personally hunt the offensive liar
> bushite down religiously for judicial prosecutions as OUR
> enemy. Join me in ridding Humanity of the enemies to American
> freedom, the bushite terrorists.
> Bush signed the top secret war strategy, to ignore all
> relevant evidence for a crime that hadn't just yet taken
> place, on September 7th, 2001. [Jim at MSNBC] A top secret
> criminal plan to close inquiries carried out after the
> catalyst terror event of 911. The General who provided the no
> evidence argument to the Taliban at Bush's request, was found
> also responsible by the FBI for funding the same terrorist
> offence in question. A terrorist crime that the bushmob has
> taken a huge killing in GOD with. wAllah, George W. Bush is
> the for real antichrist. No escaping it my friends, no
> escaping it. Fight for Freedom, or die a loser to bush's
> genius. Support me, or fail to recognize true wisdom when it
> speaks to you of need for desperate change to save your dying
> selves.
> Do YOU have any idea how truly evil Art Bell appears when he
> says, of course America was lied to through corporate news
> censorship in regards to the WMD questions, but that's because
> it was all for stealing Iraqi property to benefit no-national,
> bottom lining by jack bribing, - bush's - pro-military
> dictatorship oil companies after all is dead and gone, that's
> what death Your American Son is good for. And why isn't Art
> Bell mad about what he did to you?, at least near half the
> angry of how much, still locked in the trunk Daddy G is?
> No,.. in shock!, he's sounding as chipper as ever! That is
> what Art Bell actually said last Saturday night to God and
> Country.
> So listen: Art Bell and George Norry won't allow Americans to
> set a HIGH PRIORITY in solving any American crisis, and
> instead, we'll get the regular, who cares about the dying
> poor, needless American teen sacrifices done for a better life
> it was not thought. Art Bell will likely never be able to
> stand up proud as a real American man, unless he allows US to
> form his good defense on fears of wisdom existing beyond his
> stupid man comprehensions along with likewise traitor Norry.
> Only way for that to happen, is if he, as the other radio
> celeb happy happy cultists, are forced by LAW, to have
> broadcasted on every private radio station of OUR Planet, a
> full hour of open lines calls to talk about whatever as the
> disgruntled, but loving, immediate community, perhaps sharing
> recipes. Then, if America is still then a wasteland of
> worthless words trumpeting a bushite's proud barbarity for
> ungodly zionism as death of the Jewish religion, continually
> committed to the further enslavement of the Human condition,
> by thieving, and torturing as proud boastful bushites do,
> WE'LL ALL know it, and consider demanding Justice then on OUR,
> not so out there old country radio stations, all so THEY can
> then, as offending war criminals, go it alone without
> ourselves. Like an old "All in the Family" episode I saw
> once, or thrice. Where Archie gets to makes a community
> member statement on his local TV station!!! Wow eh? How far
> we've come...
> Jesus, hell no, I ain't going down that blind delusion of what
> infinite Justice means. Tell George Norry, Ahmad funded Atta.
> Despite the FACT that he will likely again, personally
> determine, DYING American SOLDIERS must be FORBIDDEN such
> knowledge as understood in context. Then, get him to invite
> US on as a very controversial guest. What a show that would
> be! Wouldn't it be a great novelty that would eventually wear
> off with something even more curiously interesting in a
> million to two years? Or, die tomorrow as a forsaken American
> Patriot soldier. It's all up to YOU. Do the right thing by
> supporting me, Creator of the Universe, with answers to
> EVERYTHING. Or, die with evil genius Bush, as your blind
> tyrant war bringer, against everything good in purgatory.
> American!
> Johnny America
> -
> / / Lord Justice Richards, sitting with Mr Justice Forbes and
> Mr Justice Mackay, ruled it was a "reasonable" decision for
> the Director of Public Prosecutions and the CPS not to order
> prosecutions on the basis that they were "likely to fail". \ \
> These three will be tried for blatant treason, when found
> easily guilty, Britain will consider temporarily bringing back
> the death penalty, by having these three, along with the
> murderous pro cop killers, gloriously executed for God and
> country. The fellow murdered was working for a security firm,
> likely, Peter Power. And the murderers were caught repeatedly
> LYING to the British populace. Repeatedly. Now, ask
> yourself, why such lies to cover up such a serious crime of
> FIRST DEGREE MURDER of an innocent British citizen? "Likely
> to fail"?, that's not Justice, likewise, not freedom, as no
> way to deal with the continuing terrorist threat found
> discovered there years and years ago. Do you think these
> treasonous "Judges" are not aware of the mass killings in
> Britain committed, as confessed PUBLICLY IN BRITIAN, by
> government agents posing as the still silent on the issue IRA?
> LEARN: these once fearful officers will tell you, if they
> don't talk to plead Justice, the "British" government has them
> murdered. (Their best buds actually from back at the office
> are only 'IN IT' for their own preserved criminal gain you
> see, so... why take the risk that Johnny'll get you in the
> end? SEE? A bushite kills bushite for a stolen nickel they
> likely stole from their OWN grand parents to give to
> Halliburton, because truly, bushite soldiers are godless nazi
> traitors who cowardly bomb the innocent with their personal
> contempt for God and Life, or go silent over such atrocities
> committed in our names by LIARS.) This pattern is Universal,
> so, my hands are tied. There is truly no honor among bushite
> thieves, like in the Third Infantry or Elvis desecrator Aegis.
> Death to our indiscriminately murderous thieving enemies of
> God's Creation, who war Creation for bush's personal escape
> for the crimes of 911 Christ would say right, wouldn't you say
> so likewise my brothers and sisters, of the Muslim, Christian,
> and Jewish religions in belief?
> / / Jonathan Crow QC, acting for the CPS, said he sympathised
> with the family but that the police believed at the time Mr de
> Menezes posed a threat and they were acting in self defence. \ \
> According to whom?, certainly not by the statements made by
> the demonic bushite liars who war Britain to assist in the
> escape of Peter Power and company.
> Later Gaters,
> Johnny America
> Crime News Journalist "Apoo, will you ever stop selling spoiled meat?"
> Kwiki Mart Apoo Ahhasapeenapenluand "No. I mean yes. I mean.. Oh oh.."
> -
> Iraq Study Group finds "systematic" effort to cook the books.
> -
> "My opponent says that going to war with the terrorists is
> actually improving their recruiting efforts. I think the
> logic is upside-down. I think that shows a misunderstanding
> of the enemy." -- George W. Bush
> "I must tell you, I'm sleeping a lot better than people would
> assume," -- George W. Bush
> ---
> No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused
> "These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
> ordinary innocent men, women and children."
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Ahmad funded Atta

> American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
> administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
> suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
> evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
> badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable police services.

> Services not left permanently perplexed by the onslaught of
> repeatedly ignoring the same consequences where more innocent
> people fall dead as bombing victims, while LIAR bushite
> continue to charge/thieve from both, you as an American, and
> me, a member of our victimized Humanity. You see, your demon
> liar has ruled that all the Peoples of Earth have no legal
> rights to exist freely in our public court rooms. Bad news
> that is for OUR dying America my friend. Support my call for
> an open dialog on returning a reason for believing, for
> Freedom is Justice, not a censored world ruled by puppet
> people in shadows without free will left un-accountable. On a
> populated Earth exceeding six billion, you would find some
> disagreement on our worths measured by the 'un-accountable'
> bushite american ENEMY like the self described as enlightened,
> pro Arab child killer George Norry I'd say. See, if you blame
> someone for a crime without any evidence, then convict him,
> how would you know that the individual that victimized your
> Family actually got caught for harming YOU? Personally I'm
> saying... .American. I mean - if you continue not demanding a
> return to Justice, it will leave your life, and go far where
> freedom's not. Believe me. I know these things,
> Support my cause as if it were your own, by chirping in to
> help us out some man. Look out buddies, some thing wicked
> this way comes and it's surprise!, Johnny Wizard President and
> CEO of Earth Co.! Wow!, what a godsend that boy is eh? I'd
> bet he's richer than everybody.. No, I've heard he's near
> starving broke, no hey.. it's no joke.. I've heard he's
> looking at prison time because nobody will lend him the time
> of day to call up their radio station to demand Justice for
> themselves., As Americans!. Nor, have any billionaires the
> world over offered Johnny a penny in help to secure a proper
> legal defense. Gee, it's just that he's hard of believing in
> God I'd say. Perhaps..
> Where did you get those shoes?,
> Johnny America - A Free World believer in something better.
> Puppet On A String: Hamas Dances To Israel's Tune
> P.S. Did you hear?, Israel's big G-D Court ruled that
> committing State murder is what lawless ||Jews|| do to fight
> 'terrorism'? Legal to murder innocent People, but more
> specifically, Religious People. "Fuck You Moses" the Israeli
> ungodly zionist says, because they're better than US as
> Zionist jews don't you know. The People's of Israel are being
> victimized by the bastions of truly demonic lies told through
> the sickening mouth pieces of the irrational zionist neocon
> god betrayers. Believe me, I know these things, for I am the
> Light of Life itself after all.
> Okay, I'm gone. .. er. .
> Chow.
> --
> Again, a un-American bushite is the enemy to Life as ungodly
> disciples of the very real antichrist, believe me.
> / / "And I reject those ideas," Bush said after meeting with
> top generals and Defense Department officials at the Pentagon. \ \
> It looks like G.W. Bush is going to be a real bitch about all
> this nasty business of his capacity to conceive what we're
> saying actually as each other committed to reach beyond the
> 'grunt' stage in human development eh? Typical.
> "It's Bad-in-Iraq, Does that help heh-heh"
> / / For if Iran should have learned anything from recent
> history, especially from events on its own borders, it is that
> as a tactic, whether offensive or defensive, threatening
> Israel publicly is counterproductive in the extreme. \ \
> Blame a zionist for the criminal offences he or she is
> personally responsible for as the guilty party, and the
> 'escaping' zionist claims through corporate 'for profit' media
> mind control, your blaming Israel as an anti-Semite.
> Anti-Semite! Semite, like umm... Moe, Ham, an Ed. You go,
> Aukmaudinajad, let's get the truth out to let a free people
> decide without NAZI censorship. However, I have seen
> incinerators filled with corpses, and Hitler's Reich marching
> anywho citizens into a hole, where with women and babies, they
> were then all summarily shot, then buried, all the while
> soldier's chatted about how great they were, all high quality
> digital formats available, some even IN COLOR!, so, convincing
> me that godless bushites have existed, that would murder
> anyone for a stolen nickel as pro-bush rapists, pro-bush
> torturers, and pro-bush thieves of the Iraqi Development Funds
> is goin' be, next near to impossible. But, I'm the guy you'd
> want in your corner, never the less. "King of the Jews",
> that's me. Oh, oh, oh, oh,.. pick me! picck ME! PICK ME!!!
> 'We have no problems with Jews and highly respect Judaism as a
> holy religion. We only have problems with Zionist circles in
> Israel which we hold responsible for the suppression of the
> Palestinian nation.'
> P.S. I'm not gay that way okay, and I'm most definitely a
> man's man when it comes to the female gender, but I really do
> love Ourselves man, and if you guys don't start offering me
> some support, a couple of disgruntled bushite brethren are
> going to pirate our Justice system, by putting me, an innocent
> man behind OUR bars UNJUSTLY. Support Yourself by calling up
> CJOB here in Winnipeg to demand they start broadcasting in
> favor of our freedoms, not to lie our naiver teens into dying
> for something they understand nothing of. Well, it's no
> wonder. Make the calls. Be a friend, if not a blind enemy to
> everything. For our Life's survival needs your input/help.
> Don't die in silence for Bush, fight for America to come back
> to being America. Get on the radio. YOU can make a real
> difference if you'd only try. Realize, very few actually do,
> we need YOU. Now, Coast to Coast hosts deny US this
> privilege, this must change for thee better. The sooner we
> succeed in defeating George Norry and Art Bell's censorship of
> the American endeavor, the more American teen lives are
> potentially spared through a dying bushite's commander's
> CRIMINAL contempt for Humanity, just like Our Mr. bush IS.
> For, REAL freedom is protected through just acts made for our
> measured benefits. A country, or city, or person accused of a
> criminal offense without any evidence made in the Public Trust
> is innocent. PERIOD. Hammurabi suggested to just PROUDLY
> kill any false capital accuser [a bushite] who tries to
> tell/teach our suggestible children otherwise. Real people
> have to die in defense for escaping the support of torturing
> innocent people to death, for their is NEVER any reason, just
> costly time to explain the whys, that bushites lie, while
> American national radio propagandists, who like Art Bell, are
> pouring poisonously chauvinist, and openly, willingly working
> to undermine the audience, all to lawless traders of freedom
> for tyranny. Senators that supported the Military Commissions
> Act need to be thought for as TREASONOUS. Better for Christ
> to judicially halt/kill a thieving bushite, than allow it to
> continue lawlessly murdering more left undefended for further
> victim hood as God's America. No evidence against an accused
> is US being truly abused. (Senators have STOLEN literally
> billions from a helpless GOD through ear-marking from an
> un-accountable America left to die as the actually forsaken.)
> Smart guy that Hammurabi fellow was, on combating ungodly
> terrorism in a new world's Age.
> Alex Jones "Alarming words for our time."
> -
> UNDERSTANDING THE KOORAN - Death of a President

> Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."
> A Look Back and Ahead In An Age of Neocon Rule
> / / [...] like the Law of Suspects, were earlier versions of
> our Patriot I and II and Military Commission Acts today. The
> Revolutionary Tribunal, with no chance for justice or right of
> appeal, was no different than our military courts today, and
> too many civil ones, in which any US citizen may now be tried
> anywhere in the world, with no habeas right of appeal or hope
> for due process and from which those sent there won't fare any
> better than the French did, doomed to meet their unjust fate -
> [...] \ \
> Unjust?, perhaps. Remember, these bushites CHOOSE to support
> the rape and torture of the innocent in God. Knowing the
> bushmob STOLE all Iraqi wealth, AND LISTEN, they speak near no
> words in defense of ourselves. While, I, as I'm certain any
> real family man would also, take GREAT pleasure in killing
> bushites. Anyone in George W. bush's Air Force for example.
> They are soulless cowards who drop bombs on innocent families
> running for their lives from a Church, or as children, hiding
> under our beds praying to God for help. Simply put: A
> bushite terrorist is a lifeless enemy of Life, better dead,
> than still breathing I tell all children of creation to kill
> their very own fathers or brothers if they express any blind
> pride whatsoever in these indiscriminate attacks against
> freedom. Or just spend stolen loot like from in Blount's
> Third Infantry. (Blount commands the third infantry as a
> Saudi Wahhabist, no shit, a BILLIONIARE Saudi commanding
> American soldiers to OPENLY thieve and murder from Iraq. If
> Saddam only knew, he'd be up in arms over it I'm sure.)
> All I personally need to hear, is that bushite cheering from
> his bomber at the murdering of innocent screaming women and
> children, in Afghanistan, or any of the near thousand tapes
> from Iraq, or perhaps, re-reading the comments of the not yet
> PROUDLY EXECUTED 3 year old killers of Haditha, who told US
> ALL, murdering helpless children not guilty of ANYTHING was
> their regular fair all through the criminal command of
> Sattler, where as Satanic, they murdered more than two hundred
>thousand of OUR innocent family members to die sacrificed for
> the demon LIAR ANTICHRIST enemy thieves. Oh god yah, killing
> a bushite, is to defend the innocent lives they target to
> thieve from themselves as ENEMIES TO EVERYTHING. God yeah, I
> know I'm doing Humanity GOOD by ending a first degree
> murdering bushite THIEF, who wars Our innocent Humanity to
> help escape the TRAITOR bushmob for 911, back in New York
> City, where thousands of AMERICANS WERE MURDERED. With George
> W. bush's 'top secret' anti-American plan, don't you know..?
> Surely, FOXNews would care for the lives of Americans who
> state FOXNews is the best for not making them think they know
> nothing as true to dead or dying dumfuk enemies of the Marine
> Sean Hannity must be tried for treason for LYING DIRECTLY to
> America repeatedly. Why? Becasue nobody can be that stupidly
> evil by accident.
> I am, seriously, Death to the enemies of Christ, and I hope,
> you can find The honor to serve America in the same respect
> for soldiers who have fallen Before US, who died TRULY warring
> against a bushite's irrational tyranny. While these Nazi
> bushite fucks tell US openly, they lawlessly rape, torture,
> and steal from God as 'defenseless'. Leaves me to ask YOU,
> what are you going to do about it?
> Live free, or die in chains?
> Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."
> -
> / / "the Zionists make a great issue of the Holocaust in order
> to further their illegitimate [ungodly as anti-Human]
> philosophy and aims," \ \


Dec 29, 2006, 8:20:01 PM12/29/06
Larry, bush lied to you. Saddam was not a threat to us. didn't you see how
his army ran from us? how he ran from us? what are you about 8 years old?

"Larry" <kiwi @ NOSPAM> wrote in message


Dec 30, 2006, 6:57:41 PM12/30/06
On Fri, 29 Dec 2006 18:20:01 -0700, "thom" <>

>Larry, bush lied to you. Saddam was not a threat to us. didn't you see how
>his army ran from us? how he ran from us? what are you about 8 years old?

Whatever your age may be, you're a idiot who can't see past his
political slogans.

If you were to really try to find out about the situation in southwest
Asia prior to the second war, you might actually learn something. But
I know you will not look because (in your mind) you already know the
revealed truth.

You're a waste of protoplasm, not because you CANNOT think and learn,
but because you WILL NOT think and WILL NOT learn. Larry

Dec 30, 2006, 9:12:10 PM12/30/06
What do you say he lied about? saddam did have materials for nukes, maybe
not as much, or everything he would have liked, but trucks screaming out of
the country at night when they thought nobody could see them proved that. As
well, saddam either wouldn't let the un inspectors into certain places, or
stalled them for months before letting them in. Why do you suppose that
would be? saddam also harboured and supported known terrorists, praised
terrorists that attacked the US on several occasions, murdered innocent
people...his own included, wasted billions of dollars on building elaborate
palaces he would never use, as well as gold plating ak 47s' while his people
were starving and in dire need of medical supplies, and do you remember
Kuwait? Or was that just saddam having a little fun? So I'm not sure what
part you mean Bush lied to us about. And, if these actions of saddam don't
frighten you, even a little bit, you've got bigger balls and a bigger rifle
than my .458 mag!!!
As for his army running from you, tells me they were very unhappy about
serving a true shithead, and praying the US would eliminate him and bring
justice and hope to the people.
Did Bush lie? Or maybe didn't tell everything? The world is a better place
without saddam...especially for those that would have been murdered had he
been allowed to continue. Now he's just one less threat to worry about, how
is that not a GOOD THING?

cheers, larry

"thom" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted

Adam Whyte-Settlar

Dec 31, 2006, 12:27:38 PM12/31/06

<> wrote in message

> On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 21:12:10 -0500, "Larry" <kiwi @
> NOSPAM> wrote:
>>What do you say he lied about?
> Yellow cake
> Aluminum Tubes
> Connection to 9-11
> Connection to Al Queda
> Connection to Bin Laden
> His cocaine use
> His desertion
> being a "uniter"
> (that's the short list)

>>saddam did have materials for nukes, maybe
>>not as much, or everything he would have liked, but trucks screaming out
>>the country at night when they thought nobody could see them proved that.
> Pure poppycock
> 1. He had no "material for Nukes"
> 2. He had no delivery system
> 3. No truck "screamed" anywhere

>>saddam either wouldn't let the un inspectors into certain places, or
>>stalled them for months before letting them in.
> yeah, YEARS prior to the invasion
> UNSCOM was given FULL, UNFETTERED, TOTAL access to
> ANY/ALL sites 7 months prior to your lying sack of
> shit's attack.
> UNSCOM and Hans Blix started telling your deserting
> asshole that NO trace of ANY WMD was in evidence.

>> Why do you suppose that
>>would be?
> Because if Saddam admitted to his neighbors that he had
> NOTHING, that would cause him problems.

>>saddam also harboured and supported known terrorists, praised
>>terrorists that attacked the US on several occasions, murdered innocent
>>people...his own included, wasted billions of dollars on building
>>palaces he would never use, as well as gold plating ak 47s' while his
>>were starving and in dire need of medical supplies, and do you remember
> IOW, "Saddam was a nasty sonofabitch"?
> THen why did your venerated Vegetable Ronnie Raygun
> call him an ally, arm him, give him special privileges
> and literally keep him in power?

>>Or was that just saddam having a little fun? So I'm not sure what
>>part you mean Bush lied to us about.
> Yellow cake
> Connection to Bin Laden
> Connection to Al Queda
> "Emminent threat"
> "clear and present danger"
> "aluminum tubes"
> MOF, EVERTHING (except Saddam being a bad guy) your
> lying idiot claimed was a LIE.
>>Did Bush lie?

>>Or maybe didn't tell everything? The world is a better place
>>without saddam.
> But that's NOT why Bush said we needed to attack

I was about to say that 'you are wasting your time on these pathological
denyers' but come to think of it maybe not - there are very few of them left

Message has been deleted

J. Wizard

Jan 16, 2007, 5:46:08 PM1/16/07

How The Demon Bush Misled God's World

How Bush misled the world

/ / Once the document was declassified after the war it became
known that it contained 40 caveats - including 15 uses of
"probably", all of which had been removed from the previously
published version. Tenet further ingratiated himself by
remaining silent about the OSP. "That's totally unacceptable
for a CIA director," said Thielman. \ \

Thielman meant "totally unacceptable" as in HIGH TREASON.
Could it be any higher? Deliberately caught misleading
whore-dumb Congress to wage his immoral neocon 'escape' with a
unjustified criminal brutality against God as all of our
Humanity. A great deal more than a million innocent people
have been victims to the 'targeted' Zionist killings of the
irrational bushite enemy. Lawless enemies to Creation,
spreading their toxic waste who thieve, rape and murder
without reprimand from corporate news america, shall, I pray
daily, die justly in vengeances by the will of a real undying
Love for our victimized innocent family. Justice for Humanity.

Please, help US.

The guilty party of Haditha have confessed that targeted
killing of innocent children is fair game in their worlds, and
as confessed, they 'got away' committing the same Satanic acts
- going house to house in fallujah murdering more than two
hundred thousand innocent folks for LIAR E-N-E-M-Y Sattler.
Bushite corporate america, has stated in silence, the bushite
enemies of Haditha will never face public execution for such
offences, YOU apparently WILL NOT GRANT IT, too cowardly, and
in all likelihood, (like those of the Saudi Blount's third
infantry) will be allowed to walk freely down american streets
after being found guilty as politically supporting the robbing
and murder of innocent men, women, and children all because
we're rag-heads or niggers. The, deserving to die as
illiterately intolerable bushite drone soldiers HAPPILY,
WITHOUT QUESTION, co-operate with ANY lawless mercenary forces
such as south african death squad goons in finding the enemies
of themselves. Purposelessly ungodly bushite soldiers are
told they are DYING to defend Iraqis, while breaking out of
prison, mercenaries caught trying to kill innocent Iraqis for
fun and profit. While, at the same time, actually having
SLAVES from India preparing their lunches!!! And guess what?
they're coming to live bushite america as the patriots after
they get killed you're forsaken American Son or Daughter teen!
With millions of stolen American dollars to set up new
‘freedom’ operations.

Shirley, bin Laden would be sided with the fundamentalist
Shiites, before, everyone-is-an-equal Sunnis, who as Bathists,
had no problem WARRING al-Qeada, while counting as members of
their party, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Atheists. But
corporate bushite liar america says no, bin Laden supports
Sunni IRRATIONALLY, and that is why bushites have to sacrifice
in partnership with those who blow up PEOPLE indiscriminately
as the 'good guy' 'heroes'. Similarly like in Somalia, where
bushite forces are working to directly arm those who murdered
American GIs during Clinton. Those war criming repuglicons
responsible for the bombing need to be tried and executed for
committing first degree acts of mass murder in America's name.
CBC, in Canada reported that Pentagon sources allege their
isn't any evidence whatsoever to what bushite news america has
reported to the dumfukked populace. [Peter Lance will tell
you [mind you, half assly] on behalf of investigating officers
of our LAWS, it was a dishonorable LIAR Green Beret actually,
a Green Beret who set the bombs and blew them up to KILL
AMERICANS, but says Laden ordered him to it though, so he gets
to go free on his own apparently. An individual EVERY
AMERICAN should hunt to kill with Americxan Law firmly
established already. Why? Zionists murder Americans for
profit, by simply lying un-challenged through corporate mind
control, and culted soldiers to this day, would thoughtlessly
call the ungodly lawless bushite traitors to freedom, 'good
guys' and 'heroes'.

If your a Cop in Winnipeg, don't be stupid, support defending
my right to speak in our defenses. Support the return of my
rights in respect to my stolen property, taken through a
fencing operation run out of the Winnipeg police Department's
"exploitation Unit" run by two or three "cops", who while
cashing in on selling stolen merchandise, STOLEN themselves
from law abiding Winnipeg citizens, work unjustly to undermine
our National Security interests in Canada by expressing care
for Canadian soldiers to Forward NO interests in defending
their falling lives with lies no longer in disguise. [bushite
would bushite for a stolen nickel, for their is no honor among
thieves.] Instead they fight with flagrant lies to demonize my
better name, in a, never to succeed attempt to silence my
cries for real Justice for our forsaken dying selves.

And, then, the rest of you, join me in concluding, America’s
TREEASONOUS Art Bell and George Norry seriously suck when they
refuse US to openly discuss such subjects - such as - our
evidenced conclusions in defending our honorable police
officers who actually protect our lives for freedom’s struggle
from godless bushite tyranny.

G.W. Bush, the actual for real antichrist recently stated
Iraqis owe him gratitude for instituting the theft of all our
Emergency Aid monies, Iraqi Development funds, natural
resources, while raping and torturing the INNOCENT by lawless
dictate, and, or course, indiscriminately bombing at least
700,000 People loved by God. Please, I beg YOU, help
yourself. See an air force bushite enemy, kill it for God's
love for America. Please, be a man, not a bush-whore nazi
fascist enemy of Life Yourself.

I am America,

Johnny Wizard

- (religious programming, but good!)

Further for Winnipeggers:

In Winnipeg, we have a radio station called CJOB. That
CRIMINALLY thieve from our poorest neighborhoods with the
lotteries, literally millions. Now as a local Cop, you can
review Johnny's "Stand Together, or Don't", then call the RCMP
on this issue, and they will tell you as a Winnipegger, they
can't go in and arrest the seriously murderous enemies of our
communities at CJOB et al. because, the Premier needs to
formally institute the criminal investigation in Parliament.
While the Premier will tell you as he did me, he can't because
our People of the Province ONLY has fascist pro killing
Christian Zionists at CJOB and the Winnipeg Free Press
Editorials, as outlets that allow our political "realities" of
the VLT's to be discussed. The Lottery pays both criminal
operations STOLEN millions in advertising, so as a result,
managements, from both agencies forbid Manitobans to know the
true mathematical scam/losses. As propagandists who LIE
routinely to Our teen Soldiers about dying for Enron in
Afghanistan, our Premier fears their contempt for our lives
would continue with more viciously evil lies, (like
democratically elected eight times Socialist Chaves is an
"evil" "totalitarianist" giving out care to raise the poor,
blind bushite war bad guy terrorists, and, Israel is Jewish!)
so as a result, Doer fears another Filmon could be brought in
with CJOB propaganda to rob further worst than we already are.
[Filmon's private company responsible for selling reduced cost
shares of stolen MTS was caught by the RCMP (as reported by
CKY) buying social insurance numbers from the homeless in
Winnipeg for ten dollars, so to NAKEDLY steal hundreds of
millions, holding with CJOB and the WFP, our ability to demand
Justice - in total contempt. (They choose not to cover it
still.)] My fears of CJOB's pro-bushite enemies, stealing our
entire Universe is non-existent. Let US demand open radio
communications on the mathimatical facts to save our own
selves further victimhood to their personal contempt for the
true value of YOUR life. Thanks.

Can you help us speak this outrage to your local media outlets?

thanks again bud.


Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and War

/ / "sacred duty as Commander-in-Chief to protect the nation,"
which, in his mind, means waging aggressive war, torturing
people, spying on us all and looting the treasury on behalf of
his cronies. The only possible way to derail his destructive
and criminal course is impeachment. \ \


Impeach for Peace!


Well, gee, Iran has no nuke program, in anyway, shape, or
form, but Israel wants to murder more of humanity for their
ungodly lies anyway. The enriched uranium Iran is making, can
not be used for a bomb because it's only enriched to 2
percent, and to get the bomb making stuff, you need a
COMPLETELY different technology. But science?, in bushite
america? Nazi America would rather be nazi chauvinist pigs,
before admitting the Son of Man exists, or to go to the
trouble of phoning someone who refuses to take our public
calls for Justice. What religion is this America?, where
Human life has little of no value? And Johnny's love means

How is a Zionist Jewish?, I, the King of the Jews Messiah ask
my fellow brothers and sisters everywhere.. How? A million
land mines in Lebanon a godly act is it? Jew only roads not
Apartide?, nor stealing a Christian’s Home I suppose..? How?

I HATE bushite with everything I am.

Johnny America - The Free World President and CEO of Shareware Earth

Join the cause!

P.S. Before it's too late, do you have a few tens of
thousands of dollars to front me, so I can afford to survive
this onslaught of wars against my Humanity? ... I have huge
responsibilities to defend myself judicially through our
supreme Justice system here in Canada, all for the defense of
the truly innocent, YOU, while I'm paid not a thin dime from
anyone to work now YEARS non-stop just too keep myself from
starving broke, so please, if you Companies out-there can give
to a good cause this new year, think of me on international
radio!!!. Billion dollar love boom in the entertainment
circles Shirley, and think of all the good things we have
waiting, that could come about if such wisdom was understood
to be wiser than what we have currently? And no, I'm not
stupid. Look, George Norry and Art Bell, I'm asking you to
defend American interests by supporting the evidenced arrest,
evidenced trial, and evidenced sentencing of those who
committed the treasons of 911 through lying THEY did. To US.

Welcome Home,

Johnny America



- "The months preceding September 11 [see] a shifting of the
US military's focus ... Over several months beginning in
April [2001] a series of military and governmental policy
documents [are] released that [seek] to legitimize the use of
US military force in the pursuit of oil and gas." Michael
Klare, an international security expert and author of Resource
Wars, says the military has increasingly come to "define
resource security as their primary mission." In April, Tommy
Franks, the commander of US forces in the Persian Gulf/South
Asia area, testifies to Congress in April that his command's
key mission is "access to [the region's] energy resources."
The next month US Central Command begins planning for war with
Afghanistan, plans that are later used in the real war.
[Sydney Morning Herald, 12/26/02]

See? It's admitted that the zionists planned to STEAL the
rights of Afghans for Enron, by LYING to SOLDIERS to get them
killed as the American Pension thieving bad guys. Too
COWARDLY parasitic to hunt those responsible for murdering
thousands of "Americans". So, as a consequence, they, as

loveless bushite drones, die cowardly with the once great
America as enemy corporate fascists to Freedom's Justice, Our
Living God.

John's truth. Killing a THIEVING bushite is to save the lives
of the innocent they target for murder. The cowardly bushite,
dies sacrificed - all to help IT slavishly escape those
responsible for 'getting away with' murdering thousands of
Americans in New York City on 911. Sorry George W. Bush and
company, enemy traitors to God and America, not under our
eternal watch. The People has spoken forever on this subject
of direct accountability. Bush told us we didn't need any
evidence, well, I know that WE DO, so, fuck you too George
Bush Jr.. This is my World..

Demon bush told us Saddam wouldn’t let inspectors in, and
that's why he irrationally started this war against God
conflict. Impeach him, then have him PUNISHED for high
treason against a further dying as truly unheard from America
- for that lie alone - we ALL could/should stand together as
equals demanding re-dress for the innocent murder victims
who've suffered for such contempt, and belligerence for the
basic precepts of freedom as Justice, or G-D as Johnny.


No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused

"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."


"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President
to explain to us what the exit strategy is."

- George W. Bush, discussing Kosovo, Houston Chronicle, 04-09-99


“First we sent Americans to their deaths for your lie, Mr.
Bush, now we are sending them to their deaths for your ego.


Death to the godless bushite, death to America's lawless enemies

DUMFUK BUSHITE ENEMY OF GOD "This is not a job in anyway
shape or form, this is not a job. this is a lifestyle. and
we choose this type of lifestyle."

Traitor LIAR Hannity "Knowing the danger?"


Traitor LIAR Hannity "Well, isn't that the definition of Bravery?"


See, TRAITOR Hannity [who deserves to be executed for the
treasonous DOCUMENTED lies he tells America almost daily]
would claim any and all serial murderers and rapists in
America are the definition of bravery. Bushite dumfuks
deserve to die as enemies of America because they openly,
purposefully target the innocent to rob from and murder, as
bushite did on 911. They bomb cities. Thus is why Christ
[ME] tells loving children to gladly help Life kill their own
godless fathers or brothers who CHOOSE to commit these war
crimes against our humanity with their contempt for Justice,
Johnny and America. {Especially those in George W. Bush's
air force.] A bushite's hatred for America is blatant with
every monosyllabic grunt they make. In nazi zionist america,
they have a Zionist national radio program that forbids the
nation to know they're presently being victimized for criminal
sacrifice, and apparently, Americans would rather DIE, than
hunt George Norry, or Art bell for questioning. A nation of
fascist nazi cowards, who go silently to their graves in their
support of torturing innocent people to death for the thieving
EVIL bushite's pleasure.

Death to the godless bushite, death to America's lawless enemies.

Bushite Zionist atheists believe that I, as the Son of Man,
Couldn’t be anything but their worst nightmare. No, WE, as
Humanity, will religiously really kill bushite continuously to
hasten the day when America actually fights to win, free
communications for Justice’s claim. General Ahmad funded
911’s Atta.

Die bushite die. Die bushite die. die bushite die.

/ / "How could I order men to die for something I believe is
wrong?" \ \

Bushite aren't human as disciples of the for real antichrist
enemy of Creation. They eat radio-active toxic waste before
asking, why would we eat radio-active toxic waste without


/ / We are reminded today of how far the Iraqi people have
come since the end of Saddam Hussein's rule - and that the
progress they have made would not have been possible without

the continued service and sacrifice of our men and women in
uniform. \\

Progress? Fuck don't you too hate bushite with everything YOU
are? Iraqis had public health care, and University prior to
the bushite stealing everything they could as sworn enemies to
progress. Had a justice system that Bush never aired any
concern regarding the evidence requirement to form our
conclusions. kill a bushite and all day long you win God's
praise as a bonafide, as honorable, freedom fighting


"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal
shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's
just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."
- George W. Bush

Kill a bushite and God wiill love you for
defending US, the innocent in war time.



"The truth of that matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam
would still be in power if he were the president of the United

States, and the world would be a lot better off." George W.


America, the ungodly

/ / Yes, those words coming from the man who’s decided the
only way to turn things around in Iraq is by sending in more

troops. Despite being told by the Joint Chiefs, Colin Powell

and the man running the Iraq war, General Abizaid, that
sending more troops to Iraq would only get more Americans
killed Now, seeming to confirm his opponent’s worst suspicions
that this president does not value the opinions of those with
whom he disagrees, Mr. Bush has now decided to go it alone in
Iraq against the wishes of his allies, against the desires of
his fellow countrymen, and yes, even against the advice of his
own generals. \ \

The demon enemy of America, Our Mr. bush Jr., responsible for
911, creates hope in God that honorable men of this Earth,
will assist the Humans in hunting to kill bushite enemy
terrorists who support torturing and thieving from US, the
godly as innocent. Every time we hear of another bushite
death, god celebrates OUR wins over the ungodly demon
antichrist forces. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies

who murder innocent people with LIES against America and GOD.





= Highwater =


The Verdict

Crown is not only refusing to co-operate with defending









































[ And...]


increase aerial surveillance..."







=Helen & Harry Highwater=





1. National Security Issues

2. Local Police Issues

3. Constitutional Challenges

Your Friend,

John W.











R. v. Sharpe

Yours truly,
















Our Gambling Problem

serves them right, and us well. This abnormal behavior is not
only destructive to many cheated players, their families and
friends, but also to our institutions, government, and
economy. You may have heard some say, that gambling is a tax
on stupidity, and here are only some of the reasons why. This
information is for you to judge, think freely, ask the
questions, then pray your wrong. The whole VLT system our
government uses is so deeply flawed it's beyond belief. They
count credits as dollars, reporting to trusting economists and
reporters, a payout of 96%. They will tell you they're needed
because otherwise the victims of manipulation would travel to
the states before the local state casinos to spend their last

two bucks, and they should, their odds are a real deal better.
There are no checks and balances in place as there is normally
to regulate tax revenues. Nobody in the corrupt gaming
commission, MLC, AFM in fact Canada has looked at the computer
code, and in Montana where they have, they've made them
illegal to operate. They're not stupid. Some of the possible
new car owners at the MLC, state that the machines run on a
random basis. They have deduced this by testing that they are
computers and can simulate a random number concluding
presumably that every computer program is just an act of
chance. I guess the free cars to some in management make this
easier. If this is true, how come no one ever wins more than
a $1000? If, as they claim, it is random, occasionally one
might win $33 billion by starting at 125 credits doubling 30
times. Get a deck of cards and a calculator and try! Your
odds are slim, but at least you have a chance. If this type
of psychological manipulation is to be allowed, why not
physiological as well. Why not put an odorless chemical right
on the pay slips that would leach through the players skin,
causing them to act against their better judgment? Body and
mind? Here's a tip: Bar owners are privy to much statistical
information, that we, the general public are not. If they
play, your being really stupid. Also the machines are filthy,
wash your hands. You see, they're trying to turn us against
each other, into one of them, blinding us, making us lash out
and cheat our weaker brothers and their families, if it means
we can drink their blood (190+ suicides last year). But in
truth, we are all being bled. BAH HA! It is a pure
regressive tax, no attached goods or services! Billionaires
own freezers and stacks of paper! These players are REAL
consumers, shopping and moving the economy, if they hadn't
lost all our money. Filmon was right wing when he called in
gambling for the stupid. Was not the reason for forcing the
VLT's into our homes to protect us from casinos? Were we not
warned that if you remove what would normally be consumer
dollars from an economy, there would be less there? If you
call the gaming commission they take 4%, Manitoba lottery
books say 30%, but in truth they take all they take. They
pull in 191,000,000- (not mentioning 92% casinos and the shut
down of Crystal, not enough money in an honest game of cards,
and all those losing free $2 ticket tickets) in revenues each
year. If you divide revenues by 4813 odd machines, 313 odd
days a year, holy Christmas, if they return 96%, that's close
to a payout of $3000 every day, every machine! Why don't we
take 40%? We could advertise the best odds in North America!
It works well in Vegas, where they actually give players a
chance with games of chance, and because more than 50% of the
players are from out of state. In Oct 97, Nova Scotia gaming
Corp. head Ralf Fisk quit claiming his concerns were ignored,
and his power was stripped. In Dec 97, 5 of 6 B.C. gaming
commissioners quit stating they felt they were made redundant
and could provide no significant contribution. I guess the
major media doesn't think this is worth knowing! If your
lucky enough to get a hold of any of the receipts that come
out when the machines are opened, or tilted, you'll see that
if you count actual game-ply, some bars, are taking 70%+ of
the games and giving you all the credit. Churning of credits
with many NON- random events, and prize amounts are critical
in determining how much is actually removed and returned to
our communities. Why don't we promise a payout of 99.9%, we
can still take the same amount of the dollar. Couple extra
play 5 win 5 backs, walla! Some gaming (don't say lottery!
VGT's?) information is classified information, so there are
only a small tiny few, who might know all the details, but
refuse to tell anyone, some by law or maybe threat. They
destroy "gaming operations" records (VLT's and casinos)
yearly, but keep employee's names for fifty! (under MLF0028)
Their argument, that makes it illegal, for anyone to publicly
disclose the actual dollars, on a site by site basis was
"site-holders could gain an unfair advantage if they knew what
their competitors were taking in" How? Don't they already
have one? If you average it out, bars are making close to ten
grand a machine per year, Just provide an addict a seat, and
you can still pay your waitresses minimum wage. People can be
addicted to many things like VLT's or peanuts, and they can be
equally motivating, but they have different consequences.
It's nearly impossible to consume 500 dollars worth of peanuts
in 2 seconds, and how many entertaining peanuts are there,
that leave you smiling and filled with glee? Mr. dealer will
you help these addicts see? If you deposit a hundred thousand
and then cash out without playing, it's now short four
thousand, and the bars, more flesh for the pound. If these
bars were ever caught committing such an act, they'd get a
wink and 2 days of profits taken, instead of time in Stony
Mountain. If Stephenson did it, who would know! They paid
out 2.6 billion in credits, and took 191 in cash! Should we,
the fascists (look it up), support a predominantly VLT
infested NDP riding with provincial funding, nothing wrong
with that, right? When Stephenson (the same who told us no,
we would never sell MTS, then sold it way below value,
hundreds of employee's fired, rates etc.) was asked way back
on June 24/95 in the Sun, why some areas such as Carman,
Morden, Thompson, and The Pas, were losing as much as 1.4
million yearly after counting provincial grants Stephenson
quipped "We have to make an assessment to make sure the
project makes economic sense for the area" the same story also
informs us, we guarantee a 10% return of gambling profit to
our communities. So I guess that means we're really stealing
as much as 90%?#! Also in conjunction, we threaten
communities that don't want the machines, saying they wouldn't
get "revenues". Then shouldn't those that do, get theirs?
Even if they did, how would they? Would it be like the "well
advertised" $25,000 VLT hearings held between 1 and 4 on a
weekday, where apparently only something like six from
Manitoba showed up, with nothing important to say. Is that
imp lying a thread to 1,043.863- of us, which of at least 96%,
want to know where in hell they are going. Can they be that
stupid? Can we? We'd bet er.. not. If we were misled, we
should be outraged! There is nothing wrong with earning
money, but this is a great deal of money stolen off the backs
of the sore, the desperately poor, grocery stores and many
many more. Is it because we think we're only illegally
(section 209, 380(1) 380(2), 181, 52(1-4) etc.) ripping off
evil welfare mothers with too much money in their pockets, or
those sinister seniors on some mental incomes? Many in the
media mistakenly think that if we cheat the poor and stupid
into paying more in taxes, theirs will equally go down. That
is misguided, this regressive tax doesn't simply work in this
manner. In addition, the lotteries claim that 300 mill is
spent in salaries to less than 10000 employees. We know it's
not into the workers at the casinos or bars. Just what is the
going rate for paper shredders? Are there any other sides
that should be at issues? Would you like all information to
make a sound right decision? Why would one would not? A
crucial trust is clearly being violated. I would suggest
showing prudence with where you place your full page ads until
some of these serious questions are addressed. Nobody is
watching, nobody is really regulating, where are we? Your
dream of utopia? You'll have us pay huge taxes, take away tax
benefits from all renters($?) and single mothers, infants,
create monopolies for your sympathizing fascist supporters
knowingly against the interests and wishes of the vast
majority, cut back on provincial welfare if necessary,
liquidate assets, screw the schools (you certainly don't need
to be educated), hospitals, breed a judicial system to keep us
reminded while you drain the entire economy, and if there's
anything left over you'll give it to a private Bank. Then
blame the transfer reductions of 250 mill, call it billions,
not telling that your including all of Canada when your good
for nothing, black sheep brother comes beggin for a nickel.
Better yet, you'll lock him up. With faith that most
!private! media won't bring up the fact that you pulled in an
extra 900, that social programs have been continually cut for
the last twenty years when compared to the GDP, that we don't
even have to be borrowing from American private banks, that we
are in fact being robbed, or that your brother was just hungry
and hurt. How does anyone buy this? On credit? Things are
changing from bad to worse, and everybody appears, from one or

two media accounts, to think, so what or, whatever. Don't
drink the water! A part of the problem is the journalists who
are in fact just trained reporters, who take all the perks and
none of the responsibilities. Selling off themselves to
something they have written, for them to read. Told what is
cover, where is resources, drawing our pictures with their
color crayolas. Telling themselves there must be a good
reason why no one is doing the story! Or they'll take any of
a 1000, why think if you don't have work to? They know the
scores, much more money in advertising. The odds would also
dictate a small tiny informed few who have their minds made
closed, polluted by greed, and lack of power, looking at
another side, pleading ignorance, they didn't see anything at
all, and say you won't either. Exercising power the only way
they can, draining from all, including themselves. Can you

believe it? This is our government re-appropriating billions
of our dollars, causing economic destruction and death!
Leading the way to the misled and cheated is the well paid
AFM, advising us to only blame ourselves, and the best thing
we could do for ourselves is to drink at the bar/casino. It's
akin to the schoolyard heroin dealer paying some chump to
quickly get help to misguided children by selling them crack.
Why bite the hand that stuffs you? Do you wonder what
happened to all our money? The truth is out, the lies are
old, but the blind idiots directing your show, don't want to
see, you know. Do 300,000+ petition signing Albertans,
incidentally more than register to vote, know something you
don't? Studies galore! Watch what you support with money,
and with your thoughts. Do your own polls! Did you know
we're planning to take away your fundamental democratic right
to put up garage, and election signs freely? How do they win
elections, if nobody put up any signs? How will we ever get a
honest deal? Is lying and cheating just endemic with this
communist government? Is anyone making money on all these bad
business investments? Pool the legislature transcripts! Take
a day on, call your grand mother, vote! But just how many
"obscured ballots" are there, phone and see. Do you think in
a democracy this information should be open to the public? Do
you own thinking! Why not? Also what's a public voters list
good for? Did you know since '95 votes have been tallied by
computer, coded in Texas? Now carefully in a measured way,
ask yourself, just who is foolish enough to be manipulated by
the machine? Having themselves, their family and just about
everyone else punished for it? Send for the facts, over the
lines, face the truth, you're living, alive! Horrors
committed before your eyes, n your name, are you justified?
If this is allowed to continue to grow, it can only turn into
something much worse. Slowly, your freedom will further
become chained, and the only thing you'll wish for is that you
had taken the time to take action while you had the chance.
Just what are the chances? Unless you think you don't count?
Better by golly, you sure as do so Bobby! Petitions
delicious! Or do nothing, continuing on going backwards,
selling yourself short. You know who you are, it's made up
for you, you don't have to go far. Just don't sit on the
sidewalk or leave a ticket unpaid, or beg for justice of the
wounded dying or dead. Blame the weak and disabled, you'll be
so strong, living in your fable. Then when they come for you,
you'll say something must be wrong, but who cares? Your not
listening. You'd know if you were being deceived. 1000 of
beer in one small sip, remove all your regulations, they're
just there to keep us in, and privatize always, right.. ya..
that's thinking. We want to sell Winnipeg Hydro, it's working
making a profit. All we need now are private prisons and the
economy will really take off screaming! The one only reason
people commit crimes is cause, they know we don't have guns.
Bombs don't kill people that are killing people! The sky
isn't falling, the sky isn't falling. Something to consider,
what's the cause-like symptom and how do you treat it? Like
an infection? As a matter of truth, it is completely without
question, there it is no such thing, as deception. Now you
know the rules, your losses, odds and stakes. What's your
limit? Can you stop? Are you feeling okay buddy? Let us get
out of here, and go to talk.



















>From "Epiphany"

Repeat after me:




bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp! bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp!


True Blue American Jew





Johnny's Flying Jalopy

place, on September 9th, 2001. [Jim at MSNBC] A top secret


Johnny America


Later Gaters,

Johnny America





Ahmad funded Atta




[...] \ \


The Jewish Battle Plan of Christ/Allah - Good against the un-American
bushite demon thieves - The Jewish Battle Plan of Christ/Allah

How The Demon Bush Misled God's World - Shirley, bin Laden would
be sided with the fundamentalist Shiites, before,
everyone-is-an-equal Sunnis...


Jan 16, 2007, 4:07:21 PM1/16/07
And the NJ cops would like to talk with you about it,2933,243998,00.html

Red White and Blue

Herb Martin

Jan 16, 2007, 4:13:19 PM1/16/07

"J. Wizard" <> wrote in message

And the Democratic senior members of the Intel committees went
over to the CIA and got the SAME INFORMATION direct
from them.

They have said this but no one listens when they have already
made up their mind to "hate bush."

Johnny America

Feb 7, 2007, 5:51:12 PM2/7/07

An Oath Every Soldier Swears To God With

/ / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \

Again a Patriot Soldier whose only crime is that he refuses to
commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it. You
defend this Patriot American Citizen as if Your America
depends upon it. The "Judge" who publicly forbids to hear
Watada's freedom defense, an Oath every Soldier swears to God
with, is a "Judge" who needs to be privately arrested for
treason against YOURSELF. Support my call to demand our
voices heard for Just causes, or go die silently to the grave
prisonized in a military dictatorship your 'neighbor' will say
quietly of, (under his bushite breath,) good riddance to
caring where my pusher's overdue payment goes to??. who the
kcuf are you?? ... Eiiiaaahh!

I am the real thing,

President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co.,
King Johnny Wizard


- On yet another, praise be with US, Alex Jones News Podcast -

Bob Watada: "He did his own research, and he found that there
was not only deception, but clearly lying by the commander.
Now if YOUR boss lied to you, and put YOU out on the line, so
that you can get KILLED, what would you do? You know, your
certainly not going to walk out there... and this is what
[Patriot] Aaron is saying, hey look Our Commander lied, and
he's lying to the People. and We, the Soldiers, can not go
out there and put OUR lives at risk for the oil-barons." enforcing the irrationalities of 'who needs evidence'
tyranny against the innocent as America Dreams. [I shouldn't
have to tell you anyway, but, freedoms are crying due to The
People’s in-action to defend US innocent. And we wonder why
repuglicons put themselves greater than our, no greater
Taliban.. Corporate News Americans who are, in silence, not
taking sides regarding American Women, [MY BABES], acquiescing
to accept these mercury vaccines without filling questions.
Without QUESTIONS! Your Loves, my Loves, God's Loves.
Support my calls to be heard yourself. If your a Male, and
confusedly dumbfounded as I am on the mystery, just think of
yourself perhaps as a, free as a bird lesbian with rights to
be respected too - through the foolish spots with lost
yourself cycles on who truly Masters our Universe slaveboy,
[i know women can be intimidating. (especially.. the Black
Widow and old re-runs of the Shirley Temple.)] and get US
personally in the what is again, Our still hanging on
international News already! We all can agree, we love women.
Let's go Coast to Coast man! On CNN! CBC!! FOXNEWS!!!

The Fight for Survival slog match between, Johnny 'just tying
his shoes' America, and Warmonger Liar, Sean Hannity -
televised World-Wide!!! With Cheerleaders, beer, pizza, and
beer! YEAH WAY!!!

Who's with Me?

(chirp chirp)

It has been reported that some special ops out of Britain are
paying for terrorist attacks to happen in Iraq to insure more
Americans give their lives in praise - as criminally
sacrificed - to the demon antichrist, Our Mr. bush Jr.. All
unjustly suffering because corporate news america cowardly
refuse to defend freedom, by defending the truly innocent.
Nor, will Coast to Coast allow me to speak on "American"
radio. Let’s change that. Will you make it so Commander?

Cause I'm ready.


A Public Letter to the "American" Coast to Coast Radio Network:

1. We, as the People, demand you allow US, the human species
to openly discuss the public evidence on who funded the
terrorist acts of 911 according to the FBI. And full
disclosure on the science of building Seven.

2. That the Iraq war never had, nor ever will have a
justification, concluding Naturally, that all stolen Iraqi
money must be returned by the will of GOD to the victims; with
those responsible for stealing it, made to pay US back, with
the true American Patriots to be found, backing US up 100
percent. The bush administration has teamed our kids to
mercenary forces who have no loyalty to freedom but to freely
die another Marine for more dying stolen values. While
successful at it corporate America, just lies and lies and
lies without shame, nor apology for the death of your poor
cowardly kin.

3. Also, that mercury tainted vaccines are deadly stupid.
Mercury is scientifically understood, without question, (no
doubt) to be a neural-toxin, and, Influenza is a constantly
mutating virus. So, pre-determining which ‘deadly’ strain is
going next, is only because the WHO wants to continue killing
US for huge cash profit. With cult slaves, like those who
forced Jones Towners to drink at gun point, are the same as
those who now demand we give our girls of America from Texas
such. It seems the magic TV news people don’t want to trouble
us on this matter of our actual survival.

You must wake up to life’s demand for you to defend our dying
lives my friend. Please? Make the call, be a man to defend
our women. Be a man to protect our children.

(all aside; just because a virus is found present in a form of
cancer inflicting our loved women, does not make that virus
the cause without question. Life is multi-dimensional. (Not
Art Bell “multi-dimensional”, but actual.) Otherworld: Johnny
Wizard wants the time to see the ‘science’ of such claims
before God’s girls are put in un-necessary jeopardy by the
deviant mind of the evil neoconistic Zionist betrayers to
Human Life.

Support our call to be heard my brother.

That's all.

Johnny Wizard


Iran prepares first nuke strike

See?, demons exist!


/ / State Department spokesman on 24 January, "that Iranian
agents are involved in these networks and that they are
working with individuals and groups in Iraq and are being sent
there by the Iranian government." \ \

We all know Iran has been trying to help Iraqis openly, so
then, what does such willful contempt for your life grant this
'spokesman'? Or, how about when Bush stated Iranians in Iraq
deserved to be murdered? (Later, the demon re-worded
himself in attempt to conceal HIS true evil identity.)

Remember the Bathists actually warred to kill and won against
al-CIA-duh forces that were caught hiding in Kurdish
territory. Killed "bin Laden"/bushite forces! Now, bushite
tell US Sunni is in kahoots with Laden. (In otherwords, Kill
a cowardly enemy of Life bushite for America to defend Iraqis
as a godly act.) Death to the bushite, death to our enemies.

/ / Tariq Aziz, the Christian Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister
said in mid September that Baghdad had provided assistance to
America's Kurdish allies, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
(PUK), when forces supported by al Qaeda attacked them. He
said, ``We gave [Jalal] Talibani [leader of the PUK] weapons
and ammunition, we helped as much as we could. We are not
allowed of course to go into what is called the
semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan physically, but the help
we gave helped Talibani in his fight for it.'' In fact, added
Aziz, ``Talibani was among the opposition leaders who went to
Washington and spoke to Dick Cheney [US Vice-President] and
Rumsfeld. He told them what had happened, so they [US
government officials] must know.'' [Independent 9/23/02] \ \


/ / The truly most as the living god King of all as Creator,
your servant and trying to be friend, a wizard and Thor,
the Secret Flower and Odin, Allah, Omega, Adam, Alpha,
Krishna, Shiva, Mithra, Mahdi, Anu and Yahweh. And even
a blade of grass, a snake and a elephant, a lion, rat,
monkey, giraffe, spider, shark, wolf, and bat, Lucifer
Morningstar, Jesus Christ, Oberon, an all mighty nobody
kinda even all ready. \ \


/ / Google bombs are one thing, delisting web sites for their
political content is quite another. For instance, take Google
delisting the Italian web site Uruknet as a news source, thus
removing it from the Google News page. According to Alexa,
the web-ranking organization, Uruknet is highly rated as an
Iraqi news source. "URUKNET is and has been the most
consistent, credible, and powerful web-based source of News
and Information on Iraq during the last 4 years. They have
incomparable lines of communication direct from inside Iraq
that fly in the face of the lies of the Global Corporate
Empire. \ \

Reject censorship of the news! Let Google know what you think!


Why Can’t Americans See It?

/ / General Ivashov presented the neoconservative reasoning
that is the basis for the attack and concluded that the
world's protests cannot stop the US attack on Iran. \ \

Unless, snobby nazi corporate elites in America, get on their
princely phones, and start demanding Justice for the
nationally broadcasted LIAR Hannity, along with the rest
neocons responsible for the implementation of the 911
terrorist attack against Our interests. Bill those on
American radio who advocate the torturing and murder of the
innocent in God.


The Latest Hoax : The real origin of `Iranian' produced IED


Light and Shadow

We need to publicly devise some real-world strategies to defeat
the ungodly enemy, the bushite neocon zionist traitors to Life.


Death to our indiscriminately murderous thieving enemies of
God's Creation, who war Creation for bush's personal escape
for the crimes of 911 Christ would say right, wouldn't you say
so likewise my brothers and sisters, of the Muslim, Christian,
and Jewish religions in belief?


Great words from the lawyer of the thieving bushite child killers of

/ / "There were Harriers dropping 500lb bombs on buildings.
If they're dropping 500lb bombs without knocking on the door
first, how can you argue the troops on the ground did anything
wrong?" \ \

2000lbs of radio-active toxic waste that will murder for years
more like, while after, then striking again to get the god
helpers and screaming children, then even, as in Fallujah,
going house to house to murder every one, young and old as the
truly Satanic. Just obeying lawless orders to thieve from
Humanity as bushite for neocon zionist traitors of G-D doesn't
fly in the big book. When anyone kills a bushite, all
humanity benefits truly from the defense. You defend a real
suffering God by ending a soulless bushite threat against our

Bill Sattler.

Defend Universal Freedom by defending US innocent from the
ungodly murderous bushite torturers, rapists, and thieves to
God as Your Humanity. My hands are tied, all because
"Americans" refuse to take ANY action. 300 million people and
not one dare challenges corporate zionist nazi whores by making
a call to "talk" radio themselves. My friends, be Human
helpers to the struggle against the antichrist tyrannies
of INJUSTICE. God as ourselves, the innocent. Again, kill
a bushite, and all day long you'll have praise from the
Son of God. That is me with all the answers to questions
Americans don't even bother to ask of themselves.

I am America,

Johnny Wizard


/ / to think that these could have been just dumb ideas or
incompetence. (L. Paul Bremer, for instance, who made the
"dumb" decision about dismantling the Iraqi army, prior to
becoming Iraq's occupation viceroy, had headed the nation's
leading risk assessment consultancy, and surely knew what all
the risks were of his various decisions.) \ \

Bushite TRAITORS got rid of the ORHA plan.


Sir Ken, head of the Crown Prosecution Service

"The fight against terrorism on the streets of [..] is not a
war. It is the prevention of crime, the enforcement of our
laws and the winning of justice for those damaged by their

You got that right. So, join US in demanding the quick
trials, and public executions of known bushite enemies who
murdered Americans on 911 with general Ahmad, and who with
Peter Powers, murdered the innocent in Britain for more stolen
goods against God. And anyone in the air force as bushite
bombers should be a great joy for US all to hunt for
prosecuting too. The bushite dumfuk is an enemy to our lives,
with it's blantant naked contempt for the innocent, who like
the demon liar THEIVES at CJOB, George Norry, or Hannity, will
forbid ANY human defenses of the lawless dictate of the
IRRATIONAL tyrannical demon antichrist, all so to victimize
more of You as the censored forsaken.

REPENT. The TRUE Son of Man Johnny HATES godless 'lawless'
bushite enemies of Life.


Use this address in Firefox to get daily podcast of Alex Jones.
[won't work with explorer.]


Death to our indiscriminately murderous thieving enemies of
God's Creation, who war Creation for bush's personal escape
for the crimes of 911 Christ would say right, wouldn't you say
so likewise my brothers and sisters, of the Muslim, Christian,
and Jewish religions in belief?


Exit strategy to save the lives of dying Americans:

War bushite LIAR zionist repuglicons who did God wrong on 911

War bushite who LIE to American Sons and Daughters to not hunt
those who stole billions with ear-marks, Social Security,
no-bid contracts, Iraqi oil, ect.

War those who stole the Iraq Development Fund, and the
emergency monies left to save the lives of our dying children

War bushite who feed soldiers radio-active toxic waste as harmless

War bushite who support torturing the innocent to death

War bushite who sing about the joys of murdering Iraqi children

War bushite who beat to death barefoot Iraqi children

War bushite who beat lamed dogs for fun

War bushite who claim they are lawlessly un-accountable as liars.

War bushite in the air force who target bombing innocent People
like in Fallujah or Somalia with land mines and mini nukes

The godless as lawless bushite is the enemy to America, kill
it proudly for freedom, as an undying love for a real God and

King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO



/ / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \

Again, a Patriot Soldier whos only crime is that he refuses
to commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it.

George Norry and Art Bell are enemies of American chances for
survival of our dying teens. Their contempt for Justice in
America is blatantly EVIL, and worth killing before they do
another dumfuk, they hate US, zionist demon broadcast.
Traitors to God and Country George Norry and Art Bell are.
They'll laugh, sing, and cheer while KILLING your CENSORED
forsaken Son or Daughter, needlessly trapped sacrificing with
the ungodly 'lawless' bushite zionist enemies, all before
allowing any REAL Americans to SIMPLY discuss evidence as a
requirement to convince ourselves of something. Norry, that
demon fucker, has an endless supply of bush whore callers,
that'll tell him, he doesn't have to read the news, read his
email, or hear the screams of dying innocent murder victims.
Sure, once a year, maybe, we'll get the Patriot popular Alex
Jones, but he's too terrified of me as Puppet Master, or US,
or talking about the NO CAUSE Iraq war, that Iran doesn't have
an ability to create weapons grade uranium, or that General
Ahmad funded 911's Atta. Just the way TRAITOR George Norry
DEMANDS it. For, truly there is no defense for 'lawless'
bushite, but by an ungodly tyrannical censorship. Because YOU
fear me, or refuse to demand Justice truly, You'll DIE as
bushite victim, but Norry and Bell plan to live on 'escaping'
as multi-millionaires, broadcasting on to further destroying
freedom for others to 'cash in' with Your worthless forsaken
soul. Now, I'm the Son of Man who can only do so much. If
you won't speak for our dying freedoms, what do you expect me,
or an all powerful G to do even? No... Really? What? I
could ask all Universal species to assist US here on earth by
hunting to kill bushite everywhere, but chances of 'them'
getting here in time listening, seems rather unlikely. But

Death to the murderous bushite, death to our enemies, so says


Well, gee, Iran has no nuke program, in anyway, shape, or
form, but Israel wants to murder more of humanity for their
ungodly lies anyway. The enriched uranium Iran is making, can
not be used for a bomb because it's only enriched to 2
percent, and to get the bomb making stuff, you need a
COMPLETELY different technology. But science?, in bushite
america? Nazi America would rather be nazi chauvinist pigs,
before admitting the Son of Man exists, or to go to the
trouble of phoning someone who refuses to take our public
calls for Justice. What religion is this America?, where
Human life has little of no value? And Johnny's love means

How is a Zionist Jewish?, I, the King of the Jews Messiah ask
my fellow brothers and sisters everywhere.. How? A million
land mines in Lebanon a godly act is it? Jew only roads not
Apartide?, nor stealing a Christian’s Home I suppose..? How?



/ / I happen to believe that we are reaching a moment when
critical mass is kicking in. \ \


Real Americans are those of US as humanity that believe
in liberty as Justice for all. Demon bushite nazi
whores, don't like those principles of freedom through
evidentiary findings though, for their false deity,
George W. bush Jr, wouldn't be stealing from the honest
hard working blokes who live for a better day that way.


'A military judge ruled last week that Watada cannot base his
defense on the war's legality.'

Telling US what?, that it is a crime to not commit a crime?
It isn't only high treason against America the ungodly bushite
are guilty of, but of a madness held by those truly Satanic..


/ / Four US oil companies, namely Conoco, Chevron, Amoco and
Philips have concessions in nearly two thirds of Somalia.
This quartet of oil conglomerates was granted these contracts
in the final days of Somalia's deposed dictator, Siad Barre.
The US first military engagement in Somalia was fully
supported by Conoco. \ \

In the new world, these soulless bomber bushite of the air
force, responsible for blatant first degree acts of murder
against the innocent, would be hunted down by Humans, tried,
then executed gloriously in the defense of our living justly.


/ / Al-Maliki has promised he will no longer block action
against the Mahdi Army militia \ \

So, is the block head saying American soldiers so far have
died for lawless tyranny? Kill a bushite, to protect the lives
of us as innocent victims in other words, right?


/ / And the Iraqi people owe us a debt of gratitude?

Bush continued, "I believe most Iraqis express that. I mean,
the people understand that we've endured great sacrifice to
help them. That's the problem here in America. They wonder
whether or not there is a gratitude level that's significant
enough in Iraq." \ \

Is Bush saying US dumb bastards don't give enough in
sacrifices to himself as the demon antichrist?


The Resurrection

What are you then, some kinda Jesus freak?

You are standing in defense for your own rights as you
see ourselves. For me, I got some real troubles
scrounging my next meal as nature's King and Lord of all
creation, but for you, this should be something of a
dream almost, eh?

Worshiping bush in a delusional cult like, TV trance
without any thought to care about our actual criminal
behavior, is not a good philosophy to practice as a
living world body, i do believe. For bush is an
irrational murderer of innocent good Americans as
soldiers alike, a psychopathic depiction to his true
evil self as US played intolerantly ignorant, while he
bares false witness against our eternal family of all
being humanity. Is not what you too perceive of our
world?, a reflection of your own conclusion? If we
believe we are of life when perceiving an injustice, are
we not moved to do something in favor of our remedy? To
challenge bush's contempt for ourselves as the Public,
is to demand nothing less than known facts to conclude
our guilty verdicts, as otherwise, bush would be
prosecuting US innocent as God is US included, thank
youself. And for what? All for our failure to
communicate concern about falling further as dying
bushite victims. It has been reported bush doesn't want
to be accountable to the American tax payer regarding
the pilfering of America's Social Security, like he
wasn't to follow the criminal leads of 9/11
perpetrators, and too, surprise suprise, the allocation
of public funds for his secret planned, not public
bidded for best price on every Iraqi Peoples contract,
(you know, the repaying for bush's needless war tolls
waged against your world as innocent victim), payed for
by the American tax payer getting further swindled with
the pretension, that robbing from humanity, does not
include themselves represented politically. Our Mr.
bush Jr. has decided not to do good for Iraq by opening
our floor to offers the world over, but instead has
decided to go with top secret banned bushmob embezzlers
to risk more American soldiers by lying to their
surviving siblings. Charading for US they are,
preparing to sacrifice more Americans without a thought
to Your cost. With strangely, no one at corporate
control assessing yet, "Hey! Wouldn't it be the Iraqi
people who would most benefit for being contracted in
the cost benefit analysis?", and, "Okay, so where didn't
American tax paid for lawless destruction of our Iraqi
public infrastructure occure?"

Why is CNN not defending Our Mr. bush regarding
torture? Is the bush demon threatening US by his
non-committal on Our issue as ancient Civilization
included? Arron Brown? Why can not CNN be also of our
artists, wise guys, best sellers, or elected officials?
When has CNN ever tackled Social Security on behalf of
the Democrats, or privatized corporate swindles by
Republicans who argue their ineptness is on the level?
What are Our priority issues to resolve, if we have the
stage for speaking as the global community? Justice for
all, would be in whose favor?, when understood by anyone
as unbiased? We are of the order to the cosmos, and, as
so, a good way can have an even better way when we plan
for results. Justice is freedom, and needs not murder
to resolve conflicts peacefully as dialoging persons.
Iraq People can testify to their humanity, but CNN isn't
listening for questions, or asking for solutions for
fear they may be wrong about everything we are together
as imbeciles under bush as unjust dictator. All is
right. Still, we must quickly teach that Justice is
ours, and injustice practiced, is an injustice earned
politically. Wether bush knows it or not. An injustice
against any, truly, is also, an injustice against
yourself as God is good. God can not save our world you
perceive without seeing God as a victim to our ignorance
under bushite losers. A tyranny through censorship of
criminal misconduct. Example: Walter Issacson advised
CNN story writers to not report on Afghanistan death
squads, under a pretext that followed, don't forget all
who died in the towers. Forget what? That their lives
were halted by acts of murder? What is murder advocate
Issacson, getting at about himself as unqualified to
decide our important to everyone matters?
In the whole big show Johnny, is there, inside everyone,
a potential cause for caring about our world as actually
worth something, I mean, to ourselves personally? Yes,
a potential, however, we're suffering for our contempt
of seeking for know how through rewarding info. We are
all descendent to be Universal in our own makings if we
work for success together at our national levels,
instead of as bush failures, by conforming criminality
against our living names politically, as the pirated
without equal representation, left to be victimized as
dumdum bushite whores, falling to a tyranny of blatant,
naked injustice falsely guised in the corruption of the
bush administration as your intention for personal

What is as known, is where we can only hang our beliefs
of what have we. The FBI tell US that bush's business
partner, the unarrested General Ahmad financed 9/11's
Atta. Seven of the alleged nineteen 9/11 highjackers
were found to be alive, as some, American trained Saudi
national pilots with no evidentiary terrorist
connections made to back up the therefor fraudulent
allegations. Why would a would be terrorist steal such
identification to not be discovered being so? (Or, how
then were the names found in waiting as researched
material?(Remember: evil is dumb.)) Why would Atta pack
his final draft suicide letter for the important
flight?, of which as bushmob mastermind, would have been
aware of what was outlaid in his own words? Why would,
would be terrorists, publicly bicker in a restricted
lot, parking spot they snuck into at the airport that
was running rampant with bush stooges?, right before a,
why they were there, secretly planned criminal mission?,
as devote Muslims?, holy warriors of the studious, God
what were you thinking about Quran?

Mr. bush Jr. must be immediately impeached, arrested,
or executed for treason against Ourselves as a
degenerating anti-American mass murdering, terrorist
plotter. While the UN is the closest thing we have to
world representation, and should help devise an Iraqi
Iraqi government of "The People", for Iraq. Uncertainty
has it's advantages, but we, as "The People", have to
start somewhere on our journey to wherever, and learning
of our true strengths this way, seems like the higher
ground to begin communicating from. Communicating on
the Nature of wisdom as ultimate foreseen prevailer, is
this dream of being one with creation and giving to the
cause by helping out yourself to be a blessing included.
(Not much for a paycheck though I'm afraid.). Anyway,
take to mentioning this public work where ever you may
choose, for I think someone should be running for new
office maybe if the chance presents Ourselves. Have
faith that as the Universe revolves around all things to
be known of, so too, is Life's true magnificence an
honor to honor for. Wow! You are a living God!
Thank you,

Johnny Wizard



New Recruit

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is
saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush
bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for
murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi
resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their
demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who
absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason
given. All the while, labeling themselves, "pro-Iraqi".
The mindlessly evil attack against the Turks recently
with an ordered bombing campaign that actually murdered
people, sighted yet another, example of the bushite's
idiotic ungodly satanic barbarity against us the Humans
as INNOCENT. After the carnage, the war criminalizing
America into bushite commanders were advised, it would
be better to pick other completely innocent families to
indiscriminately murder while lying, for the demon
bushite provisions come through that big ol' Turkey, and
if the Middle Easterners eventually learned together of
their fellow Turks who were murdered by ungodly enemy
nazi forces for admittingly doing nothing worth noting,
with the middle east's indirect help with essential
supplies coming from somewhere in that surrounding
billion man vicinity, you know, I know, we all know,
"Americans" as NAZI war criminal enemy bushite, would
massively die as the immediately recognizable to most
everyone, and rightly too as leaderless cowardly, dumb,
and real sadistic evil, dying at the hands of all US
Family men. Being as bushite, the enemies to everyone,
including themselves we've witnessed them already dying
as nazi dumfuks who eat plutonium. Or, IED? They mean
"sexy" rummy cluster dud land mine more like! (Just
where is the Middle of East anyway?) History HAS learned
these lessons already, while the corporatist bushite
plays US just dumb enough through malicious censorship
for plunder by parasitic bushite suicide, for a bushite
has no soul worth defending. See?, the committed nazi
automaton bushite enemy of America soldier has no mind
to know freedom for the individual. Therefor my friend,
kill the evil nazi George W. bush Jr. not just for me
as Johnny, but for US all man who refuse to be subjected
further as only counted by the corporate dictums to
pronounce "pro-American": as those that go silently
rooted backing "un-accountable" rapists and torturers of
the innocent, the innocent, that the bushite OPENLY rob
from with American's hard earned tax dollars funding.
Funding through leadership directed towards their very
own self destruction. See bushite, kill bushite, at
least until we are granted living access to OUR
corporate dead end news media to speak FREELY for
ourselves without bushite lies tying US down for
furthering that demon's hellish ungodly tyranny as an
enemy to all our Humanity and Royal King Johnny.

Real Americans are those of US as humanity that believe
in liberty as Justice for all. Demon bushite nazi
whores, don't like those principles of freedom through
evidentiary findings though, for their false deity,
George W. bush Jr, wouldn't be stealing from the honest
hard working blokes who live for a better day that way.

The Iraqi children did nothing to deserve such awful
suffering and fright and death at the hands of the enemy
bushite. The bushite: who the demon anti-Christ
states, are un-accountable to any rules of law in this
Universe, like with his extremely foolish criminal
decree, 13303. I kill mindless parasite bushite nazi
enemy soldiers just for that alone as eternal defender,
and I do it for to win some mercy for a real living God,
who the fascist enemy bushite hold in their ungodly
contempt as LIARS.

I have the backing of every real man alive on this
planet, and we all know it. No voices of reason have
apposed my factual claims in FREE Usenet, and Art Bell
makes no attempt to defend himself as internationally
painted enemy traitor, and that says a whole lot to Talk
America. Why? Because Mr. Bell, the bushite
propagandist, knows too, I speak and act truthfully,
honorably, and righteously, while the talk radio
american bushite lies, cheats and steals from America's
America, that as bushite, leave undefended for criminal
plunder in Your name call censored from classed
enrollment. You have just as much a right to be here as
I do, and the demon bush, he ain't no better than any of
US when he is "excused" for the murder of well more than
a hundred thousand confessed as completely innocent
people on this planet called Earth.

The fascist control bushite, don't like You to think
independently for Yourself, for we independents out here
make them look as stupid as they are. Thank you very
much for that not so secret info.

Through the pronounced bush demon's gaffes,
embarrassments, and told complete total ignorance on
subjects like the science of economics, the whys of
constitutional law, or when the bushite takes credit for
indiscriminate killing of our families and friends while
parading it's all done in bush's name for our freedom,
or for 9/11, doesn't fool me, and should get you
thinking about reaching for your guns too, for bushite
rapists and torturers will not walk this world freely
un-accountable, for as long as we remain alive to hunt
them down and kill them if so be. As the soulless
disciples of the enemy anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.,
their "officially" granted legal immunity from all
prosecution means nothing to me as a honorable man
defending my humanity, or as living Creator, who brought
all into this new world to be free, and can just as
soon, take you all nazi bushite out the old school way.

REMEMBER: Demon bush is stupid, yaw, but he knows that
he and rumsfeld with condi planned and carried out the
crimes of 9/11 with likely cheney orchestrating, don't
ever forget that part when attempting assessment how
good four more years in going to do for the state of
freedom in Your dying world. Serious this situation
truly is for everyone. Everyone.

Now, what are You going to do about this, DEMON George
W. bush Jr. actually playing US like he would like to
continue victimizing our dying world as ENEMY for four
more years towards furthering lawless tyranny? Don't we
already have it bad enough, that corporate journalists
think there is actually some merit to George bush's
re-election bid? Especially after that 9/11 thang?
Then there is the needless criminal wars, fraught with
embarrassing massive billion dollar criminal frauds as
.oops, more government fuk ups? Then of course all the
bushite thefts. I did a Internet Google search of
"Tiger Team" and I found next to nothing in all the
professional media corporate news outlets we have
advertising on our information service providers top
notched list as best sourced material. And that should
say as much or more to you too, about who's really
conning who. So, who cares about where this world is
going? I do, and so should you too.

Johnny Wizard

Please, help US.

‘freedom’ operations.

would bushite for a stolen nickel, for there is no honor among

thieves.] Instead they fight with flagrant lies to demonize my
better name, in a, never to succeed attempt to silence my
cries for real Justice for our forsaken dying selves.

And, then, the rest of you, join me in concluding, America’s
TREEASONOUS Art Bell and George Norry seriously suck when they
refuse US to openly discuss such subjects - such as - our
evidenced conclusions in defending our honorable police
officers who actually protect our lives for freedom’s struggle
from godless bushite tyranny.

G.W. Bush, the actual for real antichrist recently stated
Iraqis owe him gratitude for instituting the theft of all our
Emergency Aid monies, Iraqi Development funds, natural
resources, while raping and torturing the INNOCENT by lawless
dictate, and, or course, indiscriminately bombing at least
700,000 People loved by God. Please, I beg YOU, help
yourself. See an air force bushite enemy, kill it for God's
love for America. Please, be a man, not a bush-whore nazi
fascist enemy of Life Yourself.

I am America,

Johnny Wizard


Further for Winnipeggers:

thanks again bud.



Impeach for Peace!


I HATE bushite with everything I am.

Join the cause!

Welcome Home,

Johnny America





"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President







America, the ungodly





= Highwater =


The Verdict









































[ And...]


increase aerial surveillance..."







=Helen & Harry Highwater=





1. National Security Issues

2. Local Police Issues

3. Constitutional Challenges

holds against myself, in our name as Canadians, smacks of an

unjust and blind totalitarian state. Corporately broadcasted
uncertainty is forsaking the innocent lives of Bush's
continuing real murder victims. Certainly, the Crown has a
responsibility to pursue just causes, and granted, can falsely
suspect I don't hold the best of intentions towards life with
everything I am. However, the Crown's summations of my
character will never change the official FBI's conclusions
arrived at by following the crime scene leads, at the real
murder scene, to discover who personally is still escaping
arrest for mass murder of our good friends in New York City on
9/11. A crime who's principle perpetrators obviously
faithfully count on this form of injustice to dictate
continuous failures by our Crown to serve our public interest.
For whatever reason, my case documents a corporate news agenda
of non-committal in our pursuit of Justice for ourselves as

the little people. Ourselves, including the Crowns of all

Your Friend,

John W.












In conclusion, I need to show where my outstanding character
was at, by indicating exactly what I spent my free time on, to
illustrate for our Court, my TRUE intent as motive on this

Yours truly,






for the Crown to Stay Proceedings






The Validity of the Law




/ /And that of course gives the bushites and CBC and CNN their



with the bodies of American Patriots still dying as da' dumfuks.


Our Gambling Problem


















>From "Epiphany"

Repeat after me:




bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp! bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp!


True Blue American Jew





Johnny's Flying Jalopy


Johnny America


Later Gaters,

Johnny America





Ahmad funded Atta




[...] \ \


Re: An INTERNATIONAL Public Letter to the "American" Coast to Coast
Radio Network: 1. We, as the People, demand you allow US, the human
species to openly discuss the public evidence on who funded the
terrorist acts of 911 according to the FBI.

- An Oath Every Soldier Swears To God With - Now if YOUR boss lied to
you, and put YOU out on the line, so that you can get KILLED, what
would you do?

Christ Warrior

Feb 7, 2007, 7:18:18 PM2/7/07

Herb Martin

Feb 7, 2007, 5:28:59 PM2/7/07

"Johnny America" <> wrote in message

> An Oath Every Soldier Swears To God With
> / / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
> prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
> will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
> more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \
> Again a Patriot Soldier whose only crime is that he refuses to

The problem is that Watada didn't refuse a lawful order -- he
refused DEPLOYMENT orders.

Those deployment orders are on the face and in every court
decision related to them fully legal.

He might have safely refused an order to commit some specific

He cannot legally refuse deployement or other lawful orders.

He made his political statement and hopefully he will spend four
years serving the sentence then be properly dishonorably discharged.


Gerald "Brick" Brickwood

Feb 8, 2007, 2:25:51 PM2/8/07

"Herb Martin" <> wrote in message
Refusing to deploy is a court-martial offense, he has earned whatever
punishment he gets. When you accept a commission or enlist there are
certain conditions you must comply with.

Did you know that "Missing Shipment" was once a capital offense?

Gerald F. Brickwood

Yeah Way

Feb 8, 2007, 5:32:48 PM2/8/07

An Oath Every Soldier Swears To God With

/ / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \

Again a Patriot Soldier whose only crime is that he refuses to

commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it. You
defend this Patriot American Citizen as if Your America
depends upon it. The "Judge" who publicly forbids to hear
Watada's freedom defense, an Oath every Soldier swears to God
with, is a "Judge" who needs to be privately arrested for
treason against YOURSELF. Support my call to demand our
voices heard for Just causes, or go die silently to the grave
prisonized in a military dictatorship your 'neighbor' will say
quietly of, (under his bushite breath,) good riddance to
caring where my pusher's overdue payment goes to??. who the

kcuf are you?? ... Eiiiaaahh! Jesus kills bushite for


Men? not so much. Let's go Coast to Coast man! On CNN! CBC!!

Who's with Me?

(chirp chirp)

Cause I'm ready.


That's all.

Johnny Wizard


See?, demons exist!







Light and Shadow



Bill Sattler.

I am America,

Johnny Wizard








/ / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \

Again, a Patriot Soldier whos only crime is that he refuses


Feb 9, 2007, 2:30:32 AM2/9/07
I also willing to bet the U.S. Army paid for his college. I hope he gets
20 years @ hard labor and dishonorable discharged.

"Gerald "Brick" Brickwood" <> wrote in message

Herb Martin

Feb 9, 2007, 12:47:17 PM2/9/07

"Leggman" <> wrote in message

> I also willing to bet the U.S. Army paid for his college. I hope he gets
> 20 years @ hard labor and dishonorable discharged.

It is a shame that he is (or was before he recanted his plea
to remove some charges and the mistrial was declared) only
facing 4 years and the Dishonorable.

The judge decided he didn't understand the plea when he
agreed to admit certain elements of the charges in exchange
for removing other charges.

Now, perhaps the trial will restart with all charges restored.

Herb Martin


Feb 9, 2007, 5:05:33 PM2/9/07

Give it lots and lots of coverage in the MSM too, Reichtards.

Lt Watada is an American Hero, a true Profile in Courage.

I'd rather have one of him than the whole chickenhawk crew of NeoCons at
my side in a scrape.

GFY >:o


Herb Martin

Feb 9, 2007, 6:48:39 PM2/9/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Herb Martin wrote:
>> "Leggman" <> wrote in message
>>> I also willing to bet the U.S. Army paid for his college. I hope he
>>> gets 20 years @ hard labor and dishonorable discharged.
>> It is a shame that he is (or was before he recanted his plea
>> to remove some charges and the mistrial was declared) only
>> facing 4 years and the Dishonorable.
>> The judge decided he didn't understand the plea when he
>> agreed to admit certain elements of the charges in exchange
>> for removing other charges.
>> Now, perhaps the trial will restart with all charges restored.
> Give it lots and lots of coverage in the MSM too, Reichtards.
> Lt Watada is an American Hero, a true Profile in Courage.

He is a criminal -- soon to be incarcerated appropriately in Leavenworth.


Feb 9, 2007, 7:11:05 PM2/9/07

That's your opinion. Most Americans, and decent folks everywhere else,
see it my way.


Herb Martin

Feb 9, 2007, 8:06:30 PM2/9/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

>> He is a criminal -- soon to be incarcerated appropriately in Leavenworth.
> That's your opinion. Most Americans, and decent folks everywhere else,
> see it my way.

You are correct, AND soon it will be a legal finding by a courts marshall.


Feb 9, 2007, 8:36:18 PM2/9/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> courts marshall.

FFS Herb! You mean Court *Martial* as in Military

Why am I wasting time with an ignorant fuckwit like you?

Give me one good reason, to save your (_!_) from the killjail.

Chop chop


Feb 9, 2007, 11:29:08 PM2/9/07

You must be a real clown if you are now delusionally speaking for a
majority of Americans.

And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.

Herb Martin

Feb 9, 2007, 11:39:03 PM2/9/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Herb Martin wrote:
>> courts marshall.
> FFS Herb! You mean Court *Martial* as in Military

Thanks for the correction.

> Give me one good reason, to save your (_!_) from the killjail.

I could NOT care less -- you were only about one more idiot message
away from being blocked anyway.

Herb Martin

Herb Martin

Feb 9, 2007, 11:42:40 PM2/9/07

<> wrote in message

>>> He is a criminal -- soon to be incarcerated appropriately in
>>> Leavenworth.
>>That's your opinion. Most Americans, and decent folks everywhere else,
>>see it my way.

> You must be a real clown if you are now delusionally speaking for a
> majority of Americans.
> And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.

AND by the way, if Lt. (for now) Watada has ANY HONOR at all
it is what he CHOSE to violate military law and go to the stockade
in protest.

When he serves is 4 (or more) years then he can claim his dishonorable
discharge and whatever personal honor his protest brings him.


Feb 10, 2007, 8:57:38 AM2/10/07
On Fri, 9 Feb 2007 22:42:40 -0600, "Herb Martin" <>

Horse manure. He is bowing his neck at a fucking movement order.

I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
cowardice that conviction - but I am aware of the "problems" of our
media, so I am not looking to try to convert anyone.


Feb 10, 2007, 10:16:48 AM2/10/07
In article <>, wrote:

> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
> cowardice that conviction

Funny, I'd been thinking that this entire thread.
I'm glad someone had the juevos to post it. ;-)

I think he wanted the benefits, without having to pay the price.

Peace, Om

Remove _ to validate e-mails.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 10:44:39 AM2/10/07

<> wrote in message

>>When he serves is 4 (or more) years then he can claim his dishonorable
>>discharge and whatever personal honor his protest brings him.
> Horse manure. He is bowing his neck at a fucking movement order.
> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
> cowardice that conviction - but I am aware of the "problems" of our
> media, so I am not looking to try to convert anyone.

I said "IF" and "ANY". No claim was made for his motives but merely
that he has to DO THE TIME before any honor COULD be available
to him.


Feb 10, 2007, 6:08:11 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> courts marshall.
>> FFS Herb! You mean Court *Martial* as in Military
> Thanks for the correction.

No Problem. No charge for that lesson.

>> Give me one good reason, to save your (_!_) from the killjail.
> I could NOT care less -- you were only about one more idiot message
> away from being blocked anyway.

You are welcome to KF me if you think that's you.

My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a moral

Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?


Feb 10, 2007, 6:15:24 PM2/10/07

Have you any opinion polls which contradict my assertion?

I think that Lt Watada is a courageous American, willing to fight and
die to support and defend the Constitution.

He is willing to fight anywhere but Iraq, a nation which never
threatened America. The war there is illegal, and to fight it supports
enemies of America -- namely, the NeoCon cabal of terroristic criminals
controlling the White House and Pentagon.

> And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.

No shit Sherlock. And you probably support the death penalty, are
against abortion and think illegal immigrants should be shot. Might I
add vote Republican? Profess a belief in Christianity?

Sad thing is, you don't love America or Jesus. You are a pathetic
lickspittle, groveling and kissing the jackboots of the greatest
Fascists since the Hitlerites.

Click the following link for a reality check, gomer:



Feb 10, 2007, 6:26:14 PM2/10/07
Omelet wrote:
> In article <>,
> wrote:
>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>> cowardice that conviction
> Funny, I'd been thinking that this entire thread.
> I'm glad someone had the juevos to post it. ;-)

HUEVOS, pinche cabron.

> I think he wanted the benefits, without having to pay the price.

Lt Watada will serve anywhere but Iraq.

> Chickenshit.

You must mean "other priorities" Kommissar CheNey, or "refuse flight
physical" frat boi cokehead Chimpy.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 6:26:41 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

Already did. He gets NO hero points until he serves his sentence.

Anyone can protest but he has decided to go to jail for his beliefs
(or to avoid combat) and he should stop whining.

It was easy to respect Muhammed Ali when he refused to submit
to the draft -- he stay, didn't run to Canada, and served his time
without whining. He obviously was not a coward and he gave up
what might have been his entire boxing career to do that.

Watada joined the military and has refused a lawful order to deploy,
not some hypothetical war crime which NO soldier is compelled to

Watada has deserted his unit and the men who depended on him
for leadership.

Four years is not nearly enough for someone who refuses to keep
his commitment while his friends and subordinates complete HIS

Herb Martin


Feb 10, 2007, 6:29:06 PM2/10/07

An honorable man disobeys orders he knows to be patently illegal,
immoral and unjust.

It's a lesser of the evils situation. Too bad the whole Army doesn't
follow Lt Watada's example and say "Fuck You" to Bushler's punk-assed

Click here for details on how to stop the war:

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 6:27:47 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

>>> That's your opinion. Most Americans, and decent folks everywhere else,
>>> see it my way.
>> You must be a real clown if you are now delusionally speaking for a
>> majority of Americans.
> Have you any opinion polls which contradict my assertion?

You made the assertion it is YOUR responsibility to document it if

Grow up. Show your work, or admit you made it up.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 7:26:49 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Omelet wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> wrote:
>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>> cowardice that conviction
>> Funny, I'd been thinking that this entire thread.
>> I'm glad someone had the juevos to post it. ;-)
> HUEVOS, pinche cabron.
>> I think he wanted the benefits, without having to pay the price.
> Lt Watada will serve anywhere but Iraq.

Not his choice -- and not where his unit and his men are serving.

He has abadoned his comrades and refused a lawful order.

That makes him a coward until he can show otherwise.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 7:28:35 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Herb Martin wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>>>> When he serves is 4 (or more) years then he can claim his dishonorable
>>>> discharge and whatever personal honor his protest brings him.
>>> Horse manure. He is bowing his neck at a fucking movement order.
>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>> cowardice that conviction - but I am aware of the "problems" of our
>>> media, so I am not looking to try to convert anyone.
>> I said "IF" and "ANY". No claim was made for his motives but merely
>> that he has to DO THE TIME before any honor COULD be available
>> to him.
> An honorable man disobeys orders he knows to be patently illegal, immoral
> and unjust.

There is NOTHING illegal about a deployment order.

He can disobey an actual illegal order but not the order to "go somewhere".

> It's a lesser of the evils situation. Too bad the whole Army doesn't
> follow Lt Watada's example and say "Fuck You" to Bushler's punk-assed
> crusade.

Because the Army (theAir Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard) gets
what that the war is important to both American and the free world as
well as the Iraqis.

Steve Rothstein

Feb 10, 2007, 7:56:07 PM2/10/07

Yes. I will argue it. He took an oath to obey orders and did not fulfill
that oath. That is not a shining example of a moral person to me.

Steve Rothstein

Steve Rothstein

Feb 10, 2007, 8:01:36 PM2/10/07
Defendario wrote:
> Herb Martin wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>>>> When he serves is 4 (or more) years then he can claim his dishonorable
>>>> discharge and whatever personal honor his protest brings him.
>>> Horse manure. He is bowing his neck at a fucking movement order.
>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>> cowardice that conviction - but I am aware of the "problems" of our
>>> media, so I am not looking to try to convert anyone.
>> I said "IF" and "ANY". No claim was made for his motives but merely
>> that he has to DO THE TIME before any honor COULD be available
>> to him.
> An honorable man disobeys orders he knows to be patently illegal,
> immoral and unjust.

I disagree. An honorable man fulfills the oath he gave to obey the
lawful orders of those appointed above him. Nowhere does he get to
question the morality or justice of the order, just the legality.

And in this case, the orders to deploy that he refused to obey were
strictly legal by every definition.

If he felt the orders were unjust or immoral, then when he refused to
obey them, an honorable man would accept the consequences of that
action. This means I might recognize the man to be honorable when he
completes his prison sentence, but not before. I do not require him to
plead guilty, as questioning the legality of the orders might make a
difference in his defense, but he has yet to show the orders were illegal.

Steve Rothstein

Steve Rothstein

Feb 10, 2007, 8:08:53 PM2/10/07

The informal poll of those people participating in this thread disagrees
with you. Of course, that is not scientific and doesn't really count
towards the argument. But much more important is that you made a claim
and are asking us to disprove it. In fact, the question should be if you
have any evidence that a majority of Americans agrees with you. Your
claim, you get to prove it before I disprove it.

> I think that Lt Watada is a courageous American, willing to fight and
> die to support and defend the Constitution.
> He is willing to fight anywhere but Iraq, a nation which never
> threatened America. The war there is illegal, and to fight it supports
> enemies of America -- namely, the NeoCon cabal of terroristic criminals
> controlling the White House and Pentagon.

And just which law was broken by the war? Please be specific and give me
a statute that was broken. Otherwise, it is not an illegal war. And
given that I can show you a public law, passed by Congress (including
the democrats), that authorized the President to use military force and
deploy the soldiers and marines to the location, I would have to say the
war is legal, the orders to deploy were legal, and Lt. Watada is a criminal.

>> And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.
> No shit Sherlock. And you probably support the death penalty, are
> against abortion and think illegal immigrants should be shot. Might I
> add vote Republican? Profess a belief in Christianity?
> Sad thing is, you don't love America or Jesus. You are a pathetic
> lickspittle, groveling and kissing the jackboots of the greatest
> Fascists since the Hitlerites.

And then you prove you have no facts to debate with, and degenerate into
name calling and ad hominem attacks. To most people, this is conclusive
evidence that you are wrong. Even when this is not accepted, your
invocation of the "Hitlerites" and comparison of the current
administration to them would invoke the commonly accepted Godwin's Law
as a decisive factor in your loss.

Steve Rothstein

the heekster

Feb 10, 2007, 8:41:08 PM2/10/07

A small point, if I may.

The oath is to obey "legal" orders, and to support the Constitution.

Watada argued that the Administration's invasion and occupation of
Iraq was "manifestly illegal" because it "violates our democratic
system of checks and balances. It usurps international treaties and
conventions that by virtue of the Constitution become American law."
Watada also said, "As the order to take part in an illegal act is
ultimately unlawful as well, I must as an officer of honor and
integrity refuse that order."

I'd recommend holding off forming any opinion of Watada's moral
character, just yet.

Watada's most crucial legal claims were corroborated June 29, 2006 by
the US Supreme Court, in what Duke University law professor Walter
Dellinger calls "the most important decision on presidential power

In Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Court rebuked the Bush Administration not
only for the Guantánamo tribunals but also for the entire view of
executive power the Administration used to justify them. In a 5-to-3
decision, the Court ruled that the President cannot act contrary to
"limitations that Congress has, in proper exercise of its own war
powers, placed on his powers."

That's just what Watada said about Bush's policy two weeks before: "It
violates the Constitution and the War Powers Act that limits the
President in his role as Commander in Chief from using the armed
forces in any way he sees fit."

Watada will probably die in an "accident".

the heekster

Feb 10, 2007, 8:46:05 PM2/10/07

Guilty until proven innocent?

What are you, French?

In the US we have a fundamental legal right known as presumption of

Presumption of guilt is characteristic of authoritarian regimes, and
I'll have none of that.


Feb 10, 2007, 8:58:49 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message

>> My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a moral
>> American.
>> Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?
> Already did. He gets NO hero points until he serves his sentence.

Why is he guilty? It's a lesser of the evils defense. Missing movement
was clearly less wrong than participating in an illegal and immoral

> Anyone can protest but he has decided to go to jail for his beliefs
> (or to avoid combat) and he should stop whining.

He said he would fight in Afghanistan. Lt Watada is no coward.

> It was easy to respect Muhammed Ali when he refused to submit
> to the draft -- he stay, didn't run to Canada, and served his time
> without whining. He obviously was not a coward and he gave up
> what might have been his entire boxing career to do that.

Ali was a true hero also. I have immense respect for the man.

> Watada joined the military and has refused a lawful order to deploy,
> not some hypothetical war crime which NO soldier is compelled to
> commit.

Wrong. The Army is compelling soldiers to fight an illegal war in Iraq.

> Watada has deserted his unit and the men who depended on him
> for leadership.

Too bad those men don't do likewise. If the Army quit the war, the
leaders would be forced to give it up.

> Four years is not nearly enough for someone who refuses to keep
> his commitment while his friends and subordinates complete HIS
> mission.

Lt Watada's mission to serve the people of this Nation and the
Constitution which represents their interests is not furthered by
serving in Bushler's punk assed crusade.

If you ever wanted to stop a war...


Feb 10, 2007, 9:00:00 PM2/10/07

Occupying Iraq is neither legal nor moral.

All the troops should refuse to fight, and thus end this insanity

> Steve Rothstein

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 8:58:45 PM2/10/07

"the heekster" <> wrote in message

> The oath is to obey "legal" orders, and to support the Constitution.

And deployment is NOT an illegal order.

Were he asked to perform some specific illegal action, he would have
a point -- and most soldiers, both commanders and subordinates,
would agree he do his duty as he was trained.

But merely being told to DEPLOY is not, and really never can be,

The above is in addition to the fact that the war is legal in US law,
ordered by the President, approved by the Senate, funded by the
Congress, confirmed by the courts.

Even the UN agreed, as well as the CURRENT democratically
elected Host country of Iraq.

Herb Martin

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 8:59:51 PM2/10/07

"the heekster" <> wrote in message
> Guilty until proven innocent?

He has admitted to refusing deployment -- he is not arguing
the facts of the case.

> In the US we have a fundamental legal right known as presumption of
> innocence.

Sure, in court, but no one here is on his court, as well as the fact that
he admits to the particulars of his actions.

> Presumption of guilt is characteristic of authoritarian regimes, and
> I'll have none of that.

Not when you confess.


Feb 10, 2007, 9:03:41 PM2/10/07

Just so.

> Watada will probably die in an "accident".

I pray for Lt Watada and his family. The Lt's father gave a
well-reasoned and emotionally moving speech at the DC rally.

Actually I'm glad the Army has chosen to make an example of a young man
as fine and upstanding as Lt Watada. His courage and steadfastness will
be a shining example for the nation.


Feb 10, 2007, 9:06:02 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article <>,
>>> wrote:
>>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>>> cowardice that conviction
>>> Funny, I'd been thinking that this entire thread.
>>> I'm glad someone had the juevos to post it. ;-)
>> HUEVOS, pinche cabron.
>>> I think he wanted the benefits, without having to pay the price.
>> Lt Watada will serve anywhere but Iraq.
> Not his choice -- and not where his unit and his men are serving.

His moral obligation to refuse illegal orders, Reichtard.

> He has abadoned his comrades and refused a lawful order.

They should likewise refuse it.

> That makes him a coward until he can show otherwise.

Scared to stand up for your NeoCon heroes creds, Herbie?

Here are the Chickenshits again:


Feb 10, 2007, 9:08:21 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> <> wrote in message
>>>>> When he serves is 4 (or more) years then he can claim his dishonorable
>>>>> discharge and whatever personal honor his protest brings him.
>>>> Horse manure. He is bowing his neck at a fucking movement order.
>>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>>> cowardice that conviction - but I am aware of the "problems" of our
>>>> media, so I am not looking to try to convert anyone.
>>> I said "IF" and "ANY". No claim was made for his motives but merely
>>> that he has to DO THE TIME before any honor COULD be available
>>> to him.
>> An honorable man disobeys orders he knows to be patently illegal, immoral
>> and unjust.
> There is NOTHING illegal about a deployment order.

That's you're (worthless) opinion, Reichtard.

> He can disobey an actual illegal order but not the order to "go somewhere".

The order to deploy to Iraq is actually illegal

>> It's a lesser of the evils situation. Too bad the whole Army doesn't
>> follow Lt Watada's example and say "Fuck You" to Bushler's punk-assed
>> crusade.
> Because the Army (theAir Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard) gets
> what that the war is important to both American and the free world as
> well as the Iraqis.

You are a brainwashed Reichtard idiot.

Here is the link you seem to have trouble with:



Feb 10, 2007, 9:09:57 PM2/10/07
Steve Rothstein wrote:
> Defendario wrote:
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> <> wrote in message
>>>>> When he serves is 4 (or more) years then he can claim his dishonorable
>>>>> discharge and whatever personal honor his protest brings him.
>>>> Horse manure. He is bowing his neck at a fucking movement order.
>>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>>> cowardice that conviction - but I am aware of the "problems" of our
>>>> media, so I am not looking to try to convert anyone.
>>> I said "IF" and "ANY". No claim was made for his motives but merely
>>> that he has to DO THE TIME before any honor COULD be available
>>> to him.
>> An honorable man disobeys orders he knows to be patently illegal,
>> immoral and unjust.
> I disagree. An honorable man fulfills the oath he gave to obey the
> lawful orders <smak>

That's exactly what Lt Watada is doing. The order to deploy to Iraq is
unlawful, and ought to be rejected universally.

Here is the link you Reichtards can't seem to help but snip:



Feb 10, 2007, 9:11:35 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>> That's your opinion. Most Americans, and decent folks everywhere else,
>>>> see it my way.
>>> You must be a real clown if you are now delusionally speaking for a
>>> majority of Americans.
>> Have you any opinion polls which contradict my assertion?
> You made the assertion it is YOUR responsibility to document it if
> asked.

I made an assertion based on a gut feeling, Reichtard.

If you are OK with Bushler going to war on that basis, why second guess me?

> Grow up. Show your work, or admit you made it up.

Having trouble with links today, Herbie?



Feb 10, 2007, 9:14:35 PM2/10/07

You Reichtards seem to think gut feelings are acceptable as proof.

I was standing in a crowd so large on the Capitol Mall that one couldn't
see the extent of it. I'm sure that every one of those half million
were in agreement with my position.

>> I think that Lt Watada is a courageous American, willing to fight and
>> die to support and defend the Constitution.
>> He is willing to fight anywhere but Iraq, a nation which never
>> threatened America. The war there is illegal, and to fight it
>> supports enemies of America -- namely, the NeoCon cabal of terroristic
>> criminals controlling the White House and Pentagon.
> And just which law was broken by the war?

UN Charter.

>>> And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.
>> No shit Sherlock. And you probably support the death penalty, are
>> against abortion and think illegal immigrants should be shot. Might I
>> add vote Republican? Profess a belief in Christianity?
>> Sad thing is, you don't love America or Jesus. You are a pathetic
>> lickspittle, groveling and kissing the jackboots of the greatest
>> Fascists since the Hitlerites.
> And then you prove you have no facts to debate with, and degenerate into
> name calling and ad hominem attacks. To most people, this is conclusive
> evidence that you are wrong. Even when this is not accepted, your
> invocation of the "Hitlerites" and comparison of the current
> administration to them would invoke the commonly accepted Godwin's Law
> as a decisive factor in your loss.

Godwin never met Chimpoleon.

> Steve Rothstein

Here is the link you can't handle, jooboi:


Feb 10, 2007, 9:18:59 PM2/10/07
On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 21:03:41 -0500, Defendario
<> wrote:

>Actually I'm glad the Army has chosen to make an example of a young man
>as fine and upstanding as Lt Watada. His courage and steadfastness will
>be a shining example for the nation.

Yah. The liberal judge declared a mistrial instead of just giving him
the max sentence. The stooooopid Watada SIGNED the pre-trial
agreement that confessed his GUILT! And then tried to say he didn't
know what he signed.

The COWARD should have been tried for "Cowardice in the face of the
enemy" and summarily SHOT!


Feb 10, 2007, 9:26:04 PM2/10/07
On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 21:14:35 -0500, Defendario
<> wrote:

>I was standing in a crowd so large on the Capitol Mall that one couldn't
>see the extent of it. I'm sure that every one of those half million
>were in agreement with my position.

Yah and you piece at any price cowards are still 200 MILLION short of
a majority.

>> And just which law was broken by the war?
>UN Charter.

The UN doesn't "control" the block it's on in NYC. And the U.S.
doesn't have to kiss the little UN dictator's ass and beg for
permission for ANYTHING. The "UN" can't control HAITI! And WHEN the
U.S. pulls out and quits PISSING OFF MONEY on the "UN", that thing
will fold up like an arab "peace treaty".

Why don't you get the "UN" police to come ARREST PRESIDENT BUSH!


Feb 10, 2007, 10:00:47 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "the heekster" <> wrote in message
>> The oath is to obey "legal" orders, and to support the Constitution.
> And deployment is NOT an illegal order.

It is if the war itself is illegal.

> Were he asked to perform some specific illegal action, he would have
> a point -- and most soldiers, both commanders and subordinates,
> would agree he do his duty as he was trained.

Aggressive war is the ultimate crime, Reichtard.

> But merely being told to DEPLOY is not, and really never can be,
> illegal.

See above.

> The above is in addition to the fact that the war is legal in US law,
> ordered by the President, approved by the Senate, funded by the
> Congress, confirmed by the courts.

Not really. The pretenses were fraudulent, the authorization flawed,
the order illegal. Funding may well be cut off, and the courts have
come down against the principle of unitary executive, or Fuhrerprinzip.

> Even the UN agreed, as well as the CURRENT democratically
> elected Host country of Iraq.

The puppet government did not exist to invite us, Herbie.

If you ever wanted to stop a war:


Feb 10, 2007, 10:03:20 PM2/10/07
to wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 21:03:41 -0500, Defendario
> <> wrote:
>> Actually I'm glad the Army has chosen to make an example of a young man
>> as fine and upstanding as Lt Watada. His courage and steadfastness will
>> be a shining example for the nation.
> Yah. The liberal judge declared a mistrial

The judge in the Court Martial was a liberal? You must be able to
substantiate that assertion.

> instead of just giving him
> the max sentence. The stooooopid Watada SIGNED the pre-trial
> agreement that confessed his GUILT! And then tried to say he didn't
> know what he signed.

That's bullshit. The prosecution tried to change the parameters
understood by the stipulation, hence a mistrial.

> The COWARD should have been tried for "Cowardice in the face of the
> enemy" and summarily SHOT!

Look at this flash animation, fool:


Feb 10, 2007, 10:06:27 PM2/10/07
to wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 21:14:35 -0500, Defendario
> <> wrote:
>> I was standing in a crowd so large on the Capitol Mall that one couldn't
>> see the extent of it. I'm sure that every one of those half million
>> were in agreement with my position.
> Yah and you piece at any price cowards are still 200 MILLION short of
> a majority.

You think that everyone who feels the same way was present, Reichtard?


>>> And just which law was broken by the war?
>> UN Charter.
> The UN doesn't "control" the block it's on in NYC. And the U.S.
> doesn't have to kiss the little UN dictator's ass and beg for
> permission for ANYTHING. The "UN" can't control HAITI! And WHEN the
> U.S. pulls out and quits PISSING OFF MONEY on the "UN", that thing
> will fold up like an arab "peace treaty".

The treaties signed by the US and confirmed by the Senate have the force
of law, idiot.

> Why don't you get the "UN" police to come ARREST PRESIDENT BUSH!

Why don't the Secret Service do it? They may only be waiting for the

I'd settle for a putsch

Steve Rothstein

Feb 10, 2007, 10:15:35 PM2/10/07
the heekster wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 00:56:07 GMT, Steve Rothstein
> <> wrote:
>> Defendario wrote:
>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>>>> courts marshall.
>>>>> FFS Herb! You mean Court *Martial* as in Military
>>>> Thanks for the correction.
>>> No Problem. No charge for that lesson.
>>>>> Give me one good reason, to save your (_!_) from the killjail.
>>>> I could NOT care less -- you were only about one more idiot message
>>>> away from being blocked anyway.
>>> You are welcome to KF me if you think that's you.
>>> My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a moral
>>> American.
>>> Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?
>> Yes. I will argue it. He took an oath to obey orders and did not fulfill
>> that oath. That is not a shining example of a moral person to me.
>> Steve Rothstein
> A small point, if I may.
> The oath is to obey "legal" orders, and to support the Constitution.

I will grant the point that the oath is to obey "the lawful orders" of
those appointed above him. It is not to support the Constitution, but to
defend it from all enemies, foreign and domestic, which may be another

> Watada argued that the Administration's invasion and occupation of
> Iraq was "manifestly illegal" because it "violates our democratic
> system of checks and balances. It usurps international treaties and
> conventions that by virtue of the Constitution become American law."
> Watada also said, "As the order to take part in an illegal act is
> ultimately unlawful as well, I must as an officer of honor and
> integrity refuse that order."
> I'd recommend holding off forming any opinion of Watada's moral
> character, just yet.
> Watada's most crucial legal claims were corroborated June 29, 2006 by
> the US Supreme Court, in what Duke University law professor Walter
> Dellinger calls "the most important decision on presidential power
> ever."
> In Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Court rebuked the Bush Administration not
> only for the Guantánamo tribunals but also for the entire view of
> executive power the Administration used to justify them. In a 5-to-3
> decision, the Court ruled that the President cannot act contrary to
> "limitations that Congress has, in proper exercise of its own war
> powers, placed on his powers."
> That's just what Watada said about Bush's policy two weeks before: "It
> violates the Constitution and the War Powers Act that limits the
> President in his role as Commander in Chief from using the armed
> forces in any way he sees fit."

I disagree with your interpretation of the way the SCOTUS ruled,
especially as it applies to this case. In addition, as I said in the
other post, the deployment to Iraq was legal, as the deployment of
soldiers and marines had been specifically approved by both the Congress
and the White house and was passed as law in the US.

If the deployment of the soldiers is legal, then the orders were legal
and lawful, and Watada did not meet his oath. I agree that it is crucial
that he get a trial and be allowed to present his defense to see if he
is correct about the legality of his orders. Unfortunately for him, I
disagree with his interpretation of the legality of the troops in Iraq.
If I were a member of the court, he would be convicted.

Of course, he could retain his moral status that way. As was pointed
out, a man standing up for what he believes in and taking the
consequences of his actions, would be an ethical man.

> Watada will probably die in an "accident".

I am not enough of a conspiracy theorist to agree that this is likely,
but I will admit it is a remote possibility.

Steve Rothstein

Steve Rothstein

Feb 10, 2007, 10:18:49 PM2/10/07
Defendario wrote:
> Steve Rothstein wrote:
>> Defendario wrote:
>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>>>> courts marshall.
>>>>> FFS Herb! You mean Court *Martial* as in Military
>>>> Thanks for the correction.
>>> No Problem. No charge for that lesson.
>>>>> Give me one good reason, to save your (_!_) from the killjail.
>>>> I could NOT care less -- you were only about one more idiot message
>>>> away from being blocked anyway.
>>> You are welcome to KF me if you think that's you.
>>> My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a
>>> moral American.
>>> Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?
>> Yes. I will argue it. He took an oath to obey orders and did not
>> fulfill that oath. That is not a shining example of a moral person to me.
> Occupying Iraq is neither legal nor moral.

The morality is a personal choice for each person. My morals have
nothing against occupying any country for any reason I deem fit. The
legality is what the society has agreed to be moral. I have asked
before, and ask again, what law was violated? Please give me a citation
on which law was violated, especially since the proper process was
followed and a law passed specifically allowing the deployment of troops
and use of military force in Iraq.

Steve Rothstein

Steve Rothstein

Feb 10, 2007, 10:20:59 PM2/10/07

Please show me which law is violated by the order to Iraq, or by the
military being in Iraq. If you have no law violated, and I have shown
you the law authorizing it, then the deployment order was legal and
refusing it was a crime.

Steve Rothstein

Steve Rothstein

Feb 10, 2007, 10:26:21 PM2/10/07

No, I do not feel they are, which is why I pointed out the poll I was
using was not valid.

> I was standing in a crowd so large on the Capitol Mall that one couldn't
> see the extent of it. I'm sure that every one of those half million
> were in agreement with my position.

OK, so half a million (your own estimate) agree with you. That is not a
majority of Americans as you claimed. Please give proof of your claim,
since we each have gut feelings that our side is the majority and you
reject gut feelings. Your claim needs proof or it dies.

>>> I think that Lt Watada is a courageous American, willing to fight and
>>> die to support and defend the Constitution.
>>> He is willing to fight anywhere but Iraq, a nation which never
>>> threatened America. The war there is illegal, and to fight it
>>> supports enemies of America -- namely, the NeoCon cabal of
>>> terroristic criminals controlling the White House and Pentagon.
>> And just which law was broken by the war?
> UN Charter.

Sorry, but the UN charter does not say this, nor is it a law. Please try
again with any law that is binding on the US government that says we are

I will even accept a specific section of the charter you refer to if you
want to try it further, but just the general charter is not a sufficient
cite. That would be like saying the US Code but not giving a section.
Doesn't work in any rational debate.

>>>> And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.
>>> No shit Sherlock. And you probably support the death penalty, are
>>> against abortion and think illegal immigrants should be shot. Might
>>> I add vote Republican? Profess a belief in Christianity?
>>> Sad thing is, you don't love America or Jesus. You are a pathetic
>>> lickspittle, groveling and kissing the jackboots of the greatest
>>> Fascists since the Hitlerites.
>> And then you prove you have no facts to debate with, and degenerate
>> into name calling and ad hominem attacks. To most people, this is
>> conclusive evidence that you are wrong. Even when this is not
>> accepted, your invocation of the "Hitlerites" and comparison of the
>> current administration to them would invoke the commonly accepted
>> Godwin's Law as a decisive factor in your loss.
> Godwin never met Chimpoleon.

No, but he met people like you, who have no concept of how to debate any
point rationally.

>> Steve Rothstein
> Here is the link you can't handle, jooboi:

Very interesting logic here - you call Bush a Nazi and then make fun of
my religion and try to put me down for it.

Steve Rothstein


Feb 10, 2007, 10:31:52 PM2/10/07

That's because you are a moral midget, Stevie.


Feb 10, 2007, 10:32:21 PM2/10/07
Steve Rothstein wrote:
> Defendario wrote:
>> Steve Rothstein wrote:
>>> Defendario wrote:
>>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>>> <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> When he serves is 4 (or more) years then he can claim his
>>>>>>> dishonorable
>>>>>>> discharge and whatever personal honor his protest brings him.
>>>>>> Horse manure. He is bowing his neck at a fucking movement order.
>>>>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>>>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>>>>> cowardice that conviction - but I am aware of the "problems" of our
>>>>>> media, so I am not looking to try to convert anyone.
>>>>> I said "IF" and "ANY". No claim was made for his motives but merely
>>>>> that he has to DO THE TIME before any honor COULD be available
>>>>> to him.
>>>> An honorable man disobeys orders he knows to be patently illegal,
>>>> immoral and unjust.
>>> I disagree. An honorable man fulfills the oath he gave to obey the
>>> lawful orders <smak>
>> That's exactly what Lt Watada is doing. The order to deploy to Iraq
>> is unlawful, and ought to be rejected universally.
> Please show me <smak>



Feb 10, 2007, 10:45:32 PM2/10/07

Then there is no real proof one way or the other. Most Americans
probably don't know who Lt Watada is, or why he is on trial.

>> I was standing in a crowd so large on the Capitol Mall that one
>> couldn't see the extent of it. I'm sure that every one of those half
>> million were in agreement with my position.
> OK, so half a million (your own estimate) agree with you.

If you think that every anti-War American was at the march you are
dumber than a bag of hammers.

In the absence of countervailing proof, my claim stands.

>>>> I think that Lt Watada is a courageous American, willing to fight
>>>> and die to support and defend the Constitution.
>>>> He is willing to fight anywhere but Iraq, a nation which never
>>>> threatened America. The war there is illegal, and to fight it
>>>> supports enemies of America -- namely, the NeoCon cabal of
>>>> terroristic criminals controlling the White House and Pentagon.
>>> And just which law was broken by the war?
>> UN Charter.

> Sorry, but the UN charter does not say this<smak>

I'll let an expert do the talking for me, 'Tard

>>>>> And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.
>>>> No shit Sherlock. And you probably support the death penalty, are
>>>> against abortion and think illegal immigrants should be shot. Might
>>>> I add vote Republican? Profess a belief in Christianity?
>>>> Sad thing is, you don't love America or Jesus. You are a pathetic
>>>> lickspittle, groveling and kissing the jackboots of the greatest
>>>> Fascists since the Hitlerites.
>>> And then you prove you have no facts to debate with, and degenerate
>>> into name calling and ad hominem attacks. To most people, this is
>>> conclusive evidence that you are wrong. Even when this is not
>>> accepted, your invocation of the "Hitlerites" and comparison of the
>>> current administration to them would invoke the commonly accepted
>>> Godwin's Law as a decisive factor in your loss.
>> Godwin never met Chimpoleon.
> No, but he met people like you, who have no concept of how to debate any
> point rationally.

You aren't ethical enough to bother with. You think that war is fun and
profitable, no doubt.

>>> Steve Rothstein
>> Here is the link you can't handle, jooboi:
> Very interesting logic here - you call Bush a Nazi and then make fun of
> my religion and try to put me down for it.

Bushler is a Fascist, not exactly a Nazi. The closest thing to a Nazi
in the world today is a judeo-fascist, aka a zioNazi.

> Steve Rothstein

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 10:46:16 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Herb Martin wrote:
>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
> <SNIP>
>>> My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a moral
>>> American.
>>> Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?
>> Already did. He gets NO hero points until he serves his sentence.
> Why is he guilty? It's a lesser of the evils defense. Missing movement
> was clearly less wrong than participating in an illegal and immoral
> occupation.

Because he admitted the elements of the crime. This is not a "whodunit"
but a case where he openly chose to disobey a lawful order.

He will be officially guilty when the court rules.

He will then serve his time.

>> Anyone can protest but he has decided to go to jail for his beliefs
>> (or to avoid combat) and he should stop whining.
> He said he would fight in Afghanistan. Lt Watada is no coward.

He doesn't get to chose and he knows that. Except to refuse and
take the punishment.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 10:46:53 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Herb Martin wrote:
>> "the heekster" <> wrote in message
>>> The oath is to obey "legal" orders, and to support the Constitution.
>> And deployment is NOT an illegal order.
> It is if the war itself is illegal.

But the war is completely and irrefutably legal -- even then he cannot
refuse the order to deploy, only to commit actual illegal actions.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 10:48:08 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Herb Martin wrote:
>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>> <> wrote in message
>>>>>> When he serves is 4 (or more) years then he can claim his
>>>>>> dishonorable
>>>>>> discharge and whatever personal honor his protest brings him.
>>>>> Horse manure. He is bowing his neck at a fucking movement order.
>>>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>>>> cowardice that conviction - but I am aware of the "problems" of our
>>>>> media, so I am not looking to try to convert anyone.
>>>> I said "IF" and "ANY". No claim was made for his motives but merely
>>>> that he has to DO THE TIME before any honor COULD be available
>>>> to him.
>>> An honorable man disobeys orders he knows to be patently illegal,
>>> immoral and unjust.
>> There is NOTHING illegal about a deployment order.
> That's you're (worthless) opinion, Reichtard.
>> He can disobey an actual illegal order but not the order to "go
>> somewhere".
> The order to deploy to Iraq is actually illegal

We are not at war with the recongized government of Iraq.

Even though you would still be wrong, you could only actually make
that argument while Saddam was still in power.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 10:50:15 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

>> You made the assertion it is YOUR responsibility to document it if
>> asked.
> I made an assertion based on a gut feeling, Reichtard.

Ah, so you admit you made it up. Now you should apologize
for your lie.

And your resort to mere name calling proves that even you yourself
realize that you have no facts or logic with which to make your

>> Grow up. Show your work, or admit you made it up.
> Having trouble with links today, Herbie?

Ah, mockery, more admission by you of your impotence to use
to erect an argument using facts and logic

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 10:51:10 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

>> And just which law was broken by the war?
> UN Charter.

First the UN Charter is NOT law but the UN Security Council
authorized the war WITH IRAQ (which has been over for some
time) and approved the outcome after fact.


Feb 10, 2007, 11:04:13 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> <SNIP>
>>>> My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a moral
>>>> American.
>>>> Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?
>>> Already did. He gets NO hero points until he serves his sentence.
>> Why is he guilty? It's a lesser of the evils defense. Missing movement
>> was clearly less wrong than participating in an illegal and immoral
>> occupation.
> Because he admitted the elements of the crime. This is not a "whodunit"
> but a case where he openly chose to disobey a lawful order.

What part of "Lesser of the Evils" don't you get, Herbie?

> He will be officially guilty when the court rules.
> He will then serve his time.

And more Americans will realize that Lt Watada is a Hero.

Maybe it will stop the war

>>> Anyone can protest but he has decided to go to jail for his beliefs
>>> (or to avoid combat) and he should stop whining.
>> He said he would fight in Afghanistan. Lt Watada is no coward.
> He doesn't get to chose and he knows that. Except to refuse and
> take the punishment.

The Army could have stationed him in Antarctica and he'd have gone.

A Profile in Courage



Feb 10, 2007, 11:04:59 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> "the heekster" <> wrote in message
>>>> The oath is to obey "legal" orders, and to support the Constitution.
>>> And deployment is NOT an illegal order.
>> It is if the war itself is illegal.
> But the war is completely and irrefutably legal

Here is one refutation, among many:



Feb 10, 2007, 11:05:41 PM2/10/07

Never were, in fact.

> Even though you would still be wrong, you could only actually make
> that argument while Saddam was still in power.

Wrong again.



Feb 10, 2007, 11:07:29 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>> You made the assertion it is YOUR responsibility to document it if
>>> asked.
>> I made an assertion based on a gut feeling, Reichtard.
> Ah, so you admit you made it up. Now you should apologize
> for your lie.

Not a lie. I believe it to be a fact, and you cannot prove otherwise.

> And your resort to mere name calling proves that even you yourself
> realize that you have no facts or logic with which to make your
> position.

What logic or moral authority do /you/ have, Herbie?

>>> Grow up. Show your work, or admit you made it up.
>> Having trouble with links today, Herbie?
> Ah, mockery, more admission by you of your impotence to use
> to erect an argument using facts and logic

Are you a peter-puffer, Herbie?

Here is the link again:




Feb 10, 2007, 11:09:23 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>> And just which law was broken by the war?
>> UN Charter.
> First the UN Charter is NOT law

Yes it is. Treaties have the same force as the Constitution, fool.

> but the UN Security Council
> authorized the war WITH IRAQ

When? Quote the specific part of 1441 which allowed military force to
be applied.


Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 11:24:12 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Herb Martin wrote:
>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>> <SNIP>
>>>>> My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a
>>>>> moral American.
>>>>> Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?
>>>> Already did. He gets NO hero points until he serves his sentence.
>>> Why is he guilty? It's a lesser of the evils defense. Missing movement
>>> was clearly less wrong than participating in an illegal and immoral
>>> occupation.
>> Because he admitted the elements of the crime. This is not a "whodunit"
>> but a case where he openly chose to disobey a lawful order.
> What part of "Lesser of the Evils" don't you get, Herbie?

No evil at all -- certainly it is legaally demonstrable that there is
no crime in the deployment.

>> He will be officially guilty when the court rules.
>> He will then serve his time.
> And more Americans will realize that Lt Watada is a Hero.

Go ahead, hold your breath on that one.

Watada abandoned his men and his oath. Nothing heroic in
doing that and then whining about the consequences.

He should stand up, plead guilty -- then perhaps someone would
respect him.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 11:27:22 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

There can be no such refutation since it is well know that the President
(Command in Chief ) ordered it, the Senate (advise and consent)
overwhelmingly approved it, the Congress funded it, the UN Security
Council issues a UNANIMOUS BINDING resolution authorizing it
and further resolutions after the fact approving the outcome, as have
the courts (up to and including the Supreme Court) so ruled when the
issue has even been hinted.

The current Iraqi government is recognized almost universally by the
nations of the world, and we are now there at the invitation of their
of their (truly) democratically elected government.

Nope, everything legal and historical says it is entirely legal.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 11:29:36 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

> Herb Martin wrote:
>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>> You made the assertion it is YOUR responsibility to document it if
>>>> asked.
>>> I made an assertion based on a gut feeling, Reichtard.
>> Ah, so you admit you made it up. Now you should apologize
>> for your lie.
> Not a lie. I believe it to be a fact, and you cannot prove otherwise.

You have now admitted you made it up -- you might have initially
taken refuge in an apology from your false assumption but now that
you have been called on the fabrication is it a lie for you to claim
something you know you cannot prove.

It is also childish of you to insist on it after having been caught
it and for you to avoid the apology.

You argumet was intellectualy dishonest and now everyone reading this
thread is aware of your behavior.

Herb Martin

Feb 10, 2007, 11:32:10 PM2/10/07

"Defendario" <> wrote in message

Additional Server consequences clearly authorize war since a state of war
already existed (1st Gulf War never ended, a blockade and sanctions in
place all constituted a state of war, as did Saddam's continual targetting
of US aircraft and personel.)

Subsequent UN resolutions have accepted the outcome even though this
is not really relevant since the UN doesn't really get to decide what is
legal in the US.

Herb Martin


Feb 10, 2007, 11:43:03 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>> <SNIP>
>>>>>> My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a
>>>>>> moral American.
>>>>>> Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?
>>>>> Already did. He gets NO hero points until he serves his sentence.
>>>> Why is he guilty? It's a lesser of the evils defense. Missing movement
>>>> was clearly less wrong than participating in an illegal and immoral
>>>> occupation.
>>> Because he admitted the elements of the crime. This is not a "whodunit"
>>> but a case where he openly chose to disobey a lawful order.
>> What part of "Lesser of the Evils" don't you get, Herbie?
> No evil at all -- certainly it is legaally demonstrable that there is
> no crime in the deployment.

You're kinda slow, aren't you?

>>> He will be officially guilty when the court rules.
>>> He will then serve his time.
>> And more Americans will realize that Lt Watada is a Hero.
> Go ahead, hold your breath on that one.

The sNooz media blackout will continue?

> Watada abandoned his men and his oath. Nothing heroic in
> doing that and then whining about the consequences.

The men should follow his heroic example and reject Bushler's war.

> He should stand up, plead guilty -- then perhaps someone would
> respect him.

Anything would be better than helping the NeoCons savage the innocent
for the sake of the stinking zhids.



Feb 10, 2007, 11:46:01 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>>>> "the heekster" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> The oath is to obey "legal" orders, and to support the Constitution.
>>>>> And deployment is NOT an illegal order.
>>>> It is if the war itself is illegal.
>>> But the war is completely and irrefutably legal
>> Here is one refutation, among many:
> There can be no such refutation <BLATHER BINNED>

I just gave it to you, asswipe.

Here it is again, in full:

Aggressive War: Supreme International Crime
By Marjorie Cohn
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Tuesday 09 November 2004

Associate United States Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson was
the chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg Tribunal. In his report to the
State Department, Justice Jackson wrote: "No political or economic
situation can justify" the crime of aggression. He also said: "If
certain acts in violation of treaties are crimes they are crimes whether
the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not
prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we
would not be willing to have invoked against us."

Between 10,000 and 15,000 U.S. troops with warplanes and artillery
have begun to invade the Iraqi city of Fallujah. To "soften up" the
rebels, American forces dropped five 500-pound bombs on "insurgent
targets." The Americans destroyed the Nazzal Emergency Hospital in the
center of town. They stormed and occupied the Fallujah General Hospital,
and have not agreed to allow doctors and ambulances go inside the main
part of the city to help the wounded, in direct violation of the Geneva

The battle of Fallujah promises to be far more shocking and aweful
than the bombardment of Baghdad that kicked off Operation "Iraqi
Freedom" in April 2003. A senior Marine Corps surgeon warned that
casualties will surpass any level seen since the Vietnam War.

There have already been 100,000 "excess" Iraqi deaths since Bush
launched his first strike on Iraq 18 months ago - that is, above and
beyond those killed by Saddam Hussein, sanctions, U.S. bombings, and
disease, all put together, in the 15 months prior to the invasion.

A study published by the Lancet found that the risk of death by
violence for Iraqi civilians is now 58 times higher than before Bush
began to liberate them in April 2003.

Bush's war on Iraq is a war of aggression. "Aggression is the use
of armed force by a state against the sovereignty, territorial integrity
or political independence of another state, or in any other manner
inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this
definition," according to General Assembly Resolution 3314, passed in
the wake of Vietnam.

The only two situations where the UN Charter permits the use of
armed force against another state is in self-defense, or when authorized
by the Security Council. Iraq had not invaded the U.S., or any other
country, Iraq did not constitute an imminent threat to any country, and
the Security Council never sanctioned Bush's war. Bush and the officials
in his administration are committing the crime of aggression.

Virtually every Western democracy has ratified the treaty of the
International Criminal Court, except the United States. Bush knows that
the Court will eventually prosecute leaders for the crime of aggression.
Mindful that he and his officials could become defendants, Bush
renounced the Court, and extracted bilateral immunity agreements from
more than 80 countries.

This year, however, Bush unsuccessfully sought to ram through the
Security Council an immunity resolution that would exempt U.S. personnel
from the Court's jurisdiction. But shortly after the photographs of U.S.
torture of Iraqi prisoners emerged, the Council refused to put its
imprimatur on preferential treatment for the United States.

Bush knows that the Court will also punish war crimes. Pursuant to
policies promulgated by Bush and Rumsfeld, U.S. forces have engaged in
widespread torture and inhuman treatment of prisoners in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Bush admitted in his 2003 State
of the Union address that he had sanctioned summary executions of
suspected terrorists.

Torture, inhuman treatment, and willful killing are grave breaches
of the Geneva Conventions, treaties ratified by the United States. Grave
breaches of Geneva are considered war crimes under our federal War
Crimes Act of 1996. American nationals who commit war crimes abroad can
receive life in prison, or even the death penalty if the victim dies.
Under the doctrine of command responsibility, a commander can be held
liable if he knew or should have known his inferiors were committing war
crimes and he failed to prevent or stop them.

The first U.S. attack on Fallujah, last April, killed 900-1000
people, mostly noncombatants. It was conducted in retaliation for the
killing and mutilation of the bodies of four Blackwater Security
Consulting mercenaries. Collective punishment against an occupied
population for offenses committed by others also violates the Geneva

Bush has sought to cover his crimes by putting an Iraqi face on his
brutal war. The New York Times reported: "Thousands of Iraqi troops have
moved into position with their American counterparts and are expected to
take part ... American soldiers are to do most of the fighting on the
way in, clearing the way for the Iraqi security forces to take control
once the insurgents are defeated. With this method, Iraqi and American
leaders hope for the best of both worlds: American muscle and an Iraqi

If Bush were a student of history, he would realize that
Iraqization, like Vietnamization, will fail to win the hearts and minds
of the Iraqi people.

Working hand-in-glove with the U.S. government, interim puppet
prime minister Iyad Allawi helped to soften up the rebels by declaring
martial law throughout most of Iraq. His authority came from legislation
the human rights minister characterized as "very similar to the Patriot
Act of the United States." It enables Allawi to conduct extensive
surveillance, impose cordons and curfews, limit freedom of movement and
association, and freeze bank accounts and seize assets.

"Iraqi confidence in the interim government has plummeted in recent
months as the insurgency in Falluja and elsewhere has gained in strength
and lethality," according to The New York Times.

And although foreign Islamic extremists have joined the fight, most
resisting the American occupation are Iraqi. "Didn't the Americans bring
with them the British and the Italians?" asked Suhail al Abdali. "Well,
we have multinational forces, too," he said wryly. Then al Abdali added,
"They will pay the price with the blood of American sons who came to
occupy Iraq. They won't take Fallujah unless they fight street to
street, house to house."

Twenty-six prominent Saudi scholars and preachers wrote in an open
letter to the Iraqi people: "The U.S. forces are still destroying towns
on the heads of their people and killing women and children. What's
going on in Iraq is a result of the big crime of America's occupation of
Iraq." They stressed that armed attacks by militant Iraqi groups on U.S.
troops and their allies in Iraq represent "legitimate resistance."

"The attack on Fallujah is an illegal and illegitimate action
against civilians and innocent people," said the Association of Muslim
Scholars, an influential Sunni clerics group. "We denounce this
operation which will have a grave consequence on the situation in Iraq,"
declared spokesman Mohammed Bashar al-Faidhi.

Baghdad University political science professor Salman al-Jumaili
warns, "What happens in Fallujah will spread out across other Sunni
cities, including Baghdad." Al-Jumaili expects the Fallujah offensive
will spin out of control, with fighting hop-scotching from one town to
the next.

A senior U.S. diplomat agrees. "I would never tell you that
violence in Sunni areas won't get worse when you open up a battle," he
told the Los Angeles Times, on condition of anonymity.

Following the Holocaust, the International Military Tribunal at
Nuremberg called the waging of aggressive war "essentially an evil thing
. . . to initiate a war of aggression . . . is not only an international
crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other
war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the

Bush's aggressive war against the people of Iraq promises to kill
many more American soldiers and untold numbers of Iraqis. Nuremberg
prosecutor Justice Jackson labeled the crime of aggression "the greatest
menace of our times." More than 50 years later, his words still ring true.

Marjorie Cohn, a contributing editor to t r u t h o u t, is a
professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, executive vice president of
the National Lawyers Guild, and the U.S. representative to the executive
committee of the American Association of Jurists.

> The current Iraqi government is recognized almost universally by the
> nations of the world

Really? PPOR

> and we are now there at the invitation of their
> of their (truly) democratically elected government.

Sorta like another quagmire, eh Herbie.

I Remember Another Quagmire...

> Nope, everything legal and historical says it is entirely legal.

Only a Reichtard idiot would think that.



Feb 10, 2007, 11:49:02 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>>> You made the assertion it is YOUR responsibility to document it if
>>>>> asked.
>>>> I made an assertion based on a gut feeling, Reichtard.
>>> Ah, so you admit you made it up. Now you should apologize
>>> for your lie.
>> Not a lie. I believe it to be a fact, and you cannot prove otherwise.
> You have now admitted you made it up -- you might have initially
> taken refuge in an apology from your false assumption but now that
> you have been called on the fabrication is it a lie for you to claim
> something you know you cannot prove.

You cannot prove I'm wrong. It stands unrefuted.

> It is also childish of you to insist on it after having been caught
> fabricating
> it and for you to avoid the apology.

When will Bushler apologize for lying to the American people, an act
which has so far resulted in the deaths of over 3100 brave Americans?

> You argumet was intellectualy dishonest and now everyone reading this
> thread is aware of your behavior.

Everyone is likewise aware of the fact that you are a moral midget and a
bootlicker for the NeoCon cabal of criminals.

>>> And your resort to mere name calling proves that even you yourself
>>> realize that you have no facts or logic with which to make your
>>> position.

Here's your ticket to an education, Herbie:




Feb 10, 2007, 11:51:59 PM2/10/07
Herb Martin wrote:
> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>> Herb Martin wrote:
>>> "Defendario" <> wrote in message
>>>>> And just which law was broken by the war?
>>>> UN Charter.
>>> First the UN Charter is NOT law
>> Yes it is. Treaties have the same force as the Constitution, fool.
>>> but the UN Security Council
>>> authorized the war WITH IRAQ
>> When? Quote the specific part of 1441 which allowed military force to be
>> applied.
> Additional Server consequences

Server consequences? This is a DoS attack?

What a chump you are, Herbie! :-D

> clearly authorize war since a state of war
> already existed (1st Gulf War never ended, a blockade and sanctions in
> place all constituted a state of war, as did Saddam's continual targetting
> of US aircraft and personel.)

Oh, FFS. Your argument is basically that since the UN authorized force
in 1991, it was still in effect 12 years later.

That's disingenuous. You must be a Reichtard.

> Subsequent UN resolutions have accepted the outcome even though this
> is not really relevant since the UN doesn't really get to decide what is
> legal in the US.

Uh, actually signing the UN Charter makes it law, idiot.

Study the text of this link again:



Feb 11, 2007, 12:54:19 AM2/11/07
In article <>,
Defendario <> wrote:

> Omelet wrote:
> > In article <>,

> > wrote:
> >
> >> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
> >> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
> >> cowardice that conviction
> >

> > Funny, I'd been thinking that this entire thread.
> > I'm glad someone had the juevos to post it. ;-)
> >
> HUEVOS, pinche cabron.

Fine. ;-) I've seen it spelled both ways, but google corrected the
spelling to yours.

At least you did not call me a Pendeja. <G>

But that should be Cabra

> > I think he wanted the benefits, without having to pay the price.
> >
> Lt Watada will serve anywhere but Iraq.
> > Chickenshit.
> You must mean "other priorities" Kommissar CheNey, or "refuse flight
> physical" frat boi cokehead Chimpy.

Whatever works for you babe.
I'm no chimp supporter either, but a contract is a contract.
Break a contract with the military, you go to jail. Period.
And it's justified.
Peace, Om

Remove _ to validate e-mails.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson


Feb 11, 2007, 12:56:25 AM2/11/07
In article <HQtzh.629$>,
Steve Rothstein <> wrote:

> Defendario wrote:
> > Herb Martin wrote:
> >> "Defendario" <> wrote in message

> >>
> >>> Herb Martin wrote:
> >>>> courts marshall.
> >>>>
> >>> FFS Herb! You mean Court *Martial* as in Military
> >>
> >> Thanks for the correction.
> >>
> >
> > No Problem. No charge for that lesson.
> >
> >>> Give me one good reason, to save your (_!_) from the killjail.
> >>
> >> I could NOT care less -- you were only about one more idiot message
> >> away from being blocked anyway.
> >>
> >
> > You are welcome to KF me if you think that's you.
> >

> > My contention is that Lt Watada is a Hero, a shining example of a moral
> > American.
> >
> > Do you want to rationally argue /that/ point?
> >
> >

> Yes. I will argue it. He took an oath to obey orders and did not fulfill

> that oath. That is not a shining example of a moral person to me.
> Steve Rothstein



Feb 11, 2007, 1:05:14 AM2/11/07
Omelet wrote:
> In article <>,
> Defendario <> wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article <>,
>>> wrote:
>>>> I read more of the published stuff than I care to remember - and it
>>>> leaves me with the distinct impression it has a lot more to do with
>>>> cowardice that conviction
>>> Funny, I'd been thinking that this entire thread.
>>> I'm glad someone had the juevos to post it. ;-)
>> HUEVOS, pinche cabron.
> Fine. ;-) I've seen it spelled both ways, but google corrected the
> spelling to yours.
> At least you did not call me a Pendeja. <G>
> But that should be Cabra


>>> I think he wanted the benefits, without having to pay the price.
>> Lt Watada will serve anywhere but Iraq.
>>> Chickenshit.
>> You must mean "other priorities" Kommissar CheNey, or "refuse flight
>> physical" frat boi cokehead Chimpy.
> Whatever works for you babe.

Are you getting fresh with me?

> I'm no chimp supporter either, but a contract is a contract.

Wrong is wrong, too. Lt Watada isn't going to obey morally wrong
orders, since he is an officer and a gentleman.

> Break a contract with the military, you go to jail. Period.

Lesser of the evils defense. Watada walks.

> And it's justified.

If the Brasshats (funny how that rhymes with aSShats) had any sense they
would have sent Lt Watada to Afghanistan and let the matter drop.

But when did the Army have any sense?

Steve Rothstein

Feb 11, 2007, 1:19:55 AM2/11/07

That may or may not be true, and you would have no way of knowing.
Anyone who is rational would fully understand that morals are, by
definition, individual beliefs and that they differ from person to
person. I find many things to be immoral, and by that I mean I believe
them to be wrong. This does not make them against your morals, and they
may be right for you. Neither one of us is then demonstrably a moral
midget or moral superior, just different.

But I am always willing to learn in a rational debate. Show me what is
immoral about my stated position. I said that if I feel the reasoning is
valid, I find it moral to invade and occupy another country. You seem to
find a problem with that position, and I would love to hear it.

Now, if you want to debate the current occupation, I would have to ask
why you find it immoral. If you can come up with some specific reason
other than your dislike of Bush, we might be able to have a rational debate.

If you want, we could easily have a debate on what appears to be your
position, that no war is ever moral or right. I can easily refute that
from history or logic, your choice.

Steve Rothstein

Steve Rothstein

Feb 11, 2007, 1:22:19 AM2/11/07

Maybe I missed it, but that does not have any citations to laws that are
being violated.

Steve Rothstein

Steve Rothstein

Feb 11, 2007, 1:32:19 AM2/11/07

If this last statement is true, then by your own admission you are a
liar when you say that the majority of Americans feel he is a hero.

>>> I was standing in a crowd so large on the Capitol Mall that one
>>> couldn't see the extent of it. I'm sure that every one of those half
>>> million were in agreement with my position.
>> OK, so half a million (your own estimate) agree with you.
> If you think that every anti-War American was at the march you are
> dumber than a bag of hammers.

No, but it is also not proof that there is a majority agreeing with you,
as your claim has been proven to be a lie by your own admission.

> In the absence of countervailing proof, my claim stands.

Negative. You have admitted that your claim cannot possibly be true.
That is the countervailing proof, if it is needed. But the fact is that
any claim that is questioned needs to be proven, not disproven by the
questioners. You have not, and cannot, prove your claim so it does not
stand at all.

>>>>> I think that Lt Watada is a courageous American, willing to fight
>>>>> and die to support and defend the Constitution.
>>>>> He is willing to fight anywhere but Iraq, a nation which never
>>>>> threatened America. The war there is illegal, and to fight it
>>>>> supports enemies of America -- namely, the NeoCon cabal of
>>>>> terroristic criminals controlling the White House and Pentagon.
>>>> And just which law was broken by the war?
>>> UN Charter.
>> Sorry, but the UN charter does not say this<smak>
> I'll let an expert do the talking for me, 'Tard

This document does not say that there is an illegal war going on. It
makes a claim that a war of aggression is a crime against mankind unless
approved by the UN. We would then have to have shown that this is a war
of aggression, as defined by the Charter you refer to, before we could
even begin to agree. But even if we did say this was a war of
aggression, we would then have the second element to prove - that it was
not approved by the UN. You have yet to prove this point, and the
argument of approval has been advanced.

So, once again, where is there a law that says this is an illegal war?

>>>>>> And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.
>>>>> No shit Sherlock. And you probably support the death penalty, are
>>>>> against abortion and think illegal immigrants should be shot.
>>>>> Might I add vote Republican? Profess a belief in Christianity?
>>>>> Sad thing is, you don't love America or Jesus. You are a pathetic
>>>>> lickspittle, groveling and kissing the jackboots of the greatest
>>>>> Fascists since the Hitlerites.
>>>> And then you prove you have no facts to debate with, and degenerate
>>>> into name calling and ad hominem attacks. To most people, this is
>>>> conclusive evidence that you are wrong. Even when this is not
>>>> accepted, your invocation of the "Hitlerites" and comparison of the
>>>> current administration to them would invoke the commonly accepted
>>>> Godwin's Law as a decisive factor in your loss.
>>> Godwin never met Chimpoleon.
>> No, but he met people like you, who have no concept of how to debate
>> any point rationally.
> You aren't ethical enough to bother with. You think that war is fun and
> profitable, no doubt.

I have never advanced either of those positions, and will strongly
disagree with the first. War is hell, not fun. The position I have
consistently advanced is that war is not immoral by definition, and that
it may very well be moral. each war must be examined on its own points
to determine this.

Steve Rothstein

Hatto von Aquitanien

Feb 11, 2007, 1:32:54 AM2/11/07
Herb Martin wrote:

If the President, Senate, House and Supreme Court are conspiring to commit
treason it is the duty of the American citizenry to remove them.
Nil conscire sibi


Feb 11, 2007, 1:36:57 AM2/11/07
Hatto von Aquitanien wrote:
> If the President, Senate, House and Supreme Court are conspiring to commit
> treason it is the duty of the American citizenry to remove them.

The Tree of Liberty is manured with the blood of tyrants.


Feb 11, 2007, 1:41:57 AM2/11/07

I can easily discern it from the contents of your posts, Stevie.

> Anyone who is rational would fully understand that morals are, by
> definition, individual beliefs and that they differ from person to
> person. I find many things to be immoral, and by that I mean I believe
> them to be wrong. This does not make them against your morals, and they
> may be right for you. Neither one of us is then demonstrably a moral
> midget or moral superior, just different.

I am not a moral relativist like you. It is simply another sign of your
weakness in that area.

> But I am always willing to learn in a rational debate. Show me what is
> immoral about my stated position. I said that if I feel the reasoning is
> valid, I find it moral to invade and occupy another country. You seem to
> find a problem with that position, and I would love to hear it.

If you think that aggressive war is moral, that proves you are a spawn
of Satan. Away from me! I do not know you.

> Now, if you want to debate the current occupation, I would have to ask
> why you find it immoral. If you can come up with some specific reason
> other than your dislike of Bush, we might be able to have a rational
> debate.

There is no rational reason to be occupying Iraq, killing their people
and destroying their property and their culture.

If you need someone to explain why this is so, you need more help than I
am willing to give you.

Find a Rabbi, ikey. Maybe one will explain it nicely.

> If you want, we could easily have a debate on what appears to be your
> position, that no war is ever moral or right. I can easily refute that
> from history or logic, your choice.

You have neither history nor logic at your disposal, and clearly you
have the morals of a common louse.

GFY zhid. I have no time for the likes of you.

> Steve Rothstein


Feb 11, 2007, 1:43:01 AM2/11/07

I'm not your niGGer, ikey.


> Steve Rothstein

Hatto von Aquitanien

Feb 11, 2007, 1:42:50 AM2/11/07
Defendario wrote:

From memory: "The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with
the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure." - Thomas
Nil conscire sibi


Feb 11, 2007, 1:50:00 AM2/11/07

A majority of Americans do feel that the war is not worth the price, and
was a mistake to begin with. It follows that most Americans would
believe an objector to the war would be a Hero, which Lt Watada is.

>>>> I was standing in a crowd so large on the Capitol Mall that one
>>>> couldn't see the extent of it. I'm sure that every one of those
>>>> half million were in agreement with my position.
>>> OK, so half a million (your own estimate) agree with you.
>> If you think that every anti-War American was at the march you are
>> dumber than a bag of hammers.
> No, but it is also not proof that there is a majority agreeing with you,
> as your claim has been proven to be a lie by your own admission.

A clear majority of the American people feel that the war is a mistake,
and wish it were over. Most Americans disapprove of Bushler's handling
of the war.

What more proof do you need?

>> In the absence of countervailing proof, my claim stands.
> Negative. You have admitted that your claim cannot possibly be true.

Bullshit, sheenie. My claim *is* true, and you deny it to advance your
sick zioNazi agenda.

> That is the countervailing proof, if it is needed. But the fact is that
> any claim that is questioned needs to be proven, not disproven by the
> questioners. You have not, and cannot, prove your claim so it does not
> stand at all.

That's illogical. Your claim that I'm lying simply because there has
not been a poll concerning Lt Watada specifically is specious.

La verite est dans le vin, zhid. Commission a poll and we'll see.

>>>>>> I think that Lt Watada is a courageous American, willing to fight
>>>>>> and die to support and defend the Constitution.
>>>>>> He is willing to fight anywhere but Iraq, a nation which never
>>>>>> threatened America. The war there is illegal, and to fight it
>>>>>> supports enemies of America -- namely, the NeoCon cabal of
>>>>>> terroristic criminals controlling the White House and Pentagon.
>>>>> And just which law was broken by the war?
>>>> UN Charter.
>>> Sorry, but the UN charter does not say this<smak>
>> I'll let an expert do the talking for me, 'Tard
> This document does not say that there is an illegal war going on.

Uh, yes it does. You must have reading comprehension challenges.

No wonder you are a moral midget.

>>>>>>> And - by the way - I agree he belongs in Leavenworth.
>>>>>> No shit Sherlock. And you probably support the death penalty, are
>>>>>> against abortion and think illegal immigrants should be shot.
>>>>>> Might I add vote Republican? Profess a belief in Christianity?
>>>>>> Sad thing is, you don't love America or Jesus. You are a pathetic
>>>>>> lickspittle, groveling and kissing the jackboots of the greatest
>>>>>> Fascists since the Hitlerites.
>>>>> And then you prove you have no facts to debate with, and degenerate
>>>>> into name calling and ad hominem attacks. To most people, this is
>>>>> conclusive evidence that you are wrong. Even when this is not
>>>>> accepted, your invocation of the "Hitlerites" and comparison of the
>>>>> current administration to them would invoke the commonly accepted
>>>>> Godwin's Law as a decisive factor in your loss.
>>>> Godwin never met Chimpoleon.
>>> No, but he met people like you, who have no concept of how to debate
>>> any point rationally.
>> You aren't ethical enough to bother with. You think that war is fun
>> and profitable, no doubt.
> I have never advanced either of those positions, and will strongly
> disagree with the first. War is hell, not fun. The position I have
> consistently advanced is that war is not immoral by definition, and that
> it may very well be moral. each war must be examined on its own points
> to determine this.

You are a shill for judeofascism.


Steve Rothstein

Feb 11, 2007, 1:53:36 AM2/11/07

No, you read what you want instead of what is posted and jump to
conclusions without any rationality.

>> Anyone who is rational would fully understand that morals are, by
>> definition, individual beliefs and that they differ from person to
>> person. I find many things to be immoral, and by that I mean I believe
>> them to be wrong. This does not make them against your morals, and
>> they may be right for you. Neither one of us is then demonstrably a
>> moral midget or moral superior, just different.
> I am not a moral relativist like you. It is simply another sign of your
> weakness in that area.

No, I am not weak in this area. I just fully understand that my morals
and beliefs are different from other people and do not try to force my
beliefs on them like you do.

If you had ever studied any ethics or morality you would fully
understand the idiocy of the statement you just made.

>> But I am always willing to learn in a rational debate. Show me what is
>> immoral about my stated position. I said that if I feel the reasoning
>> is valid, I find it moral to invade and occupy another country. You
>> seem to find a problem with that position, and I would love to hear it.
> If you think that aggressive war is moral, that proves you are a spawn
> of Satan. Away from me! I do not know you.

Aggressive war is neither moral nor immoral. It all depends on the
reason for the war. Some aggressive wars are moral and some are immoral.

But I agree with the last part of this statement. You do not know me.

>> Now, if you want to debate the current occupation, I would have to ask
>> why you find it immoral. If you can come up with some specific reason
>> other than your dislike of Bush, we might be able to have a rational
>> debate.
> There is no rational reason to be occupying Iraq, killing their people
> and destroying their property and their culture.

Sure there is. The debate is not whether there is or is not a reason, it
is whether or not you agree with it. You clearly do not, but since you
have no sense of how to debate logically, you reduce it to emotional
appeals instead of logic and fact. This is clearly shown by how you
attack the people you are debating with instead of trying to prove your
case or attack the proven facts in theirs.

> If you need someone to explain why this is so, you need more help than I
> am willing to give you.
> Find a Rabbi, ikey. Maybe one will explain it nicely.
>> If you want, we could easily have a debate on what appears to be your
>> position, that no war is ever moral or right. I can easily refute that
>> from history or logic, your choice.
> You have neither history nor logic at your disposal, and clearly you
> have the morals of a common louse.
> GFY zhid. I have no time for the likes of you.

Good, then you will stop the stupid emotional arguments and name
calling, and the rational and factual posts will remain on my side to
convince any lurkers or future readers of the issue.

Steve Rothstein


Feb 11, 2007, 2:05:41 AM2/11/07

OK 8-)

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