You'll think twice when your enforcement agency gets a call from a
disgruntled neighbor and the enforcement agency turns up at your door
to search for those non-existant weapons and gut your house, tear up
your furniture and terrorize your wife and children.
Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein.
I am the NRA.
If this spirit shall ever be so far debased as to tolerate a law not
obligatory on the legislature, as well as on the people, the people
will be prepared to tolerate anything but liberty.
Madison Federalist #57
Dole for President '96
We did congratulate the cowardly little shit. An election last weekend
gave a massive 14% swing against the balding bludger. After only a few
weeks after his 'massive mandate'. He's out.
To talk.politics.guns, I'm afraid we have too many idiots like this
one being coddled by the government(s).
>Bradley Woods ( wrote:
>: The strength shown by the Prime Minister in effecting a swift and
>: decicive result on National Gun Law controls must be recognised and
>: congratulated!
>We did congratulate the cowardly little shit. An election last weekend
>gave a massive 14% swing against the balding bludger. After only a few
>weeks after his 'massive mandate'. He's out.
Alternatively, you could argue that there was a 14% swing towards Bob
Carr, endorsing his his strong stand in support of PM Howard on gun
laws. Unless you put up a Shooters Party candidate and get a bucket
of votes, the politicians will not pay attention.
I've disliked Howard for his unprincipled opportunism for a long time
and I think that the new laws are mostly a stupid waste of money.
However, calling him names is unlikely to convince anyone that your
arguments have any validity.
>The strength shown by the Prime Minister in effecting a swift and
>decicive result on National Gun Law controls must be recognised and
Strength my ass! He can afford to do that only because he just won an
election a few weeks prior (ie. won't have to face the people for 3
years) and he is in a win/win situation.
If, by some chance the laws do save a few lives, he will claim the
credit for it. If they do not, he will simply blame the States,
because it is state's responsibility for enforcing the new laws.
Anyway, Howard seems to have pissed off a lot of people already. Here
in Brisbane we had 3 big demonstration just this week. Firstly, it was
the building workers after howard cut their tax free threshold on
travel allowance. Then yesterday there was a march by 5,000 students
and academics protesting cuts in higher education (despite the
election promise of not doing that) and today there is a big protest
against the new gun laws. Not to mention that he is trying to by-pass
the parlament in order to sell telstra.
: >Bradley Woods ( wrote:
: >: The strength shown by the Prime Minister in effecting a swift and
: >: decicive result on National Gun Law controls must be recognised and
: >: congratulated!
: >We did congratulate the cowardly little shit. An election last weekend
: >gave a massive 14% swing against the balding bludger. After only a few
: >weeks after his 'massive mandate'. He's out.
: Alternatively, you could argue that there was a 14% swing towards Bob
: Carr, endorsing his his strong stand in support of PM Howard on gun
: laws. Unless you put up a Shooters Party candidate and get a bucket
: of votes, the politicians will not pay attention.
: I've disliked Howard for his unprincipled opportunism for a long time
: and I think that the new laws are mostly a stupid waste of money.
: However, calling him names is unlikely to convince anyone that your
: arguments have any validity.
: Tim
What about the 6000-8000 shooters that marched on Melbourne yesterday?
Are they valid? That is only one city in Australia. We in Brisbane
will have a little show next week. As my mother was wont to say,
'this will end in tears'.
: : >Bradley Woods ( wrote:
: : >: The strength shown by the Prime Minister in effecting a swift and
: : >: decicive result on National Gun Law controls must be recognised and
: : >: congratulated!
: : >We did congratulate the cowardly little shit. An election last weekend
: : >gave a massive 14% swing against the balding bludger. After only a few
: : >weeks after his 'massive mandate'. He's out.
: : Alternatively, you could argue that there was a 14% swing towards Bob
: : Carr, endorsing his his strong stand in support of PM Howard on gun
: : laws. Unless you put up a Shooters Party candidate and get a bucket
: : of votes, the politicians will not pay attention.
: : I've disliked Howard for his unprincipled opportunism for a long time
: : and I think that the new laws are mostly a stupid waste of money.
: : However, calling him names is unlikely to convince anyone that your
: : arguments have any validity.
: : Tim
: What about the 6000-8000 shooters that marched on Melbourne yesterday?
: Are they valid? That is only one city in Australia. We in Brisbane
: will have a little show next week. As my mother was wont to say,
: 'this will end in tears'.
Whoops, sorry. The day of the march, the media said more than 6000
people demonstrated against the gun laws. I read the paper today (24 hours
later) and it seems that the number was around 100,000. A lot of pissed
off shooters, hey?
: Mark.