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Why Andrew MacRae's opinion LACKS CREDIBILITY

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Ed Conrad

Jan 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/3/97

I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
it in -- leaving

I can only wonder why.

Before Andrew vanishes, however, I would like to raise a very
important point:

> Andrew's own admission that he had NEVER
> examined the cell structure of petrified bone
> prior to examining the specimens I had sent him.

About a month ago (in article <58c2p3$>, I defended
my position that the majority of my discoveries in Pennsylvania's coal
region are indeed petrified bone based on microscopic examination of
the specimens' cell structure -- the presence of the Haversian canals
(but minus the surrounding structure that had been removed as a result
of the petrification process).

> ``Yet the Haversian canals, a telltale indicator of the cell
> structure of bone, still exist and can be seen under the microscope."
> I wrote. ``But my opponents, the vast majority who have never examined
> *petrified* bone in their life, insist that it must precisely resemble
> the cell structure of bone that has not petrified.''

On Dec. 10, 1996, Andrew posted the following beneath the header --
Re: Welcome to Our World (Ed Conrad's) -- in article

> ``We will have to call the judges in on this one," Andrew wrote. ``Is this
> misrepresentation #16 of my claims? He (Ed Conrad) does not name me
> specifically, but it is pretty obvious it applies to me...

> ``He says, the vast majority who have never examined *petrified*
> bone, so I assume I was included in his "opponents" as an exception
> to that `vast majority.' But you are right. I'll err on the side of caution
> and keep the official misrepresentation count at 15. It isn't as if one
> or two instances are going to make a big difference at this point,
> although some people in the betting pool might be miffed.''

You stand corrected, Andrew.
You see, it DOES make ``a big difference at this point" because it is
the key determining factor whether the specimens you examined -- in
particular, the one which Wilton Krogman called a portion of a tibia
-- are indeed petrified bone.

Since, by your own admission, you totally lacked ANY previous
experience examining petrified bone, you certainly were not qualified
to have stated so adamantly -- as, indeed, you had -- that my
specimens are nothing more than rocks and concretions.

By insisting they are NOT petrified bone, you are not only challenging
but also belittling the expertise and integrity of Jeremy Dahl, a bone
expert at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, who -- in writing
and bearing his signature -- stated that one of my specimens he had
examined IS petrified bone.

Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
University of Calgary.

I only learned of this when Paul Myers let the cat out of the bag by
mentioning that you are only a grad student, a fact that you confirmed
in a somewhat saracstic follow-up posting.

Steve Jones - JON

Jan 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/3/97
to (Ed Conrad) writes:

> I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
> it in -- leaving
> I can only wonder why.

Bored with repetition ? Has found a life outside ? Got a job ?

[snip some rather well worded stuff by Ed]

Welcome back Ed, nice to see you've got a little bit more polite in
the interim (even if you are still cross-posting off topic for 2 out of
3 groups).

I too have a few questions of you, if you would care to answer them, I'll
start with that old one that confused me before.

You say that you think the reason for the head being so perfectly preserved
is that it was in mud and the mud hardened thus preserving the skull. Having
been away in the UK for Christmas I was able to ask a friend what they would
expect to see in this case. After an initial "the skull would be crushed mud
isn't a very heard substance except when compressed, if the mud was compressed
then the skull would be too". So how did it happen ?

And the second one is the old price request, how much will it cost
to have the "skull" removed from the rock under proper supervision, I'm
sure several institutes would be willing to aid in this task.

And please in future keep the posts on topic (or at least close) and post
"alien vistors" and "after-death" experiences to the relevant groups.

Steve Jones | "Atticus says that carring a gun is a sure
Eurocontrol Experimental Centre | way to get shot" -- Scout Finch in
| To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
Do not add me to any commercial mailing lists, all unsolicted commercial
email will be billed at my current rate.

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/3/97

In article <>,
(Ed Conrad) wrote:

Now that Andrew is no longer active in this newsgroup, Ed seems to feel
he can safely leap to the attack:

>I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
>it in -- leaving
>I can only wonder why.

And by YOUR own admission, Ed, you have absolutely no experience in
histology, anatomy, or geology. On your visit to my lab, I had to
explain the most elementary aspects of bone structure to you, and
I was surprised at the depths of your ignorance. You were not even
aware of the existence of different kinds of bone, cancellous and
compact, let alone of any differences in their histology.

It's more than a little galling to see someone who is as oblivious
of any of the basic facts of science as you are calling Andrew
MacRae inexperienced or unqualified.

>By insisting they are NOT petrified bone, you are not only challenging
>but also belittling the expertise and integrity of Jeremy Dahl, a bone
>expert at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, who -- in writing
>and bearing his signature -- stated that one of my specimens he had
>examined IS petrified bone.

We've all seen the text of the note from Dahl -- it is not an
endorsement, it simply parrots the label YOU gave to your specimen.
There has also been a statement here from somebody who had called
Dahl (forgive me, I can't recall who--speak up and I'll commit
your actions to memory!), and it seems to me that there was no
belief that your rocks were anything but funny-shaped rocks.

>Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
>the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
>that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
>University of Calgary.
>I only learned of this when Paul Myers let the cat out of the bag by
>mentioning that you are only a grad student, a fact that you confirmed
>in a somewhat saracstic follow-up posting.

Andrew NEVER misrepresented himself to anyone at any time, and it is
despicable of you to even imply such a thing.

As for calling him "only" a graduate student: trying to trivialize him
won't help your case at all. Being "only" a graduate student means he
had at least 4 years of college training in the sciences -- which is at
least 4 years more training than you've ever had. Being "only" a graduate
student means he had to commit to spending at least 4 more years in
training while being paid a stipend that is usually _way_ below the
poverty line, all because he loves a field and wants to spend his life
in the profession. Being "only" a graduate student means Andrew has
already expressed far more dedication and discipline to the sciences than
you ever will.

Also, I think everyone in this newsgroup will agree that if Andrew was
"only" a graduate student, he was a pretty remarkable and advanced

Now what are we going to do with you? Are you, perhaps, a full-fledged
professor of Carboniferous histology at the University of Middle-of-
Nowhere, PA? Are you even "only" a graduate student in this field? Or
perhaps an undergraduate? Or you've taken a correspondence course?
Oh, maybe you saw a TV show about the Carboniferous once...

Better be careful with this kind of post, Ed. If you want to criticize
anyone's qualifications, it will only invite us to compare their training
to yours--and you come off rather poorly in that kind of pissing
contest. Actually, my 13 year old son knows more about biology and
geology than you do!

Paul Z. Myers
Dept. of Biology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 204-8848

Dick Craven

Jan 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/3/97
Ed is back, with a new address but the same old crap.

>I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
>it in -- leaving
>I can only wonder why.
As he said, he is getting his doctorate and has to move on. He may
or may not get access to the newgroups, but will be way too
busy to post.

>Before Andrew vanishes, however, I would like to raise a very
>important point:
Actually, you waited until you were sure he was gone.

>> Andrew's own admission that he had NEVER
>> examined the cell structure of petrified bone
>> prior to examining the specimens I had sent him.
So what, if he had no reason to then he wouldn't have. He did
examine the cell structure(I believe) when he needed to. And by
examining the cell structure he showed himself to be ready to
learn, and fair in his dealings with you.

>> ``Yet the Haversian canals, a telltale indicator of the cell
>> structure of bone, still exist and can be seen under the microscope."
>> I wrote. ``But my opponents, the vast majority who have never examined
>> *petrified* bone in their life, insist that it must precisely resemble
>> the cell structure of bone that has not petrified.''

At no normal magnification that shows the Haversian canals in all
other examples of petrified bone do any structures show up in your
Major snip

>Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
>the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
>that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
>University of Calgary.
>I only learned of this when Paul Myers let the cat out of the bag by
>mentioning that you are only a grad student, a fact that you confirmed
>in a somewhat saracstic follow-up posting.

Very few professors post here. A whole lot of grad students do. And a
whole lot of well informed lay persons also. A persons credentials don't
matter, but rather how much he knows and how he applies it.
Andrew MacCrae has proven himself knowledgeable, and fair.
2 things that you have shown that you are incapable of.
I had to jump in here because I could not allow someone of
Dr MacCrae's ability and expertise to be maligned, especially by
the ted and ed road show.

All opinions are mine, and no one elses.
to eliminate junk email I am using a junk email address
you can email me at

Robert Grumbine

Jan 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/3/97

In article <>,

Ed Conrad <> wrote:
>I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
>it in -- leaving
>I can only wonder why.

Change of job, as he announced, associated with completion of his
doctorate, also as announced.

[drivel deleted]

>Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
>the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
>that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
>University of Calgary.
>I only learned of this when Paul Myers let the cat out of the bag by
>mentioning that you are only a grad student, a fact that you confirmed
>in a somewhat saracstic follow-up posting.

Well, if you'd ever read Andrew's posts, you'd have know that he was a
graduate student no later than the second thin section he prepared (last
April?, quite some time ago) from your materials. He mentioned then that
his budget was constrained due to being a graduate student (this in the
context of why he didn't want to shell out for another thin section).
You, apparently, are the only person who was involved in the thread
who didn't know that Andrew was a graduate student at the time. (Did
he suddenly become much brighter when they handed him his doctorate?)
(If having doctorates matters, what was yours on?) Andrew never lied
about the fact, nor did he hide it.

Bob Grumbine
Sagredo (Galileo Galilei) "You present these recondite matters with too much
evidence and ease; this great facility makes them less appreciated than they
would be had they been presented in a more abstruse manner." Two New Sciences

Gail Davis

Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97

Why Andrew MacRae's opinion LACKS CREDIBILITY

(Ed Conrad) wrote:

>I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
>it in -- leaving
>I can only wonder why.

>Before Andrew vanishes, however, I would like to raise a very
>important point:

>> Andrew's own admission that he had NEVER
>> examined the cell structure of petrified bone
>> prior to examining the specimens I had sent him.

>About a month ago (in article <58c2p3$>, I defended
>my position that the majority of my discoveries in Pennsylvania's coal
>region are indeed petrified bone based on microscopic examination of
>the specimens' cell structure -- the presence of the Haversian canals
>(but minus the surrounding structure that had been removed as a result
>of the petrification process).

>> ``Yet the Haversian canals, a telltale indicator of the cell
>> structure of bone, still exist and can be seen under the microscope."
>> I wrote. ``But my opponents, the vast majority who have never examined
>> *petrified* bone in their life, insist that it must precisely resemble
>> the cell structure of bone that has not petrified.''

>On Dec. 10, 1996, Andrew posted the following beneath the header --
>Re: Welcome to Our World (Ed Conrad's) -- in article
>> ``We will have to call the judges in on this one," Andrew wrote. ``Is
>> misrepresentation #16 of my claims? He (Ed Conrad) does not name me
>> specifically, but it is pretty obvious it applies to me...
>> ``He says, the vast majority who have never examined *petrified*
>> bone, so I assume I was included in his "opponents" as an exception
>> to that `vast majority.' But you are right. I'll err on the side of
>> and keep the official misrepresentation count at 15. It isn't
as if one
>> or two instances are going to make a big difference at this point,
>> although some people in the betting pool might be miffed.''
>You stand corrected, Andrew.
>You see, it DOES make ``a big difference at this point" because it is
>the key determining factor whether the specimens you examined -- in
>particular, the one which Wilton Krogman called a portion of a tibia
>-- are indeed petrified bone.
>Since, by your own admission, you totally lacked ANY previous
>experience examining petrified bone, you certainly were not qualified
>to have stated so adamantly -- as, indeed, you had -- that my
>specimens are nothing more than rocks and concretions.

Ed, you goober, *where* in your above quote does he admit that he
"totally lacked ANY previous experience examining petrified bone"?

Are you suggesting that the admission is contained in his statement
"But you are right"?

If so, I suggest you learn how to read english, because he was
obviously *not* saying that *you* were right in your accusation. You
are not "you" in the quote, but "he". It is rather clear that he was
talking to someone *else*, saying that person was right in their
point that you weren't necessarily misrepresenting him in this
particular accusation, because you'd said "the vast majority" which
means, maybe, he was not supposed to be included in that set of
folks. He was being gracious enough to grant you that loophole.

There is no suggestion in his statement that he had no experience
with petrified bone, but quite the contrary, that it would be a
misrepresentation if you were to say he did not.

In fact, it's clear as day that that's what he meant. Is this a
problem you have often, Ed? Do you often look at things, and want so
badly for them to be what you want them to be, that, by God, that's
really what you see? Do you often see admissions of guilt that
aren't there in the writings of your adversaries? Do you often look
at rocks, and see human fossils? Do you often look at clouds and see
faces? Do you often look in the mirror and see a great scientist?

You stand corrected, Ed.

If this is the "key determining factor", as you say, in determining
whether your specimens are what you claim, then, okay, I'll take your
word for it. They are determined not to be what you claim.

I also nominate this very post of yours to be misrepresentation #16.

Visit a Classroom

Thomas Swanson

Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97

In article <> (Ed Conrad) writes:
>I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
>it in -- leaving
>I can only wonder why.
This speaks volumes about your reading and comprehension capabilities.

Tom Swanson | "I have a cunning plan that cannot fail"
TRIUMF | S Baldrick

><DARWIN> "Your grasp of science lacks opposable thumbs."
L L B Waggoner

henry l. barwood

Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97

Ed Conrad wrote:

I came back from Christmas vacation to find this pile of Ed cluttering up
the airways.

> I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
> it in -- leaving
> I can only wonder why.

Nothing to wonder about. Andrew announced that he finished his degree and
is out hunting for a job. What's your excuse Conrad?

> Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
> the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
> that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
> University of Calgary.

More piles of excreta from Conrad. Andrew announced many months ago who
and what he was, unlike Conrad. Since MacRae announced that he will not
see these posts, Conrad is certainly taking advantage of an empty field
to try and score points!

Henry Barwood

Ed Conrad

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

On Sat, 04 Jan 1997 20:37:35 -0800, "henry l. barwood"
<> wrote:

>Ed Conrad wrote:
>> I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
>> it in -- leaving
>> I can only wonder why.
>Nothing to wonder about. Andrew announced that he finished his degree and
>is out hunting for a job. What's your excuse Conrad?
>> Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
>> the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
>> that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
>> University of Calgary.
>More piles of excreta from Conrad. Andrew announced many months ago who
>and what he was, unlike Conrad. Since MacRae announced that he will not
>see these posts, Conrad is certainly taking advantage of an empty field
>to try and score points!
>Henry Barwood


Boy, are you a dreamer!
I am referring to your sarcastic comment: ``Conrad is certainly taking

advantage of an empty field to try and score points!"

Henry, you certainly should know I will never ``score points" in, etc., because, sad to say, I have long realized I am
bucking heads with the reigning SUPER BOWL champions
of Scientific Subterfuge.

Meanwhile, you certainly remember -- how can you possibly forget? --
that I had accused Andrew on several occasions of having produced
fraudulent test results, while he was still with us.

His total lack of experience examing petrified bone may be the primary
reason he had come up a pound light and a dollar short ``testing" my
two specimens..

You also should recall that I had complimented Andrew for his hard
work in preparing such good-looking web pages but, in the same breath,
informed him in no uncertain terms that his official conclusion was
totally incorrect.

It may well be that Andrew was unable to identify the cell structure
of petrified bone in my specimens because he lacked the knowledge
that the petrification process causes the surrounding structure of the
Haversian systems to disappear, leaving only the Haversian canals.

In his adamant denial of this scientific fact, Andrew MacRae was
wrong, he IS wrong and he forever will be wrong.

I have not changed my tune and I never will. The two specimens he had
examined in his laboratory at the University of Calgary are indeed
petrified bone.

I can only wonder, if Andrew had previous experience examining the
cell structure of petrified bone, would he have been honest enough to
admit that the cell structure of my specimens was strikingly similiar?

Sadly, I strongly doubt it!

Meanwhile, Henry, I strongly doubt that Andrew had done as you insist
he did, having ``announced many months ago who and what he was"
(a grad student, not a member of the faculty).

If you can produce evidence -- a posting -- that Andrew had done so
since I first joined the Internet last March -- ``many months ago" --
you will receive my public apology.

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

In article <>, (Ed
Conrad) wrote:

Are you claiming that YOU have knowledge of such an effect? Your clueless
ignorance is becoming legendary on this newsgroup, so it's a bit much
to expect anyone to believe you over somebody who has any knowledge
of geology at all...and even less likely that we will trust you over
a paragon like MacRae.

> In his adamant denial of this scientific fact, Andrew MacRae was
> wrong, he IS wrong and he forever will be wrong.
> I have not changed my tune and I never will. The two specimens he had
> examined in his laboratory at the University of Calgary are indeed
> petrified bone.
> I can only wonder, if Andrew had previous experience examining the
> cell structure of petrified bone, would he have been honest enough to
> admit that the cell structure of my specimens was strikingly similiar?
> Sadly, I strongly doubt it!
> Meanwhile, Henry, I strongly doubt that Andrew had done as you insist
> he did, having ``announced many months ago who and what he was"
> (a grad student, not a member of the faculty).

Once again, I have the pleasure of proving you a clueless, opinionated,
ignorant twit in a public forum. Please see below.

> If you can produce evidence -- a posting -- that Andrew had done so
> since I first joined the Internet last March -- ``many months ago" --
> you will receive my public apology.

Here's a message from Andrew I found on DejaNews...note the date: June 3, 1996.


Subject: Re: ED CONRAD's E-MAIL to Andrew MacRae (re: His colossal mistake)
From: (Andrew MacRae)
Date: 1996/06/03
Message-Id: <4otd8o$>
References: <4orkfi$>
Organization: The University of Calgary

[Newsgroups trimmed to I can not see the relevance to most
of these other groups until some new data is presented.]

In article <4orkfi$> (Ed Conrad)
> This is a copy of an E-Mail I have sent Andrew MacRae of the
> University of Calgary

I am not "of the University of Calgary". I do not represent the
University of Calgary in any capacity. My opinions are not theirs, and
vice-versa. Please do not represent me that way. My affiliation is only
as a student.

<remainder deleted>

I don't think he could possibly have been any more explicit. We anxiously
await your public apology.

Paul Myers Department of Biology

chris brochu

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

In article <>, (Ed Conrad) says:

>It may well be that Andrew was unable to identify the cell structure
>of petrified bone in my specimens because he lacked the knowledge
>that the petrification process causes the surrounding structure of the
>Haversian systems to disappear, leaving only the Haversian canals.

>In his adamant denial of this scientific fact,




Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Steve Jones - JON wrote:

> (Ed Conrad) writes:
> >
> >
> > I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
> > it in -- leaving
> >
> > I can only wonder why.

Taking a cue from village politics, why don't we all just ignore Ed?
Disputing him is not going to yield any results other than feeding
some need of his for attention. So much space and energy is wasted in
this futile game. Surely there are more interesting things to discuss!

Repeat this:"I will not allow myself to be sucked into Ed Conrad's


henry l. barwood

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Paul Z. Myers wrote:

> We've all seen the text of the note from Dahl -- it is not an
> endorsement, it simply parrots the label YOU gave to your specimen.
> There has also been a statement here from somebody who had called
> Dahl (forgive me, I can't recall who--speak up and I'll commit
> your actions to memory!), and it seems to me that there was no
> belief that your rocks were anything but funny-shaped rocks.

I have pointed out many times that I called Dahl and he denied endorsing
Conrad's "rocks" or making any tests on them at all. Conrad has
interepreted this as evidence of a conspiracy and not that he is a raving

> As for calling him "only" a graduate student: trying to trivialize him
> won't help your case at all. Being "only" a graduate student means he
> had at least 4 years of college training in the sciences -- which is at
> least 4 years more training than you've ever had. Being "only" a graduate
> student means he had to commit to spending at least 4 more years in
> training while being paid a stipend that is usually _way_ below the
> poverty line, all because he loves a field and wants to spend his life
> in the profession. Being "only" a graduate student means Andrew has
> already expressed far more dedication and discipline to the sciences than
> you ever will.
> Also, I think everyone in this newsgroup will agree that if Andrew was
> "only" a graduate student, he was a pretty remarkable and advanced
> one.

I agree with Paul here. By the time I was nearing the old Piled higher
and Deeper, I was teaching classes at VPI to support myself on a whopping
$350 per month teaching assistantship. Of course the supplemental income
from the apprenticeship program of the International Get Ed Conspiracy
kept me in a Rolls Royce while I went to classes (??!!!?).

> Now what are we going to do with you? Are you, perhaps, a full-fledged
> professor of Carboniferous histology at the University of Middle-of-
> Nowhere, PA? Are you even "only" a graduate student in this field? Or
> perhaps an undergraduate? Or you've taken a correspondence course?
> Oh, maybe you saw a TV show about the Carboniferous once...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Conrad is a raving lunatic,

> Better be careful with this kind of post, Ed. If you want to criticize
> anyone's qualifications, it will only invite us to compare their training
> to yours--and you come off rather poorly in that kind of pissing
> contest. Actually, my 13 year old son knows more about biology and
> geology than you do!

My Bassett Hound knows more about geology (from going with me on field
trips) than Conrad does.

Henry Barwood

henry l. barwood

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Ed Conrad wrote:

snip and deleted since Conrad has tortured them

> Boy, are you a dreamer!
> I am referring to your sarcastic comment: ``Conrad is certainly taking
> advantage of an empty field to try and score points!"

Since Andrew clearly announced that he would be absent from t.o., what
would you call your comments? You, Holden, and Karl Crawford seem quite
adept at the old weave, bob, duck and skip town when asked to answer
questions point blank. Nonetheless you typically crosspost and reply to
other posts in multiple newsgroups where the original poster is likely
not to see your deranged comments and respond to them directly. Thus you
leave the impression on some newbies that you are going unchallenged.

> Henry, you certainly should know I will never ``score points" in
>, etc., because, sad to say, I have long realized I am
> bucking heads with the reigning SUPER BOWL champions
> of Scientific Subterfuge.

Warning, Warning! Lack of politeness to follow! Conrad, you are the Super
Bowl champion of lunatics! You are an insignificant person and
diminishing all the time. If I didn't have time on my hands between long
experimental runs, I wouldn't even bother to respond, but there are times
you are truly amusing. Sort of like watching a really, really disgusting
slime mold. The thing is nauseating, but so fascinating you have to keep
looking at it.

snip of Conrad's delusions.

> I have not changed my tune and I never will. The two specimens he had
> examined in his laboratory at the University of Calgary are indeed
> petrified bone.

Ah, the Creationist credo. Say after me: "I am right, they are wrong"
1,000 times!

More delusions snipped.

> Meanwhile, Henry, I strongly doubt that Andrew had done as you insist
> he did, having ``announced many months ago who and what he was"
> (a grad student, not a member of the faculty).

I don't have the time to search (I damn sure don't archive Conradposts!),
could someone help me out with the earliest date Andrew mentioned he was
a grad student. Memory recalls that it was sometime last summer, but I
could be mistaken (unlike Conrad, I am fallible).

> If you can produce evidence -- a posting -- that Andrew had done so
> since I first joined the Internet last March -- ``many months ago" --
> you will receive my public apology.

Now that would certainly be a first. Ed Conrad actually apologising.
After months and months of invective, innuendo, insults, lies,
accusations of conspiracy and delusions of Godhood on his part, Ed Conrad
would stoop to acknowledging a fact, if someone hit him in the face with
it. Quick, get the search engines going!!!

Henry Barwood


Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Ahh, I've been reading this newsgroup since the begining of october, and
I, a humble housewife, knew Andrew MacRae was a grad student. A bit
hint is his web page. Wonder why a journalist couldn't figure out that


There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

Ed Conrad

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

On Sun, 05 Jan 1997 21:02:10 -0800, "henry l. barwood"
<> wrote:

>Ed Conrad wrote:
>> Boy, are you a dreamer!
>> I am referring to your sarcastic comment: ``Conrad is certainly taking
>> advantage of an empty field to try and score points!"
>Since Andrew clearly announced that he would be absent from t.o., what
>would you call your comments? You, Holden, and Karl Crawford seem quite
>adept at the old weave, bob, duck and skip town when asked to answer
>questions point blank.


I don't see where Andrew MacRae's recent departure has anything
to do with it.

After all, I didn't wait for Andrew to leave to inform him he had
reached an incorrect conclusion in ``officially'' declaring that
neither of my two specimens that he had examined microscopically
are petrified bone.

Meanwhile, I informed Andrew WHY he was wrong but, undoubtedly,
he turned a deaf ear when I tried to explain that the surrounding
structure of bone vanishes due to the petrification process.

Therefore, only the Haversian canals -- clearly visible at
-- can be seen in my specimens of petrified bone found between coal

Meanwhile, I strongly suspect that Andrew did not leave the scene
by his own choice. I am convinced he had been relishing in his own
glory too much to give it up voluntarily.

I distinctly remember how full of glee he was after proclaiming -- not
once but twice -- that my specimens which he examined microscopically
were nothing more than rocks and/or concretions. And I wanted to puke
when personal congratulations kept rolling in from people like you
heralding ``a job well (but dishonestly) done."

As time went on, though, Andrew realized he was being seriously
challenged he began running scared and was never the same afterward.

As for Andrew's web pages, I once-upon-a-time described them as Cecil
B. De Milesque and they still are. They certainly look good,
appearance-wise, but they are laden with deceit.

Unfortunately, the end result -- the despicable result -- is that
Andrew's test results of my two specimens of petrified bone failed
miserably because he -- either deliberately or because of his lack of
expertise in histology -- totally ignored pertinent facts and evidence
that would turn this ballgame around.

This is the very thing that Thomas Alva Edison -- one of the greatest
scientists who ever lived -- so vehemently warned his fellow

> ``The right to search for truth
> implies also a duty; one must
> not conceal any part of what
> one has recognized to be true."

chris brochu

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

In article <> Ed Conrad, writes:
>Meanwhile, I informed Andrew WHY he was wrong but, undoubtedly,
>he turned a deaf ear when I tried to explain that the surrounding
>structure of bone vanishes due to the petrification process.


(all other groups removed from recipient list.)


henry l. barwood

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Ed Conrad wrote:

Edsplatter deleted and s.b.p., also

> Unfortunately, the end result -- the despicable result -- is that
> Andrew's test results of my two specimens of petrified bone failed
> miserably because he -- either deliberately or because of his lack of
> expertise in histology -- totally ignored pertinent facts and evidence
> that would turn this ballgame around.

Conrad, with no technical training still has the gall to demean science
and a (promising) scientist. He should get a new song-and-dance routine,
because this one is really getting to be a bore!

Henry Barwood


Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

I just took a look at Ed's pix at:

Now, I'm "only" an undergraduate student...but Ed's stuff, even at that
poor resolution, doesn't look like dense bone, even fossilized, to me.
How can I just doesn't look regular enough. There isn't a
fairly steady gradation of haversian canal size. The putative haversian
canals are all bunched up funny.

It looks like "just rock" to me , too.

Peter Nyikos

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97
to (Ed Conrad) writes:

[diatribe against Andrew MacRae deleted]

>This is the very thing that Thomas Alva Edison -- one of the greatest
>scientists who ever lived

You mean "inventors" or "technologists", don't you?

> -- so vehemently warned his fellow

>> ``The right to search for truth
>> implies also a duty; one must
>> not conceal any part of what
>> one has recognized to be true."

So, how about ceasing to conceal your authority for that big pointy
thing being a canine tooth, and not a shark tooth nor anything else?

How about answering some on-topic critiques, such as MY long
critique of your website?

Peter Nyikos -- standard disclaimer --
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

In article <>, (Ed
Conrad) wrote:

>On Sun, 05 Jan 1997 21:02:10 -0800, "henry l. barwood"
><> wrote:
>>Ed Conrad wrote:
>>> Boy, are you a dreamer!
>>> I am referring to your sarcastic comment: ``Conrad is certainly taking
>>> advantage of an empty field to try and score points!"
>>Since Andrew clearly announced that he would be absent from t.o., what
>>would you call your comments? You, Holden, and Karl Crawford seem quite
>>adept at the old weave, bob, duck and skip town when asked to answer
>>questions point blank.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>I don't see where Andrew MacRae's recent departure has anything
>to do with it.
>After all, I didn't wait for Andrew to leave to inform him he had
>reached an incorrect conclusion in ``officially'' declaring that
>neither of my two specimens that he had examined microscopically
>are petrified bone.

>Meanwhile, I informed Andrew WHY he was wrong but, undoubtedly,
>he turned a deaf ear when I tried to explain that the surrounding
>structure of bone vanishes due to the petrification process.

I think that's nineteen.

>Therefore, only the Haversian canals -- clearly visible at
>-- can be seen in my specimens of petrified bone found between coal
>Meanwhile, I strongly suspect that Andrew did not leave the scene
>by his own choice. I am convinced he had been relishing in his own
>glory too much to give it up voluntarily.

What? Ummm...what could you possibly fantasizing about here?
Who do you think could have possibly pried him away from his computer,
and why would anyone have done such a thing?

>I distinctly remember how full of glee he was after proclaiming -- not
>once but twice -- that my specimens which he examined microscopically
>were nothing more than rocks and/or concretions. And I wanted to puke
>when personal congratulations kept rolling in from people like you
>heralding ``a job well (but dishonestly) done."

I don't recall any "glee" at all...more like a straightforward, sober
description of the work and results. Look at his web page now -- he
was bending over backwards to be as polite as possible, and to give you
as much benefit of the doubt as he could.

>As time went on, though, Andrew realized he was being seriously
>challenged he began running scared and was never the same afterward.

Wait, I think I get it. In your fantasy world, Andrew left
this newsgroup because he was so terrified of your intellectual might?
This is hilarious!

>As for Andrew's web pages, I once-upon-a-time described them as Cecil
>B. De Milesque and they still are. They certainly look good,
>appearance-wise, but they are laden with deceit.

>Unfortunately, the end result -- the despicable result -- is that
>Andrew's test results of my two specimens of petrified bone failed
>miserably because he -- either deliberately or because of his lack of
>expertise in histology -- totally ignored pertinent facts and evidence
>that would turn this ballgame around.

They failed because you've got rocks, nothing more.

>This is the very thing that Thomas Alva Edison -- one of the greatest

>scientists who ever lived -- so vehemently warned his fellow

>> ``The right to search for truth
>> implies also a duty; one must
>> not conceal any part of what
>> one has recognized to be true."

Paul Z. Myers
Dept. of Biology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 204-8848

Michael D. Painter

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

henry l. barwood <> wrote in article

> Ed Conrad wrote:
> Edsplatter deleted and s.b.p., also

> > Unfortunately, the end result -- the despicable result -- is that
> > Andrew's test results of my two specimens of petrified bone failed
> > miserably because he -- either deliberately or because of his lack of
> > expertise in histology -- totally ignored pertinent facts and evidence
> > that would turn this ballgame around.

> Conrad, with no technical training still has the gall to demean science
> and a (promising) scientist. He should get a new song-and-dance routine,
> because this one is really getting to be a bore!
> Henry Barwood

This was precisely the paragraph I was going to quote.
Mr. Ed has been challenged to show ANY information as to what his
qualifications are. I specifically stated that formal education was not
what was being requested.
His only response was an attempt at humor.
When he finally found out that someone did not have a Ph.D. he used this
information (known to all but him since day one - that sounds familiar) to
try to detract from the person's information.

Why do this if a formal education is not important, indeed why query
experts at all?

Mr. Ed, again I ask, what gives you the knowledge to know that your rocks
are anything but rocks?

Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Ed Conrad ( wrote:
: I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing

: it in -- leaving
: I can only wonder why.
: Before Andrew vanishes, however, I would like to raise a very
: important point:
Stupid, he has already left. YOU waited until he was gone to post this,
didn't you? YOU have no ethics in addition to a very serious lack of
knowledge about the topic, (T)Ed. Don't bash someone after they have left.


Ed is as brainless as his rocks.

Gavin Wheeler

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

In article <>, (Ed
Conrad) wrote:

> Meanwhile, I informed Andrew WHY he was wrong but, undoubtedly,
> he turned a deaf ear when I tried to explain that the surrounding
> structure of bone vanishes due to the petrification process.

Is this misrepresentation number 17 or 18?

> Therefore, only the Haversian canals -- clearly visible at
> -- can be seen in my specimens of petrified bone found between coal
> veins.

Circular structures can be seen - you have repeatably failed to requests
from many posters, including St Andrew, to show that these are indeed
cylindrical formations (canals) rather than spherical ones. All you have to
do is show a longitudinal section of the same sample.

Gavin Wheeler

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

Paul Myers forwarded Ed's latest post to me. I have attempted to respond via
DejaNews. I do not know if this is going to work, because my e-mail
is still somewhat flakey, and the local configuration is weird (possibly
causing problems with DejaNews authentication).

I will not be making a habit of this. It is really awkward for me
to either read news or respond to it. DejaNews is great, but not fast,
general browsing of a newsgroup does not seem to be possible. There are
also other practical reasons.


Why did you switch providers, Ed? This is your chance
to set the record straight. People were speculating quite a bit
over the Christmas holiday.

|>I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
|>it in -- leaving
|>I can only wonder why.

I finished my degree, have a new job, and have physically
relocated thousands of kilometres across the country, during the
I have been just a *little* busy as a result. If you noticed that
I was departing, you should have noticed at least some of the reasons
I stated in the same posting (sheesh). It had nothing to do with you,
that is for certain. If anything, your continued misrepresentation
of my statements is an incentive for me to try to continue
participating, at least to the extent of checking for your latest
feeble and fallacious accusations with DejaNews from time to time.
It would help if you sent them to me via e-mail. If you are going
to accuse someone, it is common courtesy to let them know, or
are you used to being able to freely make your accusations without
worry of response? (e.g., Cuffey and Wise) Maybe you need
the advantage?

|>Before Andrew vanishes, however, I would like to raise a very
|>important point:

|>> Andrew's own admission that he had NEVER
|>> examined the cell structure of petrified bone
|>> prior to examining the specimens I had sent him.

This is your twisted interpretation of what I said, and
it is absolutely incorrect. I have examined the cell structure of
petrified bone on many occasions over many years. Before examining
your specimens, the most recent time was a year or so ago, while
teaching introductory geology labs and "paleontology for
non-geology majors" (we used thin sections of Alberta petrified bone,
not unlike the specimens on my evaluation page, for demonstration
purposes). I can not remember the first time I saw petrified bone
in thin section, but it was certainly by my undergraduate
days, which would put it in the late 1980s, and I had collected and
observed other examples of fossil bone from a variety of localities
(including the Carboniferous in Nova Scotia) as far back as my teens.
So, you are simply wrong. Sheesh, Ed. Do you think I could get
through years of training in paleontology without ever looking at
petrified bone in thin section, let alone a whole lot of other things?

By contrast, you did not even seem to understand the distinction
between Haversian canals and Haversian systems when the discussion
began here:

"Secondly, ``Science in Archaeology'' emphatically states that bone is
always identifiable, no matter its age or petrification, because the
cellular structure ALWAYS remains. The concentric Haversian systems are
easily identifiable since they are the "canals'' through which bone in a
living animal had received oxygen and food."

-- Ed Conrad, April 17, 1996, article <4l2o3l$>

And, as Paul Myers pointed out, you did not seem to understand
that there are differences in bone texture depending upon location in the
skeleton (e.g., cancellous versus compact bone). You were also unable
to document your claims about the relative size of mammalian versus
reptilian Haversian canals, eventhough you claimed this was crucial.
These are not isolated examples. Your demonstrations of knowledge
in this subject have not been impressive.

Let me clarify what I meant in the sentences you have quoted
from me.

>About a month ago (in article <58c2p3$>,

Yes, about a month ago (Dec.7, I think). Why are you dredging
this up now? Why did you not respond to my post then, when I did
have access and could easily have responded? Why did you ignore
virtually all of my other postings in November and December? Why did
you fail to CC a copy of your serious accusations to me, when you
knew that I would be absent from the forum? Oh, I have a
hypothesis: Because you think you can get a cheap shot out of this
post now that you could not get away with before? I hope I am wrong.

>I defended
>my position that the majority of my discoveries in Pennsylvania's coal
>region are indeed petrified bone based on microscopic examination of
>the specimens' cell structure -- the presence of the Haversian canals

You have not demonstrated the presence of the tubes expected if
Haversian canals are preserved by *any* mode.

>(but minus the surrounding structure that had been removed as a result
>of the petrification process).

Fine. Granted. Not that you will listen to my acknowledgement of
this theoretical possibility. You have not on dozens of other occasions.

Okay. Let's stop there. First of all, I was sarcastically
referring to your continual misrepresentation (15 and counting) that I
Haversian *systems* should be present in their entirety. I don't. As I
have said on many occasions, I grant the *theoretical* possibility that
Haversian canals *only* might be preserved, although the process to
accomplish this has not been documented before in any examples of fossil
bone that I am aware of (you have not provided any documentation of
this process either). In other words, you are clearly misrepresenting
my opinion here, *if* you meant to include me in your "opponents".
I assume you would regard me as an "opponent", right?

However, and this is the potentially confusing part, I also noticed
that you claimed "the vast majority [of your opponents] have
never examined *petrified* bone in their life", which
would *exclude* me, because I *have* examined petrified bone, many
times (see above). That is the "exception" to the "vast majority"
I was referring to: ME (although I expect there are many others too).
I will generously assume you had some reading difficulty
at that point, and accidentally twisted it to mean the exact opposite
of what I meant. It does pay to read things twice before making serious
accusations, Ed.

To avoid potential for futher confusion, let me reiterate:
In other words, I was not saying that I was included in the "vast
majority who have never examined *petrified* bone in their life". I
was not admitting that I "totally lacked ANY previous experience
examining petrified bone." The only thing I was admitting to was the
possibility that you regarded me as an "opponent" that "insist[s]
that it [petrified bone] must precisely resemble the cell structure
of bone that has not petrified", which is something you *have*
previously and incorrectly accused me of doing (picking
random examples: #12 is in article <55iiv4$>,
posted Nov.3, see also article <52p5bs$>,
posted Sept.30, article <51kfi9$> posted Sept.16,
and article <529glq$> posted

If you want to change your accusation to reflect what I
actually have claimed, feel free. An apology for all those
misrepresentations would be nice too.

Maybe you were just a little too desperate to find something
wrong with my comments, Ed. With bizarre misinterpretation of
simple English like this, I no longer find it surprising that you
see endorsements in every vaguely ambivalent statement about
your specimens, and see conspiracy lurking behind every negative
statement. It takes a peculiar kind of desperation to twist
statements 180 degrees like this. It did not help that you
chopped my original posting to ribbons so that people could
not see that the "you" in the "But you are right" was referring
to someone else. I guess you were just wishing it was you.

The other issue is what I meant by, "It isn't as if one or two
instances are going to make a big difference at this point". For that,
I was referring to the number of times you have incorrectly claimed that
I, "insist that it must precisely resemble the cell structure of bone
that has not petrified". The count currently stands at 15, and, like
I said, whether it is 14 or 16 does not make much qualitative
difference at this point, so I erred on the side of caution and I did
not count the example you quoted.

You brought up experience. I have examined both
petrified bone, sandstones, concretions, and many other rock types in
thin section and in the field, and that experience was used to
formulate my opinion about your specimens. Can you claim the same
experience with rocks in thin section? Could you confirm this
sort of experience with different rock types and fossils for the
authorities you cite (e.g., Dahl, Krogman, the unnamed dentist,
etc.)? Have/had they "ever seen a concretion in their life"? Would
they be qualified to assess your specimens unless they had seen a wide
diversity of rock types and fossil preservation modes in thin section?
If you want to talk seriously about relevant expertise, apply it to
your (supposed) advocates too! It cuts both ways. At least, in any
fair evaluation it would.

>By insisting they are NOT petrified bone, you are not only challenging
>but also belittling the expertise and integrity of Jeremy Dahl, a bone
>expert at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, who -- in writing
>and bearing his signature -- stated that one of my specimens he had
>examined IS petrified bone.

I do not really care what Dahl *says*, I care about the
data he looked at and his reasoning, which you have never provided
in detail. I am not belittling Dahl anyway.
Your letter from Dahl was far less than a glowing
endorsement, and was simply quoting your identification in order to
refer to your specimens, in the same way that I refer to your
specimens as "Carboniferous human bones" all the time. I suppose
if I forgot the quotes, you would be saying I endorsed your claims
too. When contacted by another party, Dahl apparently did not
support your claims. Other endorsements are either from people
now deceased (i.e. unverifiable) or you have not specified them
well enough for people to try to contact them and find out
their opinion first hand.

Endorsements are not what matters to the evaluation anyway. The
issue is the data you have in your possession and which
other people have observed on your WWW site and my evaluation site
for themselves. Maybe if I could talk to Dahl first-hand, instead
of second-hand, his statements could influence my opinion. Do you
have his phone number or address handy? E-mail it to me if you do.

>Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
>the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
>that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
>University of Calgary.

I have not ever implied that I was. This is your own fabrication.

Perhaps I should scold you for not revealing that you are NOT a
full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the University of Shenandoah.
What's that? You have never implied that you were either? Welcome to
the club.

>I only learned of this when Paul Myers let the cat out of the bag by
>mentioning that you are only a grad student, a fact that you confirmed
>in a somewhat saracstic follow-up posting.

That late, huh? Did you ever ask me? No. I did clarify when
it became obvious that you may have been misinterpreting (see below,
although I do not think this was the earliest example).

And why shouldn't I be sarcastic? It amazes me that you think
it matters one iota in terms of the scientific issues, and it
amazes me that it took you several months to realize something
that was not hidden at all.

My affiliation as a student was clearly stated on my home page,
which is posted in my .sig in every posting from before you
started posting here. I did not and do not hide the fact.
You could easily have checked the faculty list at the department home
page. If you had asked, I would have told you my affiliation. It is
not my fault if you did not bother to look in obvious places or bother
to ask. It is not my fault if I did not realize you think it matters.
I can not read your mind. It is bizarre that you bring it up now.
It is obviously for the sake of more cheap, petty, irrelevant, ad
homenim attacks in lieu of dealing with the data.
Weak. Really weak.

There was no bag to let the cat out of, Ed, and no cat either.
You are just evading the real issues by trying to make something
out of nothing, because that is all you have left (and
because you are good making nothing sound superficially like
something :-)).

From: (Andrew MacRae)

Subject: Re: ED CONRAD's E-MAIL to Andrew MacRae (re: His colossal

Date: 3 Jun 1996 00:56:56 GMT

Organization: The University of Calgary

Lines: 120
Message-ID: <4otd8o$>
References: <4orkfi$>

[Newsgroups trimmed to I can not see the relevance to most

of these other groups until some new data is presented.]

In article <4orkfi$> (Ed Conrad)
> This is a copy of an E-Mail I have sent Andrew MacRae of the
> University of Calgary

I am not "of the University of Calgary". I do not represent the
University of Calgary in any capacity. My opinions are not theirs, and
vice-versa. Please do not represent me that way. My affiliation is only

as a student.

My words and the evidence are the same no matter what
my affiliation, qualifications, or title, and you should be prepared
to deal with my words and the evidence regardless. The same should
be true of anyone else. It is a courtesy that I try to extend
to others, including you. Have I ever dismissed your scientific
claims just because you have no formal training in geology or
paleontology? No. I have questioned your experience, but only
on specific issues that you have demonstrated here, or in the
form of a question (e.g., have you ever looked at a concretion
in thin section?), and I have always tried to address the
evidence and logic you have used when you have provided it. When
I have talked about relative experience or qualifications, it
has almost invariably been only after you have questioned mine
on some point.

I am sure that if I *did* make a big deal
of my qualifications, you would be the first to
say they did not matter anyway, because you are fighting some
sort of righteous cause against biased scientists, right?

Maybe I should have put, "Andrew MacRae, 'only a graduate student
in paleontology'" in every posting so you would be satisfied? If so,
perhaps you should reciprocate with "Ed Conrad, 'no formal training in
paleontology'" in your .sig whenever you talk about paleontology in
your posts, so people would not have misconceptions about
your qualifications? If you think qualifications are important,
then you should be prepared to be judged on those grounds, but I can not
imagine what advantage you would think there was to playing such games.
They are not relevant to the scientific issues. They do not change
the evidence at all. It is an *advantage* for you that I am quite
willing to discuss scientific issues without reference to our
respective qualifications. I do not care what your qualifications
are -- speak your mind. I will give your words consideration
regardless. But if you want to play the "qualification game", you
will clearly lose in this instance when it comes to paleontology.

If you want to talk about supposed concealment of information,
let's talk about something that actually matters, like the way you
neglected to mention that 2 other qualified scientists had already
made thin sections of your specimens for you, years ago, and that
you did not mention details of the results of the tests
even while insisting that I make more. Why didn't you tell me this?
Why did you let me waste resources to duplicate the effort of others?
I was rather miffed when I found out about that. I will be kind
and assume that you did not reveal this information because you
wanted an independent evaluation from me to compare to the others.

Well, if so, you got it: 3 independent evaluators with the same
favoured identification -- concretions. If you have some other reason
for doing this, or if you think there was no reason to let me know
I was duplicating effort at some significant expense, let me know.

Where is the demonstration of the presence of *tubular*
Haversian canals in the thin section of the unidentified specimen you
have illustrated on Ted's WWW page? I'm still waiting for that.
Blurry circles are uninteresting when you need tubes to demonstrate
you have the Haversian canals of fossil bone. Good luck providing
genuinely useful evidence sometime in the new year, particularly to
support your interpretation of EC96-001 (which does not
even have "circles"). You need it.

You made two primary accusations in your posting: 1) that I was
admitting that I had not seen petrified bone before, and 2) that I
somehow hid my qualifications and affiliation with the University of
Calgary. Both have been demonstrated to be false, on multiple grounds
(English comprehension being the primary problem for the first, and
your lack of curiousity for the second -- neither are my fault).
In fact, the amount ofmisunderstanding necessary to make these
accusations is remarkable.I now expect some sort of public
acknowledgement that you have erred.I know an apology is too
much to ask for, but your usual tactic ofslinking away and
hoping people forget about your insults isnot acceptable in
this instance. The error is too obvious andthe accusations
too serious. Please defend your accusations or withdraw
them, preferably before another month has expired.

I probably will not see any posted replies, at least for a while,
so I recommend sending e-mail. This post is also CC'ed to Ed (assuming
it works at all).


-Andrew (temporarily)
home page:
Disclaimer: My statements represent nobody but myself.
-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

In article <>, Mitchell Coffey <> wrote:

> Ed Conrad wrote:
> Crosspost to snipped
> >
> > On Sat, 04 Jan 1997 20:37:35 -0800, "henry l. barwood"
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > >Ed Conrad wrote:
> Other issues snipped

> > >> Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
> > >> the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
> > >> that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
> > >> University of Calgary.
> > >

> > >More piles of excreta from Conrad. Andrew announced many months ago who

> > >and what he was, unlike Conrad. Since MacRae announced that he will not

> > >see these posts, Conrad is certainly taking advantage of an empty field

> > >to try and score points!
> > >

> > >Henry Barwood
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >
> Other issues snipped

> >
> > Meanwhile, Henry, I strongly doubt that Andrew had done as you insist
> > he did, having ``announced many months ago who and what he was"
> > (a grad student, not a member of the faculty).
> >

> > If you can produce evidence -- a posting -- that Andrew had done so
> > since I first joined the Internet last March -- ``many months ago" --
> > you will receive my public apology.

> Ed,
> You owe Andrew more than an apology.
> I've searched via DejaNews and discovered this post by you to
> Talk.Origins and elsewhere this past December 17th, quoted below in
> full. Everyone should note the eighth paragraph, wherein you wrote
> "My grevious fault with Andrew
> Macrae's Hollywoodesque home page is that he has been playing games --
> perhaps through ignorance, since he is only a grad student ..."
> In other words, Ed, you knew at least as of 12/17/96, little more than
> two weeks ago, that Andrew MacCrea was a gradutate student. And yet,
> here you are, after you knew MacCrea no longer to have access to
> Talk.Origins, attacking MacCrea's honesty, alleging that he hid from you
> the fact that he was not "a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at
> the
> University of Calgary." You are obviously not telling the truth.
> From: (Ed Conrad)
> Date: 1996/12/17
> Message-Id: <595prb$>
> References: <583cls$>
> <58c2tb$> <>
> <58grv4$> <>
> Organization: ProLog - PenTeleData, Inc.
> Newsgroups: alt.catastrophism,sci.skeptic,alt.christnet
<stuff trimmed>
> My grevious fault with Andrew Macrae's Hollywoodesque home page
> is that he has been playing games -- perhaps through ignorance, since
> he is only a grad student -- with his weird and totally off-the-wall
> explanation of the miniscule ``circles" -- the Haversian canals --
> visible in my specimens.

Yes, and he's been given definitive proof that Andrew was honest about
his status at least as long ago as early June.

We're still waiting for that apology: it's Day 3 since Ed was notified
by e-mail of his blatant error, and the countdown continues...

Paul Myers Department of Biology

Mitchell Coffey

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97
to Ed Conrad

Ed Conrad wrote:

Crosspost to snipped

Other issues snipped

Other issues snipped



Dan Ullén <> wrote:

>Julia, welcome to our world. However, it's not one bit like the quarrels
>you see in this newsgroup. Please visit an ongoing excavation in your
>vicinty and you'll see that we're normal people, dedicated to our work,
>not a part of some great historical and archaeological conspiracy. Once
>again, welcome! (Oh, Ed, you're welcome too.)

>Dan Ullén

I agree wholeheartedly that you and many, many others around the world
are ``normal people, dedicated to our work, not a part of some great
historical and archaeological conspiracy."

My longstanding argument is NOT with you or them (except in

It is against the bigwigs of your profession who, for years, have been
treating you like first- and second-graders, forcing you to accept a
theory -- of man's inhuman origin -- that is totally absent of any
corroborating scientific evidence.

Yet, while sucking up every erroneous word of deceit and deception,
almost everyone out there is snarling at the presentation of an
overwhelming amount of evidence on Ted Holden's home page about
my discoveries of petrified bone, (etc.) between coal veins.

No one in the history of the world has ever discovered so many
compelling specimens to prove -- far is excess of reasonable doubt --
that creatures of substantial size had inhabited the earth while coal
was being formed (and, quite probably, even earlier).

Critics and hate-mongers insist they don't look like bone, etc. But
they're ignoring the fact that these specimens -- if they ARE bone
(etc.), which indeed they are -- cannot possibly be expected to look
exactly like non-petrified bones found on the skeleton hanging in your
doctor's office.

The bottom, BOTTOM line in this entire argument is whether the cell
structure of bone is visible under microscopic scrutiny (but only with
the knowledge that the petrification process leaves only the Haversian
canals as the proof, since the surrounding structure of the complete
Haversian systems had vanished with time).

My grevious fault with Andrew Macrae's Hollywoodesque home page
is that he has been playing games -- perhaps through ignorance, since
he is only a grad student -- with his weird and totally off-the-wall
explanation of the miniscule ``circles" -- the Haversian canals --
visible in my specimens.

All of his explanations in that regard are wrong (and I'm pretty sure
he knows it.).

Meanwhile, the fact that large land animals -- and even man, in almost
our present form -- existed during the Carboniferous, a minimum of 280
million years ago -- is neither flight of fantasy nor pipe dream.

It's high time some of the honest men and women out there finally
come to their senses and weighed the situation objectively, honestly
and courageously.

I am truly confident this eventually will happen because so much
scientific evidence simply cannot be denied.


Mitchell Coffey

I read a book on cognative dissonance once,
but it only proved my point.

Jamie Schrumpf

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <>, says...

>In article <>, (Ed
>Conrad) wrote:
>>On Sun, 05 Jan 1997 21:02:10 -0800, "henry l. barwood"

>><> wrote:
>>>Ed Conrad wrote:
>>>> Boy, are you a dreamer!
>>>> I am referring to your sarcastic comment: ``Conrad is certainly taking

>>>> advantage of an empty field to try and score points!"
>>>Since Andrew clearly announced that he would be absent from t.o., what
>>>would you call your comments? You, Holden, and Karl Crawford seem quite
>>>adept at the old weave, bob, duck and skip town when asked to answer
>>>questions point blank.
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>I don't see where Andrew MacRae's recent departure has anything
>>to do with it.
>>After all, I didn't wait for Andrew to leave to inform him he had
>>reached an incorrect conclusion in ``officially'' declaring that
>>neither of my two specimens that he had examined microscopically
>>are petrified bone.
>>Meanwhile, I informed Andrew WHY he was wrong but, undoubtedly,
>>he turned a deaf ear when I tried to explain that the surrounding
>>structure of bone vanishes due to the petrification process.
>I think that's nineteen.
>>Therefore, only the Haversian canals -- clearly visible at
>>-- can be seen in my specimens of petrified bone found between coal
>>Meanwhile, I strongly suspect that Andrew did not leave the scene
>>by his own choice. I am convinced he had been relishing in his own
>>glory too much to give it up voluntarily.
>What? Ummm...what could you possibly fantasizing about here?
>Who do you think could have possibly pried him away from his computer,
>and why would anyone have done such a thing?
>>I distinctly remember how full of glee he was after proclaiming -- not
>>once but twice -- that my specimens which he examined microscopically
>>were nothing more than rocks and/or concretions. And I wanted to puke
>>when personal congratulations kept rolling in from people like you
>>heralding ``a job well (but dishonestly) done."
>I don't recall any "glee" at all...more like a straightforward, sober
>description of the work and results. Look at his web page now -- he
>was bending over backwards to be as polite as possible, and to give you
>as much benefit of the doubt as he could.
>>As time went on, though, Andrew realized he was being seriously
>>challenged he began running scared and was never the same afterward.
>Wait, I think I get it. In your fantasy world, Andrew left
>this newsgroup because he was so terrified of your intellectual might?
>This is hilarious!
>>As for Andrew's web pages, I once-upon-a-time described them as Cecil
>>B. De Milesque and they still are. They certainly look good,
>>appearance-wise, but they are laden with deceit.
>>Unfortunately, the end result -- the despicable result -- is that
>>Andrew's test results of my two specimens of petrified bone failed
>>miserably because he -- either deliberately or because of his lack of
>>expertise in histology -- totally ignored pertinent facts and evidence
>>that would turn this ballgame around.
>They failed because you've got rocks, nothing more.
>>This is the very thing that Thomas Alva Edison -- one of the greatest
>>scientists who ever lived -- so vehemently warned his fellow
>>> ``The right to search for truth
>>> implies also a duty; one must
>>> not conceal any part of what
>>> one has recognized to be true."
>Paul Z. Myers
>Dept. of Biology
>Temple University
>Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 204-8848

Let's talley up Ed's score real quick here.

Ed has submitted his samples to three different testers: Andrew MacRae, PhD
candidate in geology; Kurt Wise, creationist, and -- drat, I can't remember the
third, but there was another. Was is Dahl?

We all know Andrew's analysis; but the truly amazing thing is that Dr. Wise, a
prominent creationist, came to the exact same conclusion as did Andrew -- that
the "bones" were nothing more than concretions -- and how did Ed respond? He
now claims that Dr. Wise is a member of the mainstream scientific "conspiracy."

I think that this reaction speaks more about Ed's mindset than anything else:
anyone -- and I mean _anyone_ -- who does not agree with Ed is a member of the
conspiracy -- even if they are shining lights of the creationist movement.

Sad. Ed, why don't you read my sig file for a hint about proper scientific

[ removed from followups]
Jamie Schrumpf
"We receive as friendly that which agrees with [us], we resist with dislike
that which opposes us; wheras the very reverse is required by every dictate of
common sense." -- Michael Faraday

Jamie Schrumpf

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <>, says...

>In article <>, Mitchell Coffey <> wrote:
><stuff trimmed>

>> My grevious fault with Andrew Macrae's Hollywoodesque home page
>> is that he has been playing games -- perhaps through ignorance, since
>> he is only a grad student -- with his weird and totally off-the-wall
>> explanation of the miniscule ``circles" -- the Haversian canals --
>> visible in my specimens.
>Yes, and he's been given definitive proof that Andrew was honest about
>his status at least as long ago as early June.
>We're still waiting for that apology: it's Day 3 since Ed was notified
>by e-mail of his blatant error, and the countdown continues...
>Paul Myers Department of Biology

> Temple University
> Philadelphia, PA 19122

You'll never see an apology from Ed. To do that, he'll have to admit he was
wrong about something, and he is pathologically unable to do that.

Watch as Ed proves me right.

Day three and counting...

Ed Conrad

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

On Tue, 07 Jan 1997, Andrew MacRae (
wrote a long and windy (hot air) response to my posting and, the way
I figure it, it's probably going to require a 14-part series to answer

All I can do is try (although I fear my response might be somewhat


>: In article <>,
>: Ed Conrad wrote:

>: Why did you switch providers, Ed? This is your chance

>: to set the record straight. People were speculating quite a bit
>: over the Christmas holiday.

The fact is, Andrew, Prolog (PenTelData based in Palmerton, Pa.)
had terminated my services -- unjustly and quite improperly when all
factors are taken into consideration.

Joann Norwood, Customer Service, informed me in an Email dated Nov.
27, 1996 that it had been receiving ``multiple complaints from users
of our service . . . from sci.groups . . . of harassment. Please
review the FAQs before posting . . .
``Any further complaints will result in the immediate termination of
your service. Please contact this office if you have any questions."

I phoned Ms. Barwood twice, on two different days, but both times
was told she was out of the office.

I left a message for her to return my call the first time, which she
failed to do. The following day I was told she wouldn't be in until 1
p.m. so I left another message, stressing that my phone call was
urgent and stressing the importance that she return the call
immediately upon receiving the message. She never did.

I simply wanted to explain that the sci.groupers were ganging up on me
-- as indeed they have been, and still are. But, most importantly, I
wanted to point out that if Prolog were to check the dates of postings
by various individuals, it would quickly learn that the very people
who were complaining about being harassed actually had been
responsible in a large way for institigating it.

Ms. Barwood never had the courtesy to return either call, sos I never
got a chance to explain anything to her.

Lo and behold, two weeks went by and I received a snail-mail letter
from Prlog, dated Dec. 13, 1996, in which Ms. Barwood wrote:


Re: Termination of Account #007790
User Name: Ed Conrad

Dear Mr. Conrad:

This is to advise you that your above referenced account has been
terminanted for the following reasons:
Usernet abuse;
Flame bait;
Multiple complaints have been received.

Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding this

I phoned Prolog's office and asked for Ms. Barwood but this time was
asked who wanted to speak to her. Only then was I told she wasn't in.

I called back and once again had to say who was calling, then was told
once again that she wasn't available.

I wanted to inform Ms. Barwood that Prolog was playing the role of
both judge and jury in this matter. It had terminated my account
without even giving me an opportunity to defend myself, to giver my
side of the story.

I also wanted to ask her why the Email warning had mentioned
harassment but that the letter informing me of the termination of my
account suddenly accused me of ``Usenet abuse" and ``Flame bait."

I believe Prolog is out of line and presently am seriously pursuing
legal action against PenTelData for violating my First Amendment
rights of free speech.

It is not that Prolog, or any other server, can terminate a client's
services but it must be done according to defined procedures of
operation -- some rules of law -- which unfortunately apparently are
still unclear and rather vague on the Internet.

Common courtesy by Prolog, in Ms. Barwood's warning letter via Email,
would've been to mention all of these alleged ``abuses." This
certainly was NOT the case.

By outrageously terminating my account, Prolog failed to operate above
board in its dealing with a loyal, bill-paying client who apparently
caused it no problems in the first year or so, since it never had any
cause to issue any previous warnings .

It sort of reminded me of the sad, deplorable state of affairs
involving the publishing fiasco pitting the incredibly powerful
scientific establishment against Immaneul Velikovsky in 1950.

Even before Velikovsky's stirring, sensational book, ``Worlds in
Collision," was published, academicians and scientists -- denizens of
today's ``sci.groups" -- threatened the MacMillan publishing house
that it would exercise its forceful influence to assure that colleges
and universities across the country would refuse to purchase its
scientific textbooks if it didn't (1) cancel its plans to publish the
book, or (2) rid itself of the title if the presses had begun rolling.

Gutless MacMillan bowed to the intimidation and, even though ``Worlds
in Collision" was greeted with wide acclaim and meteorically rose to
No. 1 on the New York Times' Best Seller List, it transferred the
publishing rights, free of charge, to rival publisher Doubleday (not
a publisher of scientific textbooks).
>>> The followings will be a permanent fixture
>>> at the tail end of all 14 parts of this series
>>> of responses to Andrew MacRae's tearjerker:

>: Andrew MacRae's get-tough final paragraph:
>: I now expect some sort of public acknowledgement
>: that you have erred. I know an apology is too much
>: to ask for, but your usual tactic of slinking away and
>: hoping people forget about your insults is not acceptable in
>: this instance. The error is too obvious and the accusations

>: too serious. Please defend your accusations or withdraw
>: them, preferably before another month has expired.

You do not deserve an apology and definitely will not get
You are no better than the rest of the pathetic crew of pseudo
scientists I have had to deal with over these past 15-16 years,
the majority totally defiant of the advice about honest scientific
investigation offered so eloquently by good ol' Thomas Alva Edison:

>> ``The right to search for the truth

>> implies also a duty; one must not
>> conceal any part of what one has
>> recognized to be true."

My two specimens, which you had examined and tested in your
laboratory, are indeed petrified bone.


Meanwhile, I once again remind you of the editorial in The
Princetonian in February 1964, responding to the deplorable tactics
that had been employed by the academia in opposition to Velikovsky's
eye-opening masterpiece, ``Worlds in Collision":

>> ``What the Velikovsky affair made crystal clear . . .
>> is that the theories of science may be held not only
>> for the truth they embody, but because of the vested
>> interests they represent for those who hold them."

henry l. barwood

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

Ed Conrad wrote:


Back in January 1984, I sent one specimen to Yerkes Regional
> Primate Research Center located at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga.
> The following is the complete text of that letter (return address
> removed):
> Dear Mr. Conrad:
> Thank you for your letter of January 10 and the information I
> requested concerning the fossilized bone fragment sent to us for
> identification.
> The information on location indicates that the bone fragment is not
> from a nonhuman primate species: the only nonhuman primates ever found
> in the United States became extinct about 20 million years agio, and
> all of these primates were far too small to possess a bone that might
> incorporate your fragment.
> It is possible, however, that the bone fragment could be human in
> nature, but its structure tends to rule this out.
> Its cross-section and size are possibly those of a longbone (humerus,
> radius, ulna, femur, tibia or fibula). but in none of these bones is
> there such a rapid reduction in cross-sectional area as occurs in your
> specimen (see figure).
> In conclusion, I do not believe there is any evidence to suggest that
> the fragment is primate material.
> If you wish to pursue its identification, I suggest you send it to the
> Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural
> History, Central Park West and 79th Street, New York, NY 10024.
> Good luck with additional enquiries.
> Sincerely,
> Jeremy F. Dahl, Ph.D
> Affiliate Scientist and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology
> cc: Dr. F. A. King, Director
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> For your information, Andrew, Jeremy Dahl mentions that the specimen
> he had examined is INDEED bone on three separate occasions
> in his letter.

Yes, he does because that is what Conrad called it, not because he
believed it was bone. Note that Dr. Dahl gave Conrad the brush-off and
refered him to a paleontologist at the AMNH. Conrad has asserted that
Dahl prepared thin sections and performed microscopic examination of his
samples. Note that nowhere in this letter is any such examination
mentioned (prepare yourself for the usual Conrad rant about conspiracies
and there is evidence "they" cut/scraped/altered my sample)

> For him to deny that he said so would be an outright and outrageous
> lie.

Dr. Dahl denied that they examined your spcimen in more than a cursory
way, as you had claimed. He also stated (as best he could remember) that
you misrepresented your rock as being of pleistocene age and coming from
somewhere in Canada. Your delusions are overwhelming!

> What I think may have happened is that Dahl might well have been
> asked, ``when contacted by another party,'' if he felt the specimen
> he examined was human, hominid or even primate material.

Wrong! I'm the "other party" (CONSPIRACY, CONSPIRACY!!!) and I asked him
if I could examine the thin sections YOU claimed he had prepared. Guess
what, there were no thin sections. They blew you off as a nut-case.
Little did they know that years later it would return to haunt them!

> To that question, he rightly would have answered in the negative.
> However, we are not asking THAT question. We are asking if he
> determined that the rock-like specimen he had examined and tested
> is bone.

I have a suggestion, Conrad. Why don't YOU contact Dr. Dahl and ask him
to post a clarification to the web? This would be better than such
speculation as to what he meant. Just post his response here for all to

> To that, Jeremy Dahl had given a resounding YES (based on the fact
> that he said so several different times in the letter).

No, he referred to your sample in the manner you had referred to it, as
bone. Since no tests were performed, no judgement as to bone/not bone
could be made, could they?

> Any subsequent denial by Dahl that he identified the specimen as bone
> just doesn't hold water.

Just as any assertions by you have no basis in fact either? Have you
considered that, in past posts, you have used Dr. Dahl as support for
your contention that your rocks are bone and now you are calling him a
conspiratorial liar?

Rest deleted

Henry Barwood

Kenneth Fair

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97


I've been following this Ed Conrad/Andrew MacRae controversy on and off for
some time now and thought I'd add my two cents. I'll start off by saying
I have no ax to grind here, as I don't know either of the participants.
I'll also comment that although there is some scientific training in my
background, I have no connection to the scientific community since I'm
attending law school.

In article <>, (Ed
Conrad) wrote:

>On Tue, 07 Jan 1997, Andrew MacRae (
>wrote a long and windy (hot air) response to my posting and, the way
>I figure it, it's probably going to require a 14-part series to answer

Starting off with insults isn't the best way to endear your readers to
your position, Ed. You might consider toning down your responses a
bit in the future.

>All I can do is try (although I fear my response might be somewhat
> +++++
>>: In article <>,
>>: Ed Conrad wrote:
>>: Why did you switch providers, Ed? This is your chance
>>: to set the record straight. People were speculating quite a bit
>>: over the Christmas holiday.
>The fact is, Andrew, Prolog (PenTelData based in Palmerton, Pa.)
>had terminated my services -- unjustly and quite improperly when all
>factors are taken into consideration.
>Joann Norwood, Customer Service, informed me in an Email dated Nov.
>27, 1996 that it had been receiving ``multiple complaints from users
>of our service . . . from sci.groups . . . of harassment. Please
>review the FAQs before posting . . .
>``Any further complaints will result in the immediate termination of
>your service. Please contact this office if you have any questions."
> ____

I notice you state here "Joann Norwood" . . .

>I phoned Ms. Barwood twice, on two different days, but both times
>was told she was out of the office.

. . . but then you call her "Ms. Barwood." Hmmmmm.

>I left a message for her to return my call the first time, which she
>failed to do. The following day I was told she wouldn't be in until 1
>p.m. so I left another message, stressing that my phone call was
>urgent and stressing the importance that she return the call
>immediately upon receiving the message. She never did.
>I simply wanted to explain that the sci.groupers were ganging up on me
>-- as indeed they have been, and still are. But, most importantly, I
>wanted to point out that if Prolog were to check the dates of postings
>by various individuals, it would quickly learn that the very people
>who were complaining about being harassed actually had been
>responsible in a large way for institigating it.

I'm always a bit leery of believing someone, especially on USENET, who
claims they are being "ganged up on." It usually indicates incipient
paranoia or at least that the person has been making enough of an ass
of themself to anger a whole *bunch* of people. It almost always
indicates that USENET is being taken too seriously.

Mr. Conrad probably should have been given an opportunity to explain
himself before termination, whether or not it was part of the
contractual terms of his service agreement.

>I also wanted to ask her why the Email warning had mentioned
>harassment but that the letter informing me of the termination of my
>account suddenly accused me of ``Usenet abuse" and ``Flame bait."
>I believe Prolog is out of line and presently am seriously pursuing
>legal action against PenTelData for violating my First Amendment
>rights of free speech.
>It is not that Prolog, or any other server, can terminate a client's
>services but it must be done according to defined procedures of
>operation -- some rules of law -- which unfortunately apparently are
>still unclear and rather vague on the Internet.

Mr. Conrad, feel free to pursue such a suit--as a lawyer-to-be, I'd
like to see some better definition of legal rights on the Internet.
(Not to mention having some business when I get out of law school. :-))
However, if I were Mr. Conrad's lawyer, which I'm not, I'd advise him
against pursuing this in court. His contract with Prolog is limited
to the terms of that contract, which were probably spelled out in an
"Acceptable Use Policy" or "Terms of Service" document of some sort.
As the Internet is not a public place, but is an amalgamation of private
interests, it would be hard to claim that his First Amendment rights
have been violated, especially since he seems to have been able to get
service from another provider without too much trouble. If Prolog
violated the terms of its contract with him, he could sue them for
breach of contract, but that's about it. Those *are* the "defined
procedures of operation" that adhere to his agreement with Prolog.

And this is to say nothing about the time and expense of such litigation.

>Common courtesy by Prolog, in Ms. Barwood's warning letter via Email,
>would've been to mention all of these alleged ``abuses." This
>certainly was NOT the case.


>By outrageously terminating my account, Prolog failed to operate above
>board in its dealing with a loyal, bill-paying client who apparently
>caused it no problems in the first year or so, since it never had any
>cause to issue any previous warnings .

Careful here. Although Prolog may have an implied guarantee of good faith
and fair dealing with respect to Mr. Conrad's contractual arrangements
(depending on the state law governing the contract), Mr. Conrad may have
the same requirement as well. A court might well find that Mr. Conrad
breached his end of the bargain through his actions on USENET. (I can't
say whether it would or wouldn't without seeing the evidence myself.)

>It sort of reminded me of the sad, deplorable state of affairs
>involving the publishing fiasco pitting the incredibly powerful
>scientific establishment against Immaneul Velikovsky in 1950.

Self-martyrdom works only if one does it with humility. If one tries to
claim that "all hands are turned against him," one is fairly likely to
be disbelieved. It's much the same as throwing a bridal shower for
oneself; it's a pretty tacky gesture. Let others throw the shower
and rail against the persecuters.

>Even before Velikovsky's stirring, sensational book, ``Worlds in
>Collision," was published, academicians and scientists -- denizens of
>today's ``sci.groups" -- threatened the MacMillan publishing house
>that it would exercise its forceful influence to assure that colleges
>and universities across the country would refuse to purchase its
>scientific textbooks if it didn't (1) cancel its plans to publish the
>book, or (2) rid itself of the title if the presses had begun rolling.

I find this very hard to believe. Publishers publish all sorts of
books all the time, including many things that the scientific or
academic communities might consider to be crap. Look at the flap
over "The Bell Curve." I'd hazard a guess it was considerably more
controversial than anything Velikovsky wrote, but I don't remember
a huge outcry for the publishers to stop the presses.

>Gutless MacMillan bowed to the intimidation and, even though ``Worlds
>in Collision" was greeted with wide acclaim and meteorically rose to
>No. 1 on the New York Times' Best Seller List, it transferred the
>publishing rights, free of charge, to rival publisher Doubleday (not
>a publisher of scientific textbooks).

If this is a true statement, which I don't know one way or the other,
it might be that they transferred the rights in exchange for rights
to other books. Publishers trade publishing rights back and forth
all the time.

I sincerely suspect that this quote has been taken out of context.

In any event, I don't see why Mr. Conrad feels so put upon by the
scientific community. If one's scientific views are not accepted by
the majority, there are two possibilities; the first, that the views
are correct, and just need to be better explained, or second, that the
views are incorrect and need to be revised to take into account the
evidence presented by reality. In my experience, the second is usually
the more common, although the first does sometimes occur.

>My two specimens, which you had examined and tested in your
>laboratory, are indeed petrified bone.

As far as I can tell, this is Mr. Conrad's theory only. I remember
Mr. MacRae's initial post about the observations he conducted on the
samples provided by Mr. Conrad. Mr. MacRae, if I remember correctly,
volunteered his time and no small expense to slice thin segments of
the Mr. Conrad's samples. He described the procedure he used and the
observations he made in language that even I, a non-geologist, could
follow. Although Mr. MacRae admitted that he was skeptical of Mr.
Conrad's claims, he agreed to perform the experiment with an open
mind. Throughout his observations, Mr. MacRae did his best to give
Mr. Conrad's claims the benefit of the doubt and to interpret the
data in the best light for Mr. Conrad. However, he still came to
the conclusion that the samples provided by Mr. Conrad were not the
petrified bone he claimed them to be, but rock concretions. Mr.
MacRae then placed the results with pictures on his Web site for
all to examine. This seems to me to have been proper scientific
methodology throughout.

>Meanwhile, I once again remind you of the editorial in The
>Princetonian in February 1964, responding to the deplorable tactics
>that had been employed by the academia in opposition to Velikovsky's
>eye-opening masterpiece, ``Worlds in Collision":
>>> ``What the Velikovsky affair made crystal clear . . .
>>> is that the theories of science may be held not only
>>> for the truth they embody, but because of the vested
>>> interests they represent for those who hold them."

I'm really not sure what this has to do with Mr. Conrad's situation,
or his disagreement with Mr. MacRae. Very little, I suspect.

In any event, there's my take on this disagreement as viewed from the
outside. It seems to me that Mr. Conrad does owe Mr. MacRae two
apologies, one for claiming that Mr. MacRae had misrepresented his
academic status, and another for claiming that Mr. MacRae did not
fairly consider his claims or his sample.

Version: 2.6.2


KEN FAIR - U. Chicago Law | <>
Of Counsel, U. of Ediacara | Power Mac! | CABAL(tm) | I'm w/in McQ - R U?
"Any smoothly functioning technology will be
indistinguishable from a rigged demo." Isaac Asimov

henry l. barwood

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

Ed Conrad wrote:

In response to Andrew Macrae's inquiriy about Conrad's switching net

> Joann Norwood, Customer Service, informed me in an Email dated Nov.
> 27, 1996 that it had been receiving ``multiple complaints from users
> of our service . . . from sci.groups . . . of harassment. Please
> review the FAQs before posting . . .
> ``Any further complaints will result in the immediate termination of
> your service. Please contact this office if you have any questions." ____

Note that the correspondent is Joann NORWOOD. Now see who Conrad says he
talked with:

> I phoned Ms. Barwood twice,

> Ms. Barwood never had the courtesy

> Ms. Barwood wrote:

> I phoned Prolog's office and asked for Ms. Barwood

> I wanted to inform Ms. Barwood

Remainder snipped, since is a mindless rant about Velikovsky. Obviously
Conrad has a problem with me and this is called a Freudian slip! There
are only 26 Barwoods in the U.S. and none of them (as far as I know) work
for Prolog.

It is obvious that I need to start checking my mail for letter bombs and
other explosive devices. Somebody please contact Social Services in
Shennandoah, PA and ask them to have the mental health unit give Conrad a
visit, Please!

Henry Barwood

Ed Conrad

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

On Tue, 07 Jan 1997 10:21:08 -0600, wrote:

Ed Conrad wrote:

>>By insisting they are NOT petrified bone, you are not only challenging
>>but also belittling the expertise and integrity of Jeremy Dahl, a bone
>>expert at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, who -- in writing
>>and bearing his signature -- stated that one of my specimens he had
>>examined IS petrified bone.

MacRae's response:

>I do not really care what Dahl *says*, I care about the
>data he looked at and his reasoning, which you have never provided
>in detail. I am not belittling Dahl anyway.

>Your letter from Dahl was far less than a glowing
>endorsement, and was simply quoting your identification in order to
>refer to your specimens, in the same way that I refer to your
>specimens as "Carboniferous human bones" all the time.

>I suppose if I forgot the quotes, you would be saying I endorsed
> your claims too.

>When contacted by another party, Dahl apparently did not
>support your claims. Other endorsements are either from people
>now deceased (i.e. unverifiable) or you have not specified them
>well enough for people to try to contact them and find out
>their opinion first hand.

>Endorsements are not what matters to the evaluation anyway. The
>issue is the data you have in your possession and which
>other people have observed on your WWW site and my evaluation site
>for themselves.

> Maybe if I could talk to Dahl first-hand, instead
>of second-hand, his statements could influence my opinion. Do you
>have his phone number or address handy? E-mail it to me if you do.

You have a short memory. Back on April 19, 1996, I posted the
following to and other petinent news groups:
Do I have AT LEAST one specimen of petrified bone discovered
between anthracite veins in the Carboniferous-dated strata of
THAT is the question.

For him to deny that he said so would be an outright and outrageous

What I think may have happened is that Dahl might well have been

asked, ``when contacted by another party,'' if he felt the specimen
he examined was human, hominid or even primate material.

To that question, he rightly would have answered in the negative.

However, we are not asking THAT question. We are asking if he
determined that the rock-like specimen he had examined and tested
is bone.

To that, Jeremy Dahl had given a resounding YES (based on the fact

that he said so several different times in the letter).

Any subsequent denial by Dahl that he identified the specimen as bone

just doesn't hold water.

In any event, Andrew, Jeremy Dahl's mailing address is:
The Woodruff Medical Center

Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center

Emory University
Atlanta. Ga. 30322
(You'll have to get Directory Assistance to fish out the phone

>>> The following will be a permanent fixture

>>> at the tail end of all 14 parts of this series
>>> of responses to Andrew MacRae's tearjerker:


>I now expect some sort of public acknowledgement

>that you have erred. I know an apology is too much
> to ask for, but your usual tactic of slinking away and
>hoping people forget about your insults is not acceptable in
>this instance. The error is too obvious and the accusations

>too serious. Please defend your accusations or withdraw
>them, preferably before another month has expired.


You do not deserve an apology and definitely will not get
You are no better than the rest of the pathetic crew of pseudo
scientists I have had to deal with over these past 15-16 years,
the majority totally defiant of the advice about honest scientific
investigation offered so eloquently by good ol' Thomas Alva Edison:

>> ``The right to search for the truth
>> implies also a duty; one must not
>> conceal any part of what one has
>> recognized to be true."

My two specimens, which you had examined and tested in your
laboratory, are indeed petrified bone. Nothing you can EVER say
or do will turn them into rocks or concretions.


Meanwhile, I once again remind you of the editorial in The
Princetonian in February 1964, responding to the deplorable tactics
that had been employed by the academia in opposition to Velikovsky's
eye-opening masterpiece, ``Worlds in Collision":

>> ``What the Velikovsky affair made crystal clear . . .
>> is that the theories of science may be held not only
>> for the truth they embody, but because of the vested
>> interests they represent for those who hold them."


> Ed Conrad (
> Home page (actually Ted Holden's):
> and

> Disclaimer: I, Ed Conrad, am solely responsible for any statements
> that I make which for some strange reason always seem to ruffle
> a lot of scientific feathers.

Jim Foley

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <5aurlm$>,
Jamie Schrumpf <> wrote:

>Ed has submitted his samples to three different testers: Andrew MacRae, PhD
>candidate in geology; Kurt Wise, creationist, and -- drat, I can't remember the
>third, but there was another. Was is Dahl?

Don't forget Alan Walker:

Some 14 years ago I had written to Dr. Allan Walker of John Hopkins
University after becoming aware of his so-called ``expertise" in
identifying prehistoric teeth, especially of hominids discovered in

Walker is a world expert in hominid fossils, but of course to Ed, he's
just a "so-called" expert.

No doubt about it; Ed is shaping up to be a world-class loon.

Jim (Chris) Foley,
Assoc. Prof. of Omphalic Envy Research interest:
Department of Anthropology Primitive hominids
University of Ediacara (Australopithecus creationistii)

Michael D. Painter

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

Ed Conrad <> wrote in article
< The world picking on Mr. Ed snipped>

There's a name for the behavior exhibited by Mr. Ed, medicine sometimes
helps, but there are bad side effects.

When are you going to tell us of your education Mr. Ed?

Alan Barclay

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <>,
Ed Conrad <> wrote:
>On Tues., Jan. 7, 1997, Andrew MacRae (
>wrote to in response to Ed Conrad's posting entitled,

Yes, he did. I've already read this reponse in that group, why did you
reply to 3 different groups?

When you reply to someone's message on Usenet, you should only reply ONCE,
and post that message to those groups which the message is appropriate.

This behaviour is something which I would not allow on any of the systems
I administer, and it looks like Prolog don't tolerate it either. Good for
them. I expect that sunlink will soon been reviewing if they want their
reputation tainted with your acts.

Jamie Schrumpf

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <>, says...

>You have a short memory. Back on April 19, 1996, I posted the
>following to and other petinent news groups:
> -----
> Do I have AT LEAST one specimen of petrified bone discovered
>between anthracite veins in the Carboniferous-dated strata of
> THAT is the question.
> Back in January 1984, I sent one specimen to Yerkes Regional
>Primate Research Center located at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga.
> The following is the complete text of that letter (return address
>Dear Mr. Conrad:
>Thank you for your letter of January 10 and the information I
>requested concerning the fossilized bone fragment sent to us for
>The information on location indicates that the bone fragment is not
>from a nonhuman primate species: the only nonhuman primates ever found
>in the United States became extinct about 20 million years agio, and
>all of these primates were far too small to possess a bone that might
>incorporate your fragment.
>It is possible, however, that the bone fragment could be human in
>nature, but its structure tends to rule this out.
>Its cross-section and size are possibly those of a longbone (humerus,

Ed, where exactly in Dahl's letter does it say that he did _any_ kind of
testing on the order of Andrew's thin sections? The only reference Dahl makes
to the physical nature of your sample is where he says "its cross-section and
size are possibly those of a longbone."

He makes no reference to any testing at all; if anything, one can only infer
that he took _your_ identification at face value and said, "Well, it might be a
longbone from the looks of it."

This is hardly a ringing endorsement, Ed.

Ed, repeat after us: Andrew is not on Usenet anymore. He cannot read what you
are saying.

And no one has to say a word to turn your samples into concretions; Andrew's
thin section pictures prove that in beautiful silence.

> =====
>Meanwhile, I once again remind you of the editorial in The
>Princetonian in February 1964, responding to the deplorable tactics
>that had been employed by the academia in opposition to Velikovsky's
>eye-opening masterpiece, ``Worlds in Collision":
>>> ``What the Velikovsky affair made crystal clear . . .
>>> is that the theories of science may be held not only
>>> for the truth they embody, but because of the vested
>>> interests they represent for those who hold them."
> ________
>> Ed Conrad (
>> Home page (actually Ted Holden's):
>> and
>> Disclaimer: I, Ed Conrad, am solely responsible for any statements
>> that I make which for some strange reason always seem to ruffle
>> a lot of scientific feathers.

Then take some responsibility for what you've said and apologize to Andrew _in
absentia_ for saying that he misrepresented himself as a professor, when you've
been emailed YOUR OWN POST of Dec. 17 where you demonstrate that you knew very
well he was a grad student.

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <>, (Ed
Conrad) wrote:

Is it Barwood or Norwood? I think your animosity to another fellow here
on TO is showing...

> I left a message for her to return my call the first time, which she
> failed to do. The following day I was told she wouldn't be in until 1
> p.m. so I left another message, stressing that my phone call was
> urgent and stressing the importance that she return the call
> immediately upon receiving the message. She never did.
> I simply wanted to explain that the sci.groupers were ganging up on me
> -- as indeed they have been, and still are. But, most importantly, I
> wanted to point out that if Prolog were to check the dates of postings
> by various individuals, it would quickly learn that the very people
> who were complaining about being harassed actually had been
> responsible in a large way for institigating it.

This is ridiculous, Ed. You posted completely off-topic messages about
pyramids & coal mines & columbus & carboniferous bones & whatever struck
your fancy to various sci. newsgroups, and also did bizarre things like
respond to serious requests for help with fossil thefts with accusations
that the scientists involved had done it. NOBODY asked you to post these
things, and most of the participants in those newsgroups were totally
baffled by the sudden appearance of this irrelevant loon. How can you
possibly claim that the complainers instigated your participation?

<sob story about Prolog terminating his account deleted>

I'll confess--I was one of the people who submitted complaints to
Prolog. Because I had posted a few messages on various sci. newsgroups
asking everyone to restrain themselves from replying to Conrad,
I got a few dozen messages from various people who were outraged
at some of his comments. Rather than filling up these newsgroups with
more pointless replies to Conrad, they sent their complaints to me.

Basically, all I did was forward Ed Conrad's very own messages straight
back to the postmaster at Prolog. I never requested that Ed get
kicked off his account, but I did ask them to set him straight on
posting rules and net etiquette. Just before he was actually thrown
off the net, though, I forwarded his unfounded insinuation that
several scientists were guilty of fossil theft; this was accompanied
by the names of half a dozen readers of several sci. newsgroups who
had also sent me their expressions of disgust at this latest low
mark in Ed's behavior. I presume this was the final insult that finally
convinced Prolog that Ed was a major liability.

By that time, Ed probably had a long history of complaints against him.
I had forwarded several, I know of several others who had made
complaints, and I'm sure that a large number of other people had also
inundated Prolog with e-mail without letting anyone know. I'd be
curious to know how big the Ed Conrad complaint file at Prolog was:
I suspect it was huge, and that's probably why they didn't feel much
incentive to talk with Ed before terminating his contract.

<typical comparison with that other "martyr", Velikovsky, deleted>

> .
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
> >>> The followings will be a permanent fixture
> >>> at the tail end of all 14 parts of this series
> >>> of responses to Andrew MacRae's tearjerker:
> >: Andrew MacRae's get-tough final paragraph:
> _
> >: I now expect some sort of public acknowledgement
> >: that you have erred. I know an apology is too much
> >: to ask for, but your usual tactic of slinking away and
> >: hoping people forget about your insults is not acceptable in
> >: this instance. The error is too obvious and the accusations
> >: too serious. Please defend your accusations or withdraw
> >: them, preferably before another month has expired.
> =======
> Andrew:
> You do not deserve an apology and definitely will not get
> one.

I guess I expected that. May I mention that you promised a
public apology for one specific insinuation, that Andrew had misled
you about his status at the University of Calgary? You've had the
proof for 4 days now that he had explicitly stated that he was a
student way back in June. He certainly deserves an apology for that
misstatement, error, or lie on your part.

> You are no better than the rest of the pathetic crew of pseudo
> scientists I have had to deal with over these past 15-16 years,
> the majority totally defiant of the advice about honest scientific
> investigation offered so eloquently by good ol' Thomas Alva Edison:
> >> ``The right to search for the truth
> >> implies also a duty; one must not
> >> conceal any part of what one has
> >> recognized to be true."
> My two specimens, which you had examined and tested in your
> laboratory, are indeed petrified bone.

They failed all the tests for bone, which was the entire point of
Andrew's examination. He followed the precept you quoted above, and
honestly reported the truth of his tests. It seems to me that you are
the one who is ignoring all the facts to cling to an unfounded falsehood.

Stephen Watson

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <>,

Ed Conrad <> wrote:
>On Tue, 07 Jan 1997, Andrew MacRae (
>wrote a long and windy (hot air) response to my posting and, the way
>I figure it, it's probably going to require a 14-part series to answer

Coming from Ed, that sounds like a threat ;-).

>All I can do is try (although I fear my response might be somewhat

>>: In article <>,

>>: Ed Conrad wrote:
>>: Why did you switch providers, Ed? This is your chance
>>: to set the record straight. People were speculating quite a bit
>>: over the Christmas holiday.
>The fact is, Andrew, Prolog (PenTelData based in Palmerton, Pa.)
>had terminated my services -- unjustly and quite improperly when all
>factors are taken into consideration.
>Joann Norwood, Customer Service, informed me in an Email dated Nov.
>27, 1996 that it had been receiving ``multiple complaints from users
>of our service . . . from sci.groups . . . of harassment. Please
>review the FAQs before posting . . .

Well justified complaints, I am sure, since you insisted on spamming
your crap all over sci.*, despite repeated attempts by t.o people to
keep it here.

>``Any further complaints will result in the immediate termination of
>your service. Please contact this office if you have any questions."
> ____
>I phoned Ms. Barwood twice, on two different days, but both times
>was told she was out of the office.

Is that "Norwood" or "Barwood"? Is that just a typo, or are you
trying to imply some sort of conspiratorial connection with t.o's
Henry B.?

[stuff about termination warnings from ISP, phone tag with
Ms. Nor/Barwood, deleted]

You know, on reading that story I would be prepared to believe that
Prolog had behaved in an unfair, unilateral, and bureaucratic manner
-- yes, a user should have the right to reply to charges made against
them before having access terminated. Unfortunately, Ed, you've got
such a history here of managing to misinterpret *everything* that
happens so it comes out in your favour, that your credibility is just
about zilch. In short, it just sounds like another Conspiracy Against
Ed Conrad.

[Whining about shoddy treatment of the Late Great V-Man, deleted]

> ~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> The followings will be a permanent fixture
>>>> at the tail end of all 14 parts of this series
>>>> of responses to Andrew MacRae's tearjerker:

Good, Ed. Andrew's complaint is spot-on, deserves to be repeated, and
I'm very happy that you will be including his indictment of your

>>: Andrew MacRae's get-tough final paragraph:
>>: I now expect some sort of public acknowledgement
>>: that you have erred. I know an apology is too much
>>: to ask for, but your usual tactic of slinking away and
>>: hoping people forget about your insults is not acceptable in
>>: this instance. The error is too obvious and the accusations
>>: too serious. Please defend your accusations or withdraw
>>: them, preferably before another month has expired.

>You do not deserve an apology and definitely will not get

Ed, do you withdraw your accusation that Andrew deceived you about his
status at the U of Alberta? Please note, everyone else here seems to
have known he was a student (I've known ever since Andrew first showed
up, about 4 years back), and he said so explicitly in a previous post
which he included in his latest post -- but *you deleted* that part!
In which episode of your 14-part series do you plan to address it?

BTW, before you accuse me of being part of the Evil Scientific
Establishment, let me make clear: I'm a EE who hacks telephone switch
code for a living. Everything we know about evolution could be wrong,
Velikovsky could be the new Messiah, and it wouldn't make the slightest
difference to *my* professional standing, or livelihood.

#Steve Watson# #Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Ont. Canada #
## The above is the output of a 7th-order Markovian analysis of all posts on ##
## this group for the past month. Not only is it not BNR's opinion, it's ##
## not even *my* opinion: it's really just a mish-mash of all YOUR opinions! ##

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <>, (Ed
Conrad) wrote:

No, the entire point of your long tirade against the "scientific
establishment" is your claim that you have HUMAN bone from the
Carboniferous. A bone from the Carboniferous is rare but not
impossible; a human bone from that era is extremely unlikely.

> To that, Jeremy Dahl had given a resounding YES (based on the fact
> that he said so several different times in the letter).
> Any subsequent denial by Dahl that he identified the specimen as bone
> just doesn't hold water.

This is totally bogus, Ed. That is NOT a letter supporting your claims.
You sent him something you called a piece of human bone; he refers to it
as a "bone fragment" in his letter, simply using a convenient label
that you provided. He is being very polite in that letter--it would
have been less than polite if he had called it a "funny-shaped rock".

Pay attention to what he DOES say, though: it is not from a non-human
primate, anatomically it does not correspond to any human bone, and it
can't be from any primate at all. These are things quite a few of us
have been telling you all along. YOUR ROCKS DO NOT LOOK LIKE ANY KIND
OF HUMAN (or otherwise) BONE. Anyone with even the most rudimentary
training in anatomy could tell you that these concretions do not have
any of the diagnostic, gross anatomical features of human bone, and
your persistence in claiming that they do is a testament to your total
lack of training.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> In any event, Andrew, Jeremy Dahl's mailing address is:
> The Woodruff Medical Center
> Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center
> Emory University
> Atlanta. Ga. 30322
> (You'll have to get Directory Assistance to fish out the phone
> number.)
> ~~~~~~~~
> >>> The following will be a permanent fixture
> >>> at the tail end of all 14 parts of this series
> >>> of responses to Andrew MacRae's tearjerker:

<14 parts?!?? Are they all going to be as feeble and self-destructive
as this one?>

> > Disclaimer: I, Ed Conrad, am solely responsible for any statements
> > that I make which for some strange reason always seem to ruffle
> > a lot of scientific feathers.

Hmmm. I wonder why people might get irritated when a clueless loon like you
reacts with personal insults and invective in response to honest evidence?

henry l. barwood

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

Stephen Watson wrote:

> Ed Conrad wrote:
> Is that "Norwood" or "Barwood"? Is that just a typo, or are you
> trying to imply some sort of conspiratorial connection with t.o's
> Henry B.?

No conspiracy here. I didn't even complain! Of course, now that I know it
might do some good...

Henry Barwood

Mitchell Coffey

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97
to Jamie Schrumpf

Jamie Schrumpf wrote:

Much good sense.

I'm particularly disgusted that Corad waited for Andrew to leave the NG
before he lied about him.

Chris Heiny

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

In article <5ajjac$>, (Robert Grumbine) writes:
>In article <>,
>Ed Conrad <> wrote:
>>I've noticed that Andrew Macrae has announced that he is packing
>>it in -- leaving
>>I can only wonder why.
> Change of job, as he announced, associated with completion of his
>doctorate, also as announced.
>[drivel deleted]

>>Another thing, Andrew, I don't think you were fair in concealing
>>the fact -- in all of our dealings, pro or con, over many months --
>>that you are NOT a full-fledged professor of earth sciences at the
>>University of Calgary.
>>I only learned of this when Paul Myers let the cat out of the bag by
>>mentioning that you are only a grad student, a fact that you confirmed
>>in a somewhat saracstic follow-up posting.
> Well, if you'd ever read Andrew's posts, you'd have know that he was a
>graduate student no later than the second thin section he prepared (last
>April?, quite some time ago) from your materials. He mentioned then that
>his budget was constrained due to being a graduate student (this in the
>context of why he didn't want to shell out for another thin section).
>You, apparently, are the only person who was involved in the thread
>who didn't know that Andrew was a graduate student at the time. (Did
>he suddenly become much brighter when they handed him his doctorate?)
>(If having doctorates matters, what was yours on?) Andrew never lied
>about the fact, nor did he hide it.

Andrew certainly didn't hide it. Long before Ed's arrival on,
it was obvious from Andrew's posts that he was a grad-student, studying
palynology. It's possible, though, that Andrew becan concealing that
fact once Ed started posting, all as part of his devious long term plan
to discredit Ed's magnificent discovery. Fortunately, Ed is just too
smart for such a ruse to work for long. Although....

Maybe if Ed had read Andrew's web page, he might have noticed that Andrew
was still working on his doctorate. Very very few "full fledged"
professors are still working on their doctorates.

Then again, maybe Ed had Andrew confused with Bill Jefferys, who
really is a professor but artfully conceals that fact by not
mentioning it at all in his .sig. I can see where
it would be an easy for someone like Ed to make such a mistake.

However, in the interests of openness and freedom of information and
to emulate the high moral standard of honesty that Ed so forthrightly
represents, I suggest that every poster on add a line
to their .sigs explicity telling Ed what they are not a "full fledged"
professor of at their alma mater. That way the facts will all be
right there on the table, and no-one can deceive Ed in this way again..


Christopher Heiny Professor of Bizarre Theories
University of Ediacara Offther-Hocking Chair of Lunar Influences

For Ed Conrad: I am >NOT< a full-fledged professor of earth
sciences at Michigan Technological University
- - - - - - - - -
"You are lying, Ted!"
Shrieked Mrs Anomalocaris,
You are a liar, Ted!
You were mating with that _nathorsti_ tramp again,
Weren't you, Ted? Liar!"
And then she threw the platter of trilobites at him.
'Song of Anomalocaris - The Soap Opera'
Season 246, Episode 118a: Edward and Agnes Divorce

Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

So I guess Prolog is part of the conspiracy now, too, eh? Ed?

I can easily see why they terminated you, but as Ken said, if you can
find a breach of contract, then you can sue. However, if the contract
stated that you were not to be harrassing the newsgroups, then there was
no breach of contract.

On the other hand, your continual harrassment of Andrew MacRae on groups
other than t.o may have been enough for them. Anyway, there was no
excuse to harrass him after he said he was leaving for the reasons he has
already stated. Not especially on the sci.* groups.

Here's some of what Ed has done so far:

impertinant posting
(I suspect) fraud (correct me if I'm wrong, or I may be guilty of slander)
misrepresentation of facts
misrepresentation of quotes and ideas

Just these would be enough for Prolog to discontinue service to you, so I
don't think that there may have been a breach of contract. But then
again, I haven't seen the contract.

There is no conspiracy.

Brandon Gorte

Michael Grice

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97
to (Ed Conrad) wrote:


Has anyone else noted the irony that the man whose only supporters are
dead and whose "bones" were found not to be bones by several
mainstream scientists and a young earth creationist is claiming that
*Andrew MacRae's* opinion lacks credibility?

Michael [I know I should shut up but I can't help myself] Grice

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

One little, itty-bitty flaw in this whole mess of rationalizations by
Ed is this: it doesn't seem to matter. If Dr. So-and-So IS a "full-fledged"
professor, then he is either A) a corrupt member of the scientific
establishment if he disagrees with Ed, or B) a distinguished and world-
renowned authority if he agrees with Ed. If Mr. So-and-So is not an
academic, then he is either A) a hoodwinked dupe of the scientific
establishment if he disagrees with Ed, or B) an open-minded student of
truth if he agrees with Ed.

Obviously, the only relevant datum is whether So-and-So agrees or
disagrees with Ed Conrad, not his academic qualifications. Therefore,
the only degree that could possibly matter is one conferred by
Ed Conrad.

Alternatively, of course, since I really am an assistant professor
of biology, Ed ought to accept my authority without question :-)
Somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

> Chris
>Christopher Heiny Professor of Bizarre Theories
>University of Ediacara Offther-Hocking Chair of Lunar Influences
>For Ed Conrad: I am >NOT< a full-fledged professor of earth
> sciences at Michigan Technological University
>- - - - - - - - -
> "You are lying, Ted!"
> Shrieked Mrs Anomalocaris,
> "Liar,
> liar!
> You are a liar, Ted!
> You were mating with that _nathorsti_ tramp again,
> Weren't you, Ted? Liar!"
> And then she threw the platter of trilobites at him.
> 'Song of Anomalocaris - The Soap Opera'
> Season 246, Episode 118a: Edward and Agnes Divorce

Paul Z. Myers

Chris Heiny

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

Newsfroups restricted to

In article <>, (Ed Conrad) writes:
>It may well be that Andrew was unable to identify the cell structure
>of petrified bone in my specimens because he lacked the knowledge
>that the petrification process causes the surrounding structure of the
>Haversian systems to disappear, leaving only the Haversian canals.

Wow! Just like eating swiss cheese leaves only the holes behind!
I never new bone histology was so simple....

Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

Michael Grice ( wrote:

Now that you mention it...

Brandon Gorte (Undergrad in Geo. Eng.)

Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

Brandon M. Gorte ( wrote:
: Ed Conrad ( wrote:

I just found this on one of the sci.* groups. Ed's still doing it, and I
failed to realize it.
Please leave the sci.* groups alone Ed.

Brandon Gorte

Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

While checking the other sci.* groups affected by Ed, I found this on

Claudio De Diana ( wrote:
: Dear Everybody,
: I want to point out that the entity formerly known as
: (and also
: has lost his account for "Usernet abuse",
: "Harassment","Flame bait" and "Receiving of Multiple complaints".
: Of this we have a proof written by Ed Conrad himself, now
: transformed in, as it is explained in the
: following post:
: ------BEGIN OF POST ONE ----------------------------------------------
: Subject: BETTER than the SUPER BOWL (MacRae vs. Conrad)
: Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 07:02:49 GMT
: From: (Ed Conrad)
: Organization: SunLink
: Newsgroups: sci.anthroplogy, sci.anthropology.paleo, sci.archaeology
: [snip]
: The fact is, Andrew, Prolog (PenTelData based in Palmerton, Pa.)

: had terminated my services -- unjustly and quite improperly when all
: factors are taken into consideration.
: Joann Norwood, Customer Service, informed me in an Email dated Nov.
: 27, 1996 that it had been receiving ``multiple complaints from users
: of our service . . . from sci.groups . . . of harassment. Please
: review the FAQs before posting . . .

: ``Any further complaints will result in the immediate termination of

: your service. Please contact this office if you have any questions."

: [snip]
: Lo and behold, two weeks went by and I received a snail-mail letter

: from Prlog, dated Dec. 13, 1996, in which Ms. Barwood wrote:
: ~~~~~~~~~~~
: Re: Termination of Account #007790
: User Name: Ed Conrad
: Dear Mr. Conrad:
: This is to advise you that your above referenced account has been
: terminanted for the following reasons:
: Usernet abuse;
: Harassment;
: Flame bait;
: Multiple complaints have been received.

: Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding this
: matter.
: _______
: [snip]
: -------END OF POST ONE ----------------------------------------------
: People new to the subject could wonder who is Ed Conrad
: and why his former provider has received so many complaints,
: this, unfortunately, is very clear to people like me that,
: having a simple newsreader, are not able to set a killfile or
: a filter whatsoever. In short words, Ed Conrad
: has found a specimen that he pretends to be a "human bone
: as old as coal" - given the age of the strata in which
: he found the specimen this finding would be quite
: important, if confirmed (please do notice the use of "if").
: On the location:
: is presented an analysis performed by Andrew MacRae about the
: same specimen, this page contains an ample review of the subject
: so it is not the case to summarize it here.
: What is worth to do is to present (edited for brevity and with
: '^^^^' and '====' added to find out the important parts)
: a new post by Ed Conrad himself about a third party analysis
: about his (Conrad's) finding.
: -------BEGIN OF POST TWO --------------------------------------------
: Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 14:13:37 GMT
: From: (Ed Conrad)
: Organization: SunLink
: Newsgroups: sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo, sci.archaeology
: [snip]
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~

: Andrew:
: You have a short memory. Back on April 19, 1996, I posted the
: following to and other petinent news groups:
: -----
: Do I have AT LEAST one specimen of petrified bone discovered
: between anthracite veins in the Carboniferous-dated strata of
: Pennsylvania?
: THAT is the question.
: Back in January 1984, I sent one specimen to Yerkes Regional
: Primate Research Center located at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga.
: The following is the complete text of that letter (return address
: removed):
: Dear Mr. Conrad:
: Thank you for your letter of January 10 and the information I
: requested concerning the fossilized bone fragment sent to us for

: =============
: identification.

: The information on location indicates that the bone fragment is not

: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^=============^^^^^^^
: from a nonhuman primate species: the only nonhuman primates ever found
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: in the United States became extinct about 20 million years agio, and

: all of these primates were far too small to possess a bone that might
: incorporate your fragment.
: It is possible, however, that the bone fragment could be human in

: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^==============^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: nature, but its structure tends to rule this out.
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: Its cross-section and size are possibly those of a longbone (humerus,

: radius, ulna, femur, tibia or fibula). but in none of these bones is
: there such a rapid reduction in cross-sectional area as occurs in your
: specimen (see figure).
: In conclusion, I do not believe there is any evidence to suggest that

: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: the fragment is primate material.
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: If you wish to pursue its identification, I suggest you send it to the

: Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural
: History, Central Park West and 79th Street, New York, NY 10024.
: Good luck with additional enquiries.
: Sincerely,
: Jeremy F. Dahl, Ph.D
: Affiliate Scientist and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology
: cc: Dr. F. A. King, Director
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: For your information, Andrew, Jeremy Dahl mentions that the specimen
: he had examined is INDEED bone on three separate occasions
: in his letter.
: For him to deny that he said so would be an outright and outrageous
: lie.
: What I think may have happened is that Dahl might well have been
: asked, ``when contacted by another party,'' if he felt the specimen
: he examined was human, hominid or even primate material.
: To that question, he rightly would have answered in the negative.
: However, we are not asking THAT question. We are asking if he
: determined that the rock-like specimen he had examined and tested
: is bone.

: To that, Jeremy Dahl had given a resounding YES (based on the fact

: that he said so several different times in the letter).
: Any subsequent denial by Dahl that he identified the specimen as bone
: just doesn't hold water.

: [snip]
: --------- END OF POST TWO --------------------------------------------
: Some people, probably more inclined to mercy than me,
: have pointed out that the "gangbanging of the cripples"
: (see Dejanews for the thread) is not a nice activity
: and, actually, sometimes I feel guilty for partecipating to it,
: BUT, fact is that Usenet has not rules.
: However it is a non sequitur to
: think that a free space imply as a consequence
: an illimitable freedom and it is clear that even
: a small amount of "ed conrad-like" users
: could mean the death of any serious activity on
: the Newsgroup. Last point: killfile or filter are
: not a solution given that in order to filter a newsgroup
: the newsreader has to download all the news. This
: imply that if one is connected to the telephone
: line during the filter operation then the reading
: of the news will become more expensive, so that the users
: that do not have available a "university connection"
: tend not to partecipate to the news.
: How will develop Usenet? A bunch of flame-baiters
: and a group of university students volounteering to
: stop them?
: A solution to this problem could be something
: like the one presented at:
: which I strongly urge you to visit.
: Please do notice that (form this page):
: -------------------
: "The Nominees - December 1996 and January 1997"
: /And the nominees are.../
: *We've been having some troubles with Tim's news server down here*
: /As a result, we lost December's nominations entirely/*Dammit.
: We could've saved it, too, if C2 had stayed public...*
: /Anyway, the basic result is that we're going to be putting December
: 1996 and January 1997 into one big award ceremony/"
: -------------------
: So register your vote again for:
: 'Ed Conrad as kook of the month Dec 1996 and January 1997'
: by sending a mail to containing your vote.
: Best regards everybody,
: Claudio De Diana

Elmer Bataitis

Jan 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/10/97

Brandon M. Gorte wrote:
> While checking the other sci.* groups affected by Ed, I found this on
> sci.anthropology:
> Claudio De Diana ( wrote:

(big snip)

> : So register your vote again for:
> : 'Ed Conrad as kook of the month Dec 1996 and January 1997'
> : by sending a mail to containing your vote.

I have been following the Ed carb. bones business for quite a while now.
I would have been more than willing to vote for Ed's being "Kook of the
month", but that was before he lied so blatently about not knowing
Andrew's status and his (so far) failure to acknowledge that he really
did know what Andrew's status was, many, many months ago.

To me, "KOM" should be reserved for honestly deranged individuals who
also happen to be entertaining. It should not be awarded to people who
are so palpably and disgustingly dishonest.

>>In accord with Chris Heiny's suggested disclaimer: I am not a professor, nor do I depend on geology to make a living. I am nothing more than an electronics technician with a BA degree in geology.<<

Elmer Bataitis “Hot dog! Smooch city here I come!”
Planetech Services -Hobbes

Jamie Schrumpf

Jan 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/10/97

In article <>, says...

We are now on Day 7 of the Correction of Ed regarding Andrew's grad student
status, and no apology from Ed has appeared.

Like I said, Ed will never apologize because he is pathologically unable to
admit error.

The wait goes on...

[alt.catastrophism added "just because")

Donald J. Stierman

Jan 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/10/97


>You do not deserve an apology and definitely will not get
>You are no better than the rest of the pathetic crew of pseudo
>scientists I have had to deal with over these past 15-16 years,
>the majority totally defiant of the advice about honest scientific
>investigation offered so eloquently by good ol' Thomas Alva Edison:
>>> ``The right to search for the truth
>>> implies also a duty; one must not
>>> conceal any part of what one has
>>> recognized to be true."
>My two specimens, which you had examined and tested in your
>laboratory, are indeed petrified bone.

Ed, I've looked at photos of lumps of rock that you think look like skulls
and can see for myself that your interpretation is severely flawed. Why
should microstructure be preserved when none of the "fossils" you post as
images are something I can recognize as 'bone'?

I've posted some human bone images at
and am getting another set of images - bones embedded in sediment - from a
different field study (21 years ago, Ed, when I was a "only" a graduate
student) ready to post. They, too, show details your photos lack.

We are still waiting for your resume highlighting your formal scientific
background. By the way, Mr. Edison was an inventor, not a scientist. For
all of his accomplishments, he never worked on anything that had no
immediate practical application.

Andrew MacRae deserves not only an apology from Ed, Andrew deserves
applause for daring to investigate controversial material so early in his
career. Most Deans do not like controversy, even when the scholar is
correct. Andrew's Web site displayed observations and interpretations in
a very professional manner. But it appears Ed is as lacking in manners as
he is in scientific skill and integrity. is clearly an
appropriate forum for his stuff - sci.(anything) is not.

Don Stierman

Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/10/97

Ed Conrad ( wrote:
: On Sun, 05 Jan 1997 21:02:10 -0800, "henry l. barwood"
: <> wrote:
: >Ed Conrad wrote:
: >
: >> Boy, are you a dreamer!
: >> I am referring to your sarcastic comment: ``Conrad is certainly taking
: >> advantage of an empty field to try and score points!"
: >>
: >Since Andrew clearly announced that he would be absent from t.o., what
: >would you call your comments? You, Holden, and Karl Crawford seem quite
: >adept at the old weave, bob, duck and skip town when asked to answer
: >questions point blank.
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: I don't see where Andrew MacRae's recent departure has anything
: to do with it.
: After all, I didn't wait for Andrew to leave to inform him he had
: reached an incorrect conclusion in ``officially'' declaring that
: neither of my two specimens that he had examined microscopically
: are petrified bone.
: Meanwhile, I informed Andrew WHY he was wrong but, undoubtedly,
: he turned a deaf ear when I tried to explain that the surrounding
: structure of bone vanishes due to the petrification process.
: Therefore, only the Haversian canals -- clearly visible at
: -- can be seen in my specimens of petrified bone found between coal
: veins.
: Meanwhile, I strongly suspect that Andrew did not leave the scene
: by his own choice. I am convinced he had been relishing in his own
: glory too much to give it up voluntarily.
: I distinctly remember how full of glee he was after proclaiming -- not
: once but twice -- that my specimens which he examined microscopically
: were nothing more than rocks and/or concretions. And I wanted to puke
: when personal congratulations kept rolling in from people like you
: heralding ``a job well (but dishonestly) done."
: As time went on, though, Andrew realized he was being seriously
: challenged he began running scared and was never the same afterward.
: As for Andrew's web pages, I once-upon-a-time described them as Cecil
: B. De Milesque and they still are. They certainly look good,
: appearance-wise, but they are laden with deceit.
: Unfortunately, the end result -- the despicable result -- is that
: Andrew's test results of my two specimens of petrified bone failed
: miserably because he -- either deliberately or because of his lack of
: expertise in histology -- totally ignored pertinent facts and evidence
: that would turn this ballgame around.
: This is the very thing that Thomas Alva Edison -- one of the greatest
: scientists who ever lived -- so vehemently warned his fellow
: scientists:
: > ``The right to search for truth

: > implies also a duty; one must
: > not conceal any part of what
: > one has recognized to be true."
I reposted this to remind everyone to add alt.usenet.kooks when replying
to Ed.

Brandon Gorte

Stephen Watson

Jan 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/11/97

In article <5b6f6d$>,
Elmer Bataitis <> wrote:

>I have been following the Ed carb. bones business for quite a while now.
>I would have been more than willing to vote for Ed's being "Kook of the
>month", but that was before he lied so blatently about not knowing
>Andrew's status and his (so far) failure to acknowledge that he really
>did know what Andrew's status was, many, many months ago.
>To me, "KOM" should be reserved for honestly deranged individuals who
>also happen to be entertaining. It should not be awarded to people who
>are so palpably and disgustingly dishonest.

I dunno: As outraged as I originally was by his attacks on St. Andrew,
I'm now inclined to take a more charitable view. Ed's reality-bending
has become soooo blatant, that I've adopted the working hypothesis
that he is, indeed, borderline mentally ill -- I think he is so
obsessed with his "bones" that he's become genuinely unable to
comprehend that he might be wrong. So I'll defend him from the charge
of dishonesty by pleading "Not guilty by reason of insanity". Does
that put him back in the running for KotM?

The University of Ediacara seems to have "experts-in-residence" on a
lot of subjects -- but one thing we lack, and could sorely use, is
someone with proper training in psychology/psychiatry, especially the
pathology of delusions, obsessions and bigotries.

Elmer Bataitis

Jan 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/11/97

Stephen Watson wrote:

> I dunno: As outraged as I originally was by his attacks on St. Andrew,
> I'm now inclined to take a more charitable view. Ed's reality-bending
> has become soooo blatant, that I've adopted the working hypothesis
> that he is, indeed, borderline mentally ill -- I think he is so
> obsessed with his "bones" that he's become genuinely unable to
> comprehend that he might be wrong. So I'll defend him from the charge
> of dishonesty by pleading "Not guilty by reason of insanity". Does
> that put him back in the running for KotM?

I can appreciate the sentiments, but I've known many certifiable *kooks*
in my time, and IMO the *only* great division between people in this
world, (heck, maybe the universe) is between assholes and non-assholes.
Ed may or may not be certifiable, but that doesn't disqualify him at
all. In my eyes, it is really his being just plain nasty. Maybe I will
see this differently after I've calmed down, but it was the sheer
unmitigated gall of waiting until after S'nandrew had left to start the
attack that got to me.

> The University of Ediacara seems to have "experts-in-residence" on a
> lot of subjects -- but one thing we lack, and could sorely use, is
> someone with proper training in psychology/psychiatry, especially the
> pathology of delusions, obsessions and bigotries.

Good idea. This is worth a cross post to sci.psychology. Maybe we can
convince someone there with some knowledge in these matters to wander
over here and evaluate the Ed thread.

Chris (Chris) Carrell

Jan 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/11/97

Stephen Watson wrote:
> In article <5b6f6d$>,
> Elmer Bataitis <> wrote:
> [.........]
> >
> >To me, "KOM" should be reserved for honestly deranged individuals who
> >also happen to be entertaining. It should not be awarded to people who
> >are so palpably and disgustingly dishonest.
> I dunno: As outraged as I originally was by his attacks on St. Andrew,
> I'm now inclined to take a more charitable view. Ed's reality-bending
> has become soooo blatant, that I've adopted the working hypothesis
> that he is, indeed, borderline mentally ill -- I think he is so
> obsessed with his "bones" that he's become genuinely unable to
> comprehend that he might be wrong. So I'll defend him from the charge
> of dishonesty by pleading "Not guilty by reason of insanity". Does
> that put him back in the running for KotM?
> The University of Ediacara seems to have "experts-in-residence" on a
> lot of subjects -- but one thing we lack, and could sorely use, is
> someone with proper training in psychology/psychiatry, especially the
> pathology of delusions, obsessions and bigotries.

Urm, I read a.u.k. , does that count.

(As I think about this more, that makes me less qualified as a.u.k.
is a far cry from what it was intended to be, a celebration of the
special people like Ed. Instead it's mostly flamewar extensions
usually involving the net.cretin Bill Palmer. Boring.)


Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/11/97

Stephen Watson ( wrote:
: In article <5b6f6d$>,
: Elmer Bataitis <> wrote:
: [.........]
: >I have been following the Ed carb. bones business for quite a while now.
: >I would have been more than willing to vote for Ed's being "Kook of the

: >month", but that was before he lied so blatently about not knowing
: >Andrew's status and his (so far) failure to acknowledge that he really
: >did know what Andrew's status was, many, many months ago.
: >
: >To me, "KOM" should be reserved for honestly deranged individuals who

: >also happen to be entertaining. It should not be awarded to people who
: >are so palpably and disgustingly dishonest.
: I dunno: As outraged as I originally was by his attacks on St. Andrew,
: I'm now inclined to take a more charitable view. Ed's reality-bending
: has become soooo blatant, that I've adopted the working hypothesis
: that he is, indeed, borderline mentally ill -- I think he is so
: obsessed with his "bones" that he's become genuinely unable to
: comprehend that he might be wrong. So I'll defend him from the charge
: of dishonesty by pleading "Not guilty by reason of insanity". Does
: that put him back in the running for KotM?
: The University of Ediacara seems to have "experts-in-residence" on a
: lot of subjects -- but one thing we lack, and could sorely use, is
: someone with proper training in psychology/psychiatry, especially the
: pathology of delusions, obsessions and bigotries.
That's why I suggested KofM in the first place. If you understand the
fact that Ed cannot believe his "bones" are wrong, then his attacks on
St. Andrew are understandable. He's sick and demented, hence he is a kook.

Brandon Gorte


Jan 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/11/97
to Paul Z. Myers

On one of my articles Genetics I - <>,
yesterday, I have been unfair to Paul.

However, after visiting his Web Page, I do realize, that Paul Myers is
more qualified on the topics I was talking about.

Thus, I am sorry for the reaction in my article and apologize to Paul.

Nonetheless, as I have repeatedly mentioned, Genetics I article is not
only considering the genetical aspects of the origin, rather a clue.

I believe that the title needs to be changed to something else.

Sorry Paul, hope, we can discuss genetical part of my articles via
email. I am particularly impressed by your Zebra fish Project and your
team at your lab working on it.

Once again sincere apologies.

David Jensen

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

On Mon, 13 Jan 1997 12:49:10 GMT, (Ed Conrad)

>Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
>subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
>is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
>as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or
>And, quite frankly, the subject matter would be more than appropriate
>in quite number of other sci.groups as well.

Well, then provide some science, not fantasy.


Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

Ed Conrad ( wrote:

: >Please leave the sci.* groups alone Ed.
: ~~~~~
: Brandon:

: Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
: subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
: is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
: as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or
: sci.archaeology.

#1: It is not biased, unless you consider defending your own field biased.
(I'm an undergrad in Geological Engineering)

#2: If I'm biased, then so are you.
: And, quite frankly, the subject matter would be more than appropriate

: in quite number of other sci.groups as well.

It is also appropriate for a.u.k.
: There is NOTHING more important in scence than to try to answer, as
: honestly as we possibly can, the time-honored question of who we
: really are and how we really got here.

If you think so, Ed. Frankly, the theory of evolution explains it better
than your theory can.
: Unfortunately, the existing theory of man's inhuman origin simply does
: not hold up because of the TOTAL absence of scientific evidence.

There is more than enough proof to sustansiate(sp?) it. You have only a
few rocks you call "fossils". St. Andrew MacRae already disproved your
: The only thing the ``theory" of evolution" has going for it in the
: case of man's origin is rhetoric, and all the rhetoric in the world is
: powerless to transform theory -- Webster's: ``an idea, an opinion, a
: guess..." -- into solid and undisputed fact.

If it were, creationism "might" have something going for it. Same with
catastrophism. However, EVIDENCE matters, and it is that evidence that
you have time and time again failed to appear with. YOU continuously use
the SAME rocks time and time again as evidence. That is not science.
That is sensationalist journalism, and you know it Ed. You are competing
against the Big Dogs of science, and you are losing. YOU don't even have
my degree of expertise being a mere undergrad. Sit on the porch Ed, and
maybe we'll be nice to you.
: Therefore, it remains nothing more than a theory without
: any basis in solid fact.

Same old shit. (SOS from now on)

Brandon Gorte

Thomas Scharle

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

In article <>, (Ed Conrad) writes:

|> powerless to transform theory -- Webster's: ``an idea, an opinion, a
|> guess..." -- into solid and undisputed fact.


There are many "Webster's" dictionaries, some not very good. If
you are quoting a dictionary, you should say which one. Here is what
some standard references have to say:

"*scientific* *theory*, systematic ideational structure of
broad scope, conceived by the human imagination, that encompasses
a family of empirical (experiential) laws regarding regularities
existing in objects and events, both observed and posited. A
scientific theory is a structure suggested by these laws and is
devised to explain them in a scientifically rational manner.
"In attempting to explain things and events, the scientist
employs (1) careful observation or experiments, (2) reports of
regularities, and (3) systematic explanatory schemes (theories)"
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, 1994, Micropaedia
volume 10.

"*theory* ... *1.* a coherent group of general propositions
used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena...
*--Syn. 1.* Theory, hypothesis are used in non-technical contexts
to mean an untested idea or opinion. A theory in technical use is
a more or less verified or established explanation accounting for
known facts or phenomena..." Random House Unabridged Dictionary,
2nd edition, 1993

"*Laws and Theories.* It is generally assumed in the literature
on the structure of scientific theories that there is an important
logical distinction between experimental laws (for example
Galileo's law of falling bodies, Boyle's law, the chemical law of
constant proportions, and Mendel's laws of heredity) on the one
hand, and theories (such as the theory of relativity, the atomic
theory, and the theory of evolution) on the other....
"...Apparently the most fundamental distinction between laws
and theories is that experimental laws contain only terms that
refer to observables or are operationally definable..., whereas
the statements of theories contain at least some terms that do
not refer to observables and are not operationally definable....
"What is generally admitted, even by those who regard this
distinction as a real and important one, is that it nevertheless
has vague boundaries, and it may be relative to the current
development of science and to the sophistication of the
observers." The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1967, volume 4.

"*theory* ...
*4.a* A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an
explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; a
hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation
or experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for
known facts; a statement of what are held to be the general laws,
principles, or causes of something known or observed." The Oxford
English Dictionary, Second Edition, 1989, volume XVII.

Tom Scharle "standard disclaimer"

Ben Waggoner

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

On Wed, 08 Jan 1997, Frank Murray (fmurray@pobox,com)
wrote to several sci.groups:

: but none of this should in any way be read as a condoning of the
: actions of the isp that cut you off, or of those who pressured for
: that cutoff...nothing that i've seen posted here by you would warrant
: such cutoff...those who don't want to read you can killfile your
: posts...

Ed would very much like to believe that he is being persecuted for his
beliefs. But those aren't the issue, and neither is the immature attitude
that shines through in so many of his posts.

What he did that merits cutoff is simple: repeated, lengthy, off-topic
posting. He kept posting stories about Christopher Columbus, the Pope, TWA
flight 800, etc. to He also posted private e-mails
publicly. This is bad use of the Usenet, and it doesn't matter whether
Ed's right or not. REPEAT: It does not matter whether Ed is right or not.
Things like that should not be posted to
Paleontology is about fossils, not Columbus and Pope John CCXXXVIII. And
personal e-mails should never be posted to any Usenet newsgroup at all
(although quoting them in part is acceptable).

Ed's behavior on s.b.p. was as if he'd gone to a meeting, started
screaming at everyone about something that wasn't on the agenda, cussed
out everyone there, blew his nose on the tablecloth and pissed in the
chairman's water pitcher. Now he's complaining that he was thrown out
because of persecution. Awwww.

Ed's off-topic posts to s.b.p. are exactly as appropriate as "MAKE MONEY
FAST" posts, 1-900 numbers, and 200K scanned pictures of Barney. They
contribute to the flood of junk posts that are causing Usenet to
deteriorate rapidly. This is bad behavior on ANY newsgroup of ANY
persuasion or topic. REPEAT: It is not a scientific issue. It is a Usenet
use issue, and one that Ed has lost.

: feel free to forward this to any isp, if you think it might help...

Ed has to realize that Usenet is not his personal soapbox. Freedom of
speech and freedom of conscience are basic rights -- but they do not
confer unlimited access to media. A newspaper editor isn't obliged to
publish every letter to the editor. A magazine editor isn't forced to
publish every manuscript, even those that have nothing to do with the
magazine's topic. And Usenet readers and ISPs are not obliged to tolerate
lengthy and irrelevant posts. Internet access is not a right. It's a
privilege. It can be revoked when a user's behavior becomes intolerable,
according to accepted standards (see news.announce.newusers for a full
discussion of what these stndards are). QED.

As long as Ed keeps his posts to s.b.p. to the discussion of fossils and
pseudofossils, I will not complain, and his ISP has no reason to revoke
his access. I don't believe that the rocks he's found are bones, but that
doesn't matter. If he starts posting private e-mail, or posting large
posts on non-paleontology related topics to s.b.p., readers will be right
to complain to his ISP, and his ISP will be perfectly justified in yanking
his access.

And by the way, about "those who pressured for the cutoff": There is not
much pressure that Usenet readers can really apply to an ISP. Most don't
use the same ISP and thus can't threaten to withdraw, and the UDP (Usenet
Death Penalty) can only be applied to an ISP that permits repeated,
massive Spam attacks and refuses to do anything. The ISP was not obligated
to cut Ed off; had she ignored all complaints, there would have been
little recourse.

Ben Waggoner
Department of Great Scientists Personally Out To Get Ed, Because
It Would Hurt His Ego If He Realized That No One Really Cares
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720 USA

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97
Conrad) wrote:

> On 9 Jan 1997, Brandon M. Gorte ( wrote:
> >Brandon M. Gorte ( wrote:
> >: Ed Conrad ( wrote:

> (He should've put a SNIP here.)

> >I just found this on one of the sci.* groups. Ed's still doing it, and I
> >failed to realize it.

> >Please leave the sci.* groups alone Ed.
> >

> >Brandon Gorte

> ~~~~~
> Brandon:
> Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
> subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
> is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
> as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or
> sci.archaeology.

It's always amusing to see Ed complain about someone else having a
"strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion".

> And, quite frankly, the subject matter would be more than appropriate
> in quite number of other sci.groups as well.

I have to admit, though, that I _partly_ agree with Ed here. It IS
appropriate for him to make his claims about human origins in the
Carboniferous in, and to some extent in some of the sci.
newsgroups, at least as long as what he is doing is presenting his
evidence, weak and faulty as it is. This is not to say that his ideas
are at all correct, but I do think it is his privilege to state what
he thinks.

What is inappropriate, though, are the long posts about visions of
the pope in coal mines; half-baked ideas about how Columbus fed
his men; truly weird stories about out-of-body experiences that
reveal aliens helped build the pyramids; and paranoid ravings about
how a scientific conspiracy is out to get him.

> There is NOTHING more important in scence than to try to answer, as
> honestly as we possibly can, the time-honored question of who we
> really are and how we really got here.

> Unfortunately, the existing theory of man's inhuman origin simply does
> not hold up because of the TOTAL absence of scientific evidence.

> The only thing the ``theory" of evolution" has going for it in the
> case of man's origin is rhetoric, and all the rhetoric in the world is

> powerless to transform theory -- Webster's: ``an idea, an opinion, a
> guess..." -- into solid and undisputed fact.

That's a very poor definition. It may fit the common idea of what a
theory is, but it's a very bad fit to the accepted scientific meaning.

> Therefore, it remains nothing more than a theory without
> any basis in solid fact.


David Iain Greig

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

On Wed, 08 Jan 1997 10:32:29 -0500, Mitchell Coffey <> wrote:
>Jamie Schrumpf wrote:
>Much good sense.
>I'm particularly disgusted that Corad waited for Andrew to leave the NG
>before he lied about him.

Oh, no, Ed's been lying about Andrew much longer than that.


David Iain Greig, UNIX System Administrator Tel: (416) 813-5013
Research Computing Services Fax: (416) 813-7099
Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Ave, Toronto, Ont. M5G 1X8 "Arbor plena allouatarum"

Ed Conrad

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Frank Murray (fmurray@pobox)
wrote to sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo, sci.archaeology
and alt.usenet.kooks:
On 9 Jan 199, Claudio De Diana

<> wrote:

> Dear Everybody,
> I want to point out that the entity formerly known as
> (and also>
> has lost his account for "Usernet abuse",
> "Harassment","Flame bait" and "Receiving of Multiple
> complaints".
> Of this we have a proof written by Ed Conrad himself, now
> transformed in, as it is explained in the
> following post:


it is sufficiently elevating to watch a mob of enraged pacifists beat
to death an unarmed and already downed victim...but if, after such
courageous act, they must publicly hold gather in gloat, they oughta
do so under new thread...if their mental powers, heavily taxed by
their noble struggle, cannot create one, i'd be happy to help...when
blessed by the presence of such heroes, one must...

in retch,


Gavin Wheeler

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

[Newsgroups modified: t.o added, snipped]
In article <>, (Ed
Conrad) wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Jan 1997 16:32:19 GMT, (David
> Jensen) wrote to

> >Well, then provide some science, not fantasy.

> David:

> Please be assured that I have more evidence than I'll ever need
> to prove that humans, hominids and large land animals existed
> during the time of the formation of anthracite.

He doesn't want to be 'assured' that you hav ethe evidence, he wants to
see it - and he is not the only one. *PLEASE* *PLEASE* post some decent
evidence on Ted's site, such as the testimony of your dentist, the 'IR
scan' you mentioned before, any bone with articulating surfaces intact or a
longitudinal section of the sample in which you say you see Haversian

> Unfortunately, you do not want to hear my side of the story
> (concerning the transformation that occurs when bone
> petrifies)..

I and many others admit that petrification can eliminate any and all
traces of Haversian canals. So, in the absence of such evidence, what
evidence *do* you have that your samples are bones, instead of other
possible cylindrical formations? We would love to hear that side of your

> Meanwhile, have you ANY evidence whatsoever backing up your
> theory of man's origin from an inhuman ancestor long after anthracite
> was formed?

Loads - see the FAQs or any textbook on paleontology.

> The plain and simple fact is, none exists to fill even half a thimble.

Come on, Ed - you might disagree with the theory and it's evidence, but to
deny that any evidence exists is beneath you!

Gavin Wheeler

Ed Conrad

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

On Mon, 13 Jan 1997 16:32:19 GMT, (David

Jensen) wrote:

>On Mon, 13 Jan 1997 12:49:10 GMT, (Ed Conrad)

>>Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
>>subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
>>is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
>>as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or

>>And, quite frankly, the subject matter would be more than appropriate
>>in quite number of other sci.groups as well.

>Well, then provide some science, not fantasy.




Please be assured that I have more evidence than I'll ever need
to prove that humans, hominids and large land animals existed
during the time of the formation of anthracite.

Unfortunately, you do not want to hear my side of the story

(concerning the transformation that occurs when bone

Meanwhile, have you ANY evidence whatsoever backing up your

theory of man's origin from an inhuman ancestor long after anthracite
was formed?

The plain and simple fact is, none exists to fill even half a thimble.


> ``Any profession that does not supply
> its own criticism and iconoclasm
> will discover that someone else will do
> the job, and usually in a way it does not
> like."
> Norman Macbeth
> ``Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason"

David Jensen

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

On Tue, 14 Jan 1997 14:12:31 GMT, (Ed Conrad)


>Please be assured that I have more evidence than I'll ever need
>to prove that humans, hominids and large land animals existed
>during the time of the formation of anthracite.

No scientist who has looked at your collection has supported your
contention. You have not been willing to write up an article for peer
review. You have offered no evidence yet.

>Unfortunately, you do not want to hear my side of the story
>(concerning the transformation that occurs when bone

I'm perfectly willing to hear your side, but your credulous reporting
about near death experiences does nothing to persuade me that you make
any attempt at scientific rigor. If you have your evidence printed in
a peer reviewed article, I will read it.

>Meanwhile, have you ANY evidence whatsoever backing up your
>theory of man's origin from an inhuman ancestor long after anthracite
>was formed?

Yes. If you are interested, you can find citations of original work in
the T. O. Archives, Herb Huston's books pages, survey textbooks,
professional journals and at a local college where you could take a
few science courses to learn more about it.

>The plain and simple fact is, none exists to fill even half a thimble.

You are mistaken. Given the opportunity you have had to learn, I would
say that you are wilfully ignorant.

Steve Geller

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

Ed Conrad wrote:

> There is NOTHING more important in scence than to try to answer, as
> honestly as we possibly can, the time-honored question of who we
> really are and how we really got here.

Well, then you better get on with showing your rocks are really human
remains. So-far all you've done is rant about how persecuted you are.

> Unfortunately, the existing theory of man's inhuman origin simply does
> not hold up because of the TOTAL absence of scientific evidence.

Uninformed remarks like this do not help. Most of your readers know
about the hominid fossils, and our similarity to Apes. We also know
about what life looks like in the early fossil record. There really is
some evidence that suggests life originated from inorganic chemistry.

Can't prove it though.

Have you proved your rocks are bone yet? Even if they are bone, why are
you so sure they are human bone?

Steve Geller
(to be sure I see your reply, also E-Mail it)

Ted Holden

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97
to (David Iain Greig) writes:

>Oh, no, Ed's been lying about Andrew much longer than that.

Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
<any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...

Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary
conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind
is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by
this same David Ian Grieg to moderate

Let's hear it, Grieg: what is it exactly that we're working on here?
The all-time hypocrisy prize or the chutzvah prize?

Ted Holden

. . , ,

____)/ \(____

_,--''''',-'/( )\`-.`````--._
,-' ,' | \ _ _ / | `-. `-.
,' / | `._ /\\ //\ _,' | \ `.
| | `. `-( ,\\_// )-' .' | |
,' _,----._ |_,----._\ ____`\o'_`o/'____ /_.----._ |_,----._ `.
|/' \' `\( \(_)/ )/' `/ `\|
` ` V V ' '

Splifford the bat says: Always remember

A mind is a terrible thing to waste; especially on an evolutionist.
Just say no to narcotic drugs, alcohol abuse, and corrupt ideological

H. Brent Howatt

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

In article <medved.853269128@access5>, (Ted Holden) wrote: (David Iain Greig) writes:
+>Oh, no, Ed's been lying about Andrew much longer than that.
+Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
+<any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...

Including Holden himself, I presume?

+Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary
+conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind
+is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by
+this same David Ian Grieg to moderate

+Let's hear it, Grieg: what is it exactly that we're working on here?
+The all-time hypocrisy prize or the chutzvah prize?

The only discussion I saw was regarding some sort of robomoderation to cut
down on spam and excessive cross posting. The only proposal I've ever seen
regarding a moderated talk group was put forth by the Ted Entity, and it
got voted down by a huge margin.

[23 line batsig nuked]

H. Brent Howatt, Director of Ins. Svc.| The first days are the hardest days,
Humboldt County Office of Education | Don't you worry any more.
Eureka, California | When life looks like Easy Street,
Behind the Redwood Curtain | There is danger at your door.
============================================================================ PGP public key by FINGER or e-mail

Jan 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/14/97

On Mon, 13 Jan 1997 12:49:10 GMT, (Ed Conrad)


>The only thing the ``theory" of evolution" has going for it in the
>case of man's origin is rhetoric, and all the rhetoric in the world is
>powerless to transform theory -- Webster's: ``an idea, an opinion, a
>guess..." -- into solid and undisputed fact.

im always amused when the superstitiously ignorant push their bombast
as fact. 'the only thing the theory of evolution has going for
it...etc' hockey.

who died and left YOU be the definer of science? not scientists, thats
for sure. we accept evolution. we dont accept religion as science.

so unless all you wanna do is cry in your beer about how scientific
your little religion is, you better come up with better ideas than the
pig slop you deal out here

Wade Hines

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97
to (Ted Holden) writes:

> (David Iain Greig) writes:

>>Oh, no, Ed's been lying about Andrew much longer than that.

>Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in

><any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...

Ahem. This deflection seems to be ignoring the evidence that has
been presented that Conrad's post from a ways back included references
to Andrew being a grad student --- posts prior to his accusations
against Andrew.

>Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary

>conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind

>is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by

>this same David Ian Grieg to moderate

I suppose one could construe this as transitional material to the
point Ted wants to make but it seems odd to attempt such a shift
of blame without any attempt to address the blatant deceiptfull
behavior of Ed. It seems to be "Oh yeah, well you did ... some
... other ... stuff that I think is poohpooh nasty. So there!"

>Let's hear it, Grieg: what is it exactly that we're working on here?

>The all-time hypocrisy prize or the chutzvah prize?

How about an all time disjoint from reality prize. David was
suggesting robo-moderation, no? He is not been shown to be
lying by you above and his case against Ed is cut and dry.

Earth to Ted, earth to Ted. Don't bother to come in.

>Ted Holden
<<< snip the ASCII bat >>>

Jim Yahr

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

Ed Conrad wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Frank Murray (fmurray@pobox)
> wrote to sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo, sci.archaeology
> and alt.usenet.kooks:

<much BS deleted>

HEY ED! You talking to yourself?? Out of curiosity I checked DeJa
News, and guess what? Frank Murray and his message you "quote" doesn't
exist! The only place I could find "Frank Murray" was in your posts and
posts that quoted your original. What happened, did you have to
invoke imaginary friends for support, or is it just those voices in your
head again?

Jim Yahr
Carlsbad, NM

Jim Yahr

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

FWIW, I did find numerous posts, just not the one that that was quoted.

Jim Yahr

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

Here I am talking to myself and this time I apologize Ed. I did a more
thorough search, (off sbp and t.o.) and you weren't inventing imaginary
friends. You where merely crossposting to newsgroups who weren't
involved in the original discussion. Continue on,-- maybe you can get
booted from another ISP.

Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

Ted Holden ( wrote:

: (David Iain Greig) writes:
: >Oh, no, Ed's been lying about Andrew much longer than that.
: Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
: <any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...

Amazing hypocracy! No one connected with The Ted and Ed Road Show is
really in ANY position to be calling anyone in the Ediacra/Bandarlog
camp a lair.

As for the bat, no one will be spared.
: . . , ,

: ____)/ \(____
: _,--''''',-'/( )\`-.`````--._
: ,-' ,' | \ _ _ / | `-. `-.
: ,' / | `._ /\\ //\ _,' | \ `.
: | | `. `-( ,\\_// )-' .' | |
: ,' _,----._ |_,----._\ ____`\o'_`o/'____ /_.----._ |_,----._ `.
: |/' \' `\( \(_)/ )/' `/ `\|
: ` ` V V ' '

: Splifford the bat says: WHERE'S TEDDY'S BRAIN?
: A mind is a terrible thing to waste; especially on a Ted Holden.
: Just say no to narcotic drugs, alcohol abuse, and corrupt pinheads.
Again, amazing things one can do to this BUAG bat.

Brandon Gorte

John Wilkins

Jan 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/16/97

Ted Holden wrote:
> (David Iain Greig) writes:
> >Oh, no, Ed's been lying about Andrew much longer than that.
> Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
> <any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...
> Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary
> conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind
> is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by
> this same David Ian Grieg to moderate
> Let's hear it, Grieg: what is it exactly that we're working on here?
> The all-time hypocrisy prize or the chutzvah prize?
> Ted Holden

Irony-Meter overload!!!

> . . , ,
> ____)/ \(____
> _,--''''',-'/( )\`-.`````--._
> ,-' ,' | \ _ _ / | `-. `-.
> ,' / | `._ /\\ //\ _,' | \ `.
> | | `. `-( ,\\_// )-' .' | |
> ,' _,----._ |_,----._\ ____`\o'_`o/'____ /_.----._ |_,----._ `.
> |/' \' `\( \(_)/ )/' `/ `\|
> ` ` V V ' '

> Splifford the bat says: Always remember
> A mind is a terrible thing to waste; especially on an evolutionist.
> Just say no to narcotic drugs, alcohol abuse, and corrupt ideological
> doctrines.

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/16/97

In article <5bmjdb$>, wrote:

> >>>Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
> >>>subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
> >>>is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
> >>>as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or
> >>>sci.archaeology.

> >...

> >>Well, then provide some science, not fantasy.

> Ed has provided more science than his detractors ever will singly or
> en-mass; evidence of it resides at:
> Beyond this, Ed has provided paleontologists with a most valuable piece
> of information, i.e. that their entire discipline is FUBAR and that they need
> to go back to the drawing board. You'd think they'd appreciate this service
> and thank Mr. Conrad.

Come on, Ted...there is no information of any value on that web page.
Every scrap, every feeble little assertion that you or Ed have made
has been shot down with only the most trivial effort, and the only
reply you've made is this kind of whining, fact-free complaint that
science is bad.

There ARE big problems in evolution. Not problems that will "destroy"
evolution, but problems that haven't been resolved. There are real
scientists working to answer those problems, and we can expect to
really learn something from the results. Ed's brand of clueless
ignorance and wishful thinking is neither a challenge nor a promise
of any kind of learning.

> At least <I> would in their places. You see, problems which people KNOW about
> can usually be dealt with; the problem which does the most serious harm is
> usually the problem which is not recognized. If I put myself in the place of
> Barwood and/or one or two of the biggest loudmouths amongst Conrad's
> i.e. if I were working under some sort of a delusion about being a
scientist or
> something like that while, in actual fact, I was basically just a loudmouthed
> little brainwashed schlamozzle, I would certainly want to KNOW about it.

OK, Ted, you are a loudmouthed little brainwashed schlamozzle. Don't bother
to thank me, I was just informing you as a selfless humanitarian gesture.

> Again you'd think they'd thank Mr. Conrad rather than trying to organize
> crybaby write-in campaigns to Conrad's ISP. Prolog appears to be have been a
> collection of yuppies with no real knowledge of the internet and a mistaken
> policy of trying to reply to all email. Conrad will ultimately end up
with more
> knowledgable people, who know how to laugh at crybaby acts.

The complaints to his ISP were legitimate; I wouldn't complain if Ed
persisted in his Carboniferous delusions in, but he went
beyond the pale and posted a lot of irrelevant garbage (Columbus and
pyramids and hallucinating coal miners) to various sci. newsgroups.

> Keeping the Barwoods, Myers et. al. apprised of their basic worthlessness, and
> keeping paleontologists aware of the fact that their discipline is
basically an
> empty sham, its major tenets a house of cards about to be blown away in the
> wind, is a dirty, thankless sort of a job, but somebody's gotta do it. Thank
> God for Ed Conrad.

Gee, Ted Holden thinks I'm worthless? I hate to hurt your feelings, but
knowing that you think I am the antithesis of Ed Conrad just makes me
feel so warm and fuzzy all over!

Oh, and did you really have to crosspost this to
I really don't think you even tried to say anything relevant to paleontology
here, so I set the newsgroups to a more appropriate location.

David Iain Greig

Jan 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/16/97

On 14 Jan 1997 14:18:03 -0500, Ted Holden <> wrote:
> (David Iain Greig) writes:
>>Oh, no, Ed's been lying about Andrew much longer than that.
>Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
><any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...

If you would care to point out lies on the site, I'll look into it.
If you recall, at least one page dealing specifically with you
was in fact *sent* to you for approval, and I have mail from you dated
Oct 11 1995 that expressed no serious reservations on the content
of that page.

>Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary
>conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind
>is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by
>this same David Ian Grieg to moderate


YM "David Iain Greig". HTH. HAND.

>Let's hear it, Grieg: what is it exactly that we're working on here?
>The all-time hypocrisy prize or the chutzvah prize?

You have failed to show me lying, Ted. I respect your right to
an independant opinion on matters scientific, even while I may
ridicule your same beliefs.

Certainly nothing you have posted has moved me to consider moderation.
Indeed, not even Ed spams as badly as some.

David Iain Greig, News Administrator SP4
VRx Network Services, Inc. Will Newgroup For Food
Tom & Bob's USENET Admin Toronto Cabal Member #3 "Arbor plena alouattarum"

henry l. barwood

Jan 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/17/97

Theodore A. Holden wrote:


> Ed has provided more science than his detractors ever will singly or
> en-mass;

Really? And exactly what would that be? Fuzzy pictures of rocks?
Declarations of preordained knowledge? Statements of absolute certainty
based on zero knowledge? Velikoskian revelations? No evidence, none!

> Beyond this, Ed has provided paleontologists with a most valuable piece
> of information, i.e. that their entire discipline is FUBAR and that they need
> to go back to the drawing board. You'd think they'd appreciate this service
> and thank Mr. Conrad.

> At least <I> would in their places.

Yes, you and Conrad are a pair of essentially identical twins. When
exactly are either of you going to apologise?

> You see, problems which people KNOW about
> can usually be dealt with; the problem which does the most serious harm is
> usually the problem which is not recognized.

This is the most logical thing either of you has posted in ages. Now that
you recognize that you are reality challenged, do something about it!

> If I put myself in the place of
> Barwood and/or one or two of the biggest loudmouths amongst Conrad's detractors,

You could not because you are not a scientist, nor do you have a firm
grip on reality. For proof read on:

> i.e. if I were working under some sort of a delusion about being a scientist or
> something like that while, in actual fact, I was basically just a loudmouthed
> little brainwashed schlamozzle, I would certainly want to KNOW about it.

See, I told you so. This is the sum total of Holden's premise - I hate
scientists because they burst my little delusional balloons!

> Again you'd think they'd thank Mr. Conrad rather than trying to organize little
> crybaby write-in campaigns to Conrad's ISP. Prolog appears to be have been a
> collection of yuppies with no real knowledge of the internet and a mistaken
> policy of trying to reply to all email. Conrad will ultimately end up with more
> knowledgable people, who know how to laugh at crybaby acts.

That's good. Blame it all on a conspiracy and not on your own actions.
While you're at it throw in a few insults and use the term "crybaby". It
is after all one of your trademarks!

> Keeping the Barwoods, Myers et. al. apprised of their basic worthlessness, and
> keeping paleontologists aware of the fact that their discipline is basically an
> empty sham, its major tenets a house of cards about to be blown away in the
> wind, is a dirty, thankless sort of a job, but somebody's gotta do it.

Why don't you try actually presenting some evidence instead of this sort
of nonsense?

> Thank
> God for Ed Conrad.

Yes, if it were not for Conrad and Holden, who would we have to hold up
as an example of pseudoscience gone nuts!

Bat deleted.

Henry Barwood

Rich Travsky

Jan 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/18/97

Theodore A. Holden wrote:
> >>>Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
> >>>subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
> >>>is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
> >>>as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or
> >>>sci.archaeology.
> >...
> >>Well, then provide some science, not fantasy.
> Ed has provided more science than his detractors ever will singly or
> en-mass; evidence of it resides at:
> Beyond this, Ed has provided paleontologists with a most valuable piece
> of information, i.e. that their entire discipline is FUBAR and that they need
> to go back to the drawing board. You'd think they'd appreciate this service
> and thank Mr. Conrad.
> At least <I> would in their places. You see, problems which people KNOW about

> can usually be dealt with; the problem which does the most serious harm is
> usually the problem which is not recognized. If I put myself in the place of

> Barwood and/or one or two of the biggest loudmouths amongst Conrad's detractors,
> i.e. if I were working under some sort of a delusion about being a scientist or
> something like that while, in actual fact, I was basically just a loudmouthed
> little brainwashed schlamozzle, I would certainly want to KNOW about it.
> Again you'd think they'd thank Mr. Conrad rather than trying to organize little
> crybaby write-in campaigns to Conrad's ISP. Prolog appears to be have been a
> collection of yuppies with no real knowledge of the internet and a mistaken
> policy of trying to reply to all email. Conrad will ultimately end up with more
> knowledgable people, who know how to laugh at crybaby acts.
> Keeping the Barwoods, Myers et. al. apprised of their basic worthlessness, and
> keeping paleontologists aware of the fact that their discipline is basically an
> empty sham, its major tenets a house of cards about to be blown away in the
> wind, is a dirty, thankless sort of a job, but somebody's gotta do it. Thank
> God for Ed Conrad.

Forget this Ed CONman stuff. Please tell us about the telepathic

My doggie has a message for you. What's that boy? Woof?

Can you do cats too?

+----------+ Rich Travsky RTRAVSKY @ UWYO . EDU
| | Division of Information Technology
| | University of Wyoming (307) 766 - 3663 / 3668
| UW | "Wyoming is the capital of Denver." - a tourist
| * | "One of those square states." - another tourist

Paul J. Gans

Jan 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/18/97

Jim Yahr ( wrote:
: Ed Conrad wrote:
: >
: > On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Frank Murray (fmurray@pobox)
: > wrote to sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo, sci.archaeology
: > and alt.usenet.kooks:
: <much BS deleted>
: HEY ED! You talking to yourself?? Out of curiosity I checked DeJa
: News, and guess what? Frank Murray and his message you "quote" doesn't
: exist! The only place I could find "Frank Murray" was in your posts and
: posts that quoted your original. What happened, did you have to
: invoke imaginary friends for support, or is it just those voices in your
: head again?

No, this is wrong. There really *is* a Frank Murray. I intereact
with him mainly in sci.archaeology, where, by some strange
coincidence, Ed Conrad also posts.

----- Paul J. Gans []

Jan 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/19/97

I came across Ted's comment in DejaNews. It's the weekend, so I figured, why not?

Newsgroups are trimmed.

In article <5bmjdb$>, wrote:

[Ed wrote]

> >>>Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
> >>>subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
> >>>is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
> >>>as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or
> >>>sci.archaeology.
> >...

[someone else wrote]

> >>Well, then provide some science, not fantasy.
> Ed has provided more science than his detractors ever will singly or
> en-mass; evidence of it resides at:

Ridiculous. Much of the evidence presented there is useless (too
blurry or non-diagnostic), and what is not useless actually refutes Ed's
claims (e.g., the SEM images showing the mica grains, the obvious
ellipsoidal concretions, and the "tusk" with bedding-plane fractures).
The presentation is riddled with technical and logical errors. Your June
"reply" is mostly incorrect and does not address most of the evidence
that I have on my evaluation page. What's worse, the "science" at this
URL does not even bother to cite alternative interpretations or all the
evidence, a very unscientific thing to do. Even if an author disagrees
with an alternative interpretation, it is routine to cite

Your/Ed's presentation does more to undermine your case than
support it, which is one of the reasons I direct people there from my own
"evaluation" page. :-) If he just said, "I have fossil tusks, teeth,
bones, and fossil organs. The bones, when thin sectioned, have Haversian
canals", he would be better off than showing how pathetic the evidence
really is. Of course, to be scientific, he had to show his cards

Hmmm... now that I think of it, the poor quality of the
presentation may enhance his case, by obscuring more of the detail that
refutes it

> Beyond this, Ed has provided paleontologists with a most valuable piece
> of information, i.e. that their entire discipline is FUBAR and that they need
> to go back to the drawing board. You'd think they'd appreciate this service
> and thank Mr. Conrad.

I see. I will be sure and tell my colleagues you think that.

When they ask me who you are, I'll just tell them you are this
guy who believes Venus once looked like a comet, and that it whizzed by
the Earth at some time in the human past by some still uncertain physical
mechanism, causing plenty of global catastrophes much more dramatic than
the ones geologists already know about, but, strangely, not leaving any
clear physical evidence. I'll ask them if they are familiar with
Whiston's 1600s stuff, and say your favourite theory is basically,
"Whiston revamped for the 20th century, by this Velikovsky guy, who
collected and distorted a mish-mash of horribly outdated geological and
astronomical information to support his claims. You can find his book in
most libraries, despite the supposed attempt to 'suppress' it." I will
also be sure to mention that you also think that the Earth's gravity was
lower because it was in orbit around Saturn with its pole permanently
locked towards it, in order that dinosaurs could walk around without
collapsing under their own weight, and so pterosaurs could fly. And I
will have to mention that you think Pangaea was formed because of the
same gravitational attraction acting on the

> At least <I> would in their places.

Really? It does not seem that way.

> You see, problems which people KNOW about
> can usually be dealt with; the problem which does the most serious harm is
> usually the problem which is not recognized.

Yes, indeedy.

Sometimes the biggest laugh comes from an irony which is not

> If I put myself in the place of
> Barwood and/or one or two of the biggest loudmouths amongst Conrad's
> detractors,
> i.e. if I were working under some sort of a delusion about being a scientist
> or something like that while, in actual fact, I was basically just a
> loudmouthed little brainwashed schlamozzle, I would certainly want to KNOW
> about it.

But Ted, tell us what you *really* think about anyone who
disagrees with you or Ed? :-) I thought these people were hopeless, and
were supposed to lie under a train or something? Why are you bothering

But seriously, if Ed's critics are so obviously wrong, then why
have you said virtually nothing on this issue, scientifically, since June
to refute the many examples where Ed's claims have been shown to be
wrong? It should be easy. Why has your WWW presentation had "Other
microscope images will be forthcoming shortly" sitting there for months?
I have been waiting to be convinced. Where is that evidence? Why did
you actually *reduce* the resolution of the only thin section image you
had on there ("c2.jpg")? And will you ever update your mock "reply" to
my WWW evaluation page to reflect reality? It still has that silly claim
about the size of the tooth (you were looking at the pictures, but
ignoring the larger one mentioned in the text), and it still implies that
thin sections were not done on Ed's

Your actions have been awfully weak for someone who proclaims
that they are doing paleontology some good by promoting Ed's claims. I
get the feeling you do not really care much at all -- not even enough to
fix the most blatent of errors.

> Again you'd think they'd thank Mr. Conrad rather than trying to organize
> little crybaby write-in campaigns to Conrad's ISP.

Ed was the one habitually violating his user agreement with his
off-topic postings. Are you suggesting he was not? I mean, come on.
You have participated in Usenet long enough to know that what Ed was
doing would be regarded as extremely rude by many people. Did you
seriously think that TWA800, out-of-body experiences, and pyramid
construction was relevant to If someone started
sending plenty of "MAKE MONEY FAST" pyramid schemes to alt.catastrophism
on a regular basis, day after day, for months, such that a good
proportion of the newsgroup was flooded with them, you would not consider

Of course people got angry eventually and lodged complaints. It
was inevitable that some people would. Ed ignored all suggestions and
explanations why it was unappreciated. It is not as if people did not
talk to him about the problem and try to get him to understand it first.
His mock innocence about why he got terminated is

Sheesh, Ed was several times more rude with his crossposts than
you usually are, and I think I remember you mentioning that you had
received complaints to your provider on some occasions. Didn't *you*
expect that Ed was going to get many more complaints? As a more
experienced Usenet participant than Ed, didn't you warn him a bit about
what to expect here? <Shrug> I can not be sure if Ed was cluelessly
unaware of the contract he signed, or if he just decided to switch ISPs
and get a "martyrdom badge of honour" for his cause at the same

Note for the record: I never did complain to Pentel, and I had no
knowledge of anyone who was until Ed elaborated his sob-story here. I
only knew that some people probably were, and I read Pentel's WWW version
of their user agreement to find out whether Ed was likely to run into
problems as a result. I have never wanted him to stop speaking his mind,
only for him to do so in appropriate forums. I wish Pentel had not
pulled his account, because it only feeds Ed's perception of unfair
persecution, and gives him (and Ted) something besides the scientific
evidence to talk about. People can use killfiles if Ed really bugs them.
There may be genuine reason to complain, but that is not the only way to
solve the

> Prolog appears to be have been a
> collection of yuppies with no real knowledge of the internet and a mistaken
> policy of trying to reply to all email.

Obviously. Because they turfed your friend, right? :-)

Have you read their user agreement? I assume Ed did, or that it
was recommended that he should, upon signing up. He obviously did not
appreciate the implications of the service *contract* he signed. It is
generally a bad move to sign a contract and then ignore the terms, or to
sign without understanding them, don't you

> Conrad will ultimately end up with more
> knowledgable people, who know how to laugh at crybaby acts.

Quite probably. Maybe the ISPs that host the e-mail or news
"MAKE MONEY FAST" deals could help him out.

> Keeping the Barwoods, Myers et. al. apprised of their basic worthlessness,

What about me? I feel left out from all your helpful advice.

> and
> keeping paleontologists aware of the fact that their discipline is basically
> an empty sham,

Uh. Yeah. I'll be sure and tell that to the people who use it
for petroleum exploration every day. I guess we should just cap those
offshore wells and give up on trying to resolve things more finely than
seismic data can. There's no point in trying to use FUBAR doctrines like
paleontology to find the more subtle petroleum traps so you have gas to
put in your

Face it, Ed. You composed your little rant against palentology
because its data infringes on and undermines your own wishes about
reality. Don't contradict the great Velikovsky! Don't contradict the
great evolution-refuting Ed Conrad! Bad paleontology! BAD!

Yet, paradoxically, you use paleontology all the time as support
for your own pet theories. I suppose everything in paleontology is FUBAR
except for the bit about large sauropod dinosaurs and pterosaurs? Oh,
and that bit about mammoths in the permafrost, and giant insects in the
Carboniferous, etc. Those paleontologists got the anatomy right, but got
the calibration for the time scale all wrong. Whoops, that is
geochronology and nuclear physics, not paleontology. Make that most of
paleontology is FUBAR, everything except what supports Velikovsky; and
the nuclear physics involved in radiometric dating is also FUBAR, so the
conventional geological time scale can go "out the window". Have I got

> its major tenets a house of cards about to be blown away in the
> wind, is a dirty, thankless sort of a job, but somebody's gotta do it. Thank
> God for Ed Conrad.

Yes, he has provided an interesting opportunity to demonstrate
the scientific method. My thanks to Ed Conrad for making us all think
about the evidence, and about what really matters in a scientific
evaluation and what does not. There really is a silver lining in every

However, Ed's claims actually have little to do with paleontology
now, and they have absolutely nothing to do with your favourite, corrupt
"tenet", biological evolution. They do not get that far. They have much
more to do with the petrology of minerals and rocks. Ed needs to talk to
sedimentary petrologists, not paleontologists, to show why he does not
have sandstones cemented by siderite (i.e. concretions). He needs to
demonstrate he has fossils before it becomes a paleontological issue. Or
is petrology a FUBAR doctrine

Biological evolution and its supposed problems do not mean much
when we are talking about rocks and mineralogy, Ted. I suspect that is
why you have been so quiet these last few months -- you can at least
pretend to know something about evolution (via tedolution), but you
probably know zippo about petrology, and have probably never looked at a
single textbook on the study of rocks in thin section, or looked at a
single rock specimen in thin section other than the ones Ed tells you are
"fossil bone". I suspect the same is true of Ed. About the only
exception may be the photocopied chapter on sandstone petrography that I
mailed Ed, but I have no idea if he or you bothered to read it. Let me
know if I am

Ed's claims will go nowhere, scientifically, until you or he
refute the obvious petrological evidence that these specimens are
sandstones. Because neither of you appear to have relevant experience
with the appearance of sandstones or other rock types in thin section, I
doubt this will ever happen. It probably also explains why you have been
so quiet about the scientific aspects of Ed's claims ever since June,
when that type of evidence became available -- you are like a fish out of

Do some reading on the petrology of sedimentary rocks, Ted. You
could do it if you really wanted to. It is not rocket science, and it
can not possibly be "corrupted by evolution", which seems to be your
standard excuse for dismissing everything else in conventional science
that disputes your claims. If you think otherwise, I would love to know
how optical mineralogy and evolution are related.

If you really wanted to do something useful, make a thin section
of some of the sandstones *surrounding* Ed's supposed fossil bones, and
try to explain away the similarity (or show us there isn't any). You and
Ed would not expect sandstone and fossil bone to look similar,
microscopically, would

Yeah, "somebody's got to do" the *petrology*, Ted, but it does
not look like it will be you or Ed anytime soon.

I doubt you will have a response to this comment other than some
claim about "propaganda", a "hate campaign", or some other transparent
and irrelevant attempt at evasion. E-mail me if you want to be sure I

[new, symmetrical Splifford deleted]

-Andrew (temporary) (temporary)
-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Steve Geller

Jan 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/20/97

. . , ,
> :
> : ____)/ \(____
> :
> : _,--''''',-'/( )\`-.`````--._
> : ,-' ,' | \ _ _ / | `-. `-.
> : ,' / | `._ /\\ //\ _,' | \ `.
> : | | `. `-( ,\\_// )-' .' | |
> : ,' _,----._ |_,----._\ ____`\o'_`o/'____ /_.----._ |_,----._ `.
> : |/' \' `\( \(_)/ )/' `/ `\|
> : ` ` V V ' '
> :

Hey, ASCII artists:

Splifford the Bat is pretty good work.

What we need is a good rendering of Archaeopteryx, for us evolutionists
to put on our taglines:

"Archy the Transitional says Creationists Lie for the Lord"


Chris Heiny

Jan 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/20/97

[redirected from alt.catastrophism,,
Why does Ed now feel his dreck is unsuited for t.o? Kitchen get a little
too hot?]

In article <>, (Ed Conrad) writes:

>Please be assured that I have more evidence than I'll ever need
>to prove that humans, hominids and large land animals existed
>during the time of the formation of anthracite.

Good for you. The scientific community has higher standards than
you do, though.

>Unfortunately, you do not want to hear my side of the story
>(concerning the transformation that occurs when bone

Um, Ed, you've suffered a reality disconnect again. Many folks
have asked exactly what this transformation is that you keep
claiming happens. You have yet to describe it.

Stephen Burgoyne Coulson

Jan 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/20/97

On 13-Jan-97 04:49:10, Ed Conrad typed concerning:
/Re: Why Andrew MacRae's opinion LACKS CREDIBILITY/

>On 9 Jan 1997, Brandon M. Gorte ( wrote:


>>Please leave the sci.* groups alone Ed.
>>Brandon Gorte

> ~~~~~

>Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
>subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
>is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
>as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or

While the subject may be suitable for such groups, your failure to include any
actual science in your posts does rather disqualify your material from the
sci.* groups.

+ _ /^^ ( Stephen B. Coulson ) +
|(_ [_ _ _ [_ _ _ |OO O ( e-mail: ) |
|,_)[_ (-'[_)[ )(-'[ ) @ \ o (, ) |
+ ~ [ ~ |o~ . (_________________________________) +

Brandon M. Gorte

Jan 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/21/97

Ted Holden ( wrote:
: (David Iain Greig) writes:
: >>Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in

: >><any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...
: >If you would care to point out lies on the site, I'll look into it.
: The "Intermediate Fossil" FAQ amounts to a big, stupid lie in its
: totality as has been noted. The "Velikovsky FAQ" is nothing more than
: a collection of lies and misconceptions. Tim Thompson's "Venus FAQ" is
: totally dishonest as has been noted and it does not take Albert Einstein
: to comprehend the problem with it.

You, Ted, are hardly Einstein. Before you point out the what's wrong
with the Ediacara site, may I suggest that you look at the inaccuracies
of your own site.

(Inaccuracies to be pointed out later)
: >If you recall, at least one page dealing specifically with you

: >was in fact *sent* to you for approval, and I have mail from you dated
: >Oct 11 1995 that expressed no serious reservations on the content
: >of that page.

: That is not the problem...

Then, what is the problem, or rather your problem. Afraid of critism
Ted. You sure dish it out, but when it comes time to pay the piper, you
whine about it.
: >>Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary

: >>conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind
: >>is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by
: >>this same David Ian Grieg to moderate
: > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: >YM "David Iain Greig". HTH. HAND.

: Then you should have the spelling legally changed. As it is, it should be
: pronounced EE-ane Grige, with the final 'i' hard...

How 'bout we change your name Ted. How 'bout "(T)Ed Conman?

Splifford set free.

Brandon Gorte
Undergrad in Geological Engineering
Michigan Technological University

David Iain Greig

Jan 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/21/97

On 21 Jan 1997 09:23:51 -0500, Ted Holden <> wrote:
> (David Iain Greig) writes:
>>>Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
>>><any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...
>>If you would care to point out lies on the site, I'll look into it.
>The "Intermediate Fossil" FAQ amounts to a big, stupid lie in its
>totality as has been noted. The "Velikovsky FAQ" is nothing more than
>a collection of lies and misconceptions. Tim Thompson's "Venus FAQ" is
>totally dishonest as has been noted and it does not take Albert Einstein
>to comprehend the problem with it.

My site does not have those documents on it. You are clearly referring
to the FAQ archive, which is located in California.
The site does have a link to the site, but then,
it also has links to yours.

>>If you recall, at least one page dealing specifically with you
>>was in fact *sent* to you for approval, and I have mail from you dated
>>Oct 11 1995 that expressed no serious reservations on the content
>>of that page.
>That is not the problem...

>>>Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary
>>>conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind
>>>is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by
>>>this same David Ian Grieg to moderate
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>YM "David Iain Greig". HTH. HAND.
>Then you should have the spelling legally changed. As it is, it
>should be pronounced EE-ane Grige, with the final 'i' hard...

Why should I change the way my name is spelled? Iain is a
Anglicization of the Gaelic 'John', also spelled 'Ian' by the English.
My last name is a clan name of MacGregor, and is also an
Anglicization, but is pronounced 'Greg' (at least in my family).

None of which alters the fact you mis-spelled my name. I'm not
particularly offended, but Usenet is a rather visual medium, and
spelling errors do seem odd when my address is in the article.

>>>Let's hear it, Grieg: what is it exactly that we're working on here?
>>>The all-time hypocrisy prize or the chutzvah prize?
>>You have failed to show me lying, Ted. I respect your right to
>>an independant opinion on matters scientific, even while I may
>>ridicule your same beliefs.

>The perception of hypocrisy comes from your having mustered the last
>possible BandarLog vote, past, present, future, living and dead to defeat
>an effort to create a moderated talk.catastrophism which produced
>over 200 pro votes, far more than is normally needed, and now wanting to

I abstained on talk.catastrophism, Ted. I didn't think it was worth
forming, but I didn't want to vote against it. Don't blame me
for the group vote failure. I didn't 'orchestrate' anything.

Really, please leave me out of your conspiracy theories.


David Iain Greig Information Services
Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Ave., Toronto, Ont. M5G 1X8 (416) 813-5390 "Arbor plena allouatarum"

I. Neill Reid

Jan 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/21/97

In article <>, writes...

>On 21 Jan 1997 09:23:51 -0500, Ted Holden <> wrote:
>> (David Iain Greig) writes:

[... snip ...]

>>>YM "David Iain Greig". HTH. HAND.
>>Then you should have the spelling legally changed. As it is, it
>>should be pronounced EE-ane Grige, with the final 'i' hard...
>Why should I change the way my name is spelled? Iain is a
>Anglicization of the Gaelic 'John', also spelled 'Ian' by the English.
>My last name is a clan name of MacGregor, and is also an
>Anglicization, but is pronounced 'Greg' (at least in my family).

No, no, no, no, no, no - get it right.
Iain is the CORRECT spelling of the Scots (and probably Irish)
Gaelic equivalent of John. Ian is a heinous southern corruption.
Greig is undoubtedly pronounced Gregg, except in Norway with i before e

Iain (not Ian or John) Neill (not Neil, Neal, Nial, Niall, or Naill) Reid (not Rede, Read or Reed)

Ted womping to continue at your leisure

Ted Holden

Jan 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/21/97
to (David Iain Greig) writes:

>>Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
>><any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...

>If you would care to point out lies on the site, I'll look into it.

The "Intermediate Fossil" FAQ amounts to a big, stupid lie in its
totality as has been noted. The "Velikovsky FAQ" is nothing more than
a collection of lies and misconceptions. Tim Thompson's "Venus FAQ" is
totally dishonest as has been noted and it does not take Albert Einstein
to comprehend the problem with it.

>If you recall, at least one page dealing specifically with you

>was in fact *sent* to you for approval, and I have mail from you dated
>Oct 11 1995 that expressed no serious reservations on the content
>of that page.

That is not the problem...

>>Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary
>>conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind
>>is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by
>>this same David Ian Grieg to moderate
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>YM "David Iain Greig". HTH. HAND.

Then you should have the spelling legally changed. As it is, it should be
pronounced EE-ane Grige, with the final 'i' hard...


>>Let's hear it, Grieg: what is it exactly that we're working on here?
>>The all-time hypocrisy prize or the chutzvah prize?

>You have failed to show me lying, Ted. I respect your right to
>an independant opinion on matters scientific, even while I may
>ridicule your same beliefs.

The perception of hypocrisy comes from your having mustered the last
possible BandarLog vote, past, present, future, living and dead to defeat
an effort to create a moderated talk.catastrophism which produced
over 200 pro votes, far more than is normally needed, and now wanting to

Ted Holden

. . , ,

____)/ \(____

_,--''''',-'/( )\`-.`````--._
,-' ,' | \ _ _ / | `-. `-.
,' / | `._ /\\ //\ _,' | \ `.
| | `. `-( ,\\_// )-' .' | |
,' _,----._ |_,----._\ ____`\o'_`o/'____ /_.----._ |_,----._ `.
|/' \' `\( \(_)/ )/' `/ `\|
` ` V V ' '

Dick Craven

Jan 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/22/97

In article <medved.853855667@access5>, (Ted Holden) wrote:
What I like about this post is that it shows Ted's posting
and arguing style so well. As you can see, Ted jumps
all over David Iain Greig, tossing insults and personal
attacks not only without cause, but entirely undeserved.

> (David Iain Greig) writes:
>>>Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
>>><any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...
>>If you would care to point out lies on the site, I'll look into it.

A polite reply to an inflammatory statement.
And note, ted opens everything with the word liar...
snip ted's claim about the Velikovsky FAQ. Strangely enough
it is not at the U of E page but rather at the T.O faq. site.

>>If you recall, at least one page dealing specifically with you
>>was in fact *sent* to you for approval, and I have mail from you dated
>>Oct 11 1995 that expressed no serious reservations on the content
>>of that page.
>That is not the problem...

Ah, but what is the problem? Stay tuned

>>>Nonetheless, some of them appear to have evolved beyond any ordinary
>>>conception of liars or anything like that. What I have in mind
>>>is the one or two posts I saw a while back regarding an attempt by
>>>this same David Ian Grieg to moderate
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>YM "David Iain Greig". HTH. HAND.
>Then you should have the spelling legally changed. As it is, it should be
>pronounced EE-ane Grige, with the final 'i' hard...

Ted doesn't like the way someone spells his name, so he attacks them
for the spelling?

>>>Let's hear it, Grieg: what is it exactly that we're working on here?
>>>The all-time hypocrisy prize or the chutzvah prize?
>>You have failed to show me lying, Ted. I respect your right to
>>an independant opinion on matters scientific, even while I may
>>ridicule your same beliefs.
>The perception of hypocrisy comes from your having mustered the last
>possible BandarLog vote, past, present, future, living and dead to defeat
>an effort to create a moderated talk.catastrophism which produced
>over 200 pro votes, far more than is normally needed, and now wanting to

In a later reply Mr. Greig explains that he abstained on that vote.
But then, facts have never meant anything to the Tedster.
On Ted's page, he makes a big deal out of being attacked by the
banderlog, listing all the times he found the word liar in the news
group once. Of course when it was pointed out that over half of the
times were either him calling someone else a liar, or his message of
that being included in other messages, he ignored that and shortly
afterwards dropped the whole thread.
For the new people, Ted wanted to set up a moderated talk group
devoted to catastrophism. This was in order to stop the t.o.howlers
from posting all their objections, and of course real science. That
proposal was voted down by something like 300 to 100. What is
interesting about that, is he only generated enough interest to
get 400 vote either way. this out of the hundreds of thousands of
subscribers to the usenet. Now he whines about how the howlers
(as he called the banderlog then) falsified the vote. Of course this
is as always without any evidence, and without reason.
>Ted Holden
As always, splifford was set free, instead of being cruely
kept tied to the net.

All opinions are mine, and no one elses.
to eliminate junk email I am using a junk email address
you can email me at

Jan 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/22/97

In article <medved.853855667@access5>, (Ted Holden) wrote:

> The "Intermediate Fossil" FAQ amounts to a big, stupid lie in its
> totality as has been noted. The "Velikovsky FAQ" is nothing more than
> a collection of lies and misconceptions. Tim Thompson's "Venus FAQ" is
> totally dishonest as has been noted and it does not take Albert Einstein
> to comprehend the problem with it.

Hah! I, Tim Thompson Himself, laugh in your face! Despite the fact that
you maintain a "response" to my FAQ file on your web page, you never even
bothered to respond to almost anything in it. Instead, you opted to put
up your comedy-version of the albedo nonsense, getting it all wrong along
the way. I can't help it if you enjoy making an arse out of yourself in
full public view.

If you think my FAQ file is 'totally dishonest', then I double-dog dare
you, right in front of everybody, to do something you have never yet been
able to do. I offer you a chance to scale new intellectual heights, to
establish for your own memory, a new personal-best. I dare you to prove it.
That's all, just show all the impatient people out there why it is 'totally

If you can do that, then I am embarrased and exposed. If not, then you
only confirm to the gathered throng why it is, that they call you ...

@| |@
@@| Air Hed Ted |@@
@| |@

Timothy J. Thompson
Professor of Planetary Atmospherics
Ginenthal Professor of Planetary Physics
Virtual University of Ediacara
Self-Appointed Holden-Buster

Andrew Spring

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97

Ted Holden ( wrote:

: (David Iain Greig) writes:

: >>Nobody connected with the Ediacara/Bandarlog WWW site is really in
: >><any> position to be calling anybody else on the planet a liar...

: >If you would care to point out lies on the site, I'll look into it.

: The "Intermediate Fossil" FAQ amounts to a big, stupid lie in its

: totality as has been noted. The "Velikovsky FAQ" is nothing more than
: a collection of lies and misconceptions. Tim Thompson's "Venus FAQ" is
: totally dishonest as has been noted and it does not take Albert Einstein
: to comprehend the problem with it.

Thank you Ted; I always knew you had a purpose in this Universe.
I hadn't heard of the Venus FAQ before, but now that you've dissed it, I'll
look into it. Given the amount of bile you've spewed on it, it must be
pretty good.

: Ted Holden

: . . , ,
: ____)/ \(____
: _,--''''',-'/( )\`-.`````--._
: ,-' ,' | \ _ _ / | `-. `-.
: ,' / | `._ /\\ //\ _,' | \ `.
: | | `. `-( ,\\_// )-' .' | |
: ,' _,----._ |_,----._\ ____`\o'_`o/'____ /_.----._ |_,----._ `.
: |/' \' `\( \(_)/ )/' `/ `\|
: ` ` V V ' '

: Splifford the bat says: Always remember

Nice bat, Ted. Slipped out of your belfry, did it?

Charles Dyer

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97

In article <>, (Paul Z. Myers) wrote:

> In article <5bmjdb$>, wrote:


> >
> > Again you'd think they'd thank Mr. Conrad rather than trying to organize
> little

> > crybaby write-in campaigns to Conrad's ISP. Prolog appears to be have

been a
> > collection of yuppies with no real knowledge of the internet and a mistaken

> > policy of trying to reply to all email. Conrad will ultimately end up

> with more
> > knowledgable people, who know how to laugh at crybaby acts.

> The complaints to his ISP were legitimate; I wouldn't complain if Ed
> persisted in his Carboniferous delusions in, but he went
> beyond the pale and posted a lot of irrelevant garbage (Columbus and
> pyramids and hallucinating coal miners) to various sci. newsgroups.

This is the part I liked best, seeing as last year around this time Teddy
emailed my ISP four times complaining about me. Seems he didn't like my
comments about his posts, and wanted me to stop or be stopped. Guess I have
one of those 'more knowledgable people, who know how to laugh at crybaby
acts' for an ISP... My postmaster still giggles uncontrollably when I
remind him of some of the choicer bits of Tedism that he emailed. Amazing,
isn't it, that Ed is to be free to spam stuff about TWA 800 et al, but I
can't indulge in a little Ted-bashing. Memo to Ted: what's sauce for the

"Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!"

to email me, remove the antispamming.

Ed Conrad

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97

On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, (Paul Z. Myers)
responded to Ted Holden's posting to, etc.,
bearing the header, ``somebody's gotta do it...":

>wrote (the following paragraph, which actually was orginally posted
>by Ed Conrad):

>> Contrary to your strongly biased and totally erroneous opinion, the
>> subject matter up for discussion -- the origin and antiquity of man --
>> is certainly not off target as subject matter for the sci.groups such
>> as, sci.anthropology, sci.anthropology.paleo or
>> sci.archaeology.

>> >...
>Well, then (wrote Myers) provide some science, not fantasy . . .

>Come on, Ted . . . there is no information of any value on that web page.

>Every scrap, every feeble little assertion that you or Ed have made
>has been shot down with only the most trivial effort, and the only
>reply you've made is this kind of whining, fact-free complaint that
>science is bad.
>There ARE big problems in evolution. Not problems that will "destroy"
>evolution, but problems that haven't been resolved. There are real
>scientists working to answer those problems, and we can expect to
>really learn something from the results. Ed's brand of clueless
>ignorance and wishful thinking is neither a challenge nor a promise

>of any kind of learning . . .

That's what YOU think, Paul Myers!
There is more scientific fact and undeniable evidence relating to the
origin and antiquity of man on Ted Holden's web page at
than can be found in ALL of your scientific establishment's
self-satisfying, theory-promoting, absent-of-fact textbooks.

Brainwashed scientists and/or those desiring to protect vested
interests obviously can see nothing on the web page, and unfortunately
never will.

But anyone with an open mind and reasonable intelligence -- like
junior high school students or, for that matter, even third- or
fourth-graders -- can see a varied collection of intriguing specimens
that, whatever they are, should not be found between coal veins.

You can sqwack all you want, Paul Myers, but the bottom line in this
heated controversy is whether the cell structure of the specimens
I claim are petrified bone is identical to the cell structure of
petrified bone officially recognized as such.

That is, ONLY the Haversian canals remain as an identifying
characteristic, since the surrounding structure -- the web-like image
plainly visible in non-petrified bone -- was displaced via the
intriguing process of petrification.

Meanwhile, you have stooped to a new low by referring to my battle
against the corrupt scientific establishment with your snide reference
to `` Ed's brand of clueless ignorance and wishful thinking."

But, low as it is, I'd say it's still a notch higher than the alltime
low resulting from the incredible effort that has been undertaken
to have me booted from the 'Net.

I have learned from an unimpeachable source that someone from
the sci.groups -- in all likelihood from -- has
to my server, demanding that I be severely punished.

I can only wonder whether it was you or Henry Barwood.

I'm sure lawyers representing the Electronic Freedom Foundation
and/or the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility will have
no problem finding out who has been hitting below the belt.

Ken Cox

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97

Dick Craven wrote:
> >>YM "David Iain Greig". HTH. HAND.
> >Then you should have the spelling legally changed. As it is, it should be
> >pronounced EE-ane Grige, with the final 'i' hard...
> Ted doesn't like the way someone spells his name, so he attacks them
> for the spelling?

Not quite. The logic is something like:

David spells his middle name "Iain"
Ted spelled David's middle name "Ian"
Ted is never wrong
Therefore David spells his middle name wrong

You probably forgot to include the third hypothesis; however it
is the most important one and must be considered in all responses
to Ted. May I suggest a refresher course at the University of
Ediacara, such as PHIL-103, "Beginning HoldenLogic". Tuition is
remarkably reasonable, considering the overhead.

Ken Cox

Paul Z. Myers

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97

In article <>, (Ed
Conrad) wrote:

Not heated at all. Your ideas have been squashed so thoroughly that the
only controversy left is in your head.

>That is, ONLY the Haversian canals remain as an identifying
>characteristic, since the surrounding structure -- the web-like image
>plainly visible in non-petrified bone -- was displaced via the
>intriguing process of petrification.

Afraid not, Ed. This is what I referred to as wishful thinking, below.
There is absolutely no sign of any of the histological features of
bone in your specimens, either of Haversian canals or of other details.
And again, if you want to make that claim, you must PROVIDE EVIDENCE.
This is another long post with no evidence, just the usual repitition
of the same old claims.

>Meanwhile, you have stooped to a new low by referring to my battle
>against the corrupt scientific establishment with your snide reference
>to `` Ed's brand of clueless ignorance and wishful thinking."
>But, low as it is, I'd say it's still a notch higher than the alltime
>low resulting from the incredible effort that has been undertaken
>to have me booted from the 'Net.
>I have learned from an unimpeachable source that someone from
>the sci.groups -- in all likelihood from -- has
>to my server, demanding that I be severely punished.
>I can only wonder whether it was you or Henry Barwood.

Sorry, wrong again. I sent a grand total of 3 notes to your old
ISP, separated by at least a month or two each. In each one, I
simply forwarded your own words (for example, your post about
Columbus) and stated that this was an example of an inappropriate
posting to sci.anthropology.paleo or sci.classics or whatever. In
one case I also forwarded a number of independent complaints from
several participants in the sci. newsgroups. I haven't sent any complaints
at all to sunlink...not that you haven't been as offensive, but you seem
to have at least cut down the volume of babble.

I suspect that it is really the result of a lot of independent complaints.
I know you can't understand this (sensitivity does not seem to be one
of your strengths), but there are quite a few irritated people in those
newsgroups who have seen you as the prime source of noise and idiocy
in what used to be some fairly straightforward, rational discussion.

>I'm sure lawyers representing the Electronic Freedom Foundation
>and/or the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility will have
>no problem finding out who has been hitting below the belt.

Just as you have the freedom to rant and rave about your pet theories,
everyone else has the freedom to complain about you. How do you propose
to convince those lawyers that they should help you restrict the use
of the internet for everyone but Ed Conrad and his delusions?

Paul Z. Myers
Dept. of Biology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 204-8848

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