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NAMBLA: a big problem

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Fred Cherry

Oct 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/24/97

In Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 00:11:42 -0600
Subject: Re: NAMBLA: a big problem
Newsgroups: wrote:

> In article <6239ju$nat$>,
> (Brian Hopkins) wrote:
> >
> > Reading this is gross! I would NEVER wnat some old hairy guy teaching
> > ME about sex! I dont care if adults protect me frm that! None of my
> > freinds would want that either! SICK! I think I'll go throw up now!!!
> Congratulations, Brian, on not being attracted to men. That must make you
> feel very proud.
> But abolishing age-of-consent laws is also about your right to date a
> playboy centerfold of your dreams. Or do you do your patriotic duty and
> censor your masturbatory fantasies to include only post-pubescent members
> of the opposite sex that are within 4 years of your age?
> The fact is that AOC laws are overwhelmingly applied in a homophobic
> pattern in cases of obviously consensual sex. Over 60% of pregnant girls
> under 16 got that way with the help of a man over 20. But these men are
> rarely held responsible for raising the child, much less charged with
> child abuse. I'm no fan of teen pregnancy, but this illustrates how your
> bigottry applied to a silly law makes felons out of boy-lovers and
> glamories irresponsible hetero girl-lovers as "studs".

Do you have any citations to back up your statement that over 60% of
pregnant girls under 16 got that way with the help of a man over 20? Or is
this one more of your NAMBLA lies?

> BTW, you ARE learning about sex from hairy old men. Who do you think
> writes the articles for Playboy, Hustler, and all the other magazines
> most boys are forced to learn about sex from? -=- Tebster

Xaviera Hollander, the one-time "Happy Hooker", who writes the sex advice
column every month in PENTHOUSE Magazine underwent a sex-change operation?
That's news to me. I saw her on the Sally Jesse Raphael telk show last
spring, and she certainly looked like a genuine woman to me. I also spoke
to her at the First International Conference on Prostitution held at the
University of California, Northridge Campus, last March. She may have put
on some weight since her days as the "Happy Hooker", and gotten a few
wrinkles, but outside of that, she hasn't changed physically.

Here are a couple of facts that are not so well known about NAMBLA.

First of all, NAMBLA is an organization which has a pathological hatred of
women. I say this on the basis of one of the items of literature that they
used to recommend. They used to hand out literature at the anual New York
City "Gay Pride" parade which included the book: THE ASBESTOS DIARY, as one
of the books on their recommended reading list. I will quote from a review
of this book which appeared in the homosexual magazine TANGENTS, dated

Consider, for example, the kind deed done to humanity by
the author ("Duke" to his friends) in the matter of the old
whore. After one of his old *inamorati* has been sent to the
hospital with "the two worse of the seven sociable diseases,
plus stricture and involvement of the prostate and bladder--
and potent penicillin which killed Mark....," Duke goes to
the boy's funeral and later, after having purchased two
small household items at Polter & Geist's Department Store,
visits the old whatever: "...I threw a sawbuck in her lap
saying it was hers in any case but to tell me the truth: Is
she free from disease? 'I'm clean as your mother, dearie!'
she lisped, sealing her doom, and soiling my gloved fist on
*impasto* complexion I clipped her on the jaw, lowered her
unconscious form to the bed and ripped off her clothes. Then
I unwrapped my purchases: a pound of powdered Plaster of
Paris and a pastry tube...mixed powder with water to smooth
batter, poured it into pastry-tube the nozzle of which I
shoved up that malodorous maladied twat where at least one
young explorer had been wrecked on his maiden-voyage -- and
*Avant-garde* frictional fiction has ever rung with praise
for the whore with the heart of gold. Now I give you
something new: the whore with the plaster vagina!" If that
act is not of "redeeming" importance, I'd like to see one
that is.
All in all, a highly entertaining book.

--Gary Taylor

In addition, NAMBLA is an organization which hates Jews. That information
comes from PENTHOUSE Magazine. In the January '85 issue of PENTHOUSE
Magazine, there is an article about child-molesters. In that article, there
is a quote from a NAMBLA publication in regard to Judianne Densen-Gerber, a
woman who has spoken out against NAMBLA, as follows:

That the New York Press (even the left wing Guardian!) still
swallow Judi as a legit source proves their gullibility--and
their complicity in the ongoing witch-hunt. Judi's abuses have
time and time again been publicly documented. Yet, like the
proverbial bad penny, she keeps turning up. And like any other
brazen loud Jewish kvetch, she won't close that motor-mouth
filled with lies. Every time that fat trap opens, she
jeopardizes public safety.

Now, please don't misunderstand. As a Jew, I'm not complaining over the
fact that NAMBLA hates us, I'm bragging about it. We Jews must be doing
something right, in order for a bunch of creeps like that to hate us!

There was an article in THE JERSEY JOURNAL (Newsstand Edition), dated
6/11/82, pages 1 and 29, describing the modus operandi of NAMBLA. The story
says that members of NAMBLA went to local fast food stores and "cased" the
stores for potential victims. It goes on to say that: "None of the victims,
it was stressed by authorities, had any previous homosexual experience."
The article then goes on to say that the victims were boys ranging in age
from eight to fourteen and that they were all poor white boys with no
father in the home. Then the NAMBLA members went to the boys' homes and
convinced the boys' mothers that the NAMBLA members were a "big brother"
charitable organization and wanted to serve as surrogate fathers. They
first took the boys on fishing and camping trips and to movies. THEN after
softening up the boys in this manner, they brainwashed the boys into
engaging in homosexual activity.


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln (Fred Cherry)

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

Fred Cherry Pit wrote:
> In Message-ID: <>
> Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 00:11:42 -0600
> Subject: Re: NAMBLA: a big problem
> Newsgroups:
> wrote:

Please note that Cherry Pit's the cross-poster here.

> > In article <6239ju$nat$>,
> > (Brian Hopkins) wrote:
> > >
> > > Reading this is gross! I would NEVER wnat some old hairy guy teaching
> > > ME about sex! I dont care if adults protect me frm that! None of my
> > > freinds would want that either! SICK! I think I'll go throw up now!!!
> >
> > Congratulations, Brian, on not being attracted to men. That must make you
> > feel very proud.
> >
> > But abolishing age-of-consent laws is also about your right to date a
> > playboy centerfold of your dreams. Or do you do your patriotic duty and
> > censor your masturbatory fantasies to include only post-pubescent members
> > of the opposite sex that are within 4 years of your age?
> >
> > The fact is that AOC laws are overwhelmingly applied in a homophobic
> > pattern in cases of obviously consensual sex. Over 60% of pregnant girls
> > under 16 got that way with the help of a man over 20. But these men are
> > rarely held responsible for raising the child, much less charged with
> > child abuse. I'm no fan of teen pregnancy, but this illustrates how your
> > bigottry applied to a silly law makes felons out of boy-lovers and
> > glamories irresponsible hetero girl-lovers as "studs".
> Do you have any citations to back up your statement that over 60% of
> pregnant girls under 16 got that way with the help of a man over 20? Or is
> this one more of your NAMBLA lies?

Mike Male's "The Scapegoat Generation", Chapter one.

> > BTW, you ARE learning about sex from hairy old men. Who do you think
> > writes the articles for Playboy, Hustler, and all the other magazines
> > most boys are forced to learn about sex from? -=- Tebster
> Xaviera Hollander, the one-time "Happy Hooker", who writes the sex advice
> column every month in PENTHOUSE Magazine underwent a sex-change operation?
> That's news to me. I saw her on the Sally Jesse Raphael telk show last
> spring, and she certainly looked like a genuine woman to me.

Good for you. Who's her boss? The fact is the het-porn industry is geared
towards objectifying women, and it's no coincidence. You didn't bother to
address just how tragic it is that porn is one of the few avenues of sex
education for young teens. -=- Tebster

(Above statement is personal opinion, etc.)


The North American Man/Boy Love Association is both
political and educational. We work to organize support for
boys and men who have or desire consensual sexual and
emotional relationships and to educate society on their
positive nature. We speak out against the oppression
endured by men and boys who love one another and support the
right of all people to consensual intergenerational
relationships. Throughout most of Western history (and not
only Western), man/boy love has been the primary form of
homoeroticism, and it is this love for which NAMBLA stands.

NAMBLA was founded in 1978, within Boston's gay and lesbian
community, in response to a witch hunt against man/boy
lovers in that city. Since then, NAMBLA has worked to build
a community of support through our publications and
conferences. Our spokespeople raise awareness of the issue
in the media and academia, before community groups, and
among the general public.

While NAMBLA's members represent a diversity of backgrounds
and politics, we all share a libertarian, humanistic
attitude on sexuality. We believe that sex is good and
wholesome and that it is an important medium of personal

NAMBLA condemns sexual abuse in all forms of coercion. We
insist there is a distinction between coercive and
consensual sex. Laws that focus only on the age of the
participants fail to capture that distinction, for they
ignore the quality of the relationship. Differences in age
do not preclude mutual, loving interaction between persons
any more than differences in race or class.

Some existing laws criminalize sexual relationships that are
loving and fully consensual. These laws are ill-conceived
and morally repugnant. As is our right, we advocate their
repeal. Nothing that we speak or write about is intended to
advocate or counsel the violation of such laws.

NAMBLA calls for the empowerment of youth in all areas, not
just the sexual. We are against arbitrary constraints on
the rights and freedom of all, young and old. We support
greater economic, political, and social opportunities for
young people and denounce the rampant ageism that segregates
and isolates them in fear and mistrust.
* =================================
North American Man/Boy Love Association
NAMBLA's legal and for real !!
USD $35/year, $50 overseas, $5 Sample to:
PO Box 174 Midtown Station
New York, NY 10018-0174 USA

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Speedbyrd :>

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

>The North American Man/Boy Love Association is both
>political and educational. We work to organize support for
>boys and men who have or desire consensual sexual and
>emotional relationships and to educate society on their
>positive nature. We speak out against the oppression
>endured by men and boys who love one another and support the
>right of all people to consensual intergenerational
>relationships. Throughout most of Western history (and not
>only Western), man/boy love has been the primary form of
>homoeroticism, and it is this love for which NAMBLA stands.
>NAMBLA was founded in 1978, within Boston's gay and lesbian
>community, in response to a witch hunt against man/boy
>lovers in that city. Since then, NAMBLA has worked to build
>a community of support through our publications and
>conferences. Our spokespeople raise awareness of the issue
>in the media and academia, before community groups, and
>among the general public.
>While NAMBLA's members represent a diversity of backgrounds
>and politics, we all share a libertarian, humanistic
>attitude on sexuality. We believe that sex is good and
>wholesome and that it is an important medium of personal

You can put whateve label you want on, but NAMBLA is a glorified band of
child molesters. The law is the law and, like it or not, any postings I
see concerning solicititation of minor children for sex will be reported to
service providers, authorties, Pedowatch, etc. So says...

Mao Tse-Tung

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

Fuck you for crossposting.

Mao Tse-Tung

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

I don't care who you think you are or what you think you represent or
who you want to fuck, but get the hell out of talk.bizarre. No one here
CARES so take the fucking newsgroup out of the line, here, I'll do it
for you.
Talk.bizarre is a losers' club for ESTABLISHED losers only. First-time
buyers cannot apply. Get the picture? FUCK OFF.

Malte Clasen

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97
to Fred Cherry

Fred Cherry wrote:

> Do you have any citations to back up your statement that over 60% of
> pregnant girls under 16 got that way with the help of a man over 20? Or is
> this one more of your NAMBLA lies?


Do not crosspost to alt.suicide !

Malte Clasen (The Update / CoPro) - ICQ 4249975
Fight Spam Now ! - Join CAUCE at

j r sherman

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

In article <>, (Speedbyrd :>) wrote:

>You can put whateve label you want on, but NAMBLA is a glorified band of
>child molesters. The law is the law and, like it or not, any postings I
>see concerning solicititation of minor children for sex will be reported to
>service providers, authorties, Pedowatch, etc. So says...

curious. well, since Usenet falls into the category of the market place of
free ideas, the right for anyone to post whatever opinions they wish to
express is not only morally correct, it's protected by the law. now, if this
person is participating in activities that are illegal, they face the
possibility of legal action, and rightly so. but to express whatever ideas
they wish within the environment of the Usenet should and is protected by the
first it should be.

i just wanted to make sure that we've all got that...


love and kisses,

j r sherman

Let's go road block trippin' in the middle of the night up
in Gainesville town There'll be blue lights flashin' down
the long dirt road when they ask me to step out They say
we be looking for illegal immigrants can we check your car
I say you know it's funny I think we were on the same boat
back in 1694
Indigo Girls

Elaine Slusar

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT

Who is Speedbyrd?

I think some one with the handle of Speedbyrd sent me an e-mail with
Mao's response to this namy bamy thing and Elspeth's name was on it

I tried answering Speedbyrd but the Postoffice kept sending it back.

What is your address, Speedbyrd, so that I may answer you.

Here is the truth about NAMBLA: The Constitution of the USA gives us the
right, not privilege, to raise our children in our own faith. In my
faith as a Christian we do ot believe in the ways of Satan. So therefore
we believe in the ways of our Father, the way of truth, love, light and

One of those rules of our Father is that sex is to be with your mate.
Your mate is to be of the opposite sex. We call this marriage. Marriage
as we civilized people know it, is Christian (of the Christian faith).

You of the Satanic faith will molest children; will do the deeds of your
Father and you will burn in Hell for all of eternity with your Father,
the Father of the lie, of darkness and death.

Love xXx

Content-Description: signature
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT

<html><bgsound src=""loop=true"><body bgcolor="000000"> <font size="5" font color="orange">
Sincerely,<a href=""><img src=""></a><br>
<center><a href=""><img src=""></a>Elaine<br> <center><a href=""><img src=""></a><br><a href="">
<img src=""></a>
<p><a href="">
<img srcd=""></a>
BOO<a href=""><img src=""></a>BOO

Matthew Skala

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

In article <>,
WarSpawn <> wrote:
>posting here, just as much as I detest SPAM. I subscribed to
>rec.arts.comics, misc,
>and for information on those topics only NOT NAMBLA.

And I, in turn, subscribed to talk.bizarre for information on that topic,
and I can only assume that you posted the above, here, because you want us
to drag the thread back onto topic for you. Why we should do your work
for you is of course an open question, but it sounds like it might be amusing.

So, kids, warm up the old injection molder, dust off that charcoal. We
have a mission: we must produce a series of NAMBLA action figures and
comic books so the thread will be on topic and WarSpawn will be happy.

"Holy hopping cavenewts, Batman! That's a big one!"
"It was the suit that got me the gig/It was Matthew Skala
the tear that got me the girl/I'm a sheep Ansuz BBS
in this wolf's clothing/I'm a picture that (250) 642-7820
I'm holding/Of someone who is cool" - Odds

Fred Cherry

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

In soc.motss Mao Tse-Tung <> wrote:
: MTTI don't care who you think you are or what you think you represent or
: MTTwho you want to fuck, but get the hell out of talk.bizarre. No one here
: MTTCARES so take the fucking newsgroup out of the line, here, I'll do it
: MTTfor you.
: MTTTalk.bizarre is a losers' club for ESTABLISHED losers only. First-time
: MTTbuyers cannot apply. Get the picture? FUCK OFF.

I got the picture, alright. You are one of falcor's stooges. You didn't
say anything to falcor when HE crossposted his homosexual child-molesting
propaganda to talk.bizarre.

Fred Cherry

Oct 26, 1997, 2:00:00 AM10/26/97

Mao Tse-Tung <> writes:

>Fuck you for crossposting.

Fuck you for writing: "Fuck you."

If you don't like crossposting, then use a killfile.

Fred Cherry

Oct 26, 1997, 2:00:00 AM10/26/97
to (WarSpawn) writes:

>What the hell does NAMBLA have to do with this newsgroup?
>Is this a recruiting effort?
>If you are gay, fine, keep it to yourself. As long as you don't
>affect me or my kids, I don't care. Cross that line, and I will
>make your life hell.
>"There's a war on between heaven and hell." Cog (Spawn 1997 HBO animated

Of course it's a recruiting effort. NAMBLA spokesmen post all over Usenet
for recruiting and propaganda purposes. Then, when anyone comnplains
persistently about this, they are denounced for "homophobia." There was
even a threat of a lawsuit for libel by one of the supporters of NAMBLA;
namely from Rod Swift, a homonazi from Australia.

Room 101

Oct 26, 1997, 2:00:00 AM10/26/97

> >>You can put whateve label you want on, but NAMBLA is a glorified band of
> >>child molesters.

I for one think we should encourage more perverts to form glorified
marching bands. Then they wouldn't spend so much time thinking about sex
with furniture. They could use all their energy towards thinking up
routines for competition, and learning to play their instruments.


Bill Oliver

Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

[attributions confused]

>> >
>> > But abolishing age-of-consent laws is also about your right to date a
>> > playboy centerfold of your dreams. Or do you do your patriotic duty and
>> > censor your masturbatory fantasies to include only post-pubescent members
>> > of the opposite sex that are within 4 years of your age?
>> > ... [snip]

>> Do you have any citations to back up your statement that over 60% of
>> pregnant girls under 16 got that way with the help of a man over 20? Or is
>> this one more of your NAMBLA lies?
>Mike Male's "The Scapegoat Generation", Chapter one.

It's irrelevent. The argument that one should decriminalize the statutory
rape of young men because laws against statutory rape of young women
are not adequately enforced is specious. One might as well argue
that we should decriminalize murder because there are historical gender
inequitites which favor female killers, or that we should decriminalize
forcible rape because of uneven application of those laws. Indeed,
as a recent case in NY which made the news has shown, we should condemn
the sexual exploitation of young women by predators such as this,
just as we should condemn the sexual exploitation of young men by
the predators who prefer them.

Oh, I know, in today's world it is considered intolerant to criticize
anybody's sexual tastes, but you will have to do better than this.


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