Take a Minute -- Friday, 4/30/10 -- TAKING MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS -- Deuteronomy 1

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J.R. & Bonnie Ricks

Apr 29, 2010, 7:01:07 PM4/29/10
to takea...@googlegroups.com
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Dogwood Ministries, Inc.

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Dear Subscribers,
THANK YOU!!! Not only did you come through and help us reach this month's budget, but you made a bit of a dent in the deficit for the year!  (See the budget report at the end of the devotional.)  We can't thank you all enough!    
God bless,
Bonnie & J.R. 






When God heard the grumbling of the Israelites, it really infuriated Him.  It's easy to understand why.  How angry do you get at your children or your friends or your family or anyone else that you've spent time and effort ministering to who then start complaining if you don't do things exactly as they think you should?  There's really nothing quite so infuriating as an ungrateful person, is there?


God decided He'd had enough.  He informed the Israelites that none of them would ever set foot in the Promised Land - none except Caleb and Joshua, that is.  These two would be the only two adults who had lived in slavery in Egypt who would see God's promise of the land of Canaan brought about.  Everyone else would die in the wilderness.


When the Israelites heard this, they changed their minds.  Amazing how quickly fear can be replaced by self-interest, isn't it?  They said, "We have sinned against the Lord.  We will go up and fight, as the Lord our God commanded us."  They got all suited up and got ready to head into Canaan to fight. (v. 41)   God told Moses to tell them, "Don't do it.  You've already blown it.  I'm not going with you.  You're going to lose."  But the people didn't listen, and they headed up into the hill country.  Not surprisingly, the Amorites who lived there chased them out, easily and decisively.  It was no contest because God was not with them.  They went against what God told them, took matters into their own hands, and they were defeated.


Are you and I any different?  In an average day, how many things do we present to the Lord for His guidance, and how many do we try to handle on our own?  And how many times are we successful?


If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to place everything in your life in God's hands – and that means everything.  Remember, He has the whole game plan and is in control anyway.  Quit trying to shove Him out of the way.  You’ll be awed at how greatly you’ll be blessed for letting go.


April Budget Report

Dogwood Ministries Monthly Budget:  $1,500.00  

Received as of  4/30/10: $1,739.91   

 Excess received$239.91    

To make a donation, go to www.paypal.com

Click on “Send Money” and address your gift to


If you prefer snail mail, contact us for address.

REMINDER:  Dogwood Ministries, Inc. is a U.S. 501(c)(3) not-for-profit religious corporation. All U.S. donations are tax deductible.

Thank you for your support!

God bless you all!



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