SWFObject + Flash player 10

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Oct 16, 2008, 7:10:40 AM10/16/08
to SWFObject

I installed Flash Player 10 today (ver to be precise) and
my sites which use SWFObject (v.2, dynamic publishing) don't display
the Flash file. This is a problem across all but one of the browsers I
tested on: FF 2 and 3 (no adBlock installed), IE 6 & 7, Chrome and
Safari 3. Bizarrely it works with Opera 9.10. These are all on PC btw.

It looks like the Flash file is being initialised but then nothing
displays. If you right-click on the movie you get the usual Flash

Here's an example site where we're using it: http://www.bbk.ac.uk.

We're also using sIFR on this page which only works with Flash 10 on
sIFR version 3 (I've got that working on a dev site). Both the
SWFObejct and sIFR code worked fine with FP 9.

The code I'm using isn't too complex. This is the code which is
replaced using SWFObject:

<div id="home-page-image">
<a href="http://www.bbk.ac.uk/openeve"><span id="home-page-
flash"><img src="http://www.bbk.ac.uk/images/home-page-images/
PGhomepageNovNab.jpg" width="435" height="290" alt="Click here for
more information about our Postgraduate Open Evening" /></span></a>

and this is the Javascript which is just below the closing </body>

<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">if (document.getElementById('home-page-
flash')) {
swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.bbk.ac.uk/flash/homepage.swf", "home-
page-flash", "435", "290", "");

I've tried with SWFObject 2.1 and I get the same result.

I'd be grateful for any advice. If this is a problem local to my PC
then that's ok but I'm worried it's more widespread than that.



Oct 16, 2008, 9:13:18 AM10/16/08
to SWFObject
I'm seeing the same results with one of my projects that is using
dynamic publishing, after upgrading to flash player 10. In both IE7 &
FF3. Same deal, the flash object is added to DOM- I can see it with
Firebug, but unable to see/interact with it.


Oct 16, 2008, 9:17:38 AM10/16/08
to SWFObject
Hi David,

We have thoroughly tested FP10 + SWFObject and all seems to work fine.

However there are differences between FP9 and FP10, e.g. some new
security measures which may cause your content not to display. Please
take a look at the new Flash Player articles on Adobe Devnet to see
what has changed.

Unrelated, it is better (if possible) to put your SWFObject
definitions in the head section of your HTML page, also ""
should be "9.0.115" there SWFObject doesn't take build numbers into

- B


Oct 16, 2008, 11:22:13 AM10/16/08
to SWFObject
Hi Bobby,

Thanks for this -- it looks like you may be right about this not being
a SWFObject-specific problem as a standard HTML <object> embed causes
the same problem. I'm pretty stumped to be honest. I've read some of
the Adobe docs but they don't mean a whole lot to me so don't really
know where to start.

BTW, if I place my SWObject javascript call in the <head> of my page
it generates that old, "Internet Explorer cannot open the internet
site ..." error in IE6. Having the call at the bottom of the page
doesn't affect other browsers, so I'll need to leave it there for the
time being at least.



Oct 16, 2008, 11:31:06 AM10/16/08
to SWFObject
I re-published my flash project, but changed publish setting local
playback security from "Access local files only" to "Access network
only". I guess this is maybe a more appropriate setting anyway,
because it's a basically a video player. Anyway, now it works again.


Oct 16, 2008, 11:58:16 AM10/16/08
to SWFObject
RE: I place my SWObject javascript call in the <head> of my page
it generates that old, "Internet Explorer cannot open the internet
site ..." error in IE6

This is caused by the base tag you are using, this is a known issue,
please read Q4 of our FAQ how to avoid this:

- B

Geoff Stearns

Oct 16, 2008, 2:12:48 PM10/16/08
to SWFObject
argh, I replied to this, but I guess the groups thing swallowed my
reply :)

Here's what I posted:

I see the missing swf as well - it says "Movie not loaded..." which
usually means the path is wrong in the embed code...

I looked and the swf is there, but i was prompted to download it when
I loaded the url, which shouldn't happen. So I dug a little more and
looked at the headers returned by the swf, and saw this:

content-disposition attachment; filename="pgopeneve.swf"

Now it could be because i'm on hotel wifi, but if everyone else sees
that too, that could be your problem.

Here's more info on the issue:

On Oct 16, 7:10 am, DavidL <d.little1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Getify Solutions

Oct 16, 2008, 3:05:05 PM10/16/08
to swfo...@googlegroups.com
I get prompted to open/save as well... from my work LAN (which doesn't
otherwise have problems with SWF's!) on IE7 winXPSP3. Could be a server


From: "Geoff Stearns" <ge...@deconcept.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 1:12 PM
To: "SWFObject" <swfo...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: SWFObject + Flash player 10


Oct 17, 2008, 4:27:25 AM10/17/08
to SWFObject
Hi, thanks so much everyone for all your help with this -- it's been
really helpful. Think I've learned loads about Flash (and SWFObject)
in the last 24 hours :)

That content-disposition header is most probably where my problem lies
and seems to be coming from our application/CMS environment (Zope/
Plone). Once the file's on the Apache filesystem we don't see the
problem. Hopefully this isolates the problem so I can sort it out.

Sorry, getting a bit off-topic here, but thanks again all!


On Oct 16, 8:05 pm, "Getify Solutions" <get...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I get prompted to open/save as well... from my work LAN (which doesn't
> otherwise have problems with SWF's!) on IE7 winXPSP3.  Could be a server
> problem.
> --Kyle
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Geoff Stearns" <ge...@deconcept.com>
> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 1:12 PM
> To: "SWFObject" <swfo...@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: Re: SWFObject + Flash player 10
> > argh, I replied to this, but I guess the groups thing swallowed my
> > reply :)
> > Here's what I posted:
> > I see the missing swf as well - it says "Movie not loaded..." which
> > usually means the path is wrong in the embed code...
> > I looked and the swf is there, but i was prompted to download it when
> > I loaded the url, which shouldn't happen. So I dug a little more and
> > looked at the headers returned by the swf, and saw this:
> > content-disposition attachment; filename="pgopeneve.swf"
> > Now it could be because i'm on hotel wifi, but if everyone else sees
> > that too, that could be your problem.
> > Here's more info on the issue:
> >http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/fplayer10_security_c...

Giancarlo Bianchin Machado

Oct 22, 2008, 4:21:09 PM10/22/08
to SWFObject

well, remove "Content-Disposition: attachment"?
how do remove? Sorry, I don't understand..


David Little

Oct 23, 2008, 4:32:08 AM10/23/08
to swfo...@googlegroups.com

You need to change the headers sent out by your server, e.g. by
scripting (which is what I did). This will change depending on your
server environment so you might need to do some Googling :)


2008/10/22 Giancarlo Bianchin Machado <gia...@gmail.com>:

Giancarlo Bianchin Machado

Oct 23, 2008, 3:16:12 PM10/23/08
to SWFObject
Tanks David..

I find in google..

What's modify where?

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
swfobject.addDomLoadEvent(function() {
var flashvars = {file:'/catalogo/mediaDisplay?id=550'};
var params = {menu: 'false'};
var attributes = {};
"_id73:myContent", "500", "400", "10.0.12", false, flashvars,
params, attributes);
//--></script><div id="_id73:myContent"><h1>Alternative content</h1></


Giancarlo Bianchin Machado

Oct 23, 2008, 4:02:35 PM10/23/08
to SWFObject
if download and open in http://www.richnetapps.com/download/videoplayer/index.htm

its show the message "The Flash player you have is obsolete. Please go
to Macromedia to install the latest version" in flash 10.

flash 9 its work.

On Oct 23, 4:16 pm, Giancarlo Bianchin Machado <gia...@gmail.com>

Aran Rhee

Oct 23, 2008, 8:07:48 PM10/23/08
to swfo...@googlegroups.com

I think the issue you are seeing is different to what David is talking
about. It seems that you are just finding a site which has a bad player
detection script.

You should contact the site admin and let them know that their content is
broken in FP10.



Oct 28, 2008, 3:58:18 PM10/28/08
to SWFObject
Here is solution for Plone users

Getify Solutions

Oct 28, 2008, 4:34:46 PM10/28/08
to swfo...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for letting us know, Solo. This is a very helpful gotcha to be aware
of. Me thinks me can expect lots of similar problems reported on this list
as we move forward and more and more people get FP10. The fix is relatively
easy to do, for at least some.

But, the real problem here is that the most likely to hit up against this
gotcha are those who are in shared hosting environments, where this
"content-disposition:attachment" header is intentionally set by the server
admins to protect end-users from untrusted/user-uploaded content.
Unfortunately, those people are also least likely to have any control over
convincing their shared hosting provider to change it, since the change
affects potentially *lots* of people, not just one customer.

Bummer, but an unfortunate necessary evil in today's security-paranoid world
(and rightly so, probably).

I'm glad I run my own servers. :)


From: "Solo" <in...@atlaswebstudio.ru>
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 2:58 PM


Nov 11, 2008, 3:38:58 AM11/11/08
to SWFObject
So if the server needs to set the content-disposition to attachment to
help the end-user from getting molested
by malicious codes, then a few possible solutions at the moment should
consider the old but fine double check handshake.
So if all terms are met, then the server content-disposition will be
set to a different property. Maybe this should be done
by a Adobe maintained domain blacklist, or code blacklist. Then I
would go to the settings of FFP10 and add my domain, which
will be checked and then stored, so that everytime somebody visits my
domain there will be a short double check and after the
handshake the swf will load.

On 28 okt, 21:34, "Getify Solutions" <get...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FTA:http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/fplayer10_security_c...
> Thanks for letting us know, Solo.  This is a very helpful gotcha to be aware
> of.  Me thinks me can expect lots of similar problems reported on this list
> as we move forward and more and more people get FP10.  The fix is relatively
> easy to do, for at least some.
> But, the real problem here is that the most likely to hit up against this
> gotcha are those who are in shared hosting environments, where this
> "content-disposition:attachment" header is intentionally set by the server
> admins to protect end-users from untrusted/user-uploaded content.
> Unfortunately, those people are also least likely to have any control over
> convincing their shared hosting provider to change it, since the change
> affects potentially *lots* of people, not just one customer.
> Bummer, but an unfortunate necessary evil in today's security-paranoid world
> (and rightly so, probably).
> I'm glad I run my own servers.  :)
> --Kyle
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Solo" <i...@atlaswebstudio.ru>
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