Another minor IE9 issue

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Mar 18, 2011, 12:04:52 PM3/18/11
to SWFFit
In IE9, swffit is giving me extraneous vertical scrollbars. Take a
look at, and compare the expander
appearance in, say, FF to that in IE9. Resizing the window (there's a
little grab handle on the lower right) makes no difference.

You can view just the page in question, broken out of the expander, at

I suspect that IE9 is reporting the viewport height in a way that the
script isn't expecting, and it's a few pixels off (looks like about

The only workaround for now is to change the calling page to do IE8
emulation (<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
content="IE=EmulateIE8">). That's a bit of a sledgehammer, of course!

Miller Medeiros

Mar 18, 2011, 1:10:52 PM3/18/11
that should be a really easy fix.. the problem is that I'm so busy lately working on other client projects and other personal projects that when I' have free-time I don't want to code anymore :P I didn't even installed IE9 yet on my machine (so I never even seen the bug).

the problem should be on these lines:

this should fix it (didn't tested it since don't have IE9 and requires swfobject 2.2+):

//fix window innerSize difference when scrollbar is visible
var fixScroll = (!IE || (IE &&[0] >= 9));
iw -= (fixScroll && ih <= _mh)? 18 : 0;
ih -= (fixScroll && iw <= _mw)? 18 : 0;

my plan was to make a complete re-write of swffit but this plan is being delayed for the past 2 years.. not sure if I will ever make it since I'm not even coding flash that much and/or using swffit.


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Mar 18, 2011, 3:52:41 PM3/18/11
to SWFFit
Thanks, but that seems to be making no difference at all, I'm afraid.
And I know almost no Javascript whatsoever, so I'm not really in a
good position to experiment with similar solutions - I really wouldn't
know where to start!

Now that IE9 has been released officially, you should probably install
it. It's not just this problem - there are some other quirks showing
up in it, and it may affect other work that you're doing. I've had a
few nasty surprises so far. :(

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