TurboGears and Subway (Ticket #216)

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Kevin Dangoor

Dec 20, 2005, 10:56:45 AM12/20/05
to subway...@googlegroups.com
This is the message I sent to the TurboGears group on this subject a
short time back. I forgot to cc subway-devel on it...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Dangoor <dan...@gmail.com>
Date: Dec 20, 2005 9:50 AM
Subject: TurboGears and Subway
To: turbo...@googlegroups.com

It got to be too late last night for me to finish writing the context
for this message. I've just put two postings up on my blog to provide
the context about this.



I wrote "Python and the One Web Framework" to put this discussion in
what I think is a realistic context (ie working with a goal to "save
Python" is missing the point). "What TurboGears Is Not" provides the
context around what it would mean to "break" TurboGears.

TurboGears already has businesses using it for real work (I met with
one just last week), a book in the works, interest from hosting
companies, etc. All of these people are counting on 0.9 being released
soon, and 1.0 soon after that. Holding things up to try to mix in some
new features seems iffy.

Additiionally, not all new features are "good". We'll have to think
about which features fit into the TurboGears way of doing things or
can be made to feel like natural extensions of TurboGears.

Before this discussion started publicly, Peter Hunt emailed me
directly about this. I told him that "the devil's in the details". I'm
all for cooperation and there are a few sharp people working on Subway
who would be great to work with. But, we can't "break" TurboGears in
the process.

So, there are some initial thoughts on the idea.



Dec 20, 2005, 1:43:51 PM12/20/05
to subway...@googlegroups.com
Hi Kevin,

I know you, you can't break TurboGears now. Main things IMHO are:
- Controllers
- Templates
- Structure

So these three option are unremovable, then we could make some changes
to form handling to have Subway method: TurboGears handles manual
schemas as i know while Subway both manual and auto directly from
files, and i think this feature is not a problem and could give a
feature more to TG.

CherryFlow is another cool extension which could be inserted easily...

I think this could be a start point...

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