What's the stateSpout used for?

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Jimmy Jim

Jan 5, 2012, 9:07:11 AM1/5/12
to storm-user
I tracked the process of submit topology in storm,and found nothing to
do with the stateSpoutMap.
So,What's the stateSpout userd for?

Nathan Marz

Jan 6, 2012, 6:52:49 AM1/6/12
to storm...@googlegroups.com
The state spout isn't fully implemented yet, so you should ignore it for now. When it's finished, it will allow you to synchronize external sources of state into a topology. 

Other things have been higher priority, delaying its development (especially the upcoming TransactionalSpout).
Twitter: @nathanmarz

Richards Peter

Jan 6, 2012, 7:05:48 AM1/6/12
to storm...@googlegroups.com
Hi Nathan,

This mail is not related to the issue reported in the mail's subject. But it is related to you reply to the previous mail.

I would like to know the release plans for TransactionalSpout. By when can we expect a release with this feature? This is a feature that all of us are looking forward to.


Nathan Marz

Jan 6, 2012, 7:19:25 AM1/6/12
to storm...@googlegroups.com
I'm finishing up development/testing of it. So the abstraction itself is planned to be done within the next week, but I was going to wait to release it until I had a concrete implementation of it (going to try Apache Kafka for first attempt).

Are you interested in having access to TransactionalSpout before I produce the Kafka implementation?

Richards Peter

Jan 6, 2012, 7:29:45 AM1/6/12
to storm...@googlegroups.com
Hi Nathan,

We are interested to have an access to TransactionSpout. We would really like to know how it would look like. We would also like to have a documentation(even though it is simple) on the api exposed like how the flow of control takes place.

Thanks and regards,

Nathan Marz

Jan 6, 2012, 7:35:50 AM1/6/12
to storm...@googlegroups.com
I'll make a development release when TransactionalSpout is ready.

TransactionalSpout is actually one piece of the larger abstraction of "transactional topologies", which is essentially a pipelined and generalized incremental batch processing abstraction on top of Storm. If you want to see what it will look like, see this package in the transactional-spout branch:

The key things to look at there are:

1. TransactionalTopologyBuilder
2. ITransactionalSpout
3. ITransactionalBolt

I'm only planning some minor API changes to what you see there.

Of course, this will all be thoroughly documented when it's released.

Richards Peter

Jan 6, 2012, 7:39:58 AM1/6/12
to storm...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Nathan for sharing the link. Lets check it out.

Richards Peter.
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