For the sake of brainstorming, if it were to be implemented in Squeryl, that's
how I would do it :
1) By adding this field to Session :
val readSlaveConnectionFactory: Option[()=>Connection] = None
and these methods :
def doesSlaveReading = readSlaveConnectionFactory != None
def createSlaveReadConnection = {
// save the connection somewhere to cleanup upon close....
2) And modifying the executeQuery method in org.squeryl.DatabaseAdaptor trait :
------------------------------------ before ------------------------------------
def executeQuery(s: Session, sw: StatementWriter) = exec(s, sw) {
val st = prepareStatement(s.connection, sw, s)
(st.executeQuery, st)
------------------------------------ after ------------------------------------
def executeQuery(s: Session, sw: StatementWriter) = exec(s, sw) {
val c =
val st = prepareStatement(c, sw, s)
(st.executeQuery, st)
This way, update, inserts and deletes would user the connection tied to the Session,
while read queries would use the ones created by the readSlaveConnectionFactory when != None.
For clustering, it would be up to the readSlaveConnectionFactory closure to
implement whatever policy is needed.
As for where it should be implemented, I think I just convinced myself that it's
trivial enough to make it worth to implement it in Squeryl.
Doing it in the application code will make things verbose as hell, in the
JDBC layer sounds hackish or at best more complex than necessary when I start thinking about
how it would have to be implemened at this level