"Profiling" mode

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Jonathan Ellis

Oct 30, 2006, 6:38:55 PM10/30/06
to sqlal...@googlegroups.com
For me it has been useful in the past to track overall database query
speed so I could optimize the query taking the most aggregate time.
(I.e., execution time * times executed.) It looks to me like this
could be hooked in to SA pretty easily, with just a minor change to
Connection._execute_raw, using statement as the key to aggregate on.
(You could even define two _execute_raws and pick one at runtime to
avoid any overhead when not in profiling mode.) This seems to work

start = time.time()
if parameters is not None and isinstance(parameters, list)
and len(parameters) > 0 and (isinstance(parameters[0], list) or
isinstance(parameters[0], dict)):
self._executemany(cursor, statement, parameters,
self._execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context=context)
end = time.time()
profile_data[statement] = profile_data.get(statement, 0) +
(end - start)

Of course, this only tells you what generated SQL is slow, not what
code caused those queries to run, but it's easy enough to grab caller
info from the stack. But am I missing other code paths that would
have to be tracked?

Jonathan Ellis

Michael Bayer

Oct 30, 2006, 6:56:09 PM10/30/06
to sqlal...@googlegroups.com
id look into building this as a ProxyEngine. _execute and
_executemany might be better targets for profiling but its not super-

Jonathan Ellis

Jan 18, 2007, 1:34:51 AM1/18/07
to sqlal...@googlegroups.com
I finally came back to this. Here's what I ended up with:

# I tried to enable profiling on a per-engine level before resorting to this
# hack. (Monkey-patching classes by scanning the gc! Woot!)
# Per-engine profile turns out to totally not work because there's so many
# layers of "clever" stuff going on (well, primarily PoolConnectionProvider
# returning proxies instead of real Connections) that it's really impossible to
# decorate Connections in a general manner by relying on
# Too bad, because it was rather more elegant.
# This will work no matter how many layers of proxies there are...
def enable_profiling():
import gc
for o in gc.get_objects():
if isinstance(o, type):
if o == Connection or Connection in o.__bases__:
o._execute = _profilingexecute
o._executemany = _profilingexecutemany

where the _profilingexecute methods do pretty much what was discussed before.

Jonathan Ellis

Jan 18, 2007, 1:41:22 AM1/18/07
to sqlal...@googlegroups.com
Thinking about it more, I should probably just override the methods of
Connection itself and not worry about subclasses. If someone is
overriding _execute*, he can do his own damn profiling. :)
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