12- is a win for Left

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Josh Purinton

Jan 6, 2007, 10:45:59 AM1/6/07
to sprouts...@googlegroups.com
Aunt Beast recently calculated that 12- 1(13)1[2-7] is a P-position.
Therefore, 12-spot misere sprouts is a win for Left. The calculations
took over a week.

This result contradicts both the AJS Misere Sprouts Conjecture and the
Hudson Conjecture <http://www.geocities.com/chessdp/glossary.htm>.

The winning move for Left in 12- was recently suggested by Roman Khorkov

Josh Purinton <joshpu...@gmail.com>
To the question, "Will there ever be a computer as smart as a human?"
I think the correct answer is, "Well, yes. . . very briefly." -
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