[ANN] Spock Framework 0.3 released

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Peter Niederwieser

Nov 21, 2009, 4:34:51 AM11/21/09
to Spock Framework
Dear Spock community,

I'm happy to announce the release of Spock 0.3.

What's new in this release:
- A Grails plugin that integrates seamlessly with the Grails build
system and supports all the features of the built-in Grails testing,
plus more (see http:/grails.org/plugin/spock)
- A Guice module for testing applications based on Guice 2
- A Tapestry module for testing applications based on the Tapestry 5
IoC container
- A Spring module that brings Spring's TestContext framework to Spock
(see http://wiki.spockframework.org/SpringExtension)
- A well-defined inheritance model for specifications (see
- Smart String comparison in conditions (see http://meet.spockframework.org/?id=4001)
- Many other improvements

For a list of fixed issues, see http://issues.spockframework.org/list?can=1&q=label%3AMilestone-0.3

Spock 0.3 is a drop-in replacement for Spock 0.2. However, it
introduces some minor syntactical changes that will become mandatory
in Spock 0.4. See http://wiki.spockframework.org/ImportantChanges for
the details.

To test-drive Spock 0.3 in your browser, visit http://meet.spockframework.org.
An example project with ready-to-run Maven, Ant, and Gradle builds can
be obtained from http://files.spockframework.org/spock-example-0.3.zip.
Jars are available from Maven Central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/

Many thanks to our new committer Luke Daley for creating the fantastic
Grails plugin. Expect to see new exciting features as the plugin

Thanks (in alphabetical order) to Devoxx, Michael Hampel, Paul King,
Dirk Koenig, Guillaume Laforge, and the rest of the Spock/Groovy
community for their support.

Happy spec'ing!
Peter Niederwieser
Founder, Spock Framework

PS: I'm looking for opportunities to spread the word about Spock. If
you want me to speak at your event, drop me a line: pniederw at gmail
dot com.

Luke Daley

Nov 21, 2009, 7:04:15 AM11/21/09
to spockfr...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the release Peter!

On 21/11/2009, at 2:34 PM, Peter Niederwieser <pnie...@gmail.com>
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