Spiritual Words.

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Mark Sadek

Apr 22, 2010, 9:31:11 PM4/22/10
to spiritu...@googlegroups.com


"...we grapple with this 'law of sin' (Rom. 8:2) and expel it from our body, establishing in its place the surveillance of the intellect. Through this surveillance we prescribe what is fitting for every faculty of the soul and every member of the body. For the senses we prescribe what they should take into account and to what extent they should do so, and this exercise of the spiritual law is called self-control."

St. Gregory Palamas.


"I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." Galatians 5:16


The Bible reading for the 15th of Baramouda, April 23rd, is:
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 33 They answered Him, We are Abraham's descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can you say, `You will be made free'? 34 Jesus answered them, Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. 37 I know that you are Abraham's descendants, but you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you. 38 I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father. 39 They answered and said to Him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them, If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham. (John 8:31-39)
Commemoration of the Consecration of the first altar for St. Nicholas, Bishop of Mora for the Jacobite Christians.
Commemoration of the Consecration of the church of St. Agabus, the Apostle.
Departure of St. Alexandra, the Empress.
Departure of Pope Mark (Marcus) VI, the 101st. Patriarch.

The Bible reading for the 16th of Baramouda, April 24th, is: John 6:47-56
Martyrdom of St. Antipas, Bishop of Pergamos.

The Bible reading for the 17th of Baramouda, April 25th, is: John 4:1-42
Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle Brother of St. John the Apostle.


Prayer Requests:
If you have an update on a prayer request, please let me know.

Please remember the following in your prayers:

Julia M.S. - An infant with a lung deficiency disorder
Julie - In a coma from a serious car accident
Marian L - Late stage MS
Nadia - Lung cancer
John - Brain aneurysm
Eva - Paralyzed from a stroke
Sonty P. - Suffering from cancer. Please pray for her healing and financial ability.
Lidya P. - Suffering from a stroke.
Rev. Davy P. - Suffering from hepatitis type B.
Kassab - Back operation.
Somaya M. - Being tested for breast cancer.
Peter and family - inoperable grade 4 brain tumour
Eman, Hany and Daniel - Suffered serious injuries from a car accident
The family of Neveen M.
Emil S. - Open heart surgery.
Clement - Lung and liver cancer
M.M.- metabolic syndrome
Mary Ann G. - Stomach Cancer
Sherien - Cancer
Emad. Please pray for his family
Scott - Crones Disease
J. Shapiro - Cancer.
C.L. - Complete recovery after a tragic car accident.
T.M. - Imprisoned in Abu Dhabi
M. Ragheb - Out of the ICU but he is still under critical care
M. Fleming - Multiple brain and spinal cord diseases.
Fr. Wissa Bessada
G. Roubil - Out of ICU
Elizabeth - Liver cancer.
The Coptic mission trip to Mexico.
Camilo, Julio Renaldo, Diego and family, Hong and Pablo - Accept the faith and get baptized.
H.H. Pope Shenouda III
David - rectal and liver cancer.
The family of Larry W. - May the Lord grant them peace.
H.M - Hardship.
William H. - Cancer
Makram G. - Liver Cirrhosis in the last stages
Emad - Lung cancer.
Albert - Operation
Eva S - Breast Cancer- Thank God the critical stage is over and she's recovering well now!
M.B.- Breast Cancer
Mark - brain tumor
Fr. Anthony H.
Luka-- May God unite him with his family.
F.Z. may God help him in his service.
Tasony Esther, May God heal her and comfort her.
Akmal T. - Major heart surgery.
Amal M - Lymphoma Cancer.
Shery - Tumor near her spinal chord.
E.Salamah - Breast Cancer.
Mena - Displaced mandibular joint.
Esme - Severe lupus with heart & brain function involvement.
Yvone Y. - Serious Eye Surgery. The doctors now feel she might not need the surgery at all.
Anthony - PTSD from Iraq
Elisha Mary - return to Communion
E. - Brain tumor, 22 yrs old with 2 kids.
M. Chouinard and her family and students.
Sharon P - Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, PTSD
Jan P - pancreatic cancer
Becky Cox D - bone marrow cancer
Eric G - throat cancer
Samantha M - Type 1 diabetes
Amelia T - Breast Cancer
Anthony C - Kidney Stones
Emad: To be closer to God
Safa: To be closer to God
Badra: Comfort
Souzy: Guidance
Leelamma M - Please pray for her family.
Vladimir and Vaclav.
Steve - Depression.
M Said.
Viola - Pray for her soul and her family to know the Lord and understand HIS work
Sandy: God open her eyes, give her wisdom
Nicole: Wisdom
K. Abdelmessih

Ramy's soul which is far from Christ
Andrew - Fill his heart with faith, peace, forgiveness and love toward his parents
Sue A & family - return of the family’s faith, spiritual growth, guidance & strength in their homeschooling
Lackraj L. - has been in the hospital for 2 months
Marianne and her family
E. Farag's family
Fr. Leonidas - Brain tumor
Joseph W. - Prostate cancer
DS and family - cancer, stroke and paralysis
Nader S - Hardship
Hanaa S - Breast Cancer
Zakia A. - Cancer
Nasr H. - Emphysema - Doing better.
Lucy B. - Breast cancer
Amira C - severe and chronic Lyme Disease
N M- God's will in her testing for cancer; and His GREAT support for her if it is positive. Thank God, the testing result turns out to be negative.
Susan - mental illness, marital problems and neglect of children.
Dina - Spiritual healing and wisdom
Carol - Rare autoimmune disease that's left her immobile.
Hayam R. - Cancer in her ovaries.
Susu G. - Breast Cancer.
MH - Major heart problems and in dire need of spiritual guidance.
Tony H. - Colon cancer, kidney and heart problem.
Ramy M - Insomnia and mental problem.
Ghassan A. - Cancer. He has 3 kids.
Maria B. - Lymphoma Cancer - away from God.
Neveen S. - Brain Damage.
N.S. - Breast cancer.
Veronia - Newly born baby girl in intensive care with brain damage.
Walter O. - Was operated on to have cancerous growths removed from inside his right lung.
Celeste D. - Cancer.
Nasr N. - Cancer.
Angelita - Severe Insomia and Depression.
Fr. Abraam.
Susan - depression and spiritual healing.
M.H. - Lymphoma
Hoda - Depression and suicidal thoughts
Ibrahim - Renounced his faith due to failures and hardships
Steve, Paul, Victor, Frances, Foad - To experience and love Christ
The family of Olympia.
Greg - throat cancer
Marian and Paul - Marian recently had a miscarriage
Sophie - multiple health issues
Fathia - dementia
Family of HW who committed suicide
Mark H - MS
F. Saad - Heart Attack.
Angel N. - Lymph Node Cancer - recovered, Pray it won't return
Marina - A Highschool freshman with Leukemia
R.T. - A 14 years old girl with Leukemia.
S.Henin - Autoimmune Disease.
Mike - recovering alcoholic, who lost his son to alcohol & drug addiction & suicide.
Matt - May God have mercy on his soul
Mark N - 20 years old with cancer and just started chemeotherapy.
Berna, Raouf and Alex Halim - Serious car accident, Raouf is in the ICU.
Wahid Girgus - MS
Andrew and his parents - 10 days old infant with the Lymphatic nodes not working and other medical consequences.
John and his parents - unborn baby with kidney damage.
S. Magda - Health problems.
M & O - Family problems
Ariana - 3 1/2yrs, inoperable brain tumor
Noussa B. - Heal her.
Magdy B - Cancer.
Megan - Hodgkins Lyphoma - Thank God, her Hodgkins Lymphoma is now in remission
Abouna A - Prostate Cancer - unforuntately, now has brain cancer as well.
Judi & John - Son with Severe Developmental Disabilities
Anthony - Autism
Christina - Chronic Pain
Karen & Tony - Infertility - Thank God, They, had a Baby Boy (Garrett)
Steve - Cancer (fighting it for 10 years +)
Samiha - Dementia
Adly - Parkinson's Disease
The Christian Minority in Noshara, Pakistan.
Nancy - Glass went into her right eye.
D. Arteaga - Surgery
Fadia - Breast Cancer.
Tara - Systematic Lupus and financial and family problems
J.David - Depression,School,Drug problems, needs God's Guidance.
George k - Cancer
Frances - Brain Tumor
Alber - Cancer
K - Depression, anxiety, addiction, pride and spiritual estrangement
E. Tawadros - Guide her to the right path and grant her wish.
E. Sidhom - Cancer.
Adel Gendy - 10 years old with kidney failure, needs a kidney transplant.
Joseph - Prostrate Cancer
Mary - Breast cancer
A.K Matthew - Colon Cancer
Enyat - severe diabetes.
Samy - Bone cancer.
MS - Mercy, Comfort, Strength, Healing and Protection
AAM -- Love, Healing, Comfort, Strength, Support and Guidance
MM -- Love, Healing, Comfort, Strength, Support and Guidance
SE -- Love, Healing
GE -- Love, Comfort, Strength, Support, Guidance
Helen - severe epileptic seizures.
Stephan - 48 years old, muscular dystrophy, diabetes, stroke.
Scott - 4 months old baby desperately in need of a bone marrow donor.
Douglas McLead - Cancer and kidney failure.
Mrs. McLead - Parkinson disease.
Fr Benjamin, Photini, Marina, Miriam, Moses.
Nicholas - constant back pain.
Michael - 9 years old boy with a progressive brain tumor.
Sarah - Back problems and might need an operation soon.
Mayrvat and her 3 kids. She has been separated from her kids.
Elizabeth - bi-polar disease and other problems.
Fr. Constantine S. Palassis - suffers from symptoms of dementia.
Heidy - Depression and other problems.
Esther - Intestinal problems.
Nick - chemotherapy.
Sue S. - Advanced Cancer.
Helen P. - severe depression and diabetes.
Pamela P. - chronic depression and financial difficulties.
Shafika - kidney failure.
Mary Beth - Obesity & Diabetes.
Jean - Neurological back problems.
Therese - Emotional problems.
Reggie - Cancer.
Detra - Stress related health problems.
Walter Sr. - Depression.
Denise I. - Breast Cancer.
Cuba Plain - cancer that is high up in the breast.
Zouhair - stomach cancer.
Magdy - brain tumor.
John Rittel - cancer of the lymph node and voice box.
H. Adel - finish the immigration papers and preparation successfully.
E.Tawadros - Guide her to the right ways and complete IT to the best it will be.
Shareen - Stays out of trouble, gets closer to God, and Leads a pure life.
Mark H - MS
Mamdooh, Nahed, Marina and Cyril - May the will of The Lord be done.
M. Michael, C. Michael, M. Michael, R. Michael and family and friends.
M. M. Fayez.
R. Farouk's Family
Kristen and her brother
David - To be close to a Church
George - pass the final interview for a Job,to survive extreme debts.
Kristina may God heal her and help Ed in school, and help Joan with her finance problems.
Bassem - bare the severe circumstances he is passing through and give him peace.
Alfred - needs guidance and acknowledgement of the right way.
Hala - give her peace.
Evette - let her find the right way and have satisfaction.
Heba - give her the right decision.
Mona - take care of her cause she's alone.
William E. and Family
Fr. Heinen and family.
Norma, Laura and Ibrahim.
Stephanie - autism, and for her family
Dina's salvation
Marie Y - Rheumatoid arthitis
MMH: For guidance, strength, and wisdom
Heidi - work problems, May God give her the right choice
Luka - Autism and to relief his family
Shery - in her school and Master preperation.
Jarcie - legal and financial difficulties, and return her to Christ.
Gabriel & family - May they find a suitable Orthodox Church to be catechized and baptized in.
S.H. - Needs God's guidance to make the right career choice
Mario F. - Grant solitude to his family and to repair all damaged relationships.
STMCOC of DC mission trip to Africa and India this fall.
The mission of the Coptic Church in Africa and throughout the world.
ERA: The mission of the EgyptiansRelief.org in Egypt may God prosper all the work done everywhere the service is.
Yvone - Dizziness and a bleeding mouth and nose.
Widad - Cancer.
Nour - God would reunite his broken family.
Jimmy, Fady, Shady - To experience and love Christ.
PM, EM, CM and JM - Salvation and to be brought to Christ.
Fr. Wade+ and family - protection and support
St. Andrews Mission, Lakeland, FL - new mission plant
E and L - Solution to their problems according to God's will.
Hani - To experience the love of Christ through salvation.
Safwat - Away from God.
A.S. - Find the right path.
E.F. - Spiritual guidance from God to find his way back to Him.
RMG & Family - Comfort & Peace in time of grief.
Clara M - (3 years old) has Lukemia.
F.Tawfik - High sugar level.
Baby H.M.Hany - May God heal her.
E.Tawadros - Difficult times, in need of God's guidance.
Kamal G.
Samir A.
Shady S. - Guidance and support.
Richard - Heart condition, sorrow and despair.
Give peace and prosper to St Bishoy church - stouffville.
Mariam - Show her compassion after being so broken hearted
M&M: Family problems
The Christians in Iraq, and those who have fled from there and are living destitute as refugees.
A.S. - Gets closer to God
Hala - God lead her to stability and peace
AnaSimone, may God unite her with her father.
Kathy, May God unite her with her husband.
Mina, may God unite hime with his wife and daughter.
Mina's family, may God grant them love and peace.
Carla Jean, Tessa, James.
The unity of the Churches and all Christians.

The Christians in Egypt. "Blessed is Egypt My people." Isaiah 19:25

Please remember me in your prayers.

Please pray for the peace of the world.

"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

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Mark Sadek

Apr 25, 2010, 9:59:45 PM4/25/10
to spiritu...@googlegroups.com


"The purpose of spiritual reading is to keep the intellect form distraction and restlessness, for this is the first step towards salvation. Solomon says that the enemy 'hates the sound of steadfastness' (Prov. 11:15 LXX), while the wandering of the mind is the first step towards sinning."

St. Peter of Damascus.


"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:14


The Bible reading for the 18th of Baramouda, April 26th, is:
39 They answered and said to Him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them, If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this. 41 You do the deeds of your father. Then they said to Him, We were not born of fornication; we have one Father--God. 42 Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. (John 8:39-42)
Martyrdom of St. Arsenius, Slave of St. Sousnyous.

The Bible reading for the 19th of Baramouda, April 27th, is: John 8:51-55
Martyrdom of St. Simeon the Armenian, Bishop of the country of Persia and 150 with him.
Martyrdom of the blessed Youhanna (John) Abu Nagaah El-Kabeer.
Martyrdom of the Vizier Abu Elaala Fahd ibn Ibrahim and his companions.
Martyrdom of Daoud (David), the Monk.

Mark Sadek

Apr 26, 2010, 10:31:10 PM4/26/10
to spiritu...@googlegroups.com


"O heavenly grandeur! O glory and honor of man! He is humble clay, but he is also divine breath! A time will come when he will change. 'For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.' The words of our Creator shall be fulfilled. But what will happen to the divine inbreathing, the divine breath? Just as the dust will return to the dust, likewise the soul, which is the inbreathing of God, will return to God. Yes, but how? When it came forth from God, it was a fragrant divine breath, but is it so now? No, it is not. So, what will happen? Purification is necessary - tears, mourning, pain. For you have saddened God, your Benefactor and Father, Who is so good, Who glorified you - the clay - so much, Who gave you His divine breath. These deeds of repentance will purify you by His grace. So then, weep and mourn so that He may restore you to your original state."

Elder Joseph the Hesychast.


"Come now, and let us reason together, Says the Lord, Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool." Isaiah 1:18


The Bible reading for the 19th of Baramouda, April 27th, is:
51 Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death. 52 Then the Jews said to Him, Now we know that You have a demon! Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and You say, `If anyone keeps My word he shall never taste death.' 53 Are You greater than our father Abraham, who is dead? And the prophets are dead. Whom do You make Yourself out to be? 54 Jesus answered, If I honor Myself, My honor is nothing. It is My Father who honors Me, of whom you say that He is your God. 55 Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him. And if I say, `I do not know Him,' I shall be a liar like you; but I do know Him and keep His word. (John 8:51-55)
Martyrdom of St. Simeon the Armenian, Bishop of the country of Persia and 150 with him.
Martyrdom of the blessed Youhanna (John) Abu Nagaah El-Kabeer.
Martyrdom of the Vizier Abu Elaala Fahd ibn Ibrahim and his companions.
Martyrdom of Daoud (David), the Monk.

The Bible reading for the 20th of Baramouda, April 28th, is: John 7:14-29
Martyrdom of St. Babnuda (Paphnute).


Prayer Requests:
If you have an update on a prayer request, please let me know.

Please remember the following in your prayers:

Julia M.S. - An infant with a lung deficiency disorder
Julie - In a coma from a serious car accident
Marian L - Late stage MS
Nadia - Lung cancer
Heidi - Difficulty to conceive

Mark Sadek

Apr 28, 2010, 1:16:11 AM4/28/10
to spiritu...@googlegroups.com


"We should live on the earth as a wheel turns - as one point touches the earth, all the rest reaches upward; but we lie on the earth and cannot get up."

St. Ambrose.


"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21


The Bible reading for the 20th of Baramouda, April 28th, is:
14 Now about the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught. 15 And the Jews marveled, saying, How does this Man know letters, having never studied? 16 Jesus answered them and said, My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me. 17 If anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority. 18 He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him. 19 Did not Moses give you the law, yet none of you keeps the law? Why do you seek to kill Me? 20 The people answered and said, You have a demon. Who is seeking to kill You? 21 Jesus answered and said to them, I did one work, and you all marvel. 22 Moses therefore gave you circumcision (not that it is from Moses, but from the fathers), and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. 23 If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses should not be brok

en, are you angry with Me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath? 24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. 25 Now some of them from Jerusalem said, Is this not He whom they seek to kill? 26 But look! He speaks boldly, and they say nothing to Him. Do the rulers know indeed that this is truly the Christ? 27 However, we know where this Man is from; but when the Christ comes, no one knows where He is from. 28 Then Jesus cried out, as He taught in the temple, saying, You both know Me, and you know where I am from; and I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know. 29 But I know Him, for I am from Him, and He sent Me. (John 7:14-29)
Martyrdom of St. Babnuda (Paphnute).

The Bible reading for the 21st of Baramouda, April 29th, is: John 8:54-59
Commemoration of the Lady the Theotokos.
Departure of St. Hierotheos, of Athens.

Mark Sadek

Apr 28, 2010, 10:59:11 PM4/28/10
to spiritu...@googlegroups.com


"He who has acquired purity of heart has conquered fear. But a man who is still in process of purification, at times is conquered by fear, and at times conquers it. A man, however, who does not strive at all after purity, is either for ever sunk into a state of insensibility and, being a friend of passions and demons and filled with vanity and conceit, 'think(s) himself to be something, when he is not' (Gal. 6:3); or he is a slave, delivered into the hands of fear and, being of a childish mind, trembles and is afraid, where for those who fear God there is no fear or trembling."

St. Simeon the New Theologian.


"For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." Romans 10:4


The Bible reading for the 21st of Baramouda, April 29th, is:
54 Jesus answered, If I honor Myself, My honor is nothing. It is My Father who honors Me, of whom you say that He is your God. 55 Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him. And if I say, `I do not know Him,' I shall be a liar like you; but I do know Him and keep His word. 56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad. 57 Then the Jews said to Him, You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM. 59 Then they took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. (John 8:54-59)
Commemoration of the Lady the Theotokos.
Departure of St. Hierotheos, of Athens.

The Bible reading for the 22nd of Baramouda, April 30th, is: John 10:34-38
Departure of St. Isaac (Ishaq), of Hourin.
Departure of St. Alexander I, 19th Pope of the See of St. Mark.
Departure of St. Mark 11, 49th Pope of the See of St. Mark.
Departure of St. Michael 11, 53rd Pope of the See of St. Mark.

Mark Sadek

Apr 29, 2010, 11:00:45 PM4/29/10
to spiritu...@googlegroups.com


"The strength of those who wish to acquire the virtues is as follows: if they fall, let them not lose their courage, but let them be sure to make a new beginning at their endeavor. Insofar, then, as we put all our energy into practicing the virtues, let us await the Lord, showing Him a generous resolve and calling on His aid, and without fail He will strengthen us with His mercy and bestow His Grace on us in abundance, in which case we will accomplish every good easily and without exertion."

Abba Moses.


"he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:8-9


The Bible reading for the 22nd of Baramouda, April 30th, is:
34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, `I said, You are gods '? 35 If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), 36 do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, `You are blaspheming,' because I said, `I am the Son of God'? 37 If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; 38 but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him. (John 10:34-38)
Departure of St. Isaac (Ishaq), of Hourin.
Departure of St. Alexander I, 19th Pope of the See of St. Mark.
Departure of St. Mark 11, 49th Pope of the See of St. Mark.
Departure of St. Michael 11, 53rd Pope of the See of St. Mark.

The Bible reading for the 23rd of Baramouda, May 1st, is: John 7:14-24
Martyrdom of St. George Prince of the Martyrs.

The Bible reading for the 24th of Baramouda, May 2nd, is: John 12:35-50
Departure of Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I), 55th Pope of Alexandria.
Martyrdom of St. Sina, the Soldier.
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