v.3.0.0 STABLE is here ...

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Dec 30, 2011, 10:39:07 AM12/30/11
to SpatiaLite Users
Hi all,

I'm glad to announce you all that v.3.0.0 *STABLE* is finally

IMPORTANT NOTICE: v.2.3.1 is now officially declared to be
"obsolete and deprecated".
Using v.3.0.0-STABLE is recommended for all new development.
Upgrading from version 3.0.0-BETAx is optional.
Upgrading from all other previous versions is strongly recommended.


As you can notice, the web site has been completely refactored,
and now is much more clear and usable than before (so I hope).

Anyway you can still reach any previously used "old styled web site"
from here: https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/libspatialite/index
just click the "Archaeological web sites" link


Roughly speaking, v.3.0.0-STABLE is the same of v.3.0.0-BETA;
simply few small fixes have been introduced here and there.
A new SQL function is now supported: UpdateLayerStatistics()


librasterlite has been updated so to be compatible with v.3.0.0;
support for the EPSILON (wavelet codec) has been definitively
consequently a refreshed spatialite_gis GUI tool is now available.


precompiled binaries for Windows (both 32- and 64-bit, statically
linked, no external dependencies) are available.

Enjoy, and happy testing/coding

p.s. many thanks to Brad Hards for his thorough and valuable
contributions ;-)
if now we have reasonably good test coverages and Doxygen doc
this is thanks to Brad (not to say about the many bug fixes
and memory leaks carefully identified using Valgrind ...)


Jan 3, 2012, 1:14:46 PM1/3/12
to SpatiaLite Users
Thanks Sandro!

Would it be possible to include the import libraries (.lib files)
corresponding to those dlls please? I am linking from C++. Thanks.

On Dec 30 2011, 10:39 am, "a.furieri" <a.furi...@lqt.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm glad to announce you all that v.3.0.0 *STABLE* is finally
> availablehttp://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/
> IMPORTANT NOTICE: v.2.3.1 is now officially declared to be
> "obsolete and deprecated".
> Using v.3.0.0-STABLE is recommended for all new development.
> Upgrading from version 3.0.0-BETAx is optional.
> Upgrading from all other previous versions is strongly recommended.
> -------------
> As you can notice, the web site has been completely refactored,
> and now is much more clear and usable than before (so I hope).
> Anyway you can still reach any previously used "old styled web site"
> from here:https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/libspatialite/index
> just click the "Archaeological web sites" link
> --------------
> Roughly speaking, v.3.0.0-STABLE is the same of v.3.0.0-BETA;
> simply few small fixes have been introduced here and there.
> A new SQL function is now supported: UpdateLayerStatistics()
> ---------------
> librasterlite has been updated so to be compatible with v.3.0.0;
> support for the EPSILON (wavelet codec) has been definitively
> discarded.
> consequently a refreshed spatialite_gis GUI tool is now available.
> ---------------
> precompiled binaries for Windows (both 32- and 64-bit, statically
> linked, no external dependencies) are available.http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/windows-bin-x86/http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/windows-bin-amd64/


Jan 3, 2012, 3:03:31 PM1/3/12
to spatiali...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sasha,

I suppose you are using the Microsoft MSVC compiler
(.lib files)

Sorry, the libraries distributed by SpatiaLite have
been compiled using the free software compiler MinGW;
and this compiler (as any other standard GCC based
compiler) supports .a or .dll.a library files.
.lib is a 'not standard' format supported only by MSVC

uncontrolled rumors say that simply changing the suffix
is enough to transform a .a or .dll.a into a .lib ...
but I obviously will *not* assume any responsibility
about this ;-)

Anyway, the aim of SpatiaLite simply is supporting a
basic runtime env for Windows (tools and DLLs), not
redistributing many and many different libraries.

If you are a developer, it would probably better if
you'll build any required package from yourself starting
from sources.
not at all a difficult task using the 'standard' MinGW
compiler; you simply have to follow the detailed how-to

bye Sandro


Jan 4, 2012, 4:51:21 PM1/4/12
to SpatiaLite Users
Thanks Sandro.

I followed your build instructions, but disabling freexl, and it all
went well. The built dll is called libspatialite-2.dll as mentioned in
your v3.0.1 thread. There is a libspatialite.dll.a file which is the
import library. This can be used to link against for anyone building
with MSVC. Might be worth uploading this with the windows binaries
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