Visual Studio integration - preview 2

조회수 8회
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Louis DeJardin

읽지 않음,
2008. 12. 29. 오전 3:30:1608. 12. 29.
받는사람 Spark View Engine Dev

uses information from web.config (or external configSource)

support for monorail and it's helpers

closing } added automatically when typing ${ ?{ and !{

csharp intellisense prompt comes up while typing (if resharper turned

spark info added splash and help->about window

Strangest thing - resharper prevents the completion and method prompts
from coming automatically. Tools -> Add-Ins menu can toggle it on and
off quickly.


읽지 않음,
2008. 12. 29. 오후 4:27:3008. 12. 29.
받는사람 Spark View Engine Dev
It doesn't coexist with ReSharper?! Alarm! Alarm! ;-)

I wonder - can a macro perform the R# toggle when focus switches to a
Spark file...? I'll try that...


On Dec 29, 8:30 am, Louis DeJardin <> wrote:

Louis DeJardin

읽지 않음,
2008. 12. 29. 오후 4:55:2308. 12. 29.
I know - very bad news. The hotkeys ctrl-space and ctrl-shift-space
still work, it's only the automatic appearance of those tips while
typing that stops.

If it comes right down to it I think there's a fairly small number of
triggers you'd need to cover - dot and open parens when they follow a
valid identifier - so I think those commands could be fired explicitly
by the spark language service if the contained language service isn't
picking up the cue.
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