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Rat Fink F/f

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Feb 29, 2004, 5:12:40 PM2/29/04

Disclaimer, adults only don't try this at home

Rat Fink

As a 15 year old girl who was still being spanked for "sins" such as
missing chores or talking back, the day I was caught cutting class at school was
most memorable.
It was my own fault but I still blame Melissa. Melissa was a year older
and not one of my REAL friends but she was hella popular and I wanted her to
like me. So when she suggested skipping our last class, gym, I was tempted.
Still, I tried to beg off, thinking of consequences at home. But she
argued, "There's 40 kids in that class, you know Old Lady Higbert never takes
roll, she'll never even know." Plus, she smiled, "all the cool kids will be
are doing it."
I so wanted to be cool, that memories of my behind being HOT skipped my

Of course I got caught. One of my REAL friends was worried and asked the
teacher if I was sick or what? The office called home so when I walked in
the door and saw the look on my mother's face I got jelly legs.
"Want to tell me about school today Beckylynn?" mom asked.

I knew the jig was up and my pants were coming down so I didn't try to
lie, just started wishing my punishment to be over quickly.....

Saving her lecture for later, Mom ordered me to "bring the hairbrush
from your room, missy, and leave your jeans there." Her grim tone warned me I
was in for a real blistering.
Wooden hairbrush heavy in my hand, in just panties below my waist,
goosebumps covering my pale skin I followed the stairs down to the living room
where mom was already sitting on the armless spanking chair.

Pulling my panties down, mom started the lecture. A two minute listing
of my bad behavior and what it would earn me, I trembled at my half nudity
but was thankful my father and younger brother were gone, else I would have had
that audience also.

In total fear of the hairbrush I still held, I made the mistake of
whimpering, "I'm sorry my friend made me do it."
"Tell me who it was?" Mother asked.

Trapped, I muttered I couldn't tell cuz I didn't want to be a rat fink.
That was a lie, but mom didn't know.

"Fine," mom huffed, "later for that....NOW...." mom pulled me over her
lap, adjusted my bare fanny up high and began to lamblast my bare bottom with
the back of that dreaded hairbrush.

Over and over up and down my bare bottom and thighs it burned and burned
more as I went from begging "please ma'm no don't please" to owwww
owwww Nooo noo out right sobbing and screeching as my buns were paddled
swollen red and mom had to hold me tight because of my kicking and

Finally I was allowed to do my shameful spanking dance, jumping around
bawling, thinking my punishment was over. Suddenly, mom grabbed my ear lobe
and marched me to the kitchen, my panties falling off my ankles on the way.
At the sink, mom turned the water on and wet her hand, then she squeezed
some dish soap on her fingers. Aghast I blubbered..."What? What? what did i

"You DIDN'T tell me who skipped class with you. Maybe a taste of the soap
will loosen your tongue."
God my backside still burned and now my mouth was gonna sting too, I
hate mouth soapings with a passion and I was about to give Melissa's name like a
trained parrot but I was scared to for a real reason. Mom pushed her soapy
fingers in my mouth and rubbed my tongue, gums and teeth with bitter suds.

The real reason I wouldn't give up Melissa wasn't that I cared about her,
or being called a "rat fink" at school. It was because I knew my mom would
call Melissa's parents and my mom was such a blabber mouth I was scared she
would tell them about my punishment and then Melissa would know and suddenly I'd
be the target of gossip at school and forever be know as the sophomore who
still gets spankings! I could NOT stand the idea of cool Melissa laughing with
her friends about how I still got spanked.

But as I gagged and spit after my mouth soaping mom just suggested, "We
can always go back to the hairbrush young lady, then come back to the sink?"
And I knew I would never win a test of wills against mother, armed with
her hairbrush and soap and me without even any panties.

So I told and the worst happened. Mom called Melissa's mom and I had to
stand there foaming at the mouth, rubbing my stinging bare fanny and is what I heard.

Mom, "blah blah blah Becky blah blah blah Melissa blah blah cutting

Then, "Thank you, okay just thought we should talk..." Mom said as I
prayed she'd hang up but nooooooo...she's gotta gossip....."And just so you
know, I did give Becky a good spanking."
Oh shit oh shit I shivered in shame silently pleading...shut the hell up
MOM! But on she went, miss chatterbox, sharing details of my spanking like
it was one of her soap operas.

"No," mom chuckled, "She's not too old to be spanked. I pull her pants
down for it whenever she needs one. " Mom paused, "Oh yes, on her bare,
we always take her panties down...she's right here without her pants now."


I couldn't imagine what Melissa's mom was saying but then mom answered,
"The hairbrush this time. The brush really makes Becky cry she hates it. But
not as bad as the belt whipping from her dad when he gets home."

I froze, first I heard of a second punishment.....then I couldn't stop
whimpering, "please momma don't tell dad god not the belt u already spanked
me!" mom glanced at me and continued, "Yes that's Becky you hear, yes,
she's really scared of her whipping tonight. And she hates her father taking her
panties down for it."
A bad spanking is one thing, but hearing my mom describe to a stranger
how I was to be punished later was terrible...but it got worse.

"Oh," mom sounded so calm, "and you can tell Melissa that Becky really
tried to protect her. They must be good friends. I even had to wash Becky's
mouth out with soap to get her to tell on Melissa."

**** ***** ****

Next day at school, wincing everytime I sat on those hard chairs because
I could still feel the ache of the many belt welts I'd gotten from dad last
night, I could feel everyone's eyes on me in pity or humor.
Melissa was the worst. "Hey Bec," she grinned in front of her friends,
"Heard you rat finked on me, now I'm grounded for a week!" She acted all huffy.
"Sorry, " I blushed.

"But that's better than not being able to sit for a week!" Melissa
chided, making her friends laugh.
One of them boldly asked, "Did your mom really spank your bare bottom
last night?"
I stared at the floor.

And another giggled, "Melissa says she heard you crying on the phone."
"Did not," Melissa smiled, "I said my mom heard Becky crying that she
didn't want the belt from her dad."

One semi-nice girl said, "EEewww....a belt spanking must have hurt."
My face was so red but my feet were frozen in place.

Melissa asked sweetly, "Did your daddy pull your panties down for the
belt? So he could see all your stuff?"

The memory of dad's fingers in my panties made me hold my bottom, and my

The girls took my silence for consent and said in unison, "Oooo that's
sooo grosss!"

Later, in the period before lunch, I opend my binder to find one of
those tiny bars of soap with a note, "in case u are hungry" and tears came to my
eyes with the smell of soap and shame as some of the girls around me

From then on, accurately unfortunately, I was know as the girl who
still got bare bottomed spankings and mouth soapings...right up until graduation.

King Pelles

Mar 1, 2004, 1:05:39 AM3/1/04
Very nice. Thanks!
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