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Spanking Itch [F/m]

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Grace Brackenridge

May 7, 2007, 6:43:14 AM5/7/07

(c) 2007 by Grace Brackenridge
[1,015 words]

This is a work of fact and fiction. The author does
not in any way endorse the spanking of real children
in real life.

"A bedtime story?" pleaded Ricky, my six-year-old

"Which one?"

"You know which one, Auntie Grace!"

"Okay, this is the story of a little boy who had a
tingle in his bottom. Like an itch and like a tickle.
He tried to scratch it but his mummy said he

"A butt scratcher!" said Ricky. "Yuck!"

"His mummy took him to the doctor but the doctor said
she never saw anything like it. The doctor gave his
mummy a special cream to rub on his bottom, but that
didn't help."

"Yikes!" said my nephew.

"Finally, the boy's mummy was so desperate that she
called her older sister on the phone for advice. And
you know what the older sister said?"


"She said the little boy had a spanking itch. The only
cure was a spanking! Well the mummy didn't approve of
spankings in the least."

"No, Mommy doesn't." My nephew shook his head,
confusing the mummy in the story for his own mother.

"So his mummy begged and pleaded with her older sister
to spank her little nephew. But the aunt said no. She
said she loved her sweet little nephew too much to
ever spank him."

"Well, what happened then?"

"Then the little boy himself got on the phone and
begged his favorite aunt to spank his spanking itch
away. Guess what?"

"She said yes!"

"That's right! She came right over and spanked her
nephew. Guess what then?"

"The itch went away?"

"Yes, his spanking itch disappeared. But every once in
a while, the itch comes back. So the little boy calls
his aunt and begs for another spanking."

"She spanks him again," my nephew decided.

"You're probably right."

"Auntie Grace?"


"I got an itch, too."

"What kind of an itch, Ricky?"

"A spanking itch."

"Now Ricky," I chided, "that was just a 'pretend'
story. Real nephews don't get the spanking itch.
There's no such thing."

"Yes there is! I got it right now. In my butt."

His hand went under the covers. "I'm scratching it
right now."

"Well, how come you've got a spanking itch?"

"Cuz of Mommy."

"What did Mommy do to give you a spanking itch?"

"When I'm bad, Mommy never spanks. Just time-outs and

"Well," I replied, "tell me what you've done lately
that deserves a spanking."

"Well..." Ricky began.

After a hesitant start, he provided an impressive
inventory of misdeeds, with some bad attitudes thrown
in as well.

"Well," I replied, "I can sure see why that spanking
itch is bothering you."

Indeed, some of the things he mentioned seemed real.
Like leaving dirty clothes on his bedroom floor.
Others, like starting a fire in the backyard while
playing with matches, seemed farfetched.

"See?" said the boy. "Told you I gotta bad itch."

"Do you want me to rub on a special medical cream to
see if it will go away?"

"I like you rubbing my bottom, Auntie Grace," he
giggled. "But the only fix for a spanking itch is a
spanking. You said so yourself!"

"As you know, there's two ways to cure a spanking
itch," I smiled. "A hand spanking. Or a spanking with
my hairbrush. What kind do you think you need?"

"Hairbrush!" giggled Ricky.

"Very well," I said, "I'll get the brush. You get

When I returned shortly, Ricky had removed the bottom
of his pajamas and sat on the side of his bed, nude
from the waist down.

"I never met a little boy so eager for a spanking!" I
exclaimed, once I sat on the side of the bed and Ricky
positioned himself, without me even asking.

"I got the itch, Aunt Gracie. Make it go away."

"Okay," I said cheerfully, "one good, hard spanking
coming up!"

After a dozen strokes, Ricky sobbed from the heart. He
surely had learned his lessons, whatever they might
be. He had paid for his misbehavior, whether real or

But Ricky's mother -- bless her heart -- never spanks
him, hoping his "perverted obsession" will go away.

I know better.

So I gave him another dozen for good measure, because
Ricky and I don't see each other that often.

I held him on my lap while he wept, assuring him that
he was a "very good boy" and that I loved him "very,
very much" and that all his misconduct was forgiven
and forgotten.

He cuddled close.

"Mommy says I'm good and forgives me when I'm bad," he
sniffled. "But it doesn't seem real, like it does
after a spanking."

"Ricky, what's the rule about the spanking itch?"

"Nobody must ever know I have it," he replied

"Not even Mommy?"

"Especially not Mommy!"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it upsets her and she just doesn't

"Good boy!" I said, kissing his cheek. "This spanking
should last you till your next visit."

"Auntie Grace?"


"Can I maybe have one more in the morning?"

As I shook my head, he pleaded, "Just one more? I
promise I won't bug you for any more."

"Well," I replied, "let's see in the morning."

I should have expected it, I suppose, but Ricky still
startled me when I felt his tiny hand shaking my
shoulder at 6 a.m.

"It's too early," I complained with my eyes half open.

"I can't sleep," he countered.

"Okay, bring me the hairbrush," I sighed.

"Already got it!" He held it high, like an Olympic
torch. "And I'm not even wearing pajama bottoms."

I suppose he didn't really deserve it, but I hate
being awake that early in the morning.

I gave him three-dozen strokes.

I pulled back the covers so he could lie down beside
me. I held him close while he cried, telling him he
was "forgiven" for whatever may have prompted his

Without saying so, I forgave him in my heart for
waking me at 6 a.m.

He fell asleep next to me in my bed.

And soon I was dreaming too.

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May 7, 2007, 9:57:16 AM5/7/07
On 7 May, 11:43, Grace Brackenridge <> wrote:
> (c) 2007 by Grace Brackenridge
> [1,015 words]
> "A bedtime story?" pleaded Ricky, my six-year-old
> nephew.

I think you are a telented writer but the context of adults spanking
children is abusive (in my opinion). I like the ones where the they
are the same age better.


May 7, 2007, 10:17:37 AM5/7/07
32andtwentyseven wrote:

> I think you are a telented writer but the context of adults spanking
> children is abusive (in my opinion). I like the ones where the they
> are the same age better.

I'm sure you know this, but generally sexually oriented newsgroups
aren't really the right place to come for parenting advice.

Grace is writing fiction. A lot of us (myself definitely included)
relish the fantasy of being children subject to the power of adults /
parents. It doesn't actually mean we advocate CP as a method of
childrearing. As I recall, Grace even uses a disclaimer to that effect.

You have every right, of course, to prefer adult/adult stories -- maybe
even ones that make Safe Sane and Consensual very explicit. Me? I find
the child spanking (especially the abusive) ones much closer to the
heart of my very much non consensual fantasies.

In real life consent is part what separates the scene from abuse.
Fantasy / fiction, imo, is never abuse. For that one needs reality.


"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."
Email is: mijita(at)thetreehouse(dot)net.
The Treehouse:


May 8, 2007, 4:36:15 AM5/8/07
On 7 May 2007 06:57:16 -0700, 32andtwentyseven
<> wrote:

>I think you are a telented writer but the context of adults spanking
>children is abusive (in my opinion). I like the ones where the they
>are the same age better.

I *was* going to write a more flaming reply to this, but having read
mija's, she shamed me into being more moderate...

As she has already pointed out to you, this is *fiction* - do you find
Agatha Christie (or other murder authors) similarly abusive?? Or maybe
you only read stories with a happy ending?

Should you desire to debate the real life aspect of spanking as a
parental tool - it's generally discouraged here, but if you feel you
must - then go for it. Although you will find, here as in any other
forum that we are divided - some will feel that spanking of RL
children is abusive or inappropriate, others will say that not all
corporal punishment is necessarily a bad thing. (Oh - and as an aside
- have you raised any children yourself?)

One aspect of the issue that you might have overlooked wrt stories
featuring children getting spanked is that for more than a few of us,
our fantasies involve *being* the child that is getting spanked.
Should we repress these fantasies? Or do you think we are permitted to
indulge in them?

Anyway - if some stories here bother you - and trust me, some most
certainly will - then be selective in your reading. Check out what
the story header and disclaimer says, and if there is neither header
nor disclaimer then read with care (and have your finger ready on the
DEL key.

And please do feel free to post stories you have written which are
more to your taste



May 10, 2007, 5:37:31 PM5/10/07
On May 8, 4:36 am, domino <> wrote:
> On 7 May 2007 06:57:16 -0700, 32andtwentyseven

Good reply. I like Steve Richardson's (I think that's who said it.)
disclaimer: "No actual children were spanked in the writing of this


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