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Mean cousin MF/ff

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May 31, 2003, 3:32:32 PM5/31/03

Sympathetic adults only please.

As a girl growing up my parents were always loving and supportive but
they practiced corporal punishment a bit more than most of my friends' families.
Until I turned 16 I was spanked about once a month and my younger sister got
the same treatment.
As children, we got some swats in public but older spankings were always
delivered at home and only in front of immediate family. Unfortunately this
included my cousin Marci.
Marci is a year younger than me and a year older than my sister Debbie.
Marci lived in the city and was spoiled so when she'd visit our ranch she
would make fun of our "hick" lives and talk all about how much better her life in
the city was.

We were supposed to treat Marci like a guest, instead of the bratty
cousin she was, so Deb and I had to be nice to her even when Marci was being a
snot. I recall once we were all sent to clean horse stalls, just a daily
routine for us, but Marci just stood there holding her nose complaining about the
smell while Deb and I did all the work.
I loved our horses and didn't mind the work but that day Marci made me
feel like I was some hillbilly or something.

The worst was the summer I turned 14 and Marci came to live with us for
two months while her parents were in Europe and Marci didn't want to go to
Europe "this time." I told you she was spoiled.

The whole first week Marci was such a prissy I finally got fed up and
started to call her Miss Priss to her face. She got all huffy and said she was
gonna tell my dad on me. I swallowed my pride a little and told her I was
just joking....but right at dinner time she DID tell on me! She made it sound
like I was teasing her bad but I tried to tell Dad I was just joking a little.
Dad called me to him and my tummy froze but I obeyed like aways. Dad
took me over his lap and hand spanked the seat of my jeans about ten times real
hard. Then he stood me up and made me apologize to Marci and warned that any
more such teasing would mean "pants down time."
I had to sit on my warm fanny right next to Marci for dinner and I could
see her smiling like anything.

After that I tried to be hella good and mostly stayed away from Marci
when I could. But my sister Deb has more of a stubborn streak than I do and she
managed to get into trouble on her own.
Marci and I were washing dishes in the kitchen when Mom decided to spank
Debbie for sassing back. Mom put Deb in the corner while she went for her
hairbrush and Marci started saying, "Someone's gonna get it someone's gonna get
I wanted to slap Marci but I sure didn't want to end up like my 12 yr old

Mom came back and took Debbie's shorts and panties down for a short but
hard bare bottomed hairbrush spanking right in front of us. Debbie's tough and
didn't seem to care about us watching but I seethed as Marci grinned ear to
ear at seeing poor Debbie's bare little butt bounce and turn bright red as she
cried and kicked for about a minute of hard spanks.

After that Marci started calling Debbie "bubble butt" and tried to make
it sound like a nice thing but Marci kept getting on her nerves until one day
Debbie just shouted back, "Shut up Fat Ass!" I don't know if Marci
planned it but Mom was in the next room and she heard Debbie.
Debbie was sent to her room with the dreaded, "Wait until your father
gets home," and Marci was acting all innocent like "jeez I don't know why she
was so rude to me."

But later I was stuck cleaning the hall bathroom while Miss Prissy was
on the phone to one of her city friends in the study across the hall. I could
hear every word and it made my stomach churn.

Marci, "Yeah, this cowboy joint is sooo dull! But get this, I'm gonna
get to see my cousin get spanked tonight!" I could hear the glee in her voice.
"HA HA," Marci laughed, "yea about the only thing to do around
it's not Becky it's gonna be Debbie...ya...she's 12.
"Ya, I know she's waiting for her dad to get home so I hope it's gonna
be the belt. If their mom spanks them she uses a hairbrush but their dad is
all about the belt....but I know its gonna be with her pants down cuz last
time uncle spanked Becky on the pants he said pants down next I'll call
you back after I see it."

I don't know why I did it, but later that night after Debbie did get her
bare bottomed belt whipping from Dad, right in front of Marci, I hid out in
the same bathroom to eavesdrop on Marci's call to her friend.

"God you should have seen it!" Marci squealed, "That girl got her butt
I cringed on my sister's behalf but it was true, Dad had given Debbie a real
long licking with Marci staring at the whole thing.

"Uncle gave the girl a lecture while he took his belt off...and told her
apologize to me that was funny cuz I could tell she didn't want to and she
just stood there so he took her pants down and then asked again and she
didn't say anything just covered her face with her hands and then he took her
panties down and told her to apologize to me or stand there until she did. It was
sweet her half naked ...she barely has any hair in front."

I remembered that part, me just silently wishing, "just say you are
sorry!" and Debbie being stubborn until she finally gave in and muttered, "
sorry"....Dad accepted that and took her over his lap, but he was mad so he reached
down and yanked Deb's pants and panties off her legs so she was totally bare
below the waist.

"And then," Marci gushed, "He took everything off and I could see
everything her whole bubble butt and even between her legs !
God he started w hipping her and i swear it sounded like a firecracker
just snapping across her buns and there was this white mark which turned really
red and then another and another...."

Marci was almost breathless describing my sister's belt spanking for her
friend, "You should have seen how her bubble butt was all like bouncing and
she started crying right away I guess the belt must hurt cuz she was
acting like a baby ....

I was tense with emotion listening but couldn't help myself,
"yes...yes...YES..she was reeaalll loud! When the belt was really whipping you could hear
it whoosh and then she would scream like on a roller coaster u know?
"She was wiggling all over his lap like a worm, and kicking her legs
like swimming so I could see her spot u know and all and when he gave it to her
on her legs she was like bawling so hard i could see tears flying!"
Marci was actually giggling!

I'd heard enough and was disgusted so I went to my room and lay
trembling, swearing to myself I could last the next 5 weeks without messing with Marci
or getting into ANY trouble so I'd never give Miss Bitch a reason to call her
friend and talk about MY bare bottom and tears.....

Alas.....I didn't make it but that's a memory too painful to write down
right now.....



May 31, 2003, 9:21:21 PM5/31/03
Oh, Becky, *please* tell me Marci got her comeuppance!! In graphic detail,


I never really envision the finish of anything that I start. It's risk that
fascinates, the moment of infinite possibility. It lures me through eternity
when all other charms fail...Lestat


Jun 5, 2003, 2:57:17 AM6/5/03


I'd like nothing more than to write ya'll a fantasy of how I got to watch
cousin Marci get her fanny spanked but it would be a fantasy :(
In real life I was the one who ended up bawling and kicking my way
through the humiliation of having Marci watch me get a real bad spanking. :(

Luv to hear more from ya,


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