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Gail still gets it F/f

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Jun 16, 2002, 4:00:03 PM6/16/02
Adults only

I was 15 years old, in the library stacks at school, when I heard my
name spoken.

"Gail still gets it!" my best friend Jane was sitting at a table on the
other side of the stack, she couldn't see me but I could hear every word as
she gushed my "secret" to a girl named Sue.

Jane: It's true, Gail still gets spankings!
Sue: How do you know?

I felt my face turn red and that buzz in my bottom when ever the subject,
or act, of spankings was raised.

Jane: I shouldn't say this, Gail would kill telling ANYONE okay?
Sue: Sure...
Jane: Well, first, Gail's mom is a bitch! She's the one who told me
about how she spanks Gail.
Sue: No way!

Jane: Yea, she talks about Gail's spankings all the time. How she had
to spank Gail or she'll say Gail needs a spanking stuff like that.
Sue: God! Gail must die!
Jane: Yea she turns red and can't look at me. But she did tell me about
it a couple times. I feel sorry for her cuz her mom really spanks bad!

Sue: I haven't been spanked since I was 12.
Jane: I got my pants whacked a few times but never anything like Gail

Sue: Yeah?

Oh don't! I was praying...please don't tell her....

Jane: She gets it bare!
Sue: WHAT?
Jane: Yup, her mom makes her take her skirt or pants off and pulls her
panties down!
Sue: Hell NO! How does she stand it?

I was sweating inside my panties now.

Jane: Gail told me she just tries to think of her spanking being over.
She gets down to panties okay but when her mom pulls her underpants down she
has to keep her hands on her head and she just wants to get over the lap stop showing everything...

So true!

Jane: She admitted it to me after one time me and Gail went to her house
after school but she was in trouble. Her mom had a hairbrush and she told
Gail "get into the study and get those jeans off young lady you're in for a
bare bottomed blistering..."

I remembered that day last week...:(

Sue: Holy shit she said that right in front of you?
Jane: Gail was sooo scared!
Sue: A hairbrush?
Jane: It was a big old thing.
Sue: God that must sting?

Oh god did the brush EVER sting!!!!

Jane: Ah...Sue, double swear you won't tell anyone this?
Sue: Sure
Jane: I didn't leave that day.
Sue: Bullshit!
Jane: Word!
Sue: What happened?

I held my breath, jesus mary and joseph! I also held my fanny as I
recalled that day, the total embarassment of being sent for a bare bottom
spanking in front of Jane, and the hairbrush across my bare bottom...the door
to the study wide wouldn't be the first time our neighbors heard
my punishment but it was the only time a friend had eavesdropped!

Jane: I snuck back to the front porch, the big window was open!
Sue: You could see?
Jane: Not really, just saw Gail in the study for a minute, while she
took off her jeans. Then she disappeared but I could hear everything!

Sue: Like what?
Jane: Her mom bawled her out cuz her teacher called about missing
Sue: Jeez..a spanking for that little thing?
Jane: I told you her mom is a bitch! Her mom was hella pissed about
it...she was all like School's important you will do well no more calls from
school less you want your panties pulled down like THIS for a bare bottomed

I was almost fainting with humiliation as Jane imitated my mother's

Sue: Hell no?
Jane: After that it was just SMACK SMACK SMACK and Gail started saying
Sue: Shit how terrible! Did she know you were listening?
Jane: NO! So you can't tell anyone! Gail is my best friend. I can't
help she still gets spankings. But I don't want to embarass her about it.
Sue: Okie dokie, cool, but tell me about it more?

That little bitch!

Jane: Well, I could hear the SLAPS of the brush real loud you could
tell it was on her bare bottom.
Jane: At first she tried to keep quiet she was just moaning and
groaning and I could hear like please stop and stuff.
Jane: But after like 20 spanks Gail was sobbing MOM OH MOM IT STINGS
Sue: jesus

God please make it stop I thought about both this conversation and that

Jane: The spanks were slow and very hard. I know Gail was kicking cuz
I heard her mom say Hold still! You deserve this
Jane: But Gail just started sobbing PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP and I
thought she might cuz Gail sounded so bad but her mom kept right on spanking
spanking spanking...

Sue: Oh god
Jane: And then Gail started to bawl like a baby!
Sue: What?
Jane: You a little girl...crying her eyes out....almost
louder than the spanks of the hairbrush.

That was when mom started slapping my thighs with the back of that
burning hairbrush!

Jane: It went on a LOOOOONG time.....just spanking and spanking and
spanking...till Gail was hysterical....screaming how she'd be a good girl
and everything begging for it to stop....
Sue: oh shit!

Jane: Then it was over.. I couldn't believe it.
Sue: I swear I won't tell. Poor Gail.. think she'll get it again?
Jane: For sure.

For sure.


Jun 16, 2002, 9:00:02 PM6/16/02
Hi Gail,
That was a great story. Mother/daughter bare bottom OTK hairbrush
spankings are my favorite fantasy and this one had all the right elements.
The lowering of the panties, the embarrassment, the lecture, and the mother
not stopping until her daughter was crying her eyes out. Thanks for posting
this. A job well done. :-)



<> wrote in message


Jun 17, 2002, 6:15:03 PM6/17/02
I would agree, this was fun, because of the way it was told. I am always
finding myself hearing things about me, and it rang true for that reason.
But, my sherlock Holmes gene tells me that the story in fact started life as
being told by Gale....

There is an error in it where the word My is used incorrectly. :-)



Brian - Pain is fine, but drop me and I shatter.
Only my eyes are blind.
It's OK, Ive got the balls, so let's play!


Jun 17, 2002, 6:15:07 PM6/17/02
I really enjoyed this one Gail. I love hearing people relate their true
childhood spanking stories, so - a spanking story about overhearing a
spanking story - well, it was perfect for me. Very clever.




The Janitorium


Jun 17, 2002, 7:05:10 PM6/17/02
I really liked this story, thanks for posting it. I especially enjoyed how well
you captured a fifteen-year-old's speech patterns, not to mention telling good
juicy secrets the first chance they get.

Talent is helpful in writing, but guts are absolutely necessary.
- Jessamyn West


Jun 18, 2002, 4:55:02 PM6/18/02
Gailgirl (122) began her eavesdropping narrative:

> I was 15 years old, in the library stacks at school, when I heard my
>name spoken.

It's weird, isn't it, overhearing oneself being talked about?

At least your narrator/heroine can take comfort from the words of Professor
Dumbledore, near the end of "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone":

"What happened is a naturally the whole school knows about it."

What do you mean, that's less than comforting to Gail?

Nicely done story--very realistic...
--C.K.(Crimson Kid)


Jul 2, 2002, 1:55:33 AM7/2/02

> Adults only
> I was 15 years old, in the library stacks at school, when I heard my
> name spoken.

And so continues a great story mixing both one heck of a
spanking with the horrors of being caught out as a child
by friends.

Thanks for posting this Gail. It's great!




"The real is that which resists and compels symbolization."

Pablo and Mija's Treehouse -

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