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Smoking Spankings MF/f

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Darleen D

May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99

Teen memory spankings, disclaimer, if you aren't 18 you're not invited to
read. No advocacy implied.

I get a kick outta the stories about those spanked for smoking and who
"never touch a cigarette again." Sure. If smoking was so easy to quit that a
simple spanking works the tobacco companies would be out of business.

I'm a smoker and make no apologies. I don't force others to breath my
sweet smoke but I don't appreciate criticism cuz I choose my own poison.

I've also paid the price as a teenager because I was classically given
a bottom as hot as a cig butt for smoking. I first tried a puff at 15, just
to be cool around my "bad" friends. I coughed a bit, but the rush and the
calming of my nervous hands was addictive.

I just smoked 'em when my friends had em for a while, but at 16 I was working
summers in a bowling ally where some of the fat old guys thought it was funny
to provide me with smokes.
In those days I felt hella grown up at work and just as juvenile at home,
where I was still bare bottomed spanked hard and often by mom and dad.

I learned a quick lesson the first time I came home with smoke on my
breath. Despite my desperate denials, Mom got the hairbrush and got me over
her lap. My bowling alley uniform skirt was tucked up, panties pulled down,
and I got a long hard blistering from the back of the brush.

That spanking really stung and I admit that when I promised to quit the
evil weed forever I meant it. But a week later, after stuffing ourselves at
Taco Bell, my friend Nancy offered me a cigarette and not much has tasted
better since.

Mindful of my recent red-fanny punishment, I used certs and perfume to hide
any smoke-smells and was soon puffing away happily. Teens still spanked have
many coping skills, and I was very good at avoiding detection, but still
subject to those times when Mom or Dad was simply fed up and in the mood to
take me over the lap for a paddling or strapping.

But when I was 16 I gave them real reason when I dropped my purse in the
kitchen and a pack of Marlboros fell out. I'd had a tough day in High School
and my tummy turned when I saw the look on Mom's face....the last thing on my
mind was getting spanked.

But Mom made sure a spanking was uppermost in my mind. She was all like
"How dare you? Didn't I spank you for this once? You promised..." etc etc.
My little round butt tightened at the thought of Mom grabbing the
wooden spoon for a kitchen licking, but she calmed down and said we'd discuss
this with my father. So I had a couple hours to contemplate all the ways they
might spank me soon.

It was to be a family affair. Mom came to my room to get me and
just said, "Take those jeans off Darleen, you won't need them." So I followed
her to the living room where my younger sister Kelli was waiting with Dad.
I'm standing there in my panties while Dad is fuming about how smoking
is bad for me and he can't believe I broke my promise. Then Mom's all like "I
guess your last spanking didn't teach you anything. Take those panties off."

Perfect end to a shitty day, I thought, as I stepped out of my
underpants, fighting the humiliation as I showed my pubic patch and plump
little butt.

The usual terror took over as I was draped over Dad's knees, my head down,
legs out, fanny up. I cursed my purse then gasped as Daddy began hand spanking
me fast and furious.
It stung bad and I tried to think of anything besides his hard hand
slapping my bare bottom....I fought to keep still but that made me whine, "Okay
okay okay...Dad! DADDY! OKAYYY! Stop stop stop" as the heat built up in my
backside and I could feel my behind getting redder and redder with each hot

After about 30 whacks I began to wave my ankles and hum, still aware and
humiliated that I was 16 years old and being bare bottomed spanked but right on
the verge of real tears.
Before my spanking ended 30 smacks later, I was crying softly then
yelpping when Dad finished me up with some super hard thigh spanks.

I stood up, clasping my hands in front of my crotch, whispering "ow ow ow"
but resisting the awful urge to dance and rub my hot behind. No need to shame
myself over just a hand spanking.
Hope springs eternal and I actually thought that a good cigarette was
worth such a spanking, but my resolve eroded when I saw Mom trade places with
Dad, and she was holding the paddle.

Mom's hairbrush was bad enough, but the paddle she bought for my bottom was
wider, with a longer handle, and capable of stinging twice as hard over twice
the area of my flesh.
"Mom," I begged. " don't need the paddle! Daddy taught
me...I've learned..." I knew all the right words but my Mom knew all the right

"Bend over Darleen," she ordered, "You will remember this spanking every
time you think to light up."
I'm small and fit over her lap like a 12-year-old, and felt much the same
as I obeyed for reasons I can't explain. I remember seeing my sister's eyes
wide as my butt stuck up for one of the worst paddlings I've ever taken.

Mom was relentless with that flat wood and on my already hand spanked bare
bottom, I could feel my skin swell and little white blisters form as she
shellacked me over and over and over again.
Only ten WHACKS into the paddling I was bawling like a kid and reaching
back. Mom pinned my hand and legs and proceeded to pepper my legs and buns with
searing hot spanks, leaving me breathless and begging.

On and on my paddle spanking went, with me dissolving into hiccups and the
most lewd wigglings you can imagine! For as hard and long as Mom spanked me,
she may as well have held a lit cigarette to my bare buns and thighs!

After what felt like 100 spanks, Kelli later told me I got about 50, I
was prancing around the room, clutching my burned butt and howling at the roof
in the worst and longest spanking dance I've ever done.

Of course, I still smoked ! And was caught again at 17, and soundly
spanked for the last time. But that's another story! :-)



May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
well, if you ever feel the need to revisit for some long held guilt release, I
would be happy to oblige you. ::smiles as he lights up::


May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
to wrote:
         <<  I get a kick outta the stories about those
spanked for smoking and who "never touch a cigarette again." Sure. If
smoking was so easy to quit that a simple spanking works the tobacco
companies would be out of business.>>

Intellectually I know I need to quit smoking, but like you I am not
otherwise inclined at this time, and make no apologies for it.
Unfortunately in a moment when my intellect was temporarily stronger
than my common sense, I made a bargin with a play partner. Well
needless to say, within an hour of making the deal, I promptly put it
out of my mind and have been happily smoking away every since. Now this
Tuesday it will be time for me to pay the price. I told him I could not
quit unless I was ready to quit, so I should not be punished for failing
something I was not ready to do. His response was that he would instead
convince me that i was ready. GEEZE!!!

I have never had a punishment spanking, being the S&I type. If it
works, I will be sure to let you know, so you can get a kick out of it.
Course, being a poster to SSS you will likely get a kick out of the
recount even if it does not work. : )

On the other hand, if it does not work, there will be guareenteed RL
stories to follow each week that I continue to NOT follow the plan.

enjoyed your story, it was very timely for me. Timely enough to make me
sweat. Waiting to hear about the 17 year old one.

mystaka< wondering if six sets of double strokes with the cane are
easier or harder than 12 single strokes>

Helen Kerrsutherland

May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
To bad the thrice lesson didn't take. Perhaps if your parents decided to
repeat the lesson a fourth time, now, it would help achcor the lesson.
who knows that she'd need several, and I do mean several, lessons to cure her
of drinking soda.

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