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Poor Little Rich Girl F/F

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3 Nov 2000, 22:08:0503/11/2000

This is for adults only.

This story/memory was inspired by the Back Home Again story I liked so much.

All my life my father had spanked me and my kid sister Katie and that didn't
change when Dad remarried when I was 12.
Only now, my young pretty stepmother was a witness or instigator to most of
our spankings.
Stepmom was nice and loving but strict and when we misbehaved she'd tell on us
and sit there and watch as Daddy took our panties down, took us over his lap
and hand spanked us silly.

At first it was creepy with stepmom watching, ten times more embarassing, but
as our spankings continued through high school I sort of got used to it.

Then, the night I graduated from high school I came home past curfew with beer
on my breath. All the way home I dreaded being punished, but Daddy just
lectured me and announced I was an adult now and "the world" would punish me
for my mistakes, he'd always be around to help, but I was responsible for
myself now.

I was relieved but can't forget that stepmom muttered, "never to old for the

Next school year I was at a prestigeous university, thanks to my stepmother's
extraordinary bank account. Strict as she was, stepmom had always spoiled us

I recall being deluged with "adult" decisions during my freshman year, and not
always making the right choices. Some how, I missed the firm correction of
Daddy's hand to ease my guilt. What I didn't miss was dropping my panties in
front of my stepmother for it....

Still, I came home from college that summer with great grades and a new sense
of being grown up. A day later, my kid sister Katie got into trouble and since
she was still 16, she got a spanking from Dad.
As I listened to Katie's spanking, up in her room, memories of my own bare
bottomed punishments flooded back.

A week later, stepmom called me down stairs before bed for a discussion with
her and dad. Stepmom had gotten her credit card bills and was upset with me.
She explained that she'd given me a gold card "for school expenses and
emergencies ONLY" but the bill said otherwise!

My impulse choices came back to haunt me. The charges for tuition, books and
supplies were fine, but the charge for five pizzas (I was trying to impress new
friends) and the clothes ($500 worth which was only two outfits!) were
unacceptable to her.

I had a funny feeling in my stomach and got a bit huffy, it felt just like the
old days when she would tell father I needed to be spanked! I tried to argue
but Daddy shut me up with his decision.
He told me he would not punish me, it was time I learned my own lessons. Whew!
But he added that since stepmom was paying for my VERY expensive college, that
I had to deal with HER if I wanted to keep the cash flowing, as it were.

"Unlike your father," the pretty blond began sternly, "I believe that a good
old fashioned spanking does wonders for girls your age."
My heart dropped but my ire rose and I said, "NO WAY!"

"I don't intend to discuss this here," she replied calmly, "this is between
you and me now Sally. Come with me."
She grabbed my arm and marched me upstairs to my room, the scene of countless
spankings past.

Being treated like that, and in my childhood room, I regressed, suddenly
feeling 12 years old in a woman's body.
Her lecture on responsibility poured over me, but I caught the jist of it, "so
you can take your punishment, as I see fit, or drop out of college and get a
job until you earn your OWN tuition!"

I felt trapped and juvenile. I'd abused stepmom's generosity and trust and
deep inside I knew I'd take my punishment rather than give up the gravy train.

"Yes ma'm," was all could muster as I felt my hands cup my behind through my
pajama bottoms....still thinking..."this CAN'T be happpening to me! What would
my big college friends think if they could see me now!?"

I remember thinking of past spankings, over dad's knee, with his hand,
stinging and hot and embarassing but nothing like what I was in for, little did
I know....
First, she made me take my pj pants off, leaving me bare below the waist, just
standing there, trembling, my puffy front on view and my plump bare fanny
covered with my hands, which were shaking like my bare thighs.

Stepmom stared at my most private parts while she slowly withdrew her thin
leather belt from her jeans. I was mesmerized in fear as she doubled the belt
and slapped it against her palm.
Having never been spanked standing up, I hesitated when she told me to put my
hands on my head. That brought a quick slap of leather across the front of my

I yelpped and covered my front, dancing, until I realized she was serious. I
grabbed my own head and closed my eyes against the fear and waited.
Slap! the belt crossed my bare buns and I twisted in pain, leaving my hands
on my head.

Again and again the belt slashed across my bottom cheeks and thighs as I got
my first ever stand-up spanking, it was weird, not being over the lap and just
feeling Dad's palm!
The belt stung small places more and landed fast and furious and soon I was
DANCING in place, crying and desperately trying to keep my hands on my head.

When I finally, after only 20 or so lashes, reached back. Stepmom stopped
whipping me and ordered my hands back up. I obeyed, blinded by tears, and
after that she whipped me more slowly, one hot stingy stroke at a time , but
still covered my entire backside with welts I'd feel for days.....

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