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Fred Cherry

Feb 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/23/98
to (commandante e) writes:

>It is well-known throughout the United States intelligence community
>that this group of pedophiliac sexual predators was created by the
>Central Intelligence Agency based on an original model designed and
>implemented in Washington, DC, by US Congressman Barney Frank, for the
>purpose of gathering intelligence.

Not true. NAMBLA was formed in Boston in 1978 for the purpose of
encouraging homosexual child-molesters to commit sodomy on young boys and
to instruct those homosexual child-molesters on how to get away with it.

After all, how much intelligence can be gathered from 10-year-old boys?

>In my opinion, this crime should be punishable by immediate execution by
>any citizen, and the family of the predator charged for the bullet.

In the United States any opposition to NAMBLA by a non-homosexual is
punished by the homosexual community with the loss of one's Internet


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln (Fred Cherry)

John De Salvio

Feb 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/23/98

In article <>, (Fred Cherry) wrote:

> (commandante e) writes:
> >It is well-known throughout the United States intelligence community
> >that this group of pedophiliac sexual predators was created by the
> >Central Intelligence Agency based on an original model designed and
> >implemented in Washington, DC, by US Congressman Barney Frank, for the
> >purpose of gathering intelligence.
> Not true. NAMBLA was formed in Boston in 1978 for the purpose of
> encouraging homosexual child-molesters to commit sodomy on young boys and
> to instruct those homosexual child-molesters on how to get away with it.
> After all, how much intelligence can be gathered from 10-year-old boys?
> >In my opinion, this crime should be punishable by immediate execution by
> >any citizen, and the family of the predator charged for the bullet.
> >e
> In the United States any opposition to NAMBLA by a non-homosexual is
> punished by the homosexual community with the loss of one's Internet
> connection.

I would suggest you post the letter from your ISP stating such a "fact."

You lose your internet provider because you deliberately crosspost
to over 50 other newsgroups on subjects totally irrelevant to those
newsgroups, in the face of their repeated demands that you stop.

In other words, Fred,

You're a goddamned liar.


NOTE: "From" address is deliberately wrong.
My correct e-mail address is:

desalvio["AT" SYMBOL]

Rev. Cactus Pete

Feb 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/23/98

Fred Cherry wrote:
> (commandante e) writes:
> >It is well-known throughout the United States intelligence community
> >that this group of pedophiliac sexual predators was created by the
> >Central Intelligence Agency based on an original model designed and
> >implemented in Washington, DC, by US Congressman Barney Frank, for the
> >purpose of gathering intelligence.
> Not true. NAMBLA was formed in Boston in 1978 for the purpose of
> encouraging homosexual child-molesters to commit sodomy on young boys and
> to instruct those homosexual child-molesters on how to get away with it.
> After all, how much intelligence can be gathered from 10-year-old boys?
> >In my opinion, this crime should be punishable by immediate execution by
> >any citizen, and the family of the predator charged for the bullet.
> >e
> In the United States any opposition to NAMBLA by a non-homosexual is
> punished by the homosexual community with the loss of one's Internet
> connection.
> *************************************************************************
> Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln
> (Fred Cherry)

Wait! Don't tell me. The Russians have finally succeeded in
contaminating our drinking water with LSD.

-Rev. Cactus Pete
"Look at all the pretty colors!"


Feb 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/23/98

Fred Cherry wrote:
>>usual drivel>>

I am forever surprised that any 'man' can intentionally re-abuse the
victims of child abuse simply to score political debating points.
Cherry knows full well that 90% of child abuse is committed by straight
(heterosexual) men. By defending these men, to the point of accusing
others he knows to be blameless, he gives these criminals aid and
comfort. He diverts needed attention and resources AWAY from the true

Perhaps Cherry believes it's worth the suffering of these kids, to make
his case. I doubt the children would feel the same way.

P.S. Isn't this the same Fred Cherry who's promoting legalized
prostitution in New York?


The KKKristians are coming, find out more!

Fred Cherry

Feb 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/24/98

In Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.cuba,alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.homosexual,
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 12:35:04 -0800
Robert Schroeder <> wrote:

> Fred Cherry wrote:
> >
> > (commandante e) writes:
> >
> > It is well-known throughout the United States intelligence community
> > that this group of pedophiliac sexual predators was created by the
> > Central Intelligence Agency based on an original model designed and
> > implemented in Washington, DC, by US Congressman Barney Frank, for the
> > purpose of gathering intelligence.
> >
> > > Not true. NAMBLA was formed in Boston in 1978 for the purpose of
> > > encouraging homosexual child-molesters to commit sodomy on young boys
> > > and to instruct those homosexual child-molesters on how to get away
> > > with it.
> >
> > > After all, how much intelligence can be gathered from 10-year-old boys?
> >
> > In my opinion, this crime should be punishable by immediate execution
> > by any citizen, and the family of the predator charged for the bullet.
> > e
> >
> > > In the United States any opposition to NAMBLA by a non-homosexual is
> > > punished by the homosexual community with the loss of one's Internet
> > > connection.
> >

> geez Fred....why don't crosspost to a few more groups, eh?

If you say so. I will crosspost to soc.culture.latin-america this time. I
made a mistake last time by crossposting to soc.culture.latin.america,
which does not exist.

> I invite all who are SICK and TIRED of Mr Cherry and his crossposts to
> join me in reporting him to his ISP. And no Fred, its not because you
> are anti-NAMBLA (in fact, you know more about NAMBLA than anyone I've
> ever met, which leads me to believe that you just might be a member in
> good standing.) but rather, because you enjoy abusing Usenet.

That's exactly my point. I said: "In the United States any opposition to

NAMBLA by a non-homosexual is punished by the homosexual community with the

loss of one's Internet connection." That is EXACTLY what you and your homo
hordes are trying to do once again to me, as they have done several times
in the past.

Remember, this whole thread started when
(commandante e) saw a posting by falcor14, the official spokesman for
NAMBLA, posted to the newsgroup soc.culture.cuba. the title of falcor14's
post is: "Subject: Re: NAMBLA in Cuba?"

Now, howcum you homos never complain that falcor14 is abusing Usenet by
posting his propaganda glorifying and exalting homosexual child-molesting
in inappropriate newsgroups? Why does your concern for Usenet abuse
suddenly evaporate when falcor14 does his thing?

> Get a gripe...Get a life.

What do you mean: "Get a gripe"? I've got a gripe. A gripe against NAMBLA
and all the homos who support it. And that seems to have become my life.

Adam Levenstein

Feb 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/25/98

On Tue, 24 Feb 1998 20:00:31 GMT, (Fred Cherry)

>What do you mean: "Get a gripe"? I've got a gripe. A gripe against NAMBLA
>and all the homos who support it. And that seems to have become my life.

Or lack thereof.

Adam Levenstein Young Socialists

"The ends justify the means only if the ends are
-- Leon Trotsky


Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

>What do you mean: "Get a gripe"? I've got a gripe.
>A gripe against NAMBLA and all the homos who
>support it. And that seems to have become my life.

Isn't NAMBLA the organization that advocates sex
with children?

Namble feels that it is Okay, for adults to have
sex with children and that is WRONG!

If it is, I thought that such an organization would
be and should be automatically banned in the
United States.

Robert Schroeder

Feb 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/27/98

Fred Cherry wrote:

> Not only is Schroeder a supporter and member of NAMBLA, but he is under
> investigation right now for sexually molesting little boys.
Dear Mr Cherry.

This is to inform you that I have begun to take steps against you, and I
am now in the process of filing suit against you and frontiernet for
defamation of character.

I have stated numerous times that I am not a member of NAMBLA. I find
NAMBLA repulsive, as I find you repulsive.

You have just earned yourself a trip to court.


Fred Cherry

Feb 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/28/98

In Message-ID: <>


Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 16:01:40 -0800
Robert Schroeder <> wrote:

> ye, Doris dahlink, NAMBLA is that big bad ol' organization out to molest
> you little boys. (membership less than 1000). And yes Doris, is it
> wrong.
> What is going on here is Fred Cherry's fantasy world. He claims that
> the CIA is spying on him, that NAMBLA is spying on him and anyone who
> is
> against prostitution is spying on him. Fred Cherry is an old fart that
> spends his days sending off topic messages to as many as fifty
> newsgroups at a time. I mean, would you like to read one of Fred's
> rants about people who are against prostitution in your quilting
> newsgroup? Or worse, in one of the newsgroups your children read?
> I
> didn't think so. No, I'm not a supporter of NAMBLA, but I can't wait
> to
> see Fred Cherry lose yet another ISP account.

> Robert

Dear Doris,

When World War II was started by Nazi Germany, Goebbels claimed that POLAND
had attacked GERMANY. See, in general, The Rise and Fall of the Third
Reich, by William L. Shirer.

The post to which I am responding is the same sort of BIG LIE that Goebbels
was famous for.

Let's start at the beginning. Schroeder claims that NAMBLA has less than
1000 members. Schroeder can claim any number he wants to. NAMBLA is not a
bank. If a bank claims it has a certain amount of cash on hand, it gets
visited regularly by a bank examiner to see whether the amount claimed is

> What is going on here is Fred Cherry's fantasy world. He claims that
> the CIA is spying on him, that NAMBLA is spying on him and anyone who
> is
> against prostitution is spying on him.

This is a perfect example of the Goebbels technique. I never claimed that
the CIA is spying on me. The only way the CIA got into this thread is that
comandante e claimed that NAMBLA was a CIA plot to gather intelligence, and
I disagreed with comandante e.

I never claimed that NAMBLA was spying on me. I claimed that NAMBLA members
had threatened me on several occasions. I used to get phone calls from a
NAMBLA member threatening to "stick a knife up my ***," and to "cut off my
[spherical appendages]."

And, of course, I never claimed that anyone against prostitution is spying
on me.

Schroeder says: "Fred Cherry is an old fart....." Well, that's true. First
of all I am old. Second, I suffer from celiac disease and unless I watch my
diet very carefully, I have a tendency to break wind.

> I mean, would you like to read one of Fred's
> rants about people who are against prostitution in your quilting
> newsgroup? Or worse, in one of the newsgroups your children read?

Please take a look at this. It is Schroeder's leader who is posting
messages glorifying and exalting homosexual child-molesting in a children's
newsgroup. In other words, he is accusing ME of what HIS group is guilty
of. That is truly the Goebbels technique.


Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.dc.universe
Subject: Re: JLNAMBLA
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 00:04:39 -0600
Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion
Lines: 130
Message-ID: <6cj6dn$7c2$>
References: <>
X-Article-Creation-Date: Fri Feb 20 06:04:39 1998 GMT
X-Http-User-Agent: Mozilla/3.01Gold (Win95; I)
Status: RO

As an avid Vertigo reader, especially Books of Magic, I probably shouldn't
bother posting to DC Universe readers, but...

This thread is a yet another "Boy-lovers are scum, but gays are O.K."
Nice, but it just doesn't hold water... -=- Tebster


> Isn't NAMBLA just "riding the coat-tails" of the Gay
> Rights movement?

Founded in 1978, NAMBLA's one of the oldest gay
liberation organizations in existence. We were the
first, and for many years the only North American
member of ILGA (Intl Lesbian/Gay Assoc) and also sent
delegates and donations to GLAAD's founding caucus.
It's only recently that toady assimilationists have
worked to homogenize the homos for the pleasure of
Jessie Helms.


By the way, I am indeed an advocate of decriminalization of prostitution.
In fact I am the founder of a not-for-profit corporation organized under
the laws of the State of New York. You may send a letter to Johns & Call
Girls United Against Repression at Post Office Box 021017 Brooklyn, NY
11202-1017 USA.

The difference between my organization and NAMBLA is that my organization
advocates repeal of laws criminalizing sexual activity carried out
by consenting ADULTS in private. We are very clear in our opposition to
adult-child sex. NAMBLA is opposed to that. NAMBLA believes that
prostitution is evil and that homosexual child-molesting, not involving
direct cash payment, is good.

> No, I'm not a supporter of NAMBLA, but I can't wait
> to see Fred Cherry lose yet another ISP account.
> Robert

Ask yourself this: If all the homos are as opposed to NAMBLA as they claim,
then why don't they want to see the NAMBLA spokesmen lose their ISP

Not only is Schroeder a supporter and member of NAMBLA, but he is under
investigation right now for sexually molesting little boys.


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln (Fred Cherry)


Feb 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/28/98

> Doris wrote:
>What do you mean: "Get a gripe"? I've got a gripe.
>A gripe against NAMBLA and all the homos who
>support it. And that seems to have become my life.

> Isn't NAMBLA the organization that advocates sex
> with children?

> Namble feels that it is Okay, for adults to have
> sex with children and that is WRONG!

> If it is, I thought that such an organization would
> be and should be automatically banned in the
> United States.
> ye, Doris dahlink, NAMBLA is that big bad ol' organization out to molest
> you little boys. (membership less than 1000). And yes Doris, is it
> wrong.


>I never claimed that NAMBLA was spying on me. I claimed that NAMBLA members
>had threatened me on several occasions. I used to get phone calls from a
>NAMBLA member threatening to "stick a knife up my ***," and to "cut off my
>[spherical appendages]."

Why didn't you file a complaint report at your local precinct?
Aggravated Harassment is against the law and if someone is
doing that to you, you can have them arrested. .

>Please take a look at this. It is Schroeder's leader who is posting
>messages glorifying and exalting homosexual child-molesting in a children's
>newsgroup. In other words, he is accusing ME of what HIS group is guilty
>of. That is truly the Goebbels technique.

Those are really serious accusations, not to be taken lightly.
Individuals that prey on children are garbage and deserve to
be treated as such.

Fred Cherry

Mar 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/2/98

In Message-ID: <>


Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 15:36:29 -0800
Robert Schroeder <> wrote:

> Doris wrote:

> >
> > Fred Cherry wrote:
> > > Please take a look at this. It is Schroeder's leader who is posting
> > > messages glorifying and exalting homosexual child-molesting in a
> > > children's newsgroup. In other words, he is accusing ME of what HIS
> > > group is guilty of. That is truly the Goebbels technique.
> >

> > Those are really serious accusations, not to be taken lightly.
> > Individuals that prey on children are garbage and deserve to
> > be treated as such.

> Yes, Doris, they are serious accusations, and that is why Fred Cherry
> and his ISP have now won the grand prize of a libel suit.

Promises, promises. You homo supporters of NAMBLA keep promising to sue me
for libel, but you never carry out your promises. Here is an example:


From: (Rod Swift)
Subject: Re: Pedophilia & Pederasty Defined........
Date: 11 Dec 1995 23:15:29 +0800
Organization: iiNet Technologies
Lines: 56
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <4ahhuh$>
References: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951201080614.4987A-100000@earth>
<DJ94K...@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> <john1.818617323@earth>
Status: RO
X-Status: (Fred Cherry) writes:

>You say that: "it is very poor netiquette to post private correspondence in
>a public forum." What sort of netiquette is it to post this sort of
>message: "Hey buddy! Maybe you're in need of a good dick up your ass!"?

Someone asking an honest question of an old fart like Fred Cherry :)

So Fred.... Any hunky guys been interested in picking up your
decrepit and rotting ol' body lately?

>You also say: "It is also a copyright infringement to do so without my
>permission. Don't do it again."

It's obvious you have not made fair critical use of his post :)
Copyright breach! :) I think he'd win given your atrocious loss
record in court cases!

>It's very easy. All you have to do is look in the
>GayYellow Pages. That's a homo service for those homos who want to
>discriminate against hets.

Actually, it's a gay and lesbian business guide. And I don't
believe where I spend my money discriminates against straights.

Or are you just pissed off that there's no SlutYellowPages?
For Johns...

>What I am saying is that a homo lawyer would love to sue me, and for
>that reason would charge you less than a het lawyer. After you find your
>homo lawyer, serve me with papers at my Post Office Box Address, which is:
>Fred Cherry/Chairman/Johns & Call Girls United Against Repression/P.O. Box
>021021/Brooklyn, NY 11202-1021.

Too chicken-shit to give us your home address, Fred? Don't you
know that serving of writs requires that?

Then again, I know where you live. A simple check of a number of
records gives me that :)

>By the way, Rod Swift, the homonazi, has twice promised to sue me for libel
>and he never followed through.

...yet. I've got t e writs right here. I'll be in New York
in February. I hope to be able to give your wheelchair a big
push in the direction of court soon, you decrepit and feeble old moron.

Hey Fred, I think you need a big dick up your ass soon, to clear
out all that shit that's backlogged into your brain.

| ... ..... | E-mail: |*******|
| + + + + + + + + | | ***** |
| * * * * * * * * | | *** |
|R o d S w i f t| The Christian Right is *neither* | * |


You know very well you're not going to sue me for libel. If you haven't
realized it yet, I'll explain it to you. Once you serve me with papers,
then YOU will find yourself served with papers counterclaiming that YOU
have libeled ME.

Then we go before a jury and the jury will decide who has libeled who and
to what extent.

By the way, please look at the message dated 12/11/95. Now, although I
could avoid being served and merely sending mail to a post office box does
not constitute service, I can waive that. I assure you that as soon as I
get any papers in the mail, I will respond as soon as possible accepting
service, counterclaiming damages from YOU, and demanding a trial by jury.

> I intend to seek relief to the fullest extent of the law in this
> matter. If Mr Cherry would have taken the time to check out DejaNews,
> he would know that I stand firmly against NAMBLA and any other person
> who abuses children. But since Mr Cherry has decided that I am a member
> and currently under investigation...well, that's another story.

I don't know about DejaNews, but I do you that you posted three messages
recently in the thread: "Subject: Re: March on Washington, 2000 --
NAMBLA's marching too." This thread features posts by falcor14, the
official NAMBLA spokesman on the Internet. Here is your first post.


From: Robert Schroeder <>
Newsgroups: alt.homosexual,alt.politics.homosexuality
Subject: Re: March on Washington, 2000 -- NAMBLA's marching too
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 14:09:30 -0800
Organization: TickOffTheRight Inc.
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <>
References: <> <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: (null) 887752203 15104 (None)
X-Complaints-To: usenet@nnrp3
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01C-SBWA (Win16; I)
Status: RO

* wrote:

> The vast majority of gay men are neutral/supportive on the subject
> of NAMBLA when they're not shaping a message for public consumption.
> soc.motss (members of the same sex) is the largest gay Usenet
> newsgroup. In their FAQ, NAMBLA is listed side by side with LAMBDA,
> GLAAD and other gay rights organizations with nary a hint of
> criticism, just a brief mention of "controversy" --see below
And guess what....nobody in alt.politics.homosexuality that I know of
subscribe to motss. (don't ask, its a long story)

But once again, I can say with some authority, that NAMBLA will not be
given official status at the 2000 March, just like NAMBLA was not given
official status at the 1993 March.

Now, get off the subject of NAMBLA before we (for me, its too late)
decide that you are a member of NAMBLA...after all, as Shakespere said
"Me thinks the lady doth protest too much."



This time you have adopted the Clinton technique, which consists of
outright lies, evasions, and non-sequitors.

What difference does it make if NAMBLA will not be given official status at
the 2000 March? Is that going to stop them in any way from marching?

Just because you write ABOUT NAMBLA doesn't mean that you write AGAINST
NAMBLA. This post looks like a post in FAVOR of NAMBLA. Now, here are the
other two posts of yours in this thread:


JTEM wrote:
> Robert Schroeder ( wrote:

> : And guess what....nobody in alt.politics.homosexuality that I know of
> : subscribe to motss. (don't ask, its a long story)
> Hey!
oops....sorry John...forgot about you....

But don't worry, we still luv ya!


JTEM wrote:
> Robert Schroeder <> wrote:
> >oops....sorry John...forgot about you....
> 'Story of my life.
> >But don't worry, we still luv ya!
> What, no nookie?
> I can't win. *sigh*
> MIGHT be possible....

How do you feel about leather, chains, boots.......

I think you get the picture!



There is one other person who posted in this thread who also posted in the
thread: "Subject: Re: March on Washington, 2000 -- NAMBLA's marching too."
I am referring to Mike Silverman. He posted a superb attack against NAMBLA.
There can be no question about the way Mr. Silverman feels about NAMBLA.
Unfortunately, homosexuals like Mike Silverman are in the minority.

Finally, you say you are going to sue BOTH myself AND my ISP. This is
certainly improper. Since when does any ISP review messages before they are
posted? Suing my ISP would be like suing the telephone company because
someone made a series of telephone calls that were libelous.

You think that by suing my ISP that my ISP will immediately terminate me
with extreme prejudice because my ISP doesn't want to be bothered defending
himself against a lawsuit. Well, it's not going to work. If you sue my ISP,
I will immediately reimburse him for his expenses in defending himself
against your lawsuit.

Fred Cherry

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98

In Message-ID: <6d0cq9$j5p$>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality


Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 06:08:55 GMT (J. Northwood) wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Feb 1998 20:00:31 GMT, (Fred Cherry)

> crossposted, like the lack-witted bug-fucker he is, to:
> Where he wishes he could hang out
> Where he knows it's against charter soc.motss
> G_d only knows why soc.culture.latin-america
> Yet again, see above soc.culture.cuba
> His pet newsgroup
> His showcase for his idiocy alt.politics.homosexuality
> Because he hates Clinton alt.politics.clinton
> See above at a.p.h. alt.homosexual

So you pretend to be ignorant of the reason I crossposted to
soc.culture.cuba. We've gone over this before. Your friend falcor14, the
leader of NAMBLA, posted there and I followed him there to reply to him.

You would prefer that no one respond to falcor14. You want to see falcor14
spouting his propaganda in favor of homosexual child-molesting without any

Now, as for you and your famous charter for soc.motss. has a
charter and when people ignored that charter the people in
created another newsgroup, namely Why don't you and
the rest of you homos in soc.motss create a moderated newsgroup, instead of
trying to impose your standards on the rest of Usenet?

Sure, I hate Clinton. I don't have enough money to buy Clinton, the way you
homos have bought him.

> Fred, you shit-sucking, whore-chasing, limp-wristed, slack-assed sorry
> excuse for an afterbirth that survived, get a clue.

Shit-sucking is something many of you homos like to do. Here is an example:


From: (Mark)
Newsgroups: alt.homosexual
Subject: I have a poop fettish!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 10:42:52 GMT
Organization: Hevanet Communications
Lines: 3
Message-ID: <4be23h$>
Status: RO

I love to eat my lover's poop with a spoon!


Furthermore, why is it that so many homos want to have sex in shit-houses?
What is this fascination so many homos have with shit?

Sure, I am "whore-chasing", as you so charmingly put it. But I chase ADULT
women prostitutes. Unlike your NAMBLA friends who go after little boys.

> You get dropped because you *abuse usenet*, just like you did with
> your original post, and with this follow-up. You crosspost
> incessantly and with malice aforethought. You seek to justify your
> demented hate-mongering with a whined "homosexuals don't like me", as
> though that's either up for debate or germane to the conversation.

Sure, I crosspost. But your friend falcor14 spams. He posts his propaganda
all over the internet. Last year he posted his propaganda into
rec.equestrian. What does homosexual child-molesting have to do with
horseback riding?

Most homosexuals hate *all* heterosexuals.

Hate is a homosexual value both on the Internet and off the Internet. Here
is an example of homosexual hate off the Internet. I would like to quote
from that well-known lesbian, Robin Morgan. Here is a passage from her
book: GOING TOO FAR. In that book, the following appears: [page 178]

I feel that "man-hating" is an honorable and viable
*political* act, that the oppressed [women] have a right to
class-hatred against the *class* that is oppressing them. And
although there are exceptions (as in everything), i.e., men who
are trying to be traitors to their own male class, most men
clearly affirm their deadly class privileges and power. And I
*hate that class.*

Robin Morgan was, for a number of years, the Editor-In-Chief of Ms.
Magazine, where she inserted many more examples of her hatred into that

> Holy hopping hounds of Hell, you perverted sheep-fucking lunatic, if
> you've got a problem with NAMBLA, like most of us do, then take it up
> with NAMBLA. Don't spew your inane bilge across Usenet for the sake
> of salving what passes for the pox-ridden soul you once had, *DO*
> something about it.

Even if I were a sheep-fucker, I wouldn't be doing the harm you homos are
doing. You homos go around spreading AIDS. I have never heard of a
sheep-fucker spreading any diseases to other people.

I do indeed have a problem with NAMBLA and I am taking it up with a friend
of NAMBLA (you) right now.

> BTW, sweetheart, I'm a heterosexual. *I* hate you, too.

Yeah, right. You and Oscar Wilde. He also claimed to be a heterosexual.
See, in general, the biography of Oscar Wilde by H. Montgomery Hyde.

At least Oscar Wilde had talent. You, on the other hand are a no-talent
performer on television. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel when
they put you on that show you are on.

Fred Cherry

Mar 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/7/98

In Message-ID: <6dcf3u$ck2$>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality


Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 20:02:00 GMT (J. Northwood) wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Feb 1998 00:42:14 GMT, (Fred Cherry)
> vomited forth to the following groups (soc.motss,,
> soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.cuba,,
> alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.politics.clinton,alt.homosexual) his
> usual line of bullshit and smoke:

> >The post to which I am responding is the same sort of BIG LIE that
> >Goebbels was famous for.

> Bullshit. Look at the headers above. Your usual syphilitic rantings
> and insane bile spewing encompasses no less than ten newsgroups, and
> frankly, you whore-chasing fraud,, soc.culture.cuba and
> most if not all of the others are *off topic* for your puerile little
> jabs at temper. Fred, you're a weasel-sucking stump-pumper with more
> hair than wit, and you're most likely bald.

You are such a habitual liar that you don't know the difference between
lies and truth. You say I have crossposted to ten newsgroups. I have
crossposted to eight newsgroups. Where did you think that that lie was
going to get you?

Why is soc.culture.cuba off topic? This thread started when your friend
falcor14 posted a message in soc.culture.cuba glorifying and exhalting
homosexual child-molesting. You obviously believe in the principle that
criticism of NAMBLA is not to be tolerated.

You know something? Every time a homo comments on my hair, they think I am
bald. Even though those homos have never seen me. There was a thread once
titled: "Are all Americans fat and ugly"? I responded: "Not me! I'm skinny
and ugly." But I never said I was bald.

> >Let's start at the beginning. Schroeder claims that NAMBLA has less than
> >1000 members. Schroeder can claim any number he wants to. NAMBLA is not a
> >bank. If a bank claims it has a certain amount of cash on hand, it gets
> >visited regularly by a bank examiner to see whether the amount claimed is
> >correct.

> So detail back to us what you've learned from your membership with
> NAMBLA, fred. Or do you go in more for the Rene Gruyon crowd? Do you
> like 'em young and hairless, Fred? Do you enjoy cruising the
> playgrounds and kindergartens?

That's the NAMBLA technique. Here is what I mean:


In Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: The Royal Bitch
Date: 15 Dec 1997 13:38:16 GMT (PLouys) wrote:

>> NAMBLA is the acronym of the North American Man/Boy Love Association,
>> the most powerful and influential organization of homosexual child-
>> molesters in the world.

> Actually, Fred, you self-identify as a homophobe when you label NAMBLA an
> "organization of homosexual child-molesters..." Don't you think the word,
> "molesters," is just a BIT loaded? Have you read their literature?
> Don't you think that they are rather espousing >love< between adult males
> and male children rather than >molestation< of them? And isn't it true
> that some very prominent people either support their goals or are
> actually members of the organization, e.g. the late Allen Ginsberg?

Well, you are right about one thing. I am what you homos call a
"homophobe." Which is to say I am opposed to the homosexual agenda. Now
you, on the other hand, stand revealed as a supporter of NAMBLA.

I have indeed read their literature. I have read some of their Bulletins. I
have also read their handbook, which is titled: "GREEK LOVE." This book
encourages homosexual child molesters to commit sodomy on young boys and
instructs them on how to get away with it.

Here is one example of how the members of NAMBLA operate. I don't see how
anyone can call this type of activity "love."

There was an article in THE JERSEY JOURNAL (Newsstand Edition), dated
6/11/82, pages 1 and 29, describing their modus operandi. The story says
that members of NAMBLA went to local fast food stores and "cased" the
stores for potential victims. It goes on to say that: "None of the victims,
it was stressed by authorities, had any previous homosexual experience."
The article then goes on to say that the victims were boys ranging in age
from eight to fourteen and that they were all poor white boys with no
father in the home. Then the NAMBLA members went to the boys' homes and
convinced the boys' mothers that the NAMBLA members were a "big brother"
charitable organization and wanted to serve as surrogate fathers. They
first took the boys on fishing and camping trips and to movies. THEN after
softening up the boys in this manner, they brainwashed the boys into
engaging in homosexual activity.

> And isn't it true that some very prominent people either support their
> goals or are actually members of the organization, e.g. the late Allen
> Ginsberg?

Thank you. I agree with you 1,000% on this point. I said that NAMBLA is the
most powerful and influential organization of homosexual child-molesters in
the world, and your statement is an example of the power and influence of


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln (Fred Cherry)


> >I never claimed that NAMBLA was spying on me. I claimed that NAMBLA
> >members had threatened me on several occasions. I used to get phone
> >calls from a NAMBLA member threatening to "stick a knife up my ***," and
> >to "cut off my [spherical appendages]."

> I'm sure you did.
> And your flamingos got trampled, too, didn't they?
> And what was the number for the police report for that?

I have posted that number in a previous message. I will copy the entire
message without any excisions so that others can see that I am telling the


Newsgroups: alt.feminism,soc.women,talk.rape,
Path: world!john1
From: (Fred Cherry)
Subject: Re: ACLU Answers
Message-ID: <>
Sender: (Fred Cherry)
Organization: Johns & Call Girls United Against Repression
References: <>
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 16:47:53 GMT
Lines: 172
Status: RO

In Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: alt.feminism,soc.women,talk.rape
Subject: ACLU Answers
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 05:00:21 GMT
From: Ray Smith <>

> Q: What is the role of the American Civil Liberties Union?

> A: The ACLU has been very active in defending the pornographers in the
> media. The ACLU has been very active in defending pornography as a genre
> of expression that must have absolute constitutional protection: this
> they have done in the courts.

> The ACLU has taken money for a long time from the pornographers. Some
> money has been raised by showing pornography. The ACLU's economic ties
> with the pornographers take many different forms, ranging from taking
> money from the Playboy Foundation to being housed for a nominal rent ($1
> per year) in a building owned by pornographers. Sometimes lawyers
> represent the ACLU in public debate and as individuals work for
> pornographers in private. Their personal incomes, then, are largely
> dependent on being retained by the pornographers. In public they are
> spokesmen for high and mighty principles; in private, they do whatever
> the pornographers need done. For instance, one such lawyer represented
> the ACLU in many debates with feminists on pornography. He talked about
> the importance of free speech with serious elegance and would brook no
> exceptions to what must be protected because, he said repeatedly, if any
> exceptions were made, "feminist and gay" speech would suffer. Then, as
> the private lawyer for a pornographer, he sued Women Against Pornography
> for libel because on television a member denounced the pornographer for
> publishing cartoons that pornographized children. This is one way the
> ACLU helps pornographers wage war on feminists: high-toned in public;
> political destruction in private by use of money, power, and ACLU
> lawyers. The ACLU itself also has a record of defending child pornography
> by opposing any laws against it as constitutionally prohibited incursions
> on free speech.

There is a New York State case that goes back about seventy years titled
People v. Friede. In that case, a book of homosexual propaganda was
condemned as obscene because of the ideas it propounded. I remember reading
that book. The happened in 1950, when I was employed by the City of New
York. There was this bald, fat old geezer who was a homo and was trying to
put the make on me. He recommended that I read THE WELL OF LONELINESS as a
pornographic book. I have never read such a boring mish-mash in my life.
This lesbian keeps striking poses such as: "No, mother, you will never make
me ashamed of my love." But there was absolutely no description of any sex
in the book, just weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth about how cruel
society is to this poor put-upon lesbian. After I read the book this homo
asked me how I liked it, and when I responded negatively, he seemed very
disappointed. That's how I knew he was a homo, although I didn't realize
that fact until twenty years later.

Now, that is a perfect example of how censorship of pornography inevitably
leads to censorship of unpopular political and sociological ideas. Of
course nowadays material which OPPOSES the Gay Agenda is censored.

The statement that: "The ACLU itself also has a record of defending child
pornography by opposing any laws against it as constitutionally prohibited
incursions on free speech", is an out-and-out LIE. The actual position of
the ACLU is bad enough. The ACLU takes the position that child pornography
which already exists should not be suppressed, but only the MAKING of child
pornography should be against the law.

Ray Smith claims that some ACLU lawyer: "as the private lawyer for a
pornographer sued Women Against Pornography for libel because on television
a member denounced the pornographer for publishing cartoons that
pornographized children."

First of all, I would like to know the details of this alleged suit.
Second, I can tell you that Ray Smith should never have opened THAT can of
worms. If you want to know something about libel suits, go to a public
library that has The New York Times on microfilm and look at page B 7 of
The New York Times for 8/26/85. There is a five-column wide article on that
page which glorifies and exalts Andrea Dworkin to the skies. The article
mentions Dworkin's "$150 million dollar libel suit against Hustler magazine
which portrayed her in cartoons as a lesbian."

That is a typical New York Times distortion of the facts. Dworkin PROCLAIMS
the fact that she is a lesbian in Chapter 7 of her book: OUR BLOOD. The New
York Times, in that article, is trying to insinuate that Dworkin is not a

The actual suit is for intentional infliction of emotional distress more
than anything else. There are two citations which describe this case
perfectly. They are both titled Dworkin v. Hustler Magazine, Inc. The
first is at 668 F. Supp. 1408. The appeal from this decision is at 867 F.
2d 1188. At 668 F. Supp. 1410, the district court found that: "Exhibit A is
a cartoon that portrays two women apparently engaging in cunnilingus. One
woman says to the other, `You remind me so much of Andrea Dworkin, Edna.
It's a dog-eat-dog world.'"

That description omits an important detail. Both women are UGLY. Their
ugliness approaches the ugliness of Andrea Dworkin herself.

Dworkin can dish out the insults, but she can't take them. She insults me,
both as a connoissewer of pornography and as a patron of women prostitutes.
Anyway, she was thrown out of court on her [elbow] on that suit. In fact
the court of appeals said that if she ever brings a similar suit, she will
have to pay double costs and the lawyers' fees of the defendant, because
her arguments are so frivolous.

> We also frankly abhor the ACLU's defenses of Klan and Nazi groups. The
> ACLU has a long history of protecting the most virulent racism. In
> protecting pornography, this purposeful policy continues. Pornography
> sexualizes racist hatred. It uses racially motivated violation, torture,
> and murder as sex acts that lead to orgasm. We believe that racist
> pornography is one source of the violence against Blacks and other
> minorities that is ongoing in this society. We believe that it is a
> dynamic source of racist violence.

So DWORKIN believes that pornography is a: "dynamic source of racist
violence" does she? Well, howcum organizations such as the NAACP, the Urban
League, and B'nai Brith don't think so? How can Dworkin pretend to know
more about racist violence than the victims, themselves?

> The pornographers rank with Nazis and Klansmen in promoting hatred and
> violence. Their targets are always sex-based and sometimes race-based.
> Like the Nazis and the Klansmen, they commit the acts of violence they
> promote. They conduct a war against women that spreads terror.

I'll tell you something about terror. There is a homosexual reign of terror
in this area of the nation directed against anyone who speaks out in
opposition to the gay agenda. One example of a victim of this homosexual
reign of terror is Adam Walinsky. Look at what happened to Adam Walinsky
when Walinsky spoke out against gay power. On 6/21/77, the New York Daily
News published a guest editorial by Adam Walinsky in which Walinsky
expressed his opposition to a Gay Rights bill. As a result, a mob of
homosexual thugs led by the New York Gay Activists Alliance appeared at
Walinsky's home at 11:00 P.M. on 8/4/77. They were carrying baseball bats
and bullhorns. They were shouting threats to burn Walinsky's home down.
They cut the telephone wires. They splattered Walinsky's home with raw
eggs. They handed out leaflets threatening bodily harm to Walinsky and
those who agreed with him. They succeeded in terrorizing Walinsky's wife
and children. You can read about this in almost any law library. Look up
the case of Walinsky v. Kennedy, 404 N.Y. Supp. 2d 491. And the Gay
Activists Alliance succeeded brilliantly. Its terror tactics succeeded in
frightening Walinsky's family to such an extent that Walinsky has never
again dared to speak out on homosexuality.

Something quite similar happened to me. Here are the facts. For two years,
starting in 1984, a group of homosexual nazis who were NAMBLA sympathizers
were harassing me, mostly by telephone, telling me how happy they were that
Hitler had killed six million Jews. They also threatened to: "stick a knife
up your ass" and "cut off your balls." They found out that I am Jewish. And
then when I tried to get the police to do something, I was told that the
New York City Police Department Bias Unit only handles incidents in which
homosexuals are the victims of bias, not when they are the aggressors.
There is a complaint number at the 84th Precinct in Brooklyn. That number
is 16490. I don't know whether or not they still have records of that
complaint, but I do know that nothing was ever done.

> We have asked the ACLU repeatedly over many years to protect the rights
> enumerated in the Bill of Rights by taking the cases of powerless or
> disenfranchised people, not exploiters, abusers, or purveyors of
> genocide. The ACLU has remained indifferent to this idea.

I asked the ACLU repeatedly to defend my First Amendment rights to send
political postcards, but they kept telling me that they were "too busy."
As a result, the Post Office Department seized my political postcards
without notice or hearing and hurled them into a fiery furnace. See Cherry
v. Postmaster-General, 272 F. Supp. 982. Sure, the ACLU was "too busy."
They were too busy acting as lackeys for the organized homosexual movement
of America in its relentless drive to advance the Gay Agenda.


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln


The point I wish to make is that homosexuals have become so powerful that
they can get away with all sorts of crimes. Now, maybe you can convince
people that I am lying about what happened to me, by how are you going to
convince people that what happened to Adam Walinsky is a lie? That mob of
homosexual thugs who were terrorizing Walinski and his family should have
been arrested on the spot. Instead, he was forced to get an injunction
against them to stop them from committing further crimes.

> Fred, you venomous rat-bastard, Robert is one of the most vocal people
> *against* NAMBLA that I've ever seen. The vast majority of
> homosexuals are against NAMBLA. _Your_ credibility is called into
> question when "NAMBLA" has become your war-cry.
> _NO_ homosexual (or heterosexual, actually) in this group supports
> NAMBLA. Give. It. Up. Bubba.
> Robert's "group" is stating a bald fact--you're lying through your
> shit-stained teeth.

When you write "this group", I presume you mean alt.politics.homosexuality.
Well, what about the thread: "Subject: Re: March on Washington, 2000 --
NAMBLA's marching too"? Falcor14 posted his usual boiler-plate message
glorifying and exhalting homosexual child-molesting. How do you explain

> >Ask yourself this: If all the homos are as opposed to NAMBLA as they
> claim, then why don't they want to see the NAMBLA spokesmen lose their
> ISP accounts?

> And how do you know they don't?

For two reasons. First of all no NAMBLA spokesman has ever lost an ISP
account. And second, no homo has ever posted a message like this:


From: Robert Schroeder <>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.cuba,alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.homosexual,

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 12:35:04 -0800
Organization: TickOffTheRight Inc.

Lines: 35
Message-ID: <>
References: <Pine.SUN.3.96.980216074305.3746S-100000@kira>
<6cbq0h$sg4$> <>

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

X-Trace: (null) 888264987 26671 (None)
X-Complaints-To: usenet@nnrp1

X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01C-SBWA (Win16; I)
Status: RO

Fred Cherry wrote:

> (commandante e) writes:
> >It is well-known throughout the United States intelligence community
> >that this group of pedophiliac sexual predators was created by the
> >Central Intelligence Agency based on an original model designed and
> >implemented in Washington, DC, by US Congressman Barney Frank, for the
> >purpose of gathering intelligence.
> Not true. NAMBLA was formed in Boston in 1978 for the purpose of
> encouraging homosexual child-molesters to commit sodomy on young boys and
> to instruct those homosexual child-molesters on how to get away with it.
> After all, how much intelligence can be gathered from 10-year-old boys?
> >In my opinion, this crime should be punishable by immediate execution by
> >any citizen, and the family of the predator charged for the bullet.
> >e
> In the United States any opposition to NAMBLA by a non-homosexual is
> punished by the homosexual community with the loss of one's Internet
> connection.
geez Fred....why don't crosspost to a few more groups, eh?

I invite all who are SICK and TIRED of Mr Cherry and his crossposts to

join me in reporting him to his ISP. And no Fred, its not because you
are anti-NAMBLA (in fact, you know more about NAMBLA than anyone I've
ever met, which leads me to believe that you just might be a member in
good standing.) but rather, because you enjoy abusing Usenet.

Get a gripe...Get a life.



> >Not only is Schroeder a supporter and member of NAMBLA, but he is under
> >investigation right now for sexually molesting little boys.

> > (Fred Cherry)
> What is your proof for this, you lying bastard?
> Robert, count me in if you need a witness -- this ain't free speech,
> this is slanderous, libellous and malicious.
> ~ Jon

Just remember that your friend has one year in which to file this suit. And
don't forget that if you want to appear as a witness, I can use this whole
post, or any part of it, to impeach both your veracity and your

Marco Zorro

Mar 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/8/98

Fred Cherry wrote:
> > Not true. NAMBLA was formed in Boston in 1978 for the purpose of
> > encouraging homosexual child-molesters to commit sodomy on young boys and
> > to instruct those homosexual child-molesters on how to get away with it.
> >

Why are so many of the examples of perverts and sodomites Jewish? Are
they some kind of foul amoral garbage?

Fred Cherry

Mar 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/8/98

In Message-ID: <6dntn6$>

Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality

Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 04:23:03 GMT
(Magenta), from the Ministry of Truth, wrote:

> He has been posting the same cut-and-paste rants for at least five
> years now. He even tried to go head-to-head against Janet Reno.

Another homo liar. Aren't there any homo defenders of NAMBLA who can tell
the truth? The first time I ever posted a message on Usenet was in May of

I did try to go head-to-head with Janet Reno. What a mistake that was! Rod
Swift, the homonazi from Australia was defending NAMBLA with the same
sewer-mouth language that Jon Northwood does right now. The Communications
Decency Act of 1996 forbade such language. I filed a suit, pro-se,
challenging the constitutionality of the Communications Decency Act (the
CDA) on the grounds that the homonazi Rod Swift was not bound by the CDA,
since he was an Australian citizen posting from Australia. I on the other
hand, wasn't even allowed to quote his sewer-mouth language.

What happened was that I was delayed in litigating my case, because of poor
health and my case was put on the suspense list. The CDA was found to be
unconstitutional by the federal district court in Philadelphia and this
decision was affirmed the United States Supreme Court.

Now, it appears that the Supreme Court decision invalidating the CDA has
made the Internet safe for NAMBLA, and, because of all the friends of
NAMBLA who have gotten several other people kicked off of the Internet, the
practical effect is, among other things, to assure that debate on the
subject of homosexual child-molesting will favor the NAMBLA viewpoint.

> Fred puts himself down as often as he puts down others- he has a sad,
> lonely, miserable existence and states it repeatedly. He feels the
> need to cast blame for his condition on others, and the "others" he
> picked is homosexuals. The only self-esteem boost he gets is by
> classifying another group of people, at least in his own mind, as
> inferior to him.

What is this nonsense about "fault"? Is it my fault that I was born with a
serious illness that prevents me from getting out and meeting people? I
don't blame any one else for that. The only way I can have any intimate
companionship from a woman is to have a call girl come to my apartment.

What I blame homosexuals for is for their organized efforts to prevent
that. This goes all the way back to 1964. There was an organization formed
at that time called the New York City League for Sexual Freedom. The League
believed in sexual freedom for ALL consenting adults. After we had held a
demonstration in front of the New York City women's prison for
decriminalization of prostitution, which gave us a great deal of publicity,
a large number of homosexuals from the only existing homosexual
organization in New York at that time joined the League and took over. From
then on the League changed its principles. From then on it was OPPOSED to
decriminalization of prostitution AND from then on it advocated homosexual
child-molesting. And this has been going on ever since then. The web page
of NAMBLA, for example, not only glorifies and exalts homosexual
child-molesting, but it also condemns prostitution even when carried
out in private among consenting adults.

I most certainly do not feel that homosexuals are inferior to me. They are
clearly superior to me. They have succeeded in defeating me every time I
have gone head-to-head with them. They have succeeded in repeatedly
censoring me.

> --
> +----- Peace & Love, ----+------- Magenta77 (at) AOL (dot) com ---+
> | /| /| _ _ _ _-|-_ | "There are none so blind |
> | / |/ |(_|(_|(/_| )|(_| | as they that will not see..." |
> |_________ _/ __________|______________________--Jonathan Swift _|

What's with this "Peace & Love" routine of yours that you have in your sig
file? Every time you post anything about any hetero who opposes the Gay
Agenda, all you post is War & Hate.

Cliff Anchor

Mar 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/9/98

Fred - You really need to stop equating NAMBLA with Gays. The FBI statistics
show that the NAMBLA crowd (like the child molestation statistics) are
overwhelmingly HETERO. I suggest you police the churches and protect the
altar boys. For, the more homophobic the church, the more it has a problem
with child molestation.
- Cliff

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Cherry <>
Date: Sunday, March 08, 1998 1:31 PM
>In Message-ID: <6dntn6$>
>Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality
>Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 04:23:03 GMT
>(Magenta), from the Ministry of Truth, wrote:
>> He has been posting the same cut-and-paste rants for at least five
>> years now. He even tried to go head-to-head against Janet Reno.
>Another homo liar. Aren't there any homo defenders of NAMBLA who can tell
>the truth? The first time I ever posted a message on Usenet was in May of
>I did try to go head-to-head with Janet Reno. What a mistake that was! Rod
>Swift, the homonazi from Australia was defending NAMBLA with the same

Fred Cherry

Mar 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/12/98

In Message-ID: <6dv6k0$83l$>

Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality

Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 22:33:28 GMT (J. Northwood) wrote:

> On Sun, 8 Mar 1998 21:31:23 GMT, (Fred Cherry)
> wrote:
>> In Message-ID: <6dntn6$>
>> Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality
>> Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 04:23:03 GMT
>> (Magenta), from the Ministry of Truth, wrote:

>> Another homo liar. Aren't there any homo defenders of NAMBLA who can
>> tell the truth? The first time I ever posted a message on Usenet was in
>> May of 1994.

> Considering there are no homosexual "defenders of NAMBLA" on this
> group, your complaint has no logical basis.

You are one of the many homosexual defenders of NAMBLA. Falcor14 is also
one the many homosexual defenders of NAMBLA

>> I did try to go head-to-head with Janet Reno. What a mistake that was!
>> Rod Swift, the homonazi from Australia was defending NAMBLA with the

>> same sewer-mouth language that Jon Northwood does right now.
> And such a _naughty_ liar you are.

A liar, you say? Well, all you have to do is go to the United States
Courthouse located at 500 Pearl Street, Borough of Manhattan in New York
City and ask to see the file in the case of Cherry v. Reno, Index Number 96
Civ. 2498 (DLC), and you will see the following as part of the Exhibit
attached to the Complaint. The Exhibit consists of a transcript of various
Usenet posts by Rod Swift. Here is part of that transcript:


From: (Rod Swift)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian,,alt.christnet,
Subject: Re: Gay teacher - should we fire him?
Followup-To: alt.religion.christian,,alt.christnet,
Date: 23 Jan 1996 18:03:31 GMT
Organization: Nether.Net -- Public access Linux system
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <4e37tj$>
References: <> <4d1ijq$>
<4d8900$> <elliott.821799099@palm>

John Bowling ( wrote:

> I'll add a few of those hard questions:

> Do married female teachers never get pregnant and continue to teach?

> These are all graphic displays of heteroSEXUALITY done in the presence of
> impressionable children.


We should THROW out TEACHERS who are pregnant!!! They are the
ones indoctrinating our young girls into having TEEN PREGNANCIES!
After all, the linkage between gay people teaching and students
becoming gay is about as correlatable as a pregnant woman
teaching and students getting pregnant! That is, nil correlation.

| ... ..... | Hey Fred (Cherry), I think ya |*******|
| + + + + + + + + |need a big dick up your ass soon,| ***** |
| * * * * * * * * |to clear out all that shit that's| *** |
|R o d S w i f t| backlogged into your brain!!! | * |


I didn't even post anything in that thread and yet Rod Swift was so
obsessed with me that he even put me into his sigfile, with his usual
sewer-mouth language.

> I don't defend NAMBLA, and I'm not a "homonazi", whatever that's
> supposed to be.

Of course you defend NAMBLA. When the only thing you have to say on the
subject of NAMBLA when a spokesman for NAMBLA posts a message exalting and
glorifying homosexual child-molesting is to attack the enemies of NAMBLA,
you are defending NAMBLA.

I have never accused YOU of being a homonazi. I have accused Rod Swift of
being a homonazi. A homonazi is a homosexual nazi. That's what Rod Swift
is. Here is the evidence:


From alt.politics.homosexuality Fri Mar 17 09:14:39 1995
From: (Michael Zeleny)
Newsgroups: talk.philosophy.misc,alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.revisionism
Subject: Re: Nazis like Us
Date: 14 Mar 1995 22:16:42 GMT
Organization: ptyx
Lines: 47
Expires: April 30, 1995
Message-ID: <3k54ka$>
References: <3k2q0n$> <3k37m2$>
Xref: panix talk.philosophy.misc:26277 alt.politics.homosexuality:74505
alt.revisionism:27052 (Rod Swift) writes:
: (Michael Zeleny) writes:

:::: "You're the type of Jew that gave Hitler some justification for
:::: his genocide, I'm sure." -- Rod Swift

::: What is the Moral One's expert opinion on this?

:: No comment.

: Is it because it is so POORLY transcribed from the original post,

The transcription is faithful down to the line break.

: or the fact that it has completely lost it's context?

Context restored:
In article <3jncve$> (Rod Swift) writes:

>In article <3jmk1k$>
> (Michael Zeleny) writes:

>>I am a Jewish philosopher, not a Japanese monk. Consider the precedents
>>recorded in the books of the Prophets.

>You're the type of Jew that gave Hitler some justification for
>his genocide, I'm sure.

In the future, Swift's intellectual credibility should be measured
against his former Holocaust apologetics and his present attempts to
disclaim responsibility for his statements.

Cordially, - Mikhail | Why is it that all those who have become eminent | in philosophy or politics or poetry or art
UCLA Philosophy Dept | are clearly of an atrabilious temperament?
|"Fuck your ass with broken glass!" -- Gene Ward Smith| don't
|"You're the type of Jew that gave Hitler some justification for| tread
| his genocide, I'm sure." -- Rod Swift| on me


>> The Communications
>> Decency Act of 1996 forbade such language. I filed a suit, pro-se,
>> challenging the constitutionality of the Communications Decency Act (the
>> CDA) on the grounds that the homonazi Rod Swift was not bound by the CDA,
>> since he was an Australian citizen posting from Australia. I on the other
>> hand, wasn't even allowed to quote his sewer-mouth language.

> And we all know that Mr. "I have to pay for sex" _needs_ those dirty
> words to be understood, don't we?

I don't use the style of argument that you NAMBLA supporters use. You
NAMBLA supporters omit relevant portions of your opponents' post and then
misquote the omitted portions.

>> Now, it appears that the Supreme Court decision invalidating the CDA has
>> made the Internet safe for NAMBLA, and, because of all the friends of
>> NAMBLA who have gotten several other people kicked off of the Internet,
>> the practical effect is, among other things, to assure that debate on
>> the subject of homosexual child-molesting will favor the NAMBLA viewpoint.

> Be sure and notify the government that they're all NAMBLA supporters,
> snooks. Let them know that you're a lying little sod, too.

Don't you understand? This was an UNINTENDED result. It was similar to the
situation in 1938 when Neville Chamberlain went to Munich and sold out
Czechoslovakia. He sincerely thought he had achieved "peace with honor."
What he actually got the next year was World War II.

As for me being a "lying little sod, too", you NAMBLA supporters haven't
been able to point to one single lie of mine, even though you constantly
harp on your accusations that I am a liar.

But there was one government official who was a practitioner of homosexual
child-molesting. I am referring to Bruce Ritter, the homosexual
Roman-Catholic priest. In his capacity as one of the commissioners of the
1986 Meese Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, he was a government

In his capacity as one of the Commissioners of the Meese Commission, he
gave great latitude to Andrea Dworkin, the man-hating bull-dyke lesbian who
was one of the people testifying against pornography.

Bruce Ritter was also the founder and CEO of Covenant House, a shelter for
homeless youths. In his capacity as CEO of Covenant House, he sent one of
his underlings, namely Greg Lokan to argue on the Donahue talk show that it
was necessary to imprison ADULT prostitutes and their ADULT clients in
order to protect young people from pimps. This talk show was broadcast live
on 3/3/87.

Somewhat later it was revealed that Bruce Ritter was having sexual
relationships with some of the young boys he was supposed to be protecting.

David J. Rimmer

Mar 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/12/98

Oh come on! Andrea Dworkin is far too femme to be described as
a "bull'dyke". Heavens lad, get your descriptive nouns in order.

Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98


Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98

im going to fuck you till your ears bleed

Erwin Wessels

Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98

Hi, :

> im going to fuck you till your ears bleed

Would you consider taking a hike? I haven't been following
this thread, but this is *not* the kind of articles I'ld
like to read, thank you for asking. I'm not sure you're
actually intelligent enough to state your case a *bit*
more elaboratoe, but you could at least *try*.

Believe me, messages like these won't win peoples heart.

Erwin Wessels
- Stjarna, sonur solarinnar tunglsins

(my real email address: h.t.w.j.wessels at student dot utwente dot nl

Brandon T. Burt

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

Fred Cherry wrote in message ...

>You are one of the many homosexual defenders of NAMBLA. Falcor14 is also
>one the many homosexual defenders of NAMBLA

I suppose you think I'm one, too ... even though I have never and will never
characterize NAMBLA as anything other than a right-wing anti-gay conspiracy.

>A liar, you say? Well, all you have to do is go to the United States
>Courthouse located at 500 Pearl Street, Borough of Manhattan in New York
>City and ask to see the file in the case of Cherry v. Reno, Index Number 96
>Civ. 2498 (DLC), and you will see the following as part of the Exhibit
>attached to the Complaint. The Exhibit consists of a transcript of various
>Usenet posts by Rod Swift. Here is part of that transcript:

>Of course you defend NAMBLA. When the only thing you have to say on the

>subject of NAMBLA when a spokesman for NAMBLA posts a message exalting and
>glorifying homosexual child-molesting is to attack the enemies of NAMBLA,
>you are defending NAMBLA.

Bullshit. You are not an enemy of NAMBLA. We attack you because of your
smear campaign against decent, normal gays. You love NAMBLA because it
provides evidence of sorts for your rather weak argument against
homosexuals. I therefore denounce YOU, Fred Cherry, as a friend of child
molesters, and quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was learned you
are one yourself.

If you were really so opposed to NAMBLA, why haven't you ever done anything
to fight it? All you ever do is crosspost to a bunch of unrelated newsgroups
trying to convince people that gays are child molesters or somthing.

>In the future, Swift's intellectual credibility should be measured
>against his former Holocaust apologetics and his present attempts to
>disclaim responsibility for his statements.

I don't consider his statement, however tasteless, to be a Holocaust
apologetic as much as a direct attack on your stupidity, Freddieboy.

>I don't use the style of argument that you NAMBLA supporters use. You
>NAMBLA supporters omit relevant portions of your opponents' post and then
>misquote the omitted portions.

Hehe, oh right, you never do that. Nor do you ever ignore whole posts
critical of your position. Nor do you ever use completely unsubstantiated
speculations as evidence. Sure. Whatever you say.

>As for me being a "lying little sod, too", you NAMBLA supporters haven't
>been able to point to one single lie of mine, even though you constantly
>harp on your accusations that I am a liar.

A lie in your previous sentence is that we are NAMBLA supporters. Another is
that nobody has ever been able to prove you are a liar.

Two enough for you?

>But there was one government official who was a practitioner of homosexual
>child-molesting. I am referring to Bruce Ritter, the homosexual
>Roman-Catholic priest. In his capacity as one of the commissioners of the
>1986 Meese Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, he was a government

Isn't that the guy who ran a charitable organization for homeless youth in
New York City? Now, as we all know, religionists such as Ritter are prone to
being molesters, but I'm not sure he was ever convicted was he? In fact,
weren't his accusers a couple of street thugs who had thought up lawsuit
scams before? Of course, I could be wrong ...

>In his capacity as one of the Commissioners of the Meese Commission, he
>gave great latitude to Andrea Dworkin, the man-hating bull-dyke lesbian who
>was one of the people testifying against pornography.

What does that have to do with anything? Surely you're not suggesting she
was a child molester, too? I think you've shown yourself to be nothing more
than a garden-variety homophobe here, Freddieboy.

>Bruce Ritter was also the founder and CEO of Covenant House, a shelter for
>homeless youths. In his capacity as CEO of Covenant House, he sent one of
>his underlings, namely Greg Lokan to argue on the Donahue talk show that it
>was necessary to imprison ADULT prostitutes and their ADULT clients in
>order to protect young people from pimps. This talk show was broadcast live
>on 3/3/87.

I think it sounds like a good idea. Prostitution has become a big problem in
the inner cities. Since locking up the hookers doesn't ever seem to work, it
seems like it might be worthwhile trying to lock up the Johns trying to pay
for sex.

>Somewhat later it was revealed that Bruce Ritter was having sexual
>relationships with some of the young boys he was supposed to be protecting.

Was it revealed? Or alleged? If he was molesting those young boys, then I
agree, he should be locked up in prison along with those hookers and johns.
But if he wasn't, then it's just sad his reputation could be tarnished when
he was simply trying to do something good for those street kids (who,
without his help, may have sunk to prostituting themselves.)

I've noticed you don't say much in defense of those poor young girls who
find themselves on the street with no way of supporting themselves other
than pimping themselves out as hookers. Do you support a system in which
powerless women are forced into that kind of sick, dangerous lifestyle? It
seems you do, every time you pay one of them $20 for her favors. You are
such a hypocrite, Freddieboy.

-Brandon Burt

Fred Cherry

Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

In Message-ID: <6dvsgd$>

Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality

Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 04:51:26 GMT

lo...@my.sig4address (Magenta), from the Ministry of Truth, wrote:

> >Another homo liar. Aren't there any homo defenders of NAMBLA who can
> >tell the truth?

> I would not know, since I have never seen a homo defend NAMBLA.
> The ONLY people who support it are Radow, Falcor, and YOU.

Another example of homosexual logic. Homosexual logic is the exact opposite
of common sense. Homosexuals believe that if a person dislikes homosexuals,
then that person himself must be a homosexual.

> >I did try to go head-to-head with Janet Reno. What a mistake that was!
> >Rod Swift, the homonazi from Australia was defending NAMBLA with the
> >same sewer-mouth language that Jon Northwood does right now.

> Neither Rod Swift nor Jon Northwood defended NAMBLA, and you would
> know this if you would start taking your medication. And nobody as a
> mouth that spews as much vile as yours.

When did I ever post anything like this? "--you're lying through your
shit-stained teeth." That's what Northwood said about me. Notice he never
said anything like that to falcor14, the official NAMBLA spokesman on the
net. Why doesn't Northwood say anything about falcor14's lies?

What you and Northwood consider "a mouth that spews as much vile as yours"
is anyone who knows the truth about NAMBLA, and tells it like it is.

> You forget Fred- I was around at the time and I remember Rod's taunts.
> He was picking on you because you are pathetic excuse for a human
> being, he was NOT defending NAMBLA.

So you were around, were you? Do you remember this?

Now, here is the proof that Swift is a promoter and supporter of NAMBLA.

Swift calls me a "cretinous little shit" a "filthy pervert", gutter slime",
"toilet slime", etc., etc. But Swift has nothing but admiration for Roy
Radow, the principal spokesman for NAMBLA on the Internet. Here it is:


From: (Rod Swift)
Newsgroups: alt.censorship,alt.homosexual,alt.politics.homosexuality,,,alt.mens-rights,soc.motss
Subject: Re: NAMBLA
Followup-To: alt.censorship,alt.homosexual,alt.politics.homosexuality,,,alt.mens-rights,misc.test
Date: 18 Jun 1995 14:00:34 -0500
Organization: DFWNet -- Public Internet Access
Lines: 108
Message-ID: <3s1t4i$>
References: <3qmk7j$> <>
<3qsmjc$> <>
<3ra726$> <3ri72i$>

[material deleted]

> These two newsgroups are totally out of bounds for messages
> concerning homosexual child-molesting. So, why are YOU so easy on Radow?

I'm never easy on Radow, but he makes my life easy as I don't
have to constantly flame him. You see, he has a brain, which is
seemingly much more than you -- you who continues to post lie
after lie after lie after lie to the Usenet groups about me and


Why doesn't Swift want to admit that much of Radow's pro-NAMBLA material
is full of lies? And why does Swift have such admiration for Radow's

Now, here is another one of Swift's lies, from the SAME message. I was
commenting on the fact that Radow had posted a 978-line message to 14


> He has a thread right now on the subject of "pedophilia" which has
> been crossposted to 14 groups.

No doubt at the whim of you -- probably after replying to your
net trolls.


Swift KNEW that I wasn't the person responsible for the fact that that
thread was crossposted to 14 newsgroups. The idea was to blame me for that
massive crossposting and take the blame away from Radow. In that way, Radow
crossposts his material to all those newsgroups and not only does he get
away with it, he doesn't even get BLAMED for it. If that doesn't show that
Swift is a promoter and supporter of NAMBLA, I don't know what does.

Swift's technique is truly the Nazi technique. Swift, the number one liar
on the Internet, accuses people who disagree with him of lying.


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln


Swift is also a woman-hater. Do you remember when Swift insulted The Pussy
Itself? And do you also remember how YOU sided with him? Well, I'll refresh
your memory.


Newsgroups: alt.homosexual
Subject: ROD: Are you really a total ass?
Date: 15 Sep 95 14:08:46 -0500
Organization: Tufts University - Medford, MA
Lines: 14
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <>


Did you actually say, "hot, sweaty, yeast-infected, syphilitic vagina" do
a man having sex with a woman?

I can't believe you're that much of an asshole! Maybe you WERE trying to
make the point that people are against men having sex together, and
"straight" sex to you is gross (or something...). But I still
can't believe you'd say that women generally are as you described us.
No wonder gay men and lesbians can't seem to find common ground.

This lesbian, for one, thinks you are a total asshole.


Don't you remember how Swift's loverboy called the woman who started that
thread a "tight-assed feminazi"? I guess not. You remember only what you
want to remember, and you remember it the way it never was.

Do you also remember how Conrad Sabatier stood up to Swift and was called a
"turd" for his efforts? Now, in my opinion Sabatier is a true gentleman,
and if a majority of homosexuals were like him, I would not hate
homosexuals. It is only because the overwhelming majority of homosexuals on
the Internet and elsewhere are like you, namely defenders of NAMBLA, who
find every opportunity to lie about and dish out abuse to the enemies of
NAMBLA, that I hate homosexuals.

> >> Fred puts himself down as often as he puts down others- he has a sad,
> >> lonely, miserable existence and states it repeatedly. He feels the
> >> need to cast blame for his condition on others, and the "others" he
> >> picked is homosexuals. The only self-esteem boost he gets is by
> >> classifying another group of people, at least in his own mind, as
> >> inferior to him.
> >What is this nonsense about "fault"? Is it my fault that I was born with a
> >serious illness that prevents me from getting out and meeting people?

> It is your fault that you make that illness the focus of your life.
> If Dr. Hawking can lead a productive life without whining about
> getting a raw deal, why can't you? Hawking can do it because he is an
> emotionally strong, incredibly intelligent man, while you are a
> pathetic little turd. Be a man Fred, stop your whining and get a life.

Hawking is a super-genius. He doesn't have to go out of his home to meet
people. People come to him. I, on the other hand, am just a mediocrity.

> >What I blame homosexuals for is for their organized efforts to prevent
> >that. This goes all the way back to 1964.

> [snip long, oft-repeated rant of something that happened before I was
> born, yet he pins it on me.]
> Fred, this is 1998. That was 1964. That was 34 years ago.
> THIRTY FOUR YEARS. Get over it.
> What ONE gay organization in New York did THIRTY FOUR YEARS ago has
> NOTHING TO DO with any gay person who is not a New Yorker over 52 who
> belonged to the group. Here is a clue Fred- That group DOESN'T EVEN
> EXIST ANYMORE. If all us "homos" agreed with them, then where is it?

What I wrote about is just for starters. I could write a book on the
subject, and it would be longer than WAR AND PEACE. Let's see what's
been happening more recently.

Consider Thomas B. Stoddard, who, until his death from AIDS in January, '97
was the most powerful and influential homosexual in the Here is what he had
to say on the subject of prostitution.

On page 28 of the NY Daily News dated 4/7/86, there is a column by Cal
Thomas, a conservative (to say the least) commentator. The column sez, in

"Why not repeal laws against statutory rape, even
if both parties consent? Why not similarly repeal laws
against incest, prostitution and even drug use, if
done in private?

Tom Stoddard, executive director of the Lambda
Legal Defense and Education Fund, an organization
representing homosexuals, says he would still favor
such laws because they seek to prevent "dangerous
things" and engaging in such behavior causes
'harm to others.'"

This is the SAME Thomas B. Stoddard who was a member of the Board of
Directors and "Legislative Director" of the New York Branch of the American
Civil Liberties Union, of which I used to be a member. Now, even though the
American Civil Liberties Union claims to favor decriminalization of
prostitution, Stoddard managed to block any steps by the New York branch of
the American Civil Liberties Union to take any action on this matter.

> EVERY SINGLE gay person you have encountered on usenet in these past
> FOUR YEARS- EVERY SINGLE ONE has told you we support legalized,
> licensed prostitution. EVERY SINGLE ONE (Except Radow and Falcor) has
> told you we are against NAMBLA. Heck, I even think Radow and Falcor
> came out as pro-prostitution.

Joseph Dunphy wrote long messages in opposition to decriminalization of
prostitution. In one of those messages he claimed that I had admitted buying
child pornography involving young girls. I asked him to produce the
message, with header, and just like to rest of you homo liars, he couldn't.

Then there was "Ray Smith" posting from hotmail, which is an anonymous
remailer. He was reposting material from Andrea Dworkin's testimony before
the Meese Commission. Now, Andrea Dworkin, a bull-dyke lesbian, in her
book: INTERCOURSE, later came out in opposition to sex between a man and a
woman under ANY AND ALL types of relationship, including husband and wife.
So, I think we can count Ray Smith as an opponent of decriminalization of

Let me tell you about how NAMBLA feels about these questions.

Here are some more facts that are not so well known about NAMBLA.

First of all, NAMBLA is an organization which has a pathological hatred of
women. I say this on the basis of one of the items of literature that they
used to recommend. They used to hand out literature at the anual New York
City "Gay Pride" parade which included the book: THE ASBESTOS DIARY, as one
of the books on their recommended reading list. I will quote from a review
of this book which appeared in the homosexual magazine TANGENTS, dated

Consider, for example, the kind deed done to humanity by
the author ("Duke" to his friends) in the matter of the old
whore. After one of his old *inamorati* has been sent to the
hospital with "the two worse of the seven sociable diseases,
plus stricture and involvement of the prostate and bladder--
and potent penicillin which killed Mark....," Duke goes to
the boy's funeral and later, after having purchased two
small household items at Polter & Geist's Department Store,
visits the old whatever: "...I threw a sawbuck in her lap
saying it was hers in any case but to tell me the truth: Is
she free from disease? 'I'm clean as your mother, dearie!'
she lisped, sealing her doom, and soiling my gloved fist on
*impasto* complexion I clipped her on the jaw, lowered her
unconscious form to the bed and ripped off her clothes. Then
I unwrapped my purchases: a pound of powdered Plaster of
Paris and a pastry tube...mixed powder with water to smooth
batter, poured it into pastry-tube the nozzle of which I
shoved up that malodorous maladied twat where at least one
young explorer had been wrecked on his maiden-voyage -- and
*Avant-garde* frictional fiction has ever rung with praise
for the whore with the heart of gold. Now I give you
something new: the whore with the plaster vagina!" If that
act is not of "redeeming" importance, I'd like to see one
that is.
All in all, a highly entertaining book.

--Gary Taylor

In addition, NAMBLA is an organization which hates Jews. That information
comes from PENTHOUSE Magazine. In the January '85 issue of PENTHOUSE
Magazine, there is an article about child-molesters. In that article, there
is a quote from a NAMBLA publication as follows:

That the New York Press (even the left wing Guardian!) still
swallow Judi as a legit source proves their gullibility--and
their complicity in the ongoing witch-hunt. Judi's abuses have
time and time again been publicly documented. Yet, like the
proverbial bad penny, she keeps turning up. And like any other
brazen loud Jewish kvetch, she won't close that motor-mouth
filled with lies. Every time that fat trap opens, she
jeopardizes public safety.

Now, please don't misunderstand. As a Jew, I'm not complaining over the
fact that NAMBLA hates us, I'm bragging about it. We Jews must be doing
something right, in order for a bunch of creeps like that to hate us!

> Yet you still blame EVERY SINGLE homosexual for something that
> happened THIRTY FOUR YEARS ago, when ALL of the proof shows exactly
> the oposite.

I certainly don't blame Pat Califia. She was one of the editors of the
ADVOCATE. She wrote a marvelous article in favor of decriminalization which
was published on the front page of the ADVOCATE.

That was the end of her! She no longer works for the ADVOCATE. Right now,
except for writing books, the only publication that will hire her is a
sleazy publication called THE SPECTATOR.

> Not only are Homosexuals superior to you Fred, Asexuals, Bisexuals and
> Heterosexuals are superior to you as well. Every single human being
> who has a spine and has the strength to rise above their difficulties
> is superior to you, because you are a self-pitying little turd who
> cross-posts in order to shout to the world "Look at me! look at how
> miserable I am!"

That is not what I am crossposting at all. I am showing people the evil

that lurks

in the hearts

of jerks

such as you.

> Fred, gays hate you because you are a homophobic idiot who associates
> us with a child molesting group that WE despise and YOU support.
> Fred, everyone- gay, straight, bi- EVERYBODY- on the internet hates
> you because you cross post these huge 444+ line posts that nobody
> reads and nobody wants clogging up our news reading software.

If telling the truth about NAMBLA means I am homophobic, then so be it.
If no one reads my posts, then how is it that YOU are quoting from my

> Fred, you even loose accounts because of your cross posting-
> not because of homophobia, not because of NAMBLA, not because of
> prostitutign, not because you are an ugly old shut-in.
> Fred, you loose ISP accounts because of your`cross posting.

Yeah? Then why did Chuck Whealton and Ken Abrams, among others, lose their
ISP accounts? You know very well it was because you homos didn't like what
they had to say and you pressured their ISPs with massive barrages of E-

Fred Cherry

Mar 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/20/98

In Message-ID: <6dv7ou$83l$>

Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality

Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 22:53:09 GMT (J. Northwood) wrote:

>>> Bullshit. Look at the headers above. Your usual syphilitic rantings
>>> and insane bile spewing encompasses no less than ten newsgroups, and
>>> frankly, you whore-chasing fraud,, soc.culture.cuba and
>>> most if not all of the others are *off topic* for your puerile little
>>> jabs at temper. Fred, you're a weasel-sucking stump-pumper with more
>>> hair than wit, and you're most likely bald.

I asked you previously, and you evaded the question previously. Now, I'll
ask you AGAIN. In view of the fact that your friend falcor14 had recently
posted a message to soc.culture.cuba glorifying and exalting homosexual
child-molesting, why is it off topic for me to respond to him? Just answer
THAT question and don't go off into your usual sewer-mouth routine.

>>> So detail back to us what you've learned from your membership with
>>> NAMBLA, fred. Or do you go in more for the Rene Gruyon crowd? Do you
>>> like 'em young and hairless, Fred? Do you enjoy cruising the
>>> playgrounds and kindergartens?
>> That's the NAMBLA technique. Here is what I mean:

> No, Fred. That's the fact that you claim anyone who disagrees with
> you is a member of NAMBLA.

First of all, as I pointed out in a message in reply to Schroeder, Mike
Silverman disagrees with me and Silverman is an all-out enemy of NAMBLA.

And second, with your creative editing, you completely distorted what I had
said in my previous message. I will repeat what I said about the NAMBLA


************************************************************************* (Fred Cherry)


> < snip 190 lines of Fred's lies >

< Restoring material necessary to understand Northwood's distortions >

>> I'll tell you something about terror. There is a homosexual reign of
>> terror in this area of the nation directed against anyone who speaks out
>> in opposition to the gay agenda. One example of a victim of this
>> homosexual reign of terror is Adam Walinsky. Look at what happened to
>> Adam Walinsky when Walinsky spoke out against gay power. On 6/21/77, the
>> New York Daily News published a guest editorial by Adam Walinsky in
>> which Walinsky expressed his opposition to a Gay Rights bill. As a
>> result, a mob of homosexual thugs led by the New York Gay Activists
>> Alliance appeared at Walinsky's home at 11:00 P.M. on 8/4/77. They were
>> carrying baseball bats and bullhorns. They were shouting threats to burn
>> Walinsky's home down. They cut the telephone wires. They splattered
>> Walinsky's home with raw eggs. They handed out leaflets threatening
>> bodily harm to Walinsky and those who agreed with him. They succeeded in
>> terrorizing Walinsky's wife and children. You can read about this in
>> almost any law library. Look up the case of Walinsky v. Kennedy, 404
>> N.Y. Supp. 2d 491. And the Gay Activists Alliance succeeded brilliantly.
>> Its terror tactics succeeded in frightening Walinsky's family to such an
>> extent that Walinsky has never again dared to speak out on homosexuality.

>>The point I wish to make is that homosexuals have become so powerful that

>>they can get away with all sorts of crimes. Now, maybe you can convince
>>people that I am lying about what happened to me, by how are you going to
>>convince people that what happened to Adam Walinsky is a lie? That mob of
>>homosexual thugs who were terrorizing Walinski and his family should have
>>been arrested on the spot. Instead, he was forced to get an injunction
>>against them to stop them from committing further crimes.

> I feel sorry for him if that happened _as you state it did_.

What do you mean by that? I wasn't me who stated what those homo thugs did
to Walinsky. It was the statement of the court. If anyone doesn't believe
me they can look up the case in almost any law library, as I stated

> Violence is not the answer. It never solves anything.

Violence certainly got that degenerate royal family of Hanover off of the
backs of the United States. That family includes an outright lunatic (George
III), a degenerate committer of incest (George IV), A dimwit whose IQ
bordered on outright idiocy (George V), and an out-and-out Nazi (Edward

>>> Fred, you venomous rat-bastard, Robert is one of the most vocal people
>>> *against* NAMBLA that I've ever seen. The vast majority of
>>> homosexuals are against NAMBLA. _Your_ credibility is called into
>>> question when "NAMBLA" has become your war-cry.
>>> _NO_ homosexual (or heterosexual, actually) in this group supports
>>> NAMBLA. Give. It. Up. Bubba.
>>> Robert's "group" is stating a bald fact--you're lying through your
>>> shit-stained teeth.
>>When you write "this group", I presume you mean alt.politics.homosexuality.


>>Well, what about the thread: "Subject: Re: March on Washington, 2000 --
>>NAMBLA's marching too"? Falcor14 posted his usual boiler-plate message
>>glorifying and exhalting homosexual child-molesting. How do you explain

>Fred, anyone can post here.
>You're proof of that.

Now there's a non-sequitor if ever there was one. You stated that no one in
the newsgroup alt.politics.homosexuality supports NAMBLA. I pointed out
that you are lying through your pearly-white television-actor's teeth and
all you can say is that "anyone can post here."

>>Just remember that your friend has one year in which to file this suit.
>>And don't forget that if you want to appear as a witness, I can use this
>>whole post, or any part of it, to impeach both your veracity and your

>How so?
>How could what I've written "impeach both [my] veracity and [my]
>impartiality?" The only means in which I've been impartial is when
>you've been slandering me with the accusation of being a NAMBLA
>supporter. That's libelous, and it's a lie.
> ~ Jon

All right. I'll state it again. You are a NAMBLA supporter. If that's
libelous and a lie, why don't YOU sue me for libel?


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln (Fred Cherry)


Mar 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/20/98

who really gives a are all homos and child molestas

J. Northwood wrote in message <>...
>I apologize for the crossposting. Especially to soc.motss. <g>
>I know it's rude, and it won't be done again, regardless of the level
>of slander Mr. Cherry wishes to foist upon me.
>On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 22:34:47 GMT, (Fred Cherry)

>>I asked you previously, and you evaded the question previously. Now, I'll
>>ask you AGAIN. In view of the fact that your friend falcor14 had recently
>>posted a message to soc.culture.cuba glorifying and exalting homosexual
>>child-molesting, why is it off topic for me to respond to him? Just answer
>>THAT question and don't go off into your usual sewer-mouth routine.

>Mr. Cherry:
>It is not off-topic for you to respond to a poster _in the group in
>which that poster was originally posting_. I do not read
>soc.culture.cuba (or most of the other groups on the list, for that
>matter), and I did not see the original article in question.
>I am assuming you are referring to the one article that DejaNews has
>archived--an article dated 15 February 1998--in which falcor14 was
>responding to allegations that NAMBLA was forming a group for the
>express purpose of going to Cuba to rape children. He said they
>weren't, then repeated the "bylaws", for lack of a better term, of
>Yes, I loathe NAMBLA. I've repeated it often enough both here and
>elsewhere that I should think it would be obvious. I've stated to you
>that I abhor any form of child molestation. Mr. Cherry, as a child I
>_was_ molested--do you think I'd wish that on _any_ child?
>My contentions with you are threefold.
>First, your continued insistence on cross-posting to groups in which
>the original message was _not_ posted.
>Second, your continued insistence that I am a friend of falcor14 and a
>supporter of NAMBLA.
>Third, your continued insistence that child molestation is an
>exclusively homosexual tendency. As has been noted _repeatedly_,
>heterosexuals comprise the majority of child molesters, not

>>> No, Fred. That's the fact that you claim anyone who disagrees with
>>> you is a member of NAMBLA.
>>First of all, as I pointed out in a message in reply to Schroeder, Mike
>>Silverman disagrees with me and Silverman is an all-out enemy of NAMBLA.

>Fred, the majority of the posters here disagree with you, and the
>majority of the posters here are enemies of NAMBLA.

>>And second, with your creative editing, you completely distorted what I
>>said in my previous message.

>I resent that, Mr. Cherry. I did not "creatively edit" your post.

>>I will repeat what I said about the NAMBLA technique.

>Please note that "what you said about the NAMBLA technique" is posted
>to This is another group which I neither read nor subscribe
>to. As well, this post was made over three months ago. My posts to
>you occurred within this last month.

>>< Restoring material necessary to understand Northwood's distortions >

>Mr. Cherry, I distorted nothing you said. Your statements were made
>(at great and unnecessary length, IMO) and I responded to them as I
>felt they deserved.
>< snip >

>>What do you mean by that? I wasn't me who stated what those homo thugs did
>>to Walinsky. It was the statement of the court. If anyone doesn't believe
>>me they can look up the case in almost any law library, as I stated

>Thank you for bringing the citation information to my attention again.
>I _did_ look up the case, and it does appear as though you were for
>the most part telling the truth, although with certain linguistic
>liberties taken.

>>> Look at what happened to
>>> Adam Walinsky when Walinsky spoke out against gay power.

>Adam Walinsky spoke out against equal rights and non-discrimination.

>>> On 6/21/77, the
>>> New York Daily News published a guest editorial by Adam Walinsky in
>>> which Walinsky expressed his opposition to a Gay Rights bill.

>The bill in question was a non-discrimination article, stating that
>discrimination could not be made solely on the basis of sexual
>orientation--again, "equal" rights, as _everyone_ would be covered
>under the law.
>"Mr. Walinsky in his article, insisted, however, that along with a
>'right of privacy' there is a also a 'duty of privacy'--and that
>homosexuals should not overtly inflict their beliefs and status upon
>others, such as their students or fellow employees. Walinsky opined
>that the bill before the City Council did not clearly recognize the
>foregoing and that the bill 'amounts to a formal declaration that
>homosexuality is morally or socially equal to heterosexuality' and
>that this would be wrong."

>>> As a
>>> result, a mob of homosexual thugs led by the New York Gay Activists
>>> Alliance appeared at Walinsky's home at 11:00 P.M. on 8/4/77. They were
>>> carrying baseball bats and bullhorns.

>This much is true.
>"The chanting protesters were, at this point in time, marching up and
>down a public street some 30 feet from the Walinsky home."

>>> They were shouting threats to burn Walinsky's home down.

>The Walinskys claimed that the chant was "Walinsky, you liar, we'll
>set your house on fire," whereas the GAA stated that the chant was
>"Walinsky, you liar, we'll set you a** on fire."

>>> They cut the telephone wires.

>The telephone wires were cut. There is no proof that members of the
>GAA cut them.
>"Plaintiff Jane Walinsky went to the window and allegedly observed the
>'shapes of people, and firecrackers exploding' near the front door.
>Voices began to shout 'Walinsky, we're going to get you.' Alarmed by
>these events, plaintiff Jane Walinsky picked up the telephone to call
>the police but found that the telephone was dead. It later was
>discovered that the wires had been cut at about the point where Mrs.
>Walinsky had [allegedly] seen the shapes of people."

>>> They splattered Walinsky's home with raw eggs.

>Again, circumstantial evidence. The home was pelted with eggs, but
>there are no witnesses that the GAA did this.

>>> They handed out leaflets threatening
>>> bodily harm to Walinsky and those who agreed with him.

>The leaflet stated (in ambiguous but potentially threatening language)
>that "Bigots, hatemongers and advocates of prejudice like Walinsky
>will deeply regret that they ever opened their homophobic mouths."
>Although the language was harsh, at no time was a direct threat of
>_physical_ violence made in the pamphlet--at the least, in the portion
>of the pamphlet quoted in the case.

>>> They succeeded in terrorizing Walinsky's wife and children.

>"Allegedly, plaintiff's children and plaintiff Jane Walinsky now have
>unnatural fears of being left alone at night."

>>> You can read about this in
>>> almost any law library. Look up the case of Walinsky v. Kennedy, 404
>>> N.Y. Supp. 2d 491.

>Average cost of .10/page for the photocopy and $2.00 to fax it to you.

>>> And the Gay Activists Alliance succeeded brilliantly.
>>> Its terror tactics succeeded in frightening Walinsky's family to such an
>>> extent that Walinsky has never again dared to speak out on
>>>The point I wish to make is that homosexuals have become so powerful that
>>>they can get away with all sorts of crimes.

>Alleged crimes.

>>>Now, maybe you can convince
>>>people that I am lying about what happened to me, by how are you going to
>>>convince people that what happened to Adam Walinsky is a lie?

>As you suggest, I think people should read the case study and decide
>for themselves _without_ the use of rhetoric like "terrorizing",
>"homosexual thugs", "terror tactics" and "crimes".
>I would also remind you--although I am not stating that this is the
>case--that many people have faked both insurance claims and
>physical/property damage in order to further their own agenda.

>>>That mob of
>>>homosexual thugs who were terrorizing Walinski and his family should have
>>>been arrested on the spot. Instead, he was forced to get an injunction
>>>against them to stop them from committing further crimes.

>"Defendants do not oppose injunctive relief with regard to illegal
>acts (though they believe such injunction is not necessary and deny
>having committed any illegal acts) but oppose injunctive relief in
>connection with picketing of plaintiffs' home especially as limited to
>the terms of the original restraining order, i.e., a limited number of
>persons limited in time to the hours between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM."
>So there was a restraining order in place--one which the defendants
>were following--setting clear parameters about the picketing before
>Walinsky decided that he didn't want them around his neighborhood at
>How loudly do you think Fred Phelps would screech about his rights
>being violated even with the _first_ restraining order?

>>> Violence is not the answer. It never solves anything.
>>Violence certainly got that degenerate royal family of Hanover off of the
>>backs of the United States. That family includes an outright lunatic
>>III), a degenerate committer of incest (George IV), A dimwit whose IQ
>>bordered on outright idiocy (George V), and an out-and-out Nazi (Edward

>George III suffered from a degenerative form of dementia caused by
>brain swelling, yes, but he wasn't an "outright lunatic".
>?? Was it because he opposed the secession of America?
>George IV was licentious, yes, but I can't recall him committing
>?? I really don't know where you came up with this idea.
>George V was foolish, yes, but I wouldn't call him an idiot.
>?? Was it because he gave up the German titles during WWI?
>And where do you get the idea that Edward VIII was a Nazi?
>?? Was it that he abdicated in 1937 to marry the woman he loved?
>< snip >

>>>>Well, what about the thread: "Subject: Re: March on Washington, 2000 --
>>>>NAMBLA's marching too"? Falcor14 posted his usual boiler-plate message
>>>>glorifying and exhalting homosexual child-molesting. How do you explain
>>>Fred, anyone can post here.
>>>You're proof of that.
>>Now there's a non-sequitor if ever there was one. You stated that no one
>>the newsgroup alt.politics.homosexuality supports NAMBLA. I pointed out
>>that you are lying through your pearly-white television-actor's teeth and
>>all you can say is that "anyone can post here."

>Perhaps I should have been more precise.
>Falcor14 can post, as can anyone, to any non-moderated group he
>wishes. The post in question was his first in four months, and was
>other than his, as you put it, "boilerplate", a note that NAMBLA is
>used as a divisive point in the argument for homosexual equal rights.
>He was immediately "jumped on" by zoe, Mike Silverman and curnon. To
>be fair, had I seen his post, I would most likely have responded as
>well; however, I did _not_ see his posts, thus I did not respond.
>None of the standard posters to this group, including Robert Schroeder
>and myself, are NAMBLA supporters.
>Mr. Cherry, different news servers cache and carry different posts.
>At work I get some posts, through GTE's news servers I get others and
>through both NetCom and SpiritOne I get still more. Sometimes I'll
>see some I haven't seen on DejaNews, and sometimes I'll see some that
>never got archived in DejaNews. It's the luck of the draw.
>And once again, why are you saying I'm a television actor? I'm not.

>>All right. I'll state it again. You are a NAMBLA supporter. If that's
>>libelous and a lie, why don't YOU sue me for libel?

>Very well, Mr. Cherry--if that is _truly_ your wish, I will.
>Would you be so kind as to provide, via e-mail, your home address that
>I can have the papers drawn up? As well, your ISP has been contacted.
>This slander will cease, Mr. Cherry. And it will cease now.
> ~ Jon
>* *
>* *
>* *
>* The opinions expressed herein are entirely *
>* those of the author, and are neither meant *
>* to represent, nor do they represent, the *
>* opinion(s) of his employer. *
>* *

J. Northwood

Mar 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/21/98

I apologize for the crossposting. Especially to soc.motss. <g>

I know it's rude, and it won't be done again, regardless of the level
of slander Mr. Cherry wishes to foist upon me.


On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 22:34:47 GMT, (Fred Cherry)

>I asked you previously, and you evaded the question previously. Now, I'll

>ask you AGAIN. In view of the fact that your friend falcor14 had recently
>posted a message to soc.culture.cuba glorifying and exalting homosexual
>child-molesting, why is it off topic for me to respond to him? Just answer
>THAT question and don't go off into your usual sewer-mouth routine.

Mr. Cherry:

It is not off-topic for you to respond to a poster _in the group in
which that poster was originally posting_. I do not read
soc.culture.cuba (or most of the other groups on the list, for that
matter), and I did not see the original article in question.

I am assuming you are referring to the one article that DejaNews has
archived--an article dated 15 February 1998--in which falcor14 was
responding to allegations that NAMBLA was forming a group for the
express purpose of going to Cuba to rape children. He said they
weren't, then repeated the "bylaws", for lack of a better term, of

Yes, I loathe NAMBLA. I've repeated it often enough both here and
elsewhere that I should think it would be obvious. I've stated to you
that I abhor any form of child molestation. Mr. Cherry, as a child I
_was_ molested--do you think I'd wish that on _any_ child?

My contentions with you are threefold.

First, your continued insistence on cross-posting to groups in which
the original message was _not_ posted.

Second, your continued insistence that I am a friend of falcor14 and a
supporter of NAMBLA.

Third, your continued insistence that child molestation is an
exclusively homosexual tendency. As has been noted _repeatedly_,
heterosexuals comprise the majority of child molesters, not

>> No, Fred. That's the fact that you claim anyone who disagrees with

>> you is a member of NAMBLA.

>First of all, as I pointed out in a message in reply to Schroeder, Mike
>Silverman disagrees with me and Silverman is an all-out enemy of NAMBLA.

Fred, the majority of the posters here disagree with you, and the
majority of the posters here are enemies of NAMBLA.

>And second, with your creative editing, you completely distorted what I had
>said in my previous message.

I resent that, Mr. Cherry. I did not "creatively edit" your post.

>I will repeat what I said about the NAMBLA technique.

Please note that "what you said about the NAMBLA technique" is posted

to This is another group which I neither read nor subscribe
to. As well, this post was made over three months ago. My posts to
you occurred within this last month.

>< Restoring material necessary to understand Northwood's distortions >

Mr. Cherry, I distorted nothing you said. Your statements were made

(at great and unnecessary length, IMO) and I responded to them as I
felt they deserved.

< snip >

>What do you mean by that? I wasn't me who stated what those homo thugs did

>to Walinsky. It was the statement of the court. If anyone doesn't believe
>me they can look up the case in almost any law library, as I stated

Thank you for bringing the citation information to my attention again.

I _did_ look up the case, and it does appear as though you were for
the most part telling the truth, although with certain linguistic
liberties taken.

>> Look at what happened to

>> Adam Walinsky when Walinsky spoke out against gay power.

Adam Walinsky spoke out against equal rights and non-discrimination.

>> On 6/21/77, the

>> New York Daily News published a guest editorial by Adam Walinsky in
>> which Walinsky expressed his opposition to a Gay Rights bill.

The bill in question was a non-discrimination article, stating that

discrimination could not be made solely on the basis of sexual
orientation--again, "equal" rights, as _everyone_ would be covered
under the law.

"Mr. Walinsky in his article, insisted, however, that along with a
'right of privacy' there is a also a 'duty of privacy'--and that
homosexuals should not overtly inflict their beliefs and status upon
others, such as their students or fellow employees. Walinsky opined
that the bill before the City Council did not clearly recognize the
foregoing and that the bill 'amounts to a formal declaration that
homosexuality is morally or socially equal to heterosexuality' and
that this would be wrong."

>> As a

>> result, a mob of homosexual thugs led by the New York Gay Activists
>> Alliance appeared at Walinsky's home at 11:00 P.M. on 8/4/77. They were
>> carrying baseball bats and bullhorns.

This much is true.

"The chanting protesters were, at this point in time, marching up and
down a public street some 30 feet from the Walinsky home."

>> They were shouting threats to burn Walinsky's home down.


The Walinskys claimed that the chant was "Walinsky, you liar, we'll
set your house on fire," whereas the GAA stated that the chant was
"Walinsky, you liar, we'll set you a** on fire."

>> They cut the telephone wires.

The telephone wires were cut. There is no proof that members of the
GAA cut them.

"Plaintiff Jane Walinsky went to the window and allegedly observed the
'shapes of people, and firecrackers exploding' near the front door.
Voices began to shout 'Walinsky, we're going to get you.' Alarmed by
these events, plaintiff Jane Walinsky picked up the telephone to call
the police but found that the telephone was dead. It later was
discovered that the wires had been cut at about the point where Mrs.
Walinsky had [allegedly] seen the shapes of people."

>> They splattered Walinsky's home with raw eggs.

Again, circumstantial evidence. The home was pelted with eggs, but

there are no witnesses that the GAA did this.

>> They handed out leaflets threatening

>> bodily harm to Walinsky and those who agreed with him.

The leaflet stated (in ambiguous but potentially threatening language)

that "Bigots, hatemongers and advocates of prejudice like Walinsky
will deeply regret that they ever opened their homophobic mouths."

Although the language was harsh, at no time was a direct threat of
_physical_ violence made in the pamphlet--at the least, in the portion
of the pamphlet quoted in the case.

>> They succeeded in terrorizing Walinsky's wife and children.

"Allegedly, plaintiff's children and plaintiff Jane Walinsky now have

unnatural fears of being left alone at night."

>> You can read about this in

>> almost any law library. Look up the case of Walinsky v. Kennedy, 404
>> N.Y. Supp. 2d 491.

Average cost of .10/page for the photocopy and $2.00 to fax it to you.

>> And the Gay Activists Alliance succeeded brilliantly.

>> Its terror tactics succeeded in frightening Walinsky's family to such an
>> extent that Walinsky has never again dared to speak out on homosexuality.

>>The point I wish to make is that homosexuals have become so powerful that
>>they can get away with all sorts of crimes.

Alleged crimes.

>>Now, maybe you can convince
>>people that I am lying about what happened to me, by how are you going to
>>convince people that what happened to Adam Walinsky is a lie?

As you suggest, I think people should read the case study and decide

for themselves _without_ the use of rhetoric like "terrorizing",
"homosexual thugs", "terror tactics" and "crimes".

I would also remind you--although I am not stating that this is the
case--that many people have faked both insurance claims and
physical/property damage in order to further their own agenda.

>>That mob of

>>homosexual thugs who were terrorizing Walinski and his family should have
>>been arrested on the spot. Instead, he was forced to get an injunction
>>against them to stop them from committing further crimes.

"Defendants do not oppose injunctive relief with regard to illegal

acts (though they believe such injunction is not necessary and deny
having committed any illegal acts) but oppose injunctive relief in
connection with picketing of plaintiffs' home especially as limited to
the terms of the original restraining order, i.e., a limited number of
persons limited in time to the hours between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM."

So there was a restraining order in place--one which the defendants
were following--setting clear parameters about the picketing before
Walinsky decided that he didn't want them around his neighborhood at

How loudly do you think Fred Phelps would screech about his rights
being violated even with the _first_ restraining order?

>> Violence is not the answer. It never solves anything.

>Violence certainly got that degenerate royal family of Hanover off of the
>backs of the United States. That family includes an outright lunatic (George
>III), a degenerate committer of incest (George IV), A dimwit whose IQ
>bordered on outright idiocy (George V), and an out-and-out Nazi (Edward

George III suffered from a degenerative form of dementia caused by

brain swelling, yes, but he wasn't an "outright lunatic".

?? Was it because he opposed the secession of America?

George IV was licentious, yes, but I can't recall him committing

?? I really don't know where you came up with this idea.

George V was foolish, yes, but I wouldn't call him an idiot.

?? Was it because he gave up the German titles during WWI?

And where do you get the idea that Edward VIII was a Nazi?

?? Was it that he abdicated in 1937 to marry the woman he loved?

< snip >

>>>Well, what about the thread: "Subject: Re: March on Washington, 2000 --

>>>NAMBLA's marching too"? Falcor14 posted his usual boiler-plate message
>>>glorifying and exhalting homosexual child-molesting. How do you explain

>>Fred, anyone can post here.

>>You're proof of that.

>Now there's a non-sequitor if ever there was one. You stated that no one in
>the newsgroup alt.politics.homosexuality supports NAMBLA. I pointed out
>that you are lying through your pearly-white television-actor's teeth and
>all you can say is that "anyone can post here."

Perhaps I should have been more precise.

Falcor14 can post, as can anyone, to any non-moderated group he
wishes. The post in question was his first in four months, and was
other than his, as you put it, "boilerplate", a note that NAMBLA is
used as a divisive point in the argument for homosexual equal rights.
He was immediately "jumped on" by zoe, Mike Silverman and curnon. To
be fair, had I seen his post, I would most likely have responded as
well; however, I did _not_ see his posts, thus I did not respond.

None of the standard posters to this group, including Robert Schroeder
and myself, are NAMBLA supporters.

Mr. Cherry, different news servers cache and carry different posts.
At work I get some posts, through GTE's news servers I get others and
through both NetCom and SpiritOne I get still more. Sometimes I'll
see some I haven't seen on DejaNews, and sometimes I'll see some that
never got archived in DejaNews. It's the luck of the draw.

And once again, why are you saying I'm a television actor? I'm not.

>All right. I'll state it again. You are a NAMBLA supporter. If that's

>libelous and a lie, why don't YOU sue me for libel?

Very well, Mr. Cherry--if that is _truly_ your wish, I will.

Mar 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/21/98

this coming from a dipschitt on WEBTV!(lol)

In article <6ev91d$2h4$>,

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading

Malcom XI

Mar 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/21/98

> >you've been slandering me with the accusation of being a NAMBLA
> >supporter. That's libelous, and it's a lie.

Any male who takes it between the cheeks is a de facto supporter of
NAMBLA. Useless amoral perverts, out to bang boys. Please catch AIDS.

Ken Ehrett

Mar 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/22/98

On Sat, 21 Mar 1998 17:00:15 -0600, wrote:

>this coming from a dipschitt on WEBTV!(lol)

Yes, we've noticed that you do have a penchant for making WEBTV
posters look good.


The word POLITICS comes from the Greek words POLY,
meaning many, and TICS, meaning blood-suckers.


Mar 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/23/98


In alt.politics.homosexuality Malcom XI <> wrote:
> > >you've been slandering me with the accusation of being a NAMBLA
> > >supporter. That's libelous, and it's a lie.

> Any male who takes it between the cheeks is a de facto supporter of

> NAMBLA. Useless amoral perverts, out to bang boys. Please catch AIDS.

And just where do you come off with this? I'm certainly not a supporter
of NAMBLA.. I don't totally disagree nor agree with anything related to
NAMBLA.. But at this point I'd certainly no say that everyone supports
them based upon your opinion based upon total ignorance..

- --
Rob Andrews
Minnesota Internet Gay Youth Support Org.
A new start, a new hope, a new way of life.. - Online Youth support!

PGP Key block maybe obtained for signature validations via finger of

Version: 2.6.1


Fred Cherry

Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

In Message-ID: <>


Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 01:27:15 GMT (J. Northwood) wrote:

> And once again, why are you saying I'm a television actor? I'm not.

Here is why I am saying that you are a television actor. Even though the
character of giles on Buffy, the Vampire Slayer is played by "Anthony
Stewart Head", I must assume that that is your stage name.


From: (JaceFla)
Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality
Subject: who stars in the movie version of alt.politics.homosexuality?
Date: 5 Aug 1997 12:30:15 GMT
Lines: 39
Messag-ID: <>
References: <>
Organization: AOL
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader

heaven only knows why i wonder about such things, but i was thinking about
this as i was reading the newsgroup this evening...if they made a movie
about alt.politics.homosexuality, who would star?

i have a few ideas...

uncle ward: walther mathau. i dunno, i just sorta get a walther mathau
impression about him.

jace: andrew mccarthy. people have been telling me he looks like me for

jon northwood: the british gentleman that plays giles on buffy, the
vampire slayer (sorry, wish i could remember his name, but jon, in case
you are wondering i mean this as a compliment)

valtos, lord of the underworld: hmmmm...another one where i cannot
remember the name of the actor, but i can see his face...he was the voice
of aladdin in the movie and played the oldest sister's boyfriend on "full
house" (i know, i watch *way* too much television)

atillah: jody foster. aint it obvious?

revwhine: i was gonna say rupaul, but the truth is only don knotts at his
most shrill could capture the essence of this character.

the buddy thing: steve buscemi at his wide-eyed wierdest.

the idiot(tm) that refers to itself as regular guy: no actor needed. the
part will be played by a large rock.

anyone else have any suggestions?

this is fun!

jace <---- wonders if andrew mccarthy has been putting on weight lately,
moh ching moh meng


So, go sue JaceFla for saying that you play the part of Giles on Buffy, the
Vampire Slayer.

> >All right. I'll state it again. You are a NAMBLA supporter. If that's
> >libelous and a lie, why don't YOU sue me for libel?
> Very well, Mr. Cherry--if that is _truly_ your wish, I will.
> Would you be so kind as to provide, via e-mail, your home address that
> I can have the papers drawn up? As well, your ISP has been contacted.
> This slander will cease, Mr. Cherry. And it will cease now.
> ~ Jon

Never mind e-mail. Here is my address.

Fred Cherry

Post Office Box 021017
Brooklyn, NY 11202-1017

You didn't think I was going to give you my actual home address, did you? I
certainly don't want to put myself in danger of having a mob of homosexual
thugs doing to me what a different mob of homosexual thugs did to Adam
Walinsky. See Walinsky v. Kennedy, 404 N.Y. Supp. 2d 491.

Be sure to send TWO sets of papers and send them a week apart. The reason
for this is that the Brooklyn Post Office is the second worst post office
in the United States. They're always losing mail. Also, if you insist on
sending me registered mail be aware that I have a bad cold right now and if
I don't collect my mail, a registered letter or an express mail letter is
held for two weeks and is then returned to the sender.

I call your attention to the first page of the Business Section of the New
York Times dated 3/16/98. There is a discussion of cyberspace law. I
particularly call you attention to the case of Cubby Inc. v. Compuserve
Inc., 1991. According to that case, my ISP is not liable for any supposed
libel or slander that I post on the Internet.

If you intend to sue me in NY State Court, I would advise you to read
Siegal <sp?> on New York State Procedure. If you intend to sue me in
Federal Court, then read Moore's Federal Practice Manual.

And don't forget one last thing. If and when you sue me for libel or
slander, then I will counterclaim and countersue YOU for your libel and
slander of ME.

Fred Cherry

Apr 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/6/98

In Message-ID: <6dnsge$>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality


Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 04:02:23 GMT (Magenta) from the Ministry of Truth, wrote:

> Fred, get a life. You are nauseating people across TWO continents now,
> and the caribbean. Just run off and attack Falcor and NAMBLA as much
> as you want inbetween visits from your teenage hookers, just STOP
> If you just followed the simple rules of the internet, the rules that
> EVERYBODY has to follow, you would not have lost your ISP services so
> frequently, and you KNOW this. If falcor is spamming, complain to
> falcor's ISP.

What are you talking about? You tell me that: "If you just followed the
simple rules of the internet, the rules that EVERYBODY has to follow, you
would not have lost your ISP services so frequently, and you KNOW this."

Well, howcum your "simple rules" don't apply to homos? Why didn't you say
something when your homonazi friend Joseph Dunphy violated your "rules."

Here is what I am referring to:

On Thurs, 4 Dec 1997 18:48:15 GMT, in Message-ID:
<666ttf$c8k$>, (Joseph Dunphy)
started a thread titled "Subject: Fred Cherry, Rapist Wannabee, and Bigot",
and crossposted it to:


Now, why doesn't THAT violate the rules that you homos have made up?

And where do you get that stuff about teen-age hookers, liar? Even if I did
patronize teen-age hookers, it still wouldn't be as bad as your NAMBLA
friends who commit sodomy on ten-year-old boys.

You keep calling me a bigot. Well, here is another example of the bigotry
of your friend Joseph Dunphy. In message Message-ID:
Newsgroups: alt.censorship,alt.homosexual,alt.politics.homosexuality,,,,,soc.women,,alt.mens-rights,ne.motss,soc.motss,
Subject: Re: NAMBLA Needs Psychiatric Help
Date: 8 Oct 1995 23:02:37 -0500, Joseph Dunphy wrote:

> I hope that Saddam Hussein blows the crap out of Tel Aviv, and clobbers
> Jerusalem badly enough that noone can be sure which pieces of rubble left
> over used to be part of the wailing wall. I hope that your wives and
> daughters are raped as the Syrian, Egyptian, and Jordanian armies
> close in for the kill, and wipe your shitty little country off the map
> forever. May the tattered, bleeding remnants of your population flee
> into the ocean, watching their cities vanish beneath the nuclear bonfires
> that will light up the skies on your nation's last night. May they
> toss from wave to wave, on their fragile little boats, praying to a god
> who doesn't hear them that a storm won't come, or that they've be
> able to find a friendly shore to put in on, before the last drop of
> moisture in them is lost to the heat, and the burning sun.

So, don't you and Dunphy hand me any more of your bull about MY so-called

The Abridged Cherry

Apr 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/9/98

In soc.culture.israel Fred Cherry <> wrote:

> In Message-ID: <6dnsge$>
> Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality


> Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 04:02:23 GMT
> (Magenta) from the Ministry of Truth, wrote:

> > Fred, get a life. You are nauseating people across TWO continents now,
> > and the caribbean. Just run off and attack Falcor and NAMBLA as much
> > as you want inbetween visits from your teenage hookers, just STOP
> >
> > If you just followed the simple rules of the internet, the rules that
> > EVERYBODY has to follow, you would not have lost your ISP services so
> > frequently, and you KNOW this. If falcor is spamming, complain to
> > falcor's ISP.

> What are you talking about? You tell me that: "If you just followed the
> simple rules of the internet, the rules that EVERYBODY has to follow, you
> would not have lost your ISP services so frequently, and you KNOW this."

> Well, howcum your "simple rules" don't apply to homos? Why didn't you say
> something when your homonazi friend Joseph Dunphy violated your "rules."

Grrrrrrr ! Snap ! Gulp ! * Burp *

Down, Max, down boy !

I'm sorry, Fred, it seems that another of your articles has been
eaten by Max, the online daemon. Max is half-Rottweiler, and it
seems that every time that he sees an article in which someone
gets libeled, he gets hungry. I'd like to help, but you know
how it is, trying to keep a hungry Rottweiler under control. But,
hey, we can talk about your dating life later.

In the meanwhile, keep the lies under control, what do you say,
buddy ? The man that you were talking about, is heterosexual, and
openly anti-NAMBLA.

The Abridged Cherry

Apr 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/9/98

In soc.culture.israel Fred Cherry <> wrote:

> In Message-ID: <6dnsge$>
> Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality


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