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Zero Tolerance Towards Medical Doctors - Part 01 - {HRI 20060305-V2.7-q1-V1.1} [ZTTMD-01]

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 29, 2011, 6:22:18 AM12/29/11
Zero Tolerance towards Medical Doctors - Part 01 [ZTTMD-01]

quoted on 27 December 2011
{HRI 20060305-V2.7-q1-V1.1}

(quoted, and edited for
clarity, on 27 Dec 2011)

(Version 1.1
on 29 Dec 2011)



At this point, I would like to express some well-earned
ridicule towards the Licensed Medical Profession:

These Professionals - the Licensed Medical Quacks,
Charlatans and Mountebanks -

(or the L.M.Q.C.M. - if you want to be brief with
them, the 'Liemediquackamounts' if less brief)

have infused school-education with the atrocious and very
debilitating, very malicious lie, that

"perception is only done, by means of vibrating air and by
means of photons."



'Zero Tolerance,' which is you projecting your Intention or Life
ENERGY, that naturally demands of people to be decent to each other

- that, what every professional police officer uses as the
MAIN tool of his work when he walks his beat around the
neighborhood - this part of life

according to the Medical 'religion,' such 'Zero Tolerance' "can not
exist," and "does not exist,"

that is, according to the Licensed Medical Quacks,
Charlatans and Mountebanks, who have provided our
children, and us, with such "knowledge,"

in their (biology) school textbooks and in their "Science"


The Licensed Medical Trade or "Medical Science" claims
and proclaims:

"It is 'scientifically' impossible to PERCEIVE Evil intentions,
NOR can others feel your disagreement with Evil." *(d)




This is really too idiotic, that I have to mention
this, that I have to EXPLAIN that, what you know
of course very well to be true,

you knowing that truth, by the simple fact
that you are alive:


YOU FEEL OTHER PEOPLE, and - that is why you have a liking
for many people when you meet them - YOU FEEL, *(n)

because life IS FEELING and feeling only - so you feel, of
course, what FEELINGS and ideas and intentions people are


And consequently, people feel YOU, by what feelings
(feelings ARE Life Energy Particles, that you create
and that) you emanate;

and Criminal Minds can and do try to
block that Energy, that others feel you
by and that you feel others by,

and that results in 'what you feel
for others,'

and that is all very, very simple to understand with
Fine Particle Physics, {iFPP}

and you can also understand, that
Criminal Minds try to alter and replace
your feeling, and your being felt,

(when they hit you, and those
around you, they replace the
feelings )

with UGLY Life Energy Particles that
they have made and project,

Particles that contain feelings
- Ugly feelings in this case -
as well as lies to go with it,

and when these interfere too much in
your (of course spiritual-life, as life
IS spiritual) interaction with others,



then people suddenly "do not like you

or suddenly people do not notice
you anymore

(except for those who know
you well and who know to
recognize you by your body),

others suddenly do not notice you

- something that you certainly
have experienced, and again
will experience, at times -



and now you know, how that works,

so you don't have to get angry
with the wrong person for the
wrong reason, your anger (as the
Criminal Mind delights to have it)

misdirected because you can
not see, by whom those
blocking Energies have been
inflicted around you,

Life Energy Particles are not photons

- but you have been taught, by
Extremely Criminal Minds, that
"only with photons can you see"-
*(n) but

now you know, how that works,



which (your knowing how something works)
opens the door to remedying it, and
usually, to remedying it very quickly:

You just create (you feel, you
connect to) your own Life Energies
again, and *(n)

you move or push away and replace
the Ugly, the Painful, the Eupho-
ric and the Unawareness Energies,

that had been inflicted on you by
Criminal Minds

- all these Energies or
feelings are very FINE
PARTICLES, remember -

you get your soul out of
those Energies, and you
push Ugliness PARTICLES

(that repel Perception, much
like a bad smell will make
you go away from a place you
actually wanted to be)

so you push Ugliness Energy
Particles away, after you
become aware enough to
notice that FEELING, and
you push it back,

away from you again, away from
your soul, and away from your
body, away also from your face,

and if you want to get into very
good shape again, then you also
push the Ugliness Energy away from
others, who are not less affected
than you are yourself

...and see the smiles return
on people's face!



Those Energies are just Particles, Fine Particles

MEDICAL PROFESSION unless you know and know very
much about them, *(n)

because THESE CAN (and in this case, they most
likely will, due to their "education") VERY

(or in legal terminology, they act in
'malfeasance' against you or your family)

and they inflict serious damage on you

often for the rest of your life, too, AND beyond
it as well (that means, your soul gets damaged as
well from all the drug use and operations they
prescribe). [MDSF]

And they ruin your ability to enjoy life, and some
will bring financial ruin as well - supposing you
are still alive, of course.



You FEEL other people. And you are feeling, what people
radiate to you and about you:

That IS Perception.



As you know, you naturally do like VERY MUCH to help people, and to
make normal people happy - as much even, as lies in your power.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



Quoted from:

'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent to
each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite' (ZTA)
5 March 2006 {HRI 20060305-V2.7} (First Issued 8 Dec 2007)
(Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)
[see under References, below]



(d) And if you put all their stories together, then "by the year
2020 'three hundred percent' of the population will be suffering
from major and incurable diseases,"

that medical "science" does not understand the cause of,

but 'that you must give even more money to, "so that they can
make themselves more intelligent," and then, maybe, "they
can find those causes"

- comparable to making a horse-drawn cart 'go faster,'
by making it more streamlined to air, and by greasing
the wheel axles more often -

...peer-reviewed all that, mind you. *(n)


(n) (to be added as indicated, and further as applicable)


[MDSF] 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations' (MDSF)
(incl. definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
of 'Molecular Medicine,' 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.3.1}
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.3.1 on 1 Oct 2011)

[ZTA] 'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
{HRI 20060305-V2.7} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)

[DESMS] 'The 'Dead End Street' of Medical "Science" -
A Bottomless Money Drain: The Licensed Medical Trade - Medical
Research, Charities, Foundations, Universities And Hospitals
CONTEMPT Of Your Suffering And Of Mankind' (DESMS)
{HRI 20021209-V3.1-q5-V1.0.1} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(13 February 2006 - Version 1.0.1 on 20 Feb 2006)

(etc. etc.)



Copyright 2006-2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifially, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific "agenda," but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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