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The Al-Qaeda-ISM Connection

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Jun 7, 2007, 5:21:07 PM6/7/07
Most people have short memories, but here's something that calls for

Last year, Front Page Magazine ran an article about links between the
International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and the London bombings on 7/7
that left 52 dead and hundreds wounded.

Evidence back then showed that the explosives used in the London
subway attacks were found by British and Israeli intelligence
officials to be remarkably similar to those used in a 2003 bombing of
the "Mike's Place" bar in Israel. Related to this, Israel National
News reported also that British and Israeli intelligence reports
showed that one of the terrorists involved had a British passport,
arrived in Israel on February 19, 2003, and stayed for only one day.
During his stay, he may have met with Asif Hanif and Omar Sharif. Both
of the men, with the assistance of Hamas, would later become suicide
bombers. Hanif and Sharif traveled from Britain to Israel under the
auspices of the ISM's Alternative Tourism Group, the precursor to the
ISM. Both terrorists told Israeli border police they were entering for
purposes of Alternative Tourism and met with the ISM in Gaza at a
memorial for Rachel Corrie where they "had tea."

The Alternative Tourism Program, created by Ghassan Andoni, a Bir Zeit
University physics professor, metastasized into the International
Solidarity Movement with Andoni's guidance and the activism work in
the USA carried out by Palestinian Marxist-communists like George
Rishmawi, Adam Shapiro, his wife, Huwaida Arraf and Neta Golan. The
ISM, also known as the Palestine Solidarity Movement, then became
active across the USA on college campuses. That started in 2001 during
the Second Intifada. The ISM began recruiting other college-aged
anarchists and communists and Arab students on US campuses to become
human shields for terrorists in the West Bank and Gaza. Rachel
Corrie, a college-aged anarchist from Evergreen College in Washington
State, died demonstrating with the ISM when she placed her body in
front of an IDF bulldozer. The ISM's long-term goal as a communist-
anarchist movement is first to dismantle Israel as a capitalist
democratic state for the PLO Islamists and their pan-Arab cause, and
then to bring the "revolution" back here to the United States to do
the same at home on our border with Mexico.

Plans are already being made with other subversive groups in the
United States to do this. Groups such as La Voz De Aztlan, a Marxist
irredentist group, plan on joining up with Palestinian and Arab-Muslim
students and their anarchist-communist allies on US campuses to bring
the same activities to our border with Mexico as are seen in the West
Bank attacking the security fence in the not so distant future.

Now comes new evidence of a link between the ISM and al Qaeda.

Abed al Hadi al-Iraq, a.k.a. Abu Abdullah, 45, who is considered by
the CIA as of one of Osama bin Laden's most talented operations
officers, was recently captured and should be a boon to US
intelligence in the War on Terror. People now say he represents the
link between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and al Qaeda, thus justifying our
presence in Iraq. But people have yet to see the link to the
International Solidarity Movement.

Al Hadi is an Iraqi and uses the nom de guerre "Abu Abdallah" (father
of Abdallah) in a style usually used by Palestinian terrorists. Being
Iraqi, Abu Abdallah is part of the closest allies of the PLO and
Hamas, the Ba'ath Party in Iraq. However, Abu Abdallah was captured
crossing into Iraq from Iran. Recent intelligence reports have
remarked at how the Sunnis who make up Hamas in Gaza are now getting
money, weapons and training for the Shiite majority state of Iran to
be used against Israel. For anyone claiming al Qaeda has nothing to
do with Iraq or 9/11, the Iranian-al Qaeda connection is now obvious.
But according to an interview I had with a former veteran Iraqi
national police sergeant at a recent Intelligence Summit who was
introduced by terrorism expert Dave Gaubatz and who is now exiled in
the United States and under the federal witness protection program and
uses only the first name "Hassan," the Iraqi police were always
hamstrung in arresting many Ba'athists who broke the law, even for
murder or robbery, because they also clandestinely belonged to al
Qaeda. According to the former national police officer, that included
members of Iraq's national police as well.

The Pentagon has reported that Abu Abdallah had responsibility for
managing al Qaeda's affairs and possibly even focusing on operations
outside Iraq against Western targets. Interrogated by US Forces, he
has now been credited with the first direct al Qaeda suicide attack on
Israeli soil-an attack in which the ISM was linked to. That attack on
Mike's Place in Tel Aviv as reported earlier here at Front Page
Magazine is now alleged to have been carried out on direct orders from
Osama bin Laden due to the information obtained from Abu Abdallah.
Three Israelis were killed, including an Israeli army officer whose
family resided in Israel since 1858, and sixty people were wounded.

Al Hadi a.k.a. Abu Abdallah recruited the two British Muslims of
Pakistani origin who entered the Holy Land through Jordan using
Ghandoni's Alternative Tourism as an excuse, and then proceeded
directly to meeting with ISM leaders just before their attack. Both
terrorists were English-speaking and had EU passports. They were
recruited by Abu Abdallah at the notoriously Wahhabist Finsbury Park
Mosque in London. The ISM also has a major presence, especially on
college campuses, in London and the UK.

Since the explosives used in London on 7/7 could be linked to the ISM
through the Mike's Place bombing, the involvement of al Qaeda also
infers how the ISM may have been the place where the terrorists picked
up those explosives prior to the Tel Aviv attack, since the terrorists
would have been unable to smuggle explosives in through Jordan prior
to meeting "for tea" with ISM activists. Israeli intelligence reports
showed the two killers only met with the ISM, an organization that has
consistently called terrorist attacks "legitimate resistance." To this
day, no one knows who for certain gave them or where in Gaza the two
terrorists picked up their bomb and received instructions on where to
attack, but it is clear they met with the ISM and now those same two
terrorists are known to be linked inextricably to al Qaeda by Abu

Sharif failed to detonate his bomb belt after Hanif exploded himself
in the busy bar, a hangout for Americans in Tel Aviv. After fleeing
the scene, Sharif was found later floating face down in the
Mediterranean. Palestinian terrorists do not murder their own kind
when they fail on suicide missions, knowing that the Israelis have no
death penalty and that in the future they may even be released from
prison in negotiations or prisoner swaps. As mentioned, Western
intelligence agencies feel the capture and information from Abu
Abdallah show the international terrorism network is not made up of
just disparate groups with myriad goals. Al Qaeda and bin Laden can
now be linked to Hamas and the PLO. The fact that Sharif, a British
national, may have known too much about the ISM and al Qaeda being
behind his attack may have prompted Hamas to liquidate him not just
for the al Qaeda link, but for the one to the ISM as well. There was
simply too much to lose, because had the connection to the ISM been
established exposing the network of the terrorist-support movement
that is found on so many campuses throughout the USA and most of
Europe, it might have led to its demise.

Homeland Security needs to take an even deeper look into the ISM and
if Abu Abdallah himself ever had contacts with ISM leadership in the
USA and Europe during his operational activities for bin Laden.


Jun 7, 2007, 5:45:42 PM6/7/07

Not a surprise at all.

All Islamofascist terrorists and their supporters are cut from the
same mold.


Jun 7, 2007, 5:48:34 PM6/7/07
> same mold.- Hide quoted text -

That is why the U.S. is being a hypocrite in its WOT..... We need
better leaders.


Jun 7, 2007, 9:23:20 PM6/7/07

"DoD" <> wrote in message

> Most people have short memories, but here's something that calls for
> remembering:
> Last year, Front Page Magazine ran an article about links between the
> International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and the London bombings on 7/7
> that left 52 dead and hundreds wounded.
> Evidence back then showed that the explosives used in the London
> subway attacks were found by British and Israeli intelligence
> officials to be remarkably similar to those used in a 2003 bombing of
> the "Mike's Place" bar in Israel.

Shock horror!!! What Frontpage neglects to mention of course is that the
bombers used standard freely available materials - in the case of 7/7 it was
a hydrogen peroxide based explosive. This proves no more of a link than the
fact that another conspiracy by British Muslims were going to use ammonium
nitrate proves a link to the IRA.

Related to this, Israel National
> News reported also that British and Israeli intelligence reports
> showed that one of the terrorists involved had a British passport,
> arrived in Israel on February 19, 2003, and stayed for only one day.
> During his stay, he may have met with Asif Hanif and Omar Sharif. Both
> of the men, with the assistance of Hamas, would later become suicide
> bombers. Hanif and Sharif traveled from Britain to Israel under the
> auspices of the ISM's Alternative Tourism Group, the precursor to the
> ISM. Both terrorists told Israeli border police they were entering for
> purposes of Alternative Tourism and met with the ISM in Gaza at a
> memorial for Rachel Corrie where they "had tea."

Which of course says no more about the ISM than the suggestion that an IRA
bomber having connections with a Catholic Boy Scouts organisation implies
that the Catholic Boy Scouts organisation is a front for terrorists. Its
always highly likely that terrorists have associations with organisations
with no link to terrorism, but which nevertheless share cultural or
political ambitions.

Now having built a flawed and meaningless house of cards case Frontpage, as
per usual, continues to use this drivel to attempt to smear the ISM

Still trotting out the Saddam Hussein Al Qaeda cobblers.

> Al Hadi is an Iraqi and uses the nom de guerre "Abu Abdallah" (father
> of Abdallah) in a style usually used by Palestinian terrorists. Being
> Iraqi, Abu Abdallah is part of the closest allies of the PLO and
> Hamas, the Ba'ath Party in Iraq. However, Abu Abdallah was captured
> crossing into Iraq from Iran. Recent intelligence reports have
> remarked at how the Sunnis who make up Hamas in Gaza are now getting
> money, weapons and training for the Shiite majority state of Iran to
> be used against Israel. For anyone claiming al Qaeda has nothing to
> do with Iraq or 9/11, the Iranian-al Qaeda connection is now obvious.

Is it bollocks Iran was keen to assist the US in getting rid of Al Qaida and
the Taliban from its borders ...until of course Bush's ludicrous Axis of
Evil speech. Secondly the fact that Iran may be happy to provide material
assistence to Sunni Hamas does not prove any link to support for Al Qaeda.
Yet another tenuous and deeply flawed hypothesis with about as much
credibility and structured in much the same way as the DaVinci Code.

> But according to an interview I had with a former veteran Iraqi
> national police sergeant at a recent Intelligence Summit who was
> introduced by terrorism expert Dave Gaubatz and who is now exiled in
> the United States and under the federal witness protection program and
> uses only the first name "Hassan," the Iraqi police were always
> hamstrung in arresting many Ba'athists who broke the law, even for
> murder or robbery, because they also clandestinely belonged to al
> Qaeda. According to the former national police officer, that included
> members of Iraq's national police as well.

LOL another greasy expat trying to avoid flipping burgers by telling
gullible morons like the author what they want to hear.

> The Pentagon has reported that Abu Abdallah had responsibility for
> managing al Qaeda's affairs and possibly even focusing on operations
> outside Iraq against Western targets. Interrogated by US Forces, he
> has now been credited with the first direct al Qaeda suicide attack on
> Israeli soil-an attack in which the ISM was linked to. That attack on
> Mike's Place in Tel Aviv as reported earlier here at Front Page
> Magazine is now alleged to have been carried out on direct orders from
> Osama bin Laden due to the information obtained from Abu Abdallah.
> Three Israelis were killed, including an Israeli army officer whose
> family resided in Israel since 1858, and sixty people were wounded.

Just goes to show how useless the information extracted under torture is.
You always get told what you want to hear.

> Al Hadi a.k.a. Abu Abdallah recruited the two British Muslims of
> Pakistani origin who entered the Holy Land through Jordan using
> Ghandoni's Alternative Tourism as an excuse, and then proceeded
> directly to meeting with ISM leaders just before their attack. Both
> terrorists were English-speaking and had EU passports. They were
> recruited by Abu Abdallah at the notoriously Wahhabist Finsbury Park
> Mosque in London. The ISM also has a major presence, especially on
> college campuses, in London and the UK.

So what? Proves absolutely nothing. Grassy knoll bullshit.

> Since the explosives used in London on 7/7 could be linked to the ISM
> through the Mike's Place bombing,

Which of course they can't....

the involvement of al Qaeda also
> infers how the ISM may have been the place where the terrorists picked
> up those explosives prior to the Tel Aviv attack, since the terrorists
> would have been unable to smuggle explosives in through Jordan prior
> to meeting "for tea" with ISM activists.

They wouldn't need to smuggle them in, how hard is it to get hold of
hydrogen peroxide? Of course Frontpage decides to omit the nature of the
explosive, because it completely undermines the spurious connections that it
attempts, with ham fisted implausibility, to make. Where did the 7/7 bombers
get their explosives? From a high street drug store.

Israeli intelligence reports
> showed the two killers only met with the ISM, an organization that has
> consistently called terrorist attacks "legitimate resistance." To this
> day, no one knows who for certain gave them or where in Gaza the two
> terrorists picked up their bomb and received instructions on where to
> attack, but it is clear they met with the ISM and now those same two
> terrorists are known to be linked inextricably to al Qaeda by Abu
> Abdallah.

Is it bollocks.

> Sharif failed to detonate his bomb belt after Hanif exploded himself
> in the busy bar, a hangout for Americans in Tel Aviv. After fleeing
> the scene, Sharif was found later floating face down in the
> Mediterranean. Palestinian terrorists do not murder their own kind
> when they fail on suicide missions, knowing that the Israelis have no
> death penalty and that in the future they may even be released from
> prison in negotiations or prisoner swaps. As mentioned, Western
> intelligence agencies feel the capture and information from Abu
> Abdallah show the international terrorism network is not made up of
> just disparate groups with myriad goals. Al Qaeda and bin Laden can
> now be linked to Hamas and the PLO.

Only in Frontpage's spurious fantasy logic

The fact that Sharif, a British
> national, may have known too much about the ISM and al Qaeda being
> behind his attack may have prompted Hamas to liquidate him not just
> for the al Qaeda link, but for the one to the ISM as well.

He drowned in the sea. More grassy knoll crap.

There was
> simply too much to lose, because had the connection to the ISM been
> established exposing the network of the terrorist-support movement
> that is found on so many campuses throughout the USA and most of
> Europe, it might have led to its demise.

House of cards garbage and a piss poor attempt at a smear.

> Homeland Security needs to take an even deeper look into the ISM and
> if Abu Abdallah himself ever had contacts with ISM leadership in the
> USA and Europe during his operational activities for bin Laden.

Well done DoD. Another useless piece of crap.



Jun 7, 2007, 10:14:18 PM6/7/07
On Jun 7, 5:21 pm, DoD <> wrote:
> Most people have short memories, but here's something that calls for
> remembering:
> Last year, Front Page Magazine ran an article about links between the
> International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and the London bombings on 7/7
> that left 52 dead and hundreds wounded.
> Evidence back then showed that the explosives used in the London
> subway attacks were found by British and Israeli intelligence
> officials to be remarkably similar to those used in a 2003 bombing of
> the "Mike's Place" bar in Israel.



Jun 7, 2007, 11:35:17 PM6/7/07

Can you detail to us how this was done?


Jun 7, 2007, 11:38:09 PM6/7/07

"DoD" <> wrote in message



Jun 7, 2007, 11:59:54 PM6/7/07

"ElParedon" <> wrote in message

For one, the had Rachel Corrie killed. Two they aid terrorist groups, like

Jun 8, 2007, 10:25:01 AM6/8/07
I knoiw I remember that at least once, a wanted
terrorist was found hiding in their offices.

Thanks for this information, tho'.



Jun 8, 2007, 5:27:16 PM6/8/07
On Jun 7, 11:59 pm, "DoD" <> wrote:
> "ElParedon" <> wrote in message
> news:Ea4ai.28591$
> > "DoD" <> wrote in message

> >
> >> On Jun 7, 9:14 pm, Venceremos <> wrote:
> >>> On Jun 7, 5:21 pm, DoD <> wrote:
> >>> > Most people have short memories, but here's something that calls for
> >>> > remembering:
> >>> > Last year, Front Page Magazine ran an article about links between the
> >>> > International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and the London bombings on 7/7
> >>> > that left 52 dead and hundreds wounded.
> >>> > Evidence back then showed that the explosives used in the London
> >>> > subway attacks were found by British and Israeli intelligence
> >>> > officials to be remarkably similar to those used in a 2003 bombing of
> >>> > the "Mike's Place" bar in Israel.
> >>> MOSSAD!
> >> Can you detail to us how this was done?
> For one, the had Rachel Corrie killed. Two they aid terrorist groups, like
> Hamas.

really! they drove the bulldozer over her TWICE! How horrible!

If ISM aids Hamas who aids ISM? Do you have any idea where the money
comes from for the ISM to travel to Palestine? I guess not! Well let
me tell you arsehole. Each ISM participant pays his or her own way!
And they live off the smell of the oily rag while they are in
Palestine protecting little kids from the Jewish savages!


Jun 8, 2007, 5:28:23 PM6/8/07
On Jun 8, 10:25 am, wrote:
> I knoiw I remember that at least once, a wanted
> terrorist was found hiding in their offices.
> Thanks for this information, tho'.
> Susan


Jun 8, 2007, 8:06:23 PM6/8/07

"Venceremos" <> wrote in message

I am sure she meant well, as most leftists liberals, but she got herself
killed through her own ignorance and stupidity.

> If ISM aids Hamas who aids ISM? Do you have any idea where the money
> comes from for the ISM to travel to Palestine? I guess not! Well let
> me tell you arsehole. Each ISM participant pays his or her own way!
> And they live off the smell of the oily rag while they are in
> Palestine protecting little kids from the Jewish savages!

How your own way there, so that you can become a tool of some
of the most socially irresponsible and violent groups in the world.

Which brings up the that wall now, wall off the Palestinians so
they can live in their own little utopia and reap that which they have


Jun 8, 2007, 8:10:16 PM6/8/07

"ElParedon" <> wrote in message



Jun 8, 2007, 8:46:01 PM6/8/07

Violent? What is violent about protecting Palestinian children on the
way to school against the Jewish savages who throw rocks at them,
insult them and even shoot them?

> Which brings up the that wall now, wall off the Palestinians so
> they can live in their own little utopia and reap that which they have
> sowed.

Your stupid wall is walling you idiotic Jews in from your neighbors,
only a complete idiot would imagine that the wall is going to protect
you from the wrath of children whose parents you have murdered. You
can hide, but you cannot get away from the law of the world opinion
and the World Court you sons of whores!


Jun 8, 2007, 9:00:56 PM6/8/07

"DoD" <> wrote in message


Jun 8, 2007, 10:27:45 PM6/8/07

"ElParedon" <> wrote in message

Actually, he or she is far more truthful than yourself.


Binyamin Cramer

Jun 8, 2007, 10:47:35 PM6/8/07

<> wrote in message news:1Fdai.4$yS4.2@trnddc04...

>I knoiw I remember that at least once, a wanted
> terrorist was found hiding in their offices.
> Thanks for this information, tho'.

Your stupidity and dyslexia hasn't improved, cohen.


Jun 9, 2007, 11:00:35 PM6/9/07

"Venceremos" <> wrote in message

The problem is your little chickenshit groups there in Palestine are doing
exactly opposite of that. They, the Palestinian society as a whole, are
putting kids in harms way, they indoctrinate them young as much as they can,
thus guaranteeing the cycle of violence to continue.

As far as rocks being thrown at Palestinian sure it those
rocks aren't comming from Palestinians?

Video of the Day #5: Israeli Soldiers Rescue Palestinian Girl . . . From
Palestinians (Who Paralyzed Her)

Likewise, Greg Myre of the New York Times duly noted Saturday:

A 10-year-old Palestinian girl, Abir Aramin, died Friday from wounds
sustained when she was hit by fire from the Israeli border police on Tuesday
in the West Bank town of Anata, near Jerusalem, Palestinian witnesses and
relatives said. Abir and her classmates were on recess from school when the
Israeli forces fired on stone-throwing Palestinians with rubber bullets and
stun grenades, according to the Palestinians.

Today, however, Ha'aretz reports that an autopsy ruled out rubber bullets as
the cause of the fatal injury:

Ten-year-old Abir Aramin was apparently killed by a blunt object, and not
by a rubber bullet, as some eyewitnesses claimed, according to the autopsy
findings. . .

Police sources said on Sunday that autopsy findings indicated Aramin could
have been killed by concussion from a shock grenade or by a thrown rock.
However, they said, the findings were inconsistent with her having been
killed by a rubber bullet: No bullet wounds were found on her body, and the
skull injury that caused her death was a large one, whereas rubber bullets,
even if they do not penetrate, usually make small wounds.

The autopsy was performed last Friday at the Institute of Forensic
Medicine in Abu Kabir, with a pathologist hired by Aramin's family in
attendance. ("Girl allegedly killed by Border Police may have been hit by

Thus, it appears that stone-throwing Palestinians, as opposed to Israeli
border police firing rubber bullets (as initially reported), may very well
have been responsible for the death of Aramin. The question remains how
quickly and effectively media outlets can undo the damage.

CAMERA has contacted the AP and New York Times to request an update on this
development. Stay tuned.

Posted by TS at January 22, 2007 06:43 AM

>> Which brings up the that wall now, wall off the Palestinians
>> so
>> they can live in their own little utopia and reap that which they have
>> sowed.
> Your stupid wall is walling you idiotic Jews in from your neighbors,
> only a complete idiot would imagine that the wall is going to protect
> you from the wrath of children whose parents you have murdered. You
> can hide, but you cannot get away from the law of the world opinion
> and the World Court you sons of whores!

law of world opinion??!!!

What an idiot.

The Palestinians, as a society, are unworthy of being a part of any
society, except their own. Let them deal with themselves.

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