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Looking for a female penfriend in Thailand or Cambodia

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17.12.1997, 03:00:0017.12.97

Jeroen Koppenaal wrote:
> Hi, I'm a 23-year old guy from The Netherlands and I'm lookig for a female
> penfriend in Thailand.
> This because I will visit Thailand next summer holidays, and I would love to
> have some specific information.
> Maybe, when we have a nice mail exchange, I can visit you as well.
> Mail me and you get to know me!
> Jeroen

yeah, right.. unfortunately, we ALREADY know your type all too well, you
seedy, pimpin', honkie-zit-faced, devil-worshipping, clueless,
Asian-fetish loser.

"plip" :)

Jeroen Koppenaal

18.12.1997, 03:00:0018.12.97

Pauline Hanson

18.12.1997, 03:00:0018.12.97

Why Thai or Kumpuchian and not Australian likes me "Pauline Hanson"
Please email me at " "


18.12.1997, 03:00:0018.12.97

plip wrote in message <>...

>Jeroen Koppenaal wrote:
>> Hi, I'm a 23-year old guy from The Netherlands and I'm lookig for a
>> penfriend in Thailand.
>> This because I will visit Thailand next summer holidays, and I would love
>> have some specific information.
>> Maybe, when we have a nice mail exchange, I can visit you as well.
>> Mail me and you get to know me!
>> Jeroen

>yeah, right.. unfortunately, we ALREADY know your type all too well, you
>seedy, pimpin', honkie-zit-faced, devil-worshipping, clueless,
>Asian-fetish loser.
>"plip" :)

And we know your type also; nasty and malicious, with nothing of real
substance to say. Why all this malice? Leave the poor gentleman alone. Or
are you jealous? Wouldn't your type just love to try a western girl, if only
they would let you near them!!!


18.12.1997, 03:00:0018.12.97

well, well, well... "jack"-off speaks! yeah ive tried em.. they suck.
Asian women are much better in every respect, "jack". and since its
Asian women being discussed and not the fat/ugly/Pillsbury/white-hoes,
get a clue.

plip :)

Christopher R. Carlen

19.12.1997, 03:00:0019.12.97

plip wrote:
> Jeroen Koppenaal wrote:
> >
> > Hi, I'm a 23-year old guy from The Netherlands and I'm lookig for a female
> > penfriend in Thailand.
> > This because I will visit Thailand next summer holidays, and I would love to
> > have some specific information.
> > Maybe, when we have a nice mail exchange, I can visit you as well.
> > Mail me and you get to know me!
> > Jeroen
> >
> yeah, right.. unfortunately, we ALREADY know your type all too well, you
> seedy, pimpin', honkie-zit-faced, devil-worshipping, clueless,
> Asian-fetish loser.
> "plip" :)

The fact that you can jump to such nasty outbursts without even knowing
anything about the person you are attacking says a great deal about your
type, and well, as for the other guy, we still really don't know

I seem to recall seeking an Asian penpal about two years ago myself. A
Thai girl responded and we became good friends. Then I went to
Thailand. Instead of engaging in prostitution, I spent a week in a
highly respected monastery being trained in meditation. Never did even
try to lay a hand on my friend, nor hang out with bar girls. I'll be
going back next year.

These "asian fetish" assumptions made by nasty ignorant people desperate
for an excuse to hate someone are disrespectful of the Asian societies.
They deny that there is something to be desired in Asia other than sex
tours, marriage-tours, and prostitution. But I suppose it is to be
expected that what is to be desired other than these things is something
beyond the comprehension of the likes of "plip."

Christopher R. Carlen <--- Reply here, please.
My OS is Linux v2


20.12.1997, 03:00:0020.12.97

Christopher R. Carlen wrote:

Dear Christopher,

This outburst from Plip is to be expected. Anyone who posts any of such
messages on SCT is asking to be flamed. I'm not going to go into a
lengthy academic discourse on the evolution of this Thai mentality.
Suffice to say that as long as you're in Thailand or dealing with Thai
people, this is something you'll have to bear with.

I don't think it's a question of racism here. The Thais just think of
others just as they would think of themselves. A 33-year-old
professional man from Singapore who visits Thailand 6 times a year must
be married and looking for a "mia noi". That's the impression most Thai
people I know have of me because that's what a typical Thai man in my
situation would be doing. Few of them take me seriously when I tell them
that I'm single. I'm tired of explaining or proving to them because at
least outwardly, they pretend to believe me.

I have a foreign friend who speaks, reads and writes Thai. Like you, he
also likes to go for meditation courses in monasteries. He had a Thai
girlfriend who thought that he was lying to her and seeing someone else
whenever he went for meditation. Yet she accepted it and outwardly
pretended to believe him - until she found someone who didn't go for
"meditation courses". When she realised that he was really going for
those meditation courses, she was shocked, but it was too late.

On a few occasions, a few Thai friends did irresponsible things which
made me very angry. My other Thai friends who knew about it kept the
matter from me until I discovered the truth myself and the culprits had
gone into hiding. When I questioned them about why they have kept the
matter from me, the classic excuse of not wanting me to get upset came
up. Actually, they just didn't want me to take violent revenge -
something which they expected the typical Thai man to do if he suffered
the same fate that I did.

Plip is not the only one who thinks this way. If all Thais can read that
message, I bet 90% of them will find it inappropriate. Your female Thai
friend must have made contact with you in almost complete secrecy. If
the two of you as much as go to the market together, you're going to get
tongues wagging. If she's married, her husband will think that the two
of you are having an affair. Well, this is Thailand.

The lack of trust and communication are found in all societies. In
Thailand where people are generally introverts, an extrovert seeking a
female penfriend on the net stands out like an irritating neon light
outside someone's bedroom window.

Christopher R. Carlen

23.12.1997, 03:00:0023.12.97

This has been very informative. It is difficult to understand what
others are thinking. Truthfully, when I look at American guys going to
Thailand, I think that they're probably going for something involving
sex. So it is understandable that Thais would infer the same thing. I
think if I had realized Plip was Thai I would have responded
differently. I don't really want to be hostile. I don't want to make
myself miserable or anyone else.

My experience in Thailand was very good. Most of the time that I spent
with my friend, we were chaperoned by her Aunt, who turned out to be
very nice company. Actually, her aunt was a little wild, while my
friend is extremely reserved and traditional. Her aunt would ask me at
night if I wanted to go to the club to listen to music (she didn't
drink, nor was she intending to offer me any hanky-panky), but I would
say no and go to bed. Simply because I don't like to be in situations
where many people are drinking.

A couple days her family let us go into the city without her aunt. We
went to her school, ate, and cruised around the canals. I never noticed
any disapproving reactions from anyone. Only once, in a little town
near the giant stupa (chedi, it's the biggest one, but can't remember
the name), a couple young guys made some angry gestures toward me.

When I went to the temple with her (Wat Dhammakaya), we met some of her
friends. Most of her friends are from the Buddhist club at her
college. These people were real serious Buddhists. Only a few moments
after meeting them, they typically would ask me if I meditate every
day. One guy was so friendly. He was married. I really thought these
people were great. Such warm spirits. I almost never experience
anything like this at home. I don't think they were just putting on an
act. But I also think that they are not the average kind of people. It
is kind of like the Asian students I meet here. Are they representative
of the typical Asian person? Not really. They are the smartest ones,
because only the smartest ones get to come here to study. So it seems
the people I met in Thailand were the ones very serious about practicing
the Dharma. It seems that has also made them people free from cynicism.

The guys in the monastery (I lived with the laymen) were also very
friendly. One guy who was supposed to take care of me while I was there
spent many hours with me talking about the principles of Buddhism, and
the situations in the world, the ignorance, all that stuff. Not once
did anyone ever indicate that there was something questionable about my
relationship with my friend.

After I returned from the monastery, my friend's family was convinced
that their daughter was safe with me. I could accept that they had
their concerns. I would too. But it was not difficult to prove my
decency. And I really didn't have to try. Just being who I am, it
happened by itself.

I wish people could believe the best about each other more often. There
are probably a lot more good people around me than I am willing to admit
on a given day.

Michael C. Starkie

29.12.1997, 03:00:0029.12.97
an Christopher R. Carlen

> yeah, right.. unfortunately, we ALREADY know your type all too well, you
> seedy, pimpin', honkie-zit-faced, devil-worshipping, clueless,
> Asian-fetish loser.
> "plip" :)

These "asian fetish" assumptions made by nasty ignorant people desperate

for an excuse to hate someone are disrespectful of the Asian societies.

I also have a similar experience meeting a woman from Taiwan. We met
on the internet and have been best friends ever since. I congratualte
you for being so adventurous and having the imagination and courage to
pursue your dreams. The only people who object to this behavior are
people who are threatened by your actions. Why else would anyone care?
How many people do you know who are happy and have healthy relationships
with others say things like the above?

Michael C. Starkie
Distributed Simulation Systems
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Phone: (617) 981-0939
244 Wood St. Fax: (617) 981-7455
Lexington, MA 02173 Star...@LL.MIT.EDU

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