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Soc.culture.china Archives on ``Tiananmen Square 1989'' (VERY LONG)

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Aaron Y.T. Cheung

Mar 14, 1991, 5:08:33 PM3/14/91
Soc.culture.china Archives on ``Tiananmen Square 1989''

Five megabytes of SCC archives collected during the period
from May-17-89 through Jun-22-89 are available via standard
anonymous-FTP on machine, in directory scc-tam89
as files scc-tam89.[1-9].Z, which uncompress to over ten
megabyes (243,758 lines, 1,394,303 words, 10,525,939 bytes).

Altogether there are 4500 articles available, contained in
nine compressed (.Z) files with each of them carrying 500.
They had been automatically collected during the period and
were sequentially organized per order of arrival, unedited.

There are also two very simple programs, arc2mbox.c and
arc2files.c, available in the same directory, which will
convert the archives (after uncompression) into Unix mbox
compatible format and bnews/cnews spooling format (which
are just sequentially-numbered files with special headers)


Encl. [4500+ lines to follow]

"Subject:" headers of the available archives (from May-17 thru Jun-22, 1989)
1: CCP Politburo Meeting --- News On World Journal Of May 13
2: news 5/16/89
3: Some Thoughts About The Current Situation At Home
4: Request from Lian_Yi_Hui of SUNY at Buffalo
5: Request from Lian_Yi_Hui of SUNY at Buffalo
6: Re: national flag
7: Re: Democractic Educations
8: A Proposal for the Agreement between Students and Government
9: News from Radio Peking on May 16
10: the Red Cross
11: Hunger Strike and Massive Domo in Pdking
12: CNN will televize Gorby's speech at 35 munites from now.
13: Re: Democractic Educations
14: Over One Million Supporters of Striking Students
15: 1 million people in Beijing stand up, 20 cities answered in the
16: Re: Buy a portion in the New York Times: cost information
17: Stanford in Action!!!
18: No step back !!! RE : a proposal ...
19: The Phone for USA Red Cross in W.D.C. :
20: One Million Demonstrators on Tien Anmen Square on Wed
21: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
22: Re: One Million Demonstrators on Tien Anmen Square on Wed
24: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
25: Re: Buy a portion in the New York Times: cost information
26: the demonstration of the chinese students in paris
27: Re: Why the leaders don't talk with the students?
28: Red Cross or a Doctor who is an expert in...
29: letter to CCCPC
30: Meeting with Wan Li???
31: sharing information about the strike in Beijing
32: Re: the Red Cross
33: Let Us Further Our Support: Call from HRIC
34: test
35: Re: Chinese Word Processor and Doc project
36: Connecting to BITNET (Re: Buy a portion in the New York Times)
38: Demonstration in Washington, DC this Saturday
39: killed by ourselves is better than being killed by them
40: A dangerous sign in the demonstrations in China
41: Wan Li? Who is he?
42: salute to Chinese young students
43: Our Goals==Are you clear about that?
44: Re: If students die of hunger strike
45: "The government is killing them"
46: Re: Re. Re. students hunger strike
47: Re: A dangerous sign in the demonstrations in China
48: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
49: Re: Taiwan Independence, PRC, Vietnam, KMT
50: There Are Still Some Chances To Meet With Wan Li
51: Half million people went to TAM square
52: Re: American media and the wonderful utopia of free enterprise
53: China : Expanding Trade Looking For New Exports
54: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
55: Look for Jihong Guo
56: Looking for Kai Guo in Japan
57: Welcome Deng Admits Mistakes
58: CHINA : Preparing For The Thaw
60: Reading between the lines
61: Re: 1 million people in Beijing stand up, 20 cities answered in the
62: Deng to step down
63: Re: the Red Cross
64: The Bottom Line: Can The CCP Government Survive, How?
65: Norm and Scott
66: Radio Beijing Read Many Emergency Appeals
67: Re: Democractic Educations
68: Re: Norm and Scott
69: Zhao Ziyang Visited Hospitalized Hunger Strikers
70: test1
71: CBS Discuss China Situation in "48 Hours", Thursday
72: Re: Reading between the lines
73: Fang Lizhi Commented on China's Current Situation
74: test
75: Re: American media and the wonderful utopia of free enterprise
76: Zhao Ziyang watched TAM show from far away
77: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
78: Re: What else we can do in supporting democratic movements
79: Re: Yuan Mu Shows the Real Face of CCP
80: Zhao Ziyang, Li Peng, ect visit students in hospital.
81: CBS "48 Hours" Thursday at 8pm about China
82: sharing news from other city
83: Re: News from U. of Oregon and strange things
84: 12 Canadian-Chinese Professors Sent Telegram to Deng Xiaoping
85: Re: Welcome Deng Admits Mistakes
86: Re: Democractic Educations
87: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
88: Looking For Mr. Lu, Jun
89: Learn from my mistake !!!
90: Scott, the commie
91: Re: Li Peng, Go to Resign !
92: Re: Why the leaders don't talk with the students?
93: The sooner, the better.
94: Wan Li's visit and what we can do
95: S.F. demonstration
96: UNT Representative Will Go Back to China to Take Part in Protest
97: Open letter from Chinese students in Edinburgh, U.K.
98: Re: (No.12982 to 12998) SCC New Articles
99: We are in big trouble
100: Chinese Word Processor and Doc Project
101: Re: Democractic Educations
102: Buy Ad from a Chinese newspaper--a suggestion
103: Seven generals refused to move troops to Beijing
104: Re: Zhao Ziyang Visited Hospitalized Hunger Strikers
105: Embassy In Ottawa Didn't Arrange Students Meeting With Wan Li
106: Li Peng's attitude?
107: test2
108: Armored Cars Patrol Lhasa
109: DA to convert Chinese characters
110: Shame on our "people's" government
111: The Chinese Students In Montreal Area Are Standing Up Now!
113: some 'hot issues' for dialogue
114: Meeting at Boston University tonight
115: Re: Li Peng's attitude?
116: Re: "I hate my wife for her flat yellow face?"
117: CCTV
118: Re: Li Peng's attitude?
119: Some Students May Meet Wan Li On May 19 In Toronto, Canada
121: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
123: Millions vs. One Dictator.
124: A group of students/scholars at UofT to hold a rally TOMORROW
125: The responssibility of a government.
126: Students In Vancouver Meeting With PRC Consul General
127: Let Xin-Hua News Agency Report Our Action To Our Own People!
128: Supporting Activities In Other Canadian Cities
129: Re: Norm and Scott
130: I cried with them. ( U. of Oregon)
131: Re: Buy Ad from a Chinese newspaper--a suggestion
132: constitutional monarchy & democracy in China
133: An ad on NYT
134: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
135: Two UCLA Chinese Students Coming back to China!!!
136: Re: Supporting Activities In Other Canadian Cities
137: *Emergent: Stone's Fax number needed !!!!!
138: Great Change Is Coming (I) --- Telephone Message
139: Great Change Is Coming (II) --- What China Need and What to Do?
140: Great Change Is Coming (III) --- How to Send Donations
141: Re: Li Peng's attitude?
142: Re: Norm and Scott
143: Li Peng Is Arrogant.
144: Re: Help them!
145: test
146: One million people demonstrate
147: Propaganda of Myself
148: Ten Big Mistakes in China
149: Repost: A Deadlock State
150: China: A Philosophical Prospect
151: On Absolute Speech Freedom
153: Hurry up, you still have time
154: Re: Yuan Mu Shows the Real Face of CCP
155: Monument
156: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
157: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
158: Re: The sooner, the better.
159: Re: BE ALERT
160: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
161: Re. News from Radio Peking on May 16
162: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
163: About Wan Li's Visit and Others
164: Wan Li's Schedule in USA
165: Some need to be proved
166: Re: BE ALERT
167: Re. May Fourth Association
168: test
169: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
170: From University Of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
171: To All Chinese Students And Scholars In North America
172: Open letter from Univ. of Oregon(5/17)
173: Re: BE ALERT
174: more (Re: BE ALERT)
175: Re: Norm and Scott
176: Support of Rutgers
177: Ideas? (Re: BE ALERT)
178: The Latest News About Hunger Strikers In Beijing
179: A Letter from Syracuse Broadcasted at TAM
180: Re: The sooner, the better.
181: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
182: New Party Is Born?
183: Some Thoughts about Students Protest
184: "where is your head?"
186: OSU Chinese Student association Proposal
187: Election (Was:Great Change Is Coming (II) --- What China Need and What to Do?
189: Appeal for Ending the Hunger Strike
190: Re: The sooner, the better.
191: Re: Norm and Scott
192: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
193: I hope it is not my last post.
194: testtt
195: students should cool down and end hunger strike
196: testt
197: support for student from Univ of Chicago
198: Supporting Democracy Movement -- Voice from NMSU
199: news from Berkeley
200: Fwd:
201: Re: Ideas? (Re: BE ALERT)
202: Chinese Students In Canada March From Montreal To Ottawa
203: News Report From Regina, Canada
204: Support From University Of Sasktchewan, Canada
205: Action of MONTREAL's Chinese
206: Situation analysis
207: test
208: Donation, Northwestern University
209: Latest Development in Beijing
210: The goverment is to take action to end the strike
211: Unconfirmed news
212: signal-to-noise
213: Communist Dictators are different from ordinary communists
214: Come to Protest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in Washington DC this Saturday)
215: Appeal for Demonstration in Washington, DC Saturday!
216: Please !!
217: Serious happening on its way!!!
218: Emergency, extreme emergency in Beijing right now
219: 50 Trucks of Soldiers were seen only blocks away from Tian-An-Men!!!
220: Re: "I hate my wife for her flat yellow face?"
221: Important message
222: Beijing Crackdown?
223: ** A Must Read **** Rally in DC arranged
224: Hong Kong Students in Support of Student Movement
225: Our turn
226: Martial law is declared in Beijing !!!!!!!
227: Latest New in Beijing
228: Donation Update
229: EMERGENCY!!!!
230: Representative Government in China
231: Various Ideas
232: Our Students Are Moving, So Are Troops.....
233: Revolution ?
234: Have the people gotten the idea of democracy?
235: Latest News from Beijing
236: Emergency: demonstration in front of PRC Embassy on May 20
237: Latest Development in Beijing by 11:20 Am Eastern Day Time
238: Re: Our Students Are Moving, So Are Troops.....
239: **News** Oxford is coming
240: Re: southerners have split small toe nails ?
241: Supporting letter and donation for TAM democratic movement from UCSB.
242: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
243: 27th Army Held 4 Miles From TAM Square.
244: Emergency
245: we are in action
246: Monday!!! Rally!!! To every Georgian:
247: Donation from University of Alberta
248: Support from the University of Alberta
249: Suggestions!!!
250: my opinion about the current situation in China
251: The last minutes are coming in China
252: news flash
253: Students in Utah are Going to the Chineses Consulate in S.F.
254: Re: What to Do Next?
255: Re: Needs more Focus
256: Re: What else we can do in supporting democratic movements
257: Re: Democracy in China
258: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
259: The darkness before the Dawn!!!
260: News from Georgia Insttute of Tech
261: Demonstration in Chicago/ URGENT
262: (none)
263: Demonstration at the Chinese Consulate in SF on May 20
264: Martial Law Imposed in Beijing
265: CNN, Most Recent News, 6:00 Am in Beijing.
266: Re: my opinion about the current situation in China
267: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
268: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
269: Demonstration in DC
270: Re: Chinese Students Call for International Support
271: Re: Request to: HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA
272: Blacklisted dissidents successfully returned to Taiwan through
273: Zhao Ziyang's resignation and Possible Bloodshed!!!
274: Latest News on Beijing Demonstration?
275: This is a test
276: how should we achieve our goals
277: test
278: Injustice over Wei Jing Sheng
279: Oh, Lord, I couldn't help crying!
280: Latest information from Shanghai
281: Re: Donation Update
282: Demonstration in DC saturday
283: Latest News on Beijing Demonstrations
284: Communication
285: Actions At Ohio State
286: Ohio State U. Caravan Leaving for DC in three hours
287: Re: BE ALERT
288: *News* from McMaster University (Canada)
289: Newest development
290: latest from CBS
291: what to do to ease the current urgency???
292: Two UCLA Students Coming Back for the Worst!!!
293: test
294: Useless garbage
295: Coming Demonstration at Embassy
296: Please Call Foreign Ministry Now.
297: Urgent Action Needed
302: Bloodshed Has Begun, Deng Xiaoping and Li Peng Are Killing!
303: Demonstration in Chicago/ URGENT
304: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
305: Take A General Action Now!
306: The liar is back
307: Re: Situation analysis
308: Protest Rallies
309: Chu[Dina missed another chance. [Da[DAre Chi[D[D[D[D[Cthe nation i[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[DI[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[Cdying?are[D[D[D [D[D[D [DHow long we have to wa[D[D
310: Statement from Chinese students at U. of Victoria
311: DC Demonstration Plan
312: Re: the Red Cross
313: Unidentified New--(RE: Alert)
314: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
315: U. Of Regina In Canada Responds To The Martial Law In Beijing
316: learning the hard way
317: News up-update
318: enemy of 1 billion people
319: Emergent call
320: An Emgergency Call
321: UCSD donation and demo.
322: Urgent Appeal: Ask Embassy to Uprise
323: A Cry from the Deep South
324: Georgians are driving to DC for DC rally.
325: 30 Cornell Students Leaving for Demonstration at PRC Embassy, DC
326: Let's declare that we have no relation with Li's gov't
328: Where is the leader of the free world?
329: ACSSS Declaration
331: unconfirmed news
332: 3,000 students on hunger strike in Xi'an on their 4th day now.
333: What Should We Do To Help Our Fellow Students In China Now?
334: Chinese Students In Ottawa Failed To Meet Wan Li
335: What can we do?
336: Demonstration on Saturday 5/20
337: no phon call is possible to china now
338: Our motherland is in danger - back home the 38th army
339: Open letter of QMC
340: Open Letter, KUL, Belgium
341: Suggestion (Re: U. Of Regina In Canada Responds To The Martial Law In Beijing
342: Call the Army Commader to stop blood shed
343: Re: China
344: Re: the Red Cross
345: 2:2 vote in CCP, 38th army is out
346: Forces for a Peaceful Solution
347: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
348: What we need to do NOW
349: What Next
350: Lion's Roar from Penn State University
351: Donation from WPI
352: Option of Negotiation May Still Exist for the Student Leaders
353: TEST
354: Blood Actvated Huge Demo. at SUNY/Buffalo
355: Suggestions
356: Emergency!!!
357: Stockholmer,please contact G|teborgare
358: Demonstration in Stockholm
359: Statement of CSSC of SUNY at Buffalo
360: Boston University Sent Open Letter
361: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
362: News blackout
364: Report of Big Demonstration in Toronto
365: Chinese "Student unrest"
366: Donations from Queen's University at Kingston
368: What We Should Do
369: How should we achieve our goals
370: Watchout! Crackdown is coming!
371: Protest Meeting In Portland, Oregon
372: People from Taiwan should show support for Peking Demonstration!
373: an idea
374: Confliction in Beijing
375: new development
376: Re: News blackout
377: Re: Forces for a Peaceful Solution
378: we should be more compromising to avoid serious bloodshed
379: Latest News From Beijing (Phone call)
380: Everyone makes a call to China now
381: Deng's resignation
382: PRC Embassy in Canada Announce Supporting Student Movement
383: Frequencies and broadcast time of Radio Beijing?
384: Re: News blackout
387: Re: Forces for a Peaceful Solution
388: An idea
389: Short wave radio station will beat the NEWS BLOCKOUT!
391: UTK students went to to Washington D.C. this morning
392: A New Party --- The Call of History
393: Correction
394: Support the demenstration on our homeland
395: people's enemy
396: Re: Red Cross refuses to take sides
397: U. of Minnesota in action
398: HOW ABOUT AN IDEA .....
399: Student Rally in Boulder, Colorado
400: Re: Forces for a Peaceful Solution
401: Xiaolin and Canhao shake hand in Washington.
402: Re: we should be more compromising to avoid serious bloodshed
403: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
404: UofT LYH leaders met Wan Li !
405: Student Demonstration in LA
407: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
408: An Appeal to All Chinese
409: UCSD donation (update).
410: Re: we should be more compromising to avoid serious bloodshed
411: The Strongest Protest
412: Re: UofT LYH leaders met Wan Li !
413: Re: An idea
414: News from and to Changsha, Hunan
415: Re:Make A Call to China
416: Support From UNB, Canada
417: Taiwaness Hero? or be used!
418: Are their demands vague or not?
419: Re: What else we can do in supporting democratic movements
420: test
421: Tracking the Movement of Our Beloved Fellows
422: Re: What else we can do in supporting democratic movements
423: Re: Xiaolin and Canhao shake hands in Washington D.C.
424: News from the University of Rochester
425: Support and Current Situation
426: A call to Beijing
427: About "Deng's resignation"
428: Re: Forces for a Peaceful Solution
429: Re: Are their demands vague or not?
430: all the chinese studentsask for political refuge...
431: communication
433: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
434: Wan Li Visited Regina, Canada
435: Supporting Activities At UBC In Vancouver, Canada
436: Support From University Of Calgary, Canada
437: Troops have entered the center of Beijing?
438: Re: People from Taiwan should show support for Peking Demonstration!
439: Re: Great Change Is Coming (III) --- How to Send Donations
440: latest news
441: Rumors????
442: Re: learning the hard way
443: Re: What Should We Do To Help Our Fellow Students In China Now?
444: Re: An Emgergency Call
445: open letter
446: Re: all the chinese studentsask for political refuge...
447: Students visitied "Lao3 Suai4"
448: Ask Bush to Cancel the Port Visit of US Navy in Shanghai !
449: An Emgergency Call
450: News Series (0)
451: News Series (1)
452: News Series (2)
453: News Series (3)
454: News Series (4)
455: News Series (5)
456: Characters of troops that entered Beijing
457: Chicago Demonstration, May 20.
459: News from China
460: Re: learning the hard way
462: looking for Mr. Ni Xiao Dong
463: _Forwarded to SCC_ : Two Chinese American Professors' Letter to President Bush.
464: Appeal from McMaster University (Canada)
465: unfimrmed-news
466: Emergency Anouncement from U. of Michigan
467: News
468: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
469: Demonstration and Donation in Victoria
470: Emergency!!!
471: Open Letter from Univ. of Utah
472: The situation in China goes so fast that it makes the whole case very
473: The situation in China goes so fast that it makes the whole case very
474: Loyalty of PLA Re: we should be more compromising ...
475: 3 am PST call to Beijing
476: People's common enemy has ordered to use force 6 hours from now
477: Re: Taiwanese Hero? (DPP guy burns self to death)
478: PostToScc
479: NEW news from CBS
480: PLEASE ACT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Part I -- News
481: Re: News from Radio Peking on May 16
482: News
483: Re: learning the hard way
484: News from Beijing at 2:30 EDT: People are winning
485: Re: learning the hard way
486: support from Norway
487: comparisons of China to U.S., France
488: PLEASE ACT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Part II -- Our Actions
489: More net.garbage sent to Scott (skip if you wish)
490: Chinese Student Go to Street in Portland
491: Taiwan's political situation in reply to timlee and whoever concern Taiwan
492: call home
493: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
494: Coordination among univ.s with net address.(suggestions)
495: Re: call home
496: Re: Beijing Crackdown?
497: Re: Norm and Scott
498: Re: Scott, the commie
499: Re: An ad on NYT
500: China
501: Unconfirmed News: Wan Li is under house arrest
502: Re: Scott, the commie
503: post to scc
504: Re: News from China
505: Communism--who really knows what it is?
506: Re: Norm and Scott
508: Re: call home
509: Some Thoughts
510: Re: Some Thoughts
511: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
512: Re: Taiwan's political situation
513: U. of Sci.& Tech. of China's students are hard core hunger strikers
514: An Institutional Approach to the Current Crisis
515: Re: learning the hard way
516: Move the 1990 Asian Olymics away from Beijing
517: Taiwanese Hero ? No.
518: Re: learning the hard way
519: Let's get ourselves straight on the definition(s) of ``democracy''
520: ************* A NETWORK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED ****************
521: Re: call home
522: Send your open letters to Voice of America
523: ham radio to communicate with china
524: Re: Unconfirmed News: Wan Li is under house arrest
525: Re: call home
526: Re: Send your open letters to Voice of America
527: test from uc
528: Donation Update
529: SCC Weekly Digest II
530: Voice of Chinese Students in Colorado
531: Re: learning the hard way
532: Re: Emergency Anouncement from U. of Michigan
533: Re: Unconfirmed News: Wan Li is under house arrest
534: Re: China
535: Re: Taiwan's political situation
536: Chinese Students In Vancouver Are In Action!
537: The Action Taken By Chinese Students At UNB, Canada
538: SCC Weekly Digest II --- Chinese Computing
539: News From U of Saskatchewan, Canada
540: Unofficial news
541: SCC Digest Weekly II --- News
542: SCC Digest Weekly II --- Ideas
544: Re: learning the hard way
545: Chinese Students in Southern States in Action
546: Re: Send your open letters to Voice of America
547: Support from PSU
548: Re: Send your open letters to Voice of America
549: Stopping mass protection and keep fighting
550: Letter to President Bush
551: RE: (No.13189 to 13211) SCC New Articles
552: Re: Unofficial news
553: Fwd:
554: need help
555: Re: Taiwan's political situation
556: Sent Info by FAX
557: To whom it may concern
558: news and rumors
559: Goals of protest in PRC Re: learning the hard way
560: ACSSS Declaration
561: Re: call home
562: Re: learning the hard way
563: Norm read this one
564: A suggestion
565: Re: Unconfirmed News: Wan Li is under house arrest
566: More Donation From University Of Saskatchewan, Canada
567: Re: all the chinese studentsask for political refuge...
568: Re: call home
569: Condemnation of Li Peng Regime, need your schools' name signed
570: Latest News from phone calls to Beijing
571: A technical question
572: Some news
573: Short News from West Germany
574: Re: Scott, the commie
575: Re: Stopping mass protection and keep fighting
576: Demonstration At University Of Minatoba, Canada
577: Latest News from China and An Open Letter from 7 Universities
578: What about this cat?
579: Our action!
580: forcing Li Peng out of office
581: Wan, Li's Schedule
582: Consulate lost contact with PRC regime?
583: A Taiwanese student's view of the student's protest in China
584: Re: Deng's resignation
585: ** News from U. of Oregon and good things **
586: Re: Latest News from China and An Open Letter from 7 Universities
587: be insistent, friends! Victory is coming!
588: People's Congress discusses legality of Li's declaration of Martial Law
589: test1053
590: ************* A NETWORK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED ****************
591: Phone Call to Beijing
592: CCTV
593: Re: Donation Update
594: Re: Condemnation of Li Peng Regime, need your schools' name signed
595: Democracy Now
596: A Small Suggestion
597: Re: learning the hard way
598: BBH News Update
599: Coordinative motion of Student Association Needed!
600: news from Paris
601: Re: People from Taiwan should show support for Peking Demonstration!
602: Li Peng or Li Peng regime? A Suggestion
603: Wan Li is still in U.S., a reliable source says.
604: An Appeal to All Chinese
605: Tanks forced into Beijing
606: Re: Send your open letters to Voice of America
607: Troops entered Beijing and More than 40 people were wounded
608: Emergency Call for Provinces' People's Congress Meeting
609: news from Norway
610: Letter to people all over the world
611: Pls Do Your Part
612: Address for the previous letter
613: Joke From Beijing
614: Re: Donation Update
616: Student Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio
617: Association of chinese students in french Declaration
618: Students mobilized in Paris
619: demonstration od the chinese students in paris
620: Students' activities in Gothenburg
621: News from Norway
622: Wan Li's schedule in US
623: Will The Real China Please Stand Up
624: Revolution and History
625: Wan Li meets students in Washington DC
626: Re: BBH News Update
627: Re: Frequencies and broadcast time of Radio Beijing?
628: Letter to the Politburo
629: Re: News blackout
630: Re: Condemnation of Li Peng Regime, need your schools' name signed
631: May Fourth Association Second Purchase is Closed
632: Congratulations
633: Re: Frequencies and broadcast time of Radio Beijing?
634: BBH News Update
635: Fax # to CHINA
636: Fax # to People's Congress of CHINA
637: donation from the Univ. of Tennessee Space Institute
638: telephone call from Hefei, Anhui
639: Re: Letter to President Bush
640: Lastest from BBC
641: Re: learning the hard way
642: Re: call home
643: Chinese students wanted by LA Time staff writer
644: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
645: Short Wave Radio Frequency (Hong Kong)
646: Open Letter from Chinese Students at University of Cincinnati
647: Re: ACSSS Declaration
648: sending money to TAM Square
649: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
650: BBH news update
651: An Appeal To Overseas Students, Chinese Version Enclosed.
652: Help needed
653: Re: learning the hard way
654: Re: Li Peng or Li Peng regime? A Suggestion
655: Re: learning the hard way
656: An Open Letter to the People of the World
657: news from Norway (I)
658: news from Norway (II)
659: news from Norway (III)
660: Latest VOA news
661: Re: Chinese students wanted by LA Time staff writer
662: Re: learning the hard way
663: Letter to US Congress and Senate
664: Drive for donation.
665: CCP wants to use workers? (phone call to Beijing)
666: Re: learning the hard way
667: Updates
668: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
669: Re: sending money to TAM Square
670: News update
671: We Need Our Own Marseillaise !
672: call from Trondheim, Norway and recent news from HK
673: China is hopefull
674: Re: Taiwan's political situation
675: Latest News From the V.O.A.
676: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
677: My Suggestion
678: What Should We Ask For?
679: Forwarded Message
680: Re: learning the hard way
681: Re: learning the hard way
682: BBH News update
683: beijing update "chi2 jiu3 zhan4"?
685: RE: Taiwan's political situation
686: We all call Senators
687: Voting Rights Re: Taiwan's political situation
688: Re: Taiwan's political situation
689: Wan Li Agreed on Marshial Law, Protested by an Attendant.
690: Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! A New Battle Field!
691: Report on Students' United Action in Japan
692: Re: learning the hard way
693: Re: News update
694: CCP's Internal Power Struggle and The Student Movement
695: Latest News(9:40 am 5/22)
696: Re: Sent Info by FAX
697: UPDATE (1:30 PM 5/22)
698: Re: 3 am PST call to Beijing
699: A message from UASPRC
700: Blood bill must be paid in blood.
701: 5/20 Demonstration at Chicago
702: Fund Raising in Penn State Univ.
703: News blackout
706: Latest News From the B.B.C.
707: Live Concerts at Tiananmen Square? (Re: We Need Our Own Marseillaise!)
708: News from Switzerland
709: Persistency means victory!
710: U. of Michigan Students announce breaking off ...
711: OSU student to leave for Beijing to bring donation to students
712: Time
713: RE: People from Taiwan should show support to Peking demonstratio
714: Report on Students' United Action in Denmark
715: HELP BEIJING STUDENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
716: MUST READ: WHO IS THE SON OF LI PENG ?? :-0 (Re: News update)
717: BBH News update
718: BBH news update
719: Add your school's name
720: Li Peng's government is full of shit
722: Re: MUST READ: WHO IS THE SON OF LI PENG ?? :-0 (Re: News update)
723: What May Fail the Demonstration?
724: Re: Condemnation of Li Peng Regime, need your schools' name signed
725: Re: learning the hard way
726: Don't attack Deng too much for China's future.
727: Taiwan's hero (not a serious article please skip)
728: donation methods
729: Re: Blood bill must be paid in blood.
730: Re: My Suggestion
731: Demonstration in Hong Kong
732: Re: What May Fail the Demonstration?
733: An inspirational poem
734: It is the time to claim victory
735: Chinese Students at Dartmouth in Action !
736: Clarks University Collected $1,000 Donation
737: We have send money back to students in TAM
738: donations for students in Beijing
739: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
740: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
741: CCP members quit the party!
742: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
743: What do we learn so far?
744: The Real Intention of the Martial Law
745: Donation from Dartmouth.
746: Liaison Network In Ontario, Canada
747: Amnesty Petitions
748: Lastest news from Beijing (Confirmed ones)
749: forwarded message
750: Support Statement from Hong Kong Students at University of Minnesota
751: Chris Dodd will meet Chinese Students at Hartford on Wednesday.
752: Re: Blood bill must be paid in blood.
753: Re: MUST READ: WHO IS THE SON OF LI PENG ?? :-0 (Re: News update)
755: Supporting Activities at UW-Seattle
756: VOA number
757: Re: MUST READ: WHO IS THE SON OF LI PENG ?? :-0 (Re: News update)
758: News from Norway
759: Demo. in LONDON
760: How to donate?
761: Martial Law is Dead
762: Open letter to PLA from Arkansas State Chinese Students and
763: Donation Update
764: test
765: March and Rally in MSU
766: News about WAN Li
767: situation in China
768: Romors to be confirmed
769: CBS and ABC recovered satellite connection to Beijing 6am EST.
770: News Black-out Lifted!!!
771: Will The Real China Please Stand Up - Part II
772: Executions Reported in Lhasa
773: Re: OSU student to leave for Beijing to bring donation to students
774: Fwd:
775: Fwd: Subject: Open letter to CCP and State Council
776: Martial Law Imposed in Wuhan!
777: Fwd:
778: poster
779: Talking to TsingHua Univ.
780: Re: Blood bill must be paid in blood.
781: Amateur Radio Communication with China
782: troops are pulling away
783: Fight News Blackout
784: Live Concerts at Tiananmen Square? (Re: We Need Our Own Marseillaise!)
785: Deng Xiaoping will retire in America.
786: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
787: BBH News Update (10:46 am EDT may 23)
788: test
789: test
790: test
791: Re: Taiwan's hero
792: GREAT NEWS !!! (according to FAX from Hong Kong)
793: Re: Donation Update
794: Martial Law To Continue In Lhasa
795: Re: VOA number
796: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
797: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
798: Democratic Demostration in North America
799: RE : Taiwan's political situation
800: Re: Fwd:
801: Re: learning the hard way
803: donation in paris
804: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
805: latest news from telephone call, may 23 11:00a.m. EST
806: Re: Demonstration in Hong Kong
807: Some Thoughts
808: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
810: Re: learning the hard way
811: Re: Short Wave Radio Frequency (Hong Kong)
812: RE:People from Taiwan should show support
813: test
814: Re: donation methods
815: Chang Chun news
816: Students meet with Wan Li
817: Re: An Institutional Approach to the Current Crisis
818: Re: Donation Update
819: Donations
821: Chinese Students Union W-Germany
823: PosttoSCC
824: ROC involvement in demonstration fantasy Re: What May Fail ...
825: Re: learning the hard way
826: Columbus Dispath Interview at Student House Tomorrow
827: Revolution and History (II)
828: Rally at Virginia Tech
829: Re: Demonstration in Hong Kong
830: Re: Taiwan's hero (not a serious article please skip)
831: Re: Taiwan's hero (not a serious article please skip)
832: Re: Short Wave Radio Frequency (Hong Kong)
833: Taiwan's situation in reply to matloff
834: Sun employee's personal account
835: Xinhua attacked Lipeng!
836: Re: RE : Taiwan's political situation
837: test
838: Re: KMT and DPP (was Another Taiwanese hero burned to death)
839: Re: More net.garbage sent to Scott (skip if you wish)
840: Fwd:
841: Petition To Wan Li, From Chinese Students And Scholars in USA
842: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
843: where to send the money?
844: Re: Demonstration in Hong Kong
845: test
846: Re: Adopting consitutional rule in 1936 (Was: Taiwan's political ..)
847: Demonstrations in Taipei and Berkeley Re: KMT and DPP
848: RE: DPP and KMT(How many media are controlled by KMT)
850: Clarkson Chinese Students Demostration for Democracy yesterday
851: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
852: Re: GREAT NEWS !!! (according to FAX from Hong Kong)
853: victory is in sight
854: Will Zhao be an improvement over Li?
855: Re: Taiwanese Hero ? No.
856: Open Letter from the Chinese Students' Association of the U of Manitoba
857: Re: learning the hard way
858: Re: we should be more compromising to a
859: Re: Blood bill must be paid in blood.
860: Re: Blood bill must be paid in blood.
861: Federal Republic of China
862: Why was Chairman Mao held igh?
863: A Strange Slogan
864: Re: KMT and DPP (was Another Taiwanese hero burned to death)
865: News from University of Washington, Seattle
867: News from Trieste, Italy
868: CCP members quit the party
869: Wan Li is going home tonight
870: Death
871: Jokes
872: Re: learning the hard way
873: Re: Taiwan's situation in reply to matloff
874: latest information
875: Donation update
876: Re: Li's son
877: try
878: Re: Adopting consitutional rule in 1936 (Was: Taiwan's political ..)
879: Should we treat Deng harshly?
880: Radio Beijing Broadcasts
881: Voice of Free China Broadcasts
882: Re: KMT and DPP (was Another Taiwanese hero burned to death)
883: Re: Petition To Wan Li, From Chinese Students And Scholars in USA
885: Full Or Limited Representative Government?
886: Do you believe in the United States Constitution?
887: Re: Blood bill must be paid in blood.
888: Support Beijing Students from Princeton
889: We are doing some things now!!!
890: China Daily Fax No
891: Re: Full Or Limited Representative Government?
892: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
893: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
894: Re: comparisons of China to U.S., France
895: Li Peng Is Dead; the Martial Law Is Dead
896: Re: Condemnation of Li Peng Regime, need your schools' name signed
897: SEEK- person speaking spanish & knowing china
898: What Do We Really Want?
899: What Should We Do Next?
900: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?
901: Re: my reply to Matloff (was KMT and DPP)
902: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?
903: why not allowed the westerner to take the picture of Mao's portrait
904: News And What We Are Doing
905: Electing Yuanshiashr Mayors (Was: Re: Another Hero...&c.)
906: Re: KMT and DPP
907: VOA Jamming
908: Cantonese shortwave broadcasts from Asia
909: UNC-Chapel Hill Chinese Students Support Demonstrations In China
911: A Small Suggestion....
912: Democracy in China, Democracy Now
913: Nobel Prize
914: Phone Number of Beijing's Student URGENT Needed
915: Re: Send your open letters to Voice of America
916: Zhao Zi Yang
917: Actions from Edinburgh, U.K.
918: Re: Emergency!!!
919: Re: Cause of the event
920: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?
921: test
922: News from Beijing, CNN this morning (est)
923: Solidarity leader's name
924: UF in Action
925: SG in UF support us! you should do it in your school
926: emergency,student-leader in beijin
927: satellite transmission
928: Stop Arrest
929: Dangerous signal
930: student arrests
931: News Blackout is BACK only after 30 hours!!!!
932: set up a coordination system
933: Emergency Appeal, Especially if You can contact home
934: It is a test
935: Bloodshed is still looming -- a forwarded message
936: Computers Link Chinese in U.S.
937: Tools for building democracy
938: Re: Tools for building democracy
939: RE: Another Taiwanese Hero burned to death..
940: Re: News from Beijing, CNN this morning (est)
941: Deng Xiaoping Calls Zhao Ziyang "A Reactionary"
942: Forty Intelectuals Be Arrested.
944: RE: early political situation in China
945: Re: Taiwan's situation in reply to matloff
946: Re: Short Wave Radio Frequency (Hong Kong)
947: Queen's University still in Action
948: Re: learning the hard way
949: Re: KMT and DPP (was Another Taiwanese hero burned to death)
950: Poems of Freedom
951: Re: KMT and DPP (was Another Taiwanese hero burned to death)
952: Last Message from My Friend's Phone Connection before it was cut
953: Re: Don't attack Deng .....
955: UMD supports students
956: Lastest News noon May 24
957: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
958: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
959: urgent help!
960: Re: China and Capitalism in America
961: Decision of CCP Center Committee.
962: Psychological War against people's common enemy, show your support!
963: Add your school's name, updated
964: More Fund Raised At University Of Calgary, Canada
965: More Donation Collected At London, Canada
966: University Of News Brunswick (Canada) In Action
967: Public Statement By Chinese In Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
968: Further Report On The Demonstration In Ottawa On May 20
969: CBS special news 10:00 AM
970: Re: What Should We Do Next?
971: A Fax Site Linked to China Needs your help -- info and resources
972: Re: Demonstrations in Taipei and Berkeley Re: KMT and DPP
973: suggestions
974: Re: Add your school's name, updated
975: We have a dream (was: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?)
976: SCC users
978: Re: Another Taiwanese Hero burned to death..
979: Re: Adopting consitutional rule in 1936
980: Re: Full Or Limited Representative Government?
981: Mr. Qin Benli's Home Number
982: Chen Nan Jun's constitutional draft Re: Taiwanese hero ...
983: Professors are speaking out
984: An Appeal to Chinese Leaders
985: Elections during wartime Re: early political situation in China
986: message from University of Hong Kong
987: Student demonstration at Kansas State University
988: Change system, not leaders!
989: Re: (No.13712 to 13734) SCC New Articles
990: EMERGENCY!!! Satellite was cut off again(May 25, 0:00am)
991: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
992: latest CBS news
993: Re: early political situation in China
994: Re: early political situation in China
995: Re: KMT and DPP
996: Persistent is Victory!!!
997: Re: An ad on NYT
998: Re: Move the 1990 Asian Olymics away fr
999: Death Te and Ending the Movement
1000: Rumors in Beijing (from NYT)
1001: Re: comparisons of China to U.S., France
1002: The list is very out-of-date (Re: Donation Update)
1003: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
1004: reply to Ko-Yang
1007: phone/fax list
1008: scc user
1009: Demostration in Miami, FlL
1010: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
1011: SG in UF support us! you can do it in your school
1012: Successful E-mail to China
1013: Re: Should we treat Deng too harshly?
1014: "Student Movement Is Counter-Revolutionary"!
1015: Ideas for a democratic Chinese government (LONG)
1016: Reply
1017: RE: Elections during wartime
1018: information from Beijing
1019: Re: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
1020: Mao's portrait and some humble comments
1021: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
1022: Re: Adopting consitutional rule in 1936 (Was: Taiwan's political ..)
1023: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
1024: RE. Set up coordinator system
1025: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
1026: VOA FAX NO.
1027: Re: X. Deng will retire in US.
1028: donation leaflet
1029: Be Aware Of The Worst Outcome
1030: Demonstration At Holiday Inn For Wan Li On Sunday
1031: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?
1032: looking for friends
1033: FAX response from China
1034: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
1035: B.B.C. news
1036: Is Deng too old?
1038: Re: Stop Arrest
1039: Add your school's name, updated(II)
1040: FAX number of Bei Da
1041: Re: Full Or Limited Representative Government?
1042: efficient use of scc
1043: no subject (file transmission)
1044: News from Beijing @( 6:30pm PDT)
1045: Re: phone/fax list
1046: Re: Stop Arrest
1047: Donation from the College of William and Mary
1048: Re: Add your school's name, updated(II)
1049: News
1051: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
1052: Re: Demonstrations in Taipei and Berkeley Re: KMT and DPP
1053: Hold your own elections?
1054: Call the Congressman to Support the Act of Supporting the Students
1055: Re: Elections during wartime
1056: Re: Add your school's name, updated(II)
1057: Re: ???How to read SCC???
1058: Add your school's name, update
1059: Air Force/Navy supports Marshal Law?
1060: Donations, for the updated list
1061: Be prepared for the crackdown...
1062: Messages from Beijing
1063: Bad News
1064: Re: reply to Ko-Yang and Huei Peng (By Norm)
1065: Re: set up a coordination system
1066: Founding of the Coordinating Committee in Canada
1067: Coordinating Committee in Canada Calling for Local Coordinators
1068: an idea
1069: People of the Year for our students
1070: Re: China and Capitalism in America
1071: *NEWS*---Stanford-Beijing Hotlines
1072: Support Chinese Protesters On Tian-An-Men Square, Beijing, China
1073: Latest News on Li Peng's Speech in Great Hall
1074: Donation at University of Saskatchewan, Canada
1075: Re: reply to Ko-Yang
1076: Question to Norm
1077: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
1078: urgent alert, beijing --- another news blackout
1079: What Do We Really Want?
1080: Re: KMT and DPP (was Another Taiwanese hero burned to death)
1081: Hunger Strike at NU in Support of Chinese Democracy
1082: Wan Li not yet in Beijing
1083: Re: How I'ts Exaggerated? (Was: Telephone number in Beida was cancelled)
1084: Radio Peking at 0:00am Thursday (EST) -- no domestic news at all
1085: Activities at Lehigh + donation $800
1086: More FAX #s in China --- let's do whatever we can!
1087: Call For United Action All Over The World
1088: Emergency Meeting
1089: Re: Question to Norm
1090: scc user
1091: Re: efficient use of scc
1092: What is wrong
1093: News Summary
1094: News about China
1095: Re: scc user
1096: Re: KMT and DPP
1098: a test
1099: Are we all fooled?
1100: Re: reply to Ko-Yang
1101: DDDDDDDDDemonstration in Washington DC, May 28 Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1102: Who has the right to speak out? (WAS Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
1103: Li and Deng
1104: Some thought
1105: Re: scc user
1106: test
1108: use of SCC
1109: Re: Buy a portion in the New York Times: cost information
1110: Re: set up a coordination system
1111: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
1112: Millitary Force Surrounding Beijing
1113: CCTV news
1114: My thanks to Norm
1115: Coordination System (updated)
1116: ROC->PRC (paper) mail
1117: Li Peng Appeared On China's CCTV This Morning
1118: Re: learning the hard way
1119: Re: Ideas for a democratic Chinese government (LONG)
1120: RE:who has the right to speak out
1121: Is there anyone who is in charge of donation?
1122: Re: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
1123: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
1124: Re: use of SCC
1125: TEST
1126: Re: KEEP CLEAR MIND !!!
1127: Freedom Show of Stanford Univr ersity
1128: Confirmed News: 600,000 armed troops ready to crackdown students
1129: MiThanks to American News Media
1130: Re: ROC->PRC (paper) mail
1131: Re: DDDDDDDDDemonstration in Washington DC, May 28 Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!
1132: Re: scc user
1134: Donations question
1135: a possible dirty deal
1136: Re: use of SCC
1137: Re: Is there anyone who is in charge of donation?
1138: Forwarding message
1139: coordination system
1140: Add your school's name, updated
1142: Write to TIME
1143: Re: scc user
1144: Re: My thanks to Norm
1145: Re: GREAT NEWS !!! (according to FAX fr
1146: Re: Why was Chairman Mao held igh?
1147: Looking for Yu Mang
1148: Re: efficient use of scc
1149: Yu Haocheng Is Not Arrested --- at least for now
1152: Re: Li Peng Appeared (passive resistance/minimal compliance)
1153: Activities at Lehigh + $800 donation
1154: Re: ROC->PRC (paper) mail
1155: Mainland Chinese Perception of Taiwan's KMT
1156: Letters Campaign by Overseas Chinese Students?
1157: Re: scc user
1158: Re: Use of SCC
1159: Re: KMT and DPP
1160: Creating Hatred Between Army and Beijing People.
1161: Connection to China
1163: Letters of Loyalty
1164: Demonstration at the U of A
1165: LEt overseas Chinese put the presure on Li.
1166: Deng died -- politically (News, comments. Long)
1167: Call for an immediate election?
1168: How to Send Donation to Beijing Students
1169: Re: KMT and DPP
1170: donation from Portland State University
1171: Re: learning the hard way
1172: Re: learning the hard way
1173: looking for my classmate
1174: looking for my highschool classmate
1175: Open Letter to China
1176: Some strange things in Hawaii
1177: UVA condemns Li & Deng !!!
1178: Four Members Purged from Politburo --- according to ABC
1179: UVA in action !!!
1180: UVA will go to W.D.C. on Saturday, May 27,1989 !
1181: Taiwan-Re: Question to Norm
1182: Watch ABC news at 7:00 p.m.
1183: Support students in China
1184: news from University of North Carolina
1185: Suggestions About the Situation
1187: Re: learning the hard way
1188: Re: KMT and DPP
1189: ** READ THIS ** My opinions revealed--straightforwardly
1190: Supporting Activities in Hawaii
1191: Hawaii Update: More Supporting Activities
1192: News from Hong Kong (5/26 8am HKT)
1193: Re: Four Members Purged from Politburo --- according to ABC
1194: will communism survive the next century?
1195: Re: Who has the right to speak out? (WAS Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
1196: Re: KMT and DPP
1197: News and Short Comments
1198: Re: Put presure on Li from oversea Chinese.
1199: Re: use of SCC
1200: An Open Letter (Sorry for Previous Junk)
1201: Come on join us to W.D.C. on Saturday, May 27 !!!
1202: --------"Ergent!!!!----------
1203: How the donation money will be used
1204: Re: KMT and DPP
1205: Re: learning the hard way
1207: Re: learning the hard way
1208: Asking your opinion
1209: Greater St. Louis Area In Action!!
1210: Chinese protesters are dead ducks ..... unless ....
1213: Re: Confirmed News: 600,000 armed troops ready to crackdown students
1214: Re: Demo. in LONDON
1216: Re: Fwd:
1217: Taiwan situation in 1945 Re: KMT and DPP
1218: Triange Universities show support
1219: Independent and the good leaders
1220: Peace And Voilance
1221: CNN news reporter Mike Chinoy
1222: Muscow protests, Beijing Style
1223: Re: KMT and DPP
1224: Military Action by ROC, Confederation, TI, Economics.
1225: Bad News
1226: Fang Lizhi Is Arrested.
1227: support from W.Germany's students
1228: A Public Letter
1230: Re: Chinese protesters are dead ducks ..... unless ....
1233: Re: KMT and DPP
1234: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1235: A Public letter
1236: Re: Some strange things in Hawaii
1237: Re: Donation Update
1238: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1239: News Summary
1240: Re: KMT and DPP
1241: Re: KMT and DPP
1242: Re: learning the hard way
1243: coordinators from Norway
1244: use of SCC
1245: Columbia Chinese Students Meeting to be hold at 8:00pm Today
1246: Usage of SCC
1247: Re: ** READ THIS ** My opinions revealed--straightforwardly
1248: Taiwan's Situation Discussion
1249: "Why don't you go back Taiwan now?" (my answers to Mr. Horng)
1250: Re: KMT and DPP
1251: Let us act together !!!
1252: Re: Who has the right to speak out? (WAS Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
1253: TIBET : Senate Records Human Rights Violations
1254: TIBET : Chinese Reactions to U.S. Government Initiatives-May '89
1255: TIBET : U.S. Government Initiatives - May 1989
1256: BEIJING Demonstrators Risk Execution
1257: MMOORREE About Demonstration on Washington DC Saturday!!!!
1258: Re: Education in Taiwan (Was: Cheng Nan-Jung ...)
1259: Re: ROC->PRC (paper) mail
1261: cordinator of UW-Madison
1262: Chinese At U. Of Calgary (Canada) Denounces Li Peng's Regime
1263: Logic
1264: Deng-Li Regime Has Expelled All the Reformers
1265: some thing that need to be re-considered
1266: A Practical News.
1267: Univ. of Cincinnati will join the Rally in Washinton this Satursay!!
1268: Re: usage of the donation money --- IMPORTANT!
1269: Chinese Jamming of the V.O.A.
1270: Re:Demonstration on Washington DC Saturday
1271: Rally in DC this saturday
1272: Re: Taiwan in World War II
1276: Re: Question to Norm
1277: Re: Mainland Chinese Perception of Taiwan's KMT
1278: looking for old friends
1279: Re: some thing that need to be re-considered
1281: test, please ignore.
1282: Re: ROC->PRC (paper) mail
1283: Dpublic statements of ohio University chinese students
1284: Coordination system (may 26, 1989)
1285: Re: KMT and DPP (was Another Taiwanese hero burned to death)
1286: Re: ** READ THIS ** My opinions revealed--straightforwardly
1287: Re: Let us act together !!!
1288: News (not the latest :-) from Shenzhen, Guangdong
1289: non-recognition, passports
1290: Hotline
1291: Re: Usage of the donation --- IMPORTANT!
1292: Deng's Motivation
1293: Rules o& Worldwide Coordinators
1294: Rules on SCC & World Coordinators
1295: Re: A Small Suggestion....
1296: Demonstration, Let's unite, all the Chinese on earth
1297: Re: Usage of SCC
1298: We are the loser if we use voilence
1299: Our own revolution: change the life styles
1300: Re: We are the loser if we use voilence
1301: Nobel Peace Prize
1302: test
1303: t2
1304: test
1305: Mao' portrait during the demonstration
1308: *Emergency*, Money, Channel
1309: Call for Chinese Fax-Number Update!
1310: Re: some thing that need to be re-considered
1311: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1312: *FUCK*[D [D[DMust Read [D* Some people are jammmi[D[Ding SCC.
1313: Re: Stop Arrest
1314: Re: Mao' portrait during the demonstration
1315: News from Hong Kong (5/27 9:45am HKT)
1316: Re: For the Future of China Where We Live
1317: Re: Deng's Motivation
1318: Re: Mao' portrait during the demonstration
1319: Re: MiThanks to American News Media
1320: Re: Stop Arrest
1321: ** Rally in NYC, on Sun. ****
1322: Chinese Word Processor Project
1323: Non-Violence Is Our Principle --- comment of a netter
1324: cheerup
1325: rumor
1326: Write to members of the ruling/"ruling" body of PRC
1327: A Letter to a member of Central Committee of CPC
1330: T-shirts for democracy and freedom
1331: Letter to a member of the Standing Committee of NPC
1332: ** List of Rulers/"Rulers" in PRC *** -- write to them.
1333: Demonstration in Los Angeles (5/27)
1334: Hunger Strike & "Blue Ribbon" Campaign
1335: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?
1336: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?
1337: test
1338: URGENT !!!
1339: China News
1340: News from Hong Kong (5/27 3pm HKT)
1341: News from Hong Kong (5/27 3:30pm HKT <--> 5/27 00:30 PDT)
1342: Test message from Belgium, more follow soon.
1343: Re: Taiwan-Re: Question to Norm
1344: Call for worldwide protest from Beijing
1345: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?
1346: Hunger Strike & "Blue Ribbon" Campaign (repost w/ more details)
1347: Re: rumor
1348: Last News Summary
1349: test
1350: Boycott Center Daily
1351: Rally in Toronto TOMORROW !
1352: against Li Peng goverment
1353: Demonstration in Paris
1354: Re: Write to members of the ruling/"ruling" body of PRC
1355: withdraw from TAM
1357: Re: non-recognition, passports
1358: Dance of the Death
1359: Exciting NEWS On Donation
1360: Re: KMT and DPP
1361: What if Zhao dies (Re: Mao' portrait during the demonstration)
1362: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death; The TRUTH of Nang-Jung's death
1363: Student demonstration in Bay Area
1364: Re: Some strange things in Hawaii
1365: RE: My thanks to Norm
1366: Re: Write to members of the ruling/"ruling" body of PRC
1367: Re: We are the loser if we use voilence
1368: Re: rumor
1369: RE: Re: usage of donation money --- IMPORTANT!!!
1370: Blue Ribbon Demonstration and Hunger Strike
1371: Conclusion of New May 4th.
1372: Re: Write to members of the ruling/"ruling" body of PRC
1373: Re: Dance of the Death
1374: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1375: Re: KMT and DPP
1376: Mao's portrait in TAM square
1377: A shameless Deng's follower, Scott
1378: Re: My thanks to Norm
1379: Re: rumor about Li Peng's real mother.
1380: Worst Premier of China.
1381: Re: Taiwan-Re: Question to Norm
1382: Action and Open Letter
1383: China News
1384: Badge for Democracy in China
1385: United Action of Chinese Students in Southern States On Sunday
1386: Update on Hunger Strike in Los Angeles, USA
1387: To Taiwan People
1388: Coordination System (May 28, 1989)
1389: rumor
1390: Re: rumor
1391: Re: A shameless Deng's follower, Scott
1392: Atlanta area rally, at Georgia Tech
1393: They are the national heroes: A Day to Remember, People to Remember
1394: Re: scc user
1395: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death (by Tai Dow)
1396: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
1397: Re: Support Chinese Protesters On Tian-An-Men Square, Beijing, China
1398: Time to Withdraw
1399: Time to Withdraw
1400: Bye-bye SCC
1401: Re: learning the hard way
1402: A lession learn by a Scott-defender
1403: Taiwan, communist
1404: Re: Confirmed News: 600,000 armed troops ready to crackdown students
1405: The voilent approach will hurt china(was Re: we are the losers..)
1407: Re: Taiwan, communism
1408: Re: Support Chinese Protesters On Tian-An-Men Square, Beijing, China
1409: Re: ** List of Rulers/"Rulers" in PRC *** -- write to them.
1410: What Is the Relationship Between Licana and Li Peng?
1411: Re: rumor
1412: demonstration/declaration
1413: China News
1414: Re: To Taiwan People
1415: Re: Taiwan, communist
1416: Re: Taiwan, communism
1417: May Fourth Association: Thank All of You
1418: Set Up a Monument
1419: Mail Redistribution
1420: Re: Re: usage of donation money --- IMPORTANT!!!
1421: Re: For the Future of China Where We Live
1422: looking for old friends
1423: Re: Taiwan, communism
1424: winner & loser
1425: Usage of Donation Money
1426: millitary coup
1427: News and Wan Li
1428: Re: rumor
1429: Re: To Taiwan People
1430: test!!
1431: United Action in Australia (I): Coordinating with North America
1432: United Action in Australia (II): Mass Rally in Sydney
1433: KSU joint action
1434: 5/28 Global Demonstration in New York City.
1435: Troops are still accumulating in Beijing.
1436: Message for w...@ucvms.bitnet
1437: Coordination System (May 29, 1989)
1438: Re: Stop Arrest
1439: Mail this poem DON'T QUIT to China
1440: Re: learning the hard way
1441: Action in Atlanta !!
1442: Re: KMT and DPP
1443: Re: A lession learn by a Scott-defender
1444: ************* A NETWORK HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED ****************
1445: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1446: Re: My thanks to Norm
1447: Important Correction: About the Peaceful opposition
1448: Re: Support Chinese Protesters On Tian-An-Men Square, Beijing, China
1449: Re: KMT and DPP
1451: Rally in Toronto
1452: Re: Some thing that need to be re-considered
1453: HPDesk Address of China HP
1454: Test, please ignore
1455: Test
1456: Re: rumor
1457: China's Fear
1458: ******* Begin of SCC digest Weekly (
1459: * 1. The Commentay *
1460: Re: cheerup
1461: New Supports from W-Germany
1462: Party!
1463: Re: 5/28 Global Demonstration in New York City.
1464: Re: KEEP CLEAR MIND !!!
1465: The Martial Law Was Supposed To Be Announced By Zhao Ziyang
1466: Re: Question to Norm
1467: soc.culture.china (Bitnet Distribution)
1468: Re: learning the hard way
1470: Re: Demonstrations in Taipei and Berkeley Re: KMT and DPP
1471: Re: learning the hard way
1473: Situation and Analysis
1474: News and Comments
1475: China Spring
1476: * 2. Ideas On SCC This Week (Don Munk) *
1477: ****** The End Of SCC Digest Weekly (
1478: * 5. Welcome, Mr. Don Munk *
1479: * 4. The Support Around the world (J.Wang) *
1480: Re: Should we treat Deng harshly?
1481: * 3. The Domestic News This Week (J. Wang) *
1482: CCP Members, Quit
1483: Re: Demonstrations in Taipei and Berkeley Re: KMT and DPP
1484: CCP Tricks
1485: Demonstration in Buffalo, NY
1486: Re: Question to Norm
1487: Re: Some thing that need to be re-considered
1488: Trash Bags for TAM Students/ EMERGENCY
1489: Re: KMT and DPP
1490: Re: Situation and Analysis
1491: Re: KMT and DPP
1492: quit Lian yi hui
1493: Re: Taiwan, communism
1494: Hi, maybe I know you!
1495: Application
1496: Re: learning the hard way
1497: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1498: AP news
1499: Re: ROC->PRC (paper) mail
1500: Some ideas
1501: an important open letter
1502: write to people at home
1503: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1504: Re: Action and Open Letter
1505: Re: scc user
1506: Re: ROC->PRC (paper) mail
1507: Suggestion needs response
1508: Re: rumor
1510: Re: Support Chinese Protesters On Tian-An-Men Square, Beijing, China
1511: Info. about Quan2 Mei3 Xue2 Lian2 needed
1512: Re: ROC->PRC (paper) mail
1513: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1514: Re: learning the hard way
1515: Communist weakpoint (ideology)
1516: revolutionary tactics (divide and conquer)
1517: An ugly end which we will see, but future belongs to the people
1518: An Ugly End which We Will See, But Future Belongs to the People
1519: An ugly end which we will see, but future belongs to people
1520: *** Letter-writing Campaign *******
1521: Global Chinese Demonstration On Sunday, In Vancouver, Canada
1522: Re: learning the hard way
1523: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
1524: Struggle between Deng and Li?
1525: Sit in TAM Square until June 20? What Day Is it?
1526: Watch the next!!!
1527: Set up a monument
1528: "Top" secret
1529: Zhao Ziyang and neo totalitarianism
1530: Re: Struggle between Deng and Li?
1531: Re: Situation and Analysis
1532: Post on SCC: TAIWAN: Her Psyche
1533: what to do
1534: Why do we want the freedom of media?
1535: Re: My thanks to Norm
1536: Pain of Neck
1537: Coordination System (May 30, 1989)
1538: Re: CCP Tricks
1539: Re: Suggestion needs response
1540: Re: KMT and DPP
1541: Tell truth to your friends in China
1542: Re: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
1543: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1544: TEST
1545: TEST
1546: Re: Situation and Analysis
1547: Economy and Democracy (Re: Question to Norm)
1548: One More Way to Tell the Studets that We Suport Them -- letters home
1549: Re: Situation and Analysis
1550: NEWS according phone call from Beijing
1551: Contact Gene Sharp about nonviolen
1552: Liberty Statue Brought into TAM Square
1553: Suggestion to Scott-Horne Hators
1555: Re: write to people at home
1556: Test
1557: Re: Taiwan, communist
1558: Jokes from Beijing
1559: rebellion in China
1560: Re: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
1561: News
1562: Re: KMT and DPP
1563: Re: Post on SCC: TAIWAN: Her Psyche
1564: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1565: Re: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
1566: RE: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
1567: Only Five Years: From "Hello, Xiaoping!" To "Deng Must Go!"
1568: Down With CCP Dictatorship, Not The Party Itself
1569: Join CCP, change it from within.
1570: Smarter tactic
1571: Discussion or fighting
1572: Re: KMT and DPP
1573: Re: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
1574: Re: learning the hard way
1575: NEWS: Chinese Government blocked Long distance phone service to US
1576: Re: write to people at home
1577: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
1579: Re: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
1580: How far will Deng go?
1581: Hit 'em where it herts!!
1582: test
1583: ????? Deng Xiaoping Has Gone Out Of Office ?????
1584: Chinese Students At U. Of Regina Denounce Li Peng's Regime
1585: Latest News From Beijing, Phone Call At 11:00pm, May 30 (BJ Time)
1586: qiu1hou4suan4zhang4? --our post-5.25 objectives
1587: maximum and minimun programme (Re: Zhao Zi Yang)
1588: Chinese government fears the statue
1589: A STORY
1590: News From Radio Beijing Last Night
1591: to forward mail
1592: from NY Times and LA Times
1593: The demonstration in Washington, DC last Saturday
1594: Re: Question to Norm
1595: Re: Hit 'em where it herts!!
1596: Re: A STORY
1597: Re: HPDesk Address of China HP
1598: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1599: Phone is blocked ???
1600: Re: KMT and DPP
1601: Apology
1602: Re: Discussion or fighting
1603: How to find Chinese Government's address etc
1604: Long-Term Struggle Carrying on --- telephone message from Ding Jian
1605: United Action in Sweden --- 260 out of total 360 in Sweden Participated
1606: Deng vs. Li Peng, Chen Yun
1607: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1608: Re: Hit 'em where it herts!!
1609: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1610: MD48 list
1611: A Chinese Student Burnt His Passport In The Demo On Sunday
1612: SCC in the eyes of NYT -- a medium of gossip and sensational news
1613: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1614: Some Changes in Student Leaders Circle
1615: Peng Zhen's Recent Appearance on TV and His Speech
1616: Situation Commentary
1617: Li Peng and Mao's Wife
1618: !!!!!!!! News from Beijing: Deng's illness !!!!!!!
1619: News from Hong Kong newspaper
1620: Re: Long-Term Struggle Carrying on --- telephone message from Ding Jian
1623: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1624: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1625: Re: Hit 'em where it herts!!
1626: Purdue Lian yi hui
1627: Re: KMT and DPP
1628: Re: KMT and DPP
1629: Looking for Liu Shaoling
1630: Re: Question to Norm
1631: Re: Suggestion to Scott-Horne Hators
1632: Re: Taiwan, communist
1633: Test
1634: Singing For Freedom !
1635: Re: Discussion or fighting
1636: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1637: Nobody knows the son better than the father.
1638: Re: SCC in the eyes of NYT -- a medium of gossip and sensational news
1639: What Is the Relationship Between Li Xiaolin and Li Peng?
1640: Re: CCP Members, Quit
1641: Re: Support Chinese Protesters On Tian-An-Men Square, Beijing, China
1642: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1643: Re: Purdue Lian yi hui
1644: TAM Students' supplies
1645: china news
1646: Economic boycotts (are of doubtful value)
1647: Re: HPDesk Address of China HP
1648: A democratic way of solving Scott's problem. Re: Suggestion to Scott-Horne Hators
1649: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1650: Re: Usage of Donation Money
1651: Re: Population/Environment Balance
1652: Manifestation in Paris, 28th May
1653: Re: Situation and Analysis
1654: Re: Communist weakpoint (ideology)
1655: This is a test only!
1656: Government Propaganda
1657: Government Propaganda
1658: Important! To J-1 Students!
1659: Re: Taiwan, communism
1660: Re: KMT and DPP
1661: Re: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
1662: Chinese Dissident Speaks Out
1663: U.S. Activist Statement on China
1664: Re: Situation and Analysis
1665: Re: News From Radio Beijing Last Night
1666: Re: SCC in the eyes of NYT -- a medium of gossip and sensational news
1667: News from Rochester
1668: Re: SCC in the eyes of NYT -- a medium of gossip and sensational news
1669: Economic Sanctions(was Re: Hit 'em ....)
1670: Li Peng's Devilish Conspiracy should be Exposed
1671: Looking for a friend from Chongqing, Sichuan
1672: News
1673: Hunger Strike in Los Angeles (USA) last Sat (5/27)
1674: Benefit Concert in San Francisco
1675: Re: Usage of Donation Money
1676: News and Analysis
1677: Re: Economic Sanctions(was Re: Hit 'em ....)
1678: Re: Economic Sanctions(was Re: Hit 'em ....)
1679: Old Brothers are discrimonated. HELP!
1680: Re: Economic Sanctions(was Re: Hit 'em ....)
1681: A Famous Mountain and an Obscure Town
1682: Mr. Liu Bin-yan will visit Buffalo
1683: Re: News and Analysis
1684: separate demos in SF last Sat
1685: Is it stupit to go to China at present?
1686: test
1687: More about Mr. Liu Bin-yan will visit Buffalo
1688: Re: Question to Norm
1689: Re: KMT and DPP
1690: Li Peng is a fag!!
1691: The Coordination of CSSA in the Eastern Region
1692: Re: Support Chinese Protesters On Tian-An-Men Square, Beijing, China
1693: Government Sponsored Demonstration to Burn the Effigy of Fang Lizhi
1694: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1695: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1696: Bush extends trade benefits to China (AP)
1697: Re: Support Chinese Protesters On Tian-An-Men Square, Beijing, China
1698: Some More Ideas On Opposition Parties For Future China
1699: Emergency meeting cancelled
1700: Re: Government Sponsored Demonstration to Burn the Effigy of Fang Lizhi
1701: Re: write to people at home
1702: Re: Suggestion needs response
1703: Re: Communist weakpoint (ideology)
1704: Re: Liu Bin-yan's visit
1705: Re: SCC in the eyes of NYT....
1706: Re: Economic Sanctions(was Re: Hit 'em ....)
1707: A Serious Clarification From Lian-Yi-Hui At U. Of Calgary, Canada
1708: Li Peng's Next Move
1709: stubborn pride dominates all else
1710: Re: Li Peng is a fag!!
1711: something
1712: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1713: Burn in Effigy of Fang Lizhi
1714: Economic sanction against China: Whom will it hurt?
1715: Re: News
1716: Re: Government Sponsored Demonstration ...
1717: Did Fang Lizhi Offend Farmers??? --- CCP makes me laugh
1718: Government Admits That the Students' Demo is Legal !!!
1719: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1720: Re: Economic Sanctions(was Re: Hit 'em ....)
1721: Suggestion for project to raise money
1722: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1723: Re: something
1724: Glad to see the Pro-government demonstrations !!!
1725: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1726: Postmaster in China and Liu, Bin-yan
1727: Re: Suggestion to Scott-Horne Hators
1728: Why We Don't Shout "Down with Deng Xiaoping" ?
1729: Re: Question to Norm
1730: Re: Situation of Taiwan in 1945
1731: A Proposal to the overseas Chinese students
1732: A Letter to Fellow Students in China
1733: unite
1734: Re: something
1735: Re: KMT and DPP
1736: Boycott the Li Peng Regime!
1737: Re: separate demos in SF last Sat
1738: test
1739: thinking about organization
1740: Be fair !!
1741: RE: Taiwan situation in 1945
1742: Student videos
1743: Beijing: Release and New Arrest
1744: Urgent
1745: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
1746: You can get fax copies of pamphlets at (212)662-1277
1747: You may get fax copies of pamphlets from Beida
1748: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1750: Use of SCC
1751: Re: Be fair !!
1752: test
1753: Children and PR
1754: Re: separate demos in SF last Sat
1755: Open Letter Drafted by the MIT Scientists & Scholars
1756: Government Organizing Million People Demonstration.
1757: Civil Disobedience Re: Demonstrations in Taipei and Berkeley
1758: Re: Question to Norm
1759: test
1760: test (Please ingore!!)
1761: Re: Economic Sanctions(was Re: Hit 'em ....)
1762: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
1764: Re: Be fair !!
1765: Re: KMT and DPP
1766: RE : Be fair !!
1767: SCC users
1768: Re: Question to Norm
1769: no more test on news-posting
1770: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
1771: Re: KMT and DPP
1773: Re: A Letter to Fellow Students in China
1774: test
1775: Re: NEWS according phone call from Beijing
1776: Re: Suggestion to Scott-Horne Hators
1777: Who is the winner?
1778: Is Deng Xiaoping the winner?
1779: Is Li Peng a winer?
1780: Is Zhao Zhiyang a loser?
1781: Are the students a loser?
1782: Re: KMT and DPP
1783: Vote results on Scott's articles.
1784: Please POLL my fax, if you need the pamphlets
1785: It is too soon to tell china reform
1786: NewPropose New Newsgroup for Hong Kong Affairs
1787: Re: RE : Be fair !!
1788: Re: Post on SCC: TAIWAN: Her Psyche
1789: Re: Phone is blocked ???
1790: the Statue of Freedom
1791: looking for news from china
1792: test
1793: TEST
1794: Martial Law tightened in Beijing
1795: TEST
1796: Is Deng Xiaoping a Reformer
1797: Singing For Freedom
1798: coordination system (June 2, 1989)
1799: coordination system (June 2, 1989)
1800: Re: Question to Norm
1801: Re: Question to Norm
1802: Re: KMT and DPP
1803: Re: Be Fair
1804: Survey, Poll at UVA ... What do you say ...
1805: Re: KMT and DPP
1806: Re: A Letter to Fellow Students in China
1807: Asking for your opinion
1808: hong kong donation channel
1809: China News
1811: Re: A Letter to Fellow Students in China
1812: On `Mom, please understand my telling lies'
1813: On Dialogue, sixth day after martial law People's Daily
1814: Re:KMT and DPP
1815: Anybody from Drexel Univ.? (Help needed)
1816: idea of the pro-government demo.
1817: Re: What Is the Relationship Between Li Xiaolin and Li Peng?
1818: Re: separate demos in SF last Sat
1819: Re: the Statue of Freedom
1820: Chinese Government Sponsors Anti-American Rally.
1821: Chinese Dissident Speaks Out - Fear of Arrest
1822: Re: separate demos in SF last Sat
1823: A fund raising concert at S. F.
1824: One more situation analysis you don't want to read
1825: Test
1826: Open letter at Knoxville, Tennessee
1827: Re: Some More Ideas on Opposition Parties for Future China
1828: Chinese student in Brigham Young University
1829: Millitary Deeply Divided?
1830: News
1831: Re: A Letter to Fellow Students in China
1832: TIBET : A reply to charges of lying & misinformation
1833: Re: KMT and DPP
1834: Re: looking for news from china
1835: Re: CALL FOR DISCUSSION: soc.culture.hongkong (LONG)
1836: Re: Taiwan, communist
1837: Chinese studennts who go to APS meeting
1838: Re: Suggestion to Scott-Horne Hators
1840: Re: KMT and DPP
1841: Martial law in Taiwan (Re: KMT and DPP)
1842: Previous martial law in Taiwan
1843: More Chinese jamming of V.O.A. and V.O.A. schedules
1844: answer to Mark Yu's question
1845: Re: Some More Ideas on Opposition Parties for Future China
1846: strong invasion rumors
1847: Emergency!!!!!!!!!
1848: Re: separate demos in SF last Sat
1849: Re: separate demos in SF last Sat
1850: Re: Be Fair
1851: Re: KMT and DPP
1852: Wan Li back in Beijing
1853: China is dealing Tyson and Foreman
1854: Be Aware Li Peng's Plot
1855: posting for Lam Wong
1856: FangLiZhi
1857: Good article deserves thankx
1858: register to SCC
1859: Fwd: From China
1860: Re: answer to Mark Yu's question(by Norm)
1861: PLA occupies TAM!!!
1862: Donation at University of Michigan
1863: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1864: Li Peng needs AIDS, Help him!
1865: Free use of my political articles.
1866: Re: Free use of my political articles.
1867: Re:Economic sanction
1868: Re: Should we seperate with each other when we fignt for democracy?
1869: Please Stand Up to Save Three Young Lives (Fwd Mesg)
1870: Re: Some More Ideas on Opposition Parties for Future China
1871: Suggestion
1872: Residents turned away ...
1873: the Statue of Democracy (corrected)
1874: Re: Asking for your opinion
1875: Beijing: police in action, Hunger strike again!
1876: Re: Be fair !!
1877: Re: answer to Mark Yu's question(by Norm)
1878: Urgent Action appeal of Amnesty International
1879: Amnesty Internationl's URGENT ACTION PROGRAM Office
1880: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
1881: Make a unified demand
1882: Chinese God of Liberty (Re: A Letter to Fellow Students in China)
1883: Buffalo (NY) Americans have rally supporting Beijing students
1884: ** FROM XIA XIAO-DONG ** Should Deng Xiaoping be credited?
1885: Buffalo Americans have rally supporting Beijing students(II)
1886: Horne versus Buffalo Americans
1887: A non-political posting
1888: Demonstration in Harbin
1889: Worldwide United Action: Donation Update in JAPAN
1890: But was it right? (Re: Please Stand Up to Save Three Young Lives (Fwd Mesg))
1891: Re: Some More Ideas on Opposition Parties for Future China
1892: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
1893: Re: Urgent Action appeal of Amnesty International
1894: Re: Buffalo (NY) Americans have rally supporting Beijing students
1895: Scott inspired by good fellow American
1896: Reposting: Xi'an death sentence case
1897: AP news, please post it! Thank you! (MD48@...
1899: test
1900: letter to Deng
1901: NYC Parade Today
1904: PLA opened fire
1905: Re: Urgent Action appeal of Amnesty International
1906: Re: PLA opened fire
1907: Re: Be fair
1909: Is the Goddess of Democracy a Chinese symbol?
1910: Re: PLA opened fire
1911: Subscription to SCC
1912: Open letter!
1913: Come on!!! donot recognize Deng-Li Gang's regime!
1915: Re: Taiwan, communist
1916: Call Home!!!!
1917: Nine people died!!!!!!
1918: !!!!!!Emergency!!!!!!!
1919: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!
1920: bleedshed in TAMS
1921: Students are being killed
1923: Soldiers storm Tiananmen Square; 14 killed
1924: Troops march toward Tiananmen Square
1926: Deng-Li gangs are killing people
1927: Slaughter Is Going On In Beijing !!!
1928: Death toll more than 100
1929: Chinese Students and Scholars at CWRU doesn't recognize Beijing
1930: "loyal" letters to Zhao, Ziyang --- silly?
1931: Re: PLA opened fire
1932: Some suggestions of what we do now
1933: Re: !!!!!!Emergency!!!!!!!
1934: Down with the Fascist Li Peng government
1935: Emergency! Demonstration in Washington, DC!!!
1936: Re: PLA opened fire
1937: 17 have been killed at TAM
1938: "Demonstrations"
1939: At least one is dead, some wounded
1940: Down with Li Peng!!!
1941: A Message to Taiwanese Students Regarding Norm
1942: List cancelled
1943: Please do something!!!
1944: Latest News(11:30 am 6/3) URGENT !!!
1945: !!!!! BLOODSHED IN BEIJING !!!!!
1946: news
1947: Emergency, Pleace read!!!!!
1948: Re: Emergency, Please read!!!!!
1949: Emergent help needed!!!!!!
1950: The Bush administration is....
1951: !!! Beijing Massacre (Da4 Tu2 Sa1) !!!
1952: Guo(2)Chi(3)!
1953: Troops opened fire at demo!
1954: latest news
1955: What we need to do NOW..
1956: Midnight Bloodshed In Beijing !!!
1957: Ghengis Khan Lives: The East is Red
1958: Jam White House and Capital Hill switchboard
1960: Preface of Reposting
1961: A Deadlock State
1962: What is democracy?
1963: How to ask help from foreigners
1964: Injustice over Wei Jing Sheng
1965: Ten Big Mistakes in China
1966: China: A Philosophical Prospect
1967: On Absolute Speech Freedom
1968: To Those Violated
1969: Wife, You Listen!
1970: Who Is the Winner?
1971: The new development of the movement
1972: Troops opened fire in Beijing!
1973: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
1974: Thousands killed in Beijing
1975: Statement from Chinese Students and Scholars Solidarity Union
1976: more than 130 people were murdered in Beijing!!!
1977: Down with PLA
1978: Killings in Beijing
1979: Fighting agaist Facist CCP government
1980: Emergency Suggestion !
1981: Emergency Suggestion !
1982: China's current situation
1983: Re: Li Peng is a fag!!
1985: Scholarships for workshop
1986: US Govt Action, student visas
1987: Re: Some suggestions of what we do now
1988: A forwarded suggestion...
1989: Re: [Genghis] Khan Lives: The East is Red
1990: I am Crying.
1991: Call Millitary Commanders To Fight Deng and Li!
1992: Down With the People's EXTERMINATION ARMY
1993: People's LIQUIDATION army
1994: China after the Massacre (Not News, Please Skip)
1995: Radio Beijing protested the TAM massacre
1996: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
1997: Please join demonstration, Sunday, 12:00pm, at NYC!!!
1998: Call our children back from the army!
1999: FIRE against FIRE:Re Openfire on TAMS
2000: Stop Bloodshed!!! Demo On Sunday In Montreal And Ottawa, Canada
2001: Should peace be used against violence?
2002: CBS special news reportwill be in half an our
2003: Denounce dictatorship!! Denounce your CCP membership!!!
2004: Urgent sugestions from Rutgers
2005: (2) Beijing Massacre (Da4 Tu2 Sa1)
2006: Unite and fight!
2007: Re: I am Crying.
2011: Rutgers suggestions etc.
2012: Quit CCP
2013: You must read this: Important message enclosed!!!!
2014: The voice from The Ohio State University---Stand up, Chinese people!
2015: Re: Some suggestions of what we do now
2016: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2017: Suggestion of a friend
2018: Repression or Revolution?
2019: Responding to TAM tragedy
2020: Thousands chinese civilians killed
2021: Bloodshed Chinese Government
2022: Important! Need your signature from Your school!!!
2023: A Statement from Chinese S & S in the Greater St. Louis Area
2024: Re: Radio Beijing protested the TAM massacre
2025: a phone call to Pekin Univ. informs more than 500 are killed.
2026: Fax numbers
2027: army moves in
2028: A Call for Demonstration on Sunday Noon
2029: Break the news blackout in China
2030: Mass Protest March in Toronto Tomorrow !!!
2031: Re: Break the news blackout in China
2032: News -- 4am PDT from HK
2033: Demo in Stockholm, Sweden
2034: Just called Beijing ( 2:20 am PDT 6/4)
2035: Re: Break the news blackout in China
2036: Statement from Chinese Human Rights Coalition in Houston, Texas
2037: Telephone line may have been cut
2038: Death Toll
2039: !!! Important Event in Washington, DC !!!
2040: Medical Aid
2041: More on Action in Washington, DC
2042: Long March!
2043: Massage from ZU !
2044: Praying for students,workers and citizens of Beijing
2045: Should we kidnap Chinese diplomats?
2046: They even killed the doctors!
2047: Flee and fight back from safety
2048: Re: A Call for Demonstration on Sunday Noon
2049: Reaction to Massacre
2050: Re: SCC
2051: bloodshed !! beijing
2052: Angry Voice from Chinese Students in Ontario Universities !!!
2053: Update Messages from Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou !!
2054: SUPPORT DEMOS ???????
2056: Re: Economic sanction
2057: Letter to U.S. Congressmen and Senators
2058: The Darkest Day in Modern Chinese History
2059: Letter to U.S. Congressmen and Senators
2060: response to the crack down in china
2061: Letter to General Secretary of the United Nations
2062: Letter to General Secretary of the United Nations
2063: Phone number of San Francisco Consulate
2064: Letter to General Secretary of the United Nations
2065: A poem from Taiwan
2066: video
2068: EMERGENCY NEWS from BEIJING and other CITIES!!!
2069: demonstration planned in los angeles area
2070: Re: Economic sanction
2071: Debts of Blood The CCP Owe The Chines People (1949-1989)
2072: Answer to the Blood on TAM Square
2073: USA->PRC (paper) mail
2074: test
2075: Developments in China
2076: Down with CCP - a slogan in the demonstration in paris 4/6.
2077: Re: What is democracy?
2078: Fax number needed!!!
2079: Phone call from Peking University
2080: Wounded Say Soldiers Fired Without Provocation
2081: Troops Storm Tiananmen Square, At Least 500 Estimated Dead
2082: Bloodshed on a Bridge: Scenes of Struggle, Death
2083: Dark Days Ahead For China
2084: Protest Still Smolders; Residents Brace For Second Attack
2085: Protest Still Smolders; Residents Brace For Second Attack
2086: Bush Pressed To Take Action On China
2089: Tear Gas Used in TAMSquare
2090: Li Peng Put Gun to People
2091: Re: Li Peng Put Gun to People
2092: June 4th, a day we shall all remember, forever
2093: Re: Just called Beijing ( 2:20 am PDT 6/4)
2094: Re: Li Peng Put Gun to People
2095: The doctor is neutral -- shouldn't be shot.
2096: Re: China: A Philosophical Prospect
2097: Re: EMERGENCY NEWS from BEIJING and other CITIES!!!
2098: Deng, Under Treatment For Cancer, Ordered Attack On Beijing, Sources Say
2099: Re: Flee and fight back from safety
2100: So...
2101: Chinese In U.S. Protest Attack In Beijing
2103: TAM square slaughter (A resurrected ballad)
2104: from NPR's Allthings Considered
2105: Re: video
2106: none
2107: Fax numbers
2108: Where is the 38th Army?
2109: Casualty
2110: An open letter to the United Nation
2111: Just a suggestion to deal with the current situation in China
2112: An open letter to The United Nation
2113: A call to Shenyang and Wuhan
2114: Break the News Blackout in China
2115: Fire back!!!!
2116: Don't be Surprised about this Massacre: it Came a Long Way
2117: Re: A Message to Taiwanese Students Regarding Norm
2118: Re: Debts of Blood The CCP Owe The Chines People (1949-1989)
2120: Re: China: A Philosophical Prospect
2121: Taking control of large cities
2122: Ask Han Shui to condem PRC government
2123: memorial on June 8, and forming organization to fight.
2124: China Students' News
2125: Urgent
2126: Words of Encouragement!
2127: demo in Hawaii and sanctions
2128: Break CCP's Lie !!!
2129: Mourn for the killed and Protest the LiPeng Administration:
2130: Call Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.
2131: Phone no. of Fudan and Jiaotong Univ.
2132: News, Please!
2133: call cities in China
2134: Eyewitness report from Beijing Massacre ( 10:50 Pm 6/4)
2135: Fax to VOA, Univ. list, Declaration on Newspaper
2138: A must !
2139: Calm down to have a long-term plan
2140: Military coup
2141: Troops Open Fire Again, Tanks Rumble Out of Tiananmen Square
2142: Bush Silent As Lawmakers Urge Action On China
2143: coordination system (June 5, 1989)
2144: The People Are Infuriated, And Calling For Revolution
2145: Demonstration at UW-seattle, June 4th Foundation
2147: News from Beijing: Killed civilians were covered with Soldier's Clothes
2148: 300 Chinese Scholars & Students at Univ. of Cincinnati In ACTION !!!
2149: please spread this news as wide as possible
2150: Treat Scott fairly*Stop accusing
2151: A statement from Glasgow, UK
2152: The Action here in Glasgow, UK
2153: support from the government of Denmark
2155: Due to error, Resend a message
2156: 7,000 people killed in Beijing!!!
2157: 9 doctors killed, 5 wounded
2158: 9 doctors killed, 5 wounded
2159: 9 doctors killed, 5 wounded
2160: "One Call and One Letter" Activity at UofA
2161: Mourning the dead of Tiananmen
2162: Something we should do.
2163: Set this very day,June 4th,as China's Memorial Day
2164: Shanghai in Mass Demonstration & More
2165: Hong Kong
2166: Civil War has started
2167: One suggestion to consider as the carnage continues
2168: Re: Donation at University of Michigan
2169: A suggestion to inform people in other cities in China
2170: Danger of a grave worsening
2171: Re: who has the right to speak out
2172: Demonstration in DC
2173: Suggestion from a Taiwanese Chinese
2174: News from Washington Post
2175: please forword!
2176: Giving arms to the people (tactics)
2177: Re: Economic sanction against China: Whom will it hurt?
2178: Telephone News From China
2179: Latest News
2180: fax numbers
2181: Seeking Help from UN
2182: Latest News
2183: Re: Ask Han Shui to condem PRC government
2184: Call from Shanghai
2185: Down the fascist government and party, shouted U of U, USU, BYU.
2186: Re: Hong Kong
2187: Subscription to SCC
2188: Re: A suggestion to inform people in other cities in China
2189: Evacuation of Children & Women?!?
2190: Re: 5/28 Global Demonstration in New York City.
2191: Re: quit Lian yi hui
2192: Re: Where is the 38th Army?
2193: Please read this! Urgent!
2194: (none)
2196: 27th Army Attacked By Other Troops?
2197: Lam on TV (Was Re: Danger of a grave worsening)
2198: Deng
2199: Is it possible to subscribe SCC in IBM system?
2201: Re: News from Washington Post
2202: A Call From Nainjing.
2203: The real danger
2204: Civil war???---need confirmation!!!
2205: Re: What is democracy?
2206: Beijing Massacre
2207: Help fax numbers
2208: What is *really* going on in China?
2209: Re: Economic sanction against China: Whom will it hurt?
2210: China is hopeful, news from Hefei, a small town
2213: reports of intermilitary clashes, foreign students at embassies.
2214: Food, Work and Transportation Grow Scarce Amid Chaos
2215: Rally Held On Sunday In Front Of PRC Embassy At Ottawa, Canada
2216: God help poor Chinese!!!!
2217: TAMS massacre memorial shrine
2218: help needed, please respond.
2219: general strike in Hong Kong
2221: comments to "Civil War OK"
2223: Re: Taiwan, communism
2224: Re: To Taiwan People
2225: Re: who has the right to speak out
2226: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
2227: an analysis on the troop behavior in Beijing...
2228: Hungarians Are mad too!
2229: Beijing Residents Come Out to Honor Dead
2230: Soldiers Terrorize City, Reports of Military Infighting
2231: Re: an analysis on the troop behavior in Beijing...
2232: Re: answer to Mark Yu's question
2233: FAX Numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2234: Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
2235: Re: Call from Shanghai
2236: Re: Write to members of the ruling/"ruling" body of PRC
2237: The most effective thing we can do to save our China
2238: Re: an analysis on the troop behavior in Beijing...
2239: Political Parties and Politicians Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
2240: News and suggestion
2241: News
2242: a question of integrity
2243: news from Paris
2244: Re: Calm down to have a long-term plan
2245: Re: answer to Mark Yu's question
2246: News from Shanghai 6/5 1:30 PST
2247: Re: Guo(2)Chi(3)
2248: Monument of Democratic Matyrs
2249: civil war in china
2250: Re: an analysis on the troop behavior in Beijing...
2251: Clarifying My Chicago Speech and Apologies to Friends
2252: Shenzhen University on Strike
2253: No China-Net on yale.chinese, please!!!
2254: Military Sales Suspended
2255: Re: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
2256: prediction/civil war
2257: A Nationalwide Meeting and Demonstration
2258: A call for nationwide memorial service on Sunday, June 11.
2259: 1:30pm (EDT) CBS news War!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2260: Please read this! Here is the list of fax #'s
2261: Re: Please read this! Here is the list of fax #'s
2262: 10,000 People Kille
2263: To The Federal Republic
2264: Grieve, Grieve, Grieve! Hate, Hate!
2265: Blood shall be paid in blood!
2266: Federal Republic by Zhao-Lee
2267: Rally At UW-Madison
2268: No Excuse For Deng Xiaoping To Escape From Being Punished
2269: Needs contacts for various Universities
2270: Re: Where is the 38th Army?
2271: Stop Attacking, Will'ya
2272: Send a Cable to Bush
2273: Re: Developments in China
2274: AP: Chinese Students Demonstrate at Capitol, Joined by Lawmakers
2275: Sabotaging Government Communications
2276: Re: please spread this news as wide as possible
2277: News from Radio Beijing ------ Please remember this!
2278: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
2279: Call for a General Boycotting
2280: Li Peng was shoted by a guard!!!!!!
2281: Re: A forwarded suggestion...
2282: Re: News
2283: Re: a question of integrity
2284: silidarity SOLIDARITY
2285: Letter to Ambassador from US citzn
2286: Free flying now
2287: Mourning for Mr. Zhong Qing
2288: CNN news from Japan said Li Peng was shot by a guard of the Great Hall
2289: Declaration of CSSA at U of Sask., Canada
2290: Re: Economic sanction against China: Whom will it hurt?
2292: Sunday, Bloody Sunday
2293: CHINA : Struggle for Democracy
2294: Li Peng - assassination attempt!
2295: Re: CNN news from Japan said Li Peng was shot by a guard of the Great Hall
2296: chinese government's oppression
2297: Direct letter to the leaders of China
2300: AP: Bush Suspends U.S. Arms Sales to Protest China Violence
2301: People, defend yourself !!!
2302: Li Peng wounded
2303: China
2304: President Bush's reaction this morning
2305: Situation in Shanghai now
2306: coming actions in Georgia
2307: Re: What if KMT did not rule Taiwan?
2308: news
2309: Yang Sun Kun used Deng's name to kill
2310: Please read this.
2311: Poll
2313: Beijing Residents Come Out to Honor Dead
2314: Massacre in Beijing University Campus
2315: Latest-call-to-china
2316: "People's Republic"--a big lie
2317: Great News from Poland.
2318: Correctum to 'Great News from Poland'
2319: attempted assasination of Li Peng
2320: VOA FAX No.
2321: Fwd: Please tell us the FAX number of SCC
2322: VOA is changing frequencies and times
2323: visa
2324: Re: Li Peng Put Gun to People
2325: long term suggestions
2326: Fundraising
2327: please spread this news
2328: Re: Calm down to have a long-term plan
2329: Attack the 27th Army?
2330: Punish The People's Enemies, Call For Collection Of Criminal Files
2331: Some Latest News We Received
2332: Bush's Speech on Monday Morning in White House
2333: Possible Inter-Millitory Fight in Beijing --- CBS news Monday morning
2334: Rally at University of Cincinnati: 10 CCP members withdrawl membership!
2335: President of University of Cincinnati supports students' efforts
2336: A policeman tried to kill Li Peng while he visited TAM --- HK news
2337: A soldier killing a CHILD was hanged, phone from Beijing
2338: Re: coordination system (June 5, 1989)
2339: Re: Calm down to have a long-term plan set
2340: AP: Coverage Of Massacre Dangerous And Difficult
2341: Fwd: Message
2342: Call for National Day of Mourning for China
2343: AP: Troops Poised For Battle; Foreigners Scramble To Leave
2344: Please Join us to take this action
2345: AP: Bush Says Image of Chinese Demonstrator Capsulizes Need
2346: Support action in the Switzerland
2347: Statement from the switzerland
2348: Hong Kong News
2349: China News
2350: Message from Beijing
2351: Wang Dan Killed, The Radio Beijing Announcer Executed
2352: economic sanction
2353: Demonstration On Sunday In Vancouver, Canada
2354: How can the 170 guards in Great Hall be disarmed
2355: Spreading News
2356: 2000 killed
2357: test
2358: demonstration in Paris and ..
2359: Withdraw or Expell Party Membership
2360: Declaration from Cambridge CSSA
2361: Re: More Chinese jamming of V.O.A. and V.O.A. schedules
2362: Re: Bush Pressed To Take Action On Chin
2364: Re: June 4th, a day we shall all rememb
2365: Why No New Info + Geo. Bush
2367: Re: Great News from Poland.
2368: Re: The real danger
2369: Re: 10,000 People Killed
2372: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
2373: Communication Centre of CSSA in U.K.
2374: Action in North Dakota
2375: CCP tells lies again!
2376: Civilian Airliners Transport Chinese Troops
2377: comments: should not kill Li Peng but hold him hostage
2378: Label your news with date and time, please.
2379: TIME
2380: Jan Wong's article in June 5 Globe
2381: Re: News
2382: Re: Poll
2383: News from Cambridge
2384: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
2385: Taiwan comes up !
2386: Re: Poll
2387: AP: Foreigners Scramble To Leave, Reports of Tank Battle
2388: AP: Rival Military Units Battle, First Official Casualty Figures
2389: Bush Leads with Military Sanctions; Economic Sanctions Not Brought Into Play
2390: Re: Seeking Help from UN
2391: News from Taiwan.
2394: Re: Seeking Help from UN
2395: subsription-to-scc
2396: Anti-KMT students won the election in NTU
2397: NEWS: a request from US State Dept
2398: Latest call made to Zhenzhou
2399: UW-Madison's Way To Handle Donation
2400: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
2401: Simon Leys' analysis on China
2402: some suggestions : long term plan for democracy in China
2404: Selective Dissemination Of Information
2405: Prosecute the criminals to the World Court
2406: a computer-to-FAX volunteer
2407: possible computer link to Beijing thru CSNET in Germany
2408: Go to American people to get support!
2409: Re: News
2410: OFFICIAL account of massacre
2412: Re: fax numbers
2413: China protest continues (5 June)
2414: 1000 Fax Numbers
2415: news of Fang Lizhi
2416: action in Sweden
2417: Re: Hong Kong
2418: Re: Poll
2419: Governments of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Vietnam...
2420: CCP and Khmer Rouge
2421: test
2422: March in Sacramento tomorrow (6/6)
2423: Go to American people to get supports!
2424: Re: Call for National Day of Mourning for China
2425: repost of news about Fang Lizhi
2426: Send a Cable to Congress (was: to Bush)
2427: Re: 1000 Fax Numbers
2428: Confirmed News.
2429: Fax is blocked!?
2430: Articles about Beijing Massacre Wanted
2432: March in Sacramento tomorrow (6/7) <-- correct date
2433: Re: Poll
2434: **** Must Read !!! ***
2435: Amnesty International China Appeal
2436: Re: Yang SunKun used Deng's name to kill
2437: Re: Call for National Day of Mourning for China
2438: Action in North Dakota (II)
2439: news blackout
2440: Call Ambassadar Han Xu, I know his home phone number
2441: Re: More Chinese jamming of V.O.A. and V.O.A. schedules
2442: More FAX #s! Hope it still helps!
2443: Try to prevent civil war
2444: where can we send donations?
2445: Test
2446: Renouncement of CCP Membership
2447: Wu'er Kaixi committed suicide
2448: Death in Beijing Gangyuan 5' dorm building
2449: NOT to Bush (Re: Send a Cable to Bush)
2450: Re: NEWS: a request from US State Dept
2451: CBS Special Report 6/6/89 4:30EDT
2452: Subscription of SCC
2453: ATTEN. for Chinese Students in Canada
2454: CNN
2455: fax numbers:
2456: Re: Wu'er Kaixi committed suicide
2457: getting on scc mailing list
2458: News: from phones to China
2459: Re: Civilian Airliners Transport Chinese Troops
2460: Re: Poll
2461: News Received From Radio Taibei At 10:00pm, June 5
2462: Re: Attack the 27th Army?
2463: Re: Economic Sanctions
2464: Re: Fundraising
2465: mass demostration against bbeijing marsarcre in Bonn
2466: NEWS: Military Factions May Provide Key To China's Crisis
2467: NEWS: Chinese Students in U.S. Become Information Link for China
2468: What will happen?
2469: NEWS: Dissident Takes Refuge in Embassy
2470: NEWS: Soldiers Exchange Fire; Citizens Encourage 'Friendly' Troops
2471: Donation
2472: Fang Li-Zi Asked For Political Asylum
2473: Qiao2 Shi2 becomes the new head of CCP
2474: Communist Party: Public Servant or Butcher?
2475: NEWS: phone calls to Chengdu and Harbin
2476: Aware Another Trick
2477: New Party-Chinese Refuge
2478: Let's call back home.
2479: The Dark before the Dawn
2480: Re: Attack the 27th Army?
2481: Re: Wu'er Kaixi committed suicide
2482: Re: **** Must Read !!! ***
2483: Names of the people died
2484: Re: fax numbers
2485: Communist Leaders Panicking
2486: Proposed delegation of students to China
2487: Re: Fax is blocked!?
2488: Re: 9 doctors killed, 5 wounded
2489: Re: Wu'er Kaixi committed suicide
2490: Re: Attack the 27th Army?
2491: An important methord to try,was:Re: Break the News Blackout in China
2492: Attention! J-1 Students.
2493: Prelude to Disaster: An Iowan's Diary
2494: NEWS: U.S. Intelligence Puts Toll at 3,000
2495: news
2497: Re: 1000 Fax Numbers
2498: News and Rumors
2499: A tribute to the TAM heroes
2500: An idea
2501: Re: TIME
2502: Should coordinate how to fax back to China
2503: Re: Re: Poll
2504: Re: KMT and DPP
2505: Looking for a person, important !!!!
2506: phone call to Beijing, 2PM EDT
2507: 27th army is pulling out Beijing
2508: new organization OCSSA
2509: 27th Army is leaving Beijing
2510: News from Radio Beijing
2511: Re: KMT and DPP
2512: opposition party
2513: coordination system (June 7, 1989)
2515: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
2516: Princeton Takes a Stand
2517: 38th Army ready to fight the murderer
2518: A demonstration on UW campus
2519: Re: New Party-Chinese Refuge
2521: Re: Another Taiwanese hero burned to death
2522: Re: opposition party
2523: Re: satellite photos of Beijing and Shanghai areas
2524: Letter to Senators and Representatives by 12 N.W. Univs
2525: Is anyone archiving this group?
2526: Beijing
2527: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2528: USSR statement on events in PRC
2529: Notational matters to be taken care of...(my thoughts)
2530: Re: KMT and DPP
2531: Re: KMT and DPP
2532: Re: Re: Poll
2533: Re: opposition party
2534: 20 generations
2535: Re: Communist Leaders Panicking
2536: NEWS: Massacre Blackens Name of Beloved People's Army
2537: Gorbachev to take advantage of China's situation?
2538: China News
2539: Speech by Prof. Tai at Univ. of Mich.
2540: State Dept: Telephone Help Line?
2541: A Tianjin FAX number
2542: Re: Triumph of Gun Control in China
2543: Keep the democracy movement alive
2544: Stopping Trains
2545: Communication with China?
2546: What Is Results of A Civil War ?
2547: Chinese students in Belgium mourn the dead and condamn the butchers
2548: China's June 3 MASSACRE
2549: Re: hong kong donation channel
2550: Re: Wan Li back in Beijing
2551: Re: chinese government's oppression
2552: Mobilization For Survival : Statement on CHINA
2553: Re: News from Taiwan.
2554: Organisation pulling their staff out of CHINA
2555: News fron Case Western Reserve University
2556: Re: USSR statement on events in PRC
2557: For a democratic China
2558: read first, posting second!
2559: CBC of Taiwan helps get info into and out of Mainland
2560: News: Civil War
2561: Re: Go to American people to get support!
2562: Re: USSR statement on events in PRC
2563: Re: Attack the 27th Army?
2564: Fwd: FAX Numbers
2565: Re: Chinese Foreign Minister Comes to U.S.
2566: The 27th will get away with murders?!
2567: Shortwave Info Wanted
2568: Fwd:
2569: Warning! WARNING! W A R N I N G!!!!!!!!!
2570: Pressure Gorbachev to condemn killings
2571: test - ignore
2572: News from Taiwan
2573: Forming an opposition party!!
2574: 38th Army is ready to fight?
2575: Fax Numbers
2577: NEWS: European publication of China Daily halted.
2578: Appeal: Don't destroy our economy (was: Stopping Trains)
2579: From Taiwan
2580: Radio Stations in Hong Kong and Taiwan as News Sources!!!!!!!!!!!
2581: Re: KMT and DPP
2582: Postage
2583: Re: KMT and DPP
2584: Phone Call To Beijing
2585: I'm afraid overseas Chineses Are Outpacing.....
2586: Federation of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese
2587: USA and USSR must cooperate
2588: Cooperation wanted in faxing to China
2589: Memorial Service for those who have been killed in TAMS
2590: Trying to reach Chen Jun/Jennifer Holdaway Elmhusrt, NY Expires:
2591: news about the two UCLA students
2592: Re: Radio Stations in Hong Kong and Taiwan as News Sources!!!!!!!!!!!
2593: The support of 7 military districts may become clear ...
2594: *NEWS* phone call to Shanghai!!!!!
2595: Re: Political Parties and Politicians Re: Join CCP, change it from within.
2596: canceled strike in HK?
2597: Re: an analysis on the troop behavior in Beijing...
2598: News Received From Taiwan's Radio Station
2599: Letter to Postal Censor and Deng May Be Alive
2600: Re: Triumph of Gun Control in China
2601: NEWS: Turmoil in China Provokes Protests, Economic Fallout
2602: NEWS: Troops Rake Diplomatic Compound With Gunfire, U.S. Dependents Ordered Out
2603: NEWS: Foreigners Leaving Beijing; Soldiers Fire at Random
2604: Re: 38th Army is ready to fight?
2606: student leader Wang Dan
2607: Re: A Civil Nuclear War?
2608: News: Student arrested in Beijing
2609: Test
2610: Call Mr. Shen For His Letter of June 5th People's Daily Page 4
2611: phone lines, mails and telegrams have been disconnected by Chinese Gov
2612: suggestion for action
2614: Memorial gathering, personal comments
2615: Repost: Prosecute the criminals to the World Court
2616: Re: phone lines, mails and telegrams have been disconnected by Chinese Gov
2617: Taiwanese Students Should Write to ROC Government/Media
2618: FAX number collecting and distribution
2619: Fax Numbers in China
2620: Activities planned in San Diego Area: Announcement
2621: Re: Donation
2622: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
2623: News
2625: Re: 27th Army Attacked By Other Troops?
2626: Re: Civil war???---need confirmation!!!
2627: A Nuclear Civil War?
2628: Re: New Party-Chinese Refuge
2629: use of nuclear weapon
2630: Murder begats Bloodthirst Re: News
2631: Please take it with a grain of salt (Re: News: Civil War
2632: Re: News: Student arrested in Beijing
2633: NEWS: State Department Orders Diplomatic Dependents Out
2634: NEWS: U.S. measures, Communist Party statement & accounts from foreigners who fled.
2635: pls join a survey in Wisconsin via SCC!
2636: Blood donation refused by China Red Cross
2637: Pictures of June 4 Killing in PostScript
2638: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2639: Re: Using Commercial Satellite Photos of Beijing/Shanghai
2640: a personal account at Beijing
2641: show your support at graduation
2642: FAX & phone coordination
2643: Re: A suggestion to inform people in other cities in China
2644: Are there hams in China?
2645: Protests at Ottawa, Canada
2646: !!!!!!!!!!! AN E-MAIL MESSAGE FROM BEIJING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
2647: Re: Warning! WARNING! W A R N I N G!!!!!!!!!
2648: Re: News: Civil War
2649: Re: For a democratic China
2650: Re: Attack the 27th Army?
2651: Petition to save two stendent representatives who retured back to
2652: Re: The 27th will get away with murders?!
2653: Re: New Party-Chinese Refuge
2654: Re: A Civil Nuclear War?
2655: Re: News Received From Taiwan's Radio Station
2657: death list from Beida
2658: Re: suggestion for action
2660: another phone no. of SH jiaotong U.
2661: Oregan Univ. , Ceramics Materials
2662: !!!!!!!!!!! AN E-MAIL MESSAGE FROM BEIJING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
2663: Tom Tedrick's iron gun rules the Spread-Eagleist Party of China
2664: Re: Stopping Trains
2665: Re: Warning! WARNING! W A R N I N G!!!!!!!!!
2666: Student Arrested In Beijing
2667: attention pls!
2668: Looking for phone number of Beijing Normal University
2669: Response to the guy from OSU
2670: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2671: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2672: Re: News: Civil War
2673: Re: Federal Republic by Zhao-Lee: Tough Question to KMT
2674: Re: Taiwan, communism
2675: Fax got thru to China, try harder and longer.
2676: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2677: Suggestion for a minor change (RE: PRESS RELEASE: JUNE 4TH MONUMENT FOU
2678: Thanks to Les Earnest for providing AP news
2679: Bye, SCC........
2680: Telephone, Telex & FAX Numbers of Chinese Institutes & Universities
2681: More About Ms. cheng, Yu's Arrest
2682: Re: Commercial Satellite Photos of Beijing/Shanghai
2683: Re: Taiwan's political situation in reply to timlee and whoever concern Taiwan
2684: test
2685: Re: Radio Stations in Hong Kong and Taiwan as News Sources!!!!!!!!!!!
2686: Re: 27th Army Attacked By Other Troops?
2687: Re: student leader Wang Dan
2688: Re: Tiananmen
2689: Wu2 Xue2Qian1's visit posponed
2690: call for UNITED response among Chinese students in US
2691: Re: Gorbachev to take advantage of China's situation?
2692: Re: Fwd: FAX Numbers
2693: Amnesty International and Human Rights in China
2695: BBC needs Chinese broadcasting announcers
2696: International Vigil at noon this Friday
2697: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2698: Re: Are there hams in China?
2699: News From Beijing Gang Tie Xue Yuan
2700: reply to Scott's news
2701: Re: reply to Scott's news
2702: Open Letter of Mrs. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2703: NCSU students vowing never forget the tragedy
2704: Re: Aware Another Trick
2705: Re: Blood donation refused by China Red Cross
2706: 38th army troops in Beijing fake?
2707: Who is leading China?
2708: Re: read first, posting second!
2709: China
2710: Shanghia: "The Government has lost its right to rule"
2711: Japan "deeply concerned" = "unconcerned"
2712: An analysis on the military actions in Beijing
2713: Re: Call for a General Boycotting
2714: Re: Don't be Surprised about this Massacre: it Came a Long Way
2715: Re: coordination system: get me please (June 5, 1989)
2716: A Proposal of a People's Court of Justice
2717: Re. U. of Illinois
2718: News :: PLA began to fight AMONG them
2719: British Embassy Denied Hong Kong People in Beijing
2720: Soviet connection offered here...
2721: What the U.S. could do.
2722: The Best Way to Save Our Parents, Brothers and Sisters
2723: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2724: Repost
2725: CBC of Taiwan further extended its news programs
2726: Eulogy to those fell on TAM square!
2727: FAX numbers in CHINA, version 3.0
2728: Petition for lowering the cost of long distance phone call to China
2729: Bush News Conference this afternoon
2730: rrrrr
2731: Re: Japan "deeply concerned" = "unconcerned"
2732: Taiwan's Reponse to Beijing Massacre
2733: A Phone Call to Shanghai
2734: calling to make an orgarnization to compete CCP
2735: A fax number of China Oriental Tech. and Sci. Corp at Beijing
2736: crybaby Americans
2737: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2738: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
2739: Re: The effect of rumors
2740: Gratitude
2741: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
2742: Re: Japan "deeply concerned" = "unconcerned"
2743: Help -- Official Name of Zizhihui
2744: Qu1 Yuan2 in 1989
2745: Tricks
2746: FAX numbers Version 3.0 From WU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2747: Re: What Is Results of A Civil War ?
2748: Re: USA and USSR must cooperate
2749: Re: 38th Army is ready to fight?
2750: Re: reply to Ko-Yang
2751: Fax number available
2752: Wisconsin Survey On The Slogan Of 'DOWN WITH CCP' Via SCC
2753: From "Long live Deng Xiao-ping" to "Down with Deng Xiao-ping"
2754: Re: Gratitude
2755: A horror story from a survivor of the brutal massacre in TAM square
2756: Nobel pease prize to chinese students - suggestion
2757: Re: Japan "deeply concerned" = "unconcerned"
2758: NEWS: Administration Says Deng Believed Still in Power
2759: NEWS: Military Trucks Roar Into Beijing; Scared Foreigners Fly Out
2760: NEWS: Evacuees Glad to Escape Beijing 'Madhouse'
2761: NEWS: Tourists, Students Return With Harrowing Tales; Rallies Keep Anger Alive
2762: Chinese Students on Donahue(sp?) Show today (6/8)
2763: Yang Shangkun's daughter apply for B-1 visa.
2764: NEWS: Li Appears In Public; Government Orders Student Leaders To Surrender
2765: Re: coordination system (June 7, 1989)
2767: News From Taiwan's Radio Station, 11PM, June 7
2768: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2769: TEST
2770: Re: USA and USSR must cooperate
2771: FAX numbers in China from Wu, version 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2772: Faxing to VOA, school list update
2773: Distinguish Sodiers
2774: Four Big Butchers of China
2775: An Open Question
2776: Re: Nobel pease prize to chinese students - suggestion
2777: Re: What Is Results of A Civil War ?
2778: *GOD*
2779: Re: Warning! WARNING! W A R N I N G!!!!!!!!!
2780: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2781: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
2782: Re: Student Arrested In Beijing
2783: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2784: Re: FAX numbers in CHINA, version 4 from Wu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2785: test test test test
2786: let's report "counter-revolutionaries"
2787: reply to Scott
2788: Information, please...
2789: Re: Cooperation wanted in faxing to China
2790: Diplomatic Relations with China
2791: boycott the 1990 Beijing Asian Olympic game
2792: Re: Petition for lowering the cost of long distance phone call to China
2793: Who brought violence to demonstration in Taiwan (Was: Re: apology and explanation)
2794: Re: China - a dissenting viewpoint
2795: Demonstration in DC this Coming Saturday
2796: Re: crybaby Americans
2797: Re: Radio Stations in Hong Kong and Taiwan as News Sources!!!!!!!!!!!
2799: Test
2800: Re: call for UNITED response among Chinese students in US
2801: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2803: News heard on fm 88.5 in San Francisco (one of the major
2804: Faxing a paper to China
2805: Re: Tricks
2806: Re: China - a dissenting viewpoint
2807: Re: Nobel pease prize to chinese students - suggestion
2808: Disgust, Frustration, Support
2809: Re: British Embassy Denied Hong Kong People in Beijing
2810: Warning to Copyright Violations (Re: Thanks to Les Earnest)
2811: Re: USA and USSR must cooperate
2812: News From CNN at 12:00 EST
2813: Re: Who brought violence to demonstration in Taiwan (Was: Re: apology and explanation)
2814: another arrested (was: news about the two UCLA students)
2815: Re: USSR statement on events in PRC
2816: NEWS: Death and Defiance in Beijing: Courage Amid the Carnage
2817: Profiting from the turmoil
2818: Another tale of courage & sacrifice
2819: A possible way to help
2820: Re: USA embassy (in)action
2821: Re: China
2822: A Great Idea---Turn Li, Deng, Yang, and others to justice
2823: *** support from NAPS , forward to other chinese in your school ***
2824: time of rally at UIUC
2825: Life in Beijing (from NYT)
2826: Re: USA and USSR must cooperate
2827: Re: Nobel Prize
2828: ** read it, and forward it **
2829: ** read , sign and forward it pls **
2830: ** Nagps' statement, read it pls **
2831: OSU calls for organized fund raising
2832: Was Cheng Yu arrested in Beijing too?
2833: The effect of rumors
2834: FAX numbers in CHINA, USA etc. Version 2.0 from WU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2835: Re: Radio Stations in Hong Kong and Taiwan as News Sources!!!!!!!!!!!
2836: *NEWS* phone call to Shanghai!
2837: Re: An Open Question
2838: My tactical mistakes
2839: Amnesty International
2840: Bullshit the June 5th People's Daily
2841: Re: FAX numbers in CHINA, USA etc. Version 2.0 from WU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2842: FAX numbers to SHANGHAI
2843: Big Rally In Saskatoon, Canada
2844: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2845: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
2846: Re: Who brought violence to demonstration in Taiwan (Was: Re: apology and explanation)
2847: what's next
2848: Re: Triumph of Gun Control in China
2849: Re: Triumph of Gun Control in China
2850: NEWS: Premier says 'Well Done' to Soldiers Who Cleared Square
2851: NEWS: BBC Says Reporter, Crew Beaten up In Beijing
2852: Re: USA and USSR must cooperate
2853: FAX paper supply
2854: NEWS: rumors confirmed (or confirmed rumors?)
2855: Re: Radio Stations in Hong Kong and Taiwan as News Sources!!!!!!!!!!!
2856: Re: From Taiwan
2857: Re: Tiananmen
2858: no netnews from China?
2859: for coordination of FAXing efforts
2860: Chinese government: sanction and boycott
2861: Warning to SCC readers!
2862: Re: The support of 7 military districts may become clear ...
2863: Massacre in china
2864: Re: A Proposal of a People's Court of Justice
2865: more than calling for boycott of Beijing Asian Games
2867: Re: more than calling for boycott of Beijing Asian Games
2868: US Tibet Committee press release
2869: US Tibet Committee press release
2870: US Tibet Committee press release
2872: HKU grad-student letter
2873: Re: Thanks to Les Earnest for providing AP news
2874: Re: Warning to Copyright Violations (Re: Thanks to Les Earnest)
2875: Godess of democracy
2876: China News
2877: China News
2878: NEWS: Bush press conference
2879: Re: News heard on fm 88.5 in San Francisco (one of the major
2880: boycotting People's Daily
2881: To rumor creators
2882: Re: British Embassy Denied Hong Kong People in Beijing
2883: Jam those telephone numbers numbers
2884: Support Freedom Everywhere
2885: What is SCC?
2886: info exchange
2887: Re: *GOD*
2888: * 3. Domestic News *
2889: * 2. The masscre in Beijing *
2890: * 4. Support Around the World *
2891: ******* End of the SCC Digest Weekly **********
2892: * 1. Anouncement: The Digest will be quit *
2893: * 7. Discussion: Power struggle inside the CCP *
2894: * 6. Discussion: Peace and Voilence *
2895: Re: Response to the guy from OSU
2896: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
2897: Security considerations
2898: Re: Tiananmen
2899: Re: Tiananmen
2900: Jamming government communications
2901: Re: Think at emotional moment
2902: Re: Petition for lowering the cost of long distance phone call to China
2903: Next step for CCP
2904: Advice from an armchair guerilla
2905: MfS China Statement
2906: Re: A Nationalwide Meeting and Demonstr
2907: Re: To The Federal Republic
2908: Re: To The Federal Republic
2909: Re: MfS China Statement
2911: Associated Press Prints Lies
2912: NEWS: Freedom Signs Gone, Tiananmen Square is Now an Armed Camp
2913: Guerrilla warfare tactics
2914: NEWS: BEIJING, running dogs!
2915: NEWS: Beijing Sputters Back to Life but Further Crackdown Feared
2916: Epitaph suggestion
2917: China News
2918: The situation and what we can do
2919: cats and mice
2920: Re: boycotting People's Daily
2921: Re: Gratitude (a reply)
2922: Re: Security considerations
2923: I am archiving scc (from 26/5/89)
2924: Deng re-appear on CCTV
2925: Re: China News
2926: Re: Monument of Democratic Matyrs
2927: Re: millitary coup (a old commy trick)
2928: Re: Associated Press Prints Lies -- huh?
2929: Triangle students rallied at State Capital
2930: The oversea chinese show support to NC students
2931: News: A phone call to Guangzhou
2932: Statement of Chinese in Triangle Area, NC
2933: Xerox Airlift Proposal
2934: Finally, Deng Appeared, As China's Biggest Civillian Killer.
2935: Re: Response to the guy from OSU
2936: Calling the Chinese goverment.
2937: Goetterdaemmerung
2938: Jam these numbers, please!!
2939: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2940: Re: Informal call for a new newsgroup soc.human.rights
2941: FAX numbers in China, USA. version 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2942: Re: Calling the Chinese goverment.
2943: Deng Xiao-ping appears in public
2944: Deng appeared on CCTV. Why all these rumors?
2945: activities at triangle area, North Carolina
2946: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
2947: Re: NEWS: Military Trucks Roar Into Beijing; Scared Foreigners Fly Out
2948: *** STop rumor, pls ***
2949: emergent action to rescue Li Shan-yuan's wife and other arrested!
2950: civil disobedience
2951: Jam the clue-reporting phone lines in Beijing
2952: HK TV station worldwide broadcast
2953: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2954: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2955: Calling the hot line
2956: Re: sorry, test.
2957: Re: Say Hi to Liu
2958: More Fax Number
2959: The rumor creator is disgusting and a criminal
2960: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2961: Re: An Open Question
2962: (none)
2963: Re: The rumor creator is disgusting and a criminal
2964: DO NOT!!Re: ** read it, and forward it **
2965: futility of jamming the "snitch" lines...
2966: NEWS: Academic Experts Say Chinese Military Will Unite Behind Hard-Liners
2967: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts Britain
2968: NEWS: Deng Makes First Appearance Since May 16; Praises Military Assault
2969: NEWS: Soviet Spokesman Says Kremlin 'Dismayed' By China Crackdown
2970: Deng has been shown on CCTV
2971: NEWS: White House statement
2972: Qinghua News
2973: * 5. Detail Report of Chinese Situation *
2974: how to jam the phone lines
2975: Bush suspends deportation of PRC citizens for 1 year
2976: Re: NEWS: rumors confirmed (or confirmed rumors?)
2977: Nobel Peace Prize
2978: False reports to counter-revolutionary hotlines
2979: Re: Tiananmen
2980: Re: British Embassy Denied Hong Kong People in Beijing
2981: Fax number
2982: Re: Warning to Copyright Violations (Re: Thanks to Les Earnest)
2983: Nobel Prize
2984: News 06/09/89 - student leaders arrested
2985: ** Mail from my friend **
2986: Remove my name.
2987: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2988: We Exposed Counters and Found out about CCP Using Hooligans
2989: U.S./China relationship
2990: We should discourage the crack-down in China
2991: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
2992: Re: * 2. The masscre in Beijing *
2993: Suggestions for Chinese Students
2994: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
2995: disturbing news
2996: Scott stop posting fake news on the network
2997: china
2998: Looking for word of friends in Shanghai
2999: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
3000: Re: Finally, Deng Appeared, As China's Biggest Civillian Killer.
3001: Re: Who brought violence to demonstration in Taiwan (Was: Re: apology and explanation)
3002: People are dying in Beijing
3003: Remove my name.
3004: Mass Arrest
3005: The strength of diversity
3006: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
3007: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3008: Re: Taiwan comes up !
3009: Re: Seeking Help from UN
3010: Re: Ren-Da(People's Univ.) News
3011: Data Pirates needed in China
3012: Re: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts Britain
3013: Re: People are dying in Beijing
3014: News from Beijing call.
3015: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
3016: What's New
3017: tell Chinese truth
3018: Re:
3019: NEWS: Deng Appears on Television; Police Search for Protest Leaders
3020: NEWS: Sun Sets and City Withdraws in Fear
3021: NEWS: Thousands Rally in U.S. To Support Chinese Student Movement
3022: San Jose Mercury News phone and FAX numbers
3023: don't create rumors
3024: china
3025: chinese democracy movement
3026: A survey will be done at UW (Comments are welcome)
3027: A counter act to the dennouncing program in China
3028: A letter champaign
3030: An opne letter the Soviet Public
3031: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3032: NEWS: Bush Administration Denounces Government 'Murder' of Chinese Citizens
3034: Responsible Action
3035: Report me!!! (Was: Re: how to jam the phone lines)
3036: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
3037: Re: tell Chinese truth
3038: Jam the hotlines
3039: Re: Responsible Action
3040: [ Re: The rumor creator is disgusting and a
3041: Re: Tiananmen
3042: China News
3043: posting for Lam Wong
3044: Re: calling to make an orgarnization to compete CCP
3045: reporting counter revolutionaries
3046: Re: A Great Idea---Turn Li, Deng, Yang, and others to justice
3047: Call the hot lines:
3048: Re: futility of jamming the "snitch" lines...
3049: Re: Data Pirates needed in China
3050: Re: Fassicm
3051: A Chinese Revolution (was: china)
3052: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3053: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3054: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
3055: President tried to call China
3056: responsibility for creating the rumour that Li Peng was shot at
3057: Want to Help
3058: Nobel Prize to chinese students
3059: Translation of ``Tian1'an1men2''
3060: An open letter to Mr. Gorbachev AND Mr. Bush -- suggestion
3061: Re: reply to Scott's news
3062: Slanderers, be warned!!!!
3063: I Can't Help Crying !!!
3064: Beijing Army Officers' Phones
3065: Let's Read Beijing Students' Statement Again To Mourn Them
3066: Statement of The Chinese Cultural Society of Saskatchewan, Canada
3067: Re: Seeking Help from UN
3068: Minor point about US government intelligence gathering
3069: Shame On You, Deng's Reporter (Was: Report me!!!)
3070: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3071: My Heart Has Been Buried At TAM Square
3072: a world wide call on the chinese government to go easy of the students
3073: world wide call for the chinese government to go easy on the students
3074: Nonviolence; Encryption
3075: Re: futility of jamming the "snitch" lines...
3076: How to prevent jamming up of your mail box?
3077: How To Deal With Scott Horne
3078: SRV and USSR reaction Re: tell Chinese truth
3079: NEWS: Thousands of Americans Said to Have Fled China
3080: NEWS: China Criticizes American Radio Broadcast, Denies Shooting
3081: Re: futility of jamming the "snitch" lines...
3082: Hotline for S. F. Bay Area Activities
3083: Hotline for San Francisco Bay Area support activities
3084: Shen Zhi-Nang from Minnesota supports Li Peng in People's Daily !!!!!!
3085: Re: Responsible Action
3086: Re: Responsible Action
3087: Re: Support Freedom Everywhere
3088: Re: Call for National Day of Mourning for China
3089: Re: Tinanmen Square: Gun Control Strikes Again
3090: Put me on coop list please
3091: Roads, bridges, etc. (communications infrastructure)
3092: Re: CCP and Khmer Rouge
3093: Re: Chinese Foreign Minister Comes to U.S.
3094: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
3095: Re: Yang Shangkun's daughter apply for B-1 visa.
3096: Li Peng shot, but not dead
3097: Re: Formal call for the creation of soc.human-rights
3098: Cai Ling is alive (?)
3099: CCP members withdrawal at U of A
3100: Re: futility of jamming the "snitch" lines...
3101: FAX number, version 5.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3102: FAX numbers, version 5.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3103: Re: Hotline for S. F. Bay Area Activities
3104: Ding Jian and the other students at UCLA were arrested
3105: Re: Indians should condemn Beijing massacre
3106: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
3107: Re: Responsible Action
3108: Re: Nonviolence; Encryption
3109: The rumor creator JING HUANG may be a CCP Spy
3110: don't boycott the Asian Games, change location instead
3111: say no to passive resistance in China
3112: subscribing SCC
3113: Re: futility of jamming the "snitch" lines...
3114: NEWS: Satellite Broadcast of "The Awakening of China" from Hong Kong
3115: Re: don't boycott the Asian Games, change location instead
3116: Seven people in ministerial level was killed
3118: Memorial at Princeton
3119: Ad Hoc is now on line.
3120: Facist, Communist and China.
3121: Re: CCP members withdrawal at U of A
3122: Re: The rumor creator is disgusting and a criminal
3123: Re: say no to passive resistance in China
3124: Cheng Yu was released
3125: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3126: Re: Shame On You, Deng's Reporter (Was: Report me!!!)
3127: Re: How To Deal With Scott Horne
3128: Re: Shen Zhi-Nang from Minnesota supports Li Peng in People's Daily !!!!!!
3129: Dartmouth China Communication Center: FAX: (603) 646-1319
3130: Chinese Students At York Univ. Of Canada Protest The Massacre
3131: Re: Nonviolence; Encryption
3132: Re: The rumor creator JING HUANG may be a CCP Spy
3133: ** MUST READ: Phone Call To Report ``Counter-Revolutionaries'' !!!!!!!
3134: Hong Kong to accept political refugees
3135: NEWS: Hong Kong Preparing to Offer Asylum to Chinese Refugees
3136: NEWS: Thousands Rally in U.S. To Support Chinese Student Movement
3137: NEWS: 400 Arrested in Beijing, China Criticizes U.S. Radio Broadcast
3138: NEWS: Former President Optimistic Over Change ''Sweeping the Communist World''
3139: NEWS: Shocked Students Voice Frustration, Confusion, Defiance
3140: NEWS: VOA Rejects Chinese Criticism
3141: NEWS: Government Announces Arrests Pro-Democracy Leaders
3142: NEWS: Slain Chinese Students Honored by White House, Bishop
3143: Re: Hong Kong Preparing to Offer Asylum to Chinese Refugees
3144: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3145: Scott Horne's Beijing Mail: An analysis
3146: Cheng Yu and Tong were released
3147: Protests continue in Shanghai
3148: Re: Wisconsin Survey On The Slogan Of '
3149: Re: Nobel Prize
3150: let's help the students in china.
3151: The "cold" civil war -- Don't go back!
3152: Yale organized fund-raising concert yesterday/T-shirt to Bush
3153: Re: Scott Horne's Beijing Mail: An analysis
3154: Re: Vatican Reaction to the Beijing Massacre
3155: Re: Shen Zhi-Nang from Minnesota supports Li Peng in People's Daily !!!!!!
3156: How can Americans help?
3157: Mail My Blood to Li Pain and Deng Should Pain
3158: Re: futility of jamming the "snitch" lines...
3159: Re: Data Pirates needed in China
3160: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3161: Re: posting for Lam Wong
3162: Misconception about HK (Was Re: Hong Kong Preparing to Offer Asylum to Chinese Refugees)
3163: asian wall st. journal rpt
3164: Rumor creation--keep it cool!!!
3165: AP Report Distorts Nicaragua Posit
3166: Re: call for UNITED response among Chin
3167: Block Informer Phone Lines in China
3168: Re: Ding Jian and the other students at UCLA were arrested
3169: test
3170: Discussion for a party
3171: Re: let's report "counter-revolutionaries"
3172: Re: Block Informer Phone Lines in China
3173: Re: Call the hot lines:
3174: Re: Seeking Help from UN
3175: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3176: Re: Nonviolence; Encryption
3177: China News
3178: Re: Jam those telephone numbers numbers
3179: Re: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts Britain
3180: Re: futility of jamming the "snitch" lines...
3181: Re: Mail My Blood to Li Pain and Deng Should Pain
3182: Re: AP Report Distorts Nicaragua Posit
3183: NEWS: Two Men Saying They Work At Consulate Announce Defection At Rally
3185: Re: Jam those telephone numbers numbers
3186: Re: My tactical mistakes
3187: Re: AP Report "Distorts" Nicaragua Posit
3188: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3189: **** Blocking Police Phone Lines !!! ****
3190: Renouncement of CCP Memberwhip
3191: China News
3192: China News
3193: The rumor creator is disgusting and a criminal
3194: Demonstration in Chicago, Activities in Wayne State University
3195: Demonstration in Chicago, Activities in Wayne State University
3196: Our Goal at This Stage --- Prevent Further Secret Killings
3197: Don't be too pessimistic!!!
3198: Re: Rumor creation--keep it cool!!!
3199: Urgent !!!
3200: jam the information center's phone
3201: survey result on 'Sino-America Diplomatic Relation'
3202: Survey Result On 'Down With CCP!'
3203: help
3204: FAX numbers, version 5.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3205: If you can't beat them, then join them!
3206: Re: Translation of ``Tian1'an1men2''
3207: Re: Nonviolence; Encryption
3208: Chinese People's Relief Trust established in South Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3209: Re: Bullshit the June 5th People's Daily
3210: RE: Who brought violence to demonstration in Taiwan ?
3211: Re: If you can't beat them, then join them!
3212: test
3213: Re: Don't be too pessimistic!!!
3214: Re: Nonviolence; Encryption
3215: Selling T-shirt, fund raising for the the viticms of Beijing massacre...
3216: NEWS: Propaganda Campaign Gives Government Side of Events
3217: NEWS: China Orders Arrest of Dissident in U.S. Embassy; Crackdown Widens
3218: Re: Next step for CCP
3219: Chinese History
3220: Re:
3221: Re: say no to passive resistance in China
3222: Re: survey result on 'Sino-America Diplomatic Relation'
3223: Re: Refugees and Immigration
3225: Re: Survey Result On 'Down With CCP!'
3226: Re: AP Report Distorts Nicaragua Posit
3227: Re: Eastern Europe positions
3228: Defections of diplomats!!
3229: *** forward to your school SG ***
3230: An Appeal to Chinese People
3231: looking for a friend (Wenxing Jiang)
3233: Updated and reliable news from China
3234: Voluntary departure: a topic open for discussion
3235: Re: President tried to call China
3236: Re: Refugees and Immigration
3237: The cleared unclear/ future of china
3238: Re: Refugees and Immigration
3239: Re:This is a test
3240: Re: Tinanmen Square: Gun Control Strikes Again
3241: Re: Don't be too pessimistic!!!
3244: Our reputation is damaged by Huang Jing
3245: The Eulogy
3246: What kind of help can the American public offer?
3247: Proposal: Compensate the victims' families
3248: Help
3249: Re: Updated and reliable news from China
3250: Re: say no to passive resistance in China
3251: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3252: Updated and reliable news follow up
3253: Re:
3254: Re: China News
3255: Write to Mikhail Gorbachev
3256: Re: "Non-violent" Hypocrites from India
3257: Where is Cai Er?
3258: Re: President tried to call China
3259: Violence is the last refuge for the incompetent
3260: Re: Refugees and Immigration
3261: Re: Refugees and Immigration
3262: T-shirts Selling For Donation
3263: Re: Our reputation is damaged by Huang Jing
3264: Comment
3265: NEWS: [Anonymous posting]
3266: Shanghai Students Protests/Students arrested
3267: Possible PRC plans
3268: Re: Proposal: Compensate the victims' families
3269: Re: Where is Cai Er?
3270: NEWS: Ambassador Says Would Be ''Terrible Mistake'' For U.S. To Break Relations
3271: NEWS: North Korea Tells Washington to Butt Out, But World Still Angry
3272: NEWS: ABC Says Chinese Authorities Used Network Tape To Make An Arrest
3273: NEWS: Government Zeroes in on Prominent Dissidents
3274: NEWS: Shanghai Authorities Spurn Protesters' Deadline
3275: NEWS: Two Chinese Diplomats Seek Political Asylum in United States
3276: Re: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts Britain
3277: Re: Write to Mikhail Gorbachev
3278: Names of victems in Beijing Massacre
3279: Re: Nonviolence; Encryption
3280: How to use the donation for a long term fight
3281: Letter from Taiwanese to the world
3282: Call For An organizaed Global Action on French Revolution Bicentenial!
3283: People might not know who Bush was mourning? Was:
3284: NEWS: Calls To Learn From Deng Xiaoping, Attack Independent Unions
3285: NEWS: British Journalist Expelled By China Not Allowed Contact with Consulate
3286: Long March for Freedom in Boston, please respond.....
3288: Re: Tinanmen Square: Gun Control Strikes Again
3289: Re:"CHINESE PEOPLE'S RELIEF TRUST" established!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3290: How Could We?!
3291: test
3292: Re: FAX numbers in China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3293: Re: Triumph of Gun Control in China
3294: Taiwan's reactions
3295: Is this an insult to those who have died at TAM?
3296: Statistics of SCC for the last 2 weeks
3297: China News
3298: no subject (file transmission)
3300: An Inside Story of Beijing
3302: Re: jam the information center's phone
3303: Re:"From long live Deng Xiao-ping" to "Down with Deng Xiao-ping"
3304: Returned mail: User unknown
3305: Coordinator Add In Please !!
3306: a political joke
3307: I got through. . .
3308: Asylum
3309: RE: support freedom everywhere
3310: Re: Triumph of Gun Control in China
3311: Re: Our reputation is damaged by Huang Jing
3312: test
3313: Mail to a Beijing friend
3315: Re: jam the information center's phone
3316: ** UF asking reply!! **
3317: Re: Asylum
3318: Is FAXing news effective?
3319: Be Ware Of Chinese Spies
3320: The Design Of Buffalo T-shirts, Selling for Donation
3321: RE: Who brought violence in demonstration in Taiwan ?
3322: Re: Taiwan, communism
3323: Hao Cite, It's Time For You To Stop (Was: MAIL FROM BEIJING)
3324: Re: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts Britain
3325: NEWS: Intensified Criticism Of United States, Crackdown Continues
3326: NEWS: Foreign Reporters Face Growing Controls
3327: NEWS: Government Tells Troops to Use Weapons; Hundreds Arrested
3328: Voice of america
3330: formal call for the creation of soc.human-rights
3331: Printing a PostScript pictrue
3332: Help us to get China-net
3333: Fax Number
3334: FAX numbers in China, version 6.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3335: The guy at Minnesota?
3336: News, support from Americans, ourselves
3337: Re: Hao Cite, It's Time For You To Stop (Was: MAIL FROM BEIJING)
3338: Re: Our reputation is damaged by Huang Jing
3339: Re: Taiwan situation in 1945
3340: Re: ** MUST READ ** E-MAIL FROM BEIJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3341: Re: Our reputation is damaged by Huang Jing
3342: Re: Call the hot lines:
3343: 5,000 phone numbers of China
3344: NEWS postings suspended
3345: Keep Press Coverage for Long Period --- A Very Interesting Idea
3346: An open letter to the government of PRC
3347: An open letter to the government of PRC
3348: Nicaraguan students' statement + news
3349: Canada Cuts Diplomatic Relation With China?
3350: About the Arrests of Intellectuals.
3351: phone conversation with chinese police
3352: Re: Keep Press Coverage for Long Period --- A Very Interesting Idea
3353: Please Notice!!!
3354: RE: Who brought violence in demonstration in Taiwan ?
3355: Re:Canada Cuts Diplomatic Relation With China? ==No
3356: Is U.S. losing China once again?
3357: enlightment
3358: test
3359: Re: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts Britain
3360: Re: Nonviolence; Encryption
3361: Careful: When send mails
3362: Re: Report me!!! (Was: Re: how to jam
3363: Martyr's names
3364: Re: The "cold" civil war -- Don't go ba
3365: Re: Mail My Blood to Li Pain and Deng S
3366: Planning a global TV music concert
3367: Re: Next time
3368: Re: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts B
3369: Gorbachev's view of the situation
3370: News blackout/FAX/
3371: China News
3372: memorial service in NYC
3373: PRC are rounding up & annihlating all marked counter-revolutionists 6/8
3374: Counter-revolutionaries: let's counter-act
3375: Let's mourn for the bravely sacrificed
3376: "Rightists" vs. "Leftists" (Re: Keep Press Coverage for Long Period)
3379: Re: Is U.S. losing China once again?
3380: Suggestion
3381: Re: Is U.S. losing China once again?
3382: Re: News blackout/FAX/
3383: Re: don't boycott the Asian Games, change location instead
3384: Nobel Peace Prize for Beijing Students Coordination Group in Sweden
3385: not mails, not muxudi, not Beijing University...
3386: What next.
3387: China News
3388: Re: News blackout/FAX/
3389: Re: Careful: When send mails
3390: China was not OURS to lose in the first place!
3391: my penny worth analysis of how CCP arrested the man
3392: Speakperson System (Who Can Speak For The School?)
3393: Re: Is this an insult to those who have died at TAM?
3394: Re: China News
3395: Effective news collection
3396: Re: How can Americans help? same ?
3397: Cold-Blooded Calculations?
3398: test!
3399: Re: Careful: When send mails
3400: Re: What next.
3401: First-hand report of Beijing massacre from DEC employee there
3402: Re: Careful: When send mails
3403: Especially for Zhiyong Shen and Ning Wang
3404: Re: FAX numbers in China, version 6.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3405: "CHINESE PEOPLE'S RELIEF TRUST" established!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3406: Want to join S.C.C
3407: Re: Is U.S. losing China once again?
3408: Forwarded message
3409: Scott Horne -- from Informant to Liar
3410: test -- ignore it
3411: Re: First-hand report of Beijing massacre from DEC employee there
3412: RE: Who brought violence in Taiwan Demonstration
3413: Appeal to the World (from Sweden)
3414: Economic Sanction Against China? The view of students at UM.
3415: Washington, DC: Monument Erected In Front Of Chinese Embassy
3416: Help get returned students back to US!
3417: for spies on SCC only, others ignore it (will bore you)
3418: money-free jam to the hotlines
3419: Important government phone numbers in China
3420: U. of Chicago Committee for China Democracy
3421: test. pls ignore
3422: Re: Gorbachev's view of the situation
3423: Re: suggestion for action
3424: Re: How can Americans help? same ?
3425: Re: Who brought violence in demonstration in Taiwan ?
3426: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3427: Re: What next.
3428: Phone-lines rounding up protesters
3429: Re: Is U.S. losing China once again?
3430: Re: Is U.S. losing China once again?
3431: [RECIPE] Ground Deng
3432: RE: Who brought violence to demonstration in Taiwan ?
3433: jamming
3434: Bush -- ??
3435: test (ysjm)
3437: request for phone number
3438: Noon rally at Santa Barbara, California, Thursday 15th
3439: What about Canton? (was: What next)
3440: Appeal from Sweden
3441: Re: Who brought violence in demonstration in Taiwan ?
3442: Asylum
3443: a coordinate group for D and F in Utah
3444: Re: Shen Zhiyong--from ``embryo'' to slanderer
3445: Human Right Activist Award to Fang LiZhi: Need Information of Fang
3446: "CHINESE PEOPLE'S RELIEF TRUST" established in Florida
3447: RE: Who brought violence in Taiwan Demonstration
3448: Re: Is U.S. losing China once again?
3449: My comment on 520 event
3450: Re: Scott Horne -- from Informant to Liar
3451: Re: FAX numbers in China, version 6.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3452: test
3453: Jazz, Rock and Symphony Concert
3454: Re: Be Ware Of Chinese Spies
3455: a test
3456: Suspend 1990 Asain Game in China
3457: "The Men Who Escaped" Seminar
3458: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3459: Re: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3460: Re: Gorbachev's view of the situation
3461: List of US Senators and Representatives (I)
3463: some help for Prof. Fang
3464: List of US Senators and Representatives (II)
3465: get ready for the Party's B-Day!
3466: looking for Dr. Tabakin at Univ. Of Pittsburgh
3467: Open forum on China held in CMU
3468: Re: Asylum
3469: Re: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3470: non-violence
3471: Re: Nobel Peace Prize for Beijing Students Coordination Group in Sweden
3472: An open letter to the government or PRC
3473: China bulletin in Australia
3474: List of US Senators and Representatives (III)
3475: Re: NEWS postings suspended
3476: Wuer Kaixi is dead or not? Re: An open letter ...
3477: Re: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3478: Deng's Fatal Mistake
3479: Attention, Please!
3480: I Received E-Mail From Beijing Via An American As Intermediary
3481: Re: Survey, Poll at UVA ... What do you say ...
3482: test
3483: Economic Sanctions!
3484: Re: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3485: Reaction of Communist parties in India
3486: China's Turmoil Touches U.S. Science
3487: Re: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3488: The effects of economic sanctions?
3489: Re: Economic Sanctions!
3490: Re: suggestion for action
3491: How to send tamper-resistant mail
3492: Re: Asylum
3493: Li Peng and nuclear power plant
3494: Call U.S. embassy in China
3495: Re: An open letter to the government of PRC
3496: Re: An open letter to the government of PRC
3497: Re: Scott Horne -- from Informant to Liar
3498: Hong Kong Preparing to Offer Asylum to Chinese Refugees
3499: Testing
3500: University of Hawaii has a march tomorrow to show their support for the Chinese students
3501: China News
3502: Special issue of LIBERATION
3503: Video cameras & tapes
3504: Chinese secret police active in USA
3505: Re: Be Ware Of Chinese Spies
3506: Re: Report me!!! (Was: Re: how to jam
3507: Re: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3509: Re: Bush -- ??
3510: Re: Be Ware Of Chinese Spies
3511: One student leader was turned in by his own sister
3513: The nuclear power plant close to Hong Kong
3514: Re: Be Ware Of Chinese Spies
3515: Fair Trials
3516: letter writing campaign
3517: Re: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3518: Informant's Package to Deng Xiaoping and Informant's Explanation
3519: spying not necessarily against US laws
3520: Re: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3521: A forwarded article from an American
3522: ** A letter from SG of UF **
3523: Re: Call U.S. embassy in China
3524: NEWS - 21 Most Wanted
3525: Re: Hong Kong Preparing to Offer Asylum to Chinese Refugees
3526: The Song "We Shall Overcome"
3527: victim of June 4 Massacre
3528: Re: Comparsion : goverment of Taiwan and China
3529: Read The Novel 'Tomb'
3530: Re: NEWS - 21 Most Wanted
3531: Re: One student leader was turned in by his own sister
3532: SPY-camera / FAX-camera
3533: Government's Role Re: Comparsion : goverment of Taiwan and China
3534: Re: Especially for Zhiyong Shen and Ning Wang
3535: fwdd msg - meeting at UC berkeley 6/15
3536: Re: spying not necessarily against US laws
3537: A meeting at U.C. Berkeley on 6-15 (Tomorrow)
3538: Chinese Student Benefit Concert
3539: FWD: A letter concerning immigration regulations
3540: Saskatoon (Canada) In Action
3541: Economic Sanction
3542: Re: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3543: Statement Of The Chinese Cultural Society Of Saskatchewan, Canada
3544: Statement By CSSA Of U. Of Saskatchewan, Canada
3545: Time To Do Something To Stop Inhumanity In China
3546: Political Asylum
3547: report
3548: give personal talks to people back home
3549: A letter to friends who love DEMOCRACY
3550: Appeal from Sweden to the world
3551: A Political Drama of China (1989-1990)
3552: test
3553: test
3554: DOG'S BARK
3555: News
3556: The Speech of Deng Xiaoping.
3557: Immigration legislature proposed by American Immigration Lawyers
3558: test
3559: It Is time to Think...
3560: Organized Terror and Organized ProtestToday
3561: Economic Sanctions
3562: Re: Economic Sanctions
3563: Why China Erupts? (NYT,June 4)
3564: Re: Hong Kong Preparing to Offer Asylum to Chinese Refugees
3565: Re: Li Peng and nuclear power plant
3566: test
3567: Re: Don't be too pessimistic!!!
3568: Refugee Status in Canada
3569: Procedures for Claiming Refugee Status in Canada
3570: Refugee Status
3571: Claim refugee status in Canada
3572: Re: FWD: A letter concerning immigration regulations
3573: NEWS: Two of 21 Student Leaders Arrested, Two Western Reporters Expelled
3574: NEWS: China Clamps Down on Western Media; Orders 2 Americans Out
3575: Re: Bush -- ??
3576: interesting news sources
3577: Re: Talk to Asian friends about Boycotting the Asian Games
3578: Economic Sanction Against China? Not A Good Idea.
3579: Re: Economic Sanction Against China? Not A Good Idea.
3580: test
3581: ** Memorial Address from U. of Florida **
3582: Re: Li Peng and nuclear power plant
3583: Re: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts Britain
3584: Re: apology and explanation(uncomplete)
3585: Re: Is U.S. losing China once again?
3586: Re: Help get returned students back to US!
3587: Hong Kong, Asylum to Chinese Refugees, and History of Viet Nam refugees
3588: Crack down in Chengdu
3589: Re: A Political Drama of China (1989-1990)
3590: Re: The Design Of Buffalo T-shirts, Selling for Donation
3591: The Students Leaders may face death sentence
3592: Anyone from Rensselaer ?
3593: Re: On Moderating State Power Throughout History
3595: test,sorry
3596: Re: Keep Press Coverage for Long Period --- A Very Interesting Idea
3597: Anti-Gov't leader up for Nobel Prize, Nightline 6/15
3599: A Call to Beijing "Informing Telephone"
3600: We Are Seeking Protection Solution To The Chinese Students in USA
3601: T-shirt design
3602: Rally in Santa Barbara to support Beijing student.
3603: Chai Ling made a touching speech in tape
3604: Re: Chinese secret police active in USA
3605: Re: SPY-camera / FAX-camera
3606: Tom Tedrick, keep up!
3607: Scott Horne: which is easier ....
3608: Re: One student leader was turned in by his own sister
3609: Hiding underground (fake ID network)
3610: China News
3611: Thanks to Les
3612: Re: Li Peng and nuclear power plant
3613: Re: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3614: (TAM Commander-in-Chief) Chai Ling's Speech after Beijing Massacre
3615: Re^2: Getting news about China from space
3616: let military know what happened in TAM
3617: Re: Godess of democracy
3618: Re: Deng appeared on CCTV. Why all these rumors?
3619: Re: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3620: What next
3621: Nobel Prize for Chi Ling (sp?)
3622: Reply to Mr. Scott Horne (article 19699)
3623: Re: Godess of democracy
3624: School Children for Statue
3625: U. of Chicago China-democracy T-shirts available
3626: U.S. Magazine: Reconsider Taiwan and China
3627: Re:some help for Prof. Fang
3628: Poster
3629: One student surrendered himself to authority?
3630: Re: Scott Horne -- from Informant to Liar
3631: What to tell to the people in China
3632: Re: Organized Terror and Organized ProtestToday
3633: Re: satallite surveillance
3634: Re: Re: How can Americans help? same ?
3636: About peace prize nomination
3637: Re: How can my private e-mail be read?
3638: forwarding
3639: High Tech to Break the News Blackout and Lies of Beijing Regime
3640: Re: One student leader was turned in by his own sister
3641: A Photo in Time Magazine
3642: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
3643: Re: Reply to Mr. Scott Horne (article 19699)
3644: No massacre in TAM square?
3645: Important Government Phone Numbers in China: Beijing, Shanghai,
3646: Re: suggestion for action
3647: Chengdu
3648: Re: How can my private e-mail be read?
3649: Send More News To China By Any Methods
3650: Re: One student leader was turned in by his own sister
3652: The formal document of one-year-extension policy
3653: Summer Camp, meet each others
3654: Re: Send More News To China By Any Methods
3655: UofMaryland: Campus wide memorial service hold
3656: Boston University Chinese Students Association was founded
3657: Indians and the Chinese
3658: Re: Send More News To China By Any Methods
3659: Re: Send More News To China By Any Methods
3660: Gorbachev Praises Chinese Students For Democracy
3661: Someone post the hotline Numbers for turning wanted individuals
3662: test
3663: Let's remember them
3664: Re: U. of Chicago China-democracy T-shirts available
3665: Re: Gorbachev Praises Chinese Students For Democracy
3666: Asylum
3667: Re: Goddess of Democracy
3668: Re: NEWS: Legacy of Empire Haunts Britain
3669: Re: Suspend 1990 Asain Game in China
3670: How would we have China Be
3671: Re: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
3672: Asylum
3673: Re: A Photo in Time Magazine
3674: china: Speaker on VOA, Boycotting Asian Olympic
3675: Re: Li Peng and nuclear power plant
3676: Re: NEWS postings suspended
3677: Re: Shen Zhiyong--from ``embryo'' t
3678: History of the Russian Revolution
3679: death toll in beijing--a question
3680: Re: Organized Terror and Organized ProtestToday
3681: Re: Organized Terror and Organized ProtestToday
3682: Re: Call the hot lines:
3683: Re: Someone post the hotline Numbers for turning wanted individuals
3684: Re: Indians and the Chinese
3685: We Are All Counter-Revolutionaries!
3686: Re: Who brought violence to demonstration in Taiwan ?
3687: Re: Who brought violence in Taiwan Demonstration
3688: Re: Li Peng and nuclear power plant
3689: Re: A Photo in Time Magazine
3690: Committees of Correspondence
3691: Re: Anti-Gov't leader up for Nobel Prize, Nightline 6/15
3692: An Open Letter from Chinese Students and Scholars at Stanford
3693: TRY/DO it to save our fellows
3694: ** rebroadcast china-net announcement, info-form **
3695: Re: We Are All Counter-Revolutionaries!
3696: Re: jamming
3697: Class Struggle Again (Yuan, Mu's Speech)
3698: Air-Mail from Shanghai
3699: Idea And News: Send News To China
3700: Let's compensate the hooligans (Re: News)
3701: Some thoughts
3702: We urge to United Nations to hold an emergency meeting
3703: Re: Poster
3704: Passport? (Was Re: Asylum)
3706: boycotting the products of National of Japan
3707: Re: don't boycott the Asian Games, change location instead
3708: Re: The Song "We Shall Overcome"
3709: Fax Directory of Chinese Syudents around the World, send me yours
3710: Re: What to tell to the people in China
3711: sign the letter to Gorbachev, please respond quickly.
3712: Good Army? (Was Re: A Political Drama of China (1989-1990))
3713: Action Committee for Human Rights in China
3714: Re: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3715: Re: Tom Tedrick, keep up!
3716: Re: Godess of democracy
3717: Re: my e-mail to rbhatia@uts
3718: Black name list, for good
3719: Re: No massacre in TAM square?
3720: Re: Hong Kong representatives' visit
3721: Re: jamming
3722: Japan's thoughts on China.
3723: re: A Discussion with Mr. Norm
3724: Help! Call for Assistance ... Three to be executed.
3725: Hunger Strike Decl.
3726: China News
3727: Re: SPY-camera / FAX-camera
3728: Re: Help! Call for Assistance ... Three to be executed.
3729: Re: Help! Call for Assistance ... Three to be executed.
3730: Re: U. of Chicago China-democracy T-shirts available
3731: Re: SPY-camera / FAX-camera
3732: Re: Idea And News: Send News To China
3733: Re: Help! Call for Assistance ... Three to be executed.
3734: Foreign Teachers in China?
3735: Snitch number report
3737: Re: U. of Chicago China-democracy T-shirts available
3738: Re: Political Asylum
3739: Re: Don't be too pessimistic!!!
3740: Re: It Is time to Think...
3741: Re: School Children for Statue
3742: test
3743: test1
3744: phone numbers
3745: Re: Gorbachev's view of the situation
3746: Security Council in UN
3747: Re: Chai Ling made a touching speech in tape
3748: Re: Chinese secret police active in USA
3750: Re: Asylum
3751: Re: Japan's thoughts on China.
3752: Re: A Photo in Time Magazine
3753: Re: Help! Call for Assistance ... Three to be executed.
3754: FAX NUMBERS IN CHINA!!!!!!! (version 7.0) HUGE
3755: FAX numbers in China, version 7.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3756: Re: Idea And News: Send News To China
3757: Nine Chinese Diplomats In Canada Have Defected To Canada
3758: information
3759: Supreme People's Court in Beijing
3760: Re: Passport? (Was Re: Asylum)
3761: Re: Poster
3762: Re: Security Council in UN
3763: Reaching the masses in China: how?
3764: Re: support freedom everywhere
3765: Re: Japan's thoughts on China.
3766: Re: Organized Terror and Organized ProtestToday
3767: more about T-shirts available from U. of Chicago
3768: Re:We Are All Counter-Revolutionaries!
3769: Re:We Are All Counter-Revolutionaries!
3770: Re: The formal document of one-year-extension policy
3771: Boycotting or moving Asian Games
3772: Re: Send More News To China By Any Methods
3773: Amnesty International
3774: US Students in China
3775: Re: (* IMPORTANT SCC NEWS *)
3776: A letter from Wuhan University
3777: All of you, stop!
3778: Re: Passport? (Was Re: Asylum)
3779: Fear is the key?
3780: TEST
3781: NSF support extension
3782: Asking John Denver to the Have a Heart Concert
3783: Re: Passport? (Was Re: Asylum)
3784: Re: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
3786: Re: Passport? (Was Re: Asylum)
3787: HOW TO TREAT SPIES!!!!!!!!!!
3788: To get rid of those spies
3789: ** UF SG asking reply!!**
3790: The official document of one-year-extension policy
3791: Re: China News
3792: Re: support freedom everywhere
3793: Asylum
3794: Re: Japan's thoughts on China.
3795: Greetings from China
3796: Re: If you can't beat them, then join them!
3797: Chai Ling's speech and eyewitness account at Stanford
3798: Re: HOW TO TREAT SPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3799: ask for help
3800: Immigration - Malcolm Forbes on US treatment of immigrants
3801: Tourism boycott
3802: Re: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
3803: test
3804: Re: The Song "We Shall Overcome"
3805: Representative Presents A Bill To Waive 2-Year Requirement
3806: Re: A Photo in Time Magazine
3807: Re: Nobel Prize for Chi Ling (sp?)
3808: Re: Beijing massacre, Palestinan deaths, some numbers
3809: a treatening phone call
3810: Re: Representative Presents A Bill To Waive 2-Year Requirement
3811: Create (was Re: All of you, stop!)
3812: Re: SPY-camera / FAX-camera
3813: test
3815: Re: Beijing massacre, Palestinan deaths, some numbers
3816: Re: a treatening phone call
3817: Re: Snitch number report
3818: More on spies
3819: An unpopular view
3820: A safe(?) way to demonstrate
3821: Students unite to contiue the work of Chinese students
3822: NSF supplementary funds for Chinese scholars!
3823: Re: Especially for Zhiyong Shen and Nin
3824: take it slow
3825: Chinese government and American campuses
3826: Re: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
3827: Re: An unpopular view
3828: An unpopular view
3829: Re: Beijing massacre, Palestinan deaths, some numbers
3830: Re: Chengdu
3831: Re: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
3832: Suggestions: July 4th activities
3833: News clips from 6-14 "World Journal" on Deng's speeches to
3834: Hong Kong Independence
3835: Re: An unpopular view
3836: U.C. Berkeley invites Fang Lizhi
3837: Now, Beijing Is Targeted in Criticism on Human Rights (Abridged)
3838: Re: Passport? (Was Re: Asylum)
3839: Re: U.C. Berkeley invites Fang Lizhi
3840: Re: An unpopular view
3841: Re: Careful: When send mails
3842: Re: A Photo in Time Magazine
3843: Re: Black name list, for good
3844: Election in China? (Was Re: A Call for Seeking ...)
3845: Nancy Pelosi Bill: Waiver 2-Year Requirement, etc.
3846: Re: Passport? (Was Re: Asylum)
3847: Re: An unpopular view (economic sanctions)
3848: Re: The Speech of Deng Xiaoping.
3849: Re: Good Army? (Was Re: A Political Drama of China (1989-1990))
3850: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3851: Re: How to deal with spies!
3852: Re: Phone-lines rounding up protesters
3853: Re: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3854: Re: a treatening phone call
3855: A channel to Bush, to State Department!!!!!!!!!!!
3856: Re: take it slow
3857: Math Education in China (no politics (yet)!)
3858: Re: An unpopular view
3859: china
3860: Help wanted
3861: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan
3862: Re: china: Speaker on VOA, Boycotting Asian Olympic
3863: Re: Reply to Mr. Scott Horne (article 19699)
3864: Seminar in Berkley
3865: Want audio/video tapes of the talks by the two UCB witnesses
3866: Justice Committee for Democratic Movement in China
3867: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
3868: Make a public statement at the Asian Games
3869: ** rebroadcast china-net announcement, info-form **
3870: China News
3871: Message re: NSF/CHINA
3872: Re: Deng appeared on CCTV. Why all these rumors?
3873: Essay on massacre in China
3874: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan
3875: Re: don't boycott the Asian Games, change location instead
3876: SCC Archived
3877: Chai Ling's Video
3878: Re: Karlsruhe-Beijing Computer Link -- Use it
3879: China & HK News
3880: Re: Hong Kong Independence
3881: Re: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3882: New Covanent
3883: Chain Message to China from Connect ED Community
3884: Re: China News
3885: Time for America to DESTABILIZE the Regime!!
3886: Re: Justice Committee for Democratic Movement in China
3887: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
3888: Re: We Are All Counter-Revolutionaries!
3889: Re: death toll in beijing--a question
3890: Re: (TAM Commander-in-Chief) Chai Ling's Speech after Beijing Massacre
3891: Re: Help! Appeal for support -- 3 to die in Shanghai
3892: Re: ask for help
3894: Re: SUGGESTION: A Generic Video Tape
3895: Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **
3896: Independent Hong Kong?
3897: It is not over
3898: It is not over!
3899: Re: Karlsruhe-Beijing Computer Link -- Use it
3900: test
3901: Good Army? (II)
3902: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
3903: Re: The Speech of Deng Xiaoping.
3904: Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **
3905: Re: An unpopular view
3906: Re: It is not over!
3907: Re: (TAM Commander-in-Chief) Chai Ling's Speech after Beijing Massacre
3908: A Eyewitness Account at TAM Square
3909: Re: Time for America to DESTABILIZE the Regime!!
3910: FAX numbers in China, version 7.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3911: Re: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!
3912: Re: a channel to Bush, ideas wanted.
3913: Re: HOW TO DEAL WITH SPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3915: Chai Ling & Her Husband: Detailed Info From Her Teacher In Canada
3916: Yuan Mu's Interview on NBC
3917: Re: Math Education in China (no politics (yet)!)
3918: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
3919: Re: china
3921: Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **
3922: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
3923: How to Welcome Chinese State Education Delegations?
3924: Re: (TAM Commander-in-Chief) Chai Ling's Speech after Beijing Massacre
3925: China: mail from ACM
3926: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
3927: Our Heroes Need Our Support!
3928: Rally at U of A
3929: Re: Boycotting or moving Asian Games
3930: Re: (TAM Commander-in-Chief) Chai Ling's Speech after Beijing Massacre
3931: Appeal to revoke Deng XiaoPing's honory degree in law
3932: Re: The Speech of Deng Xiaoping.
3933: Re: About peace prize nomination
3934: re: HK independence
3935: Re: Re: On Moderating State Power Throughout History
3936: Re: Hong Kong Independence
3937: Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **
3938: Taiwan Independence (Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **)
3939: Current Situation and Our Tasks
3940: Re: Hong Kong Independence
3941: Re: Delegation From China
3942: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
3943: News From Radio Beijing, 8pm PDT June 16
3944: Re: Delegation form China
3945: Re: High Tech to Break the News Blackout and Lies of Beijing Regime
3946: Re: HOW TO TREAT SPIES!!!!!!!!!!
3947: Re: How to Welcome Chinese State Education Delegations?
3948: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
3949: revised letter to congress: from Boston Area
3951: More Than Ten Chinese Diplomats Ask for Asylum in Canada
3952: Re: What to tell to the people in China
3953: Canada Has Done Excellent to Protest Brutal Massacre in Beijing
3954: Chinese Embassy Is Like a Prison Now --- Nobody Allowed Walk Out Alone
3955: Human Rights fighters, READ THIS!!
3956: Re: We urge to United Nations to hold an emergency meeting
3957: Human Rights Document: Inter-American Development Bank Act
3958: Re: Delegation from China
3959: Re: Taiwan Independence (Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **)
3961: australia
3962: greetings
3963: Re:KMT 228, and CCP TAM(was legacy of Empire ...)
3964: Prepare eggs and tomatos for the delegation of the regime
3965: Suggestion --- A United Organization
3966: More on spies
3967: Hong Kong, Asylum to Chinese Refugees, and History of Viet Nam refugees
3968: Who Should be Given the Peace Prize?
3969: partially defending the Chinese government.
3970: Deng's reform
3971: Asylum
3972: Re: CALL FOR DISCUSSION for soc.human-rights
3973: Re: No massacre in TAM square?
3974: Re: A letter from Wuhan University
3975: Asylum
3976: China & HK News
3977: Re: An unpopular view
3978: partially defending the Chinese government.
3979: Boycotts and executions
3980: thanx for the support
3981: test
3982: Deng speeches in NY Times
3983: Re: Deng speeches in NY Times
3984: Trade with China on CNN
3985: Call Congressmen May Get 2-year Waiver!!!
3986: Re: No massacre in TAM square?
3987: Hong Kong Independence
3988: Another CCP's Propaganda Strategy (Re: FOR THOSE TURNED IN ...)
3989: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
3990: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
3991: ACSSofMidAtlantic: Call For Schools to Support Nancy Pelosi Bill
3992: "old news from city Hangzhou"
3993: Re: sign the letter to Gorbachev, please respond quickly.
3994: re: Call Congressman -- 2-year Waiver
3995: News From Radio Beijing, 8pm PDT June 17 1989
3996: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
3997: Independent Hong Kong?
3998: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
3999: Important suggestion, An United Organization?-----
4000: Important suggestion, An United Organization?-----
4001: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
4002: Re: An unpopular view
4003: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
4004: Re: "old news from city Hangzhou"
4005: Re: Another CCP's Propaganda Strategy (Re: FOR THOSE TURNED IN ...)
4006: Re: partially defending .....
4007: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4008: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4009: test
4010: Re: An unpopular view
4011: Re: Another CCP's Propaganda Strategy (Re: FOR THOSE TURNED IN ...)
4012: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
4013: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4014: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4015: Round-Table !!!!! Students In Canada Should Take Action Now
4016: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
4017: Georgia united
4018: Re: support freedom everywhere
4019: Re: Another CCP's Propaganda Strategy (Re: FOR THOSE TURNED IN ...)
4020: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
4021: Re: An unpopular view
4022: Re: Security Council in UN
4023: Re: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
4024: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4025: Question
4026: Re: A letter from Wuhan University
4027: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4028: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
4029: The People's Daily
4030: Re: A Photo in Time Magazine
4031: Re: Tourism boycott
4032: Emy Tan and her 3 postings
4033: Re: Make a public statement at the Asian Games
4034: Re: Time for America to DESTABILIZE the Regime!!
4035: Fax Directory of Chinese students around the World, send yours to me
4036: Welcome "Education" Delegations: Suggestions from an SCC Reader
4037: Re: HK independence
4038: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
4039: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
4040: Re: HK independence, comparison to Singapore
4041: Re: Passport? (Was Re: Asylum)
4042: Military Service Required in PRC and ROC ???
4043: Japan Communists criticize PRC on Heavenly Peace Gate Massacre
4044: Re: More on spies
4045: chinese media
4046: Lies from the People's Daily
4047: Lies in the People's Daily (2)
4048: Lies in the People's Daily (3)
4049: Lies in the People's Daily (4)
4050: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan
4051: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
4053: help
4054: Re: list
4055: POSTER
4056: ** post for someone **
4057: Re: Yuan Mu --- The Liar, The Cheater, The Vicious Press Lord In PRC
4058: are we responsible ?
4059: Re: An unpopular view
4060: It Seems That Deng Xiaoping Is Trying To Kill Every One.
4061: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4062: Try to change -- before Deng's death
4063: Don't argue any more
4064: Re: Boycotting or moving Asian Games
4065: supporting material for Nobel Prize
4066: Three-No and Chinese Delegates
4067: Re: A letter from Wuhan University
4068: Three-no and Delegates from China
4069: Action Committee For Human Rights & Democracy In China
4070: Human Rights people, contact us.
4071: A letter to a friend: back safe from China
4072: Ignore Pro Deng-Li-Yang articles
4073: Re: POSTER
4074: A replacement. Action Committee For Human Rights & Democarcy in China
4075: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan (Panesonic)
4076: Re: Boycotting or moving Asian Games
4077: Re: Don't argue any more
4078: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4079: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4080: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4081: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4082: Re: Continuing executions in China
4083: Re: Partial header information for Scott's Beijing mail
4084: Re: HK independence
4085: Re: Supreme People's Court in Beijing
4086: Re: Reaching the masses in China: how?
4087: No more travelling abroad?
4088: Pouch mail to Fang Lizhi
4089: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan (Panesonic)
4090: News From Radio Beijing, 8pm PDT June 18
4091: cancelling phone charges
4092: Against the Current
4093: Re: Question
4094: Subscription to SCC
4095: Call Congressmen to Get "2-year" Waived
4096: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4097: Re: HOW TO DEAL WITH SPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4098: Exit Visa for Chinese Students
4099: Re: About peace prize nomination
4100: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan
4101: Re: Boycotting or moving Asian Games
4102: Mail- connection to China
4103: Re: boycotting
4104: Clarifying "National of Japan"
4105: ** UF SG asking reply!**
4106: Re: Against the Current
4107: Japanese company ( Was Panasonic ...)
4108: Re: Ignore Pro Deng-Li-Yang articles
4109: Poll of Los Ageles on PRC Government
4110: Re: About peace prize nomination
4111: Re: HK independence
4112: The Right-Wing Deng Xiaoping is the Enemy of Working Class.
4113: Block the Educational Conference
4114: The Hero Has Been Excuted.
4115: The Conference of The People's Congress Cancelled.
4116: Re: Beijing massacre and Arab massacres of the Israelis
4117: Re: About peace prize nomination
4118: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4119: Re: HK independence
4120: How to delegation of CCP
4121: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4122: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4123: ** SG - National Resolution **
4124: July 1 action, suggestions requested
4125: Re: Beijing massacre, Palestinan deaths, some numbers
4126: Re: How to delegation of CCP
4127: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
4128: Re: About peace prize nomination
4129: Re: No more travelling abroad?
4130: Re: About peace prize nomination
4131: phone # to be jammed
4132: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM(was legacy of Empire ...)
4133: Re: About peace prize nomination
4134: Re: KMT 228, and CCP TAM (was legacy of Empire ...)
4135: Re: Taiwan Independence (Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **)
4136: Re: Beijing massacre and Arab massacres of the Israelis
4137: What's Next (A long term plan may be needed)
4138: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4139: Re: Economic Sanctions
4140: Economic Sanction
4141: Phone Phreaks unite with China student protesters!
4142: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4143: Re: Japan's thoughts on China.
4144: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4145: some technical details of Nobel Peace Price
4146: Re: Taiwan Independence
4147: Passport
4148: Re: About peace prize nomination
4149: Re: Taiwan Independence
4150: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4151: Re: What's Next (A long term plan may be needed)
4152: Re: Taiwan Independence
4153: egg throwing
4154: LA Times Poll
4155: Re: apologies owed (from the Red Cross)
4156: Re: rape victim = criminal?
4157: No Problem (Re: Passport) (Important !!!!)
4158: Oops -sorry, didn't edit the header
4159: "Koran exposes warped manners of Jews"
4160: China & HK News
4161: Re: No Problem (Re: Passport) (Important !!!!)
4162: Re: LA Times Poll
4163: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4164: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4165: June Fourth Foundation Announcement: Memorial Service
4166: answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4167: anwser to those who disagree with me on defending PRC government.
4168: Re: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
4169: remember the dead of 6.3 massacre
4170: Re: Passport
4171: *** Nation-wide Lobby ***
4172: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan (Panesonic)
4173: Re: boycotting
4174: Re: Clarifying "National of Japan"
4175: Test your appetite
4176: U.S. bachelors should find a HongKong wife in the name of humanity
4177: U.S. bachelors should seek HongKong wifes in the name of humanity
4178: Re: anwser to those who disagree with me on defending PRC government.
4179: I'm collecting T-shirts
4180: letter to a newspaper
4181: Re: answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4182: Re: Taiwan Independence (Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **)
4183: Re: answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4184: Re: answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4185: Re: U.S. bachelors should find a HongKong wife in the name of humanity
4186: conculsion remarks on "defending China government"
4187: who is this cs162@sdcc18
4188: Re: answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4190: Organizations in you own locality
4191: Re: British Embassy Denied Hong Kong People in Beijing
4192: Re: Deng speeches in NY Times
4193: Re: Taiwan Independence (Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **)
4194: June 3 Scholarship
4195: RE :answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4196: Re: U.S. bachelors should seek HongKong wifes in the name of humanity
4197: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4198: Re:KMT 228, and CCP TAM(was legacy of Empire ...)
4199: Buffalo T-shirts, Mail Order
4200: A Song: The Historical Wound: Translated
4201: Form you local Human Rights Group Now
4202: J-1 VISA
4203: China & HK News
4205: Re: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan (Panesonic)
4206: Re: Economic Sanction
4207: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4208: Re: Japan's thoughts on China.
4209: Re: Economic Sanctions
4210: Foreigners killed?
4211: News From Radio Beijing, 8pm June 19
4212: 1,035 Letters Have Been Signed To Stop Inhumanity In China
4213: Re:HK Independence
4214: Some facts about Matsushita
4215: Re: rape victim = criminal?
4216: Use Your Laser Printer to Reproduce Pictures of Beijing Massacre
4217: Re: Beijing massacre and Arab massacres of the Israelis
4218: Time to collect magazine pictures
4219: Re: No Problem (Re: Passport) (Important !!!!)
4220: Re: Beijing massacre, Palestinan deaths, some numbers
4221: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4222: Re: anwser to those who disagree with me on defending PRC government.
4223: HK Independence
4224: Re: Taiwan Independence (Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **)
4225: Re: Passport
4226: j-1 visa
4227: j-1
4228: Re: Economic Sanction
4229: Re: Time to collect magazine pictures
4230: Re: remember the dead of 6.3 massacre
4231: Re: who is this cs162@sdcc18
4232: Amazing article on People's Daily
4233: Re: defending the chinese govern.ment
4234: *** Nation-wide Lobby ***
4235: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4236: Proposal !!!
4237: HIT NOW
4238: I was just joking
4239: Economic Sanction
4240: What do the Chinese people really want?
4241: Imortant !!!!!!!!!!!!
4242: Reversing the clearances?
4243: A correction on my post before.
4244: Re: 1,035 Letters Have Been Signed To Stop Inhumanity In China
4245: Suggestion --- An United Organization
4246: A Comment On The News From Radio Beijing
4247: Chinese Team Was Baned To Go To Toronto By Canada
4248: What the Chinese students have done is iREACTIONARY (from cs162scl)
4249: How ? & Why ?
4250: boycotting Central Daily (Zhong Bao)
4251: Anyone making Liberty teeshirts or posters?
4252: Fax Directory of Chinese students around the World, v0.4
4253: Planning a new organization (Part 1)
4254: Planning a new organization (Part 2)
4255: Planning a new organization (Part 3)
4256: Centers for Anti-roundup, need your help
4257: Re: News From Radio Beijing, 8pm June 19
4258: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4259: Re: answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4260: Re: A Call for Seeking Collective Asylum
4261: Works we have to do, and who is doing what
4262: Re: Hong Kong Independence (Taiwan)
4263: Letter to Congressmen
4264: Letter to Congressmen on J-1 legislation
4265: New Development (Re: J-1 VISA) Urgent !!! Urgent !!!!!!
4266: Re: New Development (Re: J-1 VISA) Urgent !!! Urgent !!!!!!
4267: Re: New Development (Re: J-1 VISA) Urgent !!! Urgent !!!!!!
4268: Re: New Development (Re: J-1 VISA) Urgent !!! Urgent !!!!!!
4269: Latest Development in Congress on J-1 Issue (Urgent!! Important!!)
4270: Re: Latest Development in Congress on J-1 Issue (Urgent!! Important!!)
4271: Re: Amazing article on People's Daily
4272: Test
4273: Re: China & HK News
4274: Re: Taiwan Independence
4275: Re: Taiwan Independence (Re: ** Hong Kong Independence **)
4276: Re: boycotting Central Daily (Zhong Bao)
4277: Re: Students mistakes
4278: Asylum
4279: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4280: Re: Taiwan Independence
4281: Re: rape victim = criminal?
4282: Re: How ? & Why ?
4283: Congressional Hearing, SF, Sat, 6/24
4284: The most-wanted student leaders
4285: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4286: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4287: letter to Congress the bill to waive 2-year requirement
4288: Re: Reversing the clearances?
4289: Re: New Development (Re: J-1 VISA) Urgent !!! Urgent !!!!!!
4290: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4291: Re: How to Welcome Chinese State Education Delegations?
4292: Re: No Problem (Re: Passport) (Important !!!!)
4293: Wakeup HongKongnese, good time is over for you all
4294: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4295: A well written letter starts at beginning
4296: Re: U.S. bachelors should find a HongKong wife in the name of humanity
4297: CHINA-US Relations- Historical Perspective
4298: Re: What the Chinese students have done is REACTIONARY (from cs162scl)
4299: Urgent!!!!
4300: SCC and the press
4301: 1989 as 1848 ... and more (was: what next?)
4302: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4303: Latest Syracuse Actions
4304: For sake of J-1 Holders
4305: PRINTeconomic sanction
4306: economic sanction, domestic action, withdraw your money
4307: hkucs -- please correct your time calculation
4308: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4309: A Chain Letter Initiated by Michigan Professors
4310: Re: Wakeup HongKongnese, good time is over for you all
4311: Re: Wakeup HongKongnese, good time is over for you all
4312: Re: New Development (Re: J-1 VISA) Urgent !!! Urgent !!!!!!
4313: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4314: Round-Table Conference On Immigration In Canada
4315: Push You Here Again (Re: J-1 VISA) Urgent !!! Urgent !!!!!!
4316: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4317: Re: CHINA-US Relations- Historical Perspective
4318: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4319: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.
4320: Re: Taiwan Independence
4321: Send your letters
4322: Letters to Congressman (j-1 visa)
4323: US takes a stand on China Executions
4324: Re: U.S. bachelors should find a HongKong wife in the name of humanity
4325: Could Anyone Re-Post Nobel Prize Committee's Address
4326: Please Tell My Own Articles From The Messages I Post For Others
4327: concern for workers
4328: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4329: Documentary colletions!
4330: Re: Boycotting or moving Asian Games
4331: Re: anwser to those who disagree with me on defending PRC government.
4332: Re: U.S. bachelors should find a HongKong wife in the name of humanity
4333: Re: anwser to those who disagree with me on defending PRC government.
4334: Re: An unpopular view
4335: Re: HK Independence
4336: Re: Re: rape victim = criminal?
4338: Re: I was just joking
4339: Suggestion (was Re: Zhiwei Young)
4340: I need to contact a student at U of Rochester
4342: Letter from British Home Office
4343: it's too wrong to ignore!
4344: cs162scl apologize to all offended readers!!!
4345: cs162scl apologize to all offended readers
4346: News From Radio Beijing, 8pm PDT June 20, And CBC News
4347: Students In Taiwan Gathered To Mourn Victims Of Beijing Massacre
4348: *** Nation-wide Petition ***
4349: China & HK News
4350: Re: Use Your Laser Printer to Reproduce Pictures of Beijing Massacre
4351: Re: Wakeup HongKongnese, good time is over for you all
4352: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4353: Asking for information about arrested Zhou Fengshou
4354: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4355: Public executions start: time for sanctions
4357: Re: Snitch number report
4358: Respect for the Truth
4359: Re: U.S. bachelors should find a HongKong wife in the name of humanity
4360: Re:Documentary colletion!
4361: Re: a letter to Congressmen
4362: Re:Letter to Congressmen from University of Miami
4363: Monument
4364: China_And_Bible
4366: From University of Miami
4367: Three Shanghai workers were executed a few hours ago
4368: About Student Leader Liu Gang
4369: Seminar On Immigration In Canada (Part I)
4370: Re: About Student Leader Liu Gang
4371: Japan-China
4372: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4373: test
4374: Re: A well written letter starts at beginning
4375: Re: About Student Leader Liu Gang
4376: Re: Amnesty International's action
4377: Re: About Student Leader Liu Gang
4378: Re: China_And_Bible
4379: Re: answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4380: Re: I was just joking
4381: Japanese friends, Chinese students need your help!!!
4382: concert rally
4383: Re: Three Shanghai workers were executed a few hours ago
4384: Media Exposure of CCP Atrocities Re: When China finished
4385: Re: 1989 as 1848 ... and more (was: what next?)
4386: Re: Letter to congressmen
4387: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4388: Re: Documentary colletions!
4389: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4390: The last day to call !
4391: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4392: Death Toll
4393: chai ling's speech (video)
4394: Re: Taiwan Independence
4395: text of Ms. Pelosi's Bill regarding J-1 visa issue
4396: Re: Students In Taiwan Gathered To Mourn Victims Of Beijing Massacre
4397: Re: China-Japan-USA
4398: SEND your articles to soc.culture.japan too!
4399: Nancy Pelosi's Bill
4400: Re: Public executions start: time for sanctions
4401: Don't annoy those BIG guys. Good strategy is reqired.
4402: Nancy Pelosi's Bill
4403: Re: Three Shanghai workers were executed a few hours ago
4404: URGENT! Please Support the Senator's Bill (J-1, F-1 and everybody)
4405: Info on Hong Kong Immigration
4406: Re: Wakeup HongKongnese, good time is over for you all
4407: Seminar On Immigration In Canada (Part II)
4408: Asylum
4409: Re: CHINA-US Relations- Historical Perspective
4410: The Nancy Pelosi Bill: The Text of the Bill
4411: The Beijing Regime Does Care What Others Say or Do
4412: Re: Japanese friends, Chinese students need your help!!!
4413: Re: SEND your articles to soc.culture.japan too!
4414: Re: China-Japan-USA
4415: Re: answer to those who disagree with me on defending the chinese govern.ment
4416: Re: Letters to Congressman (j-1 visa)
4417: Re: China_And_Bible
4418: New Development on Nancy Pelosi's Bill in Congress
4419: Where do We Get More Help ??? (Nancy Pelosi's Bill in Congress)
4420: An apology about my suggestion to go s.c.j.
4421: Re: SEND your articles to soc.culture.japan too!
4422: It Is NOT Too Late To Campaign Now (Nancy Pelosi's Bill in Congress)
4423: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4424: new hot line ?
4425: Re: Chinese government and American campuses
4426: A Modest Proposal
4427: Chinese Language Edition of 1984.
4428: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4429: Re: What's Next (A long term plan may b
4430: ** Extend Protection **
4431: Condemn Chrysler!!!
4432: posting for others
4433: Re: Against the Current
4434: Re: China_And_Bible
4435: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4436: Re: Students In Taiwan Gathered To Mourn Victims Of Beijing Massacre
4437: Re: Three Shanghai workers were executed a few hours ago
4438: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4439: Re: Students In Taiwan Gathered To Mourn Victims Of Beijing Massacre
4440: Asylum
4441: Re: Japan's thoughts on China.
4442: ** MSG from NAGPS **
4443: ** GREAT JOB ! NAGPS and USSA **
4444: Asylum
4445: Re: Three Shanghai workers were executed a few hours ago
4446: New respect for western news media
4447: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4448: The Nancy Pelosi Bill: The Status
4449: Major U.S. Company Won't Return Workers To China Immediately
4450: Re: Students In Taiwan Gathered To Mourn Victims Of Beijing Massacre
4451: Testing, Ignore it please!
4452: Re: Students mistakes
4453: collective asylum/collective granting of PR status
4454: Suggestions for modest actions....
4455: Chinese language edition of 1984
4456: Re: When China finished with HongKongnese, then Taiwanese is next.
4457: Re: China_And_Bible
4458: Waiver of 2-Year Requirement::Lobbying the Congressmen
4459: Re: 2-yr Requirement Bill: Work Harder Please
4460: On Nancy's bill
4461: From Hungary to Taiwan
4462: TWO Threatening Phone Calls
4463: Re: Condemn Chrysler!!!
4464: <None>
4465: Re: Hong Kong Independence
4466: Re: Students In Taiwan Gathered To Mourn Victims Of Beijing Massacre
4467: 3 executed; Appeal to UN; Please write letters!
4468: Looking for a student of Prof. Fang LiZhi.
4469: Fund for Chinese Democracy
4470: "People For China Concert"
4471: Echo in the dark: NCSU
4472: liberty vs. democracy
4473: RE Support Freedom Everywhere
4474: Dog fighting in scc
4475: Re: TWO Threatening Phone Calls
4476: Spy? Psychology fear
4477: Re: new hot line ?
4478: test
4479: Re:Student in Taiwan Gathered to Mourn Victim of Bejing Massacre
4480: Chinese Intellectuals During the Upheaval
4481: reply to a mail concerning hotline in U.S.A.
4482: Leading dissident Su Shao-Zhi escapes to join brother in Chicago!!!!
4483: Urgent!!!! Ask your American Friends to Call Congressman or Senators
4484: Re: An Efficient Way of Lobbying for the Bill
4485: Re: Student in Taiwan Gathered to Mourn Victim of Bejing Massacre
4486: Black-list, Centers for Anti-roundup, deadline: NOON
4487: Re: boycotting the products of National of Japan
4488: Re: China_And_Bible
4489: Letter Campign in Case Western Reserve University
4490: Gandhi
4491: China & HK News
4492: The Address Of Nobel Foundation
4493: Chinese Peasants Are Not on the Side of the CCP Regime
4494: Re: Reversing the clearances?
4495: Re: Passport
4496: A Special Action Squad (SAS)
4497: Qiao Shi'son disappeared in UK
4498: Defending the CCP
4499: How can non-Chinese help jam the hotlines?
4500: Re: partially defending the Chinese government.

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