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Oct 22, 2002, 5:37:56 AM10/22/02

Czesto faszyzujacy czerwonin nacjonalisci zmieszali sie
z bialymi nacjonalistami. Dana Alvi - propagaowal
kiedys bardzo szerko "Stowarzyszenie Ofiar Wojny". Stowarzyszenie
zamieszane w sprawe Krzyza w Oswiecimiu ktore prowadzil
nie kto inny jak jedne z Braci Janosz - agentow SB/MSW
i kryminalistow z korzeniami SB - akcja Zelazo.

Podspodem znajduje sie informacja o Stowarzyszenie Ofiar Wojny
oraz lista osob aktywnie wspierajacych faszystke i antysemitke
Dana Alvi - PAPUREC. Znajdziecie tam:
- ZUNDEL.ORG pro hitlerowska rasistowska organizacje
ale znajdziecie tez wiele polonijnuch organizacji oraz nazwiska
takie jak:
- Konior,
- Panslawista,
- czy Kolgates.
- JDR, JD Ross
ktore wspieraja Papurec. Lista oczywiscie nie jest kompletna
ale warto ja zapamietac. Warto bowiem wiedziec z kim sie
mowi, kto wspiera ten brunatno-czerwony-faszyzm-nacjonalizm.
Akcja Zelazo

Akcja Zelazo byla akcja prowadzona przez Departament I MSW w krajach
Zachodu, ktorej celem bylo zasilenie kasy MSW.

W ramach Akcji Zelazo oficerowie wywiadu PRL i przebwyjacy na Zachodzie
agenci SB dokonywali wyrafinowanych kradziezy i rabunkow (takze i na
banki), nastepnie przemycali lup i dolary do PRL. Jak sie potem okazalo
czesc lupow oficerowie zagarneli dla siebie.

Celem akcji bylo zasilenie kasy MSW. Akacja kierowali bracia Kazimierz,
Jan i Mieczyslaw Janosz (wszyscy w SB), ktorzy w latach 60 na polecenie
wywiadu PRL "wyemigrowali" do Niemiec. Na Zachodzie bracia Janosz
trudnili sie kradziezami, rabunkami, przemytem. Kazimierz Janosz na
polecenie wywiadu otowrzyl firmre export-import wyrobow jubilerskich.
Zrabowane zloto i kaminie szlachetne nastepnie przemycano do PRL. W
sumie do PRL trafilo ok. 200 kilogramow zlota i kamieni szlachetnych.

Pierwszy z braci Janoszow zostal zamordowany w Wiedniu. Drugi
zamordowany w Bielsku-Bialej.

Obecnie Mieczyslaw Janosz kieruje Stowarzyszeniem Ofiar Wojny.

Wystarczy spojrzec do archiwow usnet aby zobaczyc kto tych
komunistycznych agentow MSW/SB popieral. A o to lista:

1) Karmlitanki - Switon

"24 czerwca 1993 roku Stowarzyszenie Ofiar Wojny wraz z m. Maria Magiera
poddzierzawilo czesc budynku Fundacji Wioski Dzieciecej "Maja" w
Oswiecimiu. Umowa zostala zawarta na czas do 13 maja 2023 roku. Strony
zgodnie postanowily, ze:

"w przypadku wygasniecia umowy dzierzawnej zawartej miedzy klasztorem
Sióstr Karmelitanek Bosych a Stowarzyszeniem Ofiar Wojny przed
13.05.2023 r. poddzierzawca, tj. Fundacja Wioski Dzieciecej tMajaT,
wstepuje w prawa dzierzawcy i obejmuje cala nieruchomosc opisana w par.
1 umowy we wladanie na warunkach okreslonych w umowie dzierzawy z dn.
8.06.1993 r., rep. A 2201/93".

2) Am. Polnia stanczyk

3) PAPUREC (Dana Alvi) oraz caly oboz ktory ja popiera i propaguje
Ponizej lista ludzi popierajacych antysemitke i faszystke PAPUREC.

Oboz entuzjasyow PAPUREC

4) Andrzej DaLancia - AnDal

5) tworca Ciemnogrodu - Wiechowski

6) Stara ksywka z pl.soc.polityka Andrzej Babinicz

7) Bokun

8) Panslawista

9) Duch of Kolgejts


11)Jurek Konior

12)Lech Starczewski <>

13)Marcin Wrobel

l4)Stan Tyminski(ktorego libijskie "conection" do dzis sa zagadka.

15) - Zbigniew, Kostecki z.kos...@T-ONLINE.DE

16)"Patryk H. Ababeski" <>

17)Zbigniew Koziol - Young Polonia

18)Prytulak, Lubomyr lub...@ROGERS.WAVE.CA (ukrainski nacjonalista)

19)Wojciech Wlazlinski - ktory do dzis wierzy w Ksiegi Medrcow Syionu

20)PoloniaNet - Chickago

21)Johannes Wronski -


23)David Irving - skazny rwizonista

24)Z.Jesse Brzezinski USA

25)Rimland, Ingrid irim...@ZUNDELSITE.ORG

26)JDR JD Ross

27) Radio Islam


Oct 22, 2002, 6:08:39 AM10/22/02
From - interesting....

The American Jews have shelled out $100 million for a television
propaganda campaign

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wotan" <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.british,uk.politics.misc,alt.politics.economics,
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 7:44 PM

"Wotan" <> wrote in message

The American Jews have shelled out $100 million for a television
propaganda campaign to restore their public credibility and
encourage backing for the war they want the US to mount against
Iraq for them.

Such advert's would, of course, be illegal in Britain, where
(theoretically at least) the broadcasting of political propaganda
on behalf of a foreign power is illegal. (Not that the Jewish
controlled BBC, who broadcast propaganda on behalf of the
"EU" Marxist crime syndicate at public expense, let a little thing
like that get in their way.)

Can anybody imagine the English finding £100 million to mount
a television campaign to counter the billions of dollars of vicious
anti-English propaganda that has spewed out of Jewish run
Hollywood over the years? Let alone in a matter of weeks ?

The Jewish controlled British government, who spends all its time
telling us what dreadful people we are and how we should give up
our country to the "EU", would be as likely to fund that as fly to
the moon !

And the vermin who have handed out £100's of millions of lottery
money to viciously anti-British organisations, whilst tersely turning
down requests for disabled ex-servicemen on "racist" grounds, are
an equally unlikely source !

But then, the $100 million being spent on this propaganda exercise
to counter the revelation of the Jews as the most vicious,
murderous racists and bigots in the world, represents only 10
days worth of US tax money given to Israel - so perhaps they
think it is a good investment to protect their $3 billion p.a take
from the US taxpayer.

Especially if it can swing American public opinion far enough
to fund the $600 billion war against Iraq they want the US tax
payer to fund for them.

Meanwhile, in today's Telegraph, who often devote most of
the page facing their editorial to Jewish propaganda, sometimes
written by Barbara Ameil, the vicious and loathsome Jewish wife
of the owner, Conrad Black, they spend 1000 words pleading
that America is not under total control of the Jews.

At the end of which they only succeed in proving that it is.

Dealing with Clinton's government, they point out the hugely
disproportionate number of Jews in his administration - and
that even Monica Lewinsky was Jewish ! Well, she would
be, wouldn't she ?

Our own sources described Capitol Hill as "Little Israel" and
the vicious anti-Britishness of Clinton's government will be
remembered not only for its open corruption - but also for its
backing of the IRA, with Clinton even taking tea with the leader
of that terrorist group.

But now, suddenly, terrorists deserve a full world war against
them now they have attacked New York, the largest Jewish
city in the world !

Bill was a useful glove puppet for them, who even remarked
himself on his appointment that he realised that when he got into
power there was nothing he could actually do.

Jewish money decides who goes to the Whitehouse - and what
he does when he gets there.

Which means that Americans, like the British, have little or no
say in how their country is run - or for whose benefit.

That needs to change, with people taking a great deal more
care to vote only for people who represent them - and who do
not represent Israel before them.

And that can extend to shopping - taking care not to buy the
products and services from companies who fund Israel with
shareholder's money or other favours.

Like AT&T, Disney, Kiberly-Clark, Huggies, Kleenex and
Estee Lauder, for example. And if the bar code starts with
7 29 - then it comes from Israel.

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