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read! raza spanish-surnamed writer scribes new novel

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Michael Sedano

4. 12. 2000. 03:00:004.12.00.
Talk about writing short. Al Martinez has a page one second section twice a
week column in the LA Times. He doesn't speak Spanish, he says, and he doesn't
go out of his way to cover a chicano or latino beat. Nor do I remember if he's
confessed his Mexicritude. Ni modo. Martinez' mystery novel, The Last City
Room, might be worth a once-over for those seeking a comprehensive reading of
detective literature produced by Spanish-surnamed writers.

Any reader who enjoys journalism in-jokes, or with a yen to evoke the Frisco
Bay area counter-culture 60s, will enjoy Martinez' The Last City Room. Readers
of the writer's regular column will appreciate his more unrestrained pen here,
but will wish for broader abandon and a narrower lens. Does he or doesn't he
with the dwarf?

A stronger editor's hand would help keep Martinez from over-reliance on
colorful stereotypes, as well as from mawkishness when Martinez kills off his
characters, and the cheap ending with the mystery man.

Al. Martinez. The Last City Room. NY: St. Martin's Press, 2000.

atte, mvs
Read! raza
Michael Sedano

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