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Jewish World Plan - does it exist?

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Dec 16, 2001, 2:30:33 AM12/16/01
I would like any Jewish people reading this post to post their
thoughts on the theorised Jewish World Plan. There is a lot of
material out there on the net that would suggest that Jewish people as
a group are among the top echelons of political leaders, scientists
and other influential groups of people, and are working together
towards a common cause.

The exact desired outcome of this "plan" can only ever really be
guessed at. It would appear to be the perpetuation of Israel as a
viable state.

Some writers suggest that the unravelling of European society is also
a major goal. This is acheived by the sudden and all-encompassing
liberalisation of Western countries by the "Jewish and Jewish
influenced Elite", in a fashion that has been meticulously documented
by some commentators. Also, the mass third world immigration into
Western countries that is also taking place, and will ultimately
distroy those societies (well, reduce them to pitiable third world
status anyway)

One would wonder if this is true, because don't Jews (in tiny numbers
in relation to the teeming masses of other cultures) depend on living
inside a successful host society in order to survive?

I'm not saying I endorse any of the above, but the evidence IS out

Susan Cohen

Dec 19, 2001, 9:27:20 PM12/19/01

anne wrote:

You're a moron if you believe this.

Message has been deleted

Susan Cohen

Dec 20, 2001, 8:50:10 PM12/20/01

anne wrote:

> > > I'm not saying I endorse any of the above, but the evidence IS out
> > > there.
> >
> > You're a moron if you believe this.

> Excuse me, but you can't really say that without qualifying it.


> I'm
> saying that there is a hypothesis that can be supported by tonnes of
> pretty convincing evidence

Yes, you are saying this.

> - and you call me a moron... Why...?

Because you actually believe that there is a hypothesis that
can be supported by tonnes of pretty convincing evidence!!!
What are you, twelve with a handy thesaurus??

Joseph Hertzlinger

Dec 21, 2001, 1:57:33 AM12/21/01
On 15 Dec 2001 23:30:33 -0800, anne <> wrote:

>I would like any Jewish people reading this post to post their
>thoughts on the theorised Jewish World Plan.

The Elders of Zion are almost ready to declassify it but they have to
check with their partners (the Freemasons, perfidious Albion, and
Dr. Fu Manchu) first.

Message has been deleted

Adam Littman

Dec 21, 2001, 6:03:34 AM12/21/01
In article <>, (anne) wrote:
>> Because you actually believe that there is a hypothesis that
>> can be supported by tonnes of pretty convincing evidence!!!
>> What are you, twelve with a handy thesaurus??
>All I'm doing is asking you about it, I didn't want to be insulted,
>but it seems like thats all you're capable of doing?!
>I thought these groups were for discussion? If you don't want to
>discuss things, instead just shooting me down because you don't like
>what I write, I suggest you push off.

Let's see. You come onto a Jewish discussion group. Libel the Jewish people
with an old, long discredited, and despicable lie. And then get huffy when you
get called on it.

Not the brightest crayon in the box, are you?

Adam Littman / ^ \ /\ / \ /\
/ \( ) ( )/ \
\ /\ o /\ /
\ / \( )/ \ /
"Four minutes twenty-two seconds, \/____\_/____\/
Baldric, you owe me a groat" \ \ /
--Blackadder \ / \ /

Susan Cohen

Dec 21, 2001, 10:17:29 AM12/21/01

anne wrote:

> > Because you actually believe that there is a hypothesis that
> > can be supported by tonnes of pretty convincing evidence!!!
> > What are you, twelve with a handy thesaurus??

> All I'm doing is asking you about it,

It would be sad if you really believed this.
No, you're insisting that there's actual evidence for it,
which there is not.
That is not "just asking a question".

> I didn't want to be insulted,

Neither do we, sweetie.

> but it seems like thats all you're capable of doing?!

Most people *do* trade insults for insults.
It may not be the best type of exchange in the world, but
I find it works in most situations to get my point across.

> I thought these groups were for discussion?

Why, yes, they are.
And right now, we're discussing just how wrong you are,
and whyyou have no right to feel insulted, seeing as how
you came here with a pretty stupid insult.

> If you don't want to
> discuss things,

I don't discuss things that aren't worthy of dicsussion.

> instead just shooting me down because you don't like
> what I write, I suggest you push off.

And instead of pretending that this is actually the case, rather than
me just denying a stupid lie, why don't you just admit that you're
a Jew-hating phnoy and *then* push off?

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Susan Cohen

Dec 21, 2001, 2:54:19 PM12/21/01

anne wrote:

> > >I would like any Jewish people reading this post to post their
> > >thoughts on the theorised Jewish World Plan.
> >
> > The Elders of Zion are almost ready to declassify it but they have to
> > check with their partners (the Freemasons, perfidious Albion, and
> > Dr. Fu Manchu) first.

> That was almost the first serious response.

No, it was not. It was the first sarcastic response.
The rest of us were treating you far more eriously than he is.

> Great. Now we're getting
> somewhere. So you think it's up there with UFOs and sasquatch?

What makes you think it's not?

Susan Cohen

Dec 21, 2001, 3:23:27 PM12/21/01
The definitive exposing happens with the use of
the word "race", toward the bottom of the post.

anne wrote:

> > It would be sad if you really believed this.
> > No, you're insisting that there's actual evidence for it,
> > which there is not.
> > That is not "just asking a question".

> If its evidence you want, why not try starting with the extremely long
> article in written by Stephen Steinlight about how the US
> immigration policy is likely to shake the Jewish stranglehold on
> american politics if it is not changed soon, because third world
> immigrants cannot be bamboozled with "Holocaust guilt"...???

This is not evidence, honey, it's one jerk's stupid opinion.
"Jewish Stranglehold on American Politics"? That was *your*
addition to his drivel, and it's as laughable as anything else
you've come up with.
This is what we mean by "no evidence."


[snip quotes of one person's personal opinion, not backed by facts]

> > Most people *do* trade insults for insults.

> Maybe face to face in the real world,

Maybe. But definitely on Usenet. People who normally wouldn't
dare say "boo" to anyone get rather beligerent on Usenet. I,
OTOH, am more restrained on Usenet than I would be in real
life. For instance, I don't use the language others do here, because
I am aware of it's being a public forum

> but this is the contrived
> environment of a news group, where you have a chance to cool off
> before you post.

But you're assuming that your sleazy bigotry (as further revealed in this
very post) deserves consideration, and, G-d forbid, even respect!

And, I assure you "heated" is hardly the word for the way I feel. Your
type is extremely common in here, & is easily disposed of without even
breaking a sweat.

> If you read what you construe to be an insult, I
> suggest you log off,

If you consider anything you post *not* to be an insult, I suggest you
get your head examined.

> go for a walk, come back and then post.

If I were to "log off & come back", I would probably come up with a
*lot* more to say that you'd like even less, so keep your brainless
condescension to yourself

> Maybe then your posts will be rational,

Except, of course, that my posts are the already the only rational ones
between the two of us. A semblence of clalm such as you are
parading, does not equate with "rational."

> instead of "in the heat of the moment"...

Hardly "in the heat of the moment." Just a quick reaction
to the same old garbage we see here all the time.

> > I don't discuss things that aren't worthy of dicsussion.

> Terrific. Why did you post to a discussion group then?

First off, this is a "newsgroup." There is no mandate to discuss anything.
Secondly, I am as free to counter your lies as you are to post them.
To you, this does not constitute discussion. Fine. I don't care what you
think of it. I am simply going to do so because it is the right thing to do.

> Why not just feel all indignant for a second,

Indignant? Well, that *is* a justifable response to outrageous lies.

> and then post to a thread you
> actually want to contribute something to?

I realize that you are desperately afraid of the truth, but this will
*not* make me go away. Whenever you post a lie, I, or someone
like me, will be there to correct you. And in the manner you
deserve, whether you like it or not. In fact, if you don't like it, so
much the better.

> > why don't you just admit that you're a Jew-hating phnoy and *then* push off?

> Jew hater?

Yes. Very good. You got it right the first time.

> Don't you mean "racist"?

No, of course not.

> Isn't that the word usually used
> to paralyse any discussion of race?

Only a bigot would assume we were discussing race.
Thank you for exposing yourself far better than I ever could.
Now you see why no one has to get "heated" over the like of you.

> I'm no Jew hater.

Then why do you automatically believe any lie about Jews that you find floating

> If anything, I'm a Jew lover.

I'm sure that some of your best friends are Jewish.
You all say that, in one form or another.

> All I did was ask a question!

So if we were to ask you what makes you think you're not a bigot,
despite all the tons of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you
won't be insulted? That's nice to know.

Susan Cohen

Dec 21, 2001, 3:28:38 PM12/21/01

anne wrote:

> > Let's see. You come onto a Jewish discussion group. Libel the Jewish people
> > with an old, long discredited, and despicable lie. And then get huffy when
> > you get called on it.

> All great "lies" must be scrutinised -

Not if they are so transparent they leave no room for scrutiny.
You seem to be under the impression that you've invented

> all great "truths" must be
> scrutinised. Debate, inquiry, discussion, weighing of evidence.

But you refuse to realize that when we point out that there is no evidence,
and what "evidence" you have dredged up so far is merely opinion, that
*is* discussion, scrutiny, etc.
You actually seem to be under the delusion that nonsense must be given
the same respect as facts. This is yet another erroneous belif on your part.

> Before
> you know it, one has become the other.

No, not at all. Great lies crumble in the face of facts, and they
crumble all the faster when there is nothing to bolster them.
You will earn this if/when you persist in your lies.

> All great truths begin as blasphemies. -George Bernard Shaw

Thanks for quoting a PLAYWRIGHT!
(too funny!!)

> "All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed;
> Second,
> it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident."
> - Arthur Schopenhauer

Which certainly leaves out the nonsense you have posted so far.

> > Not the brightest crayon in the box, are you?

> Sharpest maybe? ;-)

Well, it's clear that you *write* with crayons....

Adam Littman

Dec 21, 2001, 4:26:43 PM12/21/01
In article <>, (anne) wrote:
>> Let's see. You come onto a Jewish discussion group. Libel the Jewish people
>> with an old, long discredited, and despicable lie. And then get huffy when
>> you get called on it.
>All great "lies" must be scrutinised - all great "truths" must be
>scrutinised. Debate, inquiry, discussion, weighing of evidence. Before

>you know it, one has become the other.

No. Some lies are too blatent and bigoted to deserve to be "scrutenized".

And "common" is not the same as "great".

Which you would know if you weren't an anti-Semitic bigot and/or a troll.

Adam Littman

Dec 21, 2001, 4:30:32 PM12/21/01
In article <>, (anne) wrote:
>> >I would like any Jewish people reading this post to post their
>> >thoughts on the theorised Jewish World Plan.
>> The Elders of Zion are almost ready to declassify it but they have to
>> check with their partners (the Freemasons, perfidious Albion, and
>> Dr. Fu Manchu) first.
>That was almost the first serious response. Great. Now we're getting

>somewhere. So you think it's up there with UFOs and sasquatch?

Other than the fact that UFOs and sasquatch are harmless beliefs (or at least
harmless people that don't believe in them) while the one that scum like you
are trying to propagate have been used to justify the murder and torture of

It is right up there with falsely accusing someone of murder. As you damned
well know, you trailer-trash moron.

Fred Cherry

Dec 21, 2001, 9:14:32 PM12/21/01
to (anne) writes:

>> Because you actually believe that there is a hypothesis that
>> can be supported by tonnes of pretty convincing evidence!!!
>> What are you, twelve with a handy thesaurus??

>All I'm doing is asking you about it, I didn't want to be insulted,

>but it seems like thats all you're capable of doing?!

>I thought these groups were for discussion? If you don't want to
>discuss things, instead just shooting me down because you don't like

>what I write, I suggest you push off.

You want to REALLY see insults? Then go to the newsgroup
alt.politics.homosexuality and see how Susan Cohen is not only lying about
me and insulting me but also lying about and insulting my ISP.

She claims that she is not suing me for libel because she claims that
nobody believes me. That's one more of her lies. The reason she won't sue
me for libel is that she knows very well that once she starts a suit
against me, I can counterclaim aganst her and get a judgment against her
for her outrageous lies about me. By the way, you can do me a great favor
if you will post a follow-up to her post in alt.politics.homosexuality and
tell her that YOU believe what I am saying.

To see more of the controversy between me and Susan Cohen, see the thread:
"My Apology To This Newsgroup."

Did you ever hear of Daniel Burros? Daniel Burros was a Jewish man who was
the most rabid Nazi in George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party. When
it was revealed that he was Jewish, he committed suicide. You can look it
up in The New York Times Index for 1965. There was a book written about
him. It was reviewed in The New York Times Book Review sometime in 1967. I
have a copy of that book. Burros used go go around with a cake of soap
with a wrapper on which was printed: "MADE FROM THE FINEST JEWISH FAT."

Now, since Susan Cohen sides with this Nazi "Fritz" who has said that I
"richly deserved" to be called: "A KIKE & A FAGGOT!!!", I say that Susan
Cohen is the reincarnation of Daniel Burros. (Fred Cherry)

Grand Duke of Yugoslobia
Duke of Vulgaria
Grand Muff-Diver of Jerusalem
& Elector of Homophobia

Fred Cherry

Dec 21, 2001, 9:55:22 PM12/21/01
In alt.politics.homosexuality
Jewish-American Princess Susan Cohen <> writes:

>all spam groups deleted. Fred Cherry can be an asshole on his own time, not

Why isn't this posted in soc.culture.jewish? That's where it really
belongs. Of course all the NAMBLA-loving friends of yours who post in
alt.politics.homosexuality are going to agree with you on what a terrible
person I am

>Fritz wrote:

>> Fred Cherry wrote:

>> > (anne) writes:
>> >
>> > >I would like any Jewish people reading this post to post their
>> > >thoughts on the theorised Jewish World Plan. There is a lot of
>> > >material out there on the net that would suggest that Jewish people as
>> > >a group are among the top echelons of political leaders, scientists
>> > >and other influential groups of people, and are working together
>> > >towards a common cause.
>> >

>> > Let me assure you that Jewish people are certainly NOT working together
>> > towards a common cause. I am Jewish and I am working AGAINST Susan Cohen
>> > in the matter of NAMBLA,

>No, you are not, you filthy little liar.

You have NEVER posted anything against NAMBLA. All you have ever done is
to attack me when I attack NAMBLA.

>> NAMBLA is an organization of homosexual
>> > child-molesters and the largest and most influential organization of
>> > child-molesters in the world. Susan Cohen is their staunchest supporter,

>I *do* wish you weren;t toally nuts, so I could sue you over this.
>But in order to sue, I would have to show damages, and there can be
>no damages when NO ONE BELIEVES YOU!!
>(Heck, just below, "Fritz" shows just how little you are to be believed)

>> > and she is such a liar about it.

>As usual, you lie.

>> Because I have posted numerous
>> > denunciations against that organization, she calls me a: "Self-hating
>> > homosexual-in-denial."

>No, not true. I call you that when you behave like one, denouncing
>homosexuals *IN GENERAL*.
>I have always applauded anything negative about that filthy organization.
>Your only problem is that you lie about who belongs to it, and who
>supports it (just as you do in this very post).

Here is something I have posted against NAMBLA:


The members of NAMBLA have all sorts of mind games and tricks that they use
to seduce young boys into homosexual activity. Here is some information
about NAMBLA.

There was an article in THE JERSEY JOURNAL (Newsstand Edition), dated
6/11/82, pages 1 and 29, describing their modus operandi. The story says
that members of NAMBLA went to local fast food stores and "cased" the
stores for potential victims. It goes on to say that: "None of the victims,
it was stressed by authorities, had any previous homosexual experience."
The article then goes on to say that the victims were boys ranging in age
from eight to fourteen and that they were all poor white boys with no
father in the home. Then the NAMBLA members went to the boys' homes and
convinced the boys' mothers that the NAMBLA members were a "big brother"
charitable organization and wanted to serve as surrogate fathers. They
first took the boys on fishing and camping trips and to movies. THEN after
softening up the boys in this manner, they brainwashed the boys into
engaging in homosexual activity.

In addition, NAMBLA is an organization which has a pathological hatred of
women. I say this on the basis of one of the items of literature that they
used to recommend. They used to hand out literature at the anual New York
City "Gay Pride" parade which included the book: THE ASBESTOS DIARY, as one
of the books on their recommended reading list. I will quote from a review
of this book which appeared in the homosexual magazine TANGENTS, dated

Consider, for example, the kind deed done to humanity by
the author ("Duke" to his friends) in the matter of the old
whore. After one of his old *inamorati* has been sent to the
hospital with "the two worse of the seven sociable diseases,
plus stricture and involvement of the prostate and bladder--
and potent penicillin which killed Mark....," Duke goes to
the boy's funeral and later, after having purchased two
small household items at Polter & Geist's Department Store,
visits the old whatever: "...I threw a sawbuck in her lap
saying it was hers in any case but to tell me the truth: Is
she free from disease? 'I'm clean as your mother, dearie!'
she lisped, sealing her doom, and soiling my gloved fist on
*impasto* complexion I clipped her on the jaw, lowered her
unconscious form to the bed and ripped off her clothes. Then
I unwrapped my purchases: a pound of powdered Plaster of
Paris and a pastry tube...mixed powder with water to smooth
batter, poured it into pastry-tube the nozzle of which I
shoved up that malodorous maladied twat where at least one
young explorer had been wrecked on his maiden-voyage -- and
*Avant-garde* frictional fiction has ever rung with praise
for the whore with the heart of gold. Now I give you
something new: the whore with the plaster vagina!" If that
act is not of "redeeming" importance, I'd like to see one
that is.
All in all, a highly entertaining book.

--Gary Taylor

In addition, NAMBLA is an organization which hates Jews. That information
comes from PENTHOUSE Magazine. In the January '85 issue of PENTHOUSE
Magazine, there is an article about child-molesters. In that article, there
is a quote from a NAMBLA publication as follows:

That the New York Press (even the left wing Guardian!) still
swallow Judi as a legit source proves their gullibility--and
their complicity in the ongoing witch-hunt. Judi's abuses have
time and time again been publicly documented. Yet, like the
proverbial bad penny, she keeps turning up. And like any other
brazen loud Jewish kvetch, she won't close that motor-mouth
filled with lies. Every time that fat trap opens, she
jeopardizes public safety.

Now, please don't misunderstand. As a Jew, I'm not complaining over the
fact that NAMBLA hates us, I'm bragging about it. We Jews must be doing
something right, in order for a bunch of creeps like that to hate us!


Whenever I post THAT, it throws you into a frenzy of hate against me. You
complain that it is "Off topic" in the newsgroup soc.culture.jewish. Yet
recently something caling itself: "Saint Mary" posted an article in
soc.culture.jewish titled: "Disgust of Heterosexuality." Which was nothing
but hatred of heterosexuals. You didn't bitch about THAT. Why not?

>> She also calls me a: "False Jew."

>Because you act like one. You use anti-Jewish slurs and do not show
>the requisite rachmanus required of a Jew. In fact it is this very last
>condition which allows me by Jewish law to questionyour Jewishness.
>Other than in those circumstances, one is never permitted to question
>the Jewishness of another person. You should be vey proud of yourself.

So, now I am not a Jew according to the edict of Your Highness. Of course
your NAMBLA friends in alt.politics.homosexuality will agree with you. But
the question of who is and who is not a Jew should be debated in a Jewish
newsgroup, and not in a pro-NAMBLA newsgroup.

>> She has gone > all-out to try to get my ISP to pull my plug.

>Ha. I tried *once* & your sleazebag ISP made it clear
>they don't care what lies & *stalking* you do.

Maybe my ISP saw that YOU were lying? Did that ever occur to you?
Certainly you were lying when you accused me of stalking you.

>> She does this by posting
>> > messages in the newsgroup alt.politics.homosexuality, calling upon the
>> > numerous NAMBLA supporters who post there to inundate my ISP with demands
>> > that he drop me as a subscriber.

>I *may* have done once, before I knew how morally bankrupt your ISP
>was, but only with respect to the online Gay community. I have never even
>(knowingly) addressed members of that filthy organization in anything
>approaching a civil tone, much elss asked for their support in anything.

>> When he refused to do so, Susan Cohen
>> > accused him of: "money grubbing."

>That's right. Anyone who thinks of money ahead of morals, justice
>& common decency is, indeed, moneygrubbing.

Barry Shein, the owner of my ISP, is indeed thinking of morals, justice,
and common decency. That is precisely why he refuses to pull my plug.

>> Won't someone please help Susan Cohen, I really would like to see
>> her persevere. She's a find upstanding woman that has endured a
>> horrendous assault from this cherry thing, all for just speaking the truth.

>Thank you, this is very sweet of you, but Fred Charry's lies are all the help I


Your Nazi friend "Fritz" has written that I "richly deserved" to be
called: "A KIKE & A FAGGOT!!!." Now that you and he are so sweet on each
other, when are the two of you going to consumate your relationship?

Message has been deleted

Adam Littman

Dec 22, 2001, 3:03:44 AM12/22/01
In article <>, (anne) wrote:
>> Other than the fact that UFOs and sasquatch are harmless beliefs (or at least
>> harmless people that don't believe in them) while the one that scum like you
>> are trying to propagate have been used to justify the murder and torture of
>> Jews.
>Hmm. Lets look at history. What is the basis for millenia upon
>millenia of anti-semistism? What is the basis for anti-american

Jews refused to convert to Christianity. The Chruch drummed up hatred of them
because it embarressed them that the religion they claimed theirs was a
"fulfilment" of (and thus a replacement of) was still around.

>sentiment throughout the muslim world? It is becuase Jews and

America is wealthy. The Muslim world is a third world cess pool. They find it
easier to hate America than to do anything abou their own problems.

Also America is the most powerful Western nation. The very power of the West
is a repudiation of the idea the Islam is supreme. They hate that.

>Americans (being led along by the nose-ring by their Zionist Organised
>Government) won't keep their god damned noses out of the countries
>where they don't belong and their noses out of other people's affairs.

Ah, why didn't you mention the "Zionist Organized Government" in the first
place. Then I would have just killfiled you from the start.

Instead you acted like you just possibly _might_ be just a moron, rather than
_also_ being a raving anti-Semitic trailer-trash neo-Nazi.

Needless to say:



Dec 22, 2001, 12:59:01 PM12/22/01
The Jewish world plan? As far as I know, here it is:

Everybody in the world is literate and prosperous. There is no hunger on the
planet and the sexes are treated equally and with respect.

Democracy is everywhere even though the messaih has arrived. The Al-Aqsa
mosques have been carefully removed and shipped to Mecca and a brilliant new
temple has been constructed, although animal sacrifice is limited to the high
holy days.

That's about it.

eric l.


Dec 22, 2001, 1:02:34 PM12/22/01
Fred Cherry wrote:

> Your Nazi friend "Fritz" has written that I "richly deserved" to be
> called: "A KIKE & A FAGGOT!!!." Now that you and he are so sweet on each
> other, when are the two of you going to consumate your relationship?

I have already proven this to be a lie, don't you read the responses?
Can you read?

Taking back, my freedom of consciences!


Dec 22, 2001, 2:04:27 PM12/22/01
Fred Cherry wrote:


Fred Cherry

Dec 22, 2001, 3:19:49 PM12/22/01
Fritz <> writes:

>Fred Cherry wrote:

Okay, Nazi. I will simply repost the article I posted previously. This
PROVES beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are a liar, as are all
homosexual (and heterosexual) Nazis.


Look here, NAZI.

YOU are the homonazi who believes that I, who am Jewish, "richly deserved"
to be called: "A KIKE & A FAGGOT!!!." Here is the evidence, below the
dashed line.

You would like to force me to stop criticizing NAMBLA, wouldn't you? I
know you NAMBLA supporters. I am familiar with all of your homonazi
tricks. And I will continue to denounce NAMBLA until it goes out of
existence. (Fred Cherry)

Grand Duke of Yugoslobia
Duke of Vulgaria
Grand Muff-Diver of Jerusalem
& Elector of Homophobia


From alt.activism.children Wed Apr 25 15:09:46 2001
Xref: world alt.activism.children:92595 alt.homosexual:254306 alt.politics.homosexuality:513959
Path: world!!!!!!not-for-mail
Message ID: <>
From: Fritz <>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Win98; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: Faggot chess coach fucked and sucked chess pieces (Why short fat
faggots like George Chmilewsky/Alice Gnatiuk, 4 Cherry St, Garfield, NJ
07026, want to be scoutmasters)
References: <8h547564378563...@thank.God.4AIDS>
<> <>
<> <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 136
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 19:11:17 -0400
X-Trace: 988153839 (Tue, 24 Apr 2001 19:10:39 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 19:10:39 EDT
Status: RO

Fred Cherry wrote:

> In Message-ID: <>
> Newsgroups:,,
> alt.homosexual,soc.motss,alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.flame.faggots,
> Subject: Re: Faggot chess coach fucked and sucked chess pieces (Why short
> fat faggots like George Chmilewsky/Alice Gnatiuk, 4 Cherry St, Garfield, NJ
> 07026, want to be scoutmasters)
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 13:22:01 -0400
> Fritz <> wwrote:
> > Fred Cherry wrote:
> >
> > > Fritz <> writes:
> > >
> > > >SSRIHater wrote:
> > >
> > > >> John Smith <> wrote:
> > > >> >In SSRIHater <AntiM...@thank.god.4aids>
> > > >> >wrote:
> > > >> >
> > > >> >> AURORA More child-pornography charges could be coming for a
> > > >> >> former West Aurora High School assistant chess coach, authorities
> > > >> >> said.
> > > >> >
> > > >> >This is all well and good, but what was his US Chess Federation
> > > >> >chess rating?
> > > >>
> > > >> Good question! This search engine:
> > > >>,s
> > > >> only finds Shawn and Suzanne Ruby.
> > > >> It doesn't find Sam Sloane either, but it does find 28 John Smith's.
> > > >> Unfortunately, it doesn't indicate which of them are homosexuals.
> > > >> Does the USCF even collect this very important information?
> > >
> > > >I've always thought of chess, as a game for people with some degree of
> > > >intelligence.
> > > >Maybe their not interested in fanatical religious ideas or the
> > > >thoughts of bigoted fools, like yourself.
> > >
> > > So, you think that it is only you NAMBLA supporters who have
> > > intelligence?
> >
> > To begin, I'm not a NAMBLA supporter, I know very little about the
> > org, and have no interest in it, unlike yourself.
> You NAMBLA supporters are ALWAYS coming up with the same lie that you know
> very little, or else nothing, about NAMBLA.

So how is it that you know everything about me?
I don't recall ever meeting you, much less associating with you.
Which is something I would never do.
I guess you must be lying.

> > > Well, for your information I am one of the members of a gang of four.
> > > We were the first ones to ever generate two mutually orthogonal
> > > DIAGONAL latin squares of order ten. See Volume 139 of the Journal
> > > "Lecture Notes In Pure And Applied Mathematics." See the article
> > > starting on Page 43 titled: "Completion of the Spectrum of Orthogonal
> > > Diagonal Latin Squares."
> > >
> > > I was the one who thought of the algorithm. I wrote the program in
> > > assembly language and ran it on my IBM PC in 1989. I would like to add
> > > that, although I have a Bachelor's degree in mathematics, I have no
> > > degree in computer science. In fact, since I graduated college in 1947,
> > > there was no such thing as computer science then. Everything I have
> > > learned about programming, I have picked up on my own.
> > >
> > > And so I say unto you, in the immortal words of Gene Ward Smith:
> > >
> > > "Fuck your ass with broken glass!"
> >
> > Even people with a Bachelor's degree in mathematics can be
> > sick with prejudice and homophobia.
> >
> Listen, faggot.
> Do you even know the definition of the word: "prejudice"?

Yes! look in the mirror.

> "Prejudice" means to pre-judge, before one knows anything about the
> person or thing being judged.

Which is what you're doing to me. Go on.

> I am not prejudiced. I KNOW you faggots.

That's another one of your lies. You don't know shit.

> I know that there is only ONE
> homosexual person who has ever flamed NAMBLA. His name is Eric Payne.

Never heard of him, in fact I never heard of NAMBLA until you born
again assholes started to accuse everyone you don't like, of being a member.

> I know that the last time *I* flamed NAMBLA, one of your fellow faggots
> started an entire thread about me, to which some of your fellow faggots
> chimed in. Here it is:

Sounds like you richly deserved it too.

> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> From: "raj" <>
> Newsgroups: alt.flame.fucking.faggots
> Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:23:28 -0400
> Organization: Posted via RemarQ, - The Internet's
> Discussion Network
> Lines: 3
> Messag -ID: <7jr29n$k51$>
> X-Trace: 929107063 VFOELZCNT6615D156
> X-Complaints-To:
> X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.2106.4
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
> Xref: alt.flame.fucking.faggots:6569
> suck my fat cock, cherry-boy!!!
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> I *am* Jewish, of course. Now if you faggots can call me a kike and a
> faggot, why can't I call you faggots faggots? Especially since *I* am not a
> faggot.

Bet you can't prove that?

The time is now!

Susan Cohen

Dec 22, 2001, 7:06:56 PM12/22/01

Adam Littman wrote:

> In article <>, (anne) wrote:
> >> Other than the fact that UFOs and sasquatch are harmless beliefs (or at least
> >
> >> harmless people that don't believe in them) while the one that scum like you
> >> are trying to propagate have been used to justify the murder and torture of
> >> Jews.
> >
> >Hmm. Lets look at history. What is the basis for millenia upon
> >millenia of anti-semistism? What is the basis for anti-american
> Jews refused to convert to Christianity. The Chruch drummed up hatred of them
> because it embarressed them that the religion they claimed theirs was a
> "fulfilment" of (and thus a replacement of) was still around.

Well, there's that but there's also this:

> >sentiment throughout the muslim world? It is becuase Jews and
> America is wealthy. The Muslim world is a third world cess pool. They find it
> easier to hate America than to do anything abou their own problems.
> Also America is the most powerful Western nation. The very power of the West
> is a repudiation of the idea the Islam is supreme. They hate that.
> >Americans (being led along by the nose-ring by their Zionist Organised
> >Government) won't keep their god damned noses out of the countries
> >where they don't belong and their noses out of other people's affairs.
> Ah, why didn't you mention the "Zionist Organized Government" in the first
> place. Then I would have just killfiled you from the start.
> Instead you acted like you just possibly _might_ be just a moron, rather than
> _also_ being a raving anti-Semitic trailer-trash neo-Nazi.

Ah, this is where my cynicism did me in good stead
I knew this garbage the minute she said "tonnes of evidence."
There is no evidence, and she knows it.


Susan Cohen

Dec 22, 2001, 7:11:06 PM12/22/01

ELurio wrote:

> The Jewish world plan? As far as I know, here it is:
> Everybody in the world is literate and prosperous. There is no hunger on the
> planet and the sexes are treated equally and with respect.

Also all the "races", such as they are.

> Democracy is everywhere even though the messaih has arrived. The Al-Aqsa
> mosques have been carefully removed and shipped to Mecca and a brilliant new
> temple has been constructed, although animal sacrifice is limited to the high
> holy days.
> That's about it.

People also wash more regularly.

Couldn't think of too much to add, tho' - you got most of it.


Joseph Hertzlinger

Dec 22, 2001, 7:20:14 PM12/22/01
On 20 Dec 2001 23:26:35 -0800, anne <> wrote:

>All I'm doing is asking you about it, I didn't want to be insulted,


Joseph Hertzlinger

Dec 22, 2001, 7:26:10 PM12/22/01
On 21 Dec 2001 22:03:37 -0800, anne <> wrote:

>Hmm. Lets look at history. What is the basis for millenia upon
>millenia of anti-semistism?

Strangers in general are hated. Most groups of strangers tend to
disappear after a while.

>What is the basis for anti-american sentiment throughout the muslim

What is the basis for anti-European, anti-Hindu, and anti-Buddhist

sentiment throughout the muslim world?

>I wonder if the AMerican media

... which even has an address ...

Joseph Hertzlinger

Dec 22, 2001, 7:27:17 PM12/22/01
On 21 Dec 2001 11:31:30 -0800, anne <> wrote:

>That was almost the first serious response. Great. Now we're getting
>somewhere. So you think it's up there with UFOs and sasquatch?

H. Ross Perot is obviously a Ferengi agent.

Joseph Hertzlinger

Dec 22, 2001, 7:35:40 PM12/22/01
On 21 Dec 2001 11:29:20 -0800, anne <> wrote:

>All great "lies" must be scrutinised - all great "truths" must be
>scrutinised. Debate, inquiry, discussion, weighing of
>evidence. Before you know it, one has become the other.

>All great truths begin as blasphemies. -George Bernard Shaw

>"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed;
>Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as
>self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer

They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at
the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
--- Carl Sagan

Joseph Hertzlinger

Dec 22, 2001, 7:36:44 PM12/22/01
On Fri, 21 Dec 2001 15:28:38 -0500, Susan Cohen <>

>> > Not the brightest crayon in the box, are you?
>> Sharpest maybe? ;-)
>Well, it's clear that you *write* with crayons....

Is that why the ZOG plans frequently mention crayons?

Adam Littman

Dec 22, 2001, 10:32:42 PM12/22/01

I didn't see her original post.

Adam Littman

Dec 22, 2001, 10:36:11 PM12/22/01

Trip him up. Ask him if he likes his waffles "crisp". There's no word for
"crisp" on Ferenginar.

Susan Cohen

Dec 22, 2001, 11:41:42 PM12/22/01

Joseph Hertzlinger wrote:

Heeheehee! Good one. Do you want to forward this
to the General, or should I?


Susan Cohen

Dec 22, 2001, 11:42:47 PM12/22/01

Adam Littman wrote:

> In article <>, wrote:
> >
> >I knew this garbage the minute she said "tonnes of evidence."
> >There is no evidence, and she knows it.
> I didn't see her original post.

Well, that explains it!!


Susan Cohen

Dec 22, 2001, 11:43:21 PM12/22/01

Joseph Hertzlinger wrote:

Wow! I never thought of that!!


Fred Cherry

Dec 23, 2001, 5:08:29 AM12/23/01
Jewish-American Princess Susan Cohen <> writes:

>anne wrote:


Rstrained, you say? Do you, in real life, go around calling people:
"asshole" as you very recently called me in one of your many hate-filled
diatribes you have recently posted about me.

>No, of course not.

Where have I heard that before? Jesse Jackson, the anti-Jewish bigot was
interviewed on "60 Minutes" a couple of years ago. He did NOT say that
some of his best friends are Jews. What he did say was that some of his
SONS' best friends are Jews.

Then there was Rod Swift, the notorious homosexual Nazi from Australia.
Here is some material from my extensive archives:


From alt.callahans Thu May 4 05:13:29 2000
Xref: world alt.callahans:526555 alt.gossip.royalty:142481 soc.culture.jewish:653499
Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish,alt.callahans,alt.gossip.royalty,,alt.flame.fucking.faggots
Path: world!john1
From: (Fred Cherry)
Subject: Re: TROLL ALERT was Re: Nazis, Pt. 1
Message ID: <>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 02:52:41 GMT
References: <> <>
<8ecv2r$pnr$> <>
<> <>
Organization: The World, Public Access Internet, Brookline, MA
Lines: 227
Status: RO

In Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish,alt.callahans,alt.gossip.royalty,,alt.flame.fucking.faggots
Subject: TROLL ALERT was Re: Nazis, Pt. 1
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 19:38:02 -0700
Christopher Jahn <> wrote:

> Hey everbody! It's a TROLL!! And don't forget to TRIM YOUR
> Troll troll troll troll trollTroll troll troll troll trollTroll
> troll troll troll trollTroll troll troll troll trollTroll troll
> troll troll trollTroll troll troll troll trollTroll troll troll
> troll trollTroll troll troll troll trollTroll troll troll troll
> trollTroll troll troll troll trollTroll troll troll troll
> trollTroll troll troll troll trollTroll troll troll troll troll

An entire paragraph with nothing but the word "troll" repeated sixty-five
times. This homonazi Christopher Jahn is obviously a believer in the
Goebbels Nazi technique of the "big lie", continuously repeated.

> Freddy is a little Troll
> Who has a filthy mouth
> What he lacks in decency
> he makes up by talking loud

This homonazi Christopher Jahn accuses me of having a filthy mouth. All I
am doing is repeating the material that his NAMBLA friends have posted.

Here is another example of a homonazi NAMBLA supporter. This other homonazi
NAMBLA supporter is the notorious Australian, Rod Swift.

Rod Swift, among other things, used to be one of the moderators of the
moderated newsgroup While he was one of
the moderators he used his position to seduce a homosexual youth by the
name of Chris Hughes.

Anyway, here is the proof that Swift was indeed a homonazi. This is a
direct transcript of Swift's own words.


From: (Michael Zeleny)
Newsgroups: talk.philosophy.misc,alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.revisionism
Subject: Re: Nazis like Us
Date: 14 Mar 1995 22:16:42 GMT
Organization: ptyx
Lines: 47
Expires: April 30, 1995
Messag ID: <3k54ka$>
References: <3k2q0n$> <3k37m2$>
Xref: panix talk.philosophy.misc:26277 alt.politics.homosexuality:74505
Status: RO
X-Status: (Rod Swift) writes:
: (Michael Zeleny) writes:

:::: "You're the type of Jew that gave Hitler some justification for
:::: his genocide, I'm sure." -- Rod Swift

::: What is the Moral One's expert opinion on this?

:: No comment.

: Is it because it is so POORLY transcribed from the original post,

The transcription is faithful down to the line break.

: or the fact that it has completely lost it's context?

Context restored:
In article <3jncve$> (Rod Swift) writes:

>In article <3jmk1k$>
> (Michael Zeleny) writes:

>>I am a Jewish philosopher, not a Japanese monk. Consider the precedents
>>recorded in the books of the Prophets.

>You're the type of Jew that gave Hitler some justification for
>his genocide, I'm sure.

In the future, Swift's intellectual credibility should be measured
against his former Holocaust apologetics and his present attempts to
disclaim responsibility for his statements.

Cordially, - Mikhail | Why is it that all those who have become eminent | in philosophy or politics or poetry or art
UCLA Philosophy Dept | are clearly of an atrabilious temperament?
|"Fuck your ass with broken glass!" -- Gene Ward Smith| don't
|"You're the type of Jew that gave Hitler some justification for| tread
| his genocide, I'm sure." -- Rod Swift| on me


Now, here is an example of a filthy mouth from the same homonazi Swift.


From: (Rod Swift)
Newsgroups: alt.censorship,alt.homosexual,alt.politics.homosexuality,,,soc.women,,alt.mens-rights,soc.motss,
Subject: Re: Women own rape issues, so Shut Up, Fag
(was Re: Conveying the idea)
Date: 20 Dec 1995 23:01:43 +0800
Organization: iiNet Technologies
Lines: 71
Distribution: inet
Messag -ID: <4b98gn$>
References: <Pine.SV4.3.91.951213151125.14061F-100000@curly>
<4asavp$> <Pine.SV4.3.91.951215165626.2877B-100000@larry>
Status: RO
X-Status: (Fred Cherry) lies, yet again:

>Well, now, Gwendolyn darling, I have been threatened with homosexual rape
>by someone at the University of Virginia.

This is a lie. Someone suggested to Fred Cherry that he could do
with a dick up his ass -- consentually. The poster did not
suggest he'd PERSONALLY do it with Fred.

>When I protested, I was deluged
>with an avalanche of responses to the effect that homosexual rape would be
>an educational experience for me. Here is one example, posted by the
>notorious homonazi and woman-hater Rod Swift:

This is another lie. I posted a message suggesting that the idea
that a *huge* dick up your ass would be therapeutic in nature,
and I didn't suggest that you should have the therapeutic
procedure carried out non-consentually.... This is evident by my
statements below, which give no endorsement for homosexual rape
fo your decrepit and filthy old corpse-with-pulse.


>From: (Rod Swift)

>Someone asking an honest question of an old fart like Fred Cherry :)

>So Fred.... Any hunky guys been interested in picking up your
>decrepit and rotting ol' body lately?

>It's obvious you have not made fair critical use of his post :)
>Copyright breach! :) I think he'd win given your atrocious loss
>record in court cases!

>Actually, it's a gay and lesbian business guide. And I don't
>believe where I spend my money discriminates against straights.
>Or are you just pissed off that there's no SlutYellowPages?
>For Johns...

>Too chicken-shit to give us your home address, Fred? Don't you
>know that serving of writs requires that?

>Then again, I know where you live. A simple check of a number of
>records gives me that :)

>...yet. I've got t e writs right here. I'll be in New York
>in February. I hope to be able to give your wheelchair a big
>push in the direction of court soon, you decrepit and feeble old moron.

>Hey Fred, I think you need a big dick up your ass soon, to clear
>out all that shit that's backlogged into your brain.


>Now, Gwendolyn dear, would you be so kind as to tell us all your opinion of

It's Fred Cherry, with that backlog of shit going in and
infecting his brain, getting it wrong yet again, but of course.


P.S.: Fred, when you going to undergo that therapy for your
butthole blockage?
| ... ..... | Hey Fred (Cherry), I think ya |*******|
| + + + + + + + + |need a big dick up your ass soon,| ***** |
| * * * * * * * * |to clear out all that shit that's| *** |
|R o d S w i f t| backlogged into your brain!!! | * |


I would like to point out that Swift had a better lawyer than David Irving.
Swift's lawyer warned him not so sue me for libel, because if he had done
so, he would surely have lost the case. Also, Swift's statement that I am
in a wheelchair is just wishful thinking. (Fred Cherry)

Grand Duke of Yugoslobia
Duke of Vulgaria
Grand Muff-Diver of Jerusalem
& Elector of Homophobia


Later on I got into a heated discussion with Swift concerning Ernst Roehm,
the homosexual leader of the S.A. Swift, using homosexual logic, managed
to convince his many homosexual admirers that HE was a lover of Jews and
that *I* was a Nazi.

>I'm sure that some of your best friends are Jewish.
>You all say that, in one form or another.

>> All I did was ask a question!

>So if we were to ask you what makes you think you're not a bigot,
>despite all the tons of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you
>won't be insulted? That's nice to know.


Dec 23, 2001, 7:25:10 AM12/23/01
to (anne) wrote in message news:<>...
> > > I'm not saying I endorse any of the above, but the evidence IS out
> > > there.
> >
> > You're a moron if you believe this.
> Excuse me, but you can't really say that without qualifying it. I'm
> saying that there is a hypothesis that can be supported by tonnes of
> pretty convincing evidence - and you call me a moron... Why...?

Before this gets too out of hand, have we established whether this
plan has a Senior Discount and can it be combined with other offers?


Steven DeMonnin

Dec 23, 2001, 12:51:45 PM12/23/01
Susan! You have discovered the basis for anti semitism the world over!
People will be expected to wash themselves on a regular basis! How
evil, how disgusting. No wonder people hate the Jews. I am sure it is
the basis for French anti semitism. A whole industry washed away. Who
needs perfume when folks bathe on a regular bais?

and this business of treating folks with dignity and respect. Don't you
realize how much pain that would cause most people? Such killjoys'
these Jews.


Dec 23, 2001, 1:30:14 PM12/23/01
Fred Cherry wrote:

> Fritz <> writes:
> >Fred Cherry wrote:
> >> Your Nazi friend "Fritz" has written that I "richly deserved" to be
> >> called: "A KIKE & A FAGGOT!!!." Now that you and he are so sweet on each
> >> other, when are the two of you going to consumate your relationship?
> >I have already proven this to be a lie, don't you read the responses?
> >Can you read?
> >--
> > Fritz
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Taking back, my freedom of consciences!
> Okay, Nazi. I will simply repost the article I posted previously. This
> PROVES beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are a liar, as are all
> homosexual (and heterosexual) Nazis.

Okay, LIAR. I will simply repost my response to your lie.
These are the statements in question;

Your words;

> I know that the last time *I* flamed NAMBLA, one of your fellow faggots
> started an entire thread about me, to which some of your fellow faggots
> chimed in. Here it is:

My words;

Sounds like you richly deserved it too.

If you would take the trouble to read your own post, it say something
about faggots starting a thread to discredit you, and my response was
Sounds like you richly deserved it too. I see nothing in this statement
calling you any kind of names like "A KIKE & A FAGGOT!!!." You
probably need glasses among other things.
As far as name calling, you do a pretty good job of that.



Dec 23, 2001, 1:52:11 PM12/23/01
Fred Cherry wrote:

> Later on I got into a heated discussion with Swift concerning Ernst Roehm,
> the homosexual leader of the S.A. Swift, using homosexual logic, managed
> to convince his many homosexual admirers that HE was a lover of Jews and
> that *I* was a Nazi.

So Che'rie, are you a Nazi?

Susan Cohen

Dec 23, 2001, 3:31:51 PM12/23/01

Jack wrote:

You will be contacted by your local ZOG Administrator.
First contact will establish whether you are One of the Chosen (tm),
or a Race Traitor. We have many fine positions open for Race
Traitors (BTW, do you play bassoon? We're always in search of
a few good bassoonists...).

Susan Cohen
Lt. Cmdr., ZOG
DC-Middle-East Liaison
ZOG Marching Band Costume Coordinator

Susan Cohen

Dec 23, 2001, 3:33:11 PM12/23/01

Steven DeMonnin wrote:

> Susan! You have discovered the basis for anti semitism the world over!
> People will be expected to wash themselves on a regular basis! How
> evil, how disgusting. No wonder people hate the Jews. I am sure it is
> the basis for French anti semitism. A whole industry washed away. Who
> needs perfume when folks bathe on a regular bais?
> and this business of treating folks with dignity and respect. Don't you
> realize how much pain that would cause most people? Such killjoys'
> these Jews.

Actually, if you check out
you'll see that neither of us are too far off.



Dec 23, 2001, 6:21:56 PM12/23/01

"Fritz" <> wrote in message

> Fred Cherry wrote:
> > Fritz <> writes:
Fred Cherry writes


Etc Etc unto complete boredon.

Heh Fritz, Sandra etc it is Christmas, please leave poor old Fred alone for
the festive season, he is frothing at the mouth so badly, I think he is
about to crack completely

We don't not want him in the funny farm for Christmas now do we?

Let him recover somewhat and amuse us again in the new year.

Merry Christmas to all.

Fred Cherry

Dec 24, 2001, 2:20:36 AM12/24/01
Fritz <> writes:

>Fred Cherry wrote:

I see you, too, are using homosexual logic. Which is only natural, or, I
should say unnatural, since you are a homosexual.

Fred Cherry

Dec 24, 2001, 2:39:03 AM12/24/01
In alt.politics.homosexuality,

Jewish-American Princess Susan Cohen <> writes:

>Fritz wrote:

>> Fred Cherry wrote:
>> > Later on I got into a heated discussion with Swift concerning Ernst Roehm,
>> > the homosexual leader of the S.A. Swift, using homosexual logic, managed
>> > to convince his many homosexual admirers that HE was a lover of Jews and
>> > that *I* was a Nazi.
>> So Che'rie, are you a Nazi?

>No. He's got fascist tendencies, but he's definitely not a Nazi.
>Of course, just from his say so, I have to assume that this "Swift"
>person is *not* a Jew-hater.


It is not just from my say so. I posted the entire transcript, including
all of the headers. There can be no question of the truth of my charges
against Rod Swift. Your statement that you have to assume that Rod Swift
is *not* a Jew-hater is one more example that YOU are a Nazi sympathizer,
and thus the re-incarnation of Daniel Burros. See the book: "ONE MORE
VICTIM -The Life And Death Of An American Jewish Nazi", which was reviewed
in The New York Times Book Review in 1967.

Fred Cherry

Dec 24, 2001, 3:28:41 AM12/24/01
"Ramrod" <> writes:


>Merry Christmas to all.

What does YOUR Christmas have to do with anything? I have said repeatedly
that I am Jewish. These people all hate me becasue, among other things, I
am Jewish.I was watching a TV evangelist this morning (Sunday, 12/23/01)
by the name of Bayless Conley. He quoted YOUR Jesus as saying that those
who are not with him are against him. I believe that that is sound
Christian doctrine that any Christian theologian would agree with.
Therefore, since I am Jewish, you Christians cannot call me an
anti-Christian bigot when I tell you that I am an anti-Christian.

I received a spam E-Mail this morning. It said: "Let's put the X back in
Christmas. It was from an X-rated porn site. I have to agree with the
sentiments expressed in that title, since I am a connoissewer of
pornographic art.

Light Templar

Dec 24, 2001, 6:09:51 AM12/24/01

"Fred Cherry" <> wrote in message

> "Ramrod" <> writes:
> >"Fritz" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Fred Cherry wrote:
> >>
> >> > Fritz <> writes:
> >Fred Cherry writes
> >***************************************
> >Etc Etc unto complete boredon.
> >Heh Fritz, Sandra etc it is Christmas, please leave poor old Fred alone
> >the festive season, he is frothing at the mouth so badly, I think he is
> >about to crack completely
> >We don't not want him in the funny farm for Christmas now do we?
> >Let him recover somewhat and amuse us again in the new year.
> >Merry Christmas to all.
> What does YOUR Christmas have to do with anything? I have said repeatedly
> that I am Jewish. These people all hate me becasue, among other things, I
> am Jewish.I was watching a TV evangelist this morning (Sunday, 12/23/01)
> by the name of Bayless Conley. He quoted YOUR Jesus as saying that those
> who are not with him are against him. I believe that that is sound
> Christian doctrine that any Christian theologian would agree with.
> Therefore, since I am Jewish, you Christians cannot call me an
> anti-Christian bigot when I tell you that I am an anti-Christian.

That's ok Fred, it was your God that ordered the murders of all but two
people in Jerrico, and most of the lower Canaan area. Last I heard, Jesus
had never ordered a genocide.


Dec 24, 2001, 11:52:48 PM12/24/01
Fred Cherry wrote:

> Fritz <> writes:
> >Fred Cherry wrote:
> >> Later on I got into a heated discussion with Swift concerning Ernst Roehm,
> >> the homosexual leader of the S.A. Swift, using homosexual logic, managed
> >> to convince his many homosexual admirers that HE was a lover of Jews and
> >> that *I* was a Nazi.
> >So Che'rie, are you a Nazi?

> I see you, too, are using homosexual logic. Which is only natural, or, I
> should say unnatural, since you are a homosexual.

Then you are a Nazi?


Dec 25, 2001, 12:59:15 AM12/25/01
Fred Cherry wrote:


Chuck Lysaght

Dec 25, 2001, 8:38:35 AM12/25/01
Actually Fred is a very talented man with strong convictions. I know
that he is fair. When people crapped on me in a wimped-out poetry
newsgroup, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. He recognized and
acknowledged my genius. The world needs more Fred Cherrys. If only to
make us think.



Fritz <> wrote in message news:<>...


Dec 25, 2001, 12:28:25 PM12/25/01
Chuck Lysaght wrote:

> Actually Fred is a very talented man with strong convictions. I know
> that he is fair. When people crapped on me in a wimped-out poetry
> newsgroup, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. He recognized and
> acknowledged my genius. The world needs more Fred Cherrys. If only to
> make us think.
> Peace,
> Chuck

Everybody to his own taste, I always say. All I know is what
I've seen here. It ain't pretty.

David Slade

Dec 25, 2001, 12:57:18 PM12/25/01

"Fritz" <> wrote in message

> Chuck Lysaght wrote:
> > Actually Fred is a very talented man with strong convictions. I know
> > that he is fair. When people crapped on me in a wimped-out poetry
> > newsgroup, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. He recognized and
> > acknowledged my genius. The world needs more Fred Cherrys. If only to
> > make us think.
> >
> > Peace,
> >
> > Chuck
> Everybody to his own taste, I always say. All I know is what
> I've seen here. It ain't pretty.

Fritz you are a genius!

Fred Cherry

Dec 27, 2001, 3:27:03 PM12/27/01
Susan Cohen <> writes:

>Light Templar wrote:

>> That's ok Fred, it was your God that ordered the murders of all but two
>> people in Jerrico, and most of the lower Canaan area. Last I heard, Jesus
>> had never ordered a genocide.

>Then how is it that his followers managed to commit
>more of them than any other group on the planet?

An open letter to Light Templar:
Here is evidence that YOUR Jesus Christ was a man of great evil. If you
will turn to the Gospel of St. John, Chapter 15, it sez: "If a man does not
abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are
gathered, thrown into the fire and burned."

Now, if you go to your library and look at the article on the Holy
Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church in the Catholic Encyclopedia, you
will see that YOUR Jesus Christ himself, with those words, ordered his
followers to burn Jews at the stake. Be sure to demand that they allow you
to look at the original Catholic Encyclopedia. That's the one copyrighted
in 1910, and bearing the Imprimature of John M. Farley, Archbishop of New
York. Don't let the library palm off the "New Catholic Encyclopedia", which
is an expurgated and sanitized version of the original. Farley GUARANTEES
that this original encyclopedia is free from error.

Don't forget Saint Peter of Arbuez. He was the right-hand man of
Torquemada. Torquemada was the Grand Inquisitor and torturer of the Holy
Inquisition in Spain. Read about that saint in "Butler's Lives of the
Saints." Again, you have to read about him in the ORIGINAL, and not an
abridged and sanitized version of that book.

Saint Peter of Arbuez burned six hundred Jews at the stake. After so doing,
he was bumped off by some Jews. Those Jews had as much justification for
bumping off that saint as the United States has for bumping off Osama Bin
Laden. Anyway, he was made a saint in 1871. In order to become a saint, a
Roman Catholic has to be responsible for at least two miracles. The
miracles attributed to Saint Peter of Arbuez are that he appeared in a
vision to his followers and urged them to burn MORE Jews at the stake!

Here is some material from my archives. I call this person Mr. Golden
Asshole because there is a Roman satire titled: "The Golden Ass of

In Message-ID: <4692sj$>
Subject: Re: Where does which Bible condem Homosexuality?
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 21:05:02 GMT (Apuleius) wrote:

>Pagans were quite tolerant of other religions. Those not acceptable
>were usually ones having political overtones deemed dangerous to the
>Judaism brought INTOLERANCE into Western Civilization.
>What goes around, comes around.
>There is a straight and narrow road running from Leviticus to

OK. Mr. Golden Asshole, let's see what one of the homosexuals' all-time
favorites has to say on the subject of tolerance. This is from the article
on the Inquisition which appears in the Catholic Encyclopedia. That's the
Catholic Encyclopedia, Copyright 1910, published by Robert Appleton
Company, and not to be confused with the New Catholic Encyclopedia
published in 1954. The 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia is GUARANTEED to be
error-free by none other than John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York. Here
is what appears on page 35 of the Volume which contains the article on the

(4) How are we to explain the Inquisition in the light of its
own period?--For the true office of the historian is not to
defend facts and conditions, but to study and understand them in
their natural course and connexion.--It is indisputable that in
the past scarcely any community or nation vouchsafed perfect
toleration to those who set up a creed different from that of the
generality. A kind of iron law would seem to dispose mankind to
religious intolerance. Even long before the Roman State tried to
check with violence the rapid encroachments of Christianity,
Plato had declared it one of the supreme duties of the
govermental authority in his ideal State to show no tolerance
toward the "godless"--that is, toward those who denied the state
religion--even though they were content to live quietly and
without proselytizing; their very example, he said, would be
dangerous. They were to be kept in custody "in a place where one
grew wise" [There is a Greek word in parentheses at this point
which I do not understand], as the place of incarceration was
euphemistically called; they should be relegated thither for five
years and during this time listen to religious instruction every
day. The more active and proselytizing opponents of the state
religion were to be imprisoned for life in dreadful dungeons, and
after death to be deprived of burial.

I keep seeing homosexual propaganda about what a great man Plato was and
how terrible it would be if someone like him were denied the right to teach
children. Well, as far as I am concerned, I don't think a monster like that
should be allowed anywhere near children.

Fred Cherry

Dec 27, 2001, 4:58:19 PM12/27/01
to (Wart Stewart) writes:

>On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 13:57:18 -0400, "David Slade"
><dsl...@sid.westlink.rccola> wrote:

>>"Fritz" <> wrote in message
>>> Chuck Lysaght wrote:
>>> > Actually Fred is a very talented man with strong convictions. I know
>>> > that he is fair. When people crapped on me in a wimped-out poetry
>>> > newsgroup, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. He recognized and
>>> > acknowledged my genius. The world needs more Fred Cherrys. If only to
>>> > make us think.
>>> >
>>> > Peace,
>>> >
>>> > Chuck
>>> Everybody to his own taste, I always say. All I know is what
>>> I've seen here. It ain't pretty.
>>Fritz you are a genius!

>My admiration for Fritz is substantial -- however one must point out
>that it does not require great skills of perception to recognize that
>a pismire stinks.

>Fred is just barely human -- I have been reminded of the line in The
>Tempest where the speaker says, "Oh, touch me not, I am a cramp."
>Colic in the tripes of humanity, that's our Fred.


Do you know what terrible crime I have committed that causes Wart
Stewart to regard me as less than human? I have dared to criticize that
great homosexual icon Andrea Dworkin, his favorite author!!

Here I what I have said:

Consider the book INTERCOURSE, by Andrea Dworkin. In that book Dworkin
sets forth the proposition that sexual intercourse between men an women
UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES is a terrible evil perpetrated upon women by men
and should cease. As part of her thesis, she claims that men have no
respect for women. She say that men, in general have a: "goose-stepping
hatred for the cunt." She quotes various writers. She quotes, for example,
Somerset Maugham, on page 170, as follows:

The professor of Gynaecology: He began his course of lectures
as follows: Gentlemen, woman is an animal that micturates
once a day, defecates once a week, menstruates once a month,
parturates once a year and copulates whenever she has the
I thought it a prettily-balanced sentence.

Yeah, sure. Only Dworkin fails to inform us that Maugham was homosexual.
She does that several other times. She quotes homosexual woman-haters and
palms them off as normal men. I have read several reviews of her book and I
have not found one review which mentions this deception.

Dworkin is as much of a fraud as is Jewish-American Princess Susan Cohen.
Cohen claims that she opposes NAMBLA. But she has never posted anything to
refute the spokesmen for NAMBLA when they post messages glorifying and
exalting homosexual child-molesting. She only posts denunciations of me
when *I* criticize NAMBLA.

Light Templar

Dec 27, 2001, 11:45:42 PM12/27/01

"Fred Cherry" <> wrote in message

> Susan Cohen <> writes:
> >Light Templar wrote:
> >> That's ok Fred, it was your God that ordered the murders of all but two
> >> people in Jerrico, and most of the lower Canaan area. Last I heard,
> >> had never ordered a genocide.
> >Then how is it that his followers managed to commit
> >more of them than any other group on the planet?
> An open letter to Light Templar:
> Here is evidence that YOUR Jesus Christ

Short answer to Fred.. He's not my Jesus Christ. You won't see him
dangling from my rear view mirror.

Fred Cherry

Dec 28, 2001, 11:26:55 AM12/28/01
"David Slade" <dsl...@sid.westlink.rccola> writes:

>"Fritz" <> wrote in message
>> Chuck Lysaght wrote:
>> > Actually Fred is a very talented man with strong convictions. I know
>> > that he is fair. When people crapped on me in a wimped-out poetry
>> > newsgroup, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. He recognized and
>> > acknowledged my genius. The world needs more Fred Cherrys. If only to
>> > make us think.
>> >
>> > Peace,
>> >
>> > Chuck
>> Everybody to his own taste, I always say. All I know is what
>> I've seen here. It ain't pretty.

>Fritz you are a genius!

Fritz is indeed a genius. An evil genius, like his idol Adolf Hitler.

Make no mistake. Hitler was indeed a political genius, just as Napoleon
Bonaparte was a military genius. And both of them overreached themselves
by trying to conquer Russia.

David Slade

Dec 28, 2001, 12:19:04 PM12/28/01

"Fred Cherry" <> wrote in message

> "David Slade" <dsl...@sid.westlink.rccola> writes:
> >"Fritz" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Chuck Lysaght wrote:
> >>
> >> > Actually Fred is a very talented man with strong convictions. I know
> >> > that he is fair. When people crapped on me in a wimped-out poetry
> >> > newsgroup, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. He recognized and
> >> > acknowledged my genius. The world needs more Fred Cherrys. If only to
> >> > make us think.
> >> >
> >> > Peace,
> >> >
> >> > Chuck
> >>
> >> Everybody to his own taste, I always say. All I know is what
> >> I've seen here. It ain't pretty.
> >Fritz you are a genius!
> Fritz is indeed a genius. An evil genius, like his idol Adolf Hitler.
> Make no mistake. Hitler was indeed a political genius, just as Napoleon
> Bonaparte was a military genius. And both of them overreached themselves
> by trying to conquer Russia.

Ah, so you are saying Fritz should not bother trying to conquer Russia. Good

Fred Cherry

Dec 28, 2001, 3:05:58 PM12/28/01
"David Slade" <dsl...@sid.westlink.rccola> writes:

>"Fred Cherry" <> wrote in message
>> "David Slade" <dsl...@sid.westlink.rccola> writes:
>> >"Fritz" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> Chuck Lysaght wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Actually Fred is a very talented man with strong convictions. I know
>> >> > that he is fair. When people crapped on me in a wimped-out poetry
>> >> > newsgroup, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. He recognized and
>> >> > acknowledged my genius. The world needs more Fred Cherrys. If only to
>> >> > make us think.
>> >> >
>> >> > Peace,
>> >> >
>> >> > Chuck
>> >>
>> >> Everybody to his own taste, I always say. All I know is what
>> >> I've seen here. It ain't pretty.
>> >Fritz you are a genius!
>> Fritz is indeed a genius. An evil genius, like his idol Adolf Hitler.
>> Make no mistake. Hitler was indeed a political genius, just as Napoleon
>> Bonaparte was a military genius. And both of them overreached themselves
>> by trying to conquer Russia.

>Ah, so you are saying Fritz should not bother trying to conquer Russia. Good

Wrong. I'm saying he shouldn't try using Hitler's technique of "the big
lie." Fritz isn't as good with that technique as Hitler was.

And so, in conclusion, verily I say unto you, in the immortal words of the
great homosexual poet Gene Ward Smith:

"Fuck your ass
with broken glass!"

(Copyright 1995 by Gene Ward Smith)

David Slade

Dec 28, 2001, 4:05:24 PM12/28/01

"Fred Cherry" <> wrote in message

What exactly is this technique of 'the big lie'? What are it's properties?
How does it work?

> And so, in conclusion, verily I say unto you, in the immortal words of the
> great homosexual poet Gene Ward Smith:
> "Fuck your ass
> with broken glass!"

Never heard of him. Not into kinky sex. Definately not into kinky sex with
you. Actually, wouldn't consider any kind of sex with you. In other words:
flirting will get you no where.


Dec 29, 2001, 4:00:30 AM12/29/01
Fred Cherry wrote:

> "David Slade" <dsl...@sid.westlink.rccola> writes:
> >"Fritz" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Chuck Lysaght wrote:
> >>
> >> > Actually Fred is a very talented man with strong convictions. I know
> >> > that he is fair. When people crapped on me in a wimped-out poetry
> >> > newsgroup, he gave me the benefit of the doubt. He recognized and
> >> > acknowledged my genius. The world needs more Fred Cherrys. If only to
> >> > make us think.
> >> >
> >> > Peace,
> >> >
> >> > Chuck
> >>
> >> Everybody to his own taste, I always say. All I know is what
> >> I've seen here. It ain't pretty.
> >Fritz you are a genius!
> Fritz is indeed a genius. An evil genius, like his idol Adolf Hitler.
> Make no mistake. Hitler was indeed a political genius, just as Napoleon
> Bonaparte was a military genius. And both of them overreached themselves
> by trying to conquer Russia.

I don't think anyone would have nearly as much trouble conquering you.

Light Templar

Dec 27, 2001, 11:45:42 PM12/27/01

"Fred Cherry" <> wrote in message

> Susan Cohen <> writes:
> >Light Templar wrote:
> >> That's ok Fred, it was your God that ordered the murders of all but two
> >> people in Jerrico, and most of the lower Canaan area. Last I heard,
> >> had never ordered a genocide.
> >Then how is it that his followers managed to commit
> >more of them than any other group on the planet?
> An open letter to Light Templar:
> Here is evidence that YOUR Jesus Christ

Short answer to Fred.. He's not my Jesus Christ. You won't see him

dangling from my rear view mirror.

========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======:
Message-ID: <>
Control: cancel <>
Subject: cmsg cancel <>
From: fr...@format.err
Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality
X-No-Archive: yes
Lines: 2
X-Trace: 1009698811 (Sun, 30 Dec 2001 18:53:31 EST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 18:53:31 EST
Organization: OzEmail Ltd, Australia
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Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 06:33:29 GMT

This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.

Pope Snarky Goodfella of the undulating cable, JM, CK, POEE, KOTHASK, GGGHD, CPFG

Jan 27, 2002, 10:47:39 PM1/27/02
In the Land of alt.politics.homosexuality where the Shadows lie, on the
dark and terrible day of Sat, 26 Jan 2002, when the Dark Lord fell one more
time, Eris Kallisti Discordia spoke to me through Mike C's flonking:

>Does it exist?
>Have you ever known us to agree on anything? Get 10 Jews together and
>you'll have 11 opinions ;-)

I imagine there might well be a _bunch_ of "Jewish World Plans" -- though I
rather doubt any of them constitute anything more than fond
ambitions...After all, Jewish people can be megalomaniacs too, can't they?
I think the bigot who started this thread was just projecting, myself...

"Covert ace nudists in the Vatican!"
Snarky, The God of Odd Statements; GGGHD; HCNB
"America is supposed to be the world's melting pot,
so melt!!" -- from some BBS
ICQ: 135930147; E-mail: feetofclayatshawdotca
"There are no governors anywhere."

Pope Snarky Goodfella of the undulating cable, JM, CK, POEE, KOTHASK, GGGHD, CPFG

Jan 30, 2002, 12:55:25 AM1/30/02
In the Land of alt.politics.homosexuality where the Shadows lie, on the
dark and terrible day of Tue, 29 Jan 2002, when the Dark Lord fell one more
time, Eris Kallisti Discordia spoke to me through David Ehrens's flonking:
>Pope Snarky Goodfella wrote:

>> I imagine there might well be a _bunch_ of "Jewish World
>> Plans" -- though I rather doubt any of them constitute
>A few years back I read a funny contribution to the Jewish humor
>newsgroup which playfully recreated the minutes of the monstrous
>Jewish conspiracy. A bunch of elderly guys first have to decide
>what kind of sandwiches to order before they get down to the
>business of running the world, but the whole process breaks down
>into squabbling about who got to order them the last time, etc.

Yeah, it's as absurd as the International Homosexual Conspiracy, isn't it?
Sheer rubbish.

Pope Snarky Goodfella of the undulating cable, JM, CK, POEE, KOTHASK, GGGHD, CPFG

Jan 30, 2002, 4:59:39 AM1/30/02
In the Land of alt.politics.homosexuality where the Shadows lie, on the
dark and terrible day of Wed, 30 Jan 2002, when the Dark Lord fell one more

time, Eris Kallisti Discordia spoke to me through David Ehrens's flonking:
>Pope Snarky Goodfella wrote:
>>>A few years back I read a funny contribution to the Jewish
>>>humor newsgroup which playfully recreated the minutes of the
>>>monstrous Jewish conspiracy. A bunch of elderly guys first
>>>have to decide what kind of sandwiches to order before they
>>>get down to the business of running the world, but the whole
>>>process breaks down into squabbling about who got to order
>>>them the last time, etc.
>> Yeah, it's as absurd as the International Homosexual
>> Conspiracy, isn't it? Sheer rubbish.
>Of course it's sheer rubbish! I did mention that I had seen it in
>a *humor* newsgroup.

Oh, damn. I should remember not to post while asleep...


Jan 30, 2002, 3:32:09 AM1/30/02

Pope Snarky

> Yeah, it's as absurd as the International Homosexual Conspiracy,
> isn't it? Sheer rubbish.

But there is an International Homose


I meant, of course its sheer rubbish! Yeah that's it, that's the
ticket, it's *Sheer* *Rubbish*!

That's what I meant.

Susan Cohen

Jan 30, 2002, 12:07:38 PM1/30/02

JTEM wrote:

I always thought that the International Homosexal Conspiracy
was one of the cells of the Zionist Occupational Government -
along with the Hysterical Feminist (Lesbian) Radicals.
I mean, we Joooz pick only the best.



Jan 30, 2002, 12:56:39 PM1/30/02

Who gives a shit? I just care about the Zionist garbage killing people
and destrying their homes, jews can plan whatever they want!

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