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Western erocide spreads

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Jim Bowery

Apr 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/23/97

This message, primarily to oriental men, is an apology for the sexual
behavior of some of my kin from the West, and an appeal to the men of the
orient for some comprehension of our plight so as to help create ways to
extract ourselves from this deadly situation.

My Geneology

I start with my geneology since ancestry is key to the current conflict
over sexual exploitation between peoples. My ancestors recognized
their ancestors as spiritually important in their lives -- just as do
many in the orient today. It is in this spirit that I offer this
information about myself.

I am almost entirely of stock descended from Quakers and other Norse from
the area between Great Britain and the Baltic Sea. These Quakers were
isolated in the hills of the north countries of Europe until they found
themselves "in the world but not of it" during the 1600's refusing to
adopt the state religions imposed by the Pope in Rome and the Protestant
monarchs north and west of the Alps. We kept alive the old Norse
tradition of sitting together with no "preacher", individually standing
and speaking to the group when the "inward light" spoke to our hearts --
for we, like the Shinto -- understood that this light is a birthright --
not a grant of external authority. Almost immediately we were expelled by
the kings of Europe and had to find friendly tribes of Native Americans
with whom to live in the New World. Living strict moral lives, with very
few exceptions we allowed the Native Americans to continue in their own
belief systems unmolested, and were not known for any war-like behaviors
until World War II. Then a great split occured within the community
caused by governmental interference as well as displacement of local moral
authority by the remote and unaccountable propaganda emerging from

Today, the Quakers are a mere shell of what they once were -- but a bit of
our ancestral tradition lives on in scattered rural individuals, even if
they no longer identify as Quakers.

My specific branch is primarily Scots-Irish, including a clan that allied
with Robert the Bruce against the Crown in England, who passed through
Lancaster County Pennsylvania as the earliest European settlers. We were
followed by Mennonite and Amish settlers. Another branch consisted of
pre-Revolutionary war settlers that moved directly to the hills of
Appalachia in Sullivan County Tennessee and didn't come down from their
farms until around 1900 when they settled in Iowa as farmers.

An Apology and Our Shared Plight

As men of ancestry north and west of the Alps have been sexually and
reproductively displaced by men of Mediterranean ancestry, they have
increasingly sought solace in the women of the orient. This displacement
of a people or ethnic group via differential male fertility between the
ethnic groups is a phenomenon called "erocide" rather than "genocide", for
it relies on the erotic, not violent, the incidental, not intentional, the
systemic, not systematic. The results, which are the elimination of a
genetic group, are the same for erocide and genocide. The lack of
conscious intent is no excuse. I am seeking not forgiveness, but greater
comprehension of the nature of the problem by pointing out that the
results are incidental.

Western erocide extends back to at least the time of the Roman Empire,
particularly as the post-Disaspora phenomena subjugated the peoples north
and west of the Alps through the use of appealing myths and stories -- not
unlike the way appealing myths and stories spread by Hollywood throughout
the world today make young women in the orient identify with Western
values more than their own values -- and force young oriental males to be
more "Western" in culture and appearance.

It is no coincidence that the same people, Jews, who originated
Christianity's enthralling stories are the people who enthrall us today
with stories told by Hollywood. Storytelling as a means of capturing a
culture is embedded in the post-Diaspora Jewish way of life. It is not
conspiratorial -- but it _is_ falsely inspirational.

Jews don't conspire, they falsely inspire.

This may have begun as a survival tactic when Rome conquered them and
dispersed them to its frontiers north and west of the Alps, but the
success of false inspiration has transformed it into genetic predation
that uses cultural maniplulation to achieve its ends.

The anger that many orientals, particularly young male orientals, feel
toward Westerners, particuarly western males, is all too understandable to
those of us who have experienced a similar displacement at the hands of
Mediterranean. Particularly during the post-war baby-boom generation's
fertile years the secular Jewish doctrines of feminism and sexual
liberation opened up the genetic flood-gates and eliminated even the few
moral protections Christianity held out to our folk. The results have
been devistating. I estimate that for the baby boom generation alone,
between 50 million to 150 million children of north and western european
ancestry have not been born who otherwise would have been -- and those
who were born experienced broken families and degraded economic conditions.
(It appears the Mediterranean response to this will be to focus a
backlash against Blacks in the West -- something that would be less
successful than Hitler's attempt to eliminate Jewish influence during
World War II. "The OJ Simpson Show" was only one aspect of this

Look carefully at the images that come out of Hollywood and see if you
don't agree that blond or red-haired men (the sterotypical hair color of
north and west of the Alps) and oriental men are portrayed in humiliating
and demoralizing roles with approximately equal frequency. Now compare
this frequency to that of the Mediterranean men who are continually
portrayed as great lovers and moral leaders who all women should aspire to
reward with their sexual favors.

Males with north and western European ancestry have benefitted from some
of this imagery in our sexual and reproductive relations with oriental
women primarily because we are identified as from the same culture as
Hollywood by the more distant oriental cultures ("all round-eyes look the
same" to many orientals just as "all slant-eyes look the same" to many

The barriers between east and west have kept this cultural disease
somewhat at bay and contained within the West, but it is gradually
seeping through the electronic distribution channels as well as
international trade. Japan is threatened by feminist and sexual
liberationist ideologies as never before -- even as the erocidal AIDS
epidemic spreads into the Orient. Young men are encouraged to express
their sexual frustration by turning to homosexuality rather than
confronting the disease head-long -- just as our young men were --
thereby exposing them not only to feminizing influences that will leave
them without families or children -- but also to this deadlly and
insideous epidemic.

Coupled with these events is the marriage of the elite secular Jewish
Rothschild family into the Royal family of Japan -- much as the wealthy
Jewish merchants, such as the Rothschilds, married into the warrior kings
of north and western Europe even as those kingdoms were Christianized.
(JudeoChristianity boiled down to Mediterraneans saying to other
Europeans "Treat us as you treat yourselves and we'll treat you as
customers or as orphaned children." This was the source of the Protestant

In China, the problems are potentially even more devastating and
destructive. There, the surplus of young men born of the
one-child-per-family doctrines of the Communist regimes has created a
nightmare demography in which young women are at a sexual premium even as
they are being appealed to by Western cultural diseases such as feminism
and sexual liberationism -- both of which tend to concentrate the sexual
favors of young women among fewer men via de facto polygyny.

These young Chinese men are increasingly sexually humiliated by the young
women who are being encouraged in their sexual and feminist liberations by
"United Nations Conferences" on the status of women, as well as the
erocidal Hollywood propaganda to which orientals are increasingly exposed.

This sort of sexual humiliation of young men during periods of erocide is
what can lead to war -- just as it did with the Germany against the Jews
in World War II -- and just as it has done with the "howling barbarians
of the north" ever since the Roman Empire gave way to the Vatican Empire
and its war with the Vikings.

Ultimately, we see the outcome of such wars are not very favorable to
those who must resort to violence as a response to erocide. I say this
not as a way of appeasing the oriental male's warrior instincts, but as a
simple observation of historic fact. My ancestors thrived by pioneering
frontiers in peace with those they encountered -- by honest and honorable
dealing -- and by relying on the disciplined use of technologies that
produced the stuff of life. They actually did better than their kin
that stayed at home and fought battles with the JudeoChristian Kings.

One out of four of my ancestors died during the first year after migration
to the new world, but they flourished in spite of these odds -- which are
actually worse than the odds many soldiers experience when they go into

A Challenge and An Inviation

So here is the challenge before us as men:

Can we find a way to sacrifice our lives, not using our technical might in a
battle against each other, but together in a battle against the rigors of
lifeless environments that await fertility?

I have already foresworn the solace I could have found in a misled
oriental woman's embrace. This was not easy for me due to the deadly
diseases of feminism and sexual liberation broadcast among us in the west
that infected so many of my potenital marriage partners. Under less
erocidal conditions, I may not have adopted this posture, but I felt
honor-bound to do so given our current problems and the threat of war they
bring. I would not expect any self-respecting man of the orient to deal
with a western man as an equal if that western man had taken an oriental
bride, or worse, sexually used an oriental woman, without providing some
fair compensation in recognition of the sexual imbalance we are

I am willing to share my substantial technical know-how with men of the
orient who will accept this apology for my kin and will similarly forewear
retaliation against my kin for the sexual wrongs done to oriental blood
and culture while we were under erocidal conditions from Mediterrean
cultures ourselves -- men who are not content with being feminized or
accepting homosexuality as an alternative to war -- men who rise above
their animal nature using technology to demonstrate the nobility of man as
a moral animal.

My ancestors identified themselves as "The Society of Friends". They
spoke truth to power, which made them the enemies of powerful people.
They were not always "friendly" to everyone in the shallow sense expected
of our hypocritical society. Likewise, I am hated by many people with
powers that serve erocide despite the fact that I am, in truth, their best
friend -- as truth is, in fact, always our friend.

I propose a different society that is similar in spirit to the original
"Society of Friends" -- one that recognizes that the ancestral light,
passed down by our unique lineages, shines from a source that is at least
as ancient as Life itself. A Society that recognizes our differences are
precious gifts as well as dangerous powers passed down to us by our
ancestors, and they must be preserved, protected and cultivated for the
future as a sacred legacy.

I am a Friend of Life and invite those oriental and western men who can
foreswear not only genocide, but the subtler and more tempting crimes
against Life I herein call "erocide", to seek honorable dealings with one
another in the creation of the stuff of Life out of the barren wastes.

It is time to bid Mother farewell.
The promotion of politics exterminates apolitical genes in the population.
The promotion of frontiers gives apolitical genes a route to survival.
Change the tools and you change the rules.

Paul Kekai Manansala

Apr 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/23/97

n article <>, (Jim Bowery) wrote:

>As men of ancestry north and west of the Alps have been sexually and
>reproductively displaced by men of Mediterranean ancestry, they have
>increasingly sought solace in the women of the orient. This displacement
>of a people or ethnic group via differential male fertility between the
>ethnic groups is a phenomenon called "erocide" rather than "genocide", for
>it relies on the erotic, not violent, the incidental, not intentional, the
>systemic, not systematic. The results, which are the elimination of a
>genetic group, are the same for erocide and genocide. The lack of
>conscious intent is no excuse. I am seeking not forgiveness, but greater
>comprehension of the nature of the problem by pointing out that the
>results are incidental.

I won't comment on what "Mediterraneans" are doing to Northern
Europeans. But I don't think what's happening between Asian
women and white men can be considered what you call "erocide."

First of all, most of these men are seeking brides from overseas
and bringing them to the United States. This seems to be sort
of a reverse erocide, since these men are increasing the
non-white population here. Not only do they bring an "oriental"
woman to these shores, but they usually must send for her relatives,
and the children of these unions will be half-Asian. If these
men were going to settle in the respective Asian countries, then
you might have a point. As far as I know, Asian men in Asian
countries do not have a hard time finding wives (except possibly
in mainland China due to birth control policies).

Now you might say that Caucasians marrying AA women might be
a form of erocide in the U.S. But even here what often happens
is that the Asian men who are having a tough time also resort to
their home countries for "arranged marriages." And they also
usually petition the wife's relatives over. So, all in all, you
have a net gain in the oreenal population.

The AIDS problem is another matter, although I think it has been
overstated. One of the reasons we are finally seeing action against
prostitution in Asia is because of AIDS. There is no doubt that the
behavior of some Westerners in Asia is disgraceful, and poses some
problems especially regarding sexual health. But I doubt if it
threatens Asians demographically in any way.


>Coupled with these events is the marriage of the elite secular Jewish
>Rothschild family into the Royal family of Japan --

Is this true. What is your source for this information?

Paul Kekai Manansala

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