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Sanctions Must Remove Kim Jong Il - Quote from 'The Nature Of War' {HRI 20051027-V1.6.1} - (link corrected)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 20, 2006, 8:34:59 AM10/20/06
'Only Kim's removal would stop nukes,' says - correctly - the
highest defector and former mentor of North Korean's "leader"
Kim Jong Il.

Sanctions, against North Korea and its supporters, must demand
his removal, per the First International Law. *(21)


The Nature of War

27 October 2005
{HRI 20051027-V1.6.1}

(Version 1.6.1
on 19 Oct 2006)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


' ... you are basically fighting enemies who
are Criminal Minds, or people who are
COMPELLED by Criminal Minds into being
enemies too. {I-01}

And so it has always been, and so it always
will be, but none of the books on warfare
mention it at all... {I-02}

Yet that is THE strategy by which you have
to fight any war, because THAT IS the nature
of war.' {I-03} (*)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
Human Rights Philosopher and Poet

'King Solomon was greater
in riches and wisdom
than all the other kings
of the earth.'

2 Chronicles 9:22

Quoted from, and continued in:

'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.6.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6.1 on 19 Oct 2006)
(link corrected, to point to Version 1.6.1)


(As always in the HRI's - the more
indentation, the more detail you get,
and the less indentation you include,
the more you will have a summary.)

(a) Now, for the first time, you have a correct definition
of 'enemy' (see above).

Part of any warfare, is the enemy deceiving people.

( ... ) ( ... )

(e) Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing The Nature of War.

Naturally they do not want you to know the Nature of War, and
they want you to "know" it wrongly:

So they can win more easily.

( ... ) ( ... )

(g) Knowing the Nature of War, you can actually figure out by
yourself, how to win a war, and how to prevent one.
(See References, below.)

( ... ) ( ... )

(h) Those three small paragraphs at the top {I-01, I-02, I-03},
which state The Nature of War,

have taken (me) many thousands of years to understand,

the present value to the society, of those three paragraphs,
could be measured in trillions of dollars. This is suggested
by the Textnotes above, and by the References below.

(21) 'The First International Law'
{HRI 20021124-V2.0}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)


Copyright 2005-2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)


Oct 20, 2006, 8:55:48 AM10/20/06

The nuclear genie is out of the bottle and has been for some time.

The days when the "balance of terror" was at least a semi-valid concept
are long gone--today, when one considers that regimes in backward and
corrupt former USSR member-states have nuclear capabilities as well as
places such as Pakistan, India, probably Iran and who knows how many
other countries, one can hardly bank on the common sense and essential
humanity of those regimes when it comes to using nukes or not. The
balance of terror worked because back in the day of essentially two
nuclear superpowers, both knew that starting something nuclear assured
their own destruction. Today, with rogue nations having (or getting
close to possessing) nukes, who's to say that the next conflagration
won't be caused by some madman with a religious death-wish?

I think North Korea is one of the least of the world's worries. The
puppetmasters in Beijing aren't going to let their puppet Kim do
something that will cause America to take a giant shit on China's
doorstep. Kim may strut and posture all he wants, but in the end he'll
do exactly what his handlers tell him to do.


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