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"First of all the police are goyim [gentiles]. HAARETZ

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Jun 11, 2006, 2:21:46 AM6/11/06

"First of all the police are goyim [gentiles].

Many times they tell the shvartze [black],
who is the perpetrator, what to say so they
shouldn't get arrested and then they tell
him to press charges against the Jew."
Up on Crime Heights

By Shahar Smooha


When about half a dozen police cruisers
blocked the corner of Kingston Avenue
and Lefferts Street in the Crown Heights,

the street was already flooded with people.

Gadi Hershkop, broad-shouldered,
bearded and short-tempered,
stood under a traffic light
and took care of business.

He placed several bearded young
men in dark pants and blue T-shirts
around two men, who looked a bit dazed.

He barked orders and updates into a
walkie-talkie and two cellular phones.

When he was satisfied,
he conversed with Shlomi Klein,
a bearded red-head who stood
beside him.

Twenty minutes earlier,
the two men who were
surrounded by the tough guys -
Mossi Slater and his father -
had returned from Saturday
night services at the main
synagogue of the Chabad movement.

When the two Hasidim dressed in black suits,
skullcaps and ritual fringes walked past the corner,
a black youth called the elder Slater a "stinking Jew"
and pushed him.

When Mossi, 20, tried to intervene,
the youngster punched him hard in
the face.

The assailant vanished into the darkness
but despite the proximity to their home
and the knowledge that most of the buildings
in the area are inhabited by Chabad Hasidim,
the two men were alone.

The Slaters were in need of help,
but the thought of calling 911 -
the police - did not even occur to them.

Instead, they dialed a seven-digit number
that the Lubavitcher Hasidim in Crown Heights
know by heart or keep in the memories of their

Within a few minutes three civilian
cars arrived at the intersection.

They were driven by Shomrim -
an unarmed Jewish self-defense organization,
which operates in the neighborhood where the
heart of Lubavitcher Hasidism beats and
where Jews live alongside blacks.

The Shomrim secured the dark corner,
treated Mossi Slater's slight injuries
and took statements from him and his father.

Only then did they call the police.

While the police were dealing with the incident,
the Hasidim observed the men in blue,
smoked cigarettes and kvetched
about the recent rise in the
crime rate in the neighborhood.

According to police figures, in 2005,
18 people were murdered in Crown Heights,
a significant increase over 2004.

Earlier this year Chabad Hasid Ephraim
(Fredrick) Klein was murdered.

Despite a large monetary reward offered
to anyone who comes forward with information
that will lead to the murderer,
no one has been arrested.

No wonder some people call
the neighborhood Crime

Last line of defense

There are no figures that show that
the approximately 15,000 Chabad Hasidim
who live in the neighborhood are suffering
more than their neighbors from the increasing
crime, but the Jews don't need numbers.

They feel threatened in an environment
they describe as "anti-Semitic" and are
convinced that they need the tough volunteer

they say the members of the community
feel more comfortable calling the Shomrim
than the police.

As a unit that is based on volunteers,
the Shomrim see themselves as the last
line of defense for the Chabadniks in
the neighborhood -

against the outside world in general
and against the blacks in particular.

"People [from the community] call us
because they are more familiar with us.

They know our faces. When we come to a
scene we understand the people and the
culture," says Isaac Zellermaier,

the unofficial leader of the Shomrim
and the organization's liaison with
the New York Police Department.
Baruch Spielman,

formerly head of the Jewish community
council of the neighborhood who is also
a member of the organization, agrees.

"For a fire you'd call 911,
but for the police you first
call the guards and then 911,"
he says.

"First of all the police are goyim [gentiles].

Many times they tell the shvartze [black],
who is the perpetrator, what to say so they
shouldn't get arrested and then they tell
him to press charges against the Jew."

Prof. Samuel Heilman,
a sociologist from Queens College
in New York who specializes in
Hasidic communities,

says it is possible to understand
why the Hasidim perceive themselves
as being under constant threat.

According to him,

"The Jewish community in Crown Heights is tiny.

Even in some of the streets where
they live they are a minority,

and that's why they feel unprotected
when they compare themselves to other
Hasidic communities in Williamsburg
or Flatbush or Boro Park."

The Jewish community's need for
the Shomrim is clear to the leaders
of the Lubavitcher community.

They remember painfully the "pogrom"
they experienced during four long days
of the summer of 1991.

According to them,
in the events that eventually became
known as "the Crown Heights riots" the
police abandoned the Jewish community
to the mercies of the black rioters who
rampaged in the neighborhood, looting,
beating and murdering.

NYPD ambivalence

However, not everyone views the existence
of the Jewish civil guard with enthusiasm.

The NYPD relates to the Shomrim with ambivalence.

On the one hand, this is not the only
civil organization in New York that
acts to reduce crime and deter criminals.

On the other hand,
the police do not like it when
other bodies gnaw at its status
as the holder of the monopoly on
the use of force in society.

According to neighborhood
police officer Vincent Martinoz,
who is responsible for liaison
with the organization,

"They are not allowed by law
or not even sanctioned by us
to stop anybody on the street.

They can only be observers,
to watch what's going on and
not to put their hand on anybody."

The non-Jewish residents of Crown
Heights also have reservations about
the organization's activity.

It is not hard to understand them.

When a group of tough guys
relates to the neighborhood
like sheriffs relate to their
county and when these tough
guys allow themselves to capture,
detain and sometimes beat suspects,
nearly all of whom are black,
from time to time voices are
heard accusing the Shomrim of racism.

A number of violent incidents in recent
years have only reinforced this impression
among black residents and leaders in New York.

At the corner of Kingston and Lefferts, Gadi Hershkop,
the 31-year-old driver of a girls' school bus and the
coordinator of the Shomrim, forecasts a hot summer.

"When the weather gets warm, the problems begin.

It's like that every year but now it's worse.

Crime is on the rise and it's getting
tense here with these shvartze animals.

It's like a war zone out here."

Before he finished enumerating his complaints,
another call came in from Shomrim headquarters.

A group of men was sent to the corner
of Empire Street and Brooklyn Avenue to
help a Jewish couple in a car.

The couple said black youths had
thrown a large stone at the windshield
of their car and fled.

hank God the glass did not break, they added,
pointing to the scratch caused by the rock.

Hershkop and Klein said the two incidents
reinforce the impression the neighborhood
has been making on them for many years now.

Each intersection they passed stirred up memories.

"Right over there,
on the corner of Schenectady and Carroll,
a young Jewish boy was recently mugged of
his cell phone and beaten up by a shvartze
so badly he had to be hospitalized," says Hershkop.

"On East New York,
between Kingston and Brooklyn,
a woman had her wallet snatched;

at Union and Brooklyn,
shvartze girls assaulted a young Jewish girl,
stole her cellphone and had her earring removed
out of her ear."

Be a mensch

Pensive and nostalgic, Hershkop and Klein,
a fruit merchant of 28, continued to pursue
suspicious activity. Both of them joined the
Shomrim when they were teenagers.

Hershkop did so during the 1991 riots.

"I remember the shvartzes were
coming from all directions.

They burned a van right
outside of the synagogue.
They overturned cars.
They chased and beat Jews.
The mayor didn't care and
the police couldn't do shit.

It was important that we would be out on the street,
showing people that there's somebody they can count on."

According to Hershkop,
a person who wants to join
the Shomrim must live in the

have a job and not have a criminal record.

The members of the organization
refuse to say how many people belong,
but at least two teams of them patrol
the Jewish part of the neighborhood
every night.

They look for burglars,
perverts and anyone who
could harm a Jew from the community.

"You don't have to be a
big tough guy to join us,"
the big man laughed.

"Above all you have to be a mensch [human being]."

The Jews of Crown Heights felt the
need to establish their own defense
group in the early 1960s.

At that time black immigrants began
coming into the neighborhood from
the West Indies,

and racial tensions were rising.

Following the rape and murder of
a Jewish girl by a black man in 1961,
Rabbi Samuel Schrage decided to
establish the Maccabees -

the first Jewish patrol
group in the neighborhood.

Since then,
Jews have been controlling
the Jewish section of Crown

In 1973 the Maccabees joined the
Va'ad Hakahal (Jewish Community Committee)
as its operative branch and changed their
name to Shmira.

The organization grew up alongside
the community and adapted itself
to the community's needs.

Its people were called in to deal
with cases of domestic violence
and quarrels between neighbors
and to look for children and old
people who were lost.

In the 1970s other Hasidic communities
in New York in neighborhoods like Boro Park,
Williamsburg and Flatbush, did the same.

The organization increased its influence
in the community but in 1996 a chain of
events began that led to a split and
a huge dispute.

In that year two members of the organization
chased a black boy whom they suspected of
having stolen a bicycle.

They grappled with his uncle, Kenneth Hartley,
who tried to defend him. When the police were
called in to stop the fight among the three,

they found Hartley with his head bleeding.

The two Hasids were arrested
and charged with beating Hartley.

The incident became a racial and political issue.

The mayor at the time, Rudolph Giuliani,
declared that the police would henceforth
"closely" supervise Shmira activity.

The provocative black reverend Al
Sharpton questioned the Hasids'
quick release from custody,
saying it had raised questions
of preferential treatment.

Open hostility

The media blitz affected
relations within the community.

Shmira accused the Jewish Community
Committee of not backing up the group,
and broke away.

The group changed its name to Shomrim,
to be affiliated with the similar Hasidic
patrol groups operating in New York.

A year later, following an internal dispute,
some of the members of the Shomrim resigned,
joined up with the Jewish community council
and re-established Shmira.

Today, both organizations are
operating in the neighborhood
and there is open hostility
between them.

According to Spielman,
who headed the Jewish community
council during the period of the
double split,

"These people [Shomrim] have been
the source of heartache ever since.

As recently as two months ago they
saw a member of Shmira being beaten
up by shvartzes and watched and didn't
even come to help him."

Hershkop of Shomrim immediately gets
mad when the rival group is mentioned.

"When I see them in the street I don't say hello.

They teach people how to hate.

We are not that kind of people.

I don't even want to talk about them.

You know what? Screw them!"

In the meantime,
the quarrel is delaying an initiative
by black leaders to break up the Jewish
organizations and establish a mixed black
and Jewish community patrol that could
moderate the interracial tensions.

Both the Shomrim and the Shmira have
histories of applying excessive force
to suspects.

In August 2005, after members
of Shmira beat up a burglar,
a rumor spread in Crown Heights
that Jews had killed a black man
and the neighborhood was on the
verge of explosion.

But the police recognized the violent
potential in the situation and called
in black activist Richard Green,
who calmed things down.

Green, who runs a black youth center
in the neighborhood, has said the
Jewish organizations should be more

He mentioned his initiative to allow
anyone in the neighborhood who so
desires to join the Jewish organizations.

According to him,

"If you had a strong civilian watch,
I'm quite sure you would find members
of the black community that would be
interested to be a part of it."

The Jews are not enthusiastic about the idea.

Isaac Zellermaier thinks the initiative
does not even merit consideration.

"This is a Jewish organization,"
he said.

According to Spielman,
the initiative to establish a
joint patrol is an absurd idea:

"Can Golani
[an elite Israeli army infantry division]
and Fatah [a branch of the PLO] patrol together?"

For Shlomi Klein, the red-headed member of Shomrim,
who kept an ever watchful eye on his community's
territory, the question isn't if Jews and blacks
can get along.

For him,
being part of a powerful
group which consists of Jews -
and Jews alone - is part of a larger issue.

"I originally joined Shomrim because I felt
people need to take a stance," he says.

"My grandfather was a [Holocaust] survivor,
and I feel that in our little world every man's
action makes a difference.

I'm here because I just don't
want the Holocaust to ever
happen again


Jun 11, 2006, 2:39:45 AM6/11/06
The Zionist/Shorim have their own police force in
Brooklyn and no one that is not a Jewish individual,
no one, whose mom is not Jewish can join?

This is ridiculous, how does this go on in the USA?
Especially in a city as diverse as NYC?

Israel is a very racially stratified society,
where depending on whether an individual is
Jewish or non-Jewish they are denied or
denied privileges and rights.
Not everyone is equal under the law in Israel.

But this is America, not Israel and this is a particular
city in the USA, New York City, where people come
from all walks of life.

And what is normal in Israel should never be allowed here.

Everyone is threatened by crime, not just the Jewish
people living in Brooklyn.

Unfortunately, the majority of street crime,
tends to be carried out by minority youths,
but they do not victimize the Jewish people exclusively.

So why not allow non-Jews to join in this patrol,
after they meet strict guidelines, ensuring that thugs,
or abusers join.

This is just wrong.

The Jewish people in this organization hold the members
of the NYPD, that are not Jewish, in contempt.
They call them Goyim=gentiles - non-Jewish that cannot
be depended upon to treat Jewish people with the same
respect and diginity they treat non-Jewish.

This is racist and bigoted just on its face.

How do they get away with this in NYC?

They are operating like a shadow police force.

NYPD has the Auxiliary Police Department,
composed of individuals interested in the wellbeing
of their communities and volunteer to serve without pay.

Why don't the Jewish people join that,
if they are interested in protecting
EVERYONE against crime?


Jun 11, 2006, 2:44:19 AM6/11/06

The Zionist/Shorim have their own police force in
Brooklyn and no one that is not a Jewish individual,
no one, whose mom is not Jewish can join?

This is ridiculous, how does this go on in the USA?
Especially in a city as diverse as NYC?

Israel is a very racially stratified society,
where depending on whether an individual is
Jewish or non-Jewish they are denied

or granted privileges and rights.

Not everyone is equal under the law in Israel.

But this is America, not Israel and this is a particular
city in the USA, New York City, where people come
from all walks of life.

And what is normal in Israel should never be allowed here.

Everyone is threatened by crime, not just the Jewish
people living in Brooklyn.

Unfortunately, the majority of street crime,
tends to be carried out by minority youths,
but they do not victimize the Jewish people exclusively.

So why not allow non-Jews to join in this patrol,
after they meet strict guidelines, ensuring that thugs,

or abusers are prevented from joining.

This is just wrong.

The Jewish people in this organization hold the members
of the NYPD, that are not Jewish, in contempt.
They call them Goyim=gentiles - non-Jewish that cannot
be depended upon to treat Jewish people with the same
respect and diginity they treat non-Jewish.

This is racist and bigoted just on its face.

How do they get away with this in NYC?

They are operating like a shadow police force.

NYPD has the Auxiliary Police Department,
composed of individuals interested in the wellbeing
of their communities and volunteer to serve without pay.

Why don't the Jewish people join that,
if they are interested in protecting
EVERYONE against crime?



Jun 11, 2006, 11:26:52 AM6/11/06

"torresD" <> wrote in message

> "First of all the police are goyim [gentiles].
> Many times they tell the shvartze [black],
> who is the perpetrator, what to say so they
> shouldn't get arrested and then they tell
> him to press charges against the Jew."
> Up on Crime Heights
> By Shahar Smooha
> When about half a dozen police cruisers
> blocked the corner of Kingston Avenue
> and Lefferts Street in the Crown Heights,
> Brooklyn,

Israeli stats
Yes and you have no quarrel with the US?
They dont have to, they use their army to shoot, run over and mistreat
physically and sexually helpless children. What can a Palestinian do when
the mighty money contributing yanks cannot protect their citizens.
One guy gets 10 years, the other gets a raise and promotion??
American and Australian shot by Israelis
Chris McGreal talks to the relatives of three British and American victims,2763,1066817,00.html,2763,1066817,00.html,2763,916299,00.html

Christian homes being knocked down???

(Wanderer, Oct. 12, 1989, p. 7; National Review, March 16, 1992, p. S-5).

Israeli soldiers can beat up a priest on the West Bank, then shoot up his
church during Mass, and only the Catholic press takes note...If Christians
had done such a thing to a synagogue, anywhere, it would have been
front-page news, everywhere. (Wanderer, Oct. 12, 1989, p. 7; National
Review, March 16, 1992, p. S-5).

Farmers harassed and shot in israel

Zionist settler deliberately hits and kills Palestinian old man

In a letter to the conference host, UNESCO Director-General Koichiro
Matsuura, the protesters said the Wiesenthal center, "under the deceitful
cover of the struggle against anti-Semitism, is on the contrary
encouraging intolerance and racism in our societies."

Jon and David Kimche
The SS was particularly enthusiastic in its support for Zionism. An
internal June 1934 SS position paper urged active and wide-ranging support
for Zionism by the government and the Party as the best way to encourage
emigration of Germany's Jews to Palestine.

The Jewish Agency delegation headed by Golda Meir (Meirson) ignored a
offer to allow Jews to emigrate to other countries for $250 a head, and
other Jewish groups made no effort to influence the United States and the
32 other countries attending the conference to allow immigration of German
and Austrian Jews.

Marlon Brando.

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