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The American Spirit

ยอดดู 6 ครั้ง


21 ก.ย. 2546 10:57:3221/9/46
September 18th, 2003

Isabel is approaching. It is morning and preparations are being made.
Through the spillway, the water has been lowered 21 inches in the lake.
Stores are sold out of kerosene stoves, bottled water, ice, and flash
lights. Families are moving outside possession that are not nailed down into
kitchens, living rooms and garages. Boarding up windows. The rain is coming
and the wind is picking up speed..........

Three hundred houses nestled in the dense forest around the lake. All in
darkness. The rain is beating at their windows driven by winds gusting at
90mph sounding like a train approaching. Branches are flying and hitting the
sides of the houses and the roofs. Something crashes to the ground. No
television. No radio. Cut off from the world. Every family is hunkered down
in the safest parts of their houses clinging to each other, the family pets
and praying for a miracle, and for the dawn. Time stands

Ages later with the darkness still upon us, voices can be heard and flash
lights are seen moving about outside. A knock at the door. We creep out of
our hiding place and go to see who in the name of God it could be. Some
neighbor men just want to make sure we are ok and offer refuge in their
basement. We're ok. The tree drove the beloved Subaru into the ground and
took off the deck and part of the roof, but we're fine. "We'll wait it out
here with the pets, thank you." "We're here if you need us. Come over
anytime." They must be insane for coming out on a night like this. But,
that's all we needed to hear. We no longer felt so alone. The dogs are
scratching at the door, but that is not an option. With the son-in-law off
keeping the presses rolling, the daughter and I went back to chatting in our
hiding place with the dogs. The cats were off having chosen hiding places of
their own.

A few minutes of sleep caught between wind gusts with one eye open. The
shaking and praying stop and a few more minutes of sleep. A bird is crying.
We hear crickets. The gusts are coming further

Eventually a bit of the sky can be seen through the window. As we creep
over to the window, we see lying like a sleeping prehistoric creature
snugged up against the house, the mighty oak, it's enormous trunk and all
100 ft of its mass. Close enough to see the ants making their way up and
down the trunk. It's branches spread out everywhere. Jesus, Mary, and
Joseph! We were lucky. The house is still standing.

As dawn brings more light, families start emerging from their houses
blinking and rubbing their eyes. No coffee. A beer to settle the nerves.The
dogs must be walked. I-60 is closed. Through some back roads the son-in-law
makes it home with a walk around the lake. The neighbors gather on the
country road to see how everyone is doing and share stories. "Everyone ok?"
A woman offers her home to anyone that needs a place to stay. In the middle
of the night, the neighbor next door took a family into their basement after
a tree had split their house in two. The fathers nose broken and the mother
with a bump on her head. The baby is fine. Down the road a family escapes
with their lives. The pregnant woman is now sleeping peacefully in a
neighbors bedroom. Other houses were heavily damage by 2 and 3 trees coming
down on them. Heavy, healthy oaks uprooted, that fell over by the winds and
saturated earth. Trees lying everywhere, birch, pine, oak, that brought down
power lines and blocked the roads. Branches of all sizes covering the
ground. The spillway exit is blocked for the water has risen 2 feet above
the road. The sun is coming up.

Within hours the men were out and their chain saws could be heard echoing
all round the country village at the lake. The smell of fresh cut wood is
everywhere. Trees are leaning and ready to fall, but the ones that landed on
the road and the power lines must be removed first. More
neighbors emerge and start chatting.

Around 1 PM a man in a van pulls into the daughters driveway. He has a chat
with the son-in-law. He'll be back right after his son's wedding to help.
The son-in-law being new to homeownership had purchased a chain saw a few
hours earlier and was gingerly removing some bottom limbs from the monster.
Would it come crashing down? Would it roll? Be careful please! 3PM the quiet
man pulls into the drive with his ropes, ladders and saws. God, we hope this
man knows what he is doing. He does.

The man climbs up on the giant oaks and gets the chain saw
going. He gives instructions with authority to the son-in-law as his
apprentice. The young son-in-law is holding his own, learning as he goes.
The man is cutting the giant oak likes it butter. The son-in-law and the man
drive back to his house several times to get more tools. Other neighbor men
and boys comes with their chain saws. Three going at once. With every huge
branch that hits the ground the man yells, "Yee hoo!!" All the women, some
rocking babies on their hips and the children are gathered for the spectacle
and we yell, "Yea!" and applaud him.

The last bit will be tricky. Fencing is removed to avoid damage. This part
of the massive trunk must come down without hitting the heat pump as well. A
rope is tied to the tree trunk and to the car and the car puts tension on
the ropes. Large branches are placed under the trunk and over the heat pump
to help the trunk roll. The man starts sawing away bit by bit at the wedge
he is forming. "More tension!" He goes to the other side of the cut and
says, "Now get ready! More tension on the ropes!" The women pray and wait.
Then, the loud crack, thud and the ground quakes! He did it! A roar of
cheers can be heard for miles to be sure. A sigh of relief, a few more words
exchanged and then the excitement is over. Darkness has fallen. The
neighbors say their good-byes and head back to their houses. A car pulls up
and someone in the car says the man is needed home. His wife said the
generator has gone out. The man stays.

He pulls his van into the driveway and turns on the headlights to
continue his work. He and the son-in-law continue in the dark to cut through
the 3 foot wide trunk so it can be removed for the car to be backed out of
the yard, like the man said he would do

Five hours in all and the job is done. Son-in-law offers payment to the
man. He declines and says, I will be putting up a new fence soon. You can
help me with that. We thank him. He takes off. We don't know the man's name.



21 ก.ย. 2546 15:02:1221/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

You have some very nice neighbourhors. I am glad to see you are ok. Isabel
whistled up our way but by the time she reached us in Ontario she was pretty
much spent and all we got was some heavy rain and a bit of wind for a few
hours. We were very lucky.We had no major damage done and no lights out
where I lived. The last Hurricane that took the same path as Isabel was
Hurricane Hazel in 1954. Back then Hazel had picked up steam over the lakes
and bashed Ontario.


Séimí mac Liam

21 ก.ย. 2546 11:38:4621/9/46
"Holly" <> wrote in

Makes you know that you're alive, don't it?

Saint Séimí mac Liam
Carriagemaker to the court of Queen Maeve
Prophet of The Great Tagger
Canonized December '99

O Siadhail

21 ก.ย. 2546 12:21:2321/9/46

>Isabel is approaching.

glad to see you are ok and you have power, many in the her wake don't and won't
for some time.
(ll Ynot Tsaflebx)

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession.
I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.

Howard Beale

21 ก.ย. 2546 12:34:0321/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane a few
years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We helped


21 ก.ย. 2546 14:45:0121/9/46
Re: The American Spirit.

The American Spirit may work in the USA but when the USA patrols the world
spreading death and destruction the merkan spirit is pish.


"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message


21 ก.ย. 2546 15:30:0221/9/46
Holly wrote:

[stories of Joe and Jane public..]

Joe public isn't the world's problem.

People seem to *like* Joe and Jane public. They're n-i-c-e people.

I don't think I've ever met a [sober] rude American abroad.

Its their successive governments that give cause for concern.

The Nixons, the Kissingers, the Bushes, the Rumsfelds, the Bremers.

All those New England Blue Bloods, Jewish wannabbeess and the gangsters
they are beholden to. All those military-industrial men who hold all the
cards for both parties.



Joe and Jane Public send their sons and daughters to die on foreign
soil, in wars paid for by their taxes, supporting the billionaires clubs
in New England, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana.

Joe and Jane have no political choice because in their electoral system,
only the figureheads change, Democrat and Republican mean the same

Why do they continue to support a corrupt system, that creates and
upholds dictators abroad, that commits atrocities to further its Endless
War to support its economy?

Because *that's* what makes America great!

Not its "Spirit".

That died with Kennedy.


Howard Beale

21 ก.ย. 2546 15:56:2021/9/46

"Scottish" <> wrote in message

> Re: The American Spirit.
> The American Spirit may work in the USA but when the USA patrols the
> spreading death and destruction the merkan spirit is pish.

You gotta admire their nerve, all the same

Madra Dubh

21 ก.ย. 2546 17:34:2321/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

Several of us started out, Mister Beale, but the rowing got to be a bit
So we spent the weekend in an Irish pub toasting the lot of yez with green
Did you not hear our toasts then?


21 ก.ย. 2546 18:34:5721/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

> Five hours in all and the job is done. Son-in-law offers payment to the

> man. He declines and says, I will be putting up a new fence soon. You can
> help me with that. We thank him. He takes off. We don't know the man's

Nice bit of propaganda. Too bad the ratio of genuinely decent people like
that here in the States is so low that people feel the need to have it
published as a tear-jerking inspirational story. Most of them acted that
decent for approximately 2 weeks after 9-11, or for about 2 hours after
church, and the rest don't bother due to being severely jaded about the most
of them, which is sad, because they're the ones who have the most potential
for genuine decency.

The cooperation and self-sacrifice of humans is hardwired by evolution into
group-oriented survival behavior; selflessness is an ego trip. (And you
Celts should know, your old kings and chiefs specialized in over-the-top
public sacrifices of personal treasures, thrown into wells and bogs as
re-election stunts.)

When there is no survival pressure, we're lazy self-obsessed shites. This
is nature. The real challenge doesn't lie in this guy being decent when
there is need. It's about being decent when there is no need, and choosing
the moral path when nobody can see you being honest, and nobody can see you
cheat either, and you're guaranteed to win by cheating with no consequences.
I'd like to see chainsaw man being kind and patient in a group full of
thankless spacas bouncing chairs off his head...without firing up his
chainsaw. Then he'll get the martyr award from me.


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Howard Beale

21 ก.ย. 2546 18:47:2121/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message

> "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane a few
> > years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We helped
> > ourselves.
> Several of us started out, Mister Beale, but the rowing got to be a bit
> much.
> So we spent the weekend in an Irish pub toasting the lot of yez with green
> beer.
> Did you not hear our toasts then?

'Fraid not. At the very height of the storm, I was down on all fours, trying
to get to the shop to buy candles, the sound of the wind drowned you out.
This of course was after I had a lucky escape, when seconds after rising,
dozens of the neigbours roof slated crashed through the bathroom window.
Could have been nasty, that one, if you know what I mean

Adam Whyte-Settlar

21 ก.ย. 2546 20:24:1521/9/46

"Alliekatt" <> wrote in message

> "Holly" <> wrote in message
> news:w%ibb.4634$
>The real challenge doesn't lie in this guy being decent when
> there is need. It's about being decent when there is no need.

Selfless acts are almost always done for selfish reasons anyway.
Like you said - its an ego trip.

The guy was a crap tree surgeon too.
People like him used to get my public liability tree surgeon's insurance
hiked way up.

In fact he deserves to be shot - the bastard.


21 ก.ย. 2546 20:49:3421/9/46

"Séimí mac Liam" <> wrote in message

> "Holly" <> wrote in
> news:w%ibb.4634$
> > September 18th, 2003
> >
> > Isabel is approaching.
> >
> Makes you know that you're alive, don't it?

Nature is a very powerful thing and can take what it likes. If one is spared
they realize with great clarity that survival of yourself and your loved
ones is all that matters.


21 ก.ย. 2546 20:50:2721/9/46

"O Siadhail" <xbel...@aol.comOSiadhai> wrote in message

> >Holly
> >Isabel is approaching.
> glad to see you are ok and you have power, many in the her wake don't and
> for some time.
> (ll Ynot Tsaflebx)

How are things on your end?



21 ก.ย. 2546 20:52:0721/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
> "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> news:bkkjtp$ph4$
> >
> > "Holly" <> wrote in message
> > news:w%ibb.4634$
> > > September 18th, 2003
> > >
> > > Isabel is approaching.

Conway, Did you get the hurricane? How are you doing? Holly


21 ก.ย. 2546 21:18:5621/9/46

"Fealsamh" <> wrote in message

> "Holly" <> wrote in message
> news:w%ibb.4634$
> > September 18th, 2003
> >
> > Isabel is approaching.


> You have some very nice neighbourhors.

Yes indeed. I was very touched by the experience.

I am glad to see you are ok.

Thank you.

> whistled up our way but by the time she reached us in Ontario she was
> much spent and all we got was some heavy rain and a bit of wind for a few
> hours. We were very lucky.We had no major damage done and no lights out
> where I lived.

Glad to hear it.

The last Hurricane that took the same path as Isabel was
> Hurricane Hazel in 1954. Back then Hazel had picked up steam over the
> and bashed Ontario.
> Fealsamh

Hurricanes are amazing things. They are a reminder that people are truly a
part of nature. No different from the birds clinging to a branch or a fallen
tree. Surviving makes people feel their humanity and brings them together.


21 ก.ย. 2546 21:19:2821/9/46

Fuck off.

"None" <> wrote in message


21 ก.ย. 2546 21:19:5521/9/46
Fuck off.

"Alliekatt" <> wrote in message


21 ก.ย. 2546 21:27:4421/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> "Holly" <> wrote in message
> news:w%ibb.4634$
> > September 18th, 2003
> >
> > Isabel is approaching.

> Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane a few

> years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We helped
> ourselves.

Now Howard, no one can do much to help you during a hurricane as you well
know. And afterwords, of course you helped yourselves. Did you expect more?
A man on the television the other night was telling the story of the
hurricane Camille that blew through Nelson County, Virginia 30 years ago.
Four members of his family lost their lives. He said there are two kind of
people when disaster strikes. The ones that roll up their sleeves and get
the job done and the ones that sit around whining about their misfortune. If
you and your loved ones survived, what else is there?


21 ก.ย. 2546 21:29:2421/9/46

"Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in message


Adam Whyte-Settlar

21 ก.ย. 2546 21:33:5021/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message
> Fuck off.

: O


I was just going to say that you've been hanging out wid de Irish too long
and picked up some bad language habits - then I realised this was
cross-posted to the Irish group so I've decided not to mention it after all.
The adorable Adam Whyte-Settlar
- destined to be forever in the minority

James C. Woodard

21 ก.ย. 2546 21:41:4621/9/46
"Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in news:3jrbb.2937

> Exactly.
> Selfless acts are almost always done for selfish reasons anyway.

You mean like the five gallons of gas I just gave the total stranger who
came to my door?

James C. Woodard
"Too many laws make scofflaws of all"


21 ก.ย. 2546 22:57:2421/9/46
On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 13:33:50 +1200, "Adam Whyte-Settlar"
<> wrote:

>"Holly" <> wrote in message
>> Fuck off.
>: O
>I was just going to say that you've been hanging out wid de Irish too long
>and picked up some bad language habits - then I realised this was
>cross-posted to the Irish group so I've decided not to mention it after all.

I thought it was great! Well said, Holly! The kind of lady I respect.


O Siadhail

21 ก.ย. 2546 23:57:3821/9/46

>How are things on your end?

un-touched, never lost power , the benifits of living in a hollow or low lying
area after the first ridge of high ground comming off the rivers.

Adam Whyte-Settlar

22 ก.ย. 2546 01:09:5622/9/46

"James C. Woodard" <> wrote in message

> "Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in news:3jrbb.2937
> $
> > Exactly.
> > Selfless acts are almost always done for selfish reasons anyway.
> >
> You mean like the five gallons of gas I just gave the total stranger who
> came to my door?
Why tell us?


22 ก.ย. 2546 01:21:5822/9/46
Adam Whyte-Settlar wrote:

Nice to know if you're in the neighborhood and low on gas, though.

Bill McCarty

21 ก.ย. 2546 20:44:5621/9/46
Glad you made it through OK Holly. And yes, there's still a lot of
human kindness to be found out there. (From Americans and furriners
Here in N.E. PA ? Winds like the hammers of hell. A Japanese Bonsai
tree was lifted out of its pot and set down 20 feet away. It's compact
roots still intact. A small chipmunk, a family friend who disappeared
in the storm showed up again. Looking dazed and a bit disheveled, but
alive. We were lucky.



22 ก.ย. 2546 03:36:0522/9/46
> I thought it was great! Well said, Holly! The kind of lady I respect.
> Murchadh

Holly is a typical MerKin retort oops retard.

"Murchadh" <> wrote in message


22 ก.ย. 2546 04:28:5322/9/46

"O Siadhail" <xbel...@aol.comOSiadhai> wrote in message

> >Holly
> >How are things on your end?
> un-touched, never lost power , the benifits of living in a hollow or low
> area after the first ridge of high ground comming off the rivers.
> (ll Ynot Tsaflebx)

Glad to hear it, Kiddo. :)

22 ก.ย. 2546 05:21:0822/9/46
On 22 Sep 2003 01:41:46 GMT, I read these words from "James C.
Woodard" <> :

>"Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in news:3jrbb.2937
>> Exactly.
>> Selfless acts are almost always done for selfish reasons anyway.
>You mean like the five gallons of gas I just gave the total stranger who
>came to my door?

What did we tell you about eating all those beans ?

-- The Despicable Stewart
-- Perfidious Alban


22 ก.ย. 2546 05:39:2422/9/46

"Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in message

At the moment, I have zero patience for Internet bottom-dwellers, especially
Celt-o-philes in SCI that do not realize with few exceptions your world is
what you make of it and see Utopia in foreign lands. The beauty of truth and
human intimacy is lost in this two dimensional, public forum. Other than the
desire to occasionally express an experience or see how others are doing in
times of trouble, newsgroups are no longer my cup of tea.



22 ก.ย. 2546 05:45:3422/9/46

"Bill McCarty" <> wrote in message

Had no idea N.E. PA was hit so hard. Not much TV viewing recently. Glad to
hear you and yours are ok. Yep, it will take a while to shake this one off.
This sort of thing does put the priorities in order. Like I said before, if
your loved ones are ok, nothing else seems to matter. Looking on the bright
side, I'll be stocked up with firewood for a while. :) Lordy, there are so
many members of SCI that were in the path. It would be nice to hear from all
of them and know they are ok as well.


Howard Beale

22 ก.ย. 2546 06:19:2722/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

> "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> news:bkkjtp$ph4$
> >
> > "Holly" <> wrote in message
> > news:w%ibb.4634$
> > > September 18th, 2003
> > >
> > > Isabel is approaching.
> > Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane a few
> > years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We helped
> > ourselves.
> Now Howard, no one can do much to help you during a hurricane as you well
> know.

I heard stories about the hurricane called Debbie, I think, back in the 60s
or 70s (Gerard, put me right, please), where the neighbours were in my house
for hours, upstairs, clinging to the roof, trying to stop it being blown
off. I'm so glad no-one told me that one until after our hurricane was over.

> And afterwords, of course you helped yourselves. Did you expect more?
> A man on the television the other night was telling the story of the
> hurricane Camille that blew through Nelson County, Virginia 30 years ago.
> Four members of his family lost their lives. He said there are two kind of
> people when disaster strikes. The ones that roll up their sleeves and get
> the job done and the ones that sit around whining about their misfortune.
> you and your loved ones survived, what else is there?

Goes without saying

Howard Beale

22 ก.ย. 2546 06:19:2622/9/46

"James C. Woodard" <> wrote in message
> "Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in news:3jrbb.2937
> $
> > Exactly.
> > Selfless acts are almost always done for selfish reasons anyway.
> >
> You mean like the five gallons of gas I just gave the total stranger who
> came to my door?

Going a bit over the top, wasn't it? Giving someone petrol to put into their
diesel car, just because you didn't like the look of them


22 ก.ย. 2546 07:50:0122/9/46

I don't think so, you top-posting fuckwit. Learn to post. Learn to
respond. Then you can take up some space on Usenet. As it stands, youre
response is an embarrasment.



22 ก.ย. 2546 07:51:3922/9/46

Which is why you're crawling around here in your politically correct
pyjamas I suppose.


James C. Woodard

22 ก.ย. 2546 08:15:4122/9/46
"Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in news:3vvbb.2998

Because of your cynical statement.

James C. Woodard

22 ก.ย. 2546 08:16:4222/9/46
Rick <> wrote in

You misunderstand, it was a CBR Alert.


22 ก.ย. 2546 08:50:4222/9/46
None she is a merKan.

"None" <> wrote in message

Duke of URL

22 ก.ย. 2546 09:39:3422/9/46
"James C. Woodard" <> wrote in message

> Rick <> wrote in
>> Adam Whyte-Settlar wrote:
>>> "James C. Woodard" <> wrote in message
>>>> "Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in
>>>> news:3jrbb.2937 $
>>>>> Exactly.
>>>>> Selfless acts are almost always done for selfish reasons anyway.
>>>> You mean like the five gallons of gas I just gave the total
>>>> stranger who came to my door?
>>> Why tell us?
>> Nice to know if you're in the neighborhood and low on gas, though.
> You misunderstand, it was a CBR Alert.

??? What's a "CBR"?

James C. Woodard

22 ก.ย. 2546 09:49:5722/9/46
"Duke of URL" <macbenahATkdsiDOTnet> wrote in

I think sometime in the last 40 years it became CBN, I keep forgetting.
Chemical/Biological/Radiological-Chemical/Biological/Nuclear Warfare.


22 ก.ย. 2546 11:25:0322/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

Well, actually, if you had any skill at debate, your response would be more
substantial than "fuck off". "Fuck off" means "This means something to me
personally and you've devalued it". Taking things personally is a good way
to get people on Usenet to say what I said. And what I said was typical of
the Irish. The Irish see silver linings behind black clouds and they're
also good at seeing the black muck under a silver cloud. As a matter of
fact, it is a skill of the Irish to piss on a parade just to avoid the
danger of being swept up in well-meaning propaganda that flies straight off
into oblivion. They bring me back down to earth constantly. The free ones
at least, are a stable people.

It's obvious that being decent when we're underappreciated and invisible is
a LOT harder than tearing in to save the day like Superman. And that is my
point. I am lifting your silver cloud to reveal the inevitable muck. But
few Americans ever want to see the other side of anything, they're
all-or-nothing idealists on both liberal and conservative sides, and that is
a weak susceptibility to propaganda which can turn us on a dime from freedom
to slavery.

So don't you call me one of those generic, D&D playing, sword collecting,
pedantic, nerdy, weekend pagan renaissance festival thee-and-thou-speaking
pretend Celt Celtophiles caught up in an unreal fantasy world.

Just because I'm jaded about so-called good American values doesn't mean I
don't love America. I love parts of America. Like Long Island. Boston.
San Francisco. Taos. New Orleans. Chautauqua. But most are small towns
out of the movie "Footloose", frightening urban public housing, urban
sprawl, and yuppie gated settlements similar to the cartoon history of white
people out of "Bowling for Columbine". And you can have it.

I'm engaged to someone from Ireland. I've been to Ireland multiple times.
It has its weak points. But I can speak freely there, play my music there,
enjoy a climate that doesn't break me out, and live somewhere that on
cultural principle doesn't bulldoze scenery to build wal-marts. My fiancé
is here because he wants to make a living, hates having to keep his mouth
shut in certain company, family pressures, and a drunk father, and he's in
love with the States, but he loves that I have an American accent and Irish
stubbornness, hot temper, and soul. So we compromise and go back there
yearly and agreed to retire there.

So in long and short: no, YOU FUCK OFF to small town Utopia, or debate in a
civilized manner. Because I'm not someone you can pigeonhole.

Duke of URL

22 ก.ย. 2546 11:37:0322/9/46
"James C. Woodard" <> wrote in message

Ah. USN version is NBC - Nuclear/Biological/Chemical. One of the most
dreaded drills aboard ship, as it requires sealing the vessel up
literally air-tight for *hours and hours*. Anyone having to go outside
has to wear an extremely uncomfortable suit, much like the Army's
MOPP-4 gear.


22 ก.ย. 2546 12:28:4122/9/46
Mr. Scottish
You are very brazen to levy that accusation when the Scots contributed very
heavily to the plight of many people in the world.

Where is the Scottish Spirit, because it is dead.

Are you another transfer payment recipient?

"Scottish" <> wrote in message
> Re: The American Spirit.
> The American Spirit may work in the USA but when the USA patrols the
> spreading death and destruction the merkan spirit is pish.
> --
> Scottish

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (

Version: 6.0.520 / Virus Database: 318 - Release Date: 9/18/2003


22 ก.ย. 2546 12:28:4522/9/46

"Alliekatt" <> wrote in message

> "Holly" <> wrote in message
> news:grzbb.711$
> >
> > "Adam Whyte-Settlar" <> wrote in message
> > news:pksbb.2954$
> > >
> > > "Holly" <> wrote in message
> > > news:%6sbb.4847$
> > > > Fuck off.
> > >
> > > : O
> > >
>> I'm engaged to someone from Ireland. I've been to Ireland multiple
> It has its weak points. But I can speak freely there, play my music
> enjoy a climate that doesn't break me out, and live somewhere that on
> cultural principle doesn't bulldoze scenery to build wal-marts. My fiancé
> is here because he wants to make a living, hates having to keep his mouth
> shut in certain company, family pressures, and a drunk father, and he's in
> love with the States, but he loves that I have an American accent and
> stubbornness, hot temper, and soul. So we compromise and go back there
> yearly and agreed to retire there.
> So in long and short: no, YOU FUCK OFF to small town Utopia, or debate in
> civilized manner. Because I'm not someone you can pigeonhole.
> alliekatt

There are many ways of skinning a cat. That is at least a more elegant way
of doing it.



22 ก.ย. 2546 13:13:0422/9/46
On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 15:25:03 GMT, "Alliekatt"
<> paused to reflect but wrote anyway:

Thus closing the circle... This, alliekatt, is what Freudians call
"stepping on your own crank."



22 ก.ย. 2546 13:16:3822/9/46
Capturing in this missive, in the sparing prose of Rambaud,
<bkmibe$8d2$>, and displaying the suave and
sophisticated disposition of Archibald Leach, Howard Beale
<> sgrìobh,

>> "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
>> news:bkkjtp$ph4$
>> > Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane a few
>> > years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We helped
>> > ourselves.
>> Now Howard, no one can do much to help you during a hurricane as you well
>> know.
>I heard stories about the hurricane called Debbie, I think, back in the 60s
>or 70s (Gerard, put me right, please), where the neighbours were in my house
>for hours, upstairs, clinging to the roof, trying to stop it being blown
>off. I'm so glad no-one told me that one until after our hurricane was over.

I used to be married to one, hit the Caribbean severely, frankly I was
not surprised.

>> And afterwords, of course you helped yourselves. Did you expect more?
>> A man on the television the other night was telling the story of the
>> hurricane Camille that blew through Nelson County, Virginia 30 years ago.
>> Four members of his family lost their lives. He said there are two kind of
>> people when disaster strikes. The ones that roll up their sleeves and get
>> the job done and the ones that sit around whining about their misfortune.
>> you and your loved ones survived, what else is there?
>Goes without saying

"If a body could just find oot the exac' proper proportion and quantity of the cratur
that ought to be drunk every day, and keep to that, I verily trow that he might leeve
for ever, withoot dyin' at a'' and that the doctors, and the kirkyards would go oot o'
fashion." James Hogg, the Etterick Shepherd.


22 ก.ย. 2546 17:33:2422/9/46
Sorry your post isn't showing on my newsreader, so I must speak indirectly
through the wee man Allison's message. Anyway, thanks.

"Scottish" <> wrote in message


22 ก.ย. 2546 17:33:2522/9/46
Piss up a rope.

"None" <> wrote in message


22 ก.ย. 2546 17:34:1322/9/46
Who cares? Bite me.

"Alliekatt" <> wrote in message


22 ก.ย. 2546 17:39:0422/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

> "Holly" <> wrote in message
> news:kesbb.4849$
> >
> > "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> > news:bkkjtp$ph4$
> > >
> > > "Holly" <> wrote in message
> > > news:w%ibb.4634$
> > > > September 18th, 2003
> > > >
> > > > Isabel is approaching.
> >
> > > Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane a
> > > years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We helped
> > > ourselves.
> >
> > Now Howard, no one can do much to help you during a hurricane as you
> > know.
> I heard stories about the hurricane called Debbie, I think, back in the
> or 70s (Gerard, put me right, please), where the neighbours were in my
> for hours, upstairs, clinging to the roof, trying to stop it being blown
> off. I'm so glad no-one told me that one until after our hurricane was

It was before you owned the house?

Robert Peffers

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:34:1822/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> "Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
> news:zPobb.153667$

> >
> > "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane a
> > > years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We helped
> > > ourselves.
> >
> > Several of us started out, Mister Beale, but the rowing got to be a bit
> > much.
> > So we spent the weekend in an Irish pub toasting the lot of yez with
> > beer.
> > Did you not hear our toasts then?
> 'Fraid not. At the very height of the storm, I was down on all fours,
> to get to the shop to buy candles, the sound of the wind drowned you out.
> This of course was after I had a lucky escape, when seconds after rising,
> dozens of the neigbours roof slated crashed through the bathroom window.
> Could have been nasty, that one, if you know what I mean
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
I remember the January gales way back in 1960-something. I woke up to find a
large sandstone slab, about 6'X1.5'X1' , and loads of other rubble had
crashed through the roof from our large chimney breast and smashed into the
bed between my wife and I. Now it was a bit unusual to find that much
distance between her and I in a bed. Six inches either way and one of us
would have been dead. The hole in the roof then removed the pressure inside
the house. The windward side windows smashed in thus taking the leeward
windows outwards. We may as well have been outside.

Everyone around us was in just as much trouble. We collected the kids and as
much bedding as we could hang onto and spent the night in the coal cellar
down in the foundations. As I remember it the wind speed was somewhat above
that of the recent USA, "disaster". Furthermore it was very gusty which
actually causes more damage than a steady blow. BTW: The media did make a
little mention of the, "gale", the next day.
Auld Bob Peffers,

Aa ootgannin screivings maun hae nae wee beasties wi thaim..

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (

Version: 6.0.518 / Virus Database: 316 - Release Date: 11/09/2003

Howard Beale

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:38:3122/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

> Piss up a rope.

I hope it's a man you're addressing..

Howard Beale

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:38:5222/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

> Who cares? Bite me.

Your place or mine?

Howard Beale

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:41:5422/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

Yep, it happened to the previous owner. Luckily, we'd had some work done on
the roof, the summer before the hurricane, or we'd certainly have lost it.

Madra Dubh

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:42:5122/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message
Good Lord, Holly, have things changed that much on SCI?
When I was there it was worth a man's life to suggest there was such a thing
as a Celt and that the Irish, might, in some ill defined way, be a bit
different than other Europeans.

Robert Peffers

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:43:5122/9/46

"Lachie" <noos@[]> wrote in message

Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Now then Lachie. My old Grannie told me our family were distant relatives of
James Hogg. She also said we had some family connections with Christopher
Grieve, (Hugh McDairmid. Strange thing is when I was looking through the old
records I found there were several, "Peffers'", in the past who were poets,
authors, newspaper columnists and school teachers.

Madra Dubh

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:46:3922/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> "Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
> news:zPobb.153667$
> >
> > "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane a
> > > years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We helped
> > > ourselves.
> >
> > Several of us started out, Mister Beale, but the rowing got to be a bit
> > much.
> > So we spent the weekend in an Irish pub toasting the lot of yez with
> > beer.
> > Did you not hear our toasts then?
> 'Fraid not. At the very height of the storm, I was down on all fours,
> to get to the shop to buy candles, the sound of the wind drowned you out.
> This of course was after I had a lucky escape, when seconds after rising,
> dozens of the neigbours roof slated crashed through the bathroom window.
> Could have been nasty, that one, if you know what I mean

Well, thanks be to God that you were spared.
Mind, had you taken the thatched roof cottage as I suggested, you'd had no
slate crashing through the roof of your 'loo.
(We just got through discussing the origins of the word "Loo" over here on
(We are into stuff like that)

Madra Dubh

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:50:0022/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

> "Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
> news:zPobb.153667$
> >
> > "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> > news:bkkjtp$ph4$

> > >
> > > "Holly" <> wrote in message
> > > news:w%ibb.4634$
> > > > September 18th, 2003
> > > >
> > > > Isabel is approaching.
> Conway, Did you get the hurricane? How are you doing? Holly

No, Holly, we were spared.
The outermost edge swept through Charlotte with some rain and gusts to 25 or
30 mph.
They have to come through Charleston for is to get nailed (as Hugo in '89)
The East Coast of North Carolina got hammered along with a dozen or so over
eager Weather Channel reporters.
They were being blown all over the state there for a while.

Madra Dubh

22 ก.ย. 2546 18:51:5122/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
<Snip>.......... (Gerard, put me right, please)

First someone must put Gerard right.
A monumental task, that!

Howard Beale

22 ก.ย. 2546 19:36:3122/9/46

"Robert Peffers" <> wrote in message

Talk about good luck...

Robert Peffers

22 ก.ย. 2546 21:13:0022/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

> "Holly" <> wrote in message
> news:FUJbb.5461$
> winning the pot

> > Piss up a rope.
> I hope it's a man you're addressing..
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Have you not heard the story off the guys in a bar betting on who could pee
the highest? To all their astonishment one of the bar-girls scooped the
kitty by standing on her hands and dousing the candles on the chandelier.

Robert Peffers

22 ก.ย. 2546 21:19:4122/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
It comes from either, "Waterloo", or from the ancient Auld Reekie habit of
emptying the chamber pot out the window and shouting Gardie Loo. BTW: The
Scots word for chamber pot is, "gardin", so don't be confused when a Scot
has a pee in the gardin.

Howard Beale

22 ก.ย. 2546 21:43:0622/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message

Indeed. What with the health cuts, one would have difficulty obtaining the
necessary surgery to repair one's manhood

> Mind, had you taken the thatched roof cottage as I suggested, you'd had no
> slate crashing through the roof of your 'loo.
> (We just got through discussing the origins of the word "Loo" over here on
> SCS)
> (We are into stuff like that)

We're not beyond toilet humour on SCI....

Howard Beale

22 ก.ย. 2546 21:46:5222/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message

Nah! Ger's the only sane man among us. (which says it all, really)

Madra Dubh

22 ก.ย. 2546 21:58:2522/9/46

"Robert Peffers" <> wrote in message

No garden peas in all Scotland then?
(Mister Beale, you'll not get this sort of information hanging about those
Irish ruffians)

Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 06:18:2923/9/46

"Robert Peffers" <> wrote in message

> "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> news:bkntl6$f5h$
> >
> > "Holly" <> wrote in message
> > news:FUJbb.5461$
> > winning the pot
> > > Piss up a rope.
> >
> > I hope it's a man you're addressing..
> >
> >
> Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
> Have you not heard the story off the guys in a bar betting on who could
> the highest? To all their astonishment one of the bar-girls scooped the
> kitty by standing on her hands and dousing the candles on the chandelier.

I must be visiting all the wrong pubs

Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 06:18:2823/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message

> No garden peas in all Scotland then?
> (Mister Beale, you'll not get this sort of information hanging about those
> Irish ruffians)

True. That's why I spend so much time, trying to educate them


23 ก.ย. 2546 08:46:3923/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message

Good to hear it missed ya. Yes, the coast of NC, VA and MD were hammered.
The Outerbanks is missing some connecting roads. Annapolis, MD is under

Well we had a punch to the head and now a punch to the stomach. Another
storm with tornadoes touching down and flooding just passed through. Not
sure how it affected NC. Called the daughter at 6:00 AM to tell them to
hunker down again. They were fine though. So far we know that a trailer
south of Richmond was blown apart. It was a miracle that none of the family
in the trailer was injured. More trees down on I 95 etc. Bush popped in for
a visit and FEMA'S on it's way. Schools are still closed. The news channels
are continually broadcasting where people can get information and
assistance. Sites are set up all over VA where people can get water and ice.

The daughter and son-in-law are still without power, but they're handling
the roughing it quite well (just like most.) They come from sturdy stock.
I'm very proud of them. Being out in the country, they will be last on the
list. They've got the charcoal grill for cooking and coolers. I took them
some dry goods and an old-fashioned coffee pot. They are finding out that
coffee can be made without plugging in the pot. Actually, my daughter said,
hey this coffee is really good, although the first pot she made was rather
stiff. She's figuring it out. :)



23 ก.ย. 2546 08:47:1523/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

Those 3 penny nails work every time. :)


23 ก.ย. 2546 08:48:0823/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

Just a matter of where it will splash.


23 ก.ย. 2546 08:49:4723/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

We can compromise. How about Greenland?

Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 09:29:4623/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

A bit on the cold side. Make it Iceland


23 ก.ย. 2546 09:51:2323/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message



23 ก.ย. 2546 09:51:2223/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message

I don't particularly consider the cold shoulder from the snobbery of
American-bashing Irish or the American-bashing Americans or the armchair NI
warriors a threat to my quality of life. Only a twisted view of Ireland can
be found in SCI. Thus far, provoking Gerard to fight like a girl has been my
crowning achievement. :)



23 ก.ย. 2546 10:17:1523/9/46
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 12:47:15 GMT, "Holly" <>
paused to reflect but wrote anyway:

More likely it was the intallation of rafter ties.


Chris Hedley

23 ก.ย. 2546 14:01:5323/9/46
According to Madra Dubh <>:

> Good Lord, Holly, have things changed that much on SCI?
> When I was there it was worth a man's life to suggest there was such a thing
> as a Celt and that the Irish, might, in some ill defined way, be a bit
> different than other Europeans.

Even such classics as Black Irish and Claddagh Rings have fallen
by the wayside, replaced by the L*ganesque "don't ever go there"
topic of haplotypes. Of course you lot over in s.c.s have already
experienced quite enough of his in[s]ane ramblings by now. Maybe
that's just the logical progression of "what's a Celt?" though.

[...] Indeed I was myself tricked into menial shop duty on a Thursday. A
smelly chap came in and asked me to play him a record: "Through the big
speakers!" "These, my dear chap, are filing cabinets." I responded. I
flicked the radio on, and he started to dance. To an interview with Kenny
Dalglish. -- The Macc Lads' Slimy Git on the perils of manning a high-
street record shop on pension day.

Chris Hedley

23 ก.ย. 2546 13:58:1023/9/46
According to Howard Beale <>:

> A bit on the cold side. Make it Iceland

The island or the quality frozen foods chain?

Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 14:39:4523/9/46

"Chris Hedley" <> wrote in message

> According to Howard Beale <>:

> > A bit on the cold side. Make it Iceland
> The island or the quality frozen foods chain?

The island. Doing the whole food chain would be too much, even for me

Chris Hedley

23 ก.ย. 2546 15:09:3023/9/46
According to Howard Beale <>:
> The island. Doing the whole food chain would be too much, even for me

Think of it as a pub crawl. They _do_ sell beer, after all. Some of
them even have more atmosphere than certain "themed" pubs I've been to.

Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 16:43:4923/9/46

"Chris Hedley" <> wrote in message

> According to Howard Beale <>:

> > The island. Doing the whole food chain would be too much, even for me
> Think of it as a pub crawl. They _do_ sell beer, after all. Some of
> them even have more atmosphere than certain "themed" pubs I've been to.

I think you're misinterpreting the reason for our liason. I've heard that
too much beer can soften the atmosphere a little too much..

Chris Hedley

23 ก.ย. 2546 17:24:5223/9/46
According to Howard Beale <>:
> I think you're misinterpreting the reason for our liason. I've heard that
> too much beer can soften the atmosphere a little too much..

There're reasons other than drinking beer? I must get out more.

Chris Hedley

23 ก.ย. 2546 17:24:2923/9/46
According to Malcolm Ogilvie <>:
> I'm not sure I would want to drink a beer with as much atmosphere as
> that....

Beer with too much atmosphere? Otherwise known as "lager." :)

Robert Peffers

23 ก.ย. 2546 17:53:5623/9/46

"Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
My Auld Grannie used to say, "Wee Mary gaes in amang the cabbages an peas".
Then she wondered why we would not eat our greens.

Robert Peffers

23 ก.ย. 2546 18:00:4223/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Err! Correct me if I'm wrong but was not, "Iceland", (The food-chain), not
the one who started the home delivery trend? So even you could do the whole

Robert Peffers

23 ก.ย. 2546 18:02:5123/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Och aye! Ye kin get as saft iz ae newt afu easy.


23 ก.ย. 2546 18:51:1023/9/46

"Robert Peffers" <> wrote in message

That's disgusting.

Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 18:57:5123/9/46

"Chris Hedley" <> wrote in message

> According to Malcolm Ogilvie <>:
> > I'm not sure I would want to drink a beer with as much atmosphere as
> > that....
> Beer with too much atmosphere? Otherwise known as "lager." :)


Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 18:59:4423/9/46

"Chris Hedley" <> wrote in message

> According to Howard Beale <>:
> > I think you're misinterpreting the reason for our liason. I've heard
> > too much beer can soften the atmosphere a little too much..
> There're reasons other than drinking beer? I must get out more.

Take a trip to Twickenham, and we'll have a few

Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 19:04:3623/9/46

"Glenallan" <> wrote in message

I've seen worse

Howard Beale

23 ก.ย. 2546 19:05:4623/9/46

"Robert Peffers" <> wrote in message

> "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> news:bkq41g$8ee$
> >
> > "Chris Hedley" <> wrote in message
> > news:ij1qkb....@teapot.cbhnet...
> > > According to Howard Beale <>:
> >
> > > > A bit on the cold side. Make it Iceland
> > >
> > > The island or the quality frozen foods chain?
> >
> > The island. Doing the whole food chain would be too much, even for me
> >
> >
> Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
> Err! Correct me if I'm wrong but was not, "Iceland", (The food-chain), not
> the one who started the home delivery trend? So even you could do the
> chain.

You missed the context of the post. I was arranging a romantic liason with a


23 ก.ย. 2546 19:07:0123/9/46

"Robert Peffers" <> wrote in message

> >
> Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
> It comes from either, "Waterloo", or from the ancient Auld Reekie habit of
> emptying the chamber pot out the window and shouting Gardie Loo. BTW: The
> Scots word for chamber pot is, "gardin", so don't be confused when a Scot
> has a pee in the gardin.


Madra Dubh

23 ก.ย. 2546 20:10:5923/9/46

"Holly" <> wrote in message

Holly, I remember when you first strayed in to SCI.
Now look at you, girl.
Bested Gearoil, you did!!!

Now come sit at our fire for a while.
It is ever so much more peaceful.

Madra Dubh

23 ก.ย. 2546 20:13:0623/9/46

"Chris Hedley" <> wrote in message

> According to Madra Dubh <>:
> > Good Lord, Holly, have things changed that much on SCI?
> > When I was there it was worth a man's life to suggest there was such a
> > as a Celt and that the Irish, might, in some ill defined way, be a bit
> > different than other Europeans.
> Even such classics as Black Irish and Claddagh Rings have fallen
> by the wayside, replaced by the L*ganesque "don't ever go there"
> topic of haplotypes. Of course you lot over in s.c.s have already
> experienced quite enough of his in[s]ane ramblings by now. Maybe
> that's just the logical progression of "what's a Celt?" though.

Hey Chris, mention green painted plaster leprechaun lawn ornaments.
If there is any fire left in them, that will bring it out,

Madra Dubh

23 ก.ย. 2546 20:15:0523/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

> "Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
> news:jZKbb.149461$

> >
> > "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> > news:bkl9po$jcg$

> > >
> > > "Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
> > > news:zPobb.153667$

> > > >
> > > > "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> > > > >
> > > > > Same sort of things happened in Donegal, when we had the hurricane
> > few
> > > > > years ago. Never saw any sign of any Yanks coming to help. We
> > > > > ourselves.
> > > >
> > > > Several of us started out, Mister Beale, but the rowing got to be a
> bit
> > > > much.
> > > > So we spent the weekend in an Irish pub toasting the lot of yez with
> > green
> > > > beer.
> > > > Did you not hear our toasts then?
> > >
> > > 'Fraid not. At the very height of the storm, I was down on all fours,
> > trying
> > > to get to the shop to buy candles, the sound of the wind drowned you
> out.
> > > This of course was after I had a lucky escape, when seconds after
> rising,
> > > dozens of the neigbours roof slated crashed through the bathroom
> > > Could have been nasty, that one, if you know what I mean
> >
> > Well, thanks be to God that you were spared.
> Indeed. What with the health cuts, one would have difficulty obtaining the
> necessary surgery to repair one's manhood

> > Mind, had you taken the thatched roof cottage as I suggested, you'd had
> > slate crashing through the roof of your 'loo.
> > (We just got through discussing the origins of the word "Loo" over here
> > SCS)
> > (We are into stuff like that)
> We're not beyond toilet humour on SCI....

Goldenarse still about then?
(BTW, it was a reasoned and scientific discussion of the roots of the word
(These people are Scots, you know)

Madra Dubh

23 ก.ย. 2546 20:16:3523/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

> "Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
> news:5NNbb.155256$3o3.11058576@bgtnsc05-

> >
> > No garden peas in all Scotland then?
> > (Mister Beale, you'll not get this sort of information hanging about
> > Irish ruffians)
> True. That's why I spend so much time, trying to educate them

Well, 'Tis a noble goal you have.
I suppose if Hercules could clean the stables then you just

Madra Dubh

23 ก.ย. 2546 20:17:5223/9/46

"Robert Peffers" <> wrote in message
Considering what passes <heh> for salad dressing these days, Wee Mary's pee
might have been an improvement.

Madra Dubh

23 ก.ย. 2546 20:19:2323/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

> "Madra Dubh" <> wrote in message
> news:b2Lbb.149468$

> >
> > "Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
> > news:bkmibe$8d2$
> > >
> > >
> > <Snip>.......... (Gerard, put me right, please)
> >
> > First someone must put Gerard right.
> > A monumental task, that!
> Nah! Ger's the only sane man among us. (which says it all, really)

Cunningham The Sane.
Has quite a nice ring to it.

Madra Dubh

23 ก.ย. 2546 20:23:0623/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message

Of course you have.
You post in SCI.
This is SCS and believe me it is shocking!
Half of us blushed when the subject of Loos first was broached.

Jim Stewart

23 ก.ย. 2546 21:56:2223/9/46

"Howard Beale" <> wrote in message
If she is from Iceland, she is most certainly a beauty.
Bring along your swimtrunks. They do it ll year round....

Jim Stewart

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